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      1 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
      2  * Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13  * express or implied.
     14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
     15  * and limitations under the License.
     16  * -------------------------------------------------------------------
     17  */
     18 /**
     19  * @file pv_id3_parcom.h
     20  * @brief ID3 tag parser-composer utility
     21  */
     23 #ifndef PV_ID3_PARCOM_H_INCLUDED
     24 #define PV_ID3_PARCOM_H_INCLUDED
     26 #ifndef OSCL_BASE_H_INCLUDED
     27 #include "oscl_base.h"
     28 #endif
     29 #ifndef OSCL_STRING_H_INCLUDED
     30 #include "oscl_string.h"
     31 #endif
     32 #ifndef OSCL_MEM_H_INCLUDED
     33 #include "oscl_mem.h"
     34 #endif
     36 #include "oscl_string_containers.h"
     37 #endif
     38 #ifndef OSCL_VECTOR_H_INCLUDED
     39 #include "oscl_vector.h"
     40 #endif
     42 #include "oscl_refcounter_memfrag.h"
     43 #endif
     45 #include "oscl_shared_ptr.h"
     46 #endif
     47 #ifndef PVMI_KVP_INCLUDED
     48 #include "pvmi_kvp.h"
     49 #endif
     51 #include "pvmf_meta_data_types.h"
     52 #endif
     53 #ifndef PVFILE_H_INCLUDED
     54 #include "pvfile.h"
     55 #endif
     57 #include "pvmf_return_codes.h"
     58 #endif
     60 #include "pv_id3_parcom_types.h"
     61 #endif
     63 #include "oscl_string_utils.h"
     64 #endif
     65 #ifndef OSCL_UTF8CONV_H
     66 #include "oscl_utf8conv.h"
     67 #endif
     69 #include "pv_id3_parcom_constants.h"
     70 #endif
     72 /** Forward declaration */
     73 class PVLogger;
     75 /**
     76  * PVID3ParCom is an ID3 Tag parser-composer utility. This utiltiy allows user to parse an ID3 tag
     77  * to retrieve tag information, modify an existing ID3 tag and compose a new ID3 tag.
     78  */
     79 class PVID3ParCom
     80 {
     81     public:
     82         /** Default constructor */
     83         OSCL_IMPORT_REF PVID3ParCom();
     85         /** Destructor */
     86         OSCL_IMPORT_REF ~PVID3ParCom();
     88         /**
     89          * @brief Checks the file for the presence of ID3V2 Tags.
     90          *
     91          * This function checks the file for the presence of ID3V2 Tag
     92          * This tag is  denoted by the string "ID3" at the begining of file.
     93          * This method also reads the Id3 tag size from the file and returns
     94          * to the caller.
     95          *
     96          * @returns True if Id3V2 tag present otherwise False
     97          * @ aTagSize: size of the ID3 tag, if present, else 0
     98          */
     99         OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool IsID3V2Present(PVFile* aFile, uint32& aTagSize);
    101         /**
    102          * Gets size of ID3 tag in the specified file without parsing the entire tag for its data.
    103          *
    104          * @param aFile File handle of the file containing the ID3 tag
    105          * @return Size of ID3 tag. Returns 0 if ID3 tag is not found.
    106          */
    107         OSCL_IMPORT_REF uint32 GetID3TagSize(PVFile* aFile);
    109         /**
    110          * Gets size of ID3 tag in a memory fragment without parsing the entire tag for its data.
    111          *
    112          * @param aTag Memory fragment containing the ID3 tag
    113          * @return Size of ID3 tag. Returns 0 if ID3 tag is not found.
    114          */
    115         OSCL_IMPORT_REF uint32 GetID3TagSize(const OsclMemoryFragment& aTag);
    116         /**
    117          * Gets the size of a parsed ID3 tag.
    118          *
    119          * @return Size of ID3 tag.  Returns 0 if called before an ID3 tag is parsed by ParseID3Tag() call.
    120          */
    121         OSCL_IMPORT_REF uint32 GetID3TagSize();
    123         /**
    124          * Sets the maximum size of a composed ID3 tag. It is an option to pad the composed ID3 tag
    125          * to the specified maximum size.  If the composed ID3 tag exceeds the maximum size, one
    126          * or more ID3 frames data will be truncated.  This API is applicable only for ID3V2 tags.
    127          *
    128          * @param aUseMaxSize When set to true, the composed ID3 tag will have a maximum size of
    129          *                    aMaxSize.  When set to false, the tag will not have a maximum size.
    130          *                    By default, maximum tag size is disabled by this library.
    131          * @param aMaxSize Maximum size of the composed ID3 tag in bytes
    132          * @param aUsePadding When set to true, the composed ID3 tag will be padded to the
    133          *                    specified maximum size.
    134          * @return Completion status. Returns PVMFErrNotSupported if ID3V1 is used.
    135          */
    136         OSCL_IMPORT_REF PVMFStatus SetMaxID3TagSize(bool aUseMaxSize, uint32 aMaxSize, bool aUsePadding);
    138         /**
    139          * Parse an ID3 tag from the specified file.
    140          *
    141          * @param aFile File handle of the file containing the ID3 tag to be parsed
    142          * @return Completion status. If no ID3 tag is found in the file, PVMFFailure is returned.
    143          */
    144         OSCL_IMPORT_REF PVMFStatus ParseID3Tag(PVFile* aFile, uint32 buffsize = 100);
    146         /**
    147          * Parse an ID3 tag from the specified memory fragment.
    148          *
    149          * @param aTag Memory fragment containing the ID3 tag to be parsed
    150          * @return Completion status. If no ID3 tag is found in the memory fragment, PVMFFailure is returned.
    151          */
    152         OSCL_IMPORT_REF PVMFStatus ParseID3Tag(const OsclMemoryFragment& aTag);
    154         /**
    155          * Query the version of ID3 used for this tag.
    156          *
    157          * @return ID3 version of the tag.
    158          */
    159         OSCL_IMPORT_REF PVID3Version GetID3Version() const;
    161         /**
    162          * Query if id3v1 present in the clip.
    163          *
    164          * @return true if present
    165          */
    166         OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool IsID3V1Present() const;
    168         /**
    169          * Query if id3v2 present in the clip.
    170          *
    171          * @return true if present
    172          */
    173         OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool IsID3V2Present() const;
    175         /**
    176          * Retrieve a vector of key-value pairs containing data of all ID3 frames in the ID3 tag.
    177          *
    178          * @param aFrames Output parameter to store key-value pairs containing data of ID3 frames from the tag.
    179          * @return Status of completion.
    180          */
    181         OSCL_IMPORT_REF PVMFStatus GetID3Frames(PvmiKvpSharedPtrVector& aFrames);
    183         /**
    184          * Retrieve an ID3 frame of the specified type in the ID3 tag.
    185          *
    186          * @param aFrameType Type of ID3 frame to be retrieved
    187          * @param aFrame Output parameter to store key-value pair containing data of requested ID3 frame.
    188          * @return Status of completion. Returns PVMFFailure if a frame of the specified
    189          *         type is not found.
    190          */
    191         OSCL_IMPORT_REF PVMFStatus GetID3Frame(const OSCL_String& aFrameType, PvmiKvpSharedPtrVector& aFrame);
    193         /**
    194         *   Check if frame of aFrameType is available
    195         * @param aFrameType Type of ID3 frame
    196         * @return true if frame is available otherwise false
    197         */
    198         OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool IsID3FrameAvailable(const OSCL_String& aFrameType);
    200         /**
    201          * Sets ID3 version to be used.
    202          *
    203          * When composing a new ID3 tag, the default ID3 version is v2.4. When modifying
    204          * an existing ID3 tag, if it is ID3v2.x and is changed to ID3v1.x, ID3 frames
    205          * that are not supported by ID3v1.x will be removed from the tag and data strings
    206          * will be trimmed to the maximum lengths specified in ID3v1.x.
    207          *
    208          * @param aVersion ID3 version.
    209          * @return Status of completion.
    210          */
    211         OSCL_IMPORT_REF PVMFStatus SetID3Version(PVID3Version aVersion);
    213         /**
    214          * Sets an ID3 frame in the ID3 tag.
    215          *
    216          * If the frame does not already exist, a new frame will be created and added
    217          * to the tag.  If a frame of the same type already exists, the frame data will
    218          * be updated and saved to the tag.
    219          *
    220          * @param aFrame ID3 frame to be set in the tag.
    221          * @return Status of completion.
    222          */
    223         OSCL_IMPORT_REF PVMFStatus SetID3Frame(const PvmiKvp& aFrame);
    225         /**
    226          * Removes an ID3 frame of the specified type in the ID3 tag.
    227          *
    228          * @param aFrameType Type of ID3 frame to be removed.
    229          * @return Completion status. Returns PVMFFailure if ID3 frame of the specified type
    230          *         is not found in the tag.
    231          */
    232         OSCL_IMPORT_REF PVMFStatus RemoveID3Frame(const OSCL_String& aFrameType);
    234         /**
    235          * Compose an ID3 tag and return a shared pointer to the formatted tag to user.
    236          *
    237          * ID3 tag is composed using ID3 frames that are set for the tag.  Data strings in ID3 frames are
    238          * converted from Unicode to the character set specified in the frame when composing the tag.
    239          * The tag is formatted to the specified ID3 version and written to the memory fragment provided
    240          * by user.  This method will erase all data from the memory fragment before writing the ID3 tag.
    241          * If the memory fragment does not contain allocated memory or the capacity of fragment is less
    242          * than the size of ID3 tag to be written, this method would allocate memory before writing the ID3
    243          * tag. There must be at least one valid ID3 frame assoicated to the tag to compose successfully.
    244          *
    245          * When composing a new ID3 tag (i.e. not editing an existing tag), if no ID3 version is specified
    246          * through SetID3Version(), it is defaulted to ID3 v2.4.
    247          *
    248          * @param aTag Output parameter of memory fragment to which the formatted ID3 tag data will be written.
    249          * @return Completion status.  Returns PVMFFailure if no ID3 frame is associated with this tag.
    250          */
    251         OSCL_IMPORT_REF PVMFStatus ComposeID3Tag(OsclRefCounterMemFrag& aTag);
    253         /**
    254          * Reset the parser-composer and remove all ID3 frames.
    255          *
    256          * @return Completion status.
    257          */
    258         OSCL_IMPORT_REF PVMFStatus Reset();
    260         /**
    261          * This function returns byte offset to the end of id3 tag. Audio frame follows ID3 tag.
    262          *
    263          * @return byte offset to end of id3 tag.
    264          */
    266         OSCL_IMPORT_REF uint32 GetByteOffsetToStartOfAudioFrames()
    267         {
    268             return iByteOffsetToStartOfAudioFrames;
    269         }
    271         /**
    272          * This function looks for ID3 V2.4 tag at the end of file.
    273          * It will look for ID3 footer starting from the offset till buff_sz. If footer is found, it will get the
    274          * id3 tag size from the footer header and parse ID3 tag.
    275          * @param buff_sz size of the buffer to look for footer
    276          * @param offset in file from the end of file. e.g An offset of 0 means end of file
    277          * @return Comletion status.
    278          */
    280         OSCL_IMPORT_REF PVMFStatus LookForV2_4Footer(uint32 buff_sz, uint32 offset);
    281         /**
    282          * This function will look for ID3 footer starting from the offset till buff_sz.
    283          * @param buff_sz size of the buffer to look for footer
    284          * @param offset in file from the end of file. e.g An offset of 0 means end of file
    285          * @return footer location in file otherwise 0 if no footer is found
    286          */
    288         uint32 SearchTagV2_4(uint32 buff_sz, uint32 offset);
    291     public:
    292         /** Enumerated list of supported character sets */
    293         typedef enum
    294         {
    295             PV_ID3_CHARSET_INVALID = -1,
    296             PV_ID3_CHARSET_ISO88591 = 0,
    297             PV_ID3_CHARSET_UTF16    = 1,
    298             PV_ID3_CHARSET_UTF16BE  = 2,
    299             PV_ID3_CHARSET_UTF8     = 3,
    300             PV_ID3_CHARSET_END      = 4,
    301         } PVID3CharacterSet;
    303     private:
    304         /** Enumerated list of ID3 Frame Types */
    305         typedef enum
    306         {
    307             PV_ID3_FRAME_INVALID = -3,
    308             PV_ID3_FRAME_CANDIDATE,     /**< Frame ID doesn't match with known frame IDs.
    309                                          The frame ID made out of the characters capital A-Z and 0-9.*/
    310             PV_ID3_FRAME_UNRECOGNIZED,  /** Valid frame ID, but ID3 parcom doesn't support. */
    311             PV_ID3_FRAME_TITLE,         /**< Title. Supported by all ID3 versions. Maximum 30 characters for
    312                                          ID3v1.x. There is no maximum length limit for ID3v2.x. */
    313             PV_ID3_FRAME_ARTIST,        /**< Artist. Supported by all ID3 versions. Maximum 30 characters for
    314                                          ID3v1.x. There is no maximum length limit for ID3v2.x*/
    315             PV_ID3_FRAME_ALBUM,         /**< Album. Supported by all ID3 versions. Maximum 30 characters for
    316                                          ID3v1.x. There is no maximum length limit for ID3v2.x */
    317             PV_ID3_FRAME_YEAR,          /**< 4-character numeric string with the year of the recording.
    318                                          Supported by all ID3 version. */
    319             PV_ID3_FRAME_COMMENT,       /**< Comment. Supported by all ID3 versions. Maximum 30 characters for
    320                                          ID3v1.x. There is no maximum length limit for ID3v2.x. */
    321             PV_ID3_FRAME_TRACK_NUMBER,  /**< Numeric string of track number on Album. Supported by ID3v1.1 and later. */
    322             PV_ID3_FRAME_GENRE,         /**< Genre of the music. For ID3v1.x, numeric string of genre type value
    323                                          defined at http://www.id3.org/id3v2.3.0.html#secA should be used.
    324                                          ID3v2.x should use the genre name, or refer to ID3v1.x genre type
    325                                          using the format "(genre_number)" where genre_number is a numeric
    326                                          string of ID3v1.x genre type value. */
    327             PV_ID3_FRAME_COPYRIGHT,      /**< Copyright message. It must begin with a 4-character numeric string of
    328                                          the year of copyright and a space character. Supported by ID3v2.x or later. */
    329             PV_ID3_FRAME_TRACK_LENGTH,   /**< Track length. The duration in milliseconds.*/
    330             PV_ID3_FRAME_DATE,
    331             PV_ID3_FRAME_PADDED,         /**< Padding. A frame padded with zero.*/
    333             PV_ID3_FRAME_PIC,            /**< PIC. */
    334             PV_ID3_FRAME_APIC,           /**< APIC.*/
    335             PV_ID3_FRAME_LYRICS,             /**< Unsynchronized Lyrics.*/
    336             PV_ID3_FRAME_SEEK,           /* For SEEK frame */
    337             PV_ID3_FRAME_RECORDING_TIME,  /* RECORDING TIME */
    338             PV_ID3_FRAME_AUTHOR,          /* author or writer*/
    339             PV_ID3_FRAME_COMPOSER,        /* music composer */
    340             PV_ID3_FRAME_DESCRIPTION,     /* brief description of the content */
    341             PV_ID3_FRAME_VERSION,         /* Software version of the authoring software */
    342             PV_ID3_FRAME_PART_OF_SET,     /* Which part of a set this belongs to */
    344             PV_ID3_FRAME_EEND            /**< End. Marks end of frames.*/
    345         } PVID3FrameType;
    347         /**
    348          *  @brief The TID3TagInfo class acts as temporary storage for information
    349          *  extracted from the different types of ID3 tags to a given ID3tag file. This
    350          *  class is created to keep track of certain qualities of an ID3 tag that
    351          *  the caller of the ID3 library would not need to know.
    352          */
    353         struct TID3TagInfo
    354         {
    355             uint32      iPositionInFile;
    356             PVID3CharacterSet iTextType;
    358             uint32    iID3V2FrameSize;
    359             uint32    iID3V2SeekOffset;
    360             uint8     iID3V2TagFlagsV2;
    361             uint32    iID3V2ExtendedHeaderSize;
    362             uint32    iID3V2TagSize;
    363             uint8     iID3V2FrameID[5];
    364             uint8     iID3V2FrameFlag[2];
    365             bool      iFooterPresent;
    366             uint8     iID3V2LanguageID[4];
    368         };
    370         /**
    371          * @brief Checks the ID3 Tag v2.4 frame size whether it is syncsafe or not.
    372          *
    373          * This function validates next ID3 frame to check whether frame size is
    374          * syncsafe.
    375          *
    376          * @returns Validated frame size
    377          */
    378         uint32 ValidateFrameLengthV2_4(uint32 aFrameSize);
    380         /**
    381          * @brief Checks the ID3 Tag v2.4 frame is valid or not.
    382          *
    383          * This function validates ID3 frame type and then, frame size and flags
    384          *
    385          * @params
    386          * [IN] bUseSyncSafeFrameSize - validate syncsafe/non-syncsafe frame size
    387          * [OUT] frameType - frame type for frame currently validated
    388          *
    389          * @returns validation status
    390          */
    391         bool ValidateFrameV2_4(PVID3FrameType& frameType, bool bUseSyncSafeFrameSize = true);
    393         /**
    394          * @brief Checks the file for the presence of ID3V1 Tag.
    395          *
    396          * This function checks the file for the presence of ID3V1 Tag. This tag is
    397          * denoted by the string "TAG" starting 128 bytes in from the end-of-file.
    398          *
    399          * @returns True if Id3V1 tag present otherwise False
    400          */
    401         bool CheckForTagID3V1();
    403         /**
    404          * @brief Checks the file for the presence of ID3V2 Tag attached to
    405          * the beginning of the ID3tag file.
    406          *
    407          * This function checks the file for the presence of ID3V2 Tag attached to
    408          * the beginning of the ID3 file. This tag is  denoted by the string "ID3"
    409          * at the very beginning of the ID3 file.
    410          *
    411          * @returns True if Id3V2 tag present otherwise False
    412          */
    413         bool CheckForTagID3V2();
    415         /**
    416          * @brief Parses the file and populates the frame vector when an ID3V1
    417          * tag is found and no ID3V2 tag was found.
    418          *
    419          * This function parses the file and populates the frame vector when
    420          * an ID3V1 tag is found to be attached to the ID3 file and no ID3V2 tag was
    421          * found. The data in the ID3V1 tag can only be ASCII, so the ConvertToUnicode
    422          * must be called for all fields read from the ID3V1 tag.
    423          *
    424          * @param None
    425          * @returns None
    426          */
    427         void ReadID3V1Tag();
    429         /**
    430          * @brief reads id3 V2 tag header.
    431          * @param aReadTags, read the id3 frames when true, else just reads the header
    432          * @@returns true if tags were read successfully
    433          */
    434         bool ReadHeaderID3V2(bool aReadTags = true);
    436         /**
    437          * @brief Parses the ID3V2 tag frames from the file and populates the
    438          * frame vector when an ID3V2 tag is found
    439          * @param version ID3 V2 sub version number (v2.2, v2.3 or v2.4)
    440          * * @returns number of tags successfully parsed
    441          */
    442         int ReadTagID3V2(PVID3Version version);
    444         /**
    445          * @brief Parses the frame and populates the iID3TagInfo structure
    446          * when an ID3V2 tag is found.
    447          *
    448          * This function parses the ID3 tag frames from the file and populates the
    449          * frame vector when an ID3V2 tag is found attached to the start
    450          * of a ID3 file.
    451          *
    452          * @param version ID3 V2 sub version number (v2.2, v2.3 or v2.4)
    453          * @returns None
    454          */
    455         void ReadFrameHeaderID3V2(PVID3Version version);
    457         /**
    458         * @brief Parses the frame and populates the iID3TagInfo structure
    459         * when an ID3V2_2 tag is found.
    460         *
    461         * This function parses the ID3 tag frames from the file and populates the
    462         * frame vector when an ID3V2_2 tag is found attached to the start
    463         * of a ID3 file.
    464         *
    465         * @param None
    466         * @returns None
    467         */
    468         void ReadFrameHeaderID3V2_2();
    470         /**
    471          * @brief Receives a ID3V2 frame and handles it accordingly. All of the frames
    472          * sent to this function have ASCII strings in them.
    473          *
    474          * This function receives a ID3V2 frame and handles it accordingly. Each
    475          * frame header is composed of 10 bytes - 4 bytes for FrameID, 4 bytes for
    476          * FrameSize, and 2 bytes for FrameFlags, respectively. Once we have a
    477          * frame's unique FrameID, we can handle the frame accordingly. (eg. The
    478          * frame with FrameID = "TIT2" contains data describing the title of an ID3
    479          * file. Clearly, the data in that frame should be copied to it respective
    480          * location in frame vector. The location for the data with FrameID = "TIT2"
    481          * goes in the Title frame.
    482          *
    483          * @param aFrameType Enumerated TFrameTypeID3V2 type; used to determine if
    484          * Frame is supported
    485          * @param aPos Position in file where frame data begins
    486          * @param aSize Size of the frame data
    487          * @returns None
    488          */
    489         void HandleID3V2FrameDataASCII(PVID3FrameType aframeType,
    490                                        uint32 aPos,
    491                                        uint32 aSize);
    493         /**
    494          * @brief Receives a ID3V2 frame and handles it accordingly. All of the frames
    495          * sent to this function have unicode strings in them.
    496          *
    497          * This function receives a ID3V2 frame and handles it accordingly. Each
    498          * frame header is composed of 10 bytes - 4 bytes for FrameID, 4 bytes for
    499          * FrameSize, and 2 bytes for FrameFlags, respectively. Once we have a
    500          * frame's unique FrameID, we can handle the frame accordingly. (eg. The
    501          * frame with FrameID = "TIT2" contains data describing the title of an ID3
    502          * file. Clearly, the data in that frame should be copied to it respective
    503          * location in Frame vector. The location for the data with FrameID = "TIT2"
    504          * goes in the Title frame.iTitle buffer. All of the frames
    505          * sent to this function have unicode strings in them that will need to be
    506          * read different than the ASCII strings.
    507          *
    508          * @param aFrameType Enumerated TFrameTypeID3V2 type; used to determine if
    509          * Frame is supported
    510          * @param aPos Position in file where frame data begins
    511          * @param aSize Size of the frame data
    512          * @param aEndianType Flag indicator regarding the text endian type
    513          * @returns None
    514          */
    515         void HandleID3V2FrameDataUnicode16(PVID3FrameType aframeType,
    516                                            uint32 aPos,
    517                                            uint32 aSize,
    518                                            uint32 aEndienType);
    520         /**
    521          * @brief Receives a ID3V2 frame and handles it accordingly. All of the frames
    522          * sent to this function have UTF8 strings in them.
    523          *
    524          * This function receives a ID3V2 frame and handles it accordingly. Each
    525          * frame header is composed of 10 bytes - 4 bytes for FrameID, 4 bytes for
    526          * FrameSize, and 2 bytes for FrameFlags, respectively. Once we have a
    527          * frame's unique FrameID, we can handle the frame accordingly. (eg. The
    528          * frame with FrameID = "TIT2" contains data describing the title of an ID3
    529          * file. Clearly, the data in that frame should be copied to it respective
    530          * location in Frame vector. The location for the data with FrameID = "TIT2"
    531          * goes in the Title frame. All of the frames sent to this function have UTF8
    532          * strings in them that will need to be read different than the ASCII strings.
    533          *
    534          * @param aFrameType Enumerated TFrameTypeID3V2 type; used to determine if
    535          * Frame is supported
    536          * @param aPos Position in file where frame data begins
    537          * @param aSize Size of the frame data
    538          * @returns None
    539          */
    540         void HandleID3V2FrameDataUTF8(PVID3FrameType aframeType,
    541                                       uint32 aPos,
    542                                       uint32 aSize);
    545         /**
    546          * @brief This function handls id3 frames that are not currently supported by
    547          * the id3parcom library. It stores the frame alongwith the header as it is read from the file.
    548          * @param aFrameType Enumerated TFrameTypeID3V2 type; It will be PV_ID3_FRAME_UNSUPPORTED
    549          * @param aPos Position in file where frame data begins
    550          * @param aSize Size of the frame data
    551          * @returns None
    552          */
    554         void HandleID3V2FrameUnsupported(PVID3FrameType aframeType,
    555                                          uint32 aPos,
    556                                          uint32 aSize);
    558         /**
    559          * @brief Detects the ID3V2FrameType and returns the enum value that
    560          * corresponds to the current frame.
    561          *
    562          * @param None
    563          * @returns Value that describes the current frame of type PVID3FrameType
    564          */
    565         PVID3FrameType FrameSupportedID3V2(PVID3Version version, uint8* aframeid = NULL);
    567         /**
    568          * @brief Detects the ID3V2FrameType and fine whether it us unsupported or
    569          * invalid frame type.
    570          *
    571          * @param None
    572          * @returns Value that describes the current frame of type PVID3FrameType
    573          */
    574         PVID3FrameType FrameValidatedID3V2_4(uint8* aFrameID);
    576         /**
    577          * @brief Detects the ID3V 2.2 FrameType and returns the enum value that
    578          * corresponds to the current frame.
    579          *
    580          * @param None
    581          * @returns Value that describes the current frame of type PVID3FrameType
    582          */
    583         PVID3FrameType FrameSupportedID3V2_2(void);
    585         /**
    586          * @brief Converts the data in the TBuf8 buffer and puts the data into the
    587          * TBuf16 buffer
    588          *
    589          * @param aPtrFrameData8 Pointer to intput string format of either big
    590          * or little endian.
    591          * @param aSize Number of character elements in aPtrFrameData8
    592          * @param aEndianType Indicates if the encoded Unicode text in the
    593          * aPtrFrameData8 buffer is in big or little endian.
    594          * @param aPtrFrameData16 Pointer to the output string in unicode format.
    595          * @returns None
    596          */
    597         uint32 EightBitToWideCharBufferTransfer(const uint8* aPtrFrameData,
    598                                                 uint32 aSize,
    599                                                 uint32 aEndianType,
    600                                                 oscl_wchar* aPtrFrameData16);
    603         //convert an interger to Synchsafe integer
    604         uint32 ConvertToSyncSafeInt(uint32 src);
    605         uint32 SafeSynchIntToInt32(uint32 SafeSynchInteger);
    607         /**
    608          * @brief Read in byte data and take most significant byte first
    609          *
    610          * @param aInputFile File handle to input file
    611          * @param data Reference to output data buffer where the data read from file will be stored
    612          * @return true if the read is successful
    613          */
    614         bool readByteData(PVFile* aInputFile, uint32 length, uint8 *data);
    616         /**
    617          * @brief Read in the 32 bits byte by byte and take most significant byte first
    618          *
    619          * @param aInputFile File handle to input file
    620          * @param data Reference to output data buffer where the data read from file will be stored
    621          * @return true if the read is successful
    622          */
    623         bool read32(PVFile* aInputFile, uint32 &data);
    625         /**
    626          * @brief Read in the 24 bits byte by byte and take most significant byte first
    627          *
    628          * @param aInputFile File handle to input file
    629          * @param data Reference to output data buffer where the data read from file will be stored
    630          * @return true if the read is successful
    631          */
    632         bool read24(PVFile* aInputFile, uint32 &data);
    634         /**
    635          * @brief Read in 8 bytes from specified input file
    636          *
    637          * @param aInputFile File handle to input file
    638          * @param data Reference to output data buffer where the data read from file will be stored
    639          * @return true if the read is successful
    640          */
    641         bool read8(PVFile* aInputFile, uint8 &data);
    643         /**
    644          * @brief Read in 16 bytes from specified input file
    645          *
    646          * @param aInputFile File handle to input file
    647          * @param data Reference to output data buffer where the data read from file will be stored
    648          * @return true if the read is successful
    649          */
    651         bool read16(PVFile* aInputFile, uint16 &data);
    653         /**
    654          * @breif reads information stored in id3 frame
    655          * @param unicode tells if the data is unicode
    656          * @param frameType type of frame
    657          * @param pos position in file
    658          * @param currFrameLength length of the frame
    659          */
    660         bool  ReadFrameData(uint8 unicode, PVID3FrameType frameType, uint32 pos, uint32 currFrameLength);
    661         /**
    662          * @brief reads extended header if present in id3 tag header
    663          * @param none
    664          * @return true if success.
    665          */
    666         bool ReadExtendedHeader();
    668         /**
    669          * @brief allocate memeory for key value pair structure.
    670          * @param aKey key string
    671          * @param aValueType type of key value
    672          * @param aValueSize size of key value
    673          * @param truncate bool type indicates if the frame was truncated.
    674          * @return shared pointer to key value pair structure
    675          */
    676         PvmiKvpSharedPtr AllocateKvp(OSCL_String& aKey, PvmiKvpValueType aValueType, uint32 aValueSize, bool &truncate);
    678         /**
    679          * @brief forms key string for id3 frames
    680          * @param aKey key string
    681          * @param aType frame type
    682          * @param aCharSet text encoding type (unicode, ascii)
    683          * @return Completion status
    684          */
    685         PVMFStatus ConstructKvpKey(OSCL_String& aKey, PVID3FrameType aType, PVID3CharacterSet aCharSet);
    687         /**
    688          * @brief reads string data in frames
    689          * @param aFrameType frame type
    690          * @param aCharSet text encoding
    691          * @param aValueSize size of the frame data
    692          * @return Completion status
    693          */
    694         PVMFStatus ReadStringValueFrame(PVID3FrameType aFrameType, PVID3CharacterSet aCharSet, uint32 aValueSize);
    696         /**
    697          * @brief reads frame of type track length
    698          * @param aValueSize size of the frame
    699          * @param aCharSet text encoding
    700          * @return completion status
    701          */
    702         PVMFStatus ReadTrackLengthFrame(uint32 aValueSize, PVID3CharacterSet aCharSet);
    704         /**
    705          * @brief reads ID3 frames
    706          * @param aFrameType frame type
    707          * @param aValueSize size of the frame data
    708          * @return Completion status
    709          */
    711         PVMFStatus ReadFrame(PVID3FrameType aFrameType, uint32 aValueSize);
    714         /**
    715          * @brief This function is costructing the key-value pair for AlbumArt(apic/pic) frame. It
    716          * first converts the AlbumArt frame in to the PvmfApicStruct and then set the
    717          * key_specific_value of the Pvmikvp struct.
    718          * @param frame type
    719          * @param unicode
    720          * @param frame size
    721          * @return Success if read successfull.
    722          */
    723         PVMFStatus ReadAlbumArtFrame(PVID3FrameType aFrameType, uint8 unicode, uint32 aFrameSize);
    725         /**
    726          * @brief This function extracts the albumart information, for ascii data, based on frametype (apic/pic).
    727          * @param frame type
    728          * @param frame size
    729          * @param Image format
    730          * @param description
    731          * @param picture type
    732          * @param data length
    733          * @return Success if conversion is successfull.
    734             */
    735         PVMFStatus GetAlbumArtInfo(PVID3FrameType aFrameType, uint32 aFrameSize, OSCL_HeapString<OsclMemAllocator> &ImageFormat,
    736                                    uint8 &PicType, OSCL_HeapString<OsclMemAllocator> &Description,  uint32 &DataLen);
    737         /**
    738          * @brief This function extracts the albumart information, for unicode data, based on frametype (apic/pic).
    739          * @param frame type
    740          * @param frame size
    741          * @param Image format
    742          * @param description
    743          * @param picture type
    744          * @param data length
    745          * @return Success if conversion is successfull.
    746          */
    747         PVMFStatus GetAlbumArtInfo(PVID3FrameType aFrameType, uint32 aFrameSize, OSCL_HeapString<OsclMemAllocator> &ImageFormat,
    748                                    uint8 &PicType, OSCL_wHeapString<OsclMemAllocator> &aDescription, uint32 &DataLen);
    752         /**
    753          * @brief This function does the actual conversion from the raw ascii data from the
    754          * GetAlbumArtInfo function to the PvmfApicStruct.
    755          * @param MimeType
    756          * @param Description
    757          * @param GraphicType
    758          * @param GraphicDataLen
    759          * @param pointer to memory allocated to store kvp information
    760          * @return Success if conversion is successfull.
    761          */
    762         PVMFStatus ConvertUnicodeDataToApic(char* aMimeTypeID3, oscl_wchar* aDescriptionID3,
    763                                             uint8 aGraphicType, uint32 aGraphicDataLen,
    764                                             void *key_specific_value, uint32 total_size);
    766         /**
    767          * @brief This function does the actual conversion from the raw unicode data from the
    768          * ConvertPictureToAPIC function to the PvmfApicStruct.
    769          * @param MimeType
    770          * @param Description
    771          * @param GraphicType
    772          * @param GraphicOffset
    773          * @param GraphicDataLen
    774          * @param pointer to memory allocated to store kvp information
    775          * @return Success if conversion is successfull.
    776          */
    777         PVMFStatus ConvertAsciiDataToApic(char* aMimeTypeID3, char* aDescriptionID3,
    778                                           uint8 aGraphicType, uint32 aGraphicDataLen,
    779                                           void *key_specific_value, uint32 total_size);
    781         /**
    782          * @brief Read the information from the USLT/ULT frames.
    783          * @param NULL
    784          * @return Success if successfully read.
    785          */
    786         PVMFStatus ReadLyricsCommFrame(uint8 unicodeCheck, uint32 aFramesize, PVID3FrameType aFrameType);
    789         /**
    790          * @brief Reads Null terminated ascii strings from file
    791          * @param aInputFile file pointer
    792          * @parm data heap string to store string
    793          * @return true on success otherwise false
    794          */
    795         bool readNullTerminatedAsciiString(PVFile* aInputFile, OSCL_HeapString<OsclMemAllocator> &data);
    797         /**
    798          * @brief Reads Null terminated unicode strings from file
    799          * @param aInputFile file pointer
    800          * @parm data heap string to store string
    801          * @return completion status
    802          */
    804         PVMFStatus readNullTerminatedUnicodeString(PVFile* aInputFile, OSCL_wHeapString<OsclMemAllocator> &aData, uint32 &bomSz);
    806         /**
    807          * @brief reads frame of type comment
    808          * @param aValueSize size of the frame
    809          * @return completion status
    810          */
    812         PVMFStatus ReadCommentFrame(uint32 aValueSize);
    814         /**
    815          * @brief Gets value type and char set stored in kvp
    816          * @param aKvp shared pointer to kvp
    817          * @param aValueType value type
    818          * @param aCharSet char set
    819          * @return Completion status.
    820          */
    821         PVMFStatus GetKvpValueType(PvmiKvpSharedPtr aKvp, PvmiKvpValueType& aValueType, PVID3CharacterSet& aCharSet);
    823         /**
    824          * @brief Gets frame ID and frame type from kvp
    825          * @param aKvp  shared pointer to key value pair structure
    826          * @param aFrameID frame ID
    827          * @param aFrameType frame type
    828          * @return Completion status.
    829          */
    830         PVMFStatus GetFrameTypeFromKvp(PvmiKvpSharedPtr aKvp, OSCL_String& aFrameID, PVID3FrameType& aFrameType);
    832         /**
    833          * @brief Gets frame ID and frame type from kvp
    834          * @param aKvp  key value pair structure
    835          * @param aFrameID frame ID
    836          * @param aFrameType frame type
    837          * @return Completion status.
    838          */
    839         PVMFStatus GetFrameTypeFromKvp(const PvmiKvp& aKvp, OSCL_String& aFrameID, PVID3FrameType& aFrameType);
    841         /**
    842          * @brief Get Size of ID3 frame stored in kvp.
    843          * @param akvp shared pointer to kvp
    844          * @param aValueType type of value stored in kvp
    845          * @param aCharSet character set of value
    846          * @param aSize size of the frame
    847          * @return Completion Status
    848          */
    849         PVMFStatus GetID3v2FrameDataSize(PvmiKvpSharedPtr aKvp, PvmiKvpValueType aValueType,
    850                                          PVID3CharacterSet aCharSet, uint32& aSize);
    852         /**
    853          * @brief compose ID3 V2 tag
    854          * @param aTag reference counter to memory fragment
    855          * @return Completion Status
    856          */
    857         PVMFStatus ComposeID3v2Tag(OsclRefCounterMemFrag& aTag);
    859         /**
    860          * @brief push frame to supplied frame vector
    861          * @param aFrame Frame to be pushed
    862          * @param aFrameVector vector in which frame is to be pushed
    863          * @return Completion Status
    864          */
    865         PVMFStatus PushFrameToFrameVector(PvmiKvpSharedPtr& aFrame, PvmiKvpSharedPtrVector& aFrameVector);
    866         /**
    867          * @brief Allocate array of specified size and type of elements
    868          * @param aValueType, type of array elements
    869          * @param aNumElements, size of required array
    870          * @return aLeaveCode, err code
    871          * @return buffer, pointer to allocated buffer
    872          */
    873         OsclAny* AllocateValueArray(int32& aLeaveCode, PvmiKvpValueType aValueType, int32 aNumElements, OsclMemAllocator* aMemAllocator = NULL);
    875         /**
    876          * @brief Allocate kvp and handle leave
    877          * @param aValueType, type of array elements
    878          * @param aValueSize, value size of required kvp
    879          * @return aStatus, err code
    880          * @return truncate, returns false if specified memory is not allocated, else true
    881          */
    882         PvmiKvpSharedPtr HandleErrorForKVPAllocation(OSCL_String& aKey, PvmiKvpValueType aValueType, uint32 aValueSize, bool &truncate, PVMFStatus &aStatus);
    884     private:
    886         // Variables for parsing
    887         PVFile* iInputFile;
    888         TID3TagInfo iID3TagInfo;
    889         bool iTitleFoundFlag;
    890         bool iArtistFoundFlag;
    891         bool iAlbumFoundFlag;
    892         bool iYearFoundFlag;
    893         bool iCommentFoundFlag;
    894         bool iTrackNumberFoundFlag;
    895         bool iGenereFoundFlag;
    896         int32 iFileSizeInBytes;
    897         uint32 iByteOffsetToStartOfAudioFrames;
    899         bool iID3V1Present;
    900         bool iID3V2Present;
    901         // Variables for composing
    902         PVID3Version iVersion;
    903         PvmiKvpSharedPtrVector iFrames;
    904         bool iUseMaxTagSize;
    905         uint32 iMaxTagSize;
    906         bool iUsePadding;
    907         bool iTagAtBof;
    908         bool iSeekFrameFound;
    910         OsclMemAllocator iAlloc;
    911         PVLogger* iLogger;
    912 };
    914 #endif // PV_ID3_PARCOM_H_INCLUDED