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      1 /*
      2 ************************************************************************
      3 * Copyright (c) 2007-2008, International Business Machines
      4 * Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
      5 ************************************************************************
      6 */
      7 #ifndef FLDSET_H_
      8 #define FLDSET_H_
     10 #include "unicode/utypes.h"
     13 #include "unicode/calendar.h"
     14 #include "unicode/ucal.h"
     15 #include "unicode/udat.h"
     16 #include "unicode/udbgutil.h"
     17 #include "unicode/dbgutil.h"
     18 #include "unicode/unistr.h"
     20 #define U_FIELDS_SET_MAX  64
     22 /**
     23  * This class represents a collection of integer values (fields), each designated by
     24  * one of a particular set of enum values.  Each integer value (int32_t) is optional and
     25  * may or may not be set.
     26  *
     27  * @internal ICU 3.8
     28  */
     29 class FieldsSet {
     30     protected:
     31         /**
     32          * subclass interface - construct the FieldsSet to reference one of the standard
     33          * enumerations.
     34          * @param whichEnum which enumaration value goes with this set. Will be used to calculate string
     35          * values and also enum size.
     36          * @see UDebugEnumType
     37          */
     38         FieldsSet(UDebugEnumType whichEnum);
     40         /**
     41          * subclass interface - construct the FieldsSet without using a standard enum type.
     42          * @param fieldCount how many fields this object can hold.
     43          */
     44         FieldsSet(int32_t fieldsCount);
     46     public:
     48       /**
     49        * Compare two sets. In typical test usage, 'this' is the resul of
     50        * a tested operation, and 'other' is the predefined expected value.
     51        *
     52        * @param other the set to compare against.
     53        * @param status will return U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR if sets are not the same size
     54        * @return a formatted string listing which fields are set in
     55        *   this, with the comparison made agaainst those fields in other.
     56        */
     57       UnicodeString diffFrom(const FieldsSet& other, UErrorCode &status) const;
     59     public:
     60       /**
     61        * Fill-in fields from a specified string, such as "NAME1=VALUE1,NAME2=VALUE2", etc.
     62        * @param str string to parse
     63        * @param status status of parse
     64        * @return the number of valid parsed fields on success, or a negative number on failure.
     65        */
     66       int32_t parseFrom(const UnicodeString& str, UErrorCode& status) { return parseFrom(str,NULL,status); }
     68       /**
     69        * Fill-in fields from a specified string, such as "NAME1=VALUE1,NAME2=VALUE2", etc.
     70        * @param inheritFrom if a field's value is given as 0-length, such as NAME1 in "NAME1=,NAME2=VALUE2",
     71        * the specified FieldsSet's value for NAME1 will be copied into this.
     72        * @param str string to parse
     73        * @param status status of parse
     74        * @return the number of valid parsed fields on success, or a negative number on failure.
     75        */
     76       int32_t parseFrom(const UnicodeString& str, const FieldsSet& inheritFrom, UErrorCode& status) { return parseFrom(str, &inheritFrom, status); }
     78       /**
     79        * Fill-in fields from a specified string, such as "NAME1=VALUE1,NAME2=VALUE2", etc.
     80        * @param inheritFrom if a field's value is given as 0-length, such as NAME1 in "NAME1=,NAME2=VALUE2",
     81        * the specified FieldsSet's value for NAME1 will be copied into this.
     82        * @param str string to parse
     83        * @param status status of parse
     84        * @return the number of valid parsed fields on success, or a negative number on failure.
     85        */
     86       int32_t parseFrom(const UnicodeString& str, const
     87               FieldsSet* inheritFrom, UErrorCode& status);
     89     protected:
     90       /**
     91        * Callback interface for subclass.
     92        * This function is called when parsing a field name, such as "MONTH"  in "MONTH=4".
     93        * Base implementation is to lookup the enum value using udbg_* utilities, or else as an integer if
     94        * enum is not available.
     95        *
     96        * If there is a special directive, the implementer can catch it here and return -1 after special processing completes.
     97        *
     98        * @param inheritFrom the set inheriting from - may be null.
     99        * @param name the field name (key side)
    100        * @param substr the string in question (value side)
    101        * @param status error status - set to error for failure.
    102        * @return field number, or negative if field should be skipped.
    103        */
    104       virtual int32_t handleParseName(const FieldsSet* inheritFrom, const UnicodeString& name, const UnicodeString& substr, UErrorCode& status);
    106       /**
    107        * Callback interface for subclass.
    108        * Base implementation is to call parseValueDefault(...)
    109        * @param inheritFrom the set inheriting from - may be null.
    110        * @param field which field is being parsed
    111        * @param substr the string in question (value side)
    112        * @param status error status - set to error for failure.
    113        * @see parseValueDefault
    114        */
    115       virtual void handleParseValue(const FieldsSet* inheritFrom, int32_t field, const UnicodeString& substr, UErrorCode& status);
    117       /**
    118        * the default implementation for handleParseValue.
    119        * Base implementation is to parse a decimal integer value, or inherit from inheritFrom if the string is 0-length.
    120        * Implementations of this function should call set(field,...) on successful parse.
    121        * @see handleParseValue
    122        */
    123       void parseValueDefault(const FieldsSet* inheritFrom, int32_t field, const UnicodeString& substr, UErrorCode& status);
    126       /**
    127        * convenience implementation for handleParseValue
    128        * attempt to load a value from an enum value using udbg_enumByString()
    129        * if fails, will call parseValueDefault()
    130        * @see handleParseValue
    131        */
    132       void parseValueEnum(UDebugEnumType type, const FieldsSet* inheritFrom, int32_t field, const UnicodeString& substr, UErrorCode& status);
    134     private:
    135       /**
    136        * Not callable - construct a default FieldsSet
    137        * @internal
    138        */
    139       FieldsSet();
    141       /**
    142        * construct the object.
    143        * @internal
    144        */
    145       void construct(UDebugEnumType whichEnum, int32_t fieldCount);
    147     public:
    148     /**
    149      * destructor
    150      */
    151      virtual ~FieldsSet();
    153     /**
    154      * Mark all fields as unset
    155      */
    156     void clear();
    158     /**
    159      * Mark a specific field as unset
    160      * @param field the field to unset
    161      */
    162     void clear(int32_t field);
    164     /**
    165      * Set a specific field
    166      * @param field the field to set (i.e. enum value)
    167      * @param value the field's value
    168      */
    169     void set(int32_t field, int32_t value);
    171     UBool isSet(int32_t field) const;
    173     /**
    174      * Return the field's value
    175      * @param field which field
    176      * @return field's value, or -1 if unset.
    177      */
    178     int32_t get(int32_t field) const;
    180     /**
    181      * Return true if both FieldsSet objects either are based on the same enum, or have the same number of fields.
    182      */
    183     UBool isSameType(const FieldsSet& other) const;
    185     /**
    186      * @return the number of fields
    187      */
    188     int32_t fieldCount() const;
    190     protected:
    191        int32_t fValue[U_FIELDS_SET_MAX];
    192        UBool fIsSet[U_FIELDS_SET_MAX];
    193     protected:
    194        int32_t fFieldCount;
    195        UDebugEnumType fEnum;
    196 };
    198 /**
    199  * A subclass of FieldsSet representing the fields in a Calendar
    200  * @see Calendar
    201  */
    202 class CalendarFieldsSet : public FieldsSet {
    203 public:
    204     CalendarFieldsSet();
    205     virtual ~CalendarFieldsSet();
    207 //        void clear(UCalendarDateFields field) { clear((int32_t)field); }
    208 //        void set(UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t amount) { set ((int32_t)field, amount); }
    210 //        UBool isSet(UCalendarDateFields field) const { return isSet((int32_t)field); }
    211 //        int32_t get(UCalendarDateFields field) const { return get((int32_t)field); }
    213     /**
    214      * @param matches fillin to hold any fields different. Will have the calendar's value set on them.
    215      * @return true if the calendar matches in these fields.
    216      */
    217     UBool matches(Calendar *cal, CalendarFieldsSet &diffSet,
    218             UErrorCode& status) const;
    220     /**
    221      * For each set field, set the same field on this Calendar.
    222      * Doesn't clear the Calendar first.
    223      * @param cal Calendar to modify
    224      * @param status Contains any errors propagated by the Calendar.
    225      */
    226     void setOnCalendar(Calendar *cal, UErrorCode& status) const;
    228 protected:
    229     /**
    230      * subclass override
    231      */
    232     void handleParseValue(const FieldsSet* inheritFrom, int32_t field, const UnicodeString& substr, UErrorCode& status);
    233 };
    235 /**
    236  * This class simply implements a set of date and time styles
    237  * such as DATE=SHORT  or TIME=SHORT,DATE=LONG, such as would be passed
    238  * to DateFormat::createInstance()
    239  * @see DateFormat
    240  */
    241 class DateTimeStyleSet : public FieldsSet {
    242     public:
    243         DateTimeStyleSet();
    244         virtual ~DateTimeStyleSet();
    246         /**
    247          * @return the date style, or UDAT_NONE if not set
    248          */
    249         UDateFormatStyle getDateStyle() const;
    251         /**
    252          * @return the time style, or UDAT_NONE if not set
    253          */
    254         UDateFormatStyle getTimeStyle() const;
    255     protected:
    256         void handleParseValue(const FieldsSet* inheritFrom, int32_t field, const UnicodeString& substr, UErrorCode& status);
    257         int32_t handleParseName(const FieldsSet* inheritFrom, const UnicodeString& name, const UnicodeString& substr, UErrorCode& status);
    258 };
    261 #endif /*!UCONFIG_NO_FORMAT*/
    262 #endif /*FLDSET_H_*/