/external/icu4c/test/intltest/ |
apicoll.cpp | 52 errln(UnicodeString("ERROR : ") + message); 78 test.errln("error: Collator::createInstance(\"%s\", (%s collator)->getVersion()) returns a different collator\n", locale.getName(), locale.getName()); 82 test.errln("error: Collator::createInstance(\"%s\", (%s collator)->getVersion()) fails: %s\n", locale.getName(), locale.getName(), u_errorName(errorCode)); 124 errln("Testing ucol_getVersion() - unexpected result: %d.%d.%d.%d", 196 errln("Creating French collation failed."); 219 errln("Junk collation creation failed, should at least return default."); 228 errln("Creating default collator failed."); 238 errln("Creating French collator failed."); 272 errln("error: ucol_openVersion(bogus version) succeeded"); 299 errln("RuleBased Collator creation failed.\n") [all...] |
incaltst.cpp | 165 errln((UnicodeString)"cal's tz " + tz1 + " != grego's tz " + tz2); 191 errln(UnicodeString("Fail: (fields to millis)") + era + ":" + year + "/" + (month+1) + "/" + dayOfMonth + 209 errln((UnicodeString)"Fail: (millis to fields)" + D + " => " + cal.get(UCAL_ERA, status) + ":" + 242 errln((UnicodeString)"Error: Calendar time " + timeCal + 295 errln((UnicodeString)"Error: Calendar time " + timeCal + 346 errln((UnicodeString)"Error: Calendar time " + timeCal + 399 errln((UnicodeString)"Error: Calendar time " + timeCal + 421 errln("Coudln't create en_US instance"); 431 errln("Expected " + escape(expected) + " but got " + escape(str)); 437 errln("Parse incorrect of " + escape(expected) + " - wanted " + aDate + " but got " + otherDate + ", " (…) [all...] |
tztest.cpp | 82 if (zone->useDaylightTime()) errln("FAIL: useDaylightTime should return FALSE"); 85 if (!(*zoneclone == *zone)) errln("FAIL: clone or operator== failed"); 87 if (!(*zoneclone != *zone)) errln("FAIL: clone or operator!= failed"); 91 if (!(*zoneclone == *zone)) errln("FAIL: clone or operator== failed"); 93 if (!(*zoneclone != *zone)) errln("FAIL: clone or operator!= failed"); 96 if (!(copy == *zone)) errln("FAIL: copy constructor or operator== failed"); 98 if (!(copy == *zoneclone)) errln("FAIL: assignment operator or operator== failed"); 114 errln("FAIL: t_timezone may be incorrect. It is not 28800"); 118 errln("FAIL: t_timezone may be incorrect. It is not a multiple of 15min. It is %d", tzoffset); 125 errln("FAIL: createDefault failed") [all...] |
transtst.cpp | 224 errln(UnicodeString("FAIL: getAvailableID(") + 229 errln(UnicodeString("FAIL: getAvailableID(") + 240 errln(UnicodeString("FAIL: Couldn't create ") + id + 264 errln(UnicodeString("FAIL: ") + id + 287 errln("FAIL: " + id + " returned a transliterator"); 415 errln("FAIL: RBT constructor failed"); 440 errln("FAIL: RBT constructor failed"); 472 errln("FAIL: RBT constructor failed"); 520 errln("FAIL: RBT constructor failed"); 556 errln(UnicodeString("FAIL: ") + log + ", expected " + DATA[i+1]) [all...] |
numfmtst.cpp | 139 errln("Yuck... Formatted a duck... As a number!"); 148 errln("format int64_t error"); 190 errln("NumberFormat::format(int64, UnicodString&, FieldPosition&) should delegate to (int32, ,)"); 210 if (U_FAILURE(status)) { errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: DecimalFormat constructor failed for " + pat[i]); continue; } 213 errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: Pattern " + pat[i] + " should transmute to " + newpat[i] + 219 errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: Pattern " + pat[i] + " should format zero as " + num[i] + 242 errln("digitlist append, operator!= or set failed "); 245 errln("digitlist append, operator== or set failed "); 345 if (U_FAILURE(status)) { errln("FAIL: Bad status returned by DecimalFormat ct"); continue; } 355 errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: Expected " + valFormat[v+ival]) [all...] |
callimts.cpp | 64 errln("FAIL:round trip for large milli, got: %.1lf wanted: %.1lf. (delta %.2lf greater than %.2lf)", 179 errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: Wrong calendar type: " + cal->getType() 215 errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: [" + calType + "] Maximum value of DAY_OF_YEAR is too big: " 220 errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: [" + calType + "] Least maximum value of DAY_OF_YEAR is too small: " 228 errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: [" + calType + "] Maximum value of WEEK_OF_YEAR is too big: " 233 errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: [" + calType + "] Least maximum value of WEEK_OF_YEAR is too small: " 240 errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: [" + calType + "] Maximum value of DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH is incorrect: " 245 errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: [" + calType + "] Least maximum value of DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH is incorrect: " 252 errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: [" + calType + "] Maximum value of WEEK_OF_MONTH is incorrect: " 257 errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL: [" + calType + "] Least maximum value of WEEK_OF_MONTH is incorrect: [all...] |
canittst.cpp | 78 errln("CanonicalIterator::getStaticClassId ! = CanonicalIterator.getDynamicClassID"); 166 errln("Couldn't instantiate canonical iterator. Error: %s", u_errorName(status)); 199 errln("FAIL CanonicalIterator: " + s + (int)ch); 205 errln("FAIL: " + message + getReadable(item)); 206 errln("\t" + getReadable(a)); 207 errln("\t" + getReadable(b)); 309 errln("CanonicalIterator.getSource() didn't return the starting string. Expected "+start+", got "+source); 321 errln("Next after instantiation ("+next+") is different from next after reset ("+afterReset+")."); 326 errln("RTTI failed for CanonicalIterator getDynamicClassID != getStaticClassID");
allcoll.cpp | 111 errln("Failure in setting attribute for normalization mode\n"); 162 errln("ERROR: Failed to create the collator for : en_US\n"); 170 errln("Comparing two strings with only secondary differences in C failed.\n"); 178 errln("Comparing two strings with no differences in C failed.\n"); 188 errln("Comparing two strings with sort keys in C failed.\n");
convtest.cpp | 58 errln("unable to open UTF-8 converter"); 102 errln("error retrieving conversion/toUnicode test case %d - %s", 124 errln("toUnicode[%d] unicode[%d] and offsets[%d] must have the same length", 175 errln("error parsing conversion/toUnicode test case %d - %s", 215 errln("error retrieving conversion/fromUnicode test case %d - %s", 237 errln("fromUnicode[%d] bytes[%d] and offsets[%d] must have the same length", 328 errln("error parsing conversion/fromUnicode test case %d - %s", 371 errln("error retrieving conversion/getUnicodeSet test case %d - %s", 386 errln("error parsing conversion/getUnicodeSet test case %d - %s", 399 errln("error creating the map set for conversion/getUnicodeSet test case %d - %s\n [all...] |
itspoof.cpp | 22 errln("Test Failure at file %s, line %d: \"%s\" is false.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, #expr);};} 25 errln("Test Failure at file %s, line %d: \"%s\" (%d) != \"%s\" (%d) \n", \ 29 errln("Test Failure at file %s, line %d: \"%s\" (%d) == \"%s\" (%d) \n", \ 202 errln("File %s, Line %d, Test case from line %d, status is %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, lineNum, 207 errln("File %s, Line %d, Test case from line %d, Actual and Expected skeletons differ.", 209 errln(UnicodeString(" Actual Skeleton: \"") + actual + UnicodeString("\"\n") +
caltztst.h | 29 // of calling errln(). Msg should be of the form "Class::Method" in general. 53 // the 'get()' functions are not static because they can call errln().
idnaconf.cpp | 70 errln("%s", u_errorName(status)); 89 errln("Error reading test data file."); 97 errln("Error reading test data file."); 127 errln("UConverter error: %s", u_errorName(status)); 226 errln("Incomplete record"); 253 errln(id); 268 errln(id); 290 errln("End of file prematurely found");
restsnew.cpp | 36 #define CONFIRM_EQ(actual,expected) if ((expected)==(actual)) { record_pass(); } else { record_fail(); errln(action + (UnicodeString)" returned " + (actual) + (UnicodeString)" instead of " + (expected)); } 37 #define CONFIRM_GE(actual,expected) if ((actual)>=(expected)) { record_pass(); } else { record_fail(); errln(action + (UnicodeString)" returned " + (actual) + (UnicodeString)" instead of x >= " + (expected)); } 38 #define CONFIRM_NE(actual,expected) if ((expected)!=(actual)) { record_pass(); } else { record_fail(); errln(action + (UnicodeString)" returned " + (actual) + (UnicodeString)" instead of x != " + (expected)); } 40 #define CONFIRM_UErrorCode(actual,expected) if ((expected)==(actual)) { record_pass(); } else { record_fail(); errln(action + (UnicodeString)" returned " + (UnicodeString)u_errorName(actual) + (UnicodeString)" instead of " + (UnicodeString)u_errorName(expected)); } 256 errln("Something threw an error in TestConstruction()"); 264 errln("Construction test failed; run verbose for more information"); 284 errln("getVersionNumber(version1) failed. %s != %s", version1, versionID1); 287 errln("getVersionNumber(version2) failed. %s != %s", version2, versionID2); 318 errln("Construction failed"); 397 errln("ERROR: getNext() throw an error") [all...] |
itrbnf.cpp | 115 errln((UnicodeString)"expected '" + TestUtility::hex(expected) + "'\nbut got: '" + TestUtility::hex(result) + "'"); 119 // errln("expected 123.45 but got: %g", parseResult.getDouble()); 128 errln((UnicodeString)"expected '" + TestUtility::hex(expected) + "'\nbut got: '" + TestUtility::hex(result) + "'"); 133 // errln("expected 123.0045 but got: %g", parseResult.getDouble()); 161 errln("Clone should be semantically equivalent to the original!"); 165 errln("Cloning failed!"); 175 errln("Assignment result should be semantically equivalent to the original!"); 184 errln("Unable to access resource bundle with data!"); 202 errln("Unable to access the rules string!"); 207 errln("Formatter constructed from the original rules should be semantically equivalent to the original!" (…) [all...] |
icusvtst.cpp | 192 errln(message); 210 errln(temp); 227 errln(temp); 244 errln(temp); 261 errln(temp); 294 errln(temp); 304 errln(message + " lhs: " + lhs + " rhs: " + rhs); 316 errln("Error " + message + "string is NULL"); 688 errln("could not find " + *id); 767 errln("30) service could not find entry for " + id) [all...] |
rndmcoll.cpp | 76 errln("TestWbnf is incorrectly implemented.\nThis test should be modeled to use the existing test frame work for naming tests.\n"); 138 errln("This test needs to be fixed.\n"); 142 errln("The test code itself is wrong."); 164 errln( "Could not create Collator for the %d(th) generated rule.\n"
tchcfmt.cpp | 76 errln("ERROR: ==operator failed\n"); 79 errln("ERROR: ==operator failed\n"); 89 errln("getLimits didn't update the count correctly\n"); 93 errln((UnicodeString)"getLimits didn't get the limits correctly. Expected " + limits[ix] + " Got " + gotLimits[ix]); 101 errln("getFormats didn't update the count correctly\n"); 105 errln((UnicodeString)"getFormats didn't get the Formats correctly. Expected " + monthNames[ix] + " Got " + gotFormats[ix]); 470 errln("FAIL: ChoiceFormat constructor failed"); 480 errln("FAIL: " + str + ", expected " + PAT); 486 errln("FAIL: fmt1 != fmt2"); 495 errln("FAIL: couldn't get limits or closures") [all...] |
windttst.cpp | 159 log->errln("DateTime format error for locale " + baseName + ": expected date \"" + expected + 167 log->errln("DateTime format error for locale " + baseName + ": expected time \"" + expected + 175 log->errln("Date format error for locale " + baseName + ": expected \"" + expected + 183 log->errln("Time format error for locale " + baseName + ": expected \"" + expected +
testidn.cpp | 129 test.errln( "Could not open file %s for reading \n", filename); 214 test.errln( "testidn error: u_parseDelimitedFile(\"%s\") failed - %s\n", filename, u_errorName(*pErrorCode)); 312 test.errln("The return value for 0x%06X is wrong. %i\n",i,result); 342 pTestIDNA->errln( "Did not get the assigned type for codepoint 0x%08X. Expected: %i Got: %i\n",codepoint, USPREP_MAP, type); 376 pTestIDNA->errln( "Did not get the expected length. Expected: %i Got: %i\n", mapLength, length); 383 pTestIDNA->errln("Did not get the expected result. Expected: 0x%04X Got: 0x%04X \n", mapping[i], mappingData[index+i]); 390 pTestIDNA->errln( "Did not get the expected result. Expected: 0x%04X 0x%04X Got: 0x%04X 0x%04X", lead, trail, mappingData[index+i], mappingData[index+i+1]); 396 pTestIDNA->errln("Did not get the expected result. Expected: 0x%04X Got: 0x%04X \n", mapping[0],(codepoint-delta)); 433 pTestIDNA->errln( "FAIL: Did not get the expected type for 0x%06X. Expected: %s Got: %s\n",start,usprepTypeNames[type], usprepTypeNames[retType]); 437 pTestIDNA->errln( "FAIL: Did not get the expected type for 0x%06X. Expected: %s Got: %s\n",start,usprepTypeNames[ty (…) [all...] |
testidna.cpp | 441 errln("Failed. Expected: " + prettify(UnicodeString(transOut, transOutLength)) 479 errln("Did not get the expected result for "+UnicodeString(testName) +" null terminated source. Expected : " 485 errln( "%s null terminated source failed. Requires destCapacity > 300\n",testName); 509 //errln("Did not get the expected result for %s null terminated source with both options set.\n",testName); 510 errln("Did not get the expected result for "+UnicodeString(testName) + 519 errln( "%s null terminated source failed. Requires destCapacity > 300\n",testName); 524 errln( "Did not get the expected error for "+ 544 errln("Did not get the expected result for %s with source length.\n",testName); 547 errln( "%s with source length failed. Requires destCapacity > 300\n",testName); 552 errln( "Did not get the expected error for " [all...] |
itrbnfrt.cpp | 302 errln(buf); 311 errln(buf); 329 errln(buf); 343 errln(msg); 358 errln("*** RBNF currently disabled on this platform ***\n");
dtfmtrtts.cpp | 66 errln(UnicodeString("FAIL: ") + msg + " failed, error " + u_errorName(status)); 79 errln(UnicodeString("FAIL: ") + msg + " failed, error " + u_errorName(status) + ", str=" + escaped); 118 errln("Round trip failure: \"%S\" (%f), \"%S\" (%f)", result[0].getBuffer(), date[1], result[1].getBuffer(), date[2]); 234 errln(UnicodeString("Could not DF::createDateInstance ") + UnicodeString(styleName((DateFormat::EStyle)style)) + " Locale: " + loc.getDisplayName(temp)); 247 errln(UnicodeString("Could not DF::createTimeInstance ") + UnicodeString(styleName((DateFormat::EStyle)style)) + " Locale: " + loc.getDisplayName(temp)); 275 errln("DateFormat wasn't a SimpleDateFormat"); 283 errln((UnicodeString)"Failure getting min date for " + origLocale.getName()); 341 errln("FAIL: fmt->format gave 0-length string in " + pat + " with number " + d[loop] + " in locale " + origLocale.getName()); 352 errln("FAIL: String mismatch after match"); 363 errln("FAIL: Date mismatch after match") [all...] |
jamotest.cpp | 78 errln("FAIL: createInverse() returned 0"); 164 errln("FAIL: createInstance failed"); 172 errln("FAIL: createInstance failed"); 188 errln("FAIL: createInstance failed"); 196 errln("FAIL: createInstance failed"); 204 errln("FAIL: createInstance failed"); 212 errln("FAIL: createInstance failed"); 220 errln("FAIL: createInstance failed"); 228 errln("FAIL: createInstance failed"); 385 errln("FAIL: createInverse returned NULL") [all...] |
rbbitst.cpp | 38 errln("Failure in file %s, line %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);}} 232 test->errln("%s, tag mismatch. Test Line = %d, expected tag=%d, got %d", 260 test->errln("%s unexpected break at offset %d in test item from line %d. actual break: %d expected break: %d", heading, o, line, actual, expected); 262 test->errln("%s Failed to find break at end of item from line %d. actual break: %d expected break: %d", heading, line, actual, expected); 374 errln("FAIL: expected break at %d, got %d\n", bounds1[i], pos); 380 errln("FAIL: break at %d, expected tag %d, got tag %d\n", pos, brkStatus[i], tag); 575 errln("Fail at file %s, line %d expected start of word at 4, got %d", 580 errln("Fail at file %s, line %d expected start of word at 4, got %d", 620 errln("Can't open test data. Path too long."); 655 errln("Error creating MutableTrieDictionary: %s\n", u_errorName(status)) [all...] |
reptest.cpp | 246 errln("Replaceable::clone() does not return NULL"); 251 errln("Replaceable::hasMetaData() does not return TRUE"); 259 errln("noop2.Replaceable::clone() does not return NULL"); 267 errln("noop3.Replaceable::clone() does not return NULL"); 301 errln(" transliterator."); 308 errln("FAIL Styles: " + transliteratorName + "{" + original + "} => "