/dalvik/libcore/sql/src/test/java/tests/sql/ |
BlobTest.java | 35 * Test method for {@link java.sql.Blob#getBinaryStream()}. 48 * Test method for {@link java.sql.Blob#getBytes(long, int)}. 61 * Test method for {@link java.sql.Blob#length()}. 74 * Test method for {@link java.sql.Blob#position(java.sql.Blob, long)}. 87 * Test method for {@link java.sql.Blob#position(byte[], long)}. 100 * Test method for {@link java.sql.Blob#setBinaryStream(long)}. 113 * Test method for {@link java.sql.Blob#setBytes(long, byte[])}. 126 * Test method for {@link java.sql.Blob#setBytes(long, byte[], int, int)}. 139 * Test method for {@link java.sql.Blob#truncate(long)}.
ParameterMetaDataTest.java | 34 * Test method for {@link java.sql.ParameterMetaData#getParameterClassName(int)}. 47 * Test method for {@link java.sql.ParameterMetaData#getParameterCount()}. 60 * Test method for {@link java.sql.ParameterMetaData#getParameterMode(int)}. 73 * Test method for {@link java.sql.ParameterMetaData#getParameterType(int)}. 86 * Test method for {@link java.sql.ParameterMetaData#getParameterTypeName(int)}. 99 * Test method for {@link java.sql.ParameterMetaData#getPrecision(int)}. 112 * Test method for {@link java.sql.ParameterMetaData#getScale(int)}. 125 * Test method for {@link java.sql.ParameterMetaData#isNullable(int)}. 138 * Test method for {@link java.sql.ParameterMetaData#isSigned(int)}.
/external/apache-http/src/org/apache/http/entity/ |
package.html | 39 An {@link org.apache.http.HttpEntity entity} is the optional content of a 40 {@link org.apache.http.HttpMessage message}. 43 {@link org.apache.http.entity.ByteArrayEntity byte array}, 44 {@link org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity string}, 45 {@link org.apache.http.entity.FileEntity file}, or through an arbitrary 46 {@link org.apache.http.entity.InputStreamEntity input stream}. 48 {@link org.apache.http.entity.BasicHttpEntity basic} entity. 50 {@link org.apache.http.entity.HttpEntityWrapper wrapped}, 52 {@link org.apache.http.entity.BufferedHttpEntity buffer}
/external/guava/src/com/google/common/util/concurrent/ |
AbstractCheckedFuture.java | 26 * A delegating wrapper around a {@link ListenableFuture} that adds support for 27 * the {@link #checkedGet()} and {@link #checkedGet(long, TimeUnit)} methods. 46 * Translate from an {@link InterruptedException}, 47 * {@link CancellationException} or {@link ExecutionException} to an exception 50 * The {@code e} parameter can be an instance of {@link InterruptedException}, 51 * {@link CancellationException}, or {@link ExecutionException}.
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/accessibilityservice/ |
AccessibilityServiceInfo.java | 23 * This class describes an {@link AccessibilityService}. The system 24 * notifies an {@link AccessibilityService} for 25 * {@link android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent}s 59 * If an {@link AccessibilityService} is the default for a given type. 66 * The event types an {@link AccessibilityService} is interested in. 79 * The package names an {@link AccessibilityService} is interested in. Setting 85 * The feedback type an {@link AccessibilityService} provides. 97 * {@link AccessibilityService} is notified. 108 * {@link AccessibilityService}.
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/app/ |
ExpandableListActivity.java | 40 * {@link android.widget.ExpandableListView ExpandableListView} object that can 53 * {@link android.R.id#list} if it's in code) 91 * The {@link ExpandableListAdapter} set in the {@link ExpandableListActivity} 92 * via {@link #setListAdapter(ExpandableListAdapter)} provides the {@link View}s 94 * {@link View}s and child {@link View}s. There are a couple provided 95 * {@link ExpandableListAdapter}s that simplify use of adapters: 96 * {@link SimpleCursorTreeAdapter} and {@link SimpleExpandableListAdapter} [all...] |
KeyguardManager.java | 29 * class by calling {@link android.content.Context#getSystemService(java.lang.String)} 30 * with argument {@link android.content.Context#KEYGUARD_SERVICE}. The 32 * {@link android.app.KeyguardManager.KeyguardLock}. 38 * Handle returned by {@link KeyguardManager#newKeyguardLock} that allows 52 * until {@link #reenableKeyguard()} is called. 54 * A good place to call this is from {@link android.app.Activity#onResume()} 56 * Note: This call has no effect while any {@link android.app.admin.DevicePolicyManager} 70 * call to {@link #disableKeyguard()} caused it it to be hidden. 72 * A good place to call this is from {@link android.app.Activity#onPause()} 74 * Note: This call has no effect while any {@link android.app.admin.DevicePolicyManager [all...] |
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/preference/ |
Preference.java | 41 * block displayed by a {@link PreferenceActivity} in the form of a 42 * {@link ListView}. This class provides the {@link View} to be displayed in 43 * the activity and associates with a {@link SharedPreferences} to 47 * subclass of {@link Preference}, similar to the view hierarchy and layouts. 50 * {@link SharedPreferences}. It is up to the subclass to decide how to store 68 * Specify for {@link #setOrder(int)} if a specific order is not required. 114 * {@link Preference} has been changed by the user and is 132 * Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a {@link Preference} is 147 * {@link Preference} is changed or, if this is a group, there is a [all...] |
PreferenceGroup.java | 33 * {@link Preference} objects. It is a base class for Preference objects that are 34 * parents, such as {@link PreferenceCategory} and {@link PreferenceScreen}. 40 * The container for child {@link Preference}s. This is sorted based on the 41 * ordering, please use {@link #addPreference(Preference)} instead of adding 69 * Whether to order the {@link Preference} children of this group as they 101 * Returns the number of children {@link Preference}s. 109 * Returns the {@link Preference} at a particular index. 111 * @param index The index of the {@link Preference} to retrieve. 112 * @return The {@link Preference} [all...] |
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/speech/ |
RecognitionListener.java | 64 * @param error code is defined in {@link SpeechRecognizer} 72 * ArrayList<String>} format use {@link Bundle#getStringArrayList(String)} with 73 * {@link SpeechRecognizer#RESULTS_RECOGNITION} as a parameter 79 * time between {@link #onBeginningOfSpeech()} and {@link #onResults(Bundle)} when partial 81 * {@link SpeechRecognizer#startListening(Intent)}, depending on the speech recognition 83 * {@link RecognizerIntent#EXTRA_PARTIAL_RESULTS} 86 * ArrayList<String> format use {@link Bundle#getStringArrayList(String)} with 87 * {@link SpeechRecognizer#RESULTS_RECOGNITION} as a parameter
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/view/animation/ |
Transformation.java | 60 * {@link #TYPE_BOTH} by default. 75 * @return {@link #TYPE_ALPHA}, {@link #TYPE_MATRIX}, 76 * {@link #TYPE_BOTH} or {@link #TYPE_IDENTITY}. 85 * @param transformationType One of {@link #TYPE_ALPHA}, 86 * {@link #TYPE_MATRIX}, {@link #TYPE_BOTH} or 87 * {@link #TYPE_IDENTITY}.
/sdk/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.tests/unittests/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/descriptors/ |
DescriptorsUtilsTest.java | 78 "{@link android.content.Intent}")); 82 "{@link android.content.Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP}")); 86 "{@link \t #AndroidManifestActivityAlias \tactivity-alias }")); 90 "{@link #AndroidManifestPermission <permission>}")); 94 "{@link #IntentCategory <category> and etc. }")); 98 "{@link android.app.Activity#onNewIntent Activity.onNewIntent()}")); 114 "{@link android.content.Intent}", 119 "{@link #AndroidManifestPermission}", 124 "{@link #AndroidManifestPermission <permission>}",
/external/apache-http/src/org/apache/http/client/params/ |
ClientPNames.java | 46 * Defines the class name of the default {@link org.apache.http.conn.ClientConnectionManager} 48 * This parameter expects a value of type {@link String}. 54 * Defines the factory to create a default {@link org.apache.http.conn.ClientConnectionManager}. 56 * This parameters expects a value of type {@link org.apache.http.conn.ClientConnectionManagerFactory}. 64 * This parameter expects a value of type {@link Boolean}. 72 * This parameter expects a value of type {@link Boolean}. 81 * This parameter expects a value of type {@link Integer}. 91 * This parameter expects a value of type {@link Boolean}. 99 * This parameter expects a value of type {@link Boolean}. 107 * This parameter expects a value of type {@link String} [all...] |
/external/tcpdump/ |
ospf6.h | 27 #define OSPF_TYPE_LSR 3 /* Link State Request */ 28 #define OSPF_TYPE_LSU 4 /* Link State Update */ 29 #define OSPF_TYPE_LSA 5 /* Link State Ack */ 47 #define LS_TYPE_ROUTER 1 /* router link */ 48 #define LS_TYPE_NETWORK 2 /* network link */ 54 #define LS_TYPE_LINK 8 /* Link LSA */ 74 #define RLA_TYPE_VIRTUAL 4 /* virtual link */ 99 /* link state advertisement header */ 117 /* link state advertisement */ 121 /* Link state types * [all...] |
/frameworks/base/docs/html/guide/topics/security/ |
security.jd | 78 You can use the {@link android.R.attr#sharedUserId} attribute in the 80 {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifest manifest} tag of each package to 89 with {@link android.content.Context#getSharedPreferences}, 90 {@link android.content.Context#openFileOutput}, or 91 {@link android.content.Context#openOrCreateDatabase}, 93 {@link android.content.Context#MODE_WORLD_READABLE} and/or 94 {@link android.content.Context#MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE} flags to allow any other 107 <code>{@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifestUsesPermission <uses-permission>}</code> 129 <p>Often times a permission failure will result in a {@link 131 this is not guaranteed to occur everywhere. For example, the {@link [all...] |
/frameworks/base/location/java/android/location/ |
GpsStatus.java | 25 * This class is used in conjunction with the {@link Listener} interface. 85 * Call {@link #getTimeToFirstFix()} to find the time from start to first fix. 91 * Call {@link #getSatellites()} to retrieve the status for each satellite. 103 * <li> {@link GpsStatus#GPS_EVENT_STARTED} 104 * <li> {@link GpsStatus#GPS_EVENT_STOPPED} 105 * <li> {@link GpsStatus#GPS_EVENT_FIRST_FIX} 106 * <li> {@link GpsStatus#GPS_EVENT_SATELLITE_STATUS} 110 * {@link LocationManager#getGpsStatus} to get additional 123 * You can implement this interface and call {@link LocationManager#addNmeaListener} 137 * Used internally within {@link LocationManager} to copy GPS statu [all...] |
/frameworks/base/docs/html/guide/topics/search/ |
search-dialog.jd | 3 parent.link=index.html 10 <li>{@link android.app.SearchManager}</li> 60 interrupted. The {@link android.app.SearchManager} is the component that does this work for 75 <dd>This is the {@link android.app.Activity} that receives the search query then 123 your searchable {@link android.app.Activity} the search query with the {@link 124 android.content.Intent#ACTION_SEARCH} {@link android.content.Intent}. Your searchable Activity will 130 <p>If you don't have one already, create an {@link android.app.Activity} that will be used to 132 accept the {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_SEARCH} {@link android.content.Intent} and apply th [all...] |
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/view/ |
ViewStub.java | 32 * When a ViewStub is made visible, or when {@link #inflate()} is invoked, the layout resource 34 * Therefore, the ViewStub exists in the view hierarchy until {@link #setVisibility(int)} or 35 * {@link #inflate()} is invoked. 62 * When {@link #inflate()} is invoked, the ViewStub is replaced by the inflated View 121 * {@link View#NO_ID}, the inflated view keeps its original id. 124 * {@link #NO_ID} if the inflated view should keep its id. 135 * {@link View#NO_ID}, the inflated view keeps its original id. 138 * {@link #NO_ID} if the inflated view should keep its id. 148 * Returns the layout resource that will be used by {@link #setVisibility(int)} or 149 * {@link #inflate()} to replace this StubbedVie [all...] |
/sdk/ddms/libs/ddmlib/src/com/android/ddmlib/log/ |
LogReceiver.java | 40 /** pid of the process that generated this {@link LogEntry} */ 42 /** tid of the process that generated this {@link LogEntry} */ 54 * with {@link LogEntry} objects coming from log service through a {@link LogReceiver}. 57 * <li>{@link #newEntry(com.android.ddmlib.log.LogReceiver.LogEntry)} provides a 58 * first level of parsing, extracting {@link LogEntry} objects out of the log service output.</li> 59 * <li>{@link #newData(byte[], int, int)} provides a way to receive the raw information 65 * Sent when a new {@link LogEntry} has been parsed by the {@link LogReceiver}. 79 /** Current {@link LogEntry} being read, before sending it to the listener. * [all...] |
/dalvik/libcore/luni/src/main/java/java/lang/ |
Number.java | 23 * (that is {@link Byte}, {@link Short}, {@link Integer}, {@link Long}, 24 * {@link Float}, and {@link Double}.
/dalvik/libcore/nio/src/main/java/java/nio/channels/ |
InterruptibleChannel.java | 27 * the channel's {@link #close()} method. The I/O thread will throw an 28 * {@link AsynchronousCloseException} and the channel will be closed. 32 * {@link Thread#interrupt()} on the I/O thread). When the I/O thread is 33 * interrupted it will throw a {@link ClosedByInterruptException}, it will have 36 * immediately fail with a {@link ClosedByInterruptException}. 44 * interrupted with an {@link AsynchronousCloseException}. Otherwise, this
/dalvik/libcore/security/src/main/java/org/bouncycastle/i18n/ |
ErrorBundle.java | 46 * @param loc the {@link Locale} 47 * @param timezone the {@link TimeZone} 58 * @param loc the {@link Locale} 69 * @param loc the {@link Locale} 70 * @param timezone the {@link TimeZone} 81 * @param loc the {@link Locale}
/dalvik/libcore/xml/src/main/java/org/apache/xalan/templates/ |
package.html | 22 <p>Implements the {@link javax.xml.transform.Templates} interface, 25 <p>{@link org.apache.xalan.templates.StylesheetRoot} implements the {@link javax.xml.transform.Templates} interface, and 26 extends {@link org.apache.xalan.templates.StylesheetComposed}, 27 which is a {@link org.apache.xalan.templates.Stylesheet} composed of itself 34 <p>{@link org.apache.xalan.templates.ElemTemplateElement} is the superclass of
/development/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/view/ |
InternalSelectionFocus.java | 25 * {@link android.view.View#requestFocus(int, android.graphics.Rect)} 27 * {@link android.view.View#onFocusChanged(boolean, int, android.graphics.Rect)} 32 * This Activity excercises that behavior using three adjacent {@link InternalSelectionView} 36 * Were {@link InternalSelectionView} not to override {@link android.view.View#getFocusedRect}, or 37 * {@link android.view.View#onFocusChanged(boolean, int, android.graphics.Rect)}, the focus would
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/text/ |
Spannable.java | 22 * see {@link Editable} for that. 30 * attached elsewhere. See {@link Spanned} for an explanation of 34 * the subclasses of {@link android.text.style.CharacterStyle} and 35 * {@link android.text.style.ParagraphStyle}, and 36 * {@link android.text.TextWatcher} and 37 * {@link android.text.SpanWatcher}.