/external/icu4c/test/perf/perldriver/ |
Dataset.pm | 16 my $self = bless { 27 $stats->add_data(@{$self->{_data}}); 28 $self->{_mean} = $stats->mean(); 36 $self->{_error} = $t * $stats->standard_deviation(); 40 $self; 46 my ($self, $scale) = @_; 47 $self->{_scale} = $scale; 52 my ($self, $a) = @_; 53 $self->{_scale} *= $a; 58 my $self = shift [all...] |
/external/srec/shared/include/ |
ESR_SessionTypeImpl.h | 66 ESR_SHARED_API ESR_ReturnCode ESR_SessionTypeGetPropertyImpl(ESR_SessionType* self, 73 ESR_SHARED_API ESR_ReturnCode ESR_SessionTypeGetIntImpl(ESR_SessionType* self, 79 ESR_SHARED_API ESR_ReturnCode ESR_SessionTypeGetUint16_tImpl(ESR_SessionType* self, 85 ESR_SHARED_API ESR_ReturnCode ESR_SessionTypeGetSize_tImpl(ESR_SessionType* self, 91 ESR_SHARED_API ESR_ReturnCode ESR_SessionTypeGetFloatImpl(ESR_SessionType* self, 97 ESR_SHARED_API ESR_ReturnCode ESR_SessionTypeGetBoolImpl(ESR_SessionType* self, 103 ESR_SHARED_API ESR_ReturnCode ESR_SessionTypeGetLCHARImpl(ESR_SessionType* self, 109 ESR_SHARED_API ESR_ReturnCode ESR_SessionTypeContainsImpl(ESR_SessionType* self, 115 ESR_SHARED_API ESR_ReturnCode ESR_SessionTypeSetPropertyImpl(ESR_SessionType* self, 121 ESR_SHARED_API ESR_ReturnCode ESR_SessionTypeSetIntImpl(ESR_SessionType* self, [all...] |
/external/webkit/WebKit/mac/WebView/ |
WebFrameView.mm | 113 return [[self _scrollView] verticalLineScroll]; 133 WebDynamicScrollBarsView *sv = [self _scrollView]; 134 core([self _webView])->dragController()->setDidInitiateDrag(false); 160 Class viewClass = [self _viewClassForMIMEType:MIMEType]; 170 documentView = [[viewClass alloc] initWithFrame:[self bounds]]; 174 [self _setDocumentView:documentView]; 183 NSView *docV = [self documentView]; 203 float height = [[self _contentView] bounds].size.height; 244 return [[[self _viewTypesAllowImageTypeOmission:YES] _webkit_objectForMIMEType:MIMEType] isSubclassOfClass:[WebHTMLView class]]; 255 return [[self class] _viewClassForMIMEType:MIMEType allowingPlugins:[[[self _webView] preferences] arePlugInsEna (…) [all...] |
WebVideoFullscreenHUDWindowController.mm | 84 self = [super initWithContentRect:contentRect styleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask backing:bufferingType defer:flag]; 85 if (!self) 88 [self setOpaque:NO]; 89 [self setBackgroundColor:[NSColor clearColor]]; 90 [self setLevel:NSPopUpMenuWindowLevel]; 91 [self setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES]; 92 [self setIgnoresMouseEvents:NO]; 93 [self setMovableByWindowBackground:YES]; 94 [self setHidesOnDeactivate:YES]; 96 return self; [all...] |
/external/webkit/WebKitTools/pywebsocket/example/ |
echo_client.py | 76 def __init__(self, raw_socket): 77 self._ssl = socket.ssl(raw_socket) 79 def send(self, bytes): 80 return self._ssl.write(bytes) 82 def recv(self, size=-1): 83 return self._ssl.read(size) 85 def close(self): 93 def __init__(self, options): 94 self._options = options 95 self._socket = Non [all...] |
/frameworks/base/cmds/surfaceflinger/ |
main_surfaceflinger.cpp | 12 sp<ProcessState> proc(ProcessState::self()); 16 ProcessState::self()->startThreadPool(); 17 IPCThreadState::self()->joinThreadPool();
/external/clearsilver/ruby/ext/hdf/ |
neo_util.c | 68 static VALUE h_init (VALUE self) 70 return self; 90 static VALUE h_get_attr (VALUE self, VALUE oName) 98 Data_Get_Struct(self, t_hdfh, hdfh); 113 static VALUE h_set_attr(VALUE self, VALUE oName, VALUE oKey, VALUE oValue) 119 Data_Get_Struct(self, t_hdfh, hdfh); 131 return self; 134 static VALUE h_set_value (VALUE self, VALUE oName, VALUE oValue) 140 Data_Get_Struct(self, t_hdfh, hdfh); 156 return self; [all...] |
/external/gtest/test/ |
gtest_color_test.py | 69 def testNoEnvVarNoFlag(self): 72 self.assert_(not UsesColor('dumb', None, None)) 73 self.assert_(not UsesColor('emacs', None, None)) 74 self.assert_(not UsesColor('xterm-mono', None, None)) 75 self.assert_(not UsesColor('unknown', None, None)) 76 self.assert_(not UsesColor(None, None, None)) 77 self.assert_(UsesColor('cygwin', None, None)) 78 self.assert_(UsesColor('xterm', None, None)) 79 self.assert_(UsesColor('xterm-color', None, None)) 81 def testFlagOnly(self) [all...] |
/external/srec/shared/src/ |
lstring.c | 25 ESR_ReturnCode LStringAppend(LString* self, const LCHAR* value) 27 if (self == NULL) 32 return self->append(self, value); 35 ESR_ReturnCode LStringToLCHAR(LString* self, LCHAR** result) 37 if (self == NULL) 42 return self->toLCHAR(self, result); 45 ESR_ReturnCode LStringReset(LString* self) 47 if (self == NULL [all...] |
/external/srec/srec/Semproc/src/ |
SemanticResult.c | 28 ESR_ReturnCode SR_SemanticResultGetKeyCount(SR_SemanticResult* self, size_t* count) 30 if (self == NULL) 35 return self->getKeyCount(self, count); 38 ESR_ReturnCode SR_SemanticResultGetKeyList(SR_SemanticResult* self, LCHAR** list, size_t* size) 40 if (self == NULL) 45 return self->getKeyList(self, list, size); 48 ESR_ReturnCode SR_SemanticResultGetValue(SR_SemanticResult* self, const LCHAR* key, LCHAR* value, size_t* len) 50 if (self == NULL [all...] |
/external/webkit/WebCore/manual-tests/resources/ |
open-close-tokenizer-crash.html | 4 self.close();
/external/webkit/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/ |
multicommandtool_unittest.py | 39 def __init__(self, **kwargs): 40 Command.__init__(self, "help text", **kwargs) 42 def execute(self, options, args, tool): 50 def test_name_with_arguments(self): 52 self.assertEqual(command_with_args.name_with_arguments(), "trivial ARG1 ARG2") 55 self.assertEqual(command_with_args.name_with_arguments(), "trivial [options]") 57 def test_parse_required_arguments(self): 58 self.assertEqual(Command._parse_required_arguments("ARG1 ARG2"), ["ARG1", "ARG2"]) 59 self.assertEqual(Command._parse_required_arguments("[ARG1] [ARG2]"), []) 60 self.assertEqual(Command._parse_required_arguments("[ARG1] ARG2"), ["ARG2"] [all...] |
outputcapture.py | 35 def __init__(self): 36 self.saved_outputs = dict() 38 def _capture_output_with_name(self, output_name): 39 self.saved_outputs[output_name] = getattr(sys, output_name) 42 def _restore_output_with_name(self, output_name): 44 setattr(sys, output_name, self.saved_outputs[output_name]) 45 del self.saved_outputs[output_name] 48 def capture_output(self): 49 self._capture_output_with_name("stdout") 50 self._capture_output_with_name("stderr" [all...] |
mock_bugzillatool.py | 179 def __init__(self, bugzilla): 180 Mock.__init__(self) 181 self._bugzilla = bugzilla 183 def _all_bugs(self): 184 return map(lambda bug_dictionary: Bug(bug_dictionary, self._bugzilla), 185 self._bugzilla.bug_cache.values()) 187 def fetch_bug_ids_from_commit_queue(self): 190 self._all_bugs()) 193 def fetch_attachment_ids_from_review_queue(self): 195 for bug in self._all_bugs()], [] [all...] |
/external/webkit/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/style/ |
error_handlers.py | 31 __call__(self, line_number, category, confidence, message): 59 def __init__(self, file_path, options, increment_error_count, 79 self._file_path = file_path 80 self._increment_error_count = increment_error_count 81 self._options = options 82 self._stderr_write = stderr_write 86 self._category_totals = {} 88 def _add_reportable_error(self, category): 90 self._increment_error_count() # Increment the total. 93 if not category in self._category_totals [all...] |
/development/testrunner/ |
android_manifest.py | 35 def __init__(self, app_path=None): 37 self.ParseManifest(app_path) 39 def GetAppPath(self): 41 return self._app_path 43 def GetPackageName(self): 49 manifest = self._GetManifestElement() 54 def ParseManifest(self, app_path): 63 self._app_path = app_path 64 self._manifest_path = os.path.join(app_path, self.FILENAME [all...] |
runtest.py | 73 def __init__(self): 75 self._root_path = android_build.GetTop() 77 self._adb = None 78 self._known_tests = None 79 self._options = None 80 self._test_args = None 81 self._tests_to_run = None 83 def _ProcessOptions(self): 87 self._TEST_FILE_NAME) 89 parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=self._RUNTEST_USAGE [all...] |
/external/srec/portable/include/ |
PFile.h | 81 * @param self PFile handle 82 * @return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if self is null 84 ESR_ReturnCode(*destroy)(struct PFile_t* self); 87 ESR_ReturnCode(*open)(struct PFile_t* self, const LCHAR* mode); 92 * @param self PFile handle 95 ESR_ReturnCode(*close)(struct PFile_t* self); 100 * @param self PFile handle 107 * @return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if self is null; ESR_READ_ERROR if a reading error occurs 109 ESR_ReturnCode(*read)(struct PFile_t* self, void* buffer, size_t size, size_t* count); 114 * @param self PFile handl [all...] |
/external/webkit/WebKitTools/QueueStatusServer/model/ |
attachment.py | 60 def __init__(self, attachment_id): 61 self.id = attachment_id 62 self._summary = None 64 def summary(self): 65 if self._summary: 66 return self._summary 67 self._summary = memcache.get(str(self.id), namespace="attachment-summary") 68 if self._summary: 69 return self._summar [all...] |
/frameworks/base/common/tools/ |
make-iana-tld-pattern.py | 30 def __init__(self, baseLetter): 31 self.base=baseLetter 32 self.words=[] 33 self.letters=[] 35 def dump(self, isWebUrl=False, isFirst=False, isLast=False): 36 if (len(self.words) == 0) and (len(self.letters) == 0): 39 self.words.sort() 40 self.letters.sort() 52 if len(self.words) != 0 [all...] |
/external/webkit/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/port/ |
chromium_linux.py | 43 def __init__(self, port_name=None, options=None): 46 chromium.ChromiumPort.__init__(self, port_name, options) 48 def baseline_search_path(self): 49 return [self.baseline_path(), 50 self._chromium_baseline_path('chromium-win'), 51 self._webkit_baseline_path('win'), 52 self._webkit_baseline_path('mac')] 54 def check_sys_deps(self): 58 def num_cores(self): 64 def test_platform_name(self) [all...] |
/development/testrunner/tests/ |
am_instrument_parser_tests.py | 26 def testParseAmInstResult(self): 35 self.assertEquals(4871, bundle_dict['java_size']) 36 self.assertEquals(33846, bundle_dict['cpu_time']) 37 self.assertEquals("\nError: Failed to generate emma coverage.", 40 def testParseAmInstStatus(self): 78 self.assertEquals('testLaunchComplexActivity', map['test']) 79 self.assertEquals('LaunchPerformanceTest', map['class']) 80 self.assertEquals('1', map['current']) 81 self.assertEquals('2', map['numtests']) 82 self.assertEquals('InstrumentationTestRunner', map['id'] [all...] |
/development/testrunner/test_defs/ |
host_test.py | 49 def __init__(self): 50 test_suite.AbstractTestSuite.__init__(self) 51 self._jar_name = None 52 self._class_name = None 54 def GetBuildDependencies(self, options): 56 return self._LIB_BUILD_PATHS 58 def GetClassName(self): 59 return self._class_name 61 def SetClassName(self, class_name): 62 self._class_name = class_nam [all...] |
/external/webkit/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/commands/ |
upload_unittest.py | 35 def test_commit_message_for_current_diff(self): 41 self.assert_execute_outputs(CommitMessageForCurrentDiff(), [], expected_stdout=expected_stdout, tool=tool) 43 def test_clean_pending_commit(self): 44 self.assert_execute_outputs(CleanPendingCommit(), []) 46 def test_assign_to_committer(self): 49 self.assert_execute_outputs(AssignToCommitter(), [], expected_stderr=expected_stderr, tool=tool) 52 def test_obsolete_attachments(self): 54 self.assert_execute_outputs(ObsoleteAttachments(), [42], expected_stderr=expected_stderr) 56 def test_post(self): 58 self.assert_execute_outputs(Post(), [42], expected_stderr=expected_stderr [all...] |
/external/clearsilver/scripts/ |
ChangeLog.py | 15 def __init__ (self, module, release_from, release_to, copydir = None, cvsroot=None): 16 self._module = module 17 self._releaseFrom = release_from 18 self._releaseTo = release_to 19 self._cvsroot = cvsroot 21 self._cvsroot = os.environ.get("CVSROOT", None) 23 self._copydir = copydir 25 self._copydir = os.getcwd() 26 self._names = {} 28 def changeInfo (self) [all...] |