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      1 /* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
      2 /* dbus-connection.h DBusConnection object
      3  *
      4  * Copyright (C) 2002, 2003  Red Hat Inc.
      5  *
      6  * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
      7  *
      8  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
      9  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     10  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
     11  * (at your option) any later version.
     12  *
     13  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     14  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     16  * GNU General Public License for more details.
     17  *
     18  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     19  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
     20  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
     21  *
     22  */
     23 #if !defined (DBUS_INSIDE_DBUS_H) && !defined (DBUS_COMPILATION)
     24 #error "Only <dbus/dbus.h> can be included directly, this file may disappear or change contents."
     25 #endif
     27 #ifndef DBUS_CONNECTION_H
     28 #define DBUS_CONNECTION_H
     30 #include <dbus/dbus-errors.h>
     31 #include <dbus/dbus-memory.h>
     32 #include <dbus/dbus-message.h>
     33 #include <dbus/dbus-shared.h>
     37 /**
     38  * @addtogroup DBusConnection
     39  * @{
     40  */
     42 /* documented in dbus-watch.c */
     43 typedef struct DBusWatch DBusWatch;
     44 /* documented in dbus-timeout.c */
     45 typedef struct DBusTimeout DBusTimeout;
     46 /** Opaque type representing preallocated resources so a message can be sent without further memory allocation. */
     47 typedef struct DBusPreallocatedSend DBusPreallocatedSend;
     48 /** Opaque type representing a method call that has not yet received a reply. */
     49 typedef struct DBusPendingCall DBusPendingCall;
     50 /** Opaque type representing a connection to a remote application and associated incoming/outgoing message queues. */
     51 typedef struct DBusConnection DBusConnection;
     52 /** Set of functions that must be implemented to handle messages sent to a particular object path. */
     53 typedef struct DBusObjectPathVTable DBusObjectPathVTable;
     55 /**
     56  * Indicates the status of a #DBusWatch.
     57  */
     58 typedef enum
     59 {
     60   DBUS_WATCH_READABLE = 1 << 0, /**< As in POLLIN */
     61   DBUS_WATCH_WRITABLE = 1 << 1, /**< As in POLLOUT */
     62   DBUS_WATCH_ERROR    = 1 << 2, /**< As in POLLERR (can't watch for
     63                                  *   this, but can be present in
     64                                  *   current state passed to
     65                                  *   dbus_watch_handle()).
     66                                  */
     67   DBUS_WATCH_HANGUP   = 1 << 3  /**< As in POLLHUP (can't watch for
     68                                  *   it, but can be present in current
     69                                  *   state passed to
     70                                  *   dbus_watch_handle()).
     71                                  */
     72 } DBusWatchFlags;
     74 /**
     75  * Indicates the status of incoming data on a #DBusConnection. This determines whether
     76  * dbus_connection_dispatch() needs to be called.
     77  */
     78 typedef enum
     79 {
     80   DBUS_DISPATCH_DATA_REMAINS,  /**< There is more data to potentially convert to messages. */
     81   DBUS_DISPATCH_COMPLETE,      /**< All currently available data has been processed. */
     82   DBUS_DISPATCH_NEED_MEMORY    /**< More memory is needed to continue. */
     83 } DBusDispatchStatus;
     85 /** Called when libdbus needs a new watch to be monitored by the main
     86  * loop. Returns #FALSE if it lacks enough memory to add the
     87  * watch. Set by dbus_connection_set_watch_functions() or
     88  * dbus_server_set_watch_functions().
     89  */
     90 typedef dbus_bool_t (* DBusAddWatchFunction)       (DBusWatch      *watch,
     91                                                     void           *data);
     92 /** Called when dbus_watch_get_enabled() may return a different value
     93  *  than it did before.  Set by dbus_connection_set_watch_functions()
     94  *  or dbus_server_set_watch_functions().
     95  */
     96 typedef void        (* DBusWatchToggledFunction)   (DBusWatch      *watch,
     97                                                     void           *data);
     98 /** Called when libdbus no longer needs a watch to be monitored by the
     99  * main loop. Set by dbus_connection_set_watch_functions() or
    100  * dbus_server_set_watch_functions().
    101  */
    102 typedef void        (* DBusRemoveWatchFunction)    (DBusWatch      *watch,
    103                                                     void           *data);
    104 /** Called when libdbus needs a new timeout to be monitored by the main
    105  * loop. Returns #FALSE if it lacks enough memory to add the
    106  * watch. Set by dbus_connection_set_timeout_functions() or
    107  * dbus_server_set_timeout_functions().
    108  */
    109 typedef dbus_bool_t (* DBusAddTimeoutFunction)     (DBusTimeout    *timeout,
    110                                                     void           *data);
    111 /** Called when dbus_timeout_get_enabled() may return a different
    112  * value than it did before.
    113  * Set by dbus_connection_set_timeout_functions() or
    114  * dbus_server_set_timeout_functions().
    115  */
    116 typedef void        (* DBusTimeoutToggledFunction) (DBusTimeout    *timeout,
    117                                                     void           *data);
    118 /** Called when libdbus no longer needs a timeout to be monitored by the
    119  * main loop. Set by dbus_connection_set_timeout_functions() or
    120  * dbus_server_set_timeout_functions().
    121  */
    122 typedef void        (* DBusRemoveTimeoutFunction)  (DBusTimeout    *timeout,
    123                                                     void           *data);
    124 /** Called when the return value of dbus_connection_get_dispatch_status()
    125  * may have changed. Set with dbus_connection_set_dispatch_status_function().
    126  */
    127 typedef void        (* DBusDispatchStatusFunction) (DBusConnection *connection,
    128                                                     DBusDispatchStatus new_status,
    129                                                     void           *data);
    130 /**
    131  * Called when the main loop's thread should be notified that there's now work
    132  * to do. Set with dbus_connection_set_wakeup_main_function().
    133  */
    134 typedef void        (* DBusWakeupMainFunction)     (void           *data);
    135 /**
    136  * Called during authentication on UNIX systems to check whether the given
    137  * user ID is allowed to connect. Never called on Windows. Set with
    138  * dbus_connection_set_unix_user_function().
    139  */
    140 typedef dbus_bool_t (* DBusAllowUnixUserFunction)  (DBusConnection *connection,
    141                                                     unsigned long   uid,
    142                                                     void           *data);
    143 /**
    144  * Called when a pending call now has a reply available. Set with
    145  * dbus_pending_call_set_notify().
    146  */
    147 typedef void (* DBusPendingCallNotifyFunction) (DBusPendingCall *pending,
    148                                                 void            *user_data);
    150 /**
    151  * Called when a message needs to be handled. The result indicates whether or
    152  * not more handlers should be run. Set with dbus_connection_add_filter().
    153  */
    154 typedef DBusHandlerResult (* DBusHandleMessageFunction) (DBusConnection     *connection,
    155                                                          DBusMessage        *message,
    156                                                          void               *user_data);
    158 DBusConnection*    dbus_connection_open                         (const char                 *address,
    159                                                                  DBusError                  *error);
    160 DBusConnection*    dbus_connection_open_private                 (const char                 *address,
    161                                                                  DBusError                  *error);
    162 DBusConnection*    dbus_connection_ref                          (DBusConnection             *connection);
    163 void               dbus_connection_unref                        (DBusConnection             *connection);
    164 void               dbus_connection_close                        (DBusConnection             *connection);
    165 dbus_bool_t        dbus_connection_get_is_connected             (DBusConnection             *connection);
    166 dbus_bool_t        dbus_connection_get_is_authenticated         (DBusConnection             *connection);
    167 void               dbus_connection_set_exit_on_disconnect       (DBusConnection             *connection,
    168                                                                  dbus_bool_t                 exit_on_disconnect);
    169 void               dbus_connection_flush                        (DBusConnection             *connection);
    170 dbus_bool_t        dbus_connection_read_write_dispatch          (DBusConnection             *connection,
    171                                                                  int                         timeout_milliseconds);
    172 dbus_bool_t        dbus_connection_read_write_dispatch_greedy   (DBusConnection             *connection,
    173                                                                  int                         timeout_milliseconds);
    174 dbus_bool_t        dbus_connection_read_write                   (DBusConnection             *connection,
    175                                                                  int                         timeout_milliseconds);
    176 DBusMessage*       dbus_connection_borrow_message               (DBusConnection             *connection);
    177 void               dbus_connection_return_message               (DBusConnection             *connection,
    178                                                                  DBusMessage                *message);
    179 void               dbus_connection_steal_borrowed_message       (DBusConnection             *connection,
    180                                                                  DBusMessage                *message);
    181 DBusMessage*       dbus_connection_pop_message                  (DBusConnection             *connection);
    182 DBusDispatchStatus dbus_connection_get_dispatch_status          (DBusConnection             *connection);
    183 DBusDispatchStatus dbus_connection_dispatch                     (DBusConnection             *connection);
    184 dbus_bool_t        dbus_connection_has_messages_to_send         (DBusConnection *connection);
    185 dbus_bool_t        dbus_connection_send                         (DBusConnection             *connection,
    186                                                                  DBusMessage                *message,
    187                                                                  dbus_uint32_t              *client_serial);
    188 dbus_bool_t        dbus_connection_send_with_reply              (DBusConnection             *connection,
    189                                                                  DBusMessage                *message,
    190                                                                  DBusPendingCall           **pending_return,
    191                                                                  int                         timeout_milliseconds);
    192 DBusMessage *      dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block    (DBusConnection             *connection,
    193                                                                  DBusMessage                *message,
    194                                                                  int                         timeout_milliseconds,
    195                                                                  DBusError                  *error);
    196 dbus_bool_t        dbus_connection_set_watch_functions          (DBusConnection             *connection,
    197                                                                  DBusAddWatchFunction        add_function,
    198                                                                  DBusRemoveWatchFunction     remove_function,
    199                                                                  DBusWatchToggledFunction    toggled_function,
    200                                                                  void                       *data,
    201                                                                  DBusFreeFunction            free_data_function);
    202 dbus_bool_t        dbus_connection_set_timeout_functions        (DBusConnection             *connection,
    203                                                                  DBusAddTimeoutFunction      add_function,
    204                                                                  DBusRemoveTimeoutFunction   remove_function,
    205                                                                  DBusTimeoutToggledFunction  toggled_function,
    206                                                                  void                       *data,
    207                                                                  DBusFreeFunction            free_data_function);
    208 void               dbus_connection_set_wakeup_main_function     (DBusConnection             *connection,
    209                                                                  DBusWakeupMainFunction      wakeup_main_function,
    210                                                                  void                       *data,
    211                                                                  DBusFreeFunction            free_data_function);
    212 void               dbus_connection_set_dispatch_status_function (DBusConnection             *connection,
    213                                                                  DBusDispatchStatusFunction  function,
    214                                                                  void                       *data,
    215                                                                  DBusFreeFunction            free_data_function);
    216 dbus_bool_t        dbus_connection_get_unix_user                (DBusConnection             *connection,
    217                                                                  unsigned long              *uid);
    218 dbus_bool_t        dbus_connection_get_unix_process_id          (DBusConnection             *connection,
    219                                                                  unsigned long              *pid);
    220 void               dbus_connection_set_unix_user_function       (DBusConnection             *connection,
    221                                                                  DBusAllowUnixUserFunction   function,
    222                                                                  void                       *data,
    223                                                                  DBusFreeFunction            free_data_function);
    224 void               dbus_connection_set_route_peer_messages      (DBusConnection             *connection,
    225                                                                  dbus_bool_t                 value);
    228 /* Filters */
    230 dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_add_filter    (DBusConnection            *connection,
    231                                            DBusHandleMessageFunction  function,
    232                                            void                      *user_data,
    233                                            DBusFreeFunction           free_data_function);
    234 void        dbus_connection_remove_filter (DBusConnection            *connection,
    235                                            DBusHandleMessageFunction  function,
    236                                            void                      *user_data);
    239 /* Other */
    240 dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_allocate_data_slot (dbus_int32_t     *slot_p);
    241 void        dbus_connection_free_data_slot     (dbus_int32_t     *slot_p);
    242 dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_set_data           (DBusConnection   *connection,
    243                                                 dbus_int32_t      slot,
    244                                                 void             *data,
    245                                                 DBusFreeFunction  free_data_func);
    246 void*       dbus_connection_get_data           (DBusConnection   *connection,
    247                                                 dbus_int32_t      slot);
    249 void        dbus_connection_set_change_sigpipe (dbus_bool_t       will_modify_sigpipe);
    251 void dbus_connection_set_max_message_size  (DBusConnection *connection,
    252                                             long            size);
    253 long dbus_connection_get_max_message_size  (DBusConnection *connection);
    254 void dbus_connection_set_max_received_size (DBusConnection *connection,
    255                                             long            size);
    256 long dbus_connection_get_max_received_size (DBusConnection *connection);
    257 long dbus_connection_get_outgoing_size     (DBusConnection *connection);
    259 DBusPreallocatedSend* dbus_connection_preallocate_send       (DBusConnection       *connection);
    260 void                  dbus_connection_free_preallocated_send (DBusConnection       *connection,
    261                                                               DBusPreallocatedSend *preallocated);
    262 void                  dbus_connection_send_preallocated      (DBusConnection       *connection,
    263                                                               DBusPreallocatedSend *preallocated,
    264                                                               DBusMessage          *message,
    265                                                               dbus_uint32_t        *client_serial);
    268 /* Object tree functionality */
    270 /**
    271  * Called when a #DBusObjectPathVTable is unregistered (or its connection is freed).
    272  * Found in #DBusObjectPathVTable.
    273  */
    274 typedef void              (* DBusObjectPathUnregisterFunction) (DBusConnection  *connection,
    275                                                                 void            *user_data);
    276 /**
    277  * Called when a message is sent to a registered object path. Found in
    278  * #DBusObjectPathVTable which is registered with dbus_connection_register_object_path()
    279  * or dbus_connection_register_fallback().
    280  */
    281 typedef DBusHandlerResult (* DBusObjectPathMessageFunction)    (DBusConnection  *connection,
    282                                                                 DBusMessage     *message,
    283                                                                 void            *user_data);
    285 /**
    286  * Virtual table that must be implemented to handle a portion of the
    287  * object path hierarchy. Attach the vtable to a particular path using
    288  * dbus_connection_register_object_path() or
    289  * dbus_connection_register_fallback().
    290  */
    291 struct DBusObjectPathVTable
    292 {
    293   DBusObjectPathUnregisterFunction   unregister_function; /**< Function to unregister this handler */
    294   DBusObjectPathMessageFunction      message_function; /**< Function to handle messages */
    296   void (* dbus_internal_pad1) (void *); /**< Reserved for future expansion */
    297   void (* dbus_internal_pad2) (void *); /**< Reserved for future expansion */
    298   void (* dbus_internal_pad3) (void *); /**< Reserved for future expansion */
    299   void (* dbus_internal_pad4) (void *); /**< Reserved for future expansion */
    300 };
    302 dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_register_object_path   (DBusConnection              *connection,
    303                                                     const char                  *path,
    304                                                     const DBusObjectPathVTable  *vtable,
    305                                                     void                        *user_data);
    306 dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_register_fallback      (DBusConnection              *connection,
    307                                                     const char                  *path,
    308                                                     const DBusObjectPathVTable  *vtable,
    309                                                     void                        *user_data);
    310 dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_unregister_object_path (DBusConnection              *connection,
    311                                                     const char                  *path);
    313 dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_get_object_path_data   (DBusConnection              *connection,
    314                                                     const char                  *path,
    315                                                     void                       **data_p);
    317 dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_list_registered        (DBusConnection              *connection,
    318                                                     const char                  *parent_path,
    319                                                     char                      ***child_entries);
    321 dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_get_unix_fd            (DBusConnection              *connection,
    322                                                     int                         *fd);
    323 dbus_bool_t dbus_connection_get_socket             (DBusConnection              *connection,
    324                                                     int                         *fd);
    326 /** @} */
    329 /**
    330  * @addtogroup DBusWatch
    331  * @{
    332  */
    334 int          dbus_watch_get_fd      (DBusWatch        *watch);
    335 unsigned int dbus_watch_get_flags   (DBusWatch        *watch);
    336 void*        dbus_watch_get_data    (DBusWatch        *watch);
    337 void         dbus_watch_set_data    (DBusWatch        *watch,
    338                                      void             *data,
    339                                      DBusFreeFunction  free_data_function);
    340 dbus_bool_t  dbus_watch_handle      (DBusWatch        *watch,
    341                                      unsigned int      flags);
    342 dbus_bool_t  dbus_watch_get_enabled (DBusWatch        *watch);
    344 /** @} */
    346 /**
    347  * @addtogroup DBusTimeout
    348  * @{
    349  */
    351 int         dbus_timeout_get_interval (DBusTimeout      *timeout);
    352 void*       dbus_timeout_get_data     (DBusTimeout      *timeout);
    353 void        dbus_timeout_set_data     (DBusTimeout      *timeout,
    354                                        void             *data,
    355                                        DBusFreeFunction  free_data_function);
    356 dbus_bool_t dbus_timeout_handle       (DBusTimeout      *timeout);
    357 dbus_bool_t dbus_timeout_get_enabled  (DBusTimeout      *timeout);
    359 /** @} */
    363 #endif /* DBUS_CONNECTION_H */