Lines Matching refs:jdiff
1 package jdiff;
126 String helpFileName = fullReportFileName + JDiff.DIR_SEP + "jdiff_help" + h_.reportFileExt;
131 h_.writeHTMLTitle("JDiff Help");
159 h_.writeText("<TD ALIGN=\"right\" VALIGN=\"top\" ROWSPAN=3><EM><b>Generated by<br><a href=\"" + JDiff.jDiffLocation + "\" class=\"staysblack\" target=\"_top\">JDiff</a></b></EM></TD>");
176 h_.writeText("<H1>JDiff Documentation</H1>");
180 h_.writeText("JDiff is a <a href=\"\" target=\"_top\">Javadoc</a> doclet which generates a report of the API differences between two versions of a product. It does not report changes in Javadoc comments, or changes in what a class or method does. ");
181 h_.writeText("This help page describes the different parts of the output from JDiff.");
185 h_.writeText(" See the reference page in the <a href=\"" + JDiff.jDiffLocation + "\">source for JDiff</a> for information about how to generate a report like this one.");
199 h_.writeText("You can always tell when you are reading a JDiff page, rather than a Javadoc page, by the color of the index bar and the color of the background. ");
240 h_.writeText("A link to this Help page for JDiff.");
270 String stylesheetFileName = "stylesheet-jdiff.css";
272 stylesheetFileName = h_.outputDir + JDiff.DIR_SEP + stylesheetFileName;
277 JDiff.jDiffLocation + ") */");