Tests for
Bug 22920: Inspector Request Headers Should Show Data/Variables/Parameters Sent With Request
Bug 28970: content-type parameters not taken into account when building form-data
To test, open the Inspector on this page, go to the Resources panel, and select the various resources created by this page in the left column of the Resources panel. Note that for test-4 ... test-11, the -sync and -async versions should show the same Form Data, Request Payload and/or Query String Parameter values.
no Form Data, Request Payload or Query String Parameters
Query String Parameters (1): "parm1: abc"
Query String Parameters (2): "parm1: def" and "parm2: g h i";
Hovering over either parm should yield a tooltip:
"Double-Click to toggle between URL encoded and decoded formats".
Double-clicking on either parm should toggle between encoded and decoded
versions of the string. The decoded form is initially displayed.
The encoded form of parm2 is "g%20h+i".
no Form Data, Request Payload or Query String Parameters
Query String Parameters (1): "parm1: abc"
Query String Parameters (3): "parm1: def" and "parm2: g h i" and "parm3: jj kk ll"
Request Payload: 3 lines of text data with a very long 2nd line which should wrap
Request Payload: 3 lines of text data with a very long 2nd line which should wrap
Request Payload: 3 lines of text data with a very long 2nd line of binary data which should wrap
Form Data (1): "parm1: abc"
Form Data (2): "parm1: def" and "parm2: g h i"
Query String Parameters (2): "parm1: abc" and "parm2: d e f"
Form Data (2): "parm1: ghi" and "parm2: j k l"
Query String Parameters (2): "parm1: äbc" and "parm2: d ě f"
Form Data (2): "parm1: ghi" and "parm2: j k l"
Note that you should view the encoded values of the query string parameters by double-clicking on one of the parameters. The values should be:
parm1: %C3%A4bc parm2: d%20%C4%9B+f
Same results as for test-13, a slightly different but compatible Content-Type
is used for the form data.
Query String Parameters (2): "parm1: % (unable to decode value)" and "parm2: % (unable to decode value)",
with the parenthesized part in red.
Form Data (2): "parm1: % (unable to decode value)" and "parm2: % (unable to decode value)",
with the parenthesized part in red.
Note that you should view the encoded values of the query string parameters by double-clicking on one of the parameters. The values for all four parameters should be "%".
For this test, invoke the form at the bottom of the page
by pressing the submit button. The Resources panel should have a "test-form"
resource, with the following data:
Form Data (2): "field1: value ä;b;c" and "field2:value d;ě;f"
Note that you should view the encoded values of the query string parameters by double-clicking on one of the parameters. The values should be:
field1: value+%C3%A4%3Bb%3Bc field2: value+d%3B%C4%9B%3Bf
NLS sample info
ä - LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS Unicode: 0x00E4 == 228 UTF8: C3 A4 HTML: ä ě - LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CARON Unicode: 0x011B == 283 UTF8: C4 9B HTML: ě