/external/webkit/WebCore/platform/qt/ |
RenderThemeQt.cpp | 238 case CheckboxPart: 240 case RadioPart: 242 case PushButtonPart: 243 case ButtonPart: { 248 case MenulistPart: 301 case CheckboxPart: { 308 case RadioPart: { 315 case PushButtonPart: 316 case ButtonPart: { 335 case MenulistPart: [all...] |
/frameworks/base/media/libstagefright/codecs/avc/dec/src/ |
header.cpp | [all...] |
/external/libpng/ |
ltmain.sh | 60 # When reporting a bug, please describe a test case to reproduce it and 89 case `(set -o) 2>/dev/null` in *posix*) set -o posix;; esac 182 # func_echo (imagine progname=-n), so we prepend ./ in that case: 185 case $progname in 190 case $progpath in 315 case $my_directory_path in 326 case $my_directory_path in */*) ;; *) break ;; esac 338 # stop in that case! 393 case $1 in 400 case $func_quote_for_eval_unquoted_result i [all...] |
/build/tools/droiddoc/templates/assets/ |
prettify.js | 3 var aa="!",ba="!=",ca="!==",F="#",da="%",ea="%=",G="&",fa="&&",ja="&&=",ka="&=",H="(",la="*",ma="*=",na="+=",oa=",",pa="-=",qa="->",ra="/",sa="/=",ta=":",ua="::",va=";",I="<",wa="<<",xa="<<=",ya="<=",za="=",Aa="==",Ba="===",J=">",Ca=">=",Da=">>",Ea=">>=",Fa=">>>",Ga=">>>=",Ha="?",Ia="@",L="[",M="^",Ta="^=",Ua="^^",Va="^^=",Wa="{",O="|",Xa="|=",Ya="||",Za="||=",$a="~",ab="break",bb="case",cb="continue",db="delete",eb="do",fb="else",gb="finally",hb="instanceof",ib="return",jb="throw",kb="try",lb="typeof", 5 dc="(?:",ec=")",fc="gi",gc="PRE",hc='<!DOCTYPE foo PUBLIC "foo bar">\n<foo />',ic="\t",jc="\n",kc="[^<]+|<!--[\\s\\S]*?--\>|<!\\[CDATA\\[[\\s\\S]*?\\]\\]>|</?[a-zA-Z][^>]*>|<",lc="nocode",mc=' $1="$2$3$4"',S="pln",nc="string",T="lang-",oc="src",U="str",pc="'\"",qc="'\"`",rc="\"'",V="com",sc="lang-regex",tc="(/(?=[^/*])(?:[^/\\x5B\\x5C]|\\x5C[\\s\\S]|\\x5B(?:[^\\x5C\\x5D]|\\x5C[\\s\\S])*(?:\\x5D|$))+/)",uc="kwd",vc="^(?:",wc=")\\b",xc=" \r\n\t\u00a0",yc="lit",zc="typ",Ac="0123456789",Y="pun",Bc="break continue do else for if return while auto case char const default double enum extern float goto int long register short signed sizeof static struct switch typedef union unsigned void volatile catch class delete false import new operator private protected public this throw true try alignof align_union asm axiom bool concept concept_map const_cast constexpr decltype dynamic_cast explicit export friend inline late_check mutable namespace nullptr reinterpret_cast static_assert static_cast template typeid typename typeof using virtual wchar_t where break continue do else for if return while auto case char const default double enum extern float goto int long register short signed sizeof static struct switch typedef union unsigned void volatile catch class delete false import new operator private protected public this throw true try boolean byte extends final finally implements import instanceof null native package strictfp super synchronized throws transient as base by checked decimal delegate descending event fixed foreach from group implicit in interface internal into is lock object out override orderby params partial readonly ref sbyte sealed stackalloc string select uint ulong unchecked unsafe ushort var break continue do else for if return while auto case char const default double enum extern float goto int long register short signed sizeof static struct switch typedef union unsigned void volatile catch class delete false import new operator private protected public this throw true try debugger eval export function get null set undefined var with Infinity NaN caller delete die do dump elsif eval exit foreach for goto if import last local my next no our print package redo require sub undef unless until use wantarray while BEGIN END break continue do else for if return while and as assert class def del elif except exec finally from global import in is lambda nonlocal not or pass print raise try with yield False True None break continue do else for if return while alias and begin case class def defined elsif end ensure false in module next nil not or redo rescue retry self super then true undef unless until when yield BEGIN END break continue do else for if return while case done elif esac eval fi function in local set then until ", 6 Cc="</span>",Dc='<span class="',Ec='">',Fc="$1 ",Gc=" <br />",Hc="<br />",Ic="console",Jc="cannot override language handler %s",Kc="default-markup",Lc="default-code",Mc="dec",Z="lang-js",$="lang-css",Nc="lang-in.tag",Oc="htm",Pc="html",Qc="mxml",Rc="xhtml",Sc="xml",Tc="xsl",Uc=" \t\r\n",Vc="atv",Wc="tag",Xc="atn",Yc="lang-uq.val",Zc="in.tag",$c="uq.val",ad="break continue do else for if return while auto case char const default double enum extern float goto int long register short signed sizeof static struct switch typedef union unsigned void volatile catch class delete false import new operator private protected public this throw true try alignof align_union asm axiom bool concept concept_map const_cast constexpr decltype dynamic_cast explicit export friend inline late_check mutable namespace nullptr reinterpret_cast static_assert static_cast template typeid typename typeof using virtual wchar_t where ", 7 bd="c",cd="cc",dd="cpp",ed="cxx",fd="cyc",gd="m",hd="null true false",id="json",jd="break continue do else for if return while auto case char const default double enum extern float goto int long register short signed sizeof static struct switch typedef union unsigned void volatile catch class delete false import new operator private protected public this throw true try boolean byte extends final finally implements import instanceof null native package strictfp super synchronized throws transient as base by checked decimal delegate descending event fixed foreach from group implicit in interface internal into is lock object out override orderby params partial readonly ref sbyte sealed stackalloc string select uint ulong unchecked unsafe ushort var ", 8 kd="cs",ld="break continue do else for if return while auto case char const default double enum extern float goto int long register short signed sizeof static struct switch typedef union unsigned void volatile catch class delete false import new operator private protected public this throw true try boolean byte extends final finally implements import instanceof null native package strictfp super synchronized throws transient ",md="java",nd="break continue do else for if return while case done elif esac eval fi function in local set then until " [all...] |
/external/opencore/nodes/pvcommsionode/src/ |
pv_comms_io_node.cpp | 421 case EQueryCapability: 458 case EInit: 473 case EStart: 494 case EPause: 509 case EStop: 700 case PVMF_GENERIC_NODE_CANCELALLCOMMANDS: 704 case PVMF_GENERIC_NODE_CANCELCOMMAND: 742 case PVMF_GENERIC_NODE_QUERYUUID: 746 case PVMF_GENERIC_NODE_QUERYINTERFACE: 750 case PVMF_GENERIC_NODE_REQUESTPORT [all...] |
/external/speex/libspeex/ |
preprocess.c | 786 /* Special case for first frame */ [all...] |
/external/tcpdump/ |
print-smb.c | 122 case 1: 125 case 2: 128 case 0x105: 254 case 0xF: 260 case 0x1: 266 case 0x2: 272 case 0xc: 278 case 0x8: 284 case 0xb: 290 case 0x9 [all...] |
/bionic/libm/src/ |
e_lgamma_r.c | 191 case 0: y = __kernel_sin(pi*y,zero,0); break; 192 case 1: 193 case 2: y = __kernel_cos(pi*(0.5-y),zero); break; 194 case 3: 195 case 4: y = __kernel_sin(pi*(one-y),zero,0); break; 196 case 5: 197 case 6: y = -__kernel_cos(pi*(y-1.5),zero); break; 249 case 0: 255 case 1: 263 case 2: [all...] |
/bionic/linker/ |
linker_format.c | 367 /* special case for 0 */ 504 case 'h': 512 case 'l': 520 case 'z': 524 case 't': 528 case 'p': 560 case 1: value = (uint8_t) va_arg(args, int); break; 561 case 2: value = (uint16_t) va_arg(args, int); break; 562 case 4: value = va_arg(args, uint32_t); break; 563 case 8: value = va_arg(args, uint64_t); break [all...] |
/dalvik/vm/analysis/ |
VerifySubs.c | 417 case OP_GOTO: 421 case OP_GOTO_32: 425 case OP_GOTO_16: 429 case OP_IF_EQ: 430 case OP_IF_NE: 431 case OP_IF_LT: 432 case OP_IF_GE: 433 case OP_IF_GT: 434 case OP_IF_LE: 435 case OP_IF_EQZ [all...] |
/external/bluetooth/bluez/tools/ |
/external/e2fsprogs/misc/ |
uuidd.c | 322 case UUIDD_OP_GETPID: 326 case UUIDD_OP_GET_MAXOP: 330 case UUIDD_OP_TIME_UUID: 340 case UUIDD_OP_RANDOM_UUID: 350 case UUIDD_OP_BULK_TIME_UUID: 362 case UUIDD_OP_BULK_RANDOM_UUID: 416 case 'd': 420 case 'k': 424 case 'n': 430 case 'p' [all...] |
/external/fdlibm/ |
e_lgamma_r.c | 193 case 0: y = __kernel_sin(pi*y,zero,0); break; 194 case 1: 195 case 2: y = __kernel_cos(pi*(0.5-y),zero); break; 196 case 3: 197 case 4: y = __kernel_sin(pi*(one-y),zero,0); break; 198 case 5: 199 case 6: y = -__kernel_cos(pi*(y-1.5),zero); break; 256 case 0: 262 case 1: 270 case 2: [all...] |
/external/stlport/src/details/ |
fstream_win32io.cpp | 50 case O_RDONLY: 52 case O_WRONLY: 54 case O_RDWR: 229 case ios_base::out: 230 case ios_base::out | ios_base::trunc: 237 case ios_base::out | ios_base::app: 241 case ios_base::in: 246 case ios_base::in | ios_base::out: 250 case ios_base::in | ios_base::out | ios_base::trunc: 436 /* This case is tedious, we coul [all...] |
/external/webkit/WebCore/inspector/front-end/ |
Resource.js | 116 case this.Document: 118 case this.Stylesheet: 120 case this.Image: 122 case this.Font: 124 case this.Script: 126 case this.XHR: 128 case this.Other: 382 case WebInspector.Resource.Type.Document: 385 case WebInspector.Resource.Type.Stylesheet: 388 case WebInspector.Resource.Type.Script [all...] |
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/server/ |
BluetoothA2dpService.java | 87 case BluetoothAdapter.STATE_ON: 90 case BluetoothAdapter.STATE_TURNING_OFF: 98 case BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDED: 103 case BluetoothDevice.BOND_NONE: 205 case MESSAGE_CONNECT_TO: 292 case BluetoothA2dp.STATE_CONNECTING: 293 case BluetoothA2dp.STATE_CONNECTED: 294 case BluetoothA2dp.STATE_PLAYING: 299 case BluetoothA2dp.STATE_DISCONNECTING: 333 case BluetoothA2dp.STATE_CONNECTED [all...] |
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/speech/ |
SpeechRecognizer.java | 110 case MSG_START: 113 case MSG_STOP: 116 case MSG_CANCEL: 119 case MSG_CHANGE_LISTENER: 280 * stopped speaking at this point. Note that in the default case, this does not need to be 283 * using the intent extras defined in {@link RecognizerIntent}, in which case you may sometimes 412 case MSG_BEGINNING_OF_SPEECH: 415 case MSG_BUFFER_RECEIVED: 418 case MSG_END_OF_SPEECH: 421 case MSG_ERROR [all...] |
/frameworks/base/core/tests/coretests/src/android/app/ |
SearchablesTest.java | 301 case SEARCHABLES_PASSTHROUGH: 302 case SEARCHABLES_MOCK_ZERO: 334 case SEARCHABLES_PASSTHROUGH: 336 case SEARCHABLES_MOCK_ZERO: 349 case SEARCHABLES_PASSTHROUGH: 351 case SEARCHABLES_MOCK_ZERO: 366 * may be null, in which case the application information will be retrieved 380 case SEARCHABLES_PASSTHROUGH: 382 case SEARCHABLES_MOCK_ZERO: 403 case SEARCHABLES_PASSTHROUGH [all...] |
/frameworks/base/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/ |
IccProvider.java | 238 case ADN: 242 case FDN: 246 case SDN: 285 case ADN: 286 case FDN: 287 case SDN: 305 case ADN: 309 case FDN: 330 case ADN: 334 case FDN [all...] |
/hardware/ti/omap3/liboverlay/ |
/external/strace/ |
syscall.c | 188 case 0: 200 case 1: 213 case 2: 452 case SYS_read: 454 case SYS_pread64: 457 case SYS_pread: 460 case SYS_recv: 462 case SYS_sub_recv: 465 case SYS_recvfrom: 467 case SYS_sub_recvfrom [all...] |
/external/webkit/JavaScriptCore/pcre/ |
pcre_compile.cpp | 210 case '1': 211 case '2': 212 case '3': 213 case '4': 214 case '5': 215 case '6': 216 case '7': 217 case '8': 218 case '9': 220 unless there are insufficient brackets, in which case they are octa [all...] |
/hardware/ti/omap3/omx/video/src/openmax_il/video_encode/test/ |
VideoEncTest.c | 689 case VIDENCTEST_StateReady: 690 case VIDENCTEST_StateStarting: 691 case VIDENCTEST_StateEncoding: 692 case VIDENCTEST_StateStopping: 693 case VIDENCTEST_StateConfirm: 694 case VIDENCTEST_StatePause: 695 case VIDENCTEST_StateStop: 696 case VIDENCTEST_StateWaitEvent: 720 case VIDENCTEST_StateLoaded: 770 case VIDENCTEST_StateUnLoad [all...] |
/external/opencore/nodes/pvmediaoutputnode/src/ |
pv_media_output_node.cpp | 47 //case one wants to decode and render ASAP) 574 case EQueryCapability: 582 case EQueryClockExtension: 604 case EInit: 612 case EStart: 620 case EPause: 628 case EStop: 636 case EDiscard: 655 case EReset: 780 case PVMF_GENERIC_NODE_INIT [all...] |
/external/openssl/ssl/ |
d1_srvr.c | 177 case SSL_ST_RENEGOTIATE: 181 case SSL_ST_BEFORE: 182 case SSL_ST_ACCEPT: 183 case SSL_ST_BEFORE|SSL_ST_ACCEPT: 184 case SSL_ST_OK|SSL_ST_ACCEPT: 240 case SSL3_ST_SW_HELLO_REQ_A: 241 case SSL3_ST_SW_HELLO_REQ_B: 254 case SSL3_ST_SW_HELLO_REQ_C: 258 case SSL3_ST_SR_CLNT_HELLO_A: 259 case SSL3_ST_SR_CLNT_HELLO_B [all...] |