/external/icu4c/test/intltest/ |
tstnrapi.cpp | 29 errln("error in Normalizer(CharacterIterator).next()"); 35 errln("error in Normalizer(Normalizer(CharacterIterator)).next()"); 41 errln("error in Normalizer(Normalizer(CharacterIterator)).clone()!=copy"); 45 errln("error in Normalizer(Normalizer(CharacterIterator)).clone()->hashCode()!=copy.hashCode()"); 48 errln("error in Normalizer(Normalizer(CharacterIterator)).clone()->next()"); 52 errln("error in Normalizer(Normalizer(CharacterIterator)).clone()->next().hashCode()==copy.hashCode()"); 66 errln("error in Normalizer::(de)compose(): %s", u_errorName(errorCode)); 71 errln("error in Normalizer::(de)compose(): wrong result(s)"); 77 errln("error in Normalizer(CharacterIterator).setIndex(3)"); 85 errln("error Normalizer::setText() failed: %s", u_errorName(errorCode)) [all...] |
strtest.cpp | 33 errln("TestEndian: U_IS_BIG_ENDIAN needs to be fixed in platform.h"); 39 errln("TestSizeofWCharT: U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T!=sizeof(wchar_t) - U_SIZEOF_WCHAR_T needs to be fixed in platform.h"); 42 errln("int64_t and uint64_t are undefined."); 45 errln("TestSizeofTypes: 8!=sizeof(int64_t) - int64_t needs to be fixed in platform.h"); 48 errln("TestSizeofTypes: 8!=sizeof(uint64_t) - uint64_t needs to be fixed in platform.h"); 52 errln("8!=sizeof(double) - putil.c code may not work"); 55 errln("4!=sizeof(int32_t)"); 58 errln("4!=sizeof(uint32_t)"); 61 errln("2!=sizeof(int16_t)"); 64 errln("2!=sizeof(uint16_t)") [all...] |
cntabcol.cpp | 32 errln("Error occurred at position %i, error = %i (%s)\n", i, status, u_errorName(status)); 41 errln("Error occurred at position %i, error = %i (%s)\n", i, status, u_errorName(status)); 45 errln("Error: expected %i, got %i\n", i, res); 59 errln("Error setting a non existing contraction error = %i (%s)\n", status, u_errorName(status)); 67 errln("changing a non-existing offset should have resulted in an error\n"); 82 errln("Error occurred at position %i, error = %i (%s)\n", i, status, u_errorName(status)); 91 errln("Error occurred at position %i, error = %i (%s)\n", i, status, u_errorName(status)); 95 errln("Error: expected %i, got %i\n", i, res); 112 errln("Error occurred at position %i, error = %i (%s)\n", i, status, u_errorName(status)); 118 errln("Error constructing table error = %i (%s)\n", status, u_errorName(status)) [all...] |
sdtfmtts.cpp | 32 errln("ERROR: Could not set default locale, test may not give correct results"); 67 errln("ERROR: Could not create SimpleDateFormat (pattern)"); 73 errln("ERROR: Could not create SimpleDateFormat (pattern French)"); 79 errln("ERROR: Could not create DateFormatSymbols (French)"); 92 errln("ERROR: Could not create SimpleDateFormat (pattern, symbols)"); 98 errln("ERROR: Could not create SimpleDateFormat (pattern, override)"); 104 errln("ERROR: Could not create SimpleDateFormat (pattern, override, locale)"); 110 errln("ERROR: Should not have been able to create SimpleDateFormat (pattern, override, locale) with a bogus override"); 121 errln("ERROR: Copy constructor (or ==) failed"); 126 errln("ERROR: Assignment (or !=) failed") [all...] |
citrtest.cpp | 165 errln("Failed: firstPostInc() failed"); 168 errln("Failed: getIndex()."); 171 errln("Failed: getLength()"); 175 errln("Failed: setToStart()."); 179 errln("Failed: setToEnd()."); 182 errln("Failed: startIndex()"); 186 errln("Failed: first32PostInc() failed"); 208 errln("Construction failed: startIndex is negative"); 210 errln("Construction failed: endIndex is greater than the text length"); 212 errln("Construction failed: index is invalid") [all...] |
tsdcfmsy.cpp | 52 errln("ERROR: English DecimalFormatSymbols equal to French"); 60 errln("ERROR: get/set ZeroDigit failed"); 66 errln("ERROR: get/set GroupingSeparator failed"); 72 errln("ERROR: get/set DecimalSeparator failed"); 78 errln("ERROR: get/set PerMill failed"); 84 errln("ERROR: get/set Percent failed"); 90 errln("ERROR: get/set Percent failed"); 96 errln("ERROR: get/set PatternSeparator failed"); 103 errln("ERROR: get/set Infinity failed"); 110 errln("ERROR: get/set NaN failed") [all...] |
itercoll.cpp | 101 errln("Couldn't create a RuleBasedCollator with a contracting sequence."); 118 errln("Couldn't create a RuleBasedCollator with an expanding sequence."); 135 errln("Couldn't create a RuleBasedCollator with both an expanding and a contracting sequence."); 151 errln("Couldn't create a collator"); 163 errln("Couldn't create Japanese collator\n"); 180 errln("Error: After setting offset to 0, we should be at the end " 185 errln("Error: After setting offset to end of the string, we should " 200 errln(msg1 + offset + msg2 + test1.length()); 210 errln("setOffset failed."); 241 errln("iter2->next() returned an error.") [all...] |
pptest.cpp | 42 errln(UnicodeString("FAIL: ") + msg + " failed, error " + u_errorName(status)); 56 errln("*** PP getIndex or constructor() result"); 65 errln("*** PP getIndex or constructor(int32_t) result"); 71 errln("*** PP getIndex or setIndex result"); 82 errln("*** PP not equals fails"); 87 errln(UnicodeString("*** PP equals fails (") + pp3.getIndex() + " != " + pp4.getIndex() + ")"); 95 errln("*** PP operator= operator== or operator != result"); 100 errln("ParsePosition.clone() failed"); 112 errln("*** FP constructor(int) or getField"); 119 errln("*** FP Constructor(FP&)") [all...] |
srchtest.cpp | 59 errln("Collator creation failed with %s", u_errorName(status)); 260 errln("Error with the initialization of match start and length"); 269 errln("Text: %s", str); 285 errln("Error getting following matched text"); 294 errln("Text: %s", str); 296 errln("Pattern: %s", str); 297 errln("Error following match found at %d %d", 310 errln("Text: %s", str); 312 errln("Pattern: %s", str); 313 errln("Error following match found at %d %d", [all...] |
trnserr.cpp | 76 errln("FAIL: Out of bounds check failed (1)."); 79 errln("FAIL: Transliterate fails and the target string was modified."); 83 errln("FAIL: Out of bounds check failed (2)."); 86 errln("FAIL: Transliterate fails and the target string was modified."); 92 errln("FAIL: Start offset is out of bounds, error not reported.\n"); 99 errln("FAIL: Limit offset is out of bounds, error not reported.\n"); 108 errln("FAIL: Test insertion with string: the transliteration position limit didn't change as expected."); 110 errln("FAIL: Error code wasn't set either."); 120 errln("FAIL: Test insertion with character: the transliteration position limit didn't change as expected."); 122 errln("FAIL: Error code wasn't set either.") [all...] |
dcfmapts.cpp | 32 errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: Could not set default locale, test may not give correct results"); 76 errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: Could not create DecimalFormat (pattern)"); 83 errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: Could not create DecimalFormatSymbols (French)"); 90 errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: Could not create DecimalFormat (pattern, symbols*)"); 96 errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: Could not create DecimalFormat (pattern, symbols)"); 106 errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: Copy constructor or == failed"); 111 errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: Assignment (or !=) failed"); 116 errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: Clone() failed"); 141 errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: format(Formattable [double]) failed"); 148 errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: format(Formattable [long]) failed") [all...] |
itutil.cpp | 80 errln("ErrorCode did not initialize properly"); 86 errln("ErrorCode did not yield a writable reference"); 90 errln("ErrorCode did not yield a writable pointer"); 94 errln("ErrorCode.set() failed"); 99 errln("ErrorCode did not reset properly"); 128 errln("ErrorCode did not initialize properly"); 133 errln("ErrorCode.check() called handleFailure(kCheck) despite success"); 137 errln("ErrorCode did not yield a writable reference"); 141 errln("ErrorCode.check() did not handleFailure(kCheck)"); 145 errln("ErrorCode did not yield a writable pointer") [all...] |
tzrulets.cpp | 147 errln("FAIL: Couldn't create SimpleTimezone."); 168 errln("FAIL: couldn't add AnnualTimeZoneRule 1-1."); 177 errln("FAIL: couldn't add AnnualTimeZoneRule 1-2."); 181 errln("FAIL: couldn't complete RBTZ 1."); 191 errln("FAIL: couldn't add AnnualTimeZoneRule 2-1."); 198 errln("FAIL: couldn't add AnnualTimeZoneRule 2-2."); 202 errln("FAIL: couldn't complete RBTZ 2"); 212 errln("FAIL: couldn't add AnnualTimeZoneRule 3-1."); 219 errln("FAIL: couldn't add AnnualTimeZoneRule 3-2."); 223 errln("FAIL: couldn't complete RBTZ 3") [all...] |
dadrcal.cpp | 113 errln(caseString+": Unable to get param '"+param+"' " 120 errln(caseString+": Unable to instantiate calendar for " 130 errln(caseString+": Unable to get parameter '"+param+"' " 140 errln(caseString+": Failed to parse '"+param+"' parameter: " 150 errln(caseString+": Unable to get parameter '"+param+"' " 155 errln(caseString+": Failed to parse '"+param+"' parameter: " 166 errln(caseString+": Unable to get parameter '"+param+"' " 172 errln(caseString+": Failed to parse '"+param+"' parameter: " 182 errln(caseString+": Unable to get parameter '"+param+"' " 191 errln(caseString+": Failed to parse '"+param+"' parameter: [all...] |
ustrtest.cpp | 81 errln("insert() failed: expected \"" + expectedValue + "\"\n,got \"" + test1 + "\""); 85 errln("clone()->insert() failed: expected \"" + expectedValue + "\"\n,got \"" + *c + "\""); 92 errln("remove() failed: expected \"" + expectedValue + "\"\n,got \"" + test1 + "\""); 97 errln("replace() failed: expected \"" + expectedValue + "\"\n,got \"" + test1 + "\""); 106 errln("extract() failed: expected \"" + expectedValue + "\"\n,got \"" + test2 + "\""); 111 errln("operator+=() failed: expected \"" + expectedValue + "\"\n,got \"" + test2 + "\""); 114 errln("length() failed: expected 70, got " + test1.length()); 116 errln("length() failed: expected 30, got " + test2.length()); 121 errln((UnicodeString)"append failed for UChar32, expected \"\\\\ud841\\\\udc02\", got " + prettify(test3)); 124 errln("append or length failed for UChar32, expected 2, got " + test3.length()) [all...] |
tsputil.cpp | 87 errln(UnicodeString("FAIL: got NaN as result without NaN as argument")); 88 errln(UnicodeString(" IEEEremainder(") + x + ", " + y + ") is " + result + ", expected " + exp); 91 errln(UnicodeString("FAIL: IEEEremainder(") + x + ", " + y + ") is " + result + ", expected " + exp); 195 errln(UnicodeString("FAIL: got NaN as result without NaN as argument")); 197 errln(UnicodeString(" max(") + a + ", " + b + ") is " + result + ", expected " + exp); 199 errln(UnicodeString(" min(") + a + ", " + b + ") is " + result + ", expected " + exp); 203 errln(UnicodeString("FAIL: max(") + a + ", " + b + ") is " + result + ", expected " + exp); 205 errln(UnicodeString("FAIL: min(") + a + ", " + b + ") is " + result + ", expected " + exp); 247 errln("FAIL: isInfinite(+Infinity) returned FALSE, should be TRUE."); 251 errln("FAIL: isPositiveInfinity(+Infinity) returned FALSE, should be TRUE.") [all...] |
nmfmapts.cpp | 34 errln("ERROR: Could not set default locale, test may not give correct results"); 47 errln("ERROR: Could not set default locale, test may not give correct results"); 108 errln("ERROR: == failed"); 140 errln("ERROR: format(Formattable [double]) failed"); 147 errln("ERROR: format(Formattable [long]) failed"); 163 errln("ERROR: Roundtrip failed (via parse()) for " + text); 169 errln("ERROR: Roundtrip failed (via parse()) for " + text); 176 errln("ERROR: parse() failed"); 179 errln("ERROR: Roundtrip failed (via parse()) for " + text); 199 errln("ERROR: setParseIntegerOnly() failed") [all...] |
dadrfmt.cpp | 130 errln("case %d: No 'locale' line.", n); 135 errln("case %d: No 'spec' line.", n); 140 errln("case %d: No 'date' line.", n); 145 errln("case %d: No 'str' line.", n); 159 errln("case %d: could not create SimpleDateFormat from pattern: %s", n, u_errorName(status)); 164 errln("case %d: could not parse spec as style fields: %s", n, u_errorName(status)); 169 errln("case %d: could not create SimpleDateFormat from styles.", n); 176 errln("case %d: could not create calendar from %s", n, calLoc); 191 errln("case %d: could not parse date as RELATIVE_ADD calendar fields: %s", n, u_errorName(status)); 207 errln("case %d: could not apply date as RELATIVE_ADD calendar fields: %s", n, u_errorName(status)) [all...] |
svccoll.cpp | 56 errln("register of french collator for en_US failed on request for en_US_FOO"); 61 errln(UnicodeString("fr collator's requested locale changed to ") + loc.getName()); 65 errln(UnicodeString("fr collator's valid locale changed to ") + loc.getName()); 70 errln(UnicodeString("requested locale for en_US_FOO is not en_US_FOO but ") + loc.getName()); 74 errln(UnicodeString("valid locale for en_US_FOO is not en_US but ") + loc.getName()); 78 errln(UnicodeString("actual locale for en_US_FOO is not en_US but ") + loc.getName()); 83 errln("failed to unregister french collator"); 89 errln("collator after unregister does not match original"); 107 errln("register of fr collator for fu_FU failed"); 131 errln("ServiceEnumeration.clone() failed") [all...] |
tsdtfmsy.cpp | 157 errln("ERROR: English DateFormatSymbols equal to French"); 165 errln("ERROR: 0 english eras.. exiting..\n"); 171 errln("ERROR: 0 english eraNames\n"); 174 errln("ERROR: english eraNames[0] not longer than eras[0]\n"); 179 errln("ERROR: 0 english narrowEras\n"); 182 errln("ERROR: english narrowEras[0] not shorter than eras[0]\n"); 187 errln("ERROR: setEras() failed"); 193 errln("ERROR: setMonths() failed"); 199 errln("ERROR: setShortMonths() failed"); 206 errln("ERROR: setMonths(FORMAT,WIDE) failed") [all...] |
tmsgfmt.cpp | 123 errln("Err: Number Format "); 136 errln("Err: Number Format parse"); 154 errln("ChoiceFormat cmp in testBug1"); 169 errln("MessageFormat pattern creation failed."); 174 errln("MessageFormat::toPattern() failed."); 295 errln(UnicodeString("TestMessageFormat::PatternTest failed test #2, i = ") + i); 297 errln(((UnicodeString)" Orig: ") + testCases[i]); 298 errln(((UnicodeString)" Exp: ") + testResultPatterns[i]); 299 errln(((UnicodeString)" Got: ") + buffer); 313 errln("TestMessageFormat::PatternTest failed test #4") [all...] |
rbbiapts.cpp | 32 errln("Failure at file %s, line %d, error = %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status));}} 35 errln("Test Failure at file %s, line %d", __FILE__, __LINE__);}} 65 errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR:1 RBBI's == and != operator failed."); 69 errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR:2 RBBI's == and != operator failed."); 87 errln((UnicodeString)"FAIL : in construction of default iterator"); 91 errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: iterators should not compare =="); 95 errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: iterators should compare =="); 103 errln(UnicodeString("ERROR: strings should not be equal before assignment.")); 107 errln(UnicodeString("ERROR: strings should be equal before assignment.")); 113 errln(UnicodeString("ERROR: iterators behaved differently after assignment.")) [all...] |
caltest.cpp | 281 if (*zone != cal->getTimeZone()) errln("FAIL: Calendar::getTimeZone failed"); 289 if (!(*cal == *cal2)) errln("FAIL: Calendar::operator== failed"); 290 if ((*cal != *cal2)) errln("FAIL: Calendar::operator!= failed"); 294 U_FAILURE(status)) errln("FAIL: equals/before/after failed"); 306 U_FAILURE(status)) errln("FAIL: equals/before/after failed after setTime(+1000)"); 317 errln("FAIL: equals[%c]/before[%c]/after[%c] failed after roll 1 second [should be T/F/F]", 331 U_FAILURE(status)) errln("FAIL: equals/before/after failed after rollback to January"); 336 errln("FAIL: orphanTimeZone failed"); 343 if (lenient != cal->isLenient()) errln("FAIL: setLenient/isLenient failed"); 350 if (cal->getFirstDayOfWeek() != i) errln("FAIL: set/getFirstDayOfWeek failed") [all...] |
ucdtest.cpp | 113 me->errln("UnicodeTest: syntax error in DerivedCoreProperties.txt field 0 at %s\n", fields[0][0]); 120 me->errln("UnicodeTest warning: unknown property name '%s' in \n", fields[1][0]); 130 errln("error: UnicodeTest::derivedCoreProps[] too short, need at least %d UnicodeSets\n", 135 errln("error in ucdtest.cpp: LENGTHOF(derivedCorePropsIndex)!=LENGTHOF(derivedCorePropsNames)\n"); 166 errln("error parsing DerivedCoreProperties.txt: %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode)); 185 errln("UnicodeTest error: u_hasBinaryProperty(U+%04lx, %s)==FALSE is wrong\n", start, derivedCorePropsNames[i]); 187 errln("Too many errors, moving to the next test"); 209 errln("UnicodeTest error: u_hasBinaryProperty(U+%04lx, %s)==TRUE is wrong\n", start, derivedCorePropsNames[i]); 211 errln("Too many errors, moving to the next test"); 241 errln("UnicodeSet([:Alphabetic=%s:]) failed - %s\n", falseValues[i], u_errorName(errorCode)) [all...] |
calregts.cpp | 132 errln("Error creating Calendar: %s", u_errorName(status)); 155 errln("Error creating Calendar: %s", u_errorName(status)); 178 errln("Error creating Calendar: %s", u_errorName(status)); 248 errln("TimeZone problems with GC"); 267 errln("Fail"); 308 errln(UnicodeString("Fail: Calendar::add misbehaves")); 323 errln("Error creating Calendar: %s", u_errorName(status)); 332 errln("Fail: DAY_OF_WEEK 0 should be disallowed"); 406 errln("Error creating Calendar: %s", u_errorName(status)); 422 errln(UnicodeString("Fail: Calendar::set broken. Got ") + cd + " Want " + exp->getTime(status)) [all...] |