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      1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include <dirent.h>
      6 #include <errno.h>
      7 #include <fcntl.h>
      8 #include <signal.h>
      9 #include <stdlib.h>
     10 #include <sys/resource.h>
     11 #include <sys/time.h>
     12 #include <sys/types.h>
     13 #include <sys/wait.h>
     14 #include <unistd.h>
     16 #include <limits>
     17 #include <set>
     19 #include "base/compiler_specific.h"
     20 #include "base/debug_util.h"
     21 #include "base/eintr_wrapper.h"
     22 #include "base/logging.h"
     23 #include "base/platform_thread.h"
     24 #include "base/process_util.h"
     25 #include "base/rand_util.h"
     26 #include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
     27 #include "base/sys_info.h"
     28 #include "base/time.h"
     29 #include "base/waitable_event.h"
     31 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
     32 #include "base/mach_ipc_mac.h"
     33 #endif
     35 const int kMicrosecondsPerSecond = 1000000;
     37 namespace base {
     39 namespace {
     41 int WaitpidWithTimeout(ProcessHandle handle, int64 wait_milliseconds,
     42                        bool* success) {
     43   // This POSIX version of this function only guarantees that we wait no less
     44   // than |wait_milliseconds| for the proces to exit.  The child process may
     45   // exit sometime before the timeout has ended but we may still block for
     46   // up to 0.25 seconds after the fact.
     47   //
     48   // waitpid() has no direct support on POSIX for specifying a timeout, you can
     49   // either ask it to block indefinitely or return immediately (WNOHANG).
     50   // When a child process terminates a SIGCHLD signal is sent to the parent.
     51   // Catching this signal would involve installing a signal handler which may
     52   // affect other parts of the application and would be difficult to debug.
     53   //
     54   // Our strategy is to call waitpid() once up front to check if the process
     55   // has already exited, otherwise to loop for wait_milliseconds, sleeping for
     56   // at most 0.25 secs each time using usleep() and then calling waitpid().
     57   //
     58   // usleep() is speced to exit if a signal is received for which a handler
     59   // has been installed.  This means that when a SIGCHLD is sent, it will exit
     60   // depending on behavior external to this function.
     61   //
     62   // This function is used primarily for unit tests, if we want to use it in
     63   // the application itself it would probably be best to examine other routes.
     64   int status = -1;
     65   pid_t ret_pid = HANDLE_EINTR(waitpid(handle, &status, WNOHANG));
     66   static const int64 kQuarterSecondInMicroseconds = kMicrosecondsPerSecond / 4;
     68   // If the process hasn't exited yet, then sleep and try again.
     69   Time wakeup_time = Time::Now() + TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(
     70       wait_milliseconds);
     71   while (ret_pid == 0) {
     72     Time now = Time::Now();
     73     if (now > wakeup_time)
     74       break;
     75     // Guaranteed to be non-negative!
     76     int64 sleep_time_usecs = (wakeup_time - now).InMicroseconds();
     77     // Don't sleep for more than 0.25 secs at a time.
     78     if (sleep_time_usecs > kQuarterSecondInMicroseconds) {
     79       sleep_time_usecs = kQuarterSecondInMicroseconds;
     80     }
     82     // usleep() will return 0 and set errno to EINTR on receipt of a signal
     83     // such as SIGCHLD.
     84     usleep(sleep_time_usecs);
     85     ret_pid = HANDLE_EINTR(waitpid(handle, &status, WNOHANG));
     86   }
     88   if (success)
     89     *success = (ret_pid != -1);
     91   return status;
     92 }
     94 void StackDumpSignalHandler(int signal) {
     95   StackTrace().PrintBacktrace();
     96   _exit(1);
     97 }
     99 }  // namespace
    101 ProcessId GetCurrentProcId() {
    102   return getpid();
    103 }
    105 ProcessHandle GetCurrentProcessHandle() {
    106   return GetCurrentProcId();
    107 }
    109 bool OpenProcessHandle(ProcessId pid, ProcessHandle* handle) {
    110   // On Posix platforms, process handles are the same as PIDs, so we
    111   // don't need to do anything.
    112   *handle = pid;
    113   return true;
    114 }
    116 bool OpenPrivilegedProcessHandle(ProcessId pid, ProcessHandle* handle) {
    117   // On POSIX permissions are checked for each operation on process,
    118   // not when opening a "handle".
    119   return OpenProcessHandle(pid, handle);
    120 }
    122 void CloseProcessHandle(ProcessHandle process) {
    123   // See OpenProcessHandle, nothing to do.
    124   return;
    125 }
    127 ProcessId GetProcId(ProcessHandle process) {
    128   return process;
    129 }
    131 // Attempts to kill the process identified by the given process
    132 // entry structure.  Ignores specified exit_code; posix can't force that.
    133 // Returns true if this is successful, false otherwise.
    134 bool KillProcess(ProcessHandle process_id, int exit_code, bool wait) {
    135   DCHECK_GT(process_id, 1) << " tried to kill invalid process_id";
    136   if (process_id <= 1)
    137     return false;
    139   bool result = kill(process_id, SIGTERM) == 0;
    141   if (result && wait) {
    142     int tries = 60;
    143     // The process may not end immediately due to pending I/O
    144     bool exited = false;
    145     while (tries-- > 0) {
    146       pid_t pid = HANDLE_EINTR(waitpid(process_id, NULL, WNOHANG));
    147       if (pid == process_id) {
    148         exited = true;
    149         break;
    150       }
    152       sleep(1);
    153     }
    155     if (!exited)
    156       result = kill(process_id, SIGKILL) == 0;
    157   }
    159   if (!result)
    160     DPLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to terminate process " << process_id;
    162   return result;
    163 }
    165 // A class to handle auto-closing of DIR*'s.
    166 class ScopedDIRClose {
    167  public:
    168   inline void operator()(DIR* x) const {
    169     if (x) {
    170       closedir(x);
    171     }
    172   }
    173 };
    174 typedef scoped_ptr_malloc<DIR, ScopedDIRClose> ScopedDIR;
    176 void CloseSuperfluousFds(const base::InjectiveMultimap& saved_mapping) {
    177 #if defined(OS_LINUX)
    178   static const rlim_t kSystemDefaultMaxFds = 8192;
    179   static const char fd_dir[] = "/proc/self/fd";
    180 #elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
    181   static const rlim_t kSystemDefaultMaxFds = 256;
    182   static const char fd_dir[] = "/dev/fd";
    183 #elif defined(OS_FREEBSD)
    184   static const rlim_t kSystemDefaultMaxFds = 8192;
    185   static const char fd_dir[] = "/dev/fd";
    186 #elif defined(OS_OPENBSD)
    187   static const rlim_t kSystemDefaultMaxFds = 256;
    188   static const char fd_dir[] = "/dev/fd";
    189 #endif
    190   std::set<int> saved_fds;
    192   // Get the maximum number of FDs possible.
    193   struct rlimit nofile;
    194   rlim_t max_fds;
    195   if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &nofile)) {
    196     // getrlimit failed. Take a best guess.
    197     max_fds = kSystemDefaultMaxFds;
    198     DLOG(ERROR) << "getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE) failed: " << errno;
    199   } else {
    200     max_fds = nofile.rlim_cur;
    201   }
    203   if (max_fds > INT_MAX)
    204     max_fds = INT_MAX;
    206   // Don't close stdin, stdout and stderr
    207   saved_fds.insert(STDIN_FILENO);
    208   saved_fds.insert(STDOUT_FILENO);
    209   saved_fds.insert(STDERR_FILENO);
    211   for (base::InjectiveMultimap::const_iterator
    212        i = saved_mapping.begin(); i != saved_mapping.end(); ++i) {
    213     saved_fds.insert(i->dest);
    214   }
    216   ScopedDIR dir_closer(opendir(fd_dir));
    217   DIR *dir = dir_closer.get();
    218   if (NULL == dir) {
    219     DLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to open " << fd_dir;
    221     // Fallback case: Try every possible fd.
    222     for (rlim_t i = 0; i < max_fds; ++i) {
    223       const int fd = static_cast<int>(i);
    224       if (saved_fds.find(fd) != saved_fds.end())
    225         continue;
    227       // Since we're just trying to close anything we can find,
    228       // ignore any error return values of close().
    229       int unused ALLOW_UNUSED = HANDLE_EINTR(close(fd));
    230     }
    231     return;
    232   }
    233   int dir_fd = dirfd(dir);
    235   struct dirent *ent;
    236   while ((ent = readdir(dir))) {
    237     // Skip . and .. entries.
    238     if (ent->d_name[0] == '.')
    239       continue;
    241     char *endptr;
    242     errno = 0;
    243     const long int fd = strtol(ent->d_name, &endptr, 10);
    244     if (ent->d_name[0] == 0 || *endptr || fd < 0 || errno)
    245       continue;
    246     if (saved_fds.find(fd) != saved_fds.end())
    247       continue;
    248     if (fd == dir_fd)
    249       continue;
    251     // When running under Valgrind, Valgrind opens several FDs for its
    252     // own use and will complain if we try to close them.  All of
    253     // these FDs are >= |max_fds|, so we can check against that here
    254     // before closing.  See https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=191758
    255     if (fd < static_cast<int>(max_fds)) {
    256       int ret = HANDLE_EINTR(close(fd));
    257       DPCHECK(ret == 0);
    258     }
    259   }
    260 }
    262 // Sets all file descriptors to close on exec except for stdin, stdout
    263 // and stderr.
    264 // TODO(agl): Remove this function. It's fundamentally broken for multithreaded
    265 // apps.
    266 void SetAllFDsToCloseOnExec() {
    267 #if defined(OS_LINUX)
    268   const char fd_dir[] = "/proc/self/fd";
    269 #elif defined(OS_MACOSX) || defined(OS_FREEBSD)
    270   const char fd_dir[] = "/dev/fd";
    271 #endif
    272   ScopedDIR dir_closer(opendir(fd_dir));
    273   DIR *dir = dir_closer.get();
    274   if (NULL == dir) {
    275     DLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to open " << fd_dir;
    276     return;
    277   }
    279   struct dirent *ent;
    280   while ((ent = readdir(dir))) {
    281     // Skip . and .. entries.
    282     if (ent->d_name[0] == '.')
    283       continue;
    284     int i = atoi(ent->d_name);
    285     // We don't close stdin, stdout or stderr.
    286     if (i <= STDERR_FILENO)
    287       continue;
    289     int flags = fcntl(i, F_GETFD);
    290     if ((flags == -1) || (fcntl(i, F_SETFD, flags | FD_CLOEXEC) == -1)) {
    291       DLOG(ERROR) << "fcntl failure.";
    292     }
    293   }
    294 }
    296 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
    297 static std::string MachErrorCode(kern_return_t err) {
    298   return StringPrintf("0x%x %s", err, mach_error_string(err));
    299 }
    301 // Forks the current process and returns the child's |task_t| in the parent
    302 // process.
    303 static pid_t fork_and_get_task(task_t* child_task) {
    304   const int kTimeoutMs = 100;
    305   kern_return_t err;
    307   // Put a random number into the channel name, so that a compromised renderer
    308   // can't pretend being the child that's forked off.
    309   std::string mach_connection_name = StringPrintf(
    310       "com.google.Chrome.samplingfork.%p.%d",
    311       child_task, base::RandInt(0, std::numeric_limits<int>::max()));
    312   ReceivePort parent_recv_port(mach_connection_name.c_str());
    314   // Error handling philosophy: If Mach IPC fails, don't touch |child_task| but
    315   // return a valid pid. If IPC fails in the child, the parent will have to wait
    316   // until kTimeoutMs is over. This is not optimal, but I've never seen it
    317   // happen, and stuff should still mostly work.
    318   pid_t pid = fork();
    319   switch (pid) {
    320     case -1:
    321       return pid;
    322     case 0: {  // child
    323       MachSendMessage child_message(/* id= */0);
    324       if (!child_message.AddDescriptor(mach_task_self())) {
    325         LOG(ERROR) << "child AddDescriptor(mach_task_self()) failed.";
    326         return pid;
    327       }
    329       MachPortSender child_sender(mach_connection_name.c_str());
    330       err = child_sender.SendMessage(child_message, kTimeoutMs);
    331       if (err != KERN_SUCCESS) {
    332         LOG(ERROR) << "child SendMessage() failed: " << MachErrorCode(err);
    333         return pid;
    334       }
    335       break;
    336     }
    337     default: {  // parent
    338       MachReceiveMessage child_message;
    339       err = parent_recv_port.WaitForMessage(&child_message, kTimeoutMs);
    340       if (err != KERN_SUCCESS) {
    341         LOG(ERROR) << "parent WaitForMessage() failed: " << MachErrorCode(err);
    342         return pid;
    343       }
    345       if (child_message.GetTranslatedPort(0) == MACH_PORT_NULL) {
    346         LOG(ERROR) << "parent GetTranslatedPort(0) failed.";
    347         return pid;
    348       }
    349       *child_task = child_message.GetTranslatedPort(0);
    350       break;
    351     }
    352   }
    353   return pid;
    354 }
    356 bool LaunchApp(const std::vector<std::string>& argv,
    357                const environment_vector& environ,
    358                const file_handle_mapping_vector& fds_to_remap,
    359                bool wait, ProcessHandle* process_handle) {
    360   return LaunchAppAndGetTask(
    361       argv, environ, fds_to_remap, wait, NULL, process_handle);
    362 }
    363 #endif  // defined(OS_MACOSX)
    365 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
    366 bool LaunchAppAndGetTask(
    367 #else
    368 bool LaunchApp(
    369 #endif
    370     const std::vector<std::string>& argv,
    371     const environment_vector& environ,
    372     const file_handle_mapping_vector& fds_to_remap,
    373     bool wait,
    374 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
    375     task_t* task_handle,
    376 #endif
    377     ProcessHandle* process_handle) {
    378   pid_t pid;
    379 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
    380   if (task_handle == NULL) {
    381     pid = fork();
    382   } else {
    383     // On OS X, the task_t for a process is needed for several reasons. Sadly,
    384     // the function task_for_pid() requires privileges a normal user doesn't
    385     // have. Instead, a short-lived Mach IPC connection is opened between parent
    386     // and child, and the child sends its task_t to the parent at fork time.
    387     *task_handle = MACH_PORT_NULL;
    388     pid = fork_and_get_task(task_handle);
    389   }
    390 #else
    391   pid = fork();
    392 #endif
    393   if (pid < 0)
    394     return false;
    396   if (pid == 0) {
    397     // Child process
    398 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
    399     RestoreDefaultExceptionHandler();
    400 #endif
    402     InjectiveMultimap fd_shuffle;
    403     for (file_handle_mapping_vector::const_iterator
    404         it = fds_to_remap.begin(); it != fds_to_remap.end(); ++it) {
    405       fd_shuffle.push_back(InjectionArc(it->first, it->second, false));
    406     }
    408     for (environment_vector::const_iterator it = environ.begin();
    409          it != environ.end(); ++it) {
    410       if (it->first.empty())
    411         continue;
    413       if (it->second.empty()) {
    414         unsetenv(it->first.c_str());
    415       } else {
    416         setenv(it->first.c_str(), it->second.c_str(), 1);
    417       }
    418     }
    420     // Obscure fork() rule: in the child, if you don't end up doing exec*(),
    421     // you call _exit() instead of exit(). This is because _exit() does not
    422     // call any previously-registered (in the parent) exit handlers, which
    423     // might do things like block waiting for threads that don't even exist
    424     // in the child.
    425     if (!ShuffleFileDescriptors(fd_shuffle))
    426       _exit(127);
    428     // If we are using the SUID sandbox, it sets a magic environment variable
    429     // ("SBX_D"), so we remove that variable from the environment here on the
    430     // off chance that it's already set.
    431     unsetenv("SBX_D");
    433     CloseSuperfluousFds(fd_shuffle);
    435     scoped_array<char*> argv_cstr(new char*[argv.size() + 1]);
    436     for (size_t i = 0; i < argv.size(); i++)
    437       argv_cstr[i] = const_cast<char*>(argv[i].c_str());
    438     argv_cstr[argv.size()] = NULL;
    439     execvp(argv_cstr[0], argv_cstr.get());
    440     PLOG(ERROR) << "LaunchApp: execvp(" << argv_cstr[0] << ") failed";
    441     _exit(127);
    442   } else {
    443     // Parent process
    444     if (wait) {
    445       pid_t ret = HANDLE_EINTR(waitpid(pid, 0, 0));
    446       DPCHECK(ret > 0);
    447     }
    449     if (process_handle)
    450       *process_handle = pid;
    451   }
    453   return true;
    454 }
    456 bool LaunchApp(const std::vector<std::string>& argv,
    457                const file_handle_mapping_vector& fds_to_remap,
    458                bool wait, ProcessHandle* process_handle) {
    459   base::environment_vector no_env;
    460   return LaunchApp(argv, no_env, fds_to_remap, wait, process_handle);
    461 }
    463 bool LaunchApp(const CommandLine& cl,
    464                bool wait, bool start_hidden,
    465                ProcessHandle* process_handle) {
    466   file_handle_mapping_vector no_files;
    467   return LaunchApp(cl.argv(), no_files, wait, process_handle);
    468 }
    470 #if !defined(OS_MACOSX)
    471 ProcessMetrics::ProcessMetrics(ProcessHandle process)
    472 #else
    473 ProcessMetrics::ProcessMetrics(ProcessHandle process,
    474                                ProcessMetrics::PortProvider* port_provider)
    475 #endif
    476     : process_(process),
    477       last_time_(0),
    478       last_system_time_(0)
    479 #if defined(OS_LINUX)
    480       , last_cpu_(0)
    481 #elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
    482       , port_provider_(port_provider)
    483 #endif
    484 {
    485   processor_count_ = base::SysInfo::NumberOfProcessors();
    486 }
    488 // static
    489 #if !defined(OS_MACOSX)
    490 ProcessMetrics* ProcessMetrics::CreateProcessMetrics(ProcessHandle process) {
    491   return new ProcessMetrics(process);
    492 }
    493 #else
    494 ProcessMetrics* ProcessMetrics::CreateProcessMetrics(
    495     ProcessHandle process,
    496     ProcessMetrics::PortProvider* port_provider) {
    497   return new ProcessMetrics(process, port_provider);
    498 }
    499 #endif
    501 ProcessMetrics::~ProcessMetrics() { }
    503 void EnableTerminationOnHeapCorruption() {
    504   // On POSIX, there nothing to do AFAIK.
    505 }
    507 bool EnableInProcessStackDumping() {
    508   // When running in an application, our code typically expects SIGPIPE
    509   // to be ignored.  Therefore, when testing that same code, it should run
    510   // with SIGPIPE ignored as well.
    511   struct sigaction action;
    512   action.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
    513   action.sa_flags = 0;
    514   sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask);
    515   bool success = (sigaction(SIGPIPE, &action, NULL) == 0);
    517   // TODO(phajdan.jr): Catch other crashy signals, like SIGABRT.
    518   success &= (signal(SIGSEGV, &StackDumpSignalHandler) != SIG_ERR);
    519   success &= (signal(SIGILL, &StackDumpSignalHandler) != SIG_ERR);
    520   success &= (signal(SIGBUS, &StackDumpSignalHandler) != SIG_ERR);
    521   success &= (signal(SIGFPE, &StackDumpSignalHandler) != SIG_ERR);
    522   return success;
    523 }
    525 void AttachToConsole() {
    526   // On POSIX, there nothing to do AFAIK. Maybe create a new console if none
    527   // exist?
    528 }
    530 void RaiseProcessToHighPriority() {
    531   // On POSIX, we don't actually do anything here.  We could try to nice() or
    532   // setpriority() or sched_getscheduler, but these all require extra rights.
    533 }
    535 bool DidProcessCrash(bool* child_exited, ProcessHandle handle) {
    536   int status;
    537   const pid_t result = HANDLE_EINTR(waitpid(handle, &status, WNOHANG));
    538   if (result == -1) {
    539     PLOG(ERROR) << "waitpid(" << handle << ")";
    540     if (child_exited)
    541       *child_exited = false;
    542     return false;
    543   } else if (result == 0) {
    544     // the child hasn't exited yet.
    545     if (child_exited)
    546       *child_exited = false;
    547     return false;
    548   }
    550   if (child_exited)
    551     *child_exited = true;
    553   if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
    554     switch (WTERMSIG(status)) {
    555       case SIGSEGV:
    556       case SIGILL:
    557       case SIGABRT:
    558       case SIGFPE:
    559         return true;
    560       default:
    561         return false;
    562     }
    563   }
    565   if (WIFEXITED(status))
    566     return WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0;
    568   return false;
    569 }
    571 bool WaitForExitCode(ProcessHandle handle, int* exit_code) {
    572   int status;
    573   if (HANDLE_EINTR(waitpid(handle, &status, 0)) == -1) {
    574     NOTREACHED();
    575     return false;
    576   }
    578   if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
    579     *exit_code = WEXITSTATUS(status);
    580     return true;
    581   }
    583   // If it didn't exit cleanly, it must have been signaled.
    584   DCHECK(WIFSIGNALED(status));
    585   return false;
    586 }
    588 bool WaitForSingleProcess(ProcessHandle handle, int64 wait_milliseconds) {
    589   bool waitpid_success;
    590   int status;
    591   if (wait_milliseconds == base::kNoTimeout)
    592     waitpid_success = (HANDLE_EINTR(waitpid(handle, &status, 0)) != -1);
    593   else
    594     status = WaitpidWithTimeout(handle, wait_milliseconds, &waitpid_success);
    595   if (status != -1) {
    596     DCHECK(waitpid_success);
    597     return WIFEXITED(status);
    598   } else {
    599     return false;
    600   }
    601 }
    603 bool CrashAwareSleep(ProcessHandle handle, int64 wait_milliseconds) {
    604   bool waitpid_success;
    605   int status = WaitpidWithTimeout(handle, wait_milliseconds, &waitpid_success);
    606   if (status != -1) {
    607     DCHECK(waitpid_success);
    608     return !(WIFEXITED(status) || WIFSIGNALED(status));
    609   } else {
    610     // If waitpid returned with an error, then the process doesn't exist
    611     // (which most probably means it didn't exist before our call).
    612     return waitpid_success;
    613   }
    614 }
    616 int64 TimeValToMicroseconds(const struct timeval& tv) {
    617   return tv.tv_sec * kMicrosecondsPerSecond + tv.tv_usec;
    618 }
    620 // Executes the application specified by |cl| and wait for it to exit. Stores
    621 // the output (stdout) in |output|. If |do_search_path| is set, it searches the
    622 // path for the application; in that case, |envp| must be null, and it will use
    623 // the current environment. If |do_search_path| is false, |cl| should fully
    624 // specify the path of the application, and |envp| will be used as the
    625 // environment. Redirects stderr to /dev/null. Returns true on success
    626 // (application launched and exited cleanly, with exit code indicating success).
    627 // |output| is modified only when the function finished successfully.
    628 static bool GetAppOutputInternal(const CommandLine& cl, char* const envp[],
    629                                  std::string* output, size_t max_output,
    630                                  bool do_search_path) {
    631   int pipe_fd[2];
    632   pid_t pid;
    634   // Either |do_search_path| should be false or |envp| should be null, but not
    635   // both.
    636   DCHECK(!do_search_path ^ !envp);
    638   if (pipe(pipe_fd) < 0)
    639     return false;
    641   switch (pid = fork()) {
    642     case -1:  // error
    643       close(pipe_fd[0]);
    644       close(pipe_fd[1]);
    645       return false;
    646     case 0:  // child
    647       {
    648 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
    649         RestoreDefaultExceptionHandler();
    650 #endif
    652         // Obscure fork() rule: in the child, if you don't end up doing exec*(),
    653         // you call _exit() instead of exit(). This is because _exit() does not
    654         // call any previously-registered (in the parent) exit handlers, which
    655         // might do things like block waiting for threads that don't even exist
    656         // in the child.
    657         int dev_null = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);
    658         if (dev_null < 0)
    659           _exit(127);
    661         InjectiveMultimap fd_shuffle;
    662         fd_shuffle.push_back(InjectionArc(pipe_fd[1], STDOUT_FILENO, true));
    663         fd_shuffle.push_back(InjectionArc(dev_null, STDERR_FILENO, true));
    664         fd_shuffle.push_back(InjectionArc(dev_null, STDIN_FILENO, true));
    666         if (!ShuffleFileDescriptors(fd_shuffle))
    667           _exit(127);
    669         CloseSuperfluousFds(fd_shuffle);
    671         const std::vector<std::string> argv = cl.argv();
    672         scoped_array<char*> argv_cstr(new char*[argv.size() + 1]);
    673         for (size_t i = 0; i < argv.size(); i++)
    674           argv_cstr[i] = const_cast<char*>(argv[i].c_str());
    675         argv_cstr[argv.size()] = NULL;
    676         if (do_search_path)
    677           execvp(argv_cstr[0], argv_cstr.get());
    678         else
    679           execve(argv_cstr[0], argv_cstr.get(), envp);
    680         _exit(127);
    681       }
    682     default:  // parent
    683       {
    684         // Close our writing end of pipe now. Otherwise later read would not
    685         // be able to detect end of child's output (in theory we could still
    686         // write to the pipe).
    687         close(pipe_fd[1]);
    689         char buffer[256];
    690         std::string output_buf;
    691         size_t output_buf_left = max_output;
    692         ssize_t bytes_read = 1;  // A lie to properly handle |max_output == 0|
    693                                  // case in the logic below.
    695         while (output_buf_left > 0) {
    696           bytes_read = HANDLE_EINTR(read(pipe_fd[0], buffer,
    697                                     std::min(output_buf_left, sizeof(buffer))));
    698           if (bytes_read <= 0)
    699             break;
    700           output_buf.append(buffer, bytes_read);
    701           output_buf_left -= static_cast<size_t>(bytes_read);
    702         }
    703         close(pipe_fd[0]);
    705         // Always wait for exit code (even if we know we'll declare success).
    706         int exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE;
    707         bool success = WaitForExitCode(pid, &exit_code);
    709         // If we stopped because we read as much as we wanted, we always declare
    710         // success (because the child may exit due to |SIGPIPE|).
    711         if (output_buf_left || bytes_read <= 0) {
    712           if (!success || exit_code != EXIT_SUCCESS)
    713             return false;
    714         }
    716         output->swap(output_buf);
    717         return true;
    718       }
    719   }
    720 }
    722 bool GetAppOutput(const CommandLine& cl, std::string* output) {
    723   // Run |execve()| with the current environment and store "unlimited" data.
    724   return GetAppOutputInternal(cl, NULL, output,
    725                               std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max(), true);
    726 }
    728 // TODO(viettrungluu): Conceivably, we should have a timeout as well, so we
    729 // don't hang if what we're calling hangs.
    730 bool GetAppOutputRestricted(const CommandLine& cl,
    731                             std::string* output, size_t max_output) {
    732   // Run |execve()| with the empty environment.
    733   char* const empty_environ = NULL;
    734   return GetAppOutputInternal(cl, &empty_environ, output, max_output, false);
    735 }
    737 int GetProcessCount(const std::wstring& executable_name,
    738                     const ProcessFilter* filter) {
    739   int count = 0;
    741   NamedProcessIterator iter(executable_name, filter);
    742   while (iter.NextProcessEntry())
    743     ++count;
    744   return count;
    745 }
    747 bool KillProcesses(const std::wstring& executable_name, int exit_code,
    748                    const ProcessFilter* filter) {
    749   bool result = true;
    750   const ProcessEntry* entry;
    752   NamedProcessIterator iter(executable_name, filter);
    753   while ((entry = iter.NextProcessEntry()) != NULL)
    754     result = KillProcess((*entry).pid, exit_code, true) && result;
    756   return result;
    757 }
    759 bool WaitForProcessesToExit(const std::wstring& executable_name,
    760                             int64 wait_milliseconds,
    761                             const ProcessFilter* filter) {
    762   bool result = false;
    764   // TODO(port): This is inefficient, but works if there are multiple procs.
    765   // TODO(port): use waitpid to avoid leaving zombies around
    767   base::Time end_time = base::Time::Now() +
    768       base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(wait_milliseconds);
    769   do {
    770     NamedProcessIterator iter(executable_name, filter);
    771     if (!iter.NextProcessEntry()) {
    772       result = true;
    773       break;
    774     }
    775     PlatformThread::Sleep(100);
    776   } while ((base::Time::Now() - end_time) > base::TimeDelta());
    778   return result;
    779 }
    781 bool CleanupProcesses(const std::wstring& executable_name,
    782                       int64 wait_milliseconds,
    783                       int exit_code,
    784                       const ProcessFilter* filter) {
    785   bool exited_cleanly =
    786       WaitForProcessesToExit(executable_name, wait_milliseconds,
    787                              filter);
    788   if (!exited_cleanly)
    789     KillProcesses(executable_name, exit_code, filter);
    790   return exited_cleanly;
    791 }
    793 }  // namespace base