Lines Matching full:info
71 $(info Checking build tools versions...)
119 $(info ************************************************************)
120 $(info You are attempting to build with the incorrect version)
121 $(info of java.)
122 $(info $(space))
123 $(info Your version is: $(shell java -version 2>&1 | head -n 1).)
124 $(info The correct version is: 1.6.)
125 $(info $(space))
126 $(info Please follow the machine setup instructions at)
127 $(info $(space)$(space)$(space)$(space)
128 $(info ************************************************************)
135 $(info ************************************************************)
136 $(info You are attempting to build with the incorrect version)
137 $(info of javac.)
138 $(info $(space))
139 $(info Your version is: $(shell javac -version 2>&1 | head -n 1).)
140 $(info The correct version is: 1.6.)
141 $(info $(space))
142 $(info Please follow the machine setup instructions at)
143 $(info $(space)$(space)$(space)$(space)
144 $(info ************************************************************)
164 $(info ***************************************************************)
165 $(info ***************************************************************)
166 $(info Don't pass '$(filter eng user userdebug tests,$(MAKECMDGOALS))' on \
170 $(info Set TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT in, or use lunch or)
171 $(info choosecombo.)
172 $(info ***************************************************************)
173 $(info ***************************************************************)
178 $(info ***************************************************************)
179 $(info ***************************************************************)
180 $(info Invalid variant: $(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT)
181 $(info Valid values are: $(INTERNAL_VALID_VARIANTS)
182 $(info ***************************************************************)
183 $(info ***************************************************************)
371 $(info Building the SDK under darwin-ppc is actually obsolete and unsupported.)
567 $(info user packages for $(TARGET_DEVICE) ($(INTERNAL_PRODUCT)):)
568 $(foreach p,$(user_PACKAGES),$(info : $(p)))
615 $(info Removing from sdk:)$(foreach d,$(target_gnu_MODULES),$(info : $(d)))