/packages/apps/Music/res/values-de/ |
strings.xml | 24 <item quantity="other" msgid="5798230388116542981">"<xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> Titel"</item> 27 <item quantity="other" msgid="7162294486622945550">"<xliff:g id="COUNT_FOR_ARTIST">%2$d</xliff:g> von \n<xliff:g id="TOTAL_COUNT">%1$d</xliff:g> Liedern"</item> 30 <item quantity="one" msgid="3798955510439465932">"1 Album"</item> 31 <item quantity="other" msgid="3047615499770811984">"<xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> Alben"</item> 45 <item quantity="one" msgid="8560276109508404217">"1 Titel wurde gelöscht."</item> [all...] |
/packages/apps/Music/res/values-es/ |
strings.xml | 24 <item quantity="other" msgid="5798230388116542981">"<xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> canciones"</item> 27 <item quantity="other" msgid="7162294486622945550">"<xliff:g id="COUNT_FOR_ARTIST">%2$d</xliff:g> de <xliff:g id="TOTAL_COUNT">%1$d</xliff:g> canciones"</item> 30 <item quantity="one" msgid="3798955510439465932">"1 álbum"</item> 31 <item quantity="other" msgid="3047615499770811984">"<xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> álbumes"</item> 45 <item quantity="one" msgid="8560276109508404217">"Se ha eliminado una canción."</item> [all...] |
/packages/apps/Music/res/values-es-rUS/ |
strings.xml | 24 <item quantity="other" msgid="5798230388116542981">"<xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> canciones"</item> 27 <item quantity="other" msgid="7162294486622945550">"<xliff:g id="COUNT_FOR_ARTIST">%2$d</xliff:g> de <xliff:g id="TOTAL_COUNT">%1$d</xliff:g> canciones"</item> 30 <item quantity="one" msgid="3798955510439465932">"1 álbum"</item> 31 <item quantity="other" msgid="3047615499770811984">"<xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> álbumes"</item> 45 <item quantity="one" msgid="8560276109508404217">"Se eliminó 1 canción."</item> [all...] |
/packages/apps/Music/res/values-fr/ |
strings.xml | 24 <item quantity="other" msgid="5798230388116542981">"<xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> chansons"</item> 27 <item quantity="other" msgid="7162294486622945550">"<xliff:g id="COUNT_FOR_ARTIST">%2$d</xliff:g> chansons sur <xliff:g id="TOTAL_COUNT">%1$d</xliff:g>"</item> 30 <item quantity="one" msgid="3798955510439465932">"1 album"</item> 31 <item quantity="other" msgid="3047615499770811984">"<xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> albums"</item> 45 <item quantity="one" msgid="8560276109508404217">"1 chanson a été supprimée."</item> [all...] |
/packages/apps/Music/res/values-it/ |
strings.xml | 24 <item quantity="other" msgid="5798230388116542981">"<xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> brani"</item> 27 <item quantity="other" msgid="7162294486622945550">"<xliff:g id="COUNT_FOR_ARTIST">%2$d</xliff:g> brani su <xliff:g id="TOTAL_COUNT">%1$d</xliff:g>"</item> 30 <item quantity="one" msgid="3798955510439465932">"1 album"</item> 31 <item quantity="other" msgid="3047615499770811984">"<xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> album"</item> 45 <item quantity="one" msgid="8560276109508404217">"1 brano eliminato."</item> [all...] |
/packages/apps/Music/res/values-nb/ |
strings.xml | 24 <item quantity="other" msgid="5798230388116542981">"<xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> sanger"</item> 27 <item quantity="other" msgid="7162294486622945550">"<xliff:g id="COUNT_FOR_ARTIST">%2$d</xliff:g> av <xliff:g id="TOTAL_COUNT">%1$d</xliff:g> sanger"</item> 30 <item quantity="one" msgid="3798955510439465932">"1 album"</item> 31 <item quantity="other" msgid="3047615499770811984">"<xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> album"</item> 45 <item quantity="one" msgid="8560276109508404217">"1 sang ble slettet."</item> [all...] |
/packages/apps/Music/res/values-nl/ |
strings.xml | 24 <item quantity="other" msgid="5798230388116542981">"<xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> nummers"</item> 27 <item quantity="other" msgid="7162294486622945550">"<xliff:g id="COUNT_FOR_ARTIST">%2$d</xliff:g> van <xliff:g id="TOTAL_COUNT">%1$d</xliff:g> nummers"</item> 30 <item quantity="one" msgid="3798955510439465932">"1 album"</item> 31 <item quantity="other" msgid="3047615499770811984">"<xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> albums"</item> 45 <item quantity="one" msgid="8560276109508404217">"1 nummer is verwijderd."</item> [all...] |
/packages/apps/Music/res/values-pl/ |
strings.xml | 24 <item quantity="other" msgid="5798230388116542981">"<xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> utworów"</item> 27 <item quantity="other" msgid="7162294486622945550">"<xliff:g id="COUNT_FOR_ARTIST">%2$d</xliff:g> z <xliff:g id="TOTAL_COUNT">%1$d</xliff:g> utworów"</item> 30 <item quantity="one" msgid="3798955510439465932">"1 album"</item> 31 <item quantity="other" msgid="3047615499770811984">"<xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> albumów"</item> 45 <item quantity="one" msgid="8560276109508404217">"1 utwór zosta? usuni?ty."</item> [all...] |
/packages/apps/Music/res/values-pt/ |
strings.xml | 24 <item quantity="other" msgid="5798230388116542981">"<xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> músicas"</item> 27 <item quantity="other" msgid="7162294486622945550">"<xliff:g id="COUNT_FOR_ARTIST">%2$d</xliff:g> de <xliff:g id="TOTAL_COUNT">%1$d</xliff:g> músicas"</item> 30 <item quantity="one" msgid="3798955510439465932">"1 álbum"</item> 31 <item quantity="other" msgid="3047615499770811984">"<xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> álbuns"</item> 45 <item quantity="one" msgid="8560276109508404217">"1 música foi excluída."</item> [all...] |
/packages/apps/Music/res/values-pt-rPT/ |
strings.xml | 24 <item quantity="other" msgid="5798230388116542981">"<xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> músicas"</item> 27 <item quantity="other" msgid="7162294486622945550">"<xliff:g id="COUNT_FOR_ARTIST">%2$d</xliff:g> de <xliff:g id="TOTAL_COUNT">%1$d</xliff:g> músicas"</item> 30 <item quantity="one" msgid="3798955510439465932">"1 álbum"</item> 31 <item quantity="other" msgid="3047615499770811984">"<xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> álbuns"</item> 45 <item quantity="one" msgid="8560276109508404217">"Foi eliminada 1 música."</item> [all...] |
/packages/apps/Music/res/values-sv/ |
strings.xml | 24 <item quantity="other" msgid="5798230388116542981">"<xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> låtar"</item> 27 <item quantity="other" msgid="7162294486622945550">"<xliff:g id="COUNT_FOR_ARTIST">%2$d</xliff:g> av <xliff:g id="TOTAL_COUNT">%1$d</xliff:g> låtar"</item> 30 <item quantity="one" msgid="3798955510439465932">"1 album"</item> 31 <item quantity="other" msgid="3047615499770811984">"<xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> album"</item> 45 <item quantity="one" msgid="8560276109508404217">"1 låt togs bort."</item> [all...] |
/packages/apps/Music/res/values-tr/ |
strings.xml | 24 <item quantity="other" msgid="5798230388116542981">"<xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> ?ark?"</item> 27 <item quantity="other" msgid="7162294486622945550">"<xliff:g id="COUNT_FOR_ARTIST">%2$d</xliff:g> / <xliff:g id="TOTAL_COUNT">%1$d</xliff:g> ?ark?"</item> 30 <item quantity="one" msgid="3798955510439465932">"1 albüm"</item> 31 <item quantity="other" msgid="3047615499770811984">"<xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> albüm"</item> 45 <item quantity="one" msgid="8560276109508404217">"1 ?ark? silindi."</item> [all...] |
/sdk/ddms/app/src/com/android/ddms/ |
DropdownSelectionListener.java | 41 public DropdownSelectionListener(ToolItem item) { 42 mDropdown = item; 43 mMenu = new Menu(item.getParent().getShell(), SWT.POP_UP); 47 * Add an item to the dropdown menu. 50 MenuItem item = new MenuItem(mMenu, SWT.NONE); local 51 item.setText(label); 52 item.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { 69 ToolItem item = (ToolItem) e.widget; local 70 Rectangle rect = item.getBounds(); 71 Point pt = item.getParent().toDisplay(new Point(rect.x, rect.y)) [all...] |
/external/webkit/JavaScriptCore/tests/mozilla/ecma/GlobalObject/ | | 105 var item = 0; 110 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "parseInt.length", 2, parseInt.length ); 111 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "parseInt.length = 0; parseInt.length", 2, eval("parseInt.length = 0; parseInt.length") ); 112 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "var PROPS=''; for ( var p in parseInt ) { PROPS += p; }; PROPS", "", eval("var PROPS=''; for ( var p in parseInt ) { PROPS += p; }; PROPS") ); 113 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "delete parseInt.length", false, delete parseInt.length ); 114 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "delete parseInt.length; parseInt.length", 2, eval("delete parseInt.length; parseInt.length") ); 115 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "parseInt.length = null; parseInt.length", 2, eval("parseInt.length = null; parseInt.length") ); 117 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "parseInt()", NaN, parseInt() ); 118 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "parseInt('')", NaN, parseInt("") ); 119 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "parseInt('','')", NaN, parseInt("","") ) [all...] |
/external/webkit/JavaScriptCore/tests/mozilla/ecma/TypeConversion/ |
9.7.js | 80 var item = 0; 82 array[item++] = new TestCase( "9.7", "String.fromCharCode(0).charCodeAt(0)", 0, String.fromCharCode(0).charCodeAt(0) ); 83 array[item++] = new TestCase( "9.7", "String.fromCharCode(-0).charCodeAt(0)", 0, String.fromCharCode(-0).charCodeAt(0) ); 84 array[item++] = new TestCase( "9.7", "String.fromCharCode(1).charCodeAt(0)", 1, String.fromCharCode(1).charCodeAt(0) ); 85 array[item++] = new TestCase( "9.7", "String.fromCharCode(64).charCodeAt(0)", 64, String.fromCharCode(64).charCodeAt(0) ); 86 array[item++] = new TestCase( "9.7", "String.fromCharCode(126).charCodeAt(0)", 126, String.fromCharCode(126).charCodeAt(0) ); 87 array[item++] = new TestCase( "9.7", "String.fromCharCode(127).charCodeAt(0)", 127, String.fromCharCode(127).charCodeAt(0) ); 88 array[item++] = new TestCase( "9.7", "String.fromCharCode(128).charCodeAt(0)", 128, String.fromCharCode(128).charCodeAt(0) ); 89 array[item++] = new TestCase( "9.7", "String.fromCharCode(130).charCodeAt(0)", 130, String.fromCharCode(130).charCodeAt(0) ); 90 array[item++] = new TestCase( "9.7", "String.fromCharCode(255).charCodeAt(0)", 255, String.fromCh (…) [all...] |
/cts/tools/dex-tools/src/dex/reader/ |
DexFileReader.java | 189 ProtIdItem item = null; local 191 item = new ProtIdItem(); 192 item.shorty_idx = b.readUInt(); 193 item.return_type_idx = b.readUInt(); 194 item.parameter_off = b.readUInt(); 195 protoIdItems[i] = item; 211 FieldIdItem item = null; local 213 item = new FieldIdItem(); 214 item.class_idx = b.readUShort(); 215 item.type_idx = b.readUShort() 233 MethodsIdItem item = null; local 259 ClassDefItem item = null; local [all...] |
/external/webkit/JavaScriptCore/tests/mozilla/ecma/String/ | | 72 var item = 0; 76 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "var foo = new MyObject('hello');foo.charCodeAt(0)", 0x0068, foo.charCodeAt(0) ); 77 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "var foo = new MyObject('hello');foo.charCodeAt(1)", 0x0065, foo.charCodeAt(1) ); 78 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "var foo = new MyObject('hello');foo.charCodeAt(2)", 0x006c, foo.charCodeAt(2) ); 79 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "var foo = new MyObject('hello');foo.charCodeAt(3)", 0x006c, foo.charCodeAt(3) ); 80 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "var foo = new MyObject('hello');foo.charCodeAt(4)", 0x006f, foo.charCodeAt(4) ); 81 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "var foo = new MyObject('hello');foo.charCodeAt(-1)", Number.NaN, foo.charCodeAt(-1) ); 82 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "var foo = new MyObject('hello');foo.charCodeAt(5)", Number.NaN, foo.charCodeAt(5) ); 86 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "var boo = new MyObject(true);boo.charCodeAt(0)", 0x0074, boo.charCodeAt(0) ); 87 array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION, "var boo = new MyObject(true);boo.charCodeAt(1)", 0x0072, boo.charCode (…) [all...] | | 55 var item = 0; 57 for ( i = 0x0020; i < 0x007e; i++, item++) { 58 array[item] = new TestCase( SECTION, 59 "TEST_STRING.charAt("+item+")", 61 TEST_STRING.charAt( item ) ); 63 for ( i = 0x0020; i < 0x007e; i++, item++) { 64 array[item] = new TestCase( SECTION, 65 "TEST_STRING.charAt("+item+") == TEST_STRING.substring( "+item +", "+ (item+1) + ")" [all...] |
/external/dbus/bus/ |
expirelist.c | 132 BusExpireItem *item; local 134 item = link->data; 136 elapsed = ELAPSED_MILLISECONDS_SINCE (item->added_tv_sec, 137 item->added_tv_usec, 142 _dbus_verbose ("Expiring an item %p\n", item); 145 * this item next time we walk through the list. This would 160 _dbus_verbose ("Item %p expires in %d milliseconds\n", 161 item, next_interval); 208 BusExpireItem item; member in struct:__anon1504 249 TestExpireItem *item; local [all...] |
/frameworks/base/core/tests/coretests/src/android/view/menu/ |
MenuScenario.java | 70 MenuItem item; 72 if ((item = onAddMenuItem(menu, i)) == null) { 73 // Add a default item for this position if the subclasses 76 item = menu.add(0, 0, 0, (givenTitle != null) ? givenTitle : ("Item " + i)); 79 if (item != null) { 80 mItems[i] = item; 83 item.setOnMenuItemClickListener(this); 101 * Override this to add an item to the menu. 103 * @param itemPosition The position of the item to add (only for you [all...] |
/dalvik/dx/src/com/android/dx/cf/code/ |
LocalVariableList.java | 84 Item item = descriptorList.get(i); local 85 Item signatureItem = signatureList.itemToLocal(item); 88 item = item.withSignature(signature); 90 result.set(i, item); 107 * Gets the indicated item. 109 * @param n {@code >= 0;} which item 110 * @return {@code null-ok;} the indicated item [all...] |
/external/webkit/WebKit/chromium/src/js/ |
DevToolsHostStub.js | 131 'heap-sample-item,STRING_TYPE,100,1000\n' + 132 'heap-sample-item,CODE_TYPE,10,200\n' + 133 'heap-sample-item,MAP_TYPE,20,350\n'; 183 'heap-js-cons-item,foo,1,100\n' + 184 'heap-js-cons-item,bar,20,2000\n' + 185 'heap-js-cons-item,Object,5,100\n' + 186 'heap-js-ret-item,foo,bar;3\n' + 187 'heap-js-ret-item,bar,foo;5\n' + 188 'heap-js-ret-item,Object:0x1234,(roots);1\n', 190 'heap-js-cons-item,foo,2000,200000\n' [all...] |
/external/qemu/android/utils/ |
reflist.h | 54 int areflist_indexOf(ARefList* l, void* item); 57 areflist_has(ARefList* l, void* item) 59 return areflist_indexOf(l, item) >= 0; 62 /* if 'item' is not NULL, append it to the list. An item 64 void areflist_add(ARefList* l, void* item); 66 /* if 'item' is not NULL, try to remove it from the list */ 67 /* returns TRUE iff the item was found in the list */ 68 ABool areflist_del(ARefList* l, void* item); 71 areflist_push(ARefList* l, void* item) [all...] |
/frameworks/base/core/tests/coretests/src/android/widget/listview/arrowscroll/ |
ListItemFocusablesCloseTest.java | 51 assertEquals("first item should be at top of screen", 54 assertTrue("first button of first list item should have focus", 56 assertTrue("item should be shorter than list for this test to make sense", 60 assertTrue("first button of second item should be on screen", 70 assertTrue("focus should have moved to second button of first item", 74 assertEquals("list item should not have been shifted", 79 assertTrue("focus should have moved back to first button of first item", 81 assertEquals("list item should not have been shifted", 92 assertEquals("selection should have moved to second item", 95 assertTrue("first button of second item should have focus" [all...] |
/packages/apps/Phone/res/drawable/ |
incall_toggle_button.xml | 34 <item android:state_window_focused="false" android:state_enabled="true" 38 <item android:state_window_focused="false" android:state_enabled="false" 42 <item android:state_pressed="true" 46 <item android:state_focused="true" android:state_enabled="true" 50 <item android:state_enabled="true" 54 <item android:state_focused="true" 58 <item 64 <item android:state_window_focused="false" android:state_enabled="true" 68 <item android:state_window_focused="false" android:state_enabled="false" 72 <item android:state_pressed="true" [all...] |