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      1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #ifndef BASE_LOGGING_H_
      6 #define BASE_LOGGING_H_
      8 #include <string>
      9 #include <cstring>
     10 #include <sstream>
     12 #include "base/basictypes.h"
     14 //
     15 // Optional message capabilities
     16 // -----------------------------
     17 // Assertion failed messages and fatal errors are displayed in a dialog box
     18 // before the application exits. However, running this UI creates a message
     19 // loop, which causes application messages to be processed and potentially
     20 // dispatched to existing application windows. Since the application is in a
     21 // bad state when this assertion dialog is displayed, these messages may not
     22 // get processed and hang the dialog, or the application might go crazy.
     23 //
     24 // Therefore, it can be beneficial to display the error dialog in a separate
     25 // process from the main application. When the logging system needs to display
     26 // a fatal error dialog box, it will look for a program called
     27 // "DebugMessage.exe" in the same directory as the application executable. It
     28 // will run this application with the message as the command line, and will
     29 // not include the name of the application as is traditional for easier
     30 // parsing.
     31 //
     32 // The code for DebugMessage.exe is only one line. In WinMain, do:
     33 //   MessageBox(NULL, GetCommandLineW(), L"Fatal Error", 0);
     34 //
     35 // If DebugMessage.exe is not found, the logging code will use a normal
     36 // MessageBox, potentially causing the problems discussed above.
     39 // Instructions
     40 // ------------
     41 //
     42 // Make a bunch of macros for logging.  The way to log things is to stream
     43 // things to LOG(<a particular severity level>).  E.g.,
     44 //
     45 //   LOG(INFO) << "Found " << num_cookies << " cookies";
     46 //
     47 // You can also do conditional logging:
     48 //
     49 //   LOG_IF(INFO, num_cookies > 10) << "Got lots of cookies";
     50 //
     51 // The above will cause log messages to be output on the 1st, 11th, 21st, ...
     52 // times it is executed.  Note that the special COUNTER value is used to
     53 // identify which repetition is happening.
     54 //
     55 // The CHECK(condition) macro is active in both debug and release builds and
     56 // effectively performs a LOG(FATAL) which terminates the process and
     57 // generates a crashdump unless a debugger is attached.
     58 //
     59 // There are also "debug mode" logging macros like the ones above:
     60 //
     61 //   DLOG(INFO) << "Found cookies";
     62 //
     63 //   DLOG_IF(INFO, num_cookies > 10) << "Got lots of cookies";
     64 //
     65 // All "debug mode" logging is compiled away to nothing for non-debug mode
     66 // compiles.  LOG_IF and development flags also work well together
     67 // because the code can be compiled away sometimes.
     68 //
     69 // We also have
     70 //
     71 //   LOG_ASSERT(assertion);
     72 //   DLOG_ASSERT(assertion);
     73 //
     74 // which is syntactic sugar for {,D}LOG_IF(FATAL, assert fails) << assertion;
     75 //
     76 // We also override the standard 'assert' to use 'DLOG_ASSERT'.
     77 //
     78 // Lastly, there is:
     79 //
     80 //   PLOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't do foo";
     81 //   DPLOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't do foo";
     82 //   PLOG_IF(ERROR, cond) << "Couldn't do foo";
     83 //   DPLOG_IF(ERROR, cond) << "Couldn't do foo";
     84 //   PCHECK(condition) << "Couldn't do foo";
     85 //   DPCHECK(condition) << "Couldn't do foo";
     86 //
     87 // which append the last system error to the message in string form (taken from
     88 // GetLastError() on Windows and errno on POSIX).
     89 //
     90 // The supported severity levels for macros that allow you to specify one
     91 // are (in increasing order of severity) INFO, WARNING, ERROR, ERROR_REPORT,
     92 // and FATAL.
     93 //
     94 // Very important: logging a message at the FATAL severity level causes
     95 // the program to terminate (after the message is logged).
     96 //
     97 // Note the special severity of ERROR_REPORT only available/relevant in normal
     98 // mode, which displays error dialog without terminating the program. There is
     99 // no error dialog for severity ERROR or below in normal mode.
    100 //
    101 // There is also the special severity of DFATAL, which logs FATAL in
    102 // debug mode, ERROR_REPORT in normal mode.
    104 namespace logging {
    106 // Where to record logging output? A flat file and/or system debug log via
    107 // OutputDebugString. Defaults on Windows to LOG_ONLY_TO_FILE, and on
    108 // POSIX to LOG_ONLY_TO_SYSTEM_DEBUG_LOG (aka stderr).
    109 enum LoggingDestination { LOG_NONE,
    110                           LOG_ONLY_TO_FILE,
    111                           LOG_ONLY_TO_SYSTEM_DEBUG_LOG,
    112                           LOG_TO_BOTH_FILE_AND_SYSTEM_DEBUG_LOG };
    114 // Indicates that the log file should be locked when being written to.
    115 // Often, there is no locking, which is fine for a single threaded program.
    116 // If logging is being done from multiple threads or there can be more than
    117 // one process doing the logging, the file should be locked during writes to
    118 // make each log outut atomic. Other writers will block.
    119 //
    120 // All processes writing to the log file must have their locking set for it to
    121 // work properly. Defaults to DONT_LOCK_LOG_FILE.
    122 enum LogLockingState { LOCK_LOG_FILE, DONT_LOCK_LOG_FILE };
    124 // On startup, should we delete or append to an existing log file (if any)?
    125 // Defaults to APPEND_TO_OLD_LOG_FILE.
    126 enum OldFileDeletionState { DELETE_OLD_LOG_FILE, APPEND_TO_OLD_LOG_FILE };
    128 // Sets the log file name and other global logging state. Calling this function
    129 // is recommended, and is normally done at the beginning of application init.
    130 // If you don't call it, all the flags will be initialized to their default
    131 // values, and there is a race condition that may leak a critical section
    132 // object if two threads try to do the first log at the same time.
    133 // See the definition of the enums above for descriptions and default values.
    134 //
    135 // The default log file is initialized to "debug.log" in the application
    136 // directory. You probably don't want this, especially since the program
    137 // directory may not be writable on an enduser's system.
    138 #if defined(OS_WIN)
    139 void InitLogging(const wchar_t* log_file, LoggingDestination logging_dest,
    140                  LogLockingState lock_log, OldFileDeletionState delete_old);
    141 #elif defined(OS_POSIX)
    142 // TODO(avi): do we want to do a unification of character types here?
    143 void InitLogging(const char* log_file, LoggingDestination logging_dest,
    144                  LogLockingState lock_log, OldFileDeletionState delete_old);
    145 #endif
    147 // Sets the log level. Anything at or above this level will be written to the
    148 // log file/displayed to the user (if applicable). Anything below this level
    149 // will be silently ignored. The log level defaults to 0 (everything is logged)
    150 // if this function is not called.
    151 void SetMinLogLevel(int level);
    153 // Gets the current log level.
    154 int GetMinLogLevel();
    156 #if defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(OS_MACOSX)
    157 // Get the file descriptor used for logging.
    158 // Returns -1 if none open.
    159 // Needed by ZygoteManager.
    160 int GetLoggingFileDescriptor();
    161 #endif
    163 // Sets the log filter prefix.  Any log message below LOG_ERROR severity that
    164 // doesn't start with this prefix with be silently ignored.  The filter defaults
    165 // to NULL (everything is logged) if this function is not called.  Messages
    166 // with severity of LOG_ERROR or higher will not be filtered.
    167 void SetLogFilterPrefix(const char* filter);
    169 // Sets the common items you want to be prepended to each log message.
    170 // process and thread IDs default to off, the timestamp defaults to on.
    171 // If this function is not called, logging defaults to writing the timestamp
    172 // only.
    173 void SetLogItems(bool enable_process_id, bool enable_thread_id,
    174                  bool enable_timestamp, bool enable_tickcount);
    176 // Sets the Log Assert Handler that will be used to notify of check failures.
    177 // The default handler shows a dialog box and then terminate the process,
    178 // however clients can use this function to override with their own handling
    179 // (e.g. a silent one for Unit Tests)
    180 typedef void (*LogAssertHandlerFunction)(const std::string& str);
    181 void SetLogAssertHandler(LogAssertHandlerFunction handler);
    182 // Sets the Log Report Handler that will be used to notify of check failures
    183 // in non-debug mode. The default handler shows a dialog box and continues
    184 // the execution, however clients can use this function to override with their
    185 // own handling.
    186 typedef void (*LogReportHandlerFunction)(const std::string& str);
    187 void SetLogReportHandler(LogReportHandlerFunction handler);
    189 // Sets the Log Message Handler that gets passed every log message before
    190 // it's sent to other log destinations (if any).
    191 // Returns true to signal that it handled the message and the message
    192 // should not be sent to other log destinations.
    193 typedef bool (*LogMessageHandlerFunction)(int severity, const std::string& str);
    194 void SetLogMessageHandler(LogMessageHandlerFunction handler);
    196 typedef int LogSeverity;
    197 const LogSeverity LOG_INFO = 0;
    198 const LogSeverity LOG_WARNING = 1;
    199 const LogSeverity LOG_ERROR = 2;
    200 const LogSeverity LOG_ERROR_REPORT = 3;
    201 const LogSeverity LOG_FATAL = 4;
    202 const LogSeverity LOG_NUM_SEVERITIES = 5;
    204 // LOG_DFATAL_LEVEL is LOG_FATAL in debug mode, ERROR_REPORT in normal mode
    205 #ifdef NDEBUG
    206 const LogSeverity LOG_DFATAL_LEVEL = LOG_ERROR_REPORT;
    207 #else
    208 const LogSeverity LOG_DFATAL_LEVEL = LOG_FATAL;
    209 #endif
    211 // A few definitions of macros that don't generate much code. These are used
    212 // by LOG() and LOG_IF, etc. Since these are used all over our code, it's
    213 // better to have compact code for these operations.
    214 #define COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_EX_INFO(ClassName, ...) \
    215   logging::ClassName(__FILE__, __LINE__, logging::LOG_INFO , ##__VA_ARGS__)
    216 #define COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_EX_WARNING(ClassName, ...) \
    217   logging::ClassName(__FILE__, __LINE__, logging::LOG_WARNING , ##__VA_ARGS__)
    218 #define COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_EX_ERROR(ClassName, ...) \
    219   logging::ClassName(__FILE__, __LINE__, logging::LOG_ERROR , ##__VA_ARGS__)
    220 #define COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_EX_ERROR_REPORT(ClassName, ...) \
    221   logging::ClassName(__FILE__, __LINE__, \
    222                      logging::LOG_ERROR_REPORT , ##__VA_ARGS__)
    223 #define COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_EX_FATAL(ClassName, ...) \
    224   logging::ClassName(__FILE__, __LINE__, logging::LOG_FATAL , ##__VA_ARGS__)
    225 #define COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_EX_DFATAL(ClassName, ...) \
    226   logging::ClassName(__FILE__, __LINE__, \
    227                      logging::LOG_DFATAL_LEVEL , ##__VA_ARGS__)
    229 #define COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_INFO \
    230   COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_EX_INFO(LogMessage)
    233 #define COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_ERROR \
    237 #define COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_FATAL \
    242 // wingdi.h defines ERROR to be 0. When we call LOG(ERROR), it gets
    243 // substituted with 0, and it expands to COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_0. To allow us
    244 // to keep using this syntax, we define this macro to do the same thing
    245 // as COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_ERROR, and also define ERROR the same way that
    246 // the Windows SDK does for consistency.
    247 #define ERROR 0
    248 #define COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_EX_0(ClassName, ...) \
    249   COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_EX_ERROR(ClassName , ##__VA_ARGS__)
    252 // We use the preprocessor's merging operator, "##", so that, e.g.,
    253 // LOG(INFO) becomes the token COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_INFO.  There's some funny
    254 // subtle difference between ostream member streaming functions (e.g.,
    255 // ostream::operator<<(int) and ostream non-member streaming functions
    256 // (e.g., ::operator<<(ostream&, string&): it turns out that it's
    257 // impossible to stream something like a string directly to an unnamed
    258 // ostream. We employ a neat hack by calling the stream() member
    259 // function of LogMessage which seems to avoid the problem.
    261 #define LOG(severity) COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_ ## severity.stream()
    262 #define SYSLOG(severity) LOG(severity)
    264 #define LOG_IF(severity, condition) \
    265   !(condition) ? (void) 0 : logging::LogMessageVoidify() & LOG(severity)
    266 #define SYSLOG_IF(severity, condition) LOG_IF(severity, condition)
    268 #define LOG_ASSERT(condition)  \
    269   LOG_IF(FATAL, !(condition)) << "Assert failed: " #condition ". "
    270 #define SYSLOG_ASSERT(condition) \
    271   SYSLOG_IF(FATAL, !(condition)) << "Assert failed: " #condition ". "
    273 #if defined(OS_WIN)
    274 #define LOG_GETLASTERROR(severity) \
    275   COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_EX_ ## severity(Win32ErrorLogMessage, \
    276       ::logging::GetLastSystemErrorCode()).stream()
    277 #define LOG_GETLASTERROR_MODULE(severity, module) \
    278   COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_EX_ ## severity(Win32ErrorLogMessage, \
    279       ::logging::GetLastSystemErrorCode(), module).stream()
    280 // PLOG is the usual error logging macro for each platform.
    281 #define PLOG(severity) LOG_GETLASTERROR(severity)
    282 #define DPLOG(severity) DLOG_GETLASTERROR(severity)
    283 #elif defined(OS_POSIX)
    284 #define LOG_ERRNO(severity) \
    285   COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_EX_ ## severity(ErrnoLogMessage, \
    286       ::logging::GetLastSystemErrorCode()).stream()
    287 // PLOG is the usual error logging macro for each platform.
    288 #define PLOG(severity) LOG_ERRNO(severity)
    289 #define DPLOG(severity) DLOG_ERRNO(severity)
    290 // TODO(tschmelcher): Should we add OSStatus logging for Mac?
    291 #endif
    293 #define PLOG_IF(severity, condition) \
    294   !(condition) ? (void) 0 : logging::LogMessageVoidify() & PLOG(severity)
    296 // CHECK dies with a fatal error if condition is not true.  It is *not*
    297 // controlled by NDEBUG, so the check will be executed regardless of
    298 // compilation mode.
    299 #define CHECK(condition) \
    300   LOG_IF(FATAL, !(condition)) << "Check failed: " #condition ". "
    302 #define PCHECK(condition) \
    303   PLOG_IF(FATAL, !(condition)) << "Check failed: " #condition ". "
    305 // A container for a string pointer which can be evaluated to a bool -
    306 // true iff the pointer is NULL.
    307 struct CheckOpString {
    308   CheckOpString(std::string* str) : str_(str) { }
    309   // No destructor: if str_ is non-NULL, we're about to LOG(FATAL),
    310   // so there's no point in cleaning up str_.
    311   operator bool() const { return str_ != NULL; }
    312   std::string* str_;
    313 };
    315 // Build the error message string.  This is separate from the "Impl"
    316 // function template because it is not performance critical and so can
    317 // be out of line, while the "Impl" code should be inline.
    318 template<class t1, class t2>
    319 std::string* MakeCheckOpString(const t1& v1, const t2& v2, const char* names) {
    320   std::ostringstream ss;
    321   ss << names << " (" << v1 << " vs. " << v2 << ")";
    322   std::string* msg = new std::string(ss.str());
    323   return msg;
    324 }
    326 extern std::string* MakeCheckOpStringIntInt(int v1, int v2, const char* names);
    328 template<int, int>
    329 std::string* MakeCheckOpString(const int& v1,
    330                                const int& v2,
    331                                const char* names) {
    332   return MakeCheckOpStringIntInt(v1, v2, names);
    333 }
    335 // Plus some debug-logging macros that get compiled to nothing for production
    336 //
    337 // DEBUG_MODE is for uses like
    338 //   if (DEBUG_MODE) foo.CheckThatFoo();
    339 // instead of
    340 //   #ifndef NDEBUG
    341 //     foo.CheckThatFoo();
    342 //   #endif
    344 // http://crbug.com/16512 is open for a real fix for this.  For now, Windows
    345 // uses OFFICIAL_BUILD and other platforms use the branding flag when NDEBUG is
    346 // defined.
    347 #if ( defined(OS_WIN) && defined(OFFICIAL_BUILD)) || \
    348     (!defined(OS_WIN) && defined(NDEBUG) && defined(GOOGLE_CHROME_BUILD))
    349 // In order to have optimized code for official builds, remove DLOGs and
    350 // DCHECKs.
    351 #define OMIT_DLOG_AND_DCHECK 1
    352 #endif
    354 #ifdef OMIT_DLOG_AND_DCHECK
    356 #define DLOG(severity) \
    357   true ? (void) 0 : logging::LogMessageVoidify() & LOG(severity)
    359 #define DLOG_IF(severity, condition) \
    360   true ? (void) 0 : logging::LogMessageVoidify() & LOG(severity)
    362 #define DLOG_ASSERT(condition) \
    363   true ? (void) 0 : LOG_ASSERT(condition)
    365 #if defined(OS_WIN)
    366 #define DLOG_GETLASTERROR(severity) \
    367   true ? (void) 0 : logging::LogMessageVoidify() & LOG_GETLASTERROR(severity)
    368 #define DLOG_GETLASTERROR_MODULE(severity, module) \
    369   true ? (void) 0 : logging::LogMessageVoidify() & \
    370       LOG_GETLASTERROR_MODULE(severity, module)
    371 #elif defined(OS_POSIX)
    372 #define DLOG_ERRNO(severity) \
    373   true ? (void) 0 : logging::LogMessageVoidify() & LOG_ERRNO(severity)
    374 #endif
    376 #define DPLOG_IF(severity, condition) \
    377   true ? (void) 0 : logging::LogMessageVoidify() & PLOG(severity)
    379 enum { DEBUG_MODE = 0 };
    381 // This macro can be followed by a sequence of stream parameters in
    382 // non-debug mode. The DCHECK and friends macros use this so that
    383 // the expanded expression DCHECK(foo) << "asdf" is still syntactically
    384 // valid, even though the expression will get optimized away.
    385 // In order to avoid variable unused warnings for code that only uses a
    386 // variable in a CHECK, we make sure to use the macro arguments.
    388   logging::LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__).stream()
    390 #define DCHECK(condition) \
    391   while (false && (condition)) NDEBUG_EAT_STREAM_PARAMETERS
    393 #define DPCHECK(condition) \
    394   while (false && (condition)) NDEBUG_EAT_STREAM_PARAMETERS
    396 #define DCHECK_EQ(val1, val2) \
    397   while (false && (val1) == (val2)) NDEBUG_EAT_STREAM_PARAMETERS
    399 #define DCHECK_NE(val1, val2) \
    400   while (false && (val1) == (val2)) NDEBUG_EAT_STREAM_PARAMETERS
    402 #define DCHECK_LE(val1, val2) \
    403   while (false && (val1) == (val2)) NDEBUG_EAT_STREAM_PARAMETERS
    405 #define DCHECK_LT(val1, val2) \
    406   while (false && (val1) == (val2)) NDEBUG_EAT_STREAM_PARAMETERS
    408 #define DCHECK_GE(val1, val2) \
    409   while (false && (val1) == (val2)) NDEBUG_EAT_STREAM_PARAMETERS
    411 #define DCHECK_GT(val1, val2) \
    412   while (false && (val1) == (val2)) NDEBUG_EAT_STREAM_PARAMETERS
    414 #define DCHECK_STREQ(str1, str2) \
    415   while (false && (str1) == (str2)) NDEBUG_EAT_STREAM_PARAMETERS
    417 #define DCHECK_STRCASEEQ(str1, str2) \
    418   while (false && (str1) == (str2)) NDEBUG_EAT_STREAM_PARAMETERS
    420 #define DCHECK_STRNE(str1, str2) \
    421   while (false && (str1) == (str2)) NDEBUG_EAT_STREAM_PARAMETERS
    423 #define DCHECK_STRCASENE(str1, str2) \
    424   while (false && (str1) == (str2)) NDEBUG_EAT_STREAM_PARAMETERS
    426 #else  // OMIT_DLOG_AND_DCHECK
    428 #ifndef NDEBUG
    429 // On a regular debug build, we want to have DCHECKS and DLOGS enabled.
    431 #define DLOG(severity) LOG(severity)
    432 #define DLOG_IF(severity, condition) LOG_IF(severity, condition)
    433 #define DLOG_ASSERT(condition) LOG_ASSERT(condition)
    435 #if defined(OS_WIN)
    436 #define DLOG_GETLASTERROR(severity) LOG_GETLASTERROR(severity)
    437 #define DLOG_GETLASTERROR_MODULE(severity, module) \
    438   LOG_GETLASTERROR_MODULE(severity, module)
    439 #elif defined(OS_POSIX)
    440 #define DLOG_ERRNO(severity) LOG_ERRNO(severity)
    441 #endif
    443 #define DPLOG_IF(severity, condition) PLOG_IF(severity, condition)
    445 // debug-only checking.  not executed in NDEBUG mode.
    446 enum { DEBUG_MODE = 1 };
    447 #define DCHECK(condition) \
    448   LOG_IF(FATAL, !(condition)) << "Check failed: " #condition ". "
    450 #define DPCHECK(condition) \
    451   PLOG_IF(FATAL, !(condition)) << "Check failed: " #condition ". "
    453 // Helper macro for binary operators.
    454 // Don't use this macro directly in your code, use DCHECK_EQ et al below.
    455 #define DCHECK_OP(name, op, val1, val2)  \
    456   if (logging::CheckOpString _result = \
    457       logging::Check##name##Impl((val1), (val2), #val1 " " #op " " #val2)) \
    458     logging::LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, _result).stream()
    460 // Helper functions for string comparisons.
    461 // To avoid bloat, the definitions are in logging.cc.
    462 #define DECLARE_DCHECK_STROP_IMPL(func, expected) \
    463   std::string* Check##func##expected##Impl(const char* s1, \
    464                                            const char* s2, \
    465                                            const char* names);
    466 DECLARE_DCHECK_STROP_IMPL(strcmp, true)
    467 DECLARE_DCHECK_STROP_IMPL(strcmp, false)
    468 DECLARE_DCHECK_STROP_IMPL(_stricmp, true)
    469 DECLARE_DCHECK_STROP_IMPL(_stricmp, false)
    472 // Helper macro for string comparisons.
    473 // Don't use this macro directly in your code, use CHECK_STREQ et al below.
    474 #define DCHECK_STROP(func, op, expected, s1, s2) \
    475   while (CheckOpString _result = \
    476       logging::Check##func##expected##Impl((s1), (s2), \
    477                                            #s1 " " #op " " #s2)) \
    478     LOG(FATAL) << *_result.str_
    480 // String (char*) equality/inequality checks.
    481 // CASE versions are case-insensitive.
    482 //
    483 // Note that "s1" and "s2" may be temporary strings which are destroyed
    484 // by the compiler at the end of the current "full expression"
    485 // (e.g. DCHECK_STREQ(Foo().c_str(), Bar().c_str())).
    487 #define DCHECK_STREQ(s1, s2) DCHECK_STROP(strcmp, ==, true, s1, s2)
    488 #define DCHECK_STRNE(s1, s2) DCHECK_STROP(strcmp, !=, false, s1, s2)
    489 #define DCHECK_STRCASEEQ(s1, s2) DCHECK_STROP(_stricmp, ==, true, s1, s2)
    490 #define DCHECK_STRCASENE(s1, s2) DCHECK_STROP(_stricmp, !=, false, s1, s2)
    492 #define DCHECK_INDEX(I,A) DCHECK(I < (sizeof(A)/sizeof(A[0])))
    493 #define DCHECK_BOUND(B,A) DCHECK(B <= (sizeof(A)/sizeof(A[0])))
    495 #else  // NDEBUG
    496 // On a regular release build we want to be able to enable DCHECKS through the
    497 // command line.
    498 #define DLOG(severity) \
    499   true ? (void) 0 : logging::LogMessageVoidify() & LOG(severity)
    501 #define DLOG_IF(severity, condition) \
    502   true ? (void) 0 : logging::LogMessageVoidify() & LOG(severity)
    504 #define DLOG_ASSERT(condition) \
    505   true ? (void) 0 : LOG_ASSERT(condition)
    507 #if defined(OS_WIN)
    508 #define DLOG_GETLASTERROR(severity) \
    509   true ? (void) 0 : logging::LogMessageVoidify() & LOG_GETLASTERROR(severity)
    510 #define DLOG_GETLASTERROR_MODULE(severity, module) \
    511   true ? (void) 0 : logging::LogMessageVoidify() & \
    512       LOG_GETLASTERROR_MODULE(severity, module)
    513 #elif defined(OS_POSIX)
    514 #define DLOG_ERRNO(severity) \
    515   true ? (void) 0 : logging::LogMessageVoidify() & LOG_ERRNO(severity)
    516 #endif
    518 #define DPLOG_IF(severity, condition) \
    519   true ? (void) 0 : logging::LogMessageVoidify() & PLOG(severity)
    521 enum { DEBUG_MODE = 0 };
    523 // This macro can be followed by a sequence of stream parameters in
    524 // non-debug mode. The DCHECK and friends macros use this so that
    525 // the expanded expression DCHECK(foo) << "asdf" is still syntactically
    526 // valid, even though the expression will get optimized away.
    528   logging::LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__).stream()
    530 // Set to true in InitLogging when we want to enable the dchecks in release.
    531 extern bool g_enable_dcheck;
    532 #define DCHECK(condition) \
    533     !logging::g_enable_dcheck ? void (0) : \
    534         LOG_IF(ERROR_REPORT, !(condition)) << "Check failed: " #condition ". "
    536 #define DPCHECK(condition) \
    537     !logging::g_enable_dcheck ? void (0) : \
    538         PLOG_IF(ERROR_REPORT, !(condition)) << "Check failed: " #condition ". "
    540 // Helper macro for binary operators.
    541 // Don't use this macro directly in your code, use DCHECK_EQ et al below.
    542 #define DCHECK_OP(name, op, val1, val2)  \
    543   if (logging::g_enable_dcheck) \
    544     if (logging::CheckOpString _result = \
    545         logging::Check##name##Impl((val1), (val2), #val1 " " #op " " #val2)) \
    546       logging::LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, logging::LOG_ERROR_REPORT, \
    547                           _result).stream()
    549 #define DCHECK_STREQ(str1, str2) \
    550   while (false) NDEBUG_EAT_STREAM_PARAMETERS
    552 #define DCHECK_STRCASEEQ(str1, str2) \
    553   while (false) NDEBUG_EAT_STREAM_PARAMETERS
    555 #define DCHECK_STRNE(str1, str2) \
    556   while (false) NDEBUG_EAT_STREAM_PARAMETERS
    558 #define DCHECK_STRCASENE(str1, str2) \
    559   while (false) NDEBUG_EAT_STREAM_PARAMETERS
    561 #endif  // NDEBUG
    563 // Helper functions for DCHECK_OP macro.
    564 // The (int, int) specialization works around the issue that the compiler
    565 // will not instantiate the template version of the function on values of
    566 // unnamed enum type - see comment below.
    567 #define DEFINE_DCHECK_OP_IMPL(name, op) \
    568   template <class t1, class t2> \
    569   inline std::string* Check##name##Impl(const t1& v1, const t2& v2, \
    570                                         const char* names) { \
    571     if (v1 op v2) return NULL; \
    572     else return MakeCheckOpString(v1, v2, names); \
    573   } \
    574   inline std::string* Check##name##Impl(int v1, int v2, const char* names) { \
    575     if (v1 op v2) return NULL; \
    576     else return MakeCheckOpString(v1, v2, names); \
    577   }
    584 #undef DEFINE_DCHECK_OP_IMPL
    586 // Equality/Inequality checks - compare two values, and log a LOG_FATAL message
    587 // including the two values when the result is not as expected.  The values
    588 // must have operator<<(ostream, ...) defined.
    589 //
    590 // You may append to the error message like so:
    591 //   DCHECK_NE(1, 2) << ": The world must be ending!";
    592 //
    593 // We are very careful to ensure that each argument is evaluated exactly
    594 // once, and that anything which is legal to pass as a function argument is
    595 // legal here.  In particular, the arguments may be temporary expressions
    596 // which will end up being destroyed at the end of the apparent statement,
    597 // for example:
    598 //   DCHECK_EQ(string("abc")[1], 'b');
    599 //
    600 // WARNING: These may not compile correctly if one of the arguments is a pointer
    601 // and the other is NULL. To work around this, simply static_cast NULL to the
    602 // type of the desired pointer.
    604 #define DCHECK_EQ(val1, val2) DCHECK_OP(EQ, ==, val1, val2)
    605 #define DCHECK_NE(val1, val2) DCHECK_OP(NE, !=, val1, val2)
    606 #define DCHECK_LE(val1, val2) DCHECK_OP(LE, <=, val1, val2)
    607 #define DCHECK_LT(val1, val2) DCHECK_OP(LT, < , val1, val2)
    608 #define DCHECK_GE(val1, val2) DCHECK_OP(GE, >=, val1, val2)
    609 #define DCHECK_GT(val1, val2) DCHECK_OP(GT, > , val1, val2)
    611 #endif  // OMIT_DLOG_AND_DCHECK
    612 #undef OMIT_DLOG_AND_DCHECK
    614 #define NOTREACHED() DCHECK(false)
    616 // Redefine the standard assert to use our nice log files
    617 #undef assert
    618 #define assert(x) DLOG_ASSERT(x)
    620 // This class more or less represents a particular log message.  You
    621 // create an instance of LogMessage and then stream stuff to it.
    622 // When you finish streaming to it, ~LogMessage is called and the
    623 // full message gets streamed to the appropriate destination.
    624 //
    625 // You shouldn't actually use LogMessage's constructor to log things,
    626 // though.  You should use the LOG() macro (and variants thereof)
    627 // above.
    628 class LogMessage {
    629  public:
    630   LogMessage(const char* file, int line, LogSeverity severity, int ctr);
    632   // Two special constructors that generate reduced amounts of code at
    633   // LOG call sites for common cases.
    634   //
    635   // Used for LOG(INFO): Implied are:
    636   // severity = LOG_INFO, ctr = 0
    637   //
    638   // Using this constructor instead of the more complex constructor above
    639   // saves a couple of bytes per call site.
    640   LogMessage(const char* file, int line);
    642   // Used for LOG(severity) where severity != INFO.  Implied
    643   // are: ctr = 0
    644   //
    645   // Using this constructor instead of the more complex constructor above
    646   // saves a couple of bytes per call site.
    647   LogMessage(const char* file, int line, LogSeverity severity);
    649   // A special constructor used for check failures.
    650   // Implied severity = LOG_FATAL
    651   LogMessage(const char* file, int line, const CheckOpString& result);
    653   // A special constructor used for check failures, with the option to
    654   // specify severity.
    655   LogMessage(const char* file, int line, LogSeverity severity,
    656              const CheckOpString& result);
    658   ~LogMessage();
    660   std::ostream& stream() { return stream_; }
    662  private:
    663   void Init(const char* file, int line);
    665   LogSeverity severity_;
    666   std::ostringstream stream_;
    667   size_t message_start_;  // Offset of the start of the message (past prefix
    668                           // info).
    669 #if defined(OS_WIN)
    670   // Stores the current value of GetLastError in the constructor and restores
    671   // it in the destructor by calling SetLastError.
    672   // This is useful since the LogMessage class uses a lot of Win32 calls
    673   // that will lose the value of GLE and the code that called the log function
    674   // will have lost the thread error value when the log call returns.
    675   class SaveLastError {
    676    public:
    677     SaveLastError();
    678     ~SaveLastError();
    680     unsigned long get_error() const { return last_error_; }
    682    protected:
    683     unsigned long last_error_;
    684   };
    686   SaveLastError last_error_;
    687 #endif
    689   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(LogMessage);
    690 };
    692 // A non-macro interface to the log facility; (useful
    693 // when the logging level is not a compile-time constant).
    694 inline void LogAtLevel(int const log_level, std::string const &msg) {
    695   LogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, log_level).stream() << msg;
    696 }
    698 // This class is used to explicitly ignore values in the conditional
    699 // logging macros.  This avoids compiler warnings like "value computed
    700 // is not used" and "statement has no effect".
    701 class LogMessageVoidify {
    702  public:
    703   LogMessageVoidify() { }
    704   // This has to be an operator with a precedence lower than << but
    705   // higher than ?:
    706   void operator&(std::ostream&) { }
    707 };
    709 #if defined(OS_WIN)
    710 typedef unsigned long SystemErrorCode;
    711 #elif defined(OS_POSIX)
    712 typedef int SystemErrorCode;
    713 #endif
    715 // Alias for ::GetLastError() on Windows and errno on POSIX. Avoids having to
    716 // pull in windows.h just for GetLastError() and DWORD.
    717 SystemErrorCode GetLastSystemErrorCode();
    719 #if defined(OS_WIN)
    720 // Appends a formatted system message of the GetLastError() type.
    721 class Win32ErrorLogMessage {
    722  public:
    723   Win32ErrorLogMessage(const char* file,
    724                        int line,
    725                        LogSeverity severity,
    726                        SystemErrorCode err,
    727                        const char* module);
    729   Win32ErrorLogMessage(const char* file,
    730                        int line,
    731                        LogSeverity severity,
    732                        SystemErrorCode err);
    734   std::ostream& stream() { return log_message_.stream(); }
    736   // Appends the error message before destructing the encapsulated class.
    737   ~Win32ErrorLogMessage();
    739  private:
    740   SystemErrorCode err_;
    741   // Optional name of the module defining the error.
    742   const char* module_;
    743   LogMessage log_message_;
    745   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Win32ErrorLogMessage);
    746 };
    747 #elif defined(OS_POSIX)
    748 // Appends a formatted system message of the errno type
    749 class ErrnoLogMessage {
    750  public:
    751   ErrnoLogMessage(const char* file,
    752                   int line,
    753                   LogSeverity severity,
    754                   SystemErrorCode err);
    756   std::ostream& stream() { return log_message_.stream(); }
    758   // Appends the error message before destructing the encapsulated class.
    759   ~ErrnoLogMessage();
    761  private:
    762   SystemErrorCode err_;
    763   LogMessage log_message_;
    765   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ErrnoLogMessage);
    766 };
    767 #endif  // OS_WIN
    769 // Closes the log file explicitly if open.
    770 // NOTE: Since the log file is opened as necessary by the action of logging
    771 //       statements, there's no guarantee that it will stay closed
    772 //       after this call.
    773 void CloseLogFile();
    775 // Async signal safe logging mechanism.
    776 void RawLog(int level, const char* message);
    778 #define RAW_LOG(level, message) logging::RawLog(logging::LOG_ ## level, message)
    780 #define RAW_CHECK(condition)                                                   \
    781   do {                                                                         \
    782     if (!(condition))                                                          \
    783       logging::RawLog(logging::LOG_FATAL, "Check failed: " #condition "\n");   \
    784   } while (0)
    786 }  // namespace logging
    788 // These functions are provided as a convenience for logging, which is where we
    789 // use streams (it is against Google style to use streams in other places). It
    790 // is designed to allow you to emit non-ASCII Unicode strings to the log file,
    791 // which is normally ASCII. It is relatively slow, so try not to use it for
    792 // common cases. Non-ASCII characters will be converted to UTF-8 by these
    793 // operators.
    794 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const wchar_t* wstr);
    795 inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const std::wstring& wstr) {
    796   return out << wstr.c_str();
    797 }
    799 // The NOTIMPLEMENTED() macro annotates codepaths which have
    800 // not been implemented yet.
    801 //
    802 // The implementation of this macro is controlled by NOTIMPLEMENTED_POLICY:
    803 //   0 -- Do nothing (stripped by compiler)
    804 //   1 -- Warn at compile time
    805 //   2 -- Fail at compile time
    806 //   3 -- Fail at runtime (DCHECK)
    807 //   4 -- [default] LOG(ERROR) at runtime
    808 //   5 -- LOG(ERROR) at runtime, only once per call-site
    811 // Select default policy: LOG(ERROR)
    813 #endif
    815 #if defined(COMPILER_GCC)
    816 // On Linux, with GCC, we can use __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ to get the demangled name
    817 // of the current function in the NOTIMPLEMENTED message.
    818 #define NOTIMPLEMENTED_MSG "Not implemented reached in " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
    819 #else
    821 #endif
    824 #define NOTIMPLEMENTED() ;
    825 #elif NOTIMPLEMENTED_POLICY == 1
    826 // TODO, figure out how to generate a warning
    828 #elif NOTIMPLEMENTED_POLICY == 2
    830 #elif NOTIMPLEMENTED_POLICY == 3
    832 #elif NOTIMPLEMENTED_POLICY == 4
    834 #elif NOTIMPLEMENTED_POLICY == 5
    835 #define NOTIMPLEMENTED() do {\
    836   static int count = 0;\
    837   LOG_IF(ERROR, 0 == count++) << NOTIMPLEMENTED_MSG;\
    838 } while(0)
    839 #endif
    841 #endif  // BASE_LOGGING_H_