BlueZ D-Bus Audio API description ********************************* Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Marcel Holtmann Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Johan Hedberg Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Brad Midgley Audio hierarchy =============== Service org.bluez Interface org.bluez.Audio Object path [variable prefix]/{hci0,hci1,...}/dev_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX This is a generic audio interface that abstracts the different audio profiles. Methods void Connect() Connect all supported audio profiles on the device. void Disconnect() Disconnect all audio profiles on the device dict GetProperties() Returns all properties for the interface. See the properties section for available properties. Signals void PropertyChanged(string name, variant value) This signal indicates a changed value of the given property. Properties string State Possible values: "disconnected", "connecting", "connected" "disconnected" -> "connecting" Either an incoming or outgoing connection attempt ongoing. "connecting" -> "disconnected" Connection attempt failed "connecting" -> "connected" Successfully connected "connected" -> "disconnected" Disconnected from the remote device Headset hierarchy ================= Service org.bluez Interface org.bluez.Headset Object path [variable prefix]/{hci0,hci1,...}/dev_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX Methods void Connect() Connect to the HSP/HFP service on the remote device. void Disconnect() Disconnect from the HSP/HFP service on the remote device. boolean IsConnected() {deprecated} Returns TRUE if there is a active connection to the HSP/HFP connection on the remote device. void IndicateCall() Indicate an incoming call on the headset connected to the stream. Will continue to ring the headset about every 3 seconds. void CancelCall() Cancel the incoming call indication. void Play() Open the audio connection to the headset. void Stop() Close the audio connection. boolean IsPlaying() {deprecated} Returns true if an audio connection to the headset is active. uint16 GetSpeakerGain() {deprecated} Returns the current speaker gain if available, otherwise returns the error NotAvailable. uint16 GetMicrophoneGain() {deprecated} Returns the current microphone gain if available, otherwise returns the error NotAvailable. void SetSpeakerGain(uint16 gain) {deprecated} Changes the current speaker gain if possible. void SetMicrophoneGain(uint16 gain) {deprecated} Changes the current speaker gain if possible. dict GetProperties() Returns all properties for the interface. See the properties section for available properties. Possible Errors: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments void SetProperty(string name, variant value) Changes the value of the specified property. Only properties that are listed a read-write are changeable. On success this will emit a PropertyChanged signal. Possible Errors: org.bluez.Error.DoesNotExist org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments Signals void AnswerRequested() Sent when the answer button is pressed on the headset void Connected() {deprecated} Sent when the device has been connected to. void Disconnected() {deprecated} Sent when the device has been disconnected from. void Stopped() {deprecated} Sent when the audio connection is closed void Playing() {deprecated} Sent when the audio connection is opened void SpeakerGainChanged(uint16 gain) {deprecated} The speaker gain changed. void MicrophoneGainChanged(uint16 gain) {deprecated} The microphone gain changed. PropertyChanged(string name, variant value) This signal indicates a changed value of the given property. properties string State [readonly] Possible values: "disconnected", "connecting", "connected", "playing" "disconnected" -> "connecting" Either an incoming or outgoing connection attempt ongoing. "connecting" -> "disconnected" Connection attempt failed "connecting" -> "connected" Successfully connected "connected" -> "playing" SCO audio connection successfully opened "playing" -> "connected" SCO audio connection closed "connected" -> "disconnected" "playing" -> "disconnected" Disconnected from the remote device boolean Connected [readonly] Indicates if there is a active connection to the HSP/HFP connection on the remote device. boolean Playing [readonly] Indicates if an audio connection to the headset is active. uint16 SpeakerGain [readwrite] The speaker gain when available. uint16 MicrophoneGain [readwrite] The speaker gain when available. AudioSink hierarchy =================== Service org.bluez Interface org.bluez.AudioSink Object path [variable prefix]/{hci0,hci1,...}/dev_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX Methods void Connect() Connect and setup a stream to a A2DP sink on the remote device. void Disconnect() Disconnect from the remote device. boolean IsConnected() {deprecated} Returns TRUE if a stream is setup to a A2DP sink on the remote device. dict GetProperties() Returns all properties for the interface. See the properties section for available properties. Possible Errors: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments Signals void Connected() {deprecated} Sent when a successful connection has been made to the remote A2DP Sink void Disconnected() {deprecated} Sent when the device has been disconnected from. void Playing() {deprecated} Sent when a stream with remote device is started. void Stopped() {deprecated} Sent when a stream with remote device is suspended. PropertyChanged(string name, variant value) This signal indicates a changed value of the given property. properties string State [readonly] Possible values: "disconnected", "connecting", "connected", "playing" "disconnected" -> "connecting" Either an incoming or outgoing connection attempt ongoing. "connecting" -> "disconnected" Connection attempt failed "connecting" -> "connected" Successfully connected "connected" -> "playing" Audio stream active "playing" -> "connected" Audio stream suspended "connected" -> "disconnected" "playing" -> "disconnected" Disconnected from the remote device boolean Connected [readonly] Indicates if a stream is setup to a A2DP sink on the remote device. boolean Playing [readonly] Indicates if a stream is active to a A2DP sink on the remote device. AudioSource hierarchy ===================== Service org.bluez Interface org.bluez.AudioSource Object path [variable prefix]/{hci0,hci1,...}/dev_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX Methods void Connect() Connect and setup a stream to a A2DP source on the remote device. void Disconnect() Disconnect from the remote device. dict GetProperties() Returns all properties for the interface. See the properties section for available properties. Possible Errors: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments Signals PropertyChanged(string name, variant value) This signal indicates a changed value of the given property. properties string State [readonly] Possible values: "disconnected", "connecting", "connected", "playing" "disconnected" -> "connecting" Either an incoming or outgoing connection attempt ongoing. "connecting" -> "disconnected" Connection attempt failed "connecting" -> "connected" Successfully connected "connected" -> "playing" Audio stream active "playing" -> "connected" Audio stream suspended "connected" -> "disconnected" "playing" -> "disconnected" Disconnected from the remote device HeadsetGateway hierarchy ======================== Service org.bluez Interface org.bluez.HeadsetGateway Object path [variable prefix]/{hci0,hci1,...}/dev_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX This interface is available for remote devices which can function in the Audio Gateway role of the HFP profiles. Methods void Connect() Connect to the AG service on the remote device. void Disconnect() Disconnect from the AG service on the remote device void AnswerCall() It has to called only after Ring signal received. void TerminateCall() Terminate call which is running or reject an incoming call. This has nothing with any 3-way situation incl. RaH. Just plain old PDH. void Call(string number) Dial a number 'number'. No number processing is done thus if AG would reject to dial it don't blame me :) string GetOperatorName() Find out the name of the currently selected network operator by AG. void SendDTMF(string digits) Will send each digit in the 'digits' sequentially. Would send nothing if there is non-dtmf digit. string GetSubscriberNumber() Get the voicecall subscriber number of AG dict GetProperties() Returns all properties for the interface. See the properties section for available properties. Signals void Ring(string number) Someone's calling from 'number'. Caller number is provided as received from AG. void CallTerminated() Call failed to set up. It means that we tried to call someone or someone tried to call us but call was not accepted. void CallStarted() Call set up successfully. void CallEnded() Call was started and now ended. In contrast with CallTerminated where call didn't started PropertyChanged(string name, variant value) This signal indicates a changed value of the given property. properties boolean Connected [readonly] Indicates if there is an active connection to the AG service on the remote device. uint16 RegistrationStatus [readonly] Service availability indicatior of AG, where: 0 implies no service. No Home/Roam network available. 1 implies presense of service. Home/Roam network available. uint16 SignalStrength [readonly] Signal strength indicator of AG, the value ranges from 0 to 5. uint16 RoamingStatus [readonly] Roaming status indicator of AG, where: 0 means roaming is not active 1 means a roaming is active uint16 BatteryCharge [readonly] Battery Charge indicator of AG, the value ranges from 0 to 5. uint16 SpeakerGain [readonly] The speaker gain when available. uint16 MicrophoneGain [readonly] The speaker gain when available.