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      1 /**
      2  * \file seq/seq.c
      3  * \brief Sequencer Interface
      4  * \author Jaroslav Kysela <perex (at) perex.cz>
      5  * \author Abramo Bagnara <abramo (at) alsa-project.org>
      6  * \author Takashi Iwai <tiwai (at) suse.de>
      7  * \date 2000-2001
      8  *
      9  * See \ref seq page for more details.
     10  */
     12 /*
     13  *  Sequencer Interface - main file
     14  *
     15  *   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     16  *   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
     17  *   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
     18  *   the License, or (at your option) any later version.
     19  *
     20  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     21  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     23  *   GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
     24  *
     25  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
     26  *   License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
     27  *   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA
     28  *
     29  */
     31 /*! \page seq Sequencer interface
     33 \section seq_general Genral
     35 The ALSA sequencer interface is designed to deliver the MIDI-like
     36 events between clients/ports.
     37 A typical usage is the MIDI patch-bay.  A MIDI application can be
     38 connected arbitrarily from/to the other MIDI clients.
     39 The routing between clients can be changed dynamically, so the
     40 application can handle incoming or outgoing MIDI events regardless of
     41 the devices or the application connections.
     43 The sequencer core stuff only takes care of two things:
     44 scheduling events and dispatching them to the destination at the
     45 right time.  All processing of MIDI events has to be done within the clients.
     46 The event can be dispatched immediately without queueing, too.
     47 The event scheduling can be done either on a MIDI tempo queue or
     48 on a wallclock-time queue.
     50 \section seq_client Client and Port
     52 A <i>client</i> is created at each time #snd_seq_open() is called.
     53 Later on, the attributes of client such as its name string can be changed
     54 via #snd_seq_set_client_info().  There are helper functions for ease of use,
     55 e.g. #snd_seq_set_client_name() and #snd_seq_set_client_event_filter().
     56 A typical code would be like below:
     57 \code
     58 // create a new client
     59 snd_seq_t *open_client()
     60 {
     61         snd_seq_t *handle;
     62         int err;
     63         err = snd_seq_open(&handle, "default", SND_SEQ_OPEN_INPUT, 0);
     64         if (err < 0)
     65                 return NULL;
     66         snd_seq_set_client_name(handle, "My Client");
     67 	return handle;
     68 }
     69 \endcode
     71 You'll need to know the id number of the client eventually, for example,
     72 when accessing to a certain port (see the section \ref seq_subs).
     73 The client id can be obtained by #snd_seq_client_id() function.
     75 A client can have one or more <i>ports</i> to communicate between other
     76 clients.  A port is corresponding to the MIDI port in the case of MIDI device,
     77 but in general it is nothing but the access point between other clients.
     78 Each port may have capability flags, which specify the read/write
     79 accessbility and subscription permissions of the port.
     80 For creation of a port, call #snd_seq_create_port()
     81 with the appropirate port attribute specified in #snd_seq_port_info_t
     82 reocrd.
     84 For creating a port for the normal use, there is a helper function
     85 #snd_seq_create_simple_port().  An example with this function is like below.
     86 \code
     87 // create a new port; return the port id
     88 // port will be writable and accept the write-subscription.
     89 int my_new_port(snd_seq_t *handle)
     90 {
     91 	return snd_seq_create_simple_port(handle, "my port",
     94 }
     95 \endcode
     97 \section seq_memory Memory Pool
     99 Each client owns memory pools on kernel space
    100 for each input and output events.
    101 Here, input and output mean
    102 input (read) from other clients and output (write) to others, respectively.
    103 Since memory pool of each client is independent from others,
    104 it avoids such a situation that a client eats the whole events pool
    105 and interfere other clients' responce.
    107 The all scheduled output events or input events from dispatcher are stored
    108 on these pools until delivered to other clients or extracted to user space.
    109 The size of input/output pools can be changed independently.
    110 The output pool has also a room size, which is used to wake up the
    111 thread when it falls into sleep in blocking write mode.
    113 Note that ports on the same client share the same memory pool.
    114 If a port fills the memory pool, another can't use it any more.
    115 For avoiding this, multiple clients can be used.
    117 For chancing the pool size and the condition, access to #snd_seq_client_pool_t
    118 record.  There are helper functions, #snd_seq_set_client_pool_output(),
    119 #snd_seq_set_client_pool_output_room() and #snd_seq_set_client_pool_input(),
    120 for setting the total output-pool size, the output-room size and the input-pool
    121 size, respectively.
    123 \section seq_subs Subscription
    125 One of the new features in ALSA sequencer system is <i>subscription</i> of ports.
    126 In general, subscription is a connection between two sequencer ports.
    127 Even though an event can be delivered to a port without subscription
    128 using an explicit destination address,
    129 the subscription mechanism provides us more abstraction.
    131 Suppose a MIDI input device which sends events from a keyboard.
    132 The port associated with this device has READ capability - which means
    133 this port is readable from other ports.
    134 If a user program wants to capture events from keyboard and store them
    135 as MIDI stream, this program must subscribe itself to the MIDI port
    136 for read.
    137 Then, a connection from MIDI input port to this program is established.
    138 From this time, events from keyboard are automatically sent to this program.
    139 Timestamps will be updated according to the subscribed queue.
    140 \code
    141         MIDI input port (keyboard)
    142             |
    143             V
    144         ALSA sequencer - update timestamp
    145             |
    146             V
    147         application port
    148 \endcode
    150 There is another subscription type for opposite direction:
    151 Suppose a MIDI sequencer program which sends events to a MIDI output device.
    152 In ALSA system, MIDI device is not opened until the associated MIDI port
    153 is accessed.  Thus, in order to activate MIDI device, we have to subscribe
    154 to MIDI port for write.
    155 After this connection is established, events will be properly sent
    156 to MIDI output device.
    157 \code
    158         application port
    159             |
    160             V
    161         ALSA sequencer - events are scheduled
    162             |
    163             V
    164         MIDI output port (WaveTable etc.)
    165 \endcode
    167 From the viewpoint of subscription, the examples above are special cases.
    168 Basically, subscription means the connection between two arbitrary ports.
    169 For example, imagine a filter application which modifies
    170 the MIDI events like program, velocity or chorus effects.
    171 This application can accept arbitrary MIDI input
    172 and send to arbitrary port, just like a Unix pipe application using
    173 stdin and stdout files.
    174 We can even connect several filter applictions which work individually
    175 in order to process the MIDI events.
    176 Subscription can be used for this purpose.
    177 The connection between ports can be done also by the "third" client.
    178 Thus, filter applications have to manage
    179 only input and output events regardless of receiver/sender addresses.
    180 \code
    181         sequencer port #1
    182             |
    183             V
    184         ALSA sequencer (scheduled or real-time)
    185             |
    186             V
    187         sequencer port #2
    188 \endcode
    190 For the detail about subscription, see the section \ref seq_subs_more.
    192 \section seq_events Sequencer Events
    194 Messaging between clients is performed by sending events from one client to
    195 another. These events contain high-level MIDI oriented messages or sequencer
    196 specific messages.
    198 All the sequencer events are stored in a sequencer event record,
    199 #snd_seq_event_t type.
    200 Application can send and receive these event records to/from other
    201 clients via sequencer.
    202 An event has several stroage types according to its usage.
    203 For example, a SYSEX message is stored on the variable length event,
    204 and a large synth sample data is delivered using a user-space data pointer.
    207 \subsection seq_ev_struct Structure of an event
    209 An event consists of the following items:
    210 <ul>
    211 <li>The type of the event
    212 <li>Event flags.  It describes various conditions:
    213   <ul>
    214   <li>time stamp; "real time" / "song ticks"
    215   <li>time mode; "absolute" / "relative to current time"
    216   </ul>
    217 <li>Timestamp of the event.
    218 <li>Scheduling queue id.
    219 <li>Source address of the event, given by the combination
    220   of client id and port id numbers.
    221 <li>Destination address of the event.
    222 <li>The actual event data. (up to 12 bytes)
    223 </ul>
    225 The actual record is shown in #snd_seq_event_t.
    226 The type field contains the type of the event
    227 (1 byte).
    228 The flags field consists of bit flags which
    229 describe several conditions of the event (1 byte).
    230 It includes the time-stamp mode, data storage type, and scheduling prority.
    231 The tag field is an arbitrary tag.
    232 This tag can used for removing a distinct event from the event queue
    233 via #snd_seq_remove_events().
    234 The queue field is the queue id for scheduling.
    235 The source and dest fields are source and destination addresses.
    236 The data field is a union of event data.
    238 \subsection seq_ev_queue Scheduling queue
    240 An event can be delivered either on scheduled or direct dispatch mode.
    241 On the scheduling mode, an event is once stored on the priority queue
    242 and delivered later (or even immediately) to the destination,
    243 whereas on the direct disatch mode, an event is passed to the destination
    244 without any queue.
    246 For a scheduled delivery, a queue to process the event must exist.
    247 Usually, a client creates its own queue by
    248 #snd_seq_alloc_queue() function.
    249 Alternatively, a queue may be shared among several clients.
    250 For scheduling an event on the specified queue,
    251 a client needs to fill queue field
    252 with the preferred queue id.
    254 Meanwhile, for dispatching an event directly, just
    255 use #SND_SEQ_QUEUE_DIRECT as the target queue id.
    256 A macro #snd_seq_ev_set_direct() is provided for ease
    257 and compatibility.
    259 Note that scheduling at the current or earlier time is different
    260 from the direct dispatch mode even though the event is delivered immediately.
    261 On the former scheme, an event is once stored on priority queue, then
    262 delivered actually.  Thus, it acquires a space from memory pool.
    263 On the other hand, the latter is passed without using memory pool.
    264 Although the direct dispatched event needs less memory, it means also
    265 that the event cannot be resent if the destination is unable to receive it
    266 momentarily.
    268 \subsection seq_ev_time Time stamp
    270 The timestamp of the event can either specified in
    271 <i>real time</i> or in <i>song ticks</i>.
    272 The former means the wallclock time while the latter corresponds to
    273 the MIDI ticks.
    274 Which format is used is determined by the event flags.
    276 The resolution of real-time value is in nano second.
    277 Since 64 bit length is required for the actual time calculation,
    278 it is represented by
    279 a structure of pair of second and nano second
    280 defined as #snd_seq_real_time_t type.
    281 The song tick is defined simply as a 32 bit integer,
    282 defined as #snd_seq_tick_time_t type.
    283 The time stored in an event record is a union of these two different
    284 time values.
    286 Note that the time format used for real time events is very similar to
    287 timeval struct used for unix system time.
    288 The absurd resolution of the timestamps allows us to perform very accurate
    289 conversions between songposition and real time. Round-off errors can be
    290 neglected.
    292 If a timestamp with a
    293 <i>relative</i> timestamp is delivered to ALSA, the
    294 specified timestamp will be used as an offset to the current time of the
    295 queue the event is sent into.
    296 An <i>absolute</i> timestamp is on the contrary the time
    297 counted from the moment when the queue started.
    299 An client that relies on these relative timestamps is the MIDI input port.
    300 As each sequencer queue has it's own clock the only way to deliver events at
    301 the right time is by using the relative timestamp format. When the event
    302 arrives at the queue it is normalised to absolute format.
    304 The timestamp format is specified in the flag bitfield masked by
    306 To schedule the event in a real-time queue or in a tick queue,
    307 macros #snd_seq_ev_schedule_real() and
    308 #snd_seq_ev_schedule_tick() are provided, respectively.
    310 \subsection seq_ev_addr Source and destination addresses
    312 To identify the source and destination of an event, the addressing field
    313 contains a combination of client id and port id numbers, defined as
    314 #snd_seq_addr_t type.
    315 When an event is passed to sequencer from a client, sequencer fills
    316 source.client field
    317 with the sender's id automatically.
    318 It is the responsibility of sender client to
    319 fill the port id of source.port and
    320 both client and port of dest field.
    322 If an existing address is set to the destination,
    323 the event is simplly delivered to it.
    324 When #SND_SEQ_ADDRESS_SUBSCRIBERS is set to the destination client id,
    325 the event is delivered to all the clients connected to the source port.
    328 A sequencer core has two pre-defined system ports on the system client
    330 The #SND_SEQ_PORT_SYSTEM_TIMER is the system timer port,
    331 and #SND_SEQ_PORT_SYSTEM_ANNOUNCE is the system
    332 announce port.
    333 In order to control a queue from a client, client should send a
    334 queue-control event
    335 like start, stop and continue queue, change tempo, etc.
    336 to the system timer port.
    337 Then the sequencer system handles the queue according to the received event.
    338 This port supports subscription. The received timer events are
    339 broadcasted to all subscribed clients.
    341 The latter port does not receive messages but supports subscription.
    342 When each client or port is attached, detached or modified,
    343 an announcement is sent to subscribers from this port.
    345 \subsection seq_ev_data Data storage type
    347 Some events like SYSEX message, however, need larger data space
    348 than the standard data.
    349 For such events, ALSA sequencer provides seveal different data storage types.
    350 The data type is specified in the flag bits masked by #SND_SEQ_EVENT_LENGTH_MASK.
    351 The following data types are available:
    353 \par Fixed size data
    354 Normal events stores their parameters on
    355 data field (12 byte).
    356 The flag-bit type is  #SND_SEQ_EVENT_LENGTH_FIXED.
    357 A macro #snd_seq_ev_set_fixed() is provided to set this type.
    359 \par Variable length data
    360 SYSEX or a returned error use this type.
    361 The actual data is stored on an extra allocated space.
    362 On sequecer kernel, the whole extra-data is duplicated, so that the event
    363 can be scheduled on queue.
    364 The data contains only the length and the
    365 pointer of extra-data.
    366 The flag-bit type is  #SND_SEQ_EVENT_LENGTH_VARIABLE.
    367 A macro #snd_seq_ev_set_variable() is provided to set this type.
    369 \par User-space data
    370 This type refers also an extra data space like variable length data,
    371 but the extra-data is not duplicated but
    372 but referred as a user-space data on kernel,
    373 so that it reduces the time and resource for transferring
    374 large bulk of data like synth sample wave.
    375 This data type, however, can be used only for direct dispatch mode,
    376 and supposed to be used only for a special purpose like a bulk data
    377 transfer.
    378 The data length and pointer are stored also in
    379 data.ext field as well as variable length data.
    380 The flag-bit type is  #SND_SEQ_EVENT_LENGTH_VARUSR.
    381 A macro #snd_seq_ev_set_varusr() is provided to set this type.
    383 \subsection seq_ev_sched Scheduling priority
    385 There are two priorities for scheduling:
    386 \par Normal priority
    387 If an event with the same scheduling time is already present on the queue,
    388 the new event is appended to the older.
    389 \par High priority
    390 If an event with the same scheduling time is already present on the queue,
    391 the new event is inserted before others.
    393 The scheduling priority is set in the flag bitfeld masked by #SND_SEQ_PRIORITY_MASK.
    394 A macro #snd_seq_ev_set_priority() is provided to set the mode type.
    396 \section seq_queue Event Queues
    397 \subsection seq_ev_control Creation of a queue
    399 Creating a queue is done usually by calling #snd_seq_alloc_queue.
    400 You can create a queue with a certain name by #snd_seq_alloc_named_queue(), too.
    401 \code
    402 // create a queue and return its id
    403 int my_queue(snd_seq_t *handle)
    404 {
    405 	return snd_seq_alloc_named_queue(handle, "my queue");
    406 }
    407 \endcode
    408 These functions are the wrapper to the function #snd_seq_create_queue().
    409 For releasing the allocated queue, call #snd_seq_free_queue() with the
    410 obtained queue id.
    412 Once when a queue is created, the two queues are associated to that
    413 queue record in fact: one is the realtime queue and another is the
    414 tick queue.  These two queues are bound together to work
    415 synchronously.  Hence, when you schedule an event, you have to choose
    416 which queue type is used as described in the section \ref
    417 seq_ev_time.
    419 \subsection seq_ev_tempo Setting queue tempo
    421 The tempo (or the speed) of the scheduling queue is variable.
    422 In the case of <i>tick</i> queue, the tempo is controlled
    423 in the manner of MIDI.  There are two parameters to define the
    424 actual tempo, PPQ (pulse per quarter note) and MIDI tempo.
    425 The former defines the base resolution of the ticks, while
    426 the latter defines the beat tempo in microseconds.
    427 As default, 96 PPQ and 120 BPM are used, respectively.
    428 That is, the tempo is set to 500000 (= 60 * 1000000 / 120).
    429 Note that PPQ cannot be changed while the queue is running.
    430 It must be set before the queue is started.
    432 On the other hand, in the case of <i>realtime</i> queue, the
    433 time resolution is fixed to nanosecononds.  There is, however,
    434 a parameter to change the speed of this queue, called <i>skew</i>.
    435 You can make the queue faster or slower by setting the skew value
    436 bigger or smaller.  In the API, the skew is defined by two values,
    437 the skew base and the skew value.  The actual skew is the fraction
    438 of them, <i>value/base</i>.  As default, the skew base is set to 16bit
    439 (0x10000) and the skew value is the identical, so that the queue is
    440 processed as well as in the real world.
    442 When the tempo of realtime queue is changed, the tempo of
    443 the associated tick queue is changed together, too.
    444 That's the reason why two queues are created always.
    445 This feature can be used to synchronize the event queue with
    446 the external synchronization source like SMPTE.  In such a case,
    447 the realtime queue is skewed to match with the external source,
    448 so that both the realtime timestamp and the MIDI timestamp are
    449 synchronized.
    451 For setting these tempo parameters, use #snd_seq_queue_tempo_t record.
    452 For example, to set the tempo of the queue <code>q</code> to
    453 48 PPQ, 60 BPM,
    454 \code
    455 void set_tempo(snd_seq_t *handle)
    456 {
    457         snd_seq_queue_tempo_t *tempo;
    458         snd_seq_queue_tempo_alloca(&tempo);
    459         snd_seq_queue_tempo_set_tempo(tempo, 1000000); // 60 BPM
    460         snd_seq_queue_tempo_set_ppq(tempo, 48); // 48 PPQ
    461         snd_seq_set_queue_tempo(handle, tempo);
    462 }
    463 \endcode
    465 For changing the (running) queue's tempo on the fly, you can either
    466 set the tempo via #snd_seq_queue_tempo() or send a MIDI tempo event
    467 to the system timer port.  For example,
    468 \code
    469 int change_tempo(snd_seq_t *handle, int q, unsigned int tempo)
    470 {
    471 	snd_seq_event_t ev;
    472 	snd_seq_ev_clear(&ev);
    473 	ev.dest.client = SND_SEQ_CLIENT_SYSTEM;
    474 	ev.dest.port = SND_SEQ_PORT_SYSTEM_TIMER;
    475 	ev.source.client = my_client_id;
    476 	ev.source.port = my_port_id;
    477 	ev.queue = SND_SEQ_QUEUE_DIRECT; // no scheduling
    478 	ev.data.queue.queue = q;	// affected queue id
    479 	ev.data.queue.value = tempo;	// new tempo in microsec.
    480 	return snd_seq_event_output(handle, &ev);
    481 }
    482 \endcode
    483 There is a helper function to do this easily,
    484 #snd_seq_change_queue_tempo().
    485 Set NULL to the last argument, if you don't need any
    486 special settings.
    488 In the above example, the tempo is changed immediately after
    489 the buffer is flushed by #snd_seq_drain_output() call.
    490 You can schedule the event in a certain queue so that the tempo
    491 change happes at the scheduled time, too.
    493 \subsection seq_ev_start Starting and stopping a queue
    495 To start, stop, or continue a queue, you need to send a queue-control
    496 event to the system timer port as well.  There are helper functions,
    497 #snd_seq_start_queue(), #snd_seq_stop_queue() and
    498 #snd_seq_continue_queue().
    499 Note that if the last argument of these functions is NULL, the
    500 event is sent (i.e. operated) immediately after the buffer flush.
    501 If you want to schedule the event at the certain time, set up
    502 the event record and provide the pointer of that event record as the
    503 argument.
    505 Only calling these functions doesn't deliver the event to the
    506 sequencer core but only put to the output buffer.  You'll need to
    507 call #snd_seq_drain_output() eventually.
    510 \section seq_subs_more More inside the subscription
    512 \subsection seq_subs_perm Permissions
    514 Each ALSA port can have capability flags.
    515 The most basic capability flags are
    517 The former means that the port allows to send events to other ports,
    518 whereas the latter capability menas
    519 that the port allows to receive events from other ports.
    520 You may have noticed that meanings of \c READ and \c WRITE
    521 are permissions of the port from the viewpoint of other ports.
    523 For allowing subscription from/to other clients, another capability
    524 flags must be set together with read/write capabilities above.
    525 For allowing read and write subscriptions,
    527 #SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_WRITE are used,
    528 respectively.
    529 For example, the port with MIDI input device always has
    530 #SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_READ capability,
    531 and the port with MIDI output device always has
    532 #SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_WRITE capability together with
    533 #SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_READ and #SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_WRITE capabilities,
    534 respectively.
    535 Obviously, these flags have no influence
    536 if \c READ or \c WRITE> capability is not set.
    538 Note that these flags are not necessary if the client subscribes itself
    539 to the spcified port.
    540 For example, when a port makes READ subscription
    541 to MIDI input port, this port must have #SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_WRITE capability,
    542 but no #SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_WRITE capability is required.
    543 Only MIDI input port must have #SND_SEQ_PORT_SUBS_READ capability.
    545 As default, the connection of ports via the third client is always allowed
    546 if proper read and write (subscription) capabilities are set both to the
    547 source and destination ports.
    548 For prohibiting this behavior, set a capability
    549 #SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_NO_EXPORT to the port.
    550 If this flag is set, subscription must be done by sender or receiver
    551 client itself.
    552 It is useful to avoid unexpected disconnection.
    553 The ports which won't accept subscription should have this capability
    554 for better security.
    556 \subsection seq_subs_handle Subscription handlers
    558 In ALSA library, subscription is done via
    559 #snd_seq_subscribe_port() function.
    560 It takes the argument of #snd_seq_port_subscribe_t record pointer.
    561 Suppose that you have a client which will receive data from
    562 a MIDI input device.  The source and destination addresses
    563 are like the below;
    564 \code
    565 snd_seq_addr_t sender, dest;
    566 sender.client = MIDI_input_client;
    567 sender.port = MIDI_input_port;
    568 dest.client = my_client;
    569 dest.port = my_port;
    570 \endcode
    571 To set these values as the connection call like this.
    572 \code
    573 snd_seq_port_subscribe_t *subs;
    574 snd_seq_port_subscribe_alloca(&subs);
    575 snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_sender(subs, &sender);
    576 snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_dest(subs, &dest);
    577 snd_seq_subscribe_port(handle, subs);
    578 \endcode
    580 When the connection should be exclusively done only between
    581 a certain pair, set <i>exclusive</i> attribute to the subscription
    582 record before calling #snd_seq_port_subscribe.
    583 \code
    584 snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_exclusive(subs, 1);
    585 \endcode
    586 The succeeding subscriptions will be refused.
    588 The timestamp can be updated independently on each connection.
    589 When set up, the timestamp of incoming queue to the destination port
    590 is updated automatically to the time of the specified queue.
    591 \code
    592 snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_time_update(subs, 1);
    593 snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_queue(subs, q);
    594 \endcode
    595 For getting the wallclock time (sec/nsec pair), set <i>real</i> attribute:
    596 \code
    597 snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_time_real(subs, 1);
    598 \endcode
    599 Otherwise, the timestamp is stored in tick unit.
    600 This feature is useful when receiving events from MIDI input device.
    601 The event time is automatically set in the event record.
    603 Note that an outsider client may connect other ports.
    604 In this case, however, the subscription may be refused
    605 if #SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_NO_EXPORT capability is set in either sender or receiver port.
    607 \section seq_subs_ex Examples of subscription
    609 \subsection seq_subs_ex_capt Capture from keyboard
    611 Assume MIDI input port = 64:0, application port = 128:0, and
    612 queue for timestamp = 1 with real-time stamp.
    613 The application port must have capabilty #SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_WRITE.
    614 \code
    615 void capture_keyboard(snd_seq_t *seq)
    616 {
    617         snd_seq_addr_t sender, dest;
    618         snd_seq_port_subscribe_t *subs;
    619         sender.client = 64;
    620         sender.port = 0;
    621         dest.client = 128;
    622         dest.port = 0;
    623         snd_seq_port_subscribe_alloca(&subs);
    624         snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_sender(subs, &sender);
    625         snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_dest(subs, &dest);
    626         snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_queue(subs, 1);
    627         snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_time_update(subs, 1);
    628         snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_time_real(subs, 1);
    629         snd_seq_subscribe_port(seq, subs);
    630 }
    631 \endcode
    633 \subsection seq_subs_ex_out Output to MIDI device
    635 Assume MIDI output port = 65:1 and application port = 128:0.
    636 The application port must have capabilty #SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_READ.
    637 \code
    638 void subscribe_output(snd_seq_t *seq)
    639 {
    640         snd_seq_addr_t sender, dest;
    641         snd_seq_port_subscribe_t *subs;
    642         sender.client = 128;
    643         sender.port = 0;
    644         dest.client = 65;
    645         dest.port = 1;
    646         snd_seq_port_subscribe_alloca(&subs);
    647         snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_sender(subs, &sender);
    648         snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_dest(subs, &dest);
    649         snd_seq_subscribe_port(seq, subs);
    650 }
    651 \endcode
    652 This example can be simplified by using #snd_seq_connect_to() function.
    653 \code
    654 void subscribe_output(snd_seq_t *seq)
    655 {
    656         snd_seq_connect_to(seq, 0, 65, 1);
    657 }
    658 \endcode
    660 \subsection seq_subs_ex_arbit Arbitrary connection
    662 Assume connection from application 128:0 to 129:0,
    663 and that subscription is done by the third application (130:0).
    664 The sender must have capabilities both
    665 #SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_READ and
    667 and the receiver
    669 #SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_WRITE, respectively.
    670 \code
    671 // ..in the third application (130:0) ..
    672 void coupling(snd_seq_t *seq)
    673 {
    674         snd_seq_addr_t sender, dest;
    675         snd_seq_port_subscribe_t *subs;
    676         sender.client = 128;
    677         sender.port = 0;
    678         dest.client = 129;
    679         dest.port = 0;
    680         snd_seq_port_subscribe_alloca(&subs);
    681         snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_sender(subs, &sender);
    682         snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_dest(subs, &dest);
    683         snd_seq_subscribe_port(seq, subs);
    684 }
    685 \endcode
    687 \section seq_ex_event Event Processing
    689 \subsection seq_ex_address Addressing
    691 Now, two ports are connected by subscription.  Then how to send events?
    693 The subscribed port doesn't have to know the exact sender address.
    694 Instead, there is a special address for subscribers,
    696 The sender must set this value as the destination client.
    697 Destination port is ignored.
    699 The other values in source and destination addresses are identical with
    700 the normal event record.
    701 If the event is scheduled, proper queue and timestamp values must be set.
    703 There is a convenient function to set the address in an event record.
    704 In order to set destination as subscribers, use
    705 #snd_seq_ev_set_subs().
    707 \subsection Scheduled Delivery
    709 If we send an event at the scheduled time <code>t</code> (tick)
    710 on the queue <code>Q</code>,
    711 the sender must set both schedule queue and time in the
    712 event record.
    713 The program appears like this:
    714 \code
    715 void schedule_event(snd_seq_t *seq)
    716 {
    717         snd_seq_event_t ev;
    719         snd_seq_ev_clear(&ev);
    720         snd_seq_ev_set_source(&ev, my_port);
    721         snd_seq_ev_set_subs(&ev);
    722         snd_seq_ev_schedule_tick(&ev, Q, 0, t);
    723         ... // set event type, data, so on..
    725         snd_seq_event_output(seq, &ev);
    726         ...
    727         snd_seq_drain_output(seq);  // if necessary
    728 }
    729 \endcode
    730 Of course, you can use realtime stamp, too.
    732 \subsection seq_ex_direct Direct Delivery
    734 If the event is sent immediately without enqueued, the sender doesn't take
    735 care of queue and timestamp.
    736 As well as the case above, there is a function to set the direct delivery,
    737 #snd_seq_ev_set_direct().
    738 The program can be more simplified as follows:
    739 \code
    740 void direct_delivery(snd_seq_t *seq)
    741 {
    742         snd_seq_event_t ev;
    744         snd_seq_ev_clear(&ev);
    745         snd_seq_ev_set_source(&ev, port);
    746         snd_seq_ev_set_subs(&ev);
    747         snd_seq_ev_set_direct(&ev);
    748         ... // set event type, data, so on..
    750         snd_seq_event_output(seq, &ev);
    751         snd_seq_drain_output(seq);
    752 }
    753 \endcode
    754 You should flush event soon after output event.
    755 Otherwise, the event is enqueued on output queue of ALSA library
    756 (not in the kernel!), and will be never processed until
    757 this queue becomes full.
    759 \subsection seq_ex_filter Filter Application
    761 A typical filter program, which receives an event and sends it immediately
    762 after some modification, will appear as following:
    763 \code
    764 void event_filter(snd_seq_t *seq, snd_seq_event_t *ev)
    765 {
    766         while (snd_seq_event_input(seq, &ev) >= 0) {
    767                 //.. modify input event ..
    769                 snd_seq_ev_set_source(ev, my_port);
    770                 snd_seq_ev_set_subs(ev);
    771                 snd_seq_ev_set_direct(ev);
    772                 snd_seq_event_output(seq, ev);
    773                 snd_seq_drain_output(seq);
    774         }
    775 }
    776 \endcode
    778 */
    780 #include <sys/poll.h>
    781 #include "seq_local.h"
    783 /****************************************************************************
    784  *                                                                          *
    785  *                                seq.h                                     *
    786  *                              Sequencer                                   *
    787  *                                                                          *
    788  ****************************************************************************/
    790 /**
    791  * \brief get identifier of sequencer handle
    792  * \param seq sequencer handle
    793  * \return ascii identifier of sequencer handle
    794  *
    795  * Returns the ASCII identifier of the given sequencer handle. It's the same
    796  * identifier specified in snd_seq_open().
    797  *
    798  * \sa snd_seq_open()
    799  */
    800 const char *snd_seq_name(snd_seq_t *seq)
    801 {
    802 	assert(seq);
    803 	return seq->name;
    804 }
    806 /**
    807  * \brief get type of sequencer handle
    808  * \param seq sequencer handle
    809  * \return type of sequencer handle
    810  *
    811  * Returns the type #snd_seq_type_t of the given sequencer handle.
    812  *
    813  * \sa snd_seq_open()
    814  */
    815 snd_seq_type_t snd_seq_type(snd_seq_t *seq)
    816 {
    817 	assert(seq);
    818 	return seq->type;
    819 }
    821 static int snd_seq_open_conf(snd_seq_t **seqp, const char *name,
    822 			     snd_config_t *seq_root, snd_config_t *seq_conf,
    823 			     int streams, int mode)
    824 {
    825 	const char *str;
    826 	char buf[256];
    827 	int err;
    828 	snd_config_t *conf, *type_conf = NULL;
    829 	snd_config_iterator_t i, next;
    830 	const char *id;
    831 	const char *lib = NULL, *open_name = NULL;
    832 	int (*open_func)(snd_seq_t **, const char *,
    833 			 snd_config_t *, snd_config_t *,
    834 			 int, int) = NULL;
    835 #ifndef PIC
    836 	extern void *snd_seq_open_symbols(void);
    837 #endif
    838 	void *h = NULL;
    839 	if (snd_config_get_type(seq_conf) != SND_CONFIG_TYPE_COMPOUND) {
    840 		if (name)
    841 			SNDERR("Invalid type for SEQ %s definition", name);
    842 		else
    843 			SNDERR("Invalid type for SEQ definition");
    844 		return -EINVAL;
    845 	}
    846 	err = snd_config_search(seq_conf, "type", &conf);
    847 	if (err < 0) {
    848 		SNDERR("type is not defined");
    849 		return err;
    850 	}
    851 	err = snd_config_get_id(conf, &id);
    852 	if (err < 0) {
    853 		SNDERR("unable to get id");
    854 		return err;
    855 	}
    856 	err = snd_config_get_string(conf, &str);
    857 	if (err < 0) {
    858 		SNDERR("Invalid type for %s", id);
    859 		return err;
    860 	}
    861 	err = snd_config_search_definition(seq_root, "seq_type", str, &type_conf);
    862 	if (err >= 0) {
    863 		if (snd_config_get_type(type_conf) != SND_CONFIG_TYPE_COMPOUND) {
    864 			SNDERR("Invalid type for SEQ type %s definition", str);
    865 			goto _err;
    866 		}
    867 		snd_config_for_each(i, next, type_conf) {
    868 			snd_config_t *n = snd_config_iterator_entry(i);
    869 			const char *id;
    870 			if (snd_config_get_id(n, &id) < 0)
    871 				continue;
    872 			if (strcmp(id, "comment") == 0)
    873 				continue;
    874 			if (strcmp(id, "lib") == 0) {
    875 				err = snd_config_get_string(n, &lib);
    876 				if (err < 0) {
    877 					SNDERR("Invalid type for %s", id);
    878 					goto _err;
    879 				}
    880 				continue;
    881 			}
    882 			if (strcmp(id, "open") == 0) {
    883 				err = snd_config_get_string(n, &open_name);
    884 				if (err < 0) {
    885 					SNDERR("Invalid type for %s", id);
    886 					goto _err;
    887 				}
    888 				continue;
    889 			}
    890 			SNDERR("Unknown field %s", id);
    891 			err = -EINVAL;
    892 			goto _err;
    893 		}
    894 	}
    895 	if (!open_name) {
    896 		open_name = buf;
    897 		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "_snd_seq_%s_open", str);
    898 	}
    899 #ifndef PIC
    900 	snd_seq_open_symbols();
    901 #endif
    902 	h = snd_dlopen(lib, RTLD_NOW);
    903 	if (h)
    904 		open_func = snd_dlsym(h, open_name, SND_DLSYM_VERSION(SND_SEQ_DLSYM_VERSION));
    905 	err = 0;
    906 	if (!h) {
    907 		SNDERR("Cannot open shared library %s", lib);
    908 		err = -ENOENT;
    909 	} else if (!open_func) {
    910 		SNDERR("symbol %s is not defined inside %s", open_name, lib);
    911 		snd_dlclose(h);
    912 		err = -ENXIO;
    913 	}
    914        _err:
    915 	if (type_conf)
    916 		snd_config_delete(type_conf);
    917 	if (! err) {
    918 		err = open_func(seqp, name, seq_root, seq_conf, streams, mode);
    919 		if (err < 0)
    920 			snd_dlclose(h);
    921 		else
    922 			(*seqp)->dl_handle = h;
    923 	}
    924 	return err;
    925 }
    927 static int snd_seq_open_noupdate(snd_seq_t **seqp, snd_config_t *root,
    928 				 const char *name, int streams, int mode,
    929 				 int hop)
    930 {
    931 	int err;
    932 	snd_config_t *seq_conf;
    933 	err = snd_config_search_definition(root, "seq", name, &seq_conf);
    934 	if (err < 0) {
    935 		SNDERR("Unknown SEQ %s", name);
    936 		return err;
    937 	}
    938 	snd_config_set_hop(seq_conf, hop);
    939 	err = snd_seq_open_conf(seqp, name, root, seq_conf, streams, mode);
    940 	snd_config_delete(seq_conf);
    941 	return err;
    942 }
    945 /**
    946  * \brief Open the ALSA sequencer
    947  *
    948  * \param seqp Pointer to a snd_seq_t pointer.  This pointer must be
    949  * kept and passed to most of the other sequencer functions.
    950  * \param name The sequencer's "name".  This is \em not a name you make
    951  * up for your own purposes; it has special significance to the ALSA
    952  * library.  Usually you need to pass \c "default" here.
    953  * \param streams The read/write mode of the sequencer.  Can be one of
    954  * three values:
    955  * - #SND_SEQ_OPEN_OUTPUT - open the sequencer for output only
    956  * - #SND_SEQ_OPEN_INPUT - open the sequencer for input only
    957  * - #SND_SEQ_OPEN_DUPLEX - open the sequencer for output and input
    958  * \note Internally, these are translated to \c O_WRONLY, \c O_RDONLY and
    959  * \c O_RDWR respectively and used as the second argument to the C library
    960  * open() call.
    961  * \param mode Optional modifier.  Can be either 0, or
    962  * #SND_SEQ_NONBLOCK, which will make read/write operations
    963  * non-blocking.  This can also be set later using #snd_seq_nonblock().
    964  * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
    965  *
    966  * Creates a new handle and opens a connection to the kernel
    967  * sequencer interface.
    968  * After a client is created successfully, an event
    969  * with #SND_SEQ_EVENT_CLIENT_START is broadcast to announce port.
    970  *
    971  * \sa snd_seq_open_lconf(), snd_seq_close(), snd_seq_type(), snd_seq_name(),
    972  *     snd_seq_nonblock(), snd_seq_client_id()
    973  */
    974 int snd_seq_open(snd_seq_t **seqp, const char *name,
    975 		 int streams, int mode)
    976 {
    977 	int err;
    978 	assert(seqp && name);
    979 	err = snd_config_update();
    980 	if (err < 0)
    981 		return err;
    982 	return snd_seq_open_noupdate(seqp, snd_config, name, streams, mode, 0);
    983 }
    985 /**
    986  * \brief Open the ALSA sequencer using local configuration
    987  *
    988  * \param seqp Pointer to a snd_seq_t pointer.
    989  * \param name The name to open
    990  * \param streams The read/write mode of the sequencer.
    991  * \param mode Optional modifier
    992  * \param lconf Local configuration
    993  * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
    994  *
    995  * See the snd_seq_open() function for further details. The extension
    996  * is that the given configuration is used to resolve abstract name.
    997  *
    998  * \sa snd_seq_open()
    999  */
   1000 int snd_seq_open_lconf(snd_seq_t **seqp, const char *name,
   1001 		       int streams, int mode, snd_config_t *lconf)
   1002 {
   1003 	assert(seqp && name && lconf);
   1004 	return snd_seq_open_noupdate(seqp, lconf, name, streams, mode, 0);
   1005 }
   1007 #ifndef DOC_HIDDEN
   1008 int _snd_seq_open_lconf(snd_seq_t **seqp, const char *name,
   1009 			int streams, int mode, snd_config_t *lconf,
   1010 			snd_config_t *parent_conf)
   1011 {
   1012 	int hop;
   1013 	assert(seqp && name && lconf);
   1014 	if ((hop = snd_config_check_hop(parent_conf)) < 0)
   1015 		return hop;
   1016 	return snd_seq_open_noupdate(seqp, lconf, name, streams, mode, hop + 1);
   1017 }
   1018 #endif
   1020 /**
   1021  * \brief Close the sequencer
   1022  * \param seq Handle returned from #snd_seq_open()
   1023  * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
   1024  *
   1025  * Closes the sequencer client and releases its resources.
   1026  * After a client is closed, an event with
   1027  * #SND_SEQ_EVENT_CLIENT_EXIT is broadcast to announce port.
   1028  * The connection between other clients are disconnected.
   1029  * Call this just before exiting your program.
   1030  *
   1031  * \sa snd_seq_close()
   1032  */
   1033 int snd_seq_close(snd_seq_t *seq)
   1034 {
   1035 	int err;
   1036 	assert(seq);
   1037 	err = seq->ops->close(seq);
   1038 	if (seq->dl_handle)
   1039 		snd_dlclose(seq->dl_handle);
   1040 	free(seq->obuf);
   1041 	free(seq->ibuf);
   1042 	free(seq->tmpbuf);
   1043 	free(seq->name);
   1044 	free(seq);
   1045 	return err;
   1046 }
   1048 /**
   1049  * \brief Returns the number of poll descriptors
   1050  * \param seq sequencer handle
   1051  * \param events the poll events to be checked (\c POLLIN and \c POLLOUT)
   1052  * \return the number of poll descriptors.
   1053  *
   1054  * Get the number of poll descriptors.  The polling events to be checked
   1055  * can be specified by the second argument.  When both input and output
   1056  * are checked, pass \c POLLIN|POLLOUT
   1057  *
   1058  * \sa snd_seq_poll_descriptors()
   1059  */
   1060 int snd_seq_poll_descriptors_count(snd_seq_t *seq, short events)
   1061 {
   1062 	int result = 0;
   1063 	assert(seq);
   1064 	if (events & POLLIN) {
   1065 		assert(seq->streams & SND_SEQ_OPEN_INPUT);
   1066 		result++;
   1067 	}
   1068 	if (events & POLLOUT) {
   1069 		assert(seq->streams & SND_SEQ_OPEN_OUTPUT);
   1070 		result++;
   1071 	}
   1072 	return result ? 1 : 0;
   1073 }
   1075 /**
   1076  * \brief Get poll descriptors
   1077  * \param seq sequencer handle
   1078  * \param pfds array of poll descriptors
   1079  * \param space space in the poll descriptor array
   1080  * \param events polling events to be checked (\c POLLIN and \c POLLOUT)
   1081  * \return count of filled descriptors
   1082  *
   1083  * Get poll descriptors assigned to the sequencer handle.
   1084  * Since a sequencer handle can duplex streams, you need to set which direction(s)
   1085  * is/are polled in \a events argument.  When \c POLLIN bit is specified,
   1086  * the incoming events to the ports are checked.
   1087  *
   1088  * To check the returned poll-events, call #snd_seq_poll_descriptors_revents()
   1089  * instead of reading the pollfd structs directly.
   1090  *
   1091  * \sa snd_seq_poll_descriptors_count(), snd_seq_poll_descriptors_revents()
   1092  */
   1093 int snd_seq_poll_descriptors(snd_seq_t *seq, struct pollfd *pfds, unsigned int space, short events)
   1094 {
   1095 	short revents = 0;
   1097 	assert(seq);
   1098 	if ((events & POLLIN) && space >= 1) {
   1099 		assert(seq->streams & SND_SEQ_OPEN_INPUT);
   1100 		revents |= POLLIN|POLLERR|POLLNVAL;
   1101 	}
   1102 	if ((events & POLLOUT) && space >= 1) {
   1103 		assert(seq->streams & SND_SEQ_OPEN_OUTPUT);
   1104 		revents |= POLLOUT|POLLERR|POLLNVAL;
   1105 	}
   1106 	if (!revents)
   1107 		return 0;
   1108 	pfds->fd = seq->poll_fd;
   1109 	pfds->events = revents;
   1110 	return 1;
   1111 }
   1113 /**
   1114  * \brief get returned events from poll descriptors
   1115  * \param seq sequencer handle
   1116  * \param pfds array of poll descriptors
   1117  * \param nfds count of poll descriptors
   1118  * \param revents returned events
   1119  * \return zero if success, otherwise a negative error code
   1120  *
   1121  * \sa snd_seq_poll_descriptors()
   1122  */
   1123 int snd_seq_poll_descriptors_revents(snd_seq_t *seq, struct pollfd *pfds, unsigned int nfds, unsigned short *revents)
   1124 {
   1125         assert(seq && pfds && revents);
   1126         if (nfds == 1) {
   1127                 *revents = pfds->revents;
   1128                 return 0;
   1129         }
   1130         return -EINVAL;
   1131 }
   1133 /**
   1134  * \brief Set nonblock mode
   1135  * \param seq sequencer handle
   1136  * \param nonblock 0 = block, 1 = nonblock mode
   1137  * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
   1138  *
   1139  * Change the blocking mode of the given client.
   1140  * In block mode, the client falls into sleep when it fills the
   1141  * output memory pool with full events.  The client will be woken up
   1142  * after a certain amount of free space becomes available.
   1143  *
   1144  * \sa snd_seq_open()
   1145  */
   1146 int snd_seq_nonblock(snd_seq_t *seq, int nonblock)
   1147 {
   1148 	int err;
   1149 	assert(seq);
   1150 	err = seq->ops->nonblock(seq, nonblock);
   1151 	if (err < 0)
   1152 		return err;
   1153 	if (nonblock)
   1154 		seq->mode |= SND_SEQ_NONBLOCK;
   1155 	else
   1156 		seq->mode &= ~SND_SEQ_NONBLOCK;
   1157 	return 0;
   1158 }
   1160 /**
   1161  * \brief Get the client id
   1162  * \param seq sequencer handle
   1163  * \return the client id
   1164  *
   1165  * Returns the id of the specified client.
   1166  * If an error occurs, function returns the negative error code.
   1167  * A client id is necessary to inquiry or to set the client information.
   1168  * A user client is assigned from 128 to 191.
   1169  *
   1170  * \sa snd_seq_open()
   1171  */
   1172 int snd_seq_client_id(snd_seq_t *seq)
   1173 {
   1174 	assert(seq);
   1175 	return seq->client;
   1176 }
   1178 /**
   1179  * \brief Return the size of output buffer
   1180  * \param seq sequencer handle
   1181  * \return the size of output buffer in bytes
   1182  *
   1183  * Obtains the size of output buffer.
   1184  * This buffer is used to store decoded byte-stream of output events
   1185  * before transferring to sequencer.
   1186  *
   1187  * \sa snd_seq_set_output_buffer_size()
   1188  */
   1189 size_t snd_seq_get_output_buffer_size(snd_seq_t *seq)
   1190 {
   1191 	assert(seq);
   1192 	if (!seq->obuf)
   1193 		return 0;
   1194 	return seq->obufsize;
   1195 }
   1197 /**
   1198  * \brief Return the size of input buffer
   1199  * \param seq sequencer handle
   1200  * \return the size of input buffer in bytes
   1201  *
   1202  * Obtains the size of input buffer.
   1203  * This buffer is used to read byte-stream of input events from sequencer.
   1204  *
   1205  * \sa snd_seq_set_input_buffer_size()
   1206  */
   1207 size_t snd_seq_get_input_buffer_size(snd_seq_t *seq)
   1208 {
   1209 	assert(seq);
   1210 	if (!seq->ibuf)
   1211 		return 0;
   1212 	return seq->ibufsize * sizeof(snd_seq_event_t);
   1213 }
   1215 /**
   1216  * \brief Change the size of output buffer
   1217  * \param seq sequencer handle
   1218  * \param size the size of output buffer to be changed in bytes
   1219  * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
   1220  *
   1221  * Changes the size of output buffer.
   1222  *
   1223  * \sa snd_seq_get_output_buffer_size()
   1224  */
   1225 int snd_seq_set_output_buffer_size(snd_seq_t *seq, size_t size)
   1226 {
   1227 	assert(seq && seq->obuf);
   1228 	assert(size >= sizeof(snd_seq_event_t));
   1229 	snd_seq_drop_output(seq);
   1230 	if (size != seq->obufsize) {
   1231 		char *newbuf;
   1232 		newbuf = calloc(1, size);
   1233 		if (newbuf == NULL)
   1234 			return -ENOMEM;
   1235 		free(seq->obuf);
   1236 		seq->obuf = newbuf;
   1237 		seq->obufsize = size;
   1238 	}
   1239 	return 0;
   1240 }
   1242 /**
   1243  * \brief Resize the input buffer
   1244  * \param seq sequencer handle
   1245  * \param size the size of input buffer to be changed in bytes
   1246  * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
   1247  *
   1248  * Changes the size of input buffer.
   1249  *
   1250  * \sa snd_seq_get_input_buffer_size()
   1251  */
   1252 int snd_seq_set_input_buffer_size(snd_seq_t *seq, size_t size)
   1253 {
   1254 	assert(seq && seq->ibuf);
   1255 	assert(size >= sizeof(snd_seq_event_t));
   1256 	snd_seq_drop_input(seq);
   1257 	size = (size + sizeof(snd_seq_event_t) - 1) / sizeof(snd_seq_event_t);
   1258 	if (size != seq->ibufsize) {
   1259 		snd_seq_event_t *newbuf;
   1260 		newbuf = calloc(sizeof(snd_seq_event_t), size);
   1261 		if (newbuf == NULL)
   1262 			return -ENOMEM;
   1263 		free(seq->ibuf);
   1264 		seq->ibuf = newbuf;
   1265 		seq->ibufsize = size;
   1266 	}
   1267 	return 0;
   1268 }
   1271 /**
   1272  * \brief Get size of #snd_seq_system_info_t
   1273  * \return size in bytes
   1274  */
   1275 size_t snd_seq_system_info_sizeof()
   1276 {
   1277 	return sizeof(snd_seq_system_info_t);
   1278 }
   1280 /**
   1281  * \brief Allocate an empty #snd_seq_system_info_t using standard malloc
   1282  * \param ptr returned pointer
   1283  * \return 0 on success otherwise negative error code
   1284  */
   1285 int snd_seq_system_info_malloc(snd_seq_system_info_t **ptr)
   1286 {
   1287 	assert(ptr);
   1288 	*ptr = calloc(1, sizeof(snd_seq_system_info_t));
   1289 	if (!*ptr)
   1290 		return -ENOMEM;
   1291 	return 0;
   1292 }
   1294 /**
   1295  * \brief Frees a previously allocated #snd_seq_system_info_t
   1296  * \param obj pointer to object to free
   1297  */
   1298 void snd_seq_system_info_free(snd_seq_system_info_t *obj)
   1299 {
   1300 	free(obj);
   1301 }
   1303 /**
   1304  * \brief Copy one #snd_seq_system_info_t to another
   1305  * \param dst pointer to destination
   1306  * \param src pointer to source
   1307  */
   1308 void snd_seq_system_info_copy(snd_seq_system_info_t *dst, const snd_seq_system_info_t *src)
   1309 {
   1310 	assert(dst && src);
   1311 	*dst = *src;
   1312 }
   1315 /**
   1316  * \brief Get maximum number of queues
   1317  * \param info #snd_seq_system_info_t container
   1318  * \return maximum number of queues
   1319  *
   1320  * \sa snd_seq_system_info()
   1321  */
   1322 int snd_seq_system_info_get_queues(const snd_seq_system_info_t *info)
   1323 {
   1324 	assert(info);
   1325 	return info->queues;
   1326 }
   1328 /**
   1329  * \brief Get maximum number of clients
   1330  * \param info #snd_seq_system_info_t container
   1331  * \return maximum number of clients
   1332  *
   1333  * \sa snd_seq_system_info()
   1334  */
   1335 int snd_seq_system_info_get_clients(const snd_seq_system_info_t *info)
   1336 {
   1337 	assert(info);
   1338 	return info->clients;
   1339 }
   1341 /**
   1342  * \brief Get maximum number of ports
   1343  * \param info #snd_seq_system_info_t container
   1344  * \return maximum number of ports
   1345  *
   1346  * \sa snd_seq_system_info()
   1347  */
   1348 int snd_seq_system_info_get_ports(const snd_seq_system_info_t *info)
   1349 {
   1350 	assert(info);
   1351 	return info->ports;
   1352 }
   1354 /**
   1355  * \brief Get maximum number of channels
   1356  * \param info #snd_seq_system_info_t container
   1357  * \return maximum number of channels
   1358  *
   1359  * \sa snd_seq_system_info()
   1360  */
   1361 int snd_seq_system_info_get_channels(const snd_seq_system_info_t *info)
   1362 {
   1363 	assert(info);
   1364 	return info->channels;
   1365 }
   1367 /**
   1368  * \brief Get the current number of clients
   1369  * \param info #snd_seq_system_info_t container
   1370  * \return current number of clients
   1371  *
   1372  * \sa snd_seq_system_info()
   1373  */
   1374 int snd_seq_system_info_get_cur_clients(const snd_seq_system_info_t *info)
   1375 {
   1376 	assert(info);
   1377 	return info->cur_clients;
   1378 }
   1380 /**
   1381  * \brief Get the current number of queues
   1382  * \param info #snd_seq_system_info_t container
   1383  * \return current number of queues
   1384  *
   1385  * \sa snd_seq_system_info()
   1386  */
   1387 int snd_seq_system_info_get_cur_queues(const snd_seq_system_info_t *info)
   1388 {
   1389 	assert(info);
   1390 	return info->cur_queues;
   1391 }
   1393 /**
   1394  * \brief obtain the sequencer system information
   1395  * \param seq sequencer handle
   1396  * \param info the pointer to be stored
   1397  * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
   1398  *
   1399  * Stores the global system information of ALSA sequencer system.
   1400  * The returned data contains
   1401  * the maximum available numbers of queues, clients, ports and channels.
   1402  */
   1403 int snd_seq_system_info(snd_seq_t *seq, snd_seq_system_info_t * info)
   1404 {
   1405 	assert(seq && info);
   1406 	return seq->ops->system_info(seq, info);
   1407 }
   1410 /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
   1412 /**
   1413  * \brief get size of #snd_seq_client_info_t
   1414  * \return size in bytes
   1415  */
   1416 size_t snd_seq_client_info_sizeof()
   1417 {
   1418 	return sizeof(snd_seq_client_info_t);
   1419 }
   1421 /**
   1422  * \brief allocate an empty #snd_seq_client_info_t using standard malloc
   1423  * \param ptr returned pointer
   1424  * \return 0 on success otherwise negative error code
   1425  */
   1426 int snd_seq_client_info_malloc(snd_seq_client_info_t **ptr)
   1427 {
   1428 	assert(ptr);
   1429 	*ptr = calloc(1, sizeof(snd_seq_client_info_t));
   1430 	if (!*ptr)
   1431 		return -ENOMEM;
   1432 	return 0;
   1433 }
   1435 /**
   1436  * \brief frees a previously allocated #snd_seq_client_info_t
   1437  * \param obj pointer to object to free
   1438  */
   1439 void snd_seq_client_info_free(snd_seq_client_info_t *obj)
   1440 {
   1441 	free(obj);
   1442 }
   1444 /**
   1445  * \brief copy one #snd_seq_client_info_t to another
   1446  * \param dst pointer to destination
   1447  * \param src pointer to source
   1448  */
   1449 void snd_seq_client_info_copy(snd_seq_client_info_t *dst, const snd_seq_client_info_t *src)
   1450 {
   1451 	assert(dst && src);
   1452 	*dst = *src;
   1453 }
   1456 /**
   1457  * \brief Get client id of a client_info container
   1458  * \param info client_info container
   1459  * \return client id
   1460  *
   1461  * \sa snd_seq_get_client_info(), snd_seq_client_info_set_client(), snd_seq_client_id()
   1462  */
   1463 int snd_seq_client_info_get_client(const snd_seq_client_info_t *info)
   1464 {
   1465 	assert(info);
   1466 	return info->client;
   1467 }
   1469 /**
   1470  * \brief Get client type of a client_info container
   1471  * \param info client_info container
   1472  * \return client type
   1473  *
   1474  * The client type is either #SEQ_CLIENT_TYPE_KERNEL or #SEQ_CLIENT_TYPE_USER
   1475  * for kernel or user client respectively.
   1476  *
   1477  * \sa snd_seq_get_client_info()
   1478  */
   1479 snd_seq_client_type_t snd_seq_client_info_get_type(const snd_seq_client_info_t *info)
   1480 {
   1481 	assert(info);
   1482 	return info->type;
   1483 }
   1485 /**
   1486  * \brief Get the name of a client_info container
   1487  * \param info client_info container
   1488  * \return name string
   1489  *
   1490  * \sa snd_seq_get_client_info(), snd_seq_client_info_set_name()
   1491  */
   1492 const char *snd_seq_client_info_get_name(snd_seq_client_info_t *info)
   1493 {
   1494 	assert(info);
   1495 	return info->name;
   1496 }
   1498 /**
   1499  * \brief Get the broadcast filter usage of a client_info container
   1500  * \param info client_info container
   1501  * \return 1 if broadcast is accepted
   1502  *
   1503  * \sa snd_seq_get_client_info(), snd_seq_client_info_set_broadcast_filter()
   1504  */
   1505 int snd_seq_client_info_get_broadcast_filter(const snd_seq_client_info_t *info)
   1506 {
   1507 	assert(info);
   1508 	return (info->filter & SNDRV_SEQ_FILTER_BROADCAST) ? 1 : 0;
   1509 }
   1511 /**
   1512  * \brief Get the error-bounce usage of a client_info container
   1513  * \param info client_info container
   1514  * \return 1 if error-bounce is enabled
   1515  *
   1516  * \sa snd_seq_get_client_info(), snd_seq_client_info_set_error_bounce()
   1517  */
   1518 int snd_seq_client_info_get_error_bounce(const snd_seq_client_info_t *info)
   1519 {
   1520 	assert(info);
   1521 	return (info->filter & SNDRV_SEQ_FILTER_BOUNCE) ? 1 : 0;
   1522 }
   1524 /**
   1525  * \brief (DEPRECATED) Get the event filter bitmap of a client_info container
   1526  * \param info client_info container
   1527  * \return NULL if no event filter, or pointer to event filter bitmap
   1528  *
   1529  * Use #snd_seq_client_info_event_filter_check() instead.
   1530  *
   1531  * \sa snd_seq_client_info_event_filter_add(),
   1532  *     snd_seq_client_info_event_filter_del(),
   1533  *     snd_seq_client_info_event_filter_check(),
   1534  *     snd_seq_client_info_event_filter_clear(),
   1535  *     snd_seq_get_client_info()
   1536  */
   1537 const unsigned char *snd_seq_client_info_get_event_filter(const snd_seq_client_info_t *info)
   1538 {
   1539 	assert(info);
   1540 	if (info->filter & SNDRV_SEQ_FILTER_USE_EVENT)
   1541 		return info->event_filter;
   1542 	else
   1543 		return NULL;
   1544 }
   1546 /**
   1547  * \brief Disable event filtering of a client_info container
   1548  * \param info client_info container
   1549  *
   1550  * Remove all event types added with #snd_seq_client_info_event_filter_add and clear
   1551  * the event filtering flag of this client_info container.
   1552  *
   1553  * \sa snd_seq_client_info_event_filter_add(),
   1554  *     snd_seq_client_info_event_filter_del(),
   1555  *     snd_seq_client_info_event_filter_check(),
   1556  *     snd_seq_get_client_info(),
   1557  *     snd_seq_set_client_info()
   1558  */
   1559 void snd_seq_client_info_event_filter_clear(snd_seq_client_info_t *info)
   1560 {
   1561        assert(info);
   1562        info->filter &= ~SNDRV_SEQ_FILTER_USE_EVENT;
   1563        memset(info->event_filter, 0, sizeof(info->event_filter));
   1564 }
   1566 /**
   1567  * \brief Add an event type to the event filtering of a client_info container
   1568  * \param info client_info container
   1569  * \param event_type event type to be added
   1570  *
   1571  * Set the event filtering flag of this client_info and add the specified event type to the
   1572  * filter bitmap of this client_info container.
   1573  *
   1574  * \sa snd_seq_get_client_info(),
   1575  *     snd_seq_set_client_info(),
   1576  *     snd_seq_client_info_event_filter_del(),
   1577  *     snd_seq_client_info_event_filter_check(),
   1578  *     snd_seq_client_info_event_filter_clear()
   1579  */
   1580 void snd_seq_client_info_event_filter_add(snd_seq_client_info_t *info, int event_type)
   1581 {
   1582        assert(info);
   1583        info->filter |= SNDRV_SEQ_FILTER_USE_EVENT;
   1584        snd_seq_set_bit(event_type, info->event_filter);
   1585 }
   1587 /**
   1588  * \brief Remove an event type from the event filtering of a client_info container
   1589  * \param info client_info container
   1590  * \param event_type event type to be removed
   1591  *
   1592  * Removes the specified event from the filter bitmap of this client_info container. It will
   1593  * not clear the event filtering flag, use #snd_seq_client_info_event_filter_clear instead.
   1594  *
   1595  * \sa snd_seq_get_client_info(),
   1596  *     snd_seq_set_client_info(),
   1597  *     snd_seq_client_info_event_filter_add(),
   1598  *     snd_seq_client_info_event_filter_check(),
   1599  *     snd_seq_client_info_event_filter_clear()
   1600  */
   1601 void snd_seq_client_info_event_filter_del(snd_seq_client_info_t *info, int event_type)
   1602 {
   1603        assert(info);
   1604        snd_seq_unset_bit(event_type, info->event_filter);
   1605 }
   1607 /**
   1608  * \brief Check if an event type is present in the event filtering of a client_info container
   1609  * \param info client_info container
   1610  * \param event_type event type to be checked
   1611  * \return 1 if the event type is present, 0 otherwise
   1612  *
   1613  * Test if the event type is in the filter bitamp of this client_info container.
   1614  *
   1615  * \sa snd_seq_get_client_info(),
   1616  *     snd_seq_set_client_info(),
   1617  *     snd_seq_client_info_event_filter_add(),
   1618  *     snd_seq_client_info_event_filter_del(),
   1619  *     snd_seq_client_info_event_filter_clear()
   1620  */
   1621 int snd_seq_client_info_event_filter_check(snd_seq_client_info_t *info, int event_type)
   1622 {
   1623        assert(info);
   1624        return snd_seq_get_bit(event_type, info->event_filter);
   1625 }
   1627 /**
   1628  * \brief Get the number of opened ports of a client_info container
   1629  * \param info client_info container
   1630  * \return number of opened ports
   1631  *
   1632  * \sa snd_seq_get_client_info()
   1633  */
   1634 int snd_seq_client_info_get_num_ports(const snd_seq_client_info_t *info)
   1635 {
   1636 	assert(info);
   1637 	return info->num_ports;
   1638 }
   1640 /**
   1641  * \brief Get the number of lost events of a client_info container
   1642  * \param info client_info container
   1643  * \return number of lost events
   1644  *
   1645  * \sa snd_seq_get_client_info()
   1646  */
   1647 int snd_seq_client_info_get_event_lost(const snd_seq_client_info_t *info)
   1648 {
   1649 	assert(info);
   1650 	return info->event_lost;
   1651 }
   1653 /**
   1654  * \brief Set the client id of a client_info container
   1655  * \param info client_info container
   1656  * \param client client id
   1657  *
   1658  * \sa snd_seq_get_client_info(), snd_seq_client_info_get_client()
   1659  */
   1660 void snd_seq_client_info_set_client(snd_seq_client_info_t *info, int client)
   1661 {
   1662 	assert(info);
   1663 	info->client = client;
   1664 }
   1666 /**
   1667  * \brief Set the name of a client_info container
   1668  * \param info client_info container
   1669  * \param name name string
   1670  *
   1671  * \sa snd_seq_get_client_info(), snd_seq_client_info_get_name(),
   1672  *     snd_seq_set_client_name()
   1673  */
   1674 void snd_seq_client_info_set_name(snd_seq_client_info_t *info, const char *name)
   1675 {
   1676 	assert(info && name);
   1677 	strncpy(info->name, name, sizeof(info->name));
   1678 }
   1680 /**
   1681  * \brief Set the broadcast filter usage of a client_info container
   1682  * \param info client_info container
   1683  * \param val non-zero if broadcast is accepted
   1684  *
   1685  * \sa snd_seq_get_client_info(), snd_seq_client_info_get_broadcast_filter()
   1686  */
   1687 void snd_seq_client_info_set_broadcast_filter(snd_seq_client_info_t *info, int val)
   1688 {
   1689 	assert(info);
   1690 	if (val)
   1691 		info->filter |= SNDRV_SEQ_FILTER_BROADCAST;
   1692 	else
   1693 		info->filter &= ~SNDRV_SEQ_FILTER_BROADCAST;
   1694 }
   1696 /**
   1697  * \brief Set the error-bounce usage of a client_info container
   1698  * \param info client_info container
   1699  * \param val non-zero if error is bounced
   1700  *
   1701  * \sa snd_seq_get_client_info(), snd_seq_client_info_get_error_bounce()
   1702  */
   1703 void snd_seq_client_info_set_error_bounce(snd_seq_client_info_t *info, int val)
   1704 {
   1705 	assert(info);
   1706 	if (val)
   1707 		info->filter |= SNDRV_SEQ_FILTER_BOUNCE;
   1708 	else
   1709 		info->filter &= ~SNDRV_SEQ_FILTER_BOUNCE;
   1710 }
   1712 /**
   1713  * \brief (DEPRECATED) Set the event filter bitmap of a client_info container
   1714  * \param info client_info container
   1715  * \param filter event filter bitmap, pass NULL for no event filtering
   1716  *
   1717  * Use #snd_seq_client_info_event_filter_add instead.
   1718  *
   1719  * \sa snd_seq_client_info_event_filter_add(),
   1720  *     snd_seq_client_info_event_filter_del(),
   1721  *     snd_seq_client_info_event_filter_check(),
   1722  *     snd_seq_client_info_event_filter_clear(),
   1723  *     snd_seq_set_client_info()
   1724  */
   1725 void snd_seq_client_info_set_event_filter(snd_seq_client_info_t *info, unsigned char *filter)
   1726 {
   1727 	assert(info);
   1728 	if (! filter)
   1729 		info->filter &= ~SNDRV_SEQ_FILTER_USE_EVENT;
   1730 	else {
   1731 		info->filter |= SNDRV_SEQ_FILTER_USE_EVENT;
   1732 		memcpy(info->event_filter, filter, sizeof(info->event_filter));
   1733 	}
   1734 }
   1737 /**
   1738  * \brief obtain the information of the given client
   1739  * \param seq sequencer handle
   1740  * \param client client id
   1741  * \param info the pointer to be stored
   1742  * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
   1743  *
   1744  * Obtains the information of the client with a client id specified by
   1745  * info argument.
   1746  * The obtained information is written on info parameter.
   1747  *
   1748  * \sa snd_seq_get_client_info()
   1749  */
   1750 int snd_seq_get_any_client_info(snd_seq_t *seq, int client, snd_seq_client_info_t *info)
   1751 {
   1752 	assert(seq && info && client >= 0);
   1753 	memset(info, 0, sizeof(snd_seq_client_info_t));
   1754 	info->client = client;
   1755 	return seq->ops->get_client_info(seq, info);
   1756 }
   1758 /**
   1759  * \brief obtain the current client information
   1760  * \param seq sequencer handle
   1761  * \param info the pointer to be stored
   1762  * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
   1763  *
   1764  * Obtains the information of the current client stored on info.
   1765  * client and type fields are ignored.
   1766  *
   1767  * \sa snd_seq_get_any_client_info(), snd_seq_set_client_info(),
   1768  *     snd_seq_query_next_client()
   1769  */
   1770 int snd_seq_get_client_info(snd_seq_t *seq, snd_seq_client_info_t *info)
   1771 {
   1772 	return snd_seq_get_any_client_info(seq, seq->client, info);
   1773 }
   1775 /**
   1776  * \brief set the current client information
   1777  * \param seq sequencer handle
   1778  * \param info the client info data to set
   1779  * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
   1780  *
   1781  * Obtains the information of the current client stored on info.
   1782  * client and type fields are ignored.
   1783  *
   1784  * \sa snd_seq_get_client_info()
   1785  */
   1786 int snd_seq_set_client_info(snd_seq_t *seq, snd_seq_client_info_t *info)
   1787 {
   1788 	assert(seq && info);
   1789 	info->client = seq->client;
   1790 	info->type = USER_CLIENT;
   1791 	return seq->ops->set_client_info(seq, info);
   1792 }
   1794 /**
   1795  * \brief query the next client
   1796  * \param seq sequencer handle
   1797  * \param info query pattern and result
   1798  *
   1799  * Queries the next client.
   1800  * The search begins at the client with an id one greater than
   1801  * client field in info.
   1802  * If a client is found, its attributes are stored in info,
   1803  * and zero is returned.
   1804  * Otherwise returns a negative error code.
   1805  *
   1806  * \sa snd_seq_get_any_client_info()
   1807  */
   1808 int snd_seq_query_next_client(snd_seq_t *seq, snd_seq_client_info_t *info)
   1809 {
   1810 	assert(seq && info);
   1811 	return seq->ops->query_next_client(seq, info);
   1812 }
   1815 /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
   1818 /*
   1819  * Port
   1820  */
   1822 /**
   1823  * \brief get size of #snd_seq_port_info_t
   1824  * \return size in bytes
   1825  */
   1826 size_t snd_seq_port_info_sizeof()
   1827 {
   1828 	return sizeof(snd_seq_port_info_t);
   1829 }
   1831 /**
   1832  * \brief allocate an empty #snd_seq_port_info_t using standard malloc
   1833  * \param ptr returned pointer
   1834  * \return 0 on success otherwise negative error code
   1835  */
   1836 int snd_seq_port_info_malloc(snd_seq_port_info_t **ptr)
   1837 {
   1838 	assert(ptr);
   1839 	*ptr = calloc(1, sizeof(snd_seq_port_info_t));
   1840 	if (!*ptr)
   1841 		return -ENOMEM;
   1842 	return 0;
   1843 }
   1845 /**
   1846  * \brief frees a previously allocated #snd_seq_port_info_t
   1847  * \param obj pointer to object to free
   1848  */
   1849 void snd_seq_port_info_free(snd_seq_port_info_t *obj)
   1850 {
   1851 	free(obj);
   1852 }
   1854 /**
   1855  * \brief copy one #snd_seq_port_info_t to another
   1856  * \param dst pointer to destination
   1857  * \param src pointer to source
   1858  */
   1859 void snd_seq_port_info_copy(snd_seq_port_info_t *dst, const snd_seq_port_info_t *src)
   1860 {
   1861 	assert(dst && src);
   1862 	*dst = *src;
   1863 }
   1866 /**
   1867  * \brief Get client id of a port_info container
   1868  * \param info port_info container
   1869  * \return client id
   1870  *
   1871  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info(), snd_seq_port_info_set_client()
   1872  */
   1873 int snd_seq_port_info_get_client(const snd_seq_port_info_t *info)
   1874 {
   1875 	assert(info);
   1876 	return info->addr.client;
   1877 }
   1879 /**
   1880  * \brief Get port id of a port_info container
   1881  * \param info port_info container
   1882  * \return port id
   1883  *
   1884  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info(), snd_seq_port_info_set_port()
   1885  */
   1886 int snd_seq_port_info_get_port(const snd_seq_port_info_t *info)
   1887 {
   1888 	assert(info);
   1889 	return info->addr.port;
   1890 }
   1892 /**
   1893  * \brief Get client/port address of a port_info container
   1894  * \param info port_info container
   1895  * \return client/port address pointer
   1896  *
   1897  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info(), snd_seq_port_info_set_addr()
   1898  */
   1899 const snd_seq_addr_t *snd_seq_port_info_get_addr(const snd_seq_port_info_t *info)
   1900 {
   1901 	assert(info);
   1902 	return &info->addr;
   1903 }
   1905 /**
   1906  * \brief Get the name of a port_info container
   1907  * \param info port_info container
   1908  * \return name string
   1909  *
   1910  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info(), snd_seq_port_info_set_name()
   1911  */
   1912 const char *snd_seq_port_info_get_name(const snd_seq_port_info_t *info)
   1913 {
   1914 	assert(info);
   1915 	return info->name;
   1916 }
   1918 /**
   1919  * \brief Get the capability bits of a port_info container
   1920  * \param info port_info container
   1921  * \return capability bits
   1922  *
   1923  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info(), snd_seq_port_info_set_capability()
   1924  */
   1925 unsigned int snd_seq_port_info_get_capability(const snd_seq_port_info_t *info)
   1926 {
   1927 	assert(info);
   1928 	return info->capability;
   1929 }
   1931 /**
   1932  * \brief Get the type bits of a port_info container
   1933  * \param info port_info container
   1934  * \return port type bits
   1935  *
   1936  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info(), snd_seq_port_info_set_type()
   1937  */
   1938 unsigned int snd_seq_port_info_get_type(const snd_seq_port_info_t *info)
   1939 {
   1940 	assert(info);
   1941 	return info->type;
   1942 }
   1944 /**
   1945  * \brief Get the number of read subscriptions of a port_info container
   1946  * \param info port_info container
   1947  * \return number of read subscriptions
   1948  *
   1949  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info()
   1950  */
   1951 int snd_seq_port_info_get_read_use(const snd_seq_port_info_t *info)
   1952 {
   1953 	assert(info);
   1954 	return info->read_use;
   1955 }
   1957 /**
   1958  * \brief Get the number of write subscriptions of a port_info container
   1959  * \param info port_info container
   1960  * \return number of write subscriptions
   1961  *
   1962  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info()
   1963  */
   1964 int snd_seq_port_info_get_write_use(const snd_seq_port_info_t *info)
   1965 {
   1966 	assert(info);
   1967 	return info->write_use;
   1968 }
   1970 /**
   1971  * \brief Get the midi channels of a port_info container
   1972  * \param info port_info container
   1973  * \return number of midi channels (default 0)
   1974  *
   1975  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info(), snd_seq_port_info_set_midi_channels()
   1976  */
   1977 int snd_seq_port_info_get_midi_channels(const snd_seq_port_info_t *info)
   1978 {
   1979 	assert(info);
   1980 	return info->midi_channels;
   1981 }
   1983 /**
   1984  * \brief Get the midi voices of a port_info container
   1985  * \param info port_info container
   1986  * \return number of midi voices (default 0)
   1987  *
   1988  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info(), snd_seq_port_info_set_midi_voices()
   1989  */
   1990 int snd_seq_port_info_get_midi_voices(const snd_seq_port_info_t *info)
   1991 {
   1992 	assert(info);
   1993 	return info->midi_voices;
   1994 }
   1996 /**
   1997  * \brief Get the synth voices of a port_info container
   1998  * \param info port_info container
   1999  * \return number of synth voices (default 0)
   2000  *
   2001  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info(), snd_seq_port_info_set_synth_voices()
   2002  */
   2003 int snd_seq_port_info_get_synth_voices(const snd_seq_port_info_t *info)
   2004 {
   2005 	assert(info);
   2006 	return info->synth_voices;
   2007 }
   2009 /**
   2010  * \brief Get the port-specified mode of a port_info container
   2011  * \param info port_info container
   2012  * \return 1 if port id is specified at creation
   2013  *
   2014  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info(), snd_seq_port_info_set_port_specified()
   2015  */
   2016 int snd_seq_port_info_get_port_specified(const snd_seq_port_info_t *info)
   2017 {
   2018 	assert(info);
   2019 	return (info->flags & SNDRV_SEQ_PORT_FLG_GIVEN_PORT) ? 1 : 0;
   2020 }
   2022 /**
   2023  * \brief Get the time-stamping mode of the given port in a port_info container
   2024  * \param info port_info container
   2025  * \return 1 if the port updates timestamps of incoming events
   2026  *
   2027  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info(), snd_seq_port_info_set_timestamping()
   2028  */
   2029 int snd_seq_port_info_get_timestamping(const snd_seq_port_info_t *info)
   2030 {
   2031 	assert(info);
   2032 	return (info->flags & SNDRV_SEQ_PORT_FLG_TIMESTAMP) ? 1 : 0;
   2033 }
   2035 /**
   2036  * \brief Get whether the time-stamping of the given port is real-time mode
   2037  * \param info port_info container
   2038  * \return 1 if the time-stamping is in the real-time mode
   2039  *
   2040  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info(), snd_seq_port_info_set_timestamp_real()
   2041  */
   2042 int snd_seq_port_info_get_timestamp_real(const snd_seq_port_info_t *info)
   2043 {
   2044 	assert(info);
   2045 	return (info->flags & SNDRV_SEQ_PORT_FLG_TIME_REAL) ? 1 : 0;
   2046 }
   2048 /**
   2049  * \brief Get the queue id to update timestamps
   2050  * \param info port_info container
   2051  * \return the queue id to get the timestamps
   2052  *
   2053  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info(), snd_seq_port_info_set_timestamp_queue()
   2054  */
   2055 int snd_seq_port_info_get_timestamp_queue(const snd_seq_port_info_t *info)
   2056 {
   2057 	assert(info);
   2058 	return info->time_queue;
   2059 }
   2061 /**
   2062  * \brief Set the client id of a port_info container
   2063  * \param info port_info container
   2064  * \param client client id
   2065  *
   2066  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info(), snd_seq_port_info_get_client()
   2067  */
   2068 void snd_seq_port_info_set_client(snd_seq_port_info_t *info, int client)
   2069 {
   2070 	assert(info);
   2071 	info->addr.client = client;
   2072 }
   2074 /**
   2075  * \brief Set the port id of a port_info container
   2076  * \param info port_info container
   2077  * \param port port id
   2078  *
   2079  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info(), snd_seq_port_info_get_port()
   2080  */
   2081 void snd_seq_port_info_set_port(snd_seq_port_info_t *info, int port)
   2082 {
   2083 	assert(info);
   2084 	info->addr.port = port;
   2085 }
   2087 /**
   2088  * \brief Set the client/port address of a port_info container
   2089  * \param info port_info container
   2090  * \param addr client/port address
   2091  *
   2092  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info(), snd_seq_port_info_get_addr()
   2093  */
   2094 void snd_seq_port_info_set_addr(snd_seq_port_info_t *info, const snd_seq_addr_t *addr)
   2095 {
   2096 	assert(info);
   2097 	info->addr = *addr;
   2098 }
   2100 /**
   2101  * \brief Set the name of a port_info container
   2102  * \param info port_info container
   2103  * \param name name string
   2104  *
   2105  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info(), snd_seq_port_info_get_name()
   2106  */
   2107 void snd_seq_port_info_set_name(snd_seq_port_info_t *info, const char *name)
   2108 {
   2109 	assert(info && name);
   2110 	strncpy(info->name, name, sizeof(info->name));
   2111 }
   2113 /**
   2114  * \brief set the capability bits of a port_info container
   2115  * \param info port_info container
   2116  * \param capability capability bits
   2117  *
   2118  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info(), snd_seq_port_info_get_capability()
   2119  */
   2120 void snd_seq_port_info_set_capability(snd_seq_port_info_t *info, unsigned int capability)
   2121 {
   2122 	assert(info);
   2123 	info->capability = capability;
   2124 }
   2126 /**
   2127  * \brief Get the type bits of a port_info container
   2128  * \param info port_info container
   2129  * \param type port type bits
   2130  *
   2131  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info(), snd_seq_port_info_get_type()
   2132  */
   2133 void snd_seq_port_info_set_type(snd_seq_port_info_t *info, unsigned int type)
   2134 {
   2135 	assert(info);
   2136 	info->type = type;
   2137 }
   2139 /**
   2140  * \brief set the midi channels of a port_info container
   2141  * \param info port_info container
   2142  * \param channels midi channels (default 0)
   2143  *
   2144  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info(), snd_seq_port_info_get_midi_channels()
   2145  */
   2146 void snd_seq_port_info_set_midi_channels(snd_seq_port_info_t *info, int channels)
   2147 {
   2148 	assert(info);
   2149 	info->midi_channels = channels;
   2150 }
   2152 /**
   2153  * \brief set the midi voices of a port_info container
   2154  * \param info port_info container
   2155  * \param voices midi voices (default 0)
   2156  *
   2157  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info(), snd_seq_port_info_get_midi_voices()
   2158  */
   2159 void snd_seq_port_info_set_midi_voices(snd_seq_port_info_t *info, int voices)
   2160 {
   2161 	assert(info);
   2162 	info->midi_voices = voices;
   2163 }
   2165 /**
   2166  * \brief set the synth voices of a port_info container
   2167  * \param info port_info container
   2168  * \param voices synth voices (default 0)
   2169  *
   2170  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info(), snd_seq_port_info_get_synth_voice()
   2171  */
   2172 void snd_seq_port_info_set_synth_voices(snd_seq_port_info_t *info, int voices)
   2173 {
   2174 	assert(info);
   2175 	info->synth_voices = voices;
   2176 }
   2178 /**
   2179  * \brief Set the port-specified mode of a port_info container
   2180  * \param info port_info container
   2181  * \param val non-zero if specifying the port id at creation
   2182  *
   2183  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info(), snd_seq_port_info_get_port_specified()
   2184  */
   2185 void snd_seq_port_info_set_port_specified(snd_seq_port_info_t *info, int val)
   2186 {
   2187 	assert(info);
   2188 	if (val)
   2189 		info->flags |= SNDRV_SEQ_PORT_FLG_GIVEN_PORT;
   2190 	else
   2191 		info->flags &= ~SNDRV_SEQ_PORT_FLG_GIVEN_PORT;
   2192 }
   2194 /**
   2195  * \brief Set the time-stamping mode of the given port
   2196  * \param info port_info container
   2197  * \param enable non-zero if updating the timestamps of incoming events
   2198  *
   2199  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info(), snd_seq_port_info_get_timestamping()
   2200  */
   2201 void snd_seq_port_info_set_timestamping(snd_seq_port_info_t *info, int enable)
   2202 {
   2203 	assert(info);
   2204 	if (enable)
   2205 		info->flags |= SNDRV_SEQ_PORT_FLG_TIMESTAMP;
   2206 	else
   2207 		info->flags &= ~SNDRV_SEQ_PORT_FLG_TIMESTAMP;
   2208 }
   2210 /**
   2211  * \brief Set whether the timestime is updated in the real-time mode
   2212  * \param info port_info container
   2213  * \param enable non-zero if updating the timestamps in real-time mode
   2214  *
   2215  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info(), snd_seq_port_info_get_timestamp_real()
   2216  */
   2217 void snd_seq_port_info_set_timestamp_real(snd_seq_port_info_t *info, int enable)
   2218 {
   2219 	assert(info);
   2220 	if (enable)
   2221 		info->flags |= SNDRV_SEQ_PORT_FLG_TIME_REAL;
   2222 	else
   2223 		info->flags &= ~SNDRV_SEQ_PORT_FLG_TIME_REAL;
   2224 }
   2226 /**
   2227  * \brief Set the queue id for timestamping
   2228  * \param info port_info container
   2229  * \param queue the queue id to get timestamps
   2230  *
   2231  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info(), snd_seq_port_info_get_timestamp_queue()
   2232  */
   2233 void snd_seq_port_info_set_timestamp_queue(snd_seq_port_info_t *info, int queue)
   2234 {
   2235 	assert(info);
   2236 	info->time_queue = queue;
   2237 }
   2240 /**
   2241  * \brief create a sequencer port on the current client
   2242  * \param seq sequencer handle
   2243  * \param port port information for the new port
   2244  * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
   2245  *
   2246  * Creates a sequencer port on the current client.
   2247  * The attributes of created port is specified in \a info argument.
   2248  *
   2249  * The client field in \a info argument is overwritten with the current client id.
   2250  * The port id to be created can be specified via #snd_seq_port_info_set_port_specified.
   2251  * You can get the created port id by reading the port pointer via #snd_seq_port_info_get_port.
   2252  *
   2253  * Each port has the capability bit-masks to specify the access capability
   2254  * of the port from other clients.
   2255  * The capability bit flags are defined as follows:
   2256  * - #SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_READ Readable from this port
   2257  * - #SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_WRITE Writable to this port.
   2258  * - #SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SYNC_READ For synchronization (not implemented)
   2259  * - #SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SYNC_WRITE For synchronization (not implemented)
   2260  * - #SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_DUPLEX Read/write duplex access is supported
   2261  * - #SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_READ Read subscription is allowed
   2262  * - #SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_WRITE Write subscription is allowed
   2263  * - #SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_NO_EXPORT Subscription management from 3rd client is disallowed
   2264  *
   2265  * Each port has also the type bitmasks defined as follows:
   2266  * - #SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_SPECIFIC Hardware specific port
   2267  * - #SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_MIDI_GENERIC Generic MIDI device
   2268  * - #SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_MIDI_GM General MIDI compatible device
   2269  * - #SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_MIDI_GM2 General MIDI 2 compatible device
   2270  * - #SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_MIDI_GS GS compatible device
   2271  * - #SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_MIDI_XG XG compatible device
   2272  * - #SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_MIDI_MT32 MT-32 compatible device
   2273  * - #SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_HARDWARE Implemented in hardware
   2274  * - #SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_SOFTWARE Implemented in software
   2275  * - #SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_SYNTHESIZER Generates sound
   2276  * - #SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_PORT Connects to other device(s)
   2277  * - #SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_APPLICATION Application (sequencer/editor)
   2278  *
   2279  * A port may contain specific midi channels, midi voices and synth voices.
   2280  * These values could be zero as default.
   2281  *
   2282  * \sa snd_seq_delete_port(), snd_seq_get_port_info(),
   2283  *     snd_seq_create_simple_port()
   2284  */
   2285 int snd_seq_create_port(snd_seq_t *seq, snd_seq_port_info_t * port)
   2286 {
   2287 	assert(seq && port);
   2288 	port->addr.client = seq->client;
   2289 	return seq->ops->create_port(seq, port);
   2290 }
   2292 /**
   2293  * \brief delete a sequencer port on the current client
   2294  * \param seq sequencer handle
   2295  * \param port port to be deleted
   2296  * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
   2297  *
   2298  * Deletes the existing sequencer port on the current client.
   2299  *
   2300  * \sa snd_seq_create_port(), snd_seq_delete_simple_port()
   2301  */
   2302 int snd_seq_delete_port(snd_seq_t *seq, int port)
   2303 {
   2304 	snd_seq_port_info_t pinfo;
   2305 	assert(seq);
   2306 	memset(&pinfo, 0, sizeof(pinfo));
   2307 	pinfo.addr.client = seq->client;
   2308 	pinfo.addr.port = port;
   2309 	return seq->ops->delete_port(seq, &pinfo);
   2310 }
   2312 /**
   2313  * \brief obtain the information of a port on an arbitrary client
   2314  * \param seq sequencer handle
   2315  * \param client client id to get
   2316  * \param port port id to get
   2317  * \param info pointer information returns
   2318  * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
   2319  *
   2320  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info()
   2321  */
   2322 int snd_seq_get_any_port_info(snd_seq_t *seq, int client, int port, snd_seq_port_info_t * info)
   2323 {
   2324 	assert(seq && info && client >= 0 && port >= 0);
   2325 	memset(info, 0, sizeof(snd_seq_port_info_t));
   2326 	info->addr.client = client;
   2327 	info->addr.port = port;
   2328 	return seq->ops->get_port_info(seq, info);
   2329 }
   2331 /**
   2332  * \brief obtain the information of a port on the current client
   2333  * \param seq sequencer handle
   2334  * \param port port id to get
   2335  * \param info pointer information returns
   2336  * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
   2337  *
   2338  * \sa snd_seq_create_port(), snd_seq_get_any_port_info(), snd_seq_set_port_info(),
   2339  *     snd_seq_query_next_port()
   2340  */
   2341 int snd_seq_get_port_info(snd_seq_t *seq, int port, snd_seq_port_info_t * info)
   2342 {
   2343 	return snd_seq_get_any_port_info(seq, seq->client, port, info);
   2344 }
   2346 /**
   2347  * \brief set the information of a port on the current client
   2348  * \param seq sequencer handle
   2349  * \param port port to be set
   2350  * \param info port information to be set
   2351  * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
   2352  *
   2353  * \sa snd_seq_set_port_info()
   2354  */
   2355 int snd_seq_set_port_info(snd_seq_t *seq, int port, snd_seq_port_info_t * info)
   2356 {
   2357 	assert(seq && info && port >= 0);
   2358 	info->addr.client = seq->client;
   2359 	info->addr.port = port;
   2360 	return seq->ops->set_port_info(seq, info);
   2361 }
   2363 /**
   2364  * \brief query the next matching port
   2365  * \param seq sequencer handle
   2366  * \param info query pattern and result
   2368  * Queries the next matching port on the client specified in
   2369  * \a info argument.
   2370  * The search begins at the next port specified in
   2371  * port field of \a info argument.
   2372  * For finding the first port at a certain client, give -1.
   2373  *
   2374  * If a matching port is found, its attributes are stored on
   2375  * \a info and function returns zero.
   2376  * Otherwise, a negative error code is returned.
   2377  *
   2378  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_info()
   2379  */
   2380 int snd_seq_query_next_port(snd_seq_t *seq, snd_seq_port_info_t *info)
   2381 {
   2382 	assert(seq && info);
   2383 	return seq->ops->query_next_port(seq, info);
   2384 }
   2387 /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
   2389 /*
   2390  * subscription
   2391  */
   2394 /**
   2395  * \brief get size of #snd_seq_port_subscribe_t
   2396  * \return size in bytes
   2397  */
   2398 size_t snd_seq_port_subscribe_sizeof()
   2399 {
   2400 	return sizeof(snd_seq_port_subscribe_t);
   2401 }
   2403 /**
   2404  * \brief allocate an empty #snd_seq_port_subscribe_t using standard malloc
   2405  * \param ptr returned pointer
   2406  * \return 0 on success otherwise negative error code
   2407  */
   2408 int snd_seq_port_subscribe_malloc(snd_seq_port_subscribe_t **ptr)
   2409 {
   2410 	assert(ptr);
   2411 	*ptr = calloc(1, sizeof(snd_seq_port_subscribe_t));
   2412 	if (!*ptr)
   2413 		return -ENOMEM;
   2414 	return 0;
   2415 }
   2417 /**
   2418  * \brief frees a previously allocated #snd_seq_port_subscribe_t
   2419  * \param obj pointer to object to free
   2420  */
   2421 void snd_seq_port_subscribe_free(snd_seq_port_subscribe_t *obj)
   2422 {
   2423 	free(obj);
   2424 }
   2426 /**
   2427  * \brief copy one #snd_seq_port_subscribe_t to another
   2428  * \param dst pointer to destination
   2429  * \param src pointer to source
   2430  */
   2431 void snd_seq_port_subscribe_copy(snd_seq_port_subscribe_t *dst, const snd_seq_port_subscribe_t *src)
   2432 {
   2433 	assert(dst && src);
   2434 	*dst = *src;
   2435 }
   2438 /**
   2439  * \brief Get sender address of a port_subscribe container
   2440  * \param info port_subscribe container
   2441  *
   2442  * \sa snd_seq_subscribe_port(), snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_sender()
   2443  */
   2444 const snd_seq_addr_t *snd_seq_port_subscribe_get_sender(const snd_seq_port_subscribe_t *info)
   2445 {
   2446 	assert(info);
   2447 	return &info->sender;
   2448 }
   2450 /**
   2451  * \brief Get destination address of a port_subscribe container
   2452  * \param info port_subscribe container
   2453  *
   2454  * \sa snd_seq_subscribe_port(), snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_dest()
   2455  */
   2456 const snd_seq_addr_t *snd_seq_port_subscribe_get_dest(const snd_seq_port_subscribe_t *info)
   2457 {
   2458 	assert(info);
   2459 	return &info->dest;
   2460 }
   2462 /**
   2463  * \brief Get the queue id of a port_subscribe container
   2464  * \param info port_subscribe container
   2465  * \return queue id
   2466  *
   2467  * \sa snd_seq_subscribe_port(), snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_queue()
   2468  */
   2469 int snd_seq_port_subscribe_get_queue(const snd_seq_port_subscribe_t *info)
   2470 {
   2471 	assert(info);
   2472 	return info->queue;
   2473 }
   2475 /**
   2476  * \brief Get the exclusive mode of a port_subscribe container
   2477  * \param info port_subscribe container
   2478  * \return 1 if exclusive mode
   2479  *
   2480  * \sa snd_seq_subscribe_port(), snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_exclusive()
   2481  */
   2482 int snd_seq_port_subscribe_get_exclusive(const snd_seq_port_subscribe_t *info)
   2483 {
   2484 	assert(info);
   2485 	return (info->flags & SNDRV_SEQ_PORT_SUBS_EXCLUSIVE) ? 1 : 0;
   2486 }
   2488 /**
   2489  * \brief Get the time-update mode of a port_subscribe container
   2490  * \param info port_subscribe container
   2491  * \return 1 if update timestamp
   2492  *
   2493  * \sa snd_seq_subscribe_port(), snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_time_update()
   2494  */
   2495 int snd_seq_port_subscribe_get_time_update(const snd_seq_port_subscribe_t *info)
   2496 {
   2497 	assert(info);
   2498 	return (info->flags & SNDRV_SEQ_PORT_SUBS_TIMESTAMP) ? 1 : 0;
   2499 }
   2501 /**
   2502  * \brief Get the real-time update mode of a port_subscribe container
   2503  * \param info port_subscribe container
   2504  * \return 1 if real-time update mode
   2505  *
   2506  * \sa snd_seq_subscribe_port(), snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_time_real()
   2507  */
   2508 int snd_seq_port_subscribe_get_time_real(const snd_seq_port_subscribe_t *info)
   2509 {
   2510 	assert(info);
   2511 	return (info->flags & SNDRV_SEQ_PORT_SUBS_TIME_REAL) ? 1 : 0;
   2512 }
   2514 /**
   2515  * \brief Set sender address of a port_subscribe container
   2516  * \param info port_subscribe container
   2517  * \param addr sender address
   2518  *
   2519  * \sa snd_seq_subscribe_port(), snd_seq_port_subscribe_get_sender()
   2520  */
   2521 void snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_sender(snd_seq_port_subscribe_t *info, const snd_seq_addr_t *addr)
   2522 {
   2523 	assert(info);
   2524 	memcpy(&info->sender, addr, sizeof(*addr));
   2525 }
   2527 /**
   2528  * \brief Set destination address of a port_subscribe container
   2529  * \param info port_subscribe container
   2530  * \param addr destination address
   2531  *
   2532  * \sa snd_seq_subscribe_port(), snd_seq_port_subscribe_get_dest()
   2533  */
   2534 void snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_dest(snd_seq_port_subscribe_t *info, const snd_seq_addr_t *addr)
   2535 {
   2536 	assert(info);
   2537 	memcpy(&info->dest, addr, sizeof(*addr));
   2538 }
   2540 /**
   2541  * \brief Set the queue id of a port_subscribe container
   2542  * \param info port_subscribe container
   2543  * \param q queue id
   2544  *
   2545  * \sa snd_seq_subscribe_port(), snd_seq_port_subscribe_get_queue()
   2546  */
   2547 void snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_queue(snd_seq_port_subscribe_t *info, int q)
   2548 {
   2549 	assert(info);
   2550 	info->queue = q;
   2551 }
   2553 /**
   2554  * \brief Set the exclusive mode of a port_subscribe container
   2555  * \param info port_subscribe container
   2556  * \param val non-zero to enable
   2557  *
   2558  * \sa snd_seq_subscribe_port(), snd_seq_port_subscribe_get_exclusive()
   2559  */
   2560 void snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_exclusive(snd_seq_port_subscribe_t *info, int val)
   2561 {
   2562 	assert(info);
   2563 	if (val)
   2564 		info->flags |= SNDRV_SEQ_PORT_SUBS_EXCLUSIVE;
   2565 	else
   2566 		info->flags &= ~SNDRV_SEQ_PORT_SUBS_EXCLUSIVE;
   2567 }
   2569 /**
   2570  * \brief Set the time-update mode of a port_subscribe container
   2571  * \param info port_subscribe container
   2572  * \param val non-zero to enable
   2573  *
   2574  * \sa snd_seq_subscribe_port(), snd_seq_port_subscribe_get_time_update()
   2575  */
   2576 void snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_time_update(snd_seq_port_subscribe_t *info, int val)
   2577 {
   2578 	assert(info);
   2579 	if (val)
   2580 		info->flags |= SNDRV_SEQ_PORT_SUBS_TIMESTAMP;
   2581 	else
   2582 		info->flags &= ~SNDRV_SEQ_PORT_SUBS_TIMESTAMP;
   2583 }
   2585 /**
   2586  * \brief Set the real-time mode of a port_subscribe container
   2587  * \param info port_subscribe container
   2588  * \param val non-zero to enable
   2589  *
   2590  * \sa snd_seq_subscribe_port(), snd_seq_port_subscribe_get_time_real()
   2591  */
   2592 void snd_seq_port_subscribe_set_time_real(snd_seq_port_subscribe_t *info, int val)
   2593 {
   2594 	assert(info);
   2595 	if (val)
   2596 		info->flags |= SNDRV_SEQ_PORT_SUBS_TIME_REAL;
   2597 	else
   2598 		info->flags &= ~SNDRV_SEQ_PORT_SUBS_TIME_REAL;
   2599 }
   2602 /**
   2603  * \brief obtain subscription information
   2604  * \param seq sequencer handle
   2605  * \param sub pointer to return the subscription information
   2606  * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
   2607  *
   2608  * \sa snd_seq_subscribe_port(), snd_seq_query_port_subscribers()
   2609  */
   2610 int snd_seq_get_port_subscription(snd_seq_t *seq, snd_seq_port_subscribe_t * sub)
   2611 {
   2612 	assert(seq && sub);
   2613 	return seq->ops->get_port_subscription(seq, sub);
   2614 }
   2616 /**
   2617  * \brief subscribe a port connection
   2618  * \param seq sequencer handle
   2619  * \param sub subscription information
   2620  * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
   2621  *
   2622  * Subscribes a connection between two ports.
   2623  * The subscription information is stored in sub argument.
   2624  *
   2625  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_subscription(), snd_seq_unsubscribe_port(),
   2626  *     snd_seq_connect_from(), snd_seq_connect_to()
   2627  */
   2628 int snd_seq_subscribe_port(snd_seq_t *seq, snd_seq_port_subscribe_t * sub)
   2629 {
   2630 	assert(seq && sub);
   2631 	return seq->ops->subscribe_port(seq, sub);
   2632 }
   2634 /**
   2635  * \brief unsubscribe a connection between ports
   2636  * \param seq sequencer handle
   2637  * \param sub subscription information to disconnect
   2638  * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
   2639  *
   2640  * Unsubscribes a connection between two ports,
   2641  * described in sender and dest fields in sub argument.
   2642  *
   2643  * \sa snd_seq_subscribe_port(), snd_seq_disconnect_from(), snd_seq_disconnect_to()
   2644  */
   2645 int snd_seq_unsubscribe_port(snd_seq_t *seq, snd_seq_port_subscribe_t * sub)
   2646 {
   2647 	assert(seq && sub);
   2648 	return seq->ops->unsubscribe_port(seq, sub);
   2649 }
   2652 /**
   2653  * \brief get size of #snd_seq_query_subscribe_t
   2654  * \return size in bytes
   2655  */
   2656 size_t snd_seq_query_subscribe_sizeof()
   2657 {
   2658 	return sizeof(snd_seq_query_subscribe_t);
   2659 }
   2661 /**
   2662  * \brief allocate an empty #snd_seq_query_subscribe_t using standard malloc
   2663  * \param ptr returned pointer
   2664  * \return 0 on success otherwise negative error code
   2665  */
   2666 int snd_seq_query_subscribe_malloc(snd_seq_query_subscribe_t **ptr)
   2667 {
   2668 	assert(ptr);
   2669 	*ptr = calloc(1, sizeof(snd_seq_query_subscribe_t));
   2670 	if (!*ptr)
   2671 		return -ENOMEM;
   2672 	return 0;
   2673 }
   2675 /**
   2676  * \brief frees a previously allocated #snd_seq_query_subscribe_t
   2677  * \param obj pointer to object to free
   2678  */
   2679 void snd_seq_query_subscribe_free(snd_seq_query_subscribe_t *obj)
   2680 {
   2681 	free(obj);
   2682 }
   2684 /**
   2685  * \brief copy one #snd_seq_query_subscribe_t to another
   2686  * \param dst pointer to destination
   2687  * \param src pointer to source
   2688  */
   2689 void snd_seq_query_subscribe_copy(snd_seq_query_subscribe_t *dst, const snd_seq_query_subscribe_t *src)
   2690 {
   2691 	assert(dst && src);
   2692 	*dst = *src;
   2693 }
   2696 /**
   2697  * \brief Get the client id of a query_subscribe container
   2698  * \param info query_subscribe container
   2699  * \return client id
   2700  *
   2701  * \sa snd_seq_query_port_subscribers(), snd_seq_query_subscribe_set_client()
   2702  */
   2703 int snd_seq_query_subscribe_get_client(const snd_seq_query_subscribe_t *info)
   2704 {
   2705 	assert(info);
   2706 	return info->root.client;
   2707 }
   2709 /**
   2710  * \brief Get the port id of a query_subscribe container
   2711  * \param info query_subscribe container
   2712  * \return port id
   2713  *
   2714  * \sa snd_seq_query_port_subscribers(), snd_seq_query_subscribe_set_port()
   2715  */
   2716 int snd_seq_query_subscribe_get_port(const snd_seq_query_subscribe_t *info)
   2717 {
   2718 	assert(info);
   2719 	return info->root.port;
   2720 }
   2722 /**
   2723  * \brief Get the client/port address of a query_subscribe container
   2724  * \param info query_subscribe container
   2725  * \return client/port address pointer
   2726  *
   2727  * \sa snd_seq_query_port_subscribers(), snd_seq_query_subscribe_set_root()
   2728  */
   2729 const snd_seq_addr_t *snd_seq_query_subscribe_get_root(const snd_seq_query_subscribe_t *info)
   2730 {
   2731 	assert(info);
   2732 	return &info->root;
   2733 }
   2735 /**
   2736  * \brief Get the query type of a query_subscribe container
   2737  * \param info query_subscribe container
   2738  * \return query type
   2739  *
   2740  * \sa snd_seq_query_port_subscribers(), snd_seq_query_subscribe_set_type()
   2741  */
   2742 snd_seq_query_subs_type_t snd_seq_query_subscribe_get_type(const snd_seq_query_subscribe_t *info)
   2743 {
   2744 	assert(info);
   2745 	return info->type;
   2746 }
   2748 /**
   2749  * \brief Get the index of subscriber of a query_subscribe container
   2750  * \param info query_subscribe container
   2751  * \return subscriber's index
   2752  *
   2753  * \sa snd_seq_query_port_subscribers(), snd_seq_query_subscribe_set_index()
   2754  */
   2755 int snd_seq_query_subscribe_get_index(const snd_seq_query_subscribe_t *info)
   2756 {
   2757 	assert(info);
   2758 	return info->index;
   2759 }
   2761 /**
   2762  * \brief Get the number of subscriptions of a query_subscribe container
   2763  * \param info query_subscribe container
   2764  * \return number of subscriptions
   2765  *
   2766  * \sa snd_seq_query_port_subscribers()
   2767  */
   2768 int snd_seq_query_subscribe_get_num_subs(const snd_seq_query_subscribe_t *info)
   2769 {
   2770 	assert(info);
   2771 	return info->num_subs;
   2772 }
   2774 /**
   2775  * \brief Get the address of subscriber of a query_subscribe container
   2776  * \param info query_subscribe container
   2777  * \return subscriber's address pointer
   2778  *
   2779  * \sa snd_seq_query_port_subscribers()
   2780  */
   2781 const snd_seq_addr_t *snd_seq_query_subscribe_get_addr(const snd_seq_query_subscribe_t *info)
   2782 {
   2783 	assert(info);
   2784 	return &info->addr;
   2785 }
   2787 /**
   2788  * \brief Get the queue id of subscriber of a query_subscribe container
   2789  * \param info query_subscribe container
   2790  * \return subscriber's queue id
   2791  *
   2792  * \sa snd_seq_query_port_subscribers()
   2793  */
   2794 int snd_seq_query_subscribe_get_queue(const snd_seq_query_subscribe_t *info)
   2795 {
   2796 	assert(info);
   2797 	return info->queue;
   2798 }
   2800 /**
   2801  * \brief Get the exclusive mode of a query_subscribe container
   2802  * \param info query_subscribe container
   2803  * \return 1 if exclusive mode
   2804  *
   2805  * \sa snd_seq_query_port_subscribers()
   2806  */
   2807 int snd_seq_query_subscribe_get_exclusive(const snd_seq_query_subscribe_t *info)
   2808 {
   2809 	assert(info);
   2810 	return (info->flags & SNDRV_SEQ_PORT_SUBS_EXCLUSIVE) ? 1 : 0;
   2811 }
   2813 /**
   2814  * \brief Get the time-update mode of a query_subscribe container
   2815  * \param info query_subscribe container
   2816  * \return 1 if update timestamp
   2817  *
   2818  * \sa snd_seq_query_port_subscribers()
   2819  */
   2820 int snd_seq_query_subscribe_get_time_update(const snd_seq_query_subscribe_t *info)
   2821 {
   2822 	assert(info);
   2823 	return (info->flags & SNDRV_SEQ_PORT_SUBS_TIMESTAMP) ? 1 : 0;
   2824 }
   2826 /**
   2827  * \brief Get the real-time update mode of a query_subscribe container
   2828  * \param info query_subscribe container
   2829  * \return 1 if real-time update mode
   2830  *
   2831  * \sa snd_seq_query_port_subscribers()
   2832  */
   2833 int snd_seq_query_subscribe_get_time_real(const snd_seq_query_subscribe_t *info)
   2834 {
   2835 	assert(info);
   2836 	return (info->flags & SNDRV_SEQ_PORT_SUBS_TIMESTAMP) ? 1 : 0;
   2837 }
   2839 /**
   2840  * \brief Set the client id of a query_subscribe container
   2841  * \param info query_subscribe container
   2842  * \param client client id
   2843  *
   2844  * \sa snd_seq_query_port_subscribers(), snd_seq_query_subscribe_get_client()
   2845  */
   2846 void snd_seq_query_subscribe_set_client(snd_seq_query_subscribe_t *info, int client)
   2847 {
   2848 	assert(info);
   2849 	info->root.client = client;
   2850 }
   2852 /**
   2853  * \brief Set the port id of a query_subscribe container
   2854  * \param info query_subscribe container
   2855  * \param port port id
   2856  *
   2857  * \sa snd_seq_query_port_subscribers(), snd_seq_query_subscribe_get_port()
   2858  */
   2859 void snd_seq_query_subscribe_set_port(snd_seq_query_subscribe_t *info, int port)
   2860 {
   2861 	assert(info);
   2862 	info->root.port = port;
   2863 }
   2865 /**
   2866  * \brief Set the client/port address of a query_subscribe container
   2867  * \param info query_subscribe container
   2868  * \param addr client/port address pointer
   2869  *
   2870  * \sa snd_seq_query_port_subscribers(), snd_seq_query_subscribe_get_root()
   2871  */
   2872 void snd_seq_query_subscribe_set_root(snd_seq_query_subscribe_t *info, const snd_seq_addr_t *addr)
   2873 {
   2874 	assert(info);
   2875 	info->root = *addr;
   2876 }
   2878 /**
   2879  * \brief Set the query type of a query_subscribe container
   2880  * \param info query_subscribe container
   2881  * \param type query type
   2882  *
   2883  * \sa snd_seq_query_port_subscribers(), snd_seq_query_subscribe_get_type()
   2884  */
   2885 void snd_seq_query_subscribe_set_type(snd_seq_query_subscribe_t *info, snd_seq_query_subs_type_t type)
   2886 {
   2887 	assert(info);
   2888 	info->type = type;
   2889 }
   2891 /**
   2892  * \brief Set the subscriber's index to be queried
   2893  * \param info query_subscribe container
   2894  * \param index index to be queried
   2895  *
   2896  * \sa snd_seq_query_port_subscribers(), snd_seq_query_subscribe_get_index()
   2897  */
   2898 void snd_seq_query_subscribe_set_index(snd_seq_query_subscribe_t *info, int index)
   2899 {
   2900 	assert(info);
   2901 	info->index = index;
   2902 }
   2905 /**
   2906  * \brief query port subscriber list
   2907  * \param seq sequencer handle
   2908  * \param subs subscription to query
   2909  * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
   2910  *
   2911  * Queries the subscribers accessing to a port.
   2912  * The query information is specified in subs argument.
   2913  *
   2914  * At least, the client id, the port id, the index number and
   2915  * the query type must be set to perform a proper query.
   2916  * As the query type, #SND_SEQ_QUERY_SUBS_READ or #SND_SEQ_QUERY_SUBS_WRITE
   2917  * can be specified to check whether the readers or the writers to the port.
   2918  * To query the first subscription, set 0 to the index number.  To list up
   2919  * all the subscriptions, call this function with the index numbers from 0
   2920  * until this returns a negative value.
   2921  *
   2922  * \sa snd_seq_get_port_subscription()
   2923  */
   2924 int snd_seq_query_port_subscribers(snd_seq_t *seq, snd_seq_query_subscribe_t * subs)
   2925 {
   2926 	assert(seq && subs);
   2927 	return seq->ops->query_port_subscribers(seq, subs);
   2928 }
   2930 /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
   2932 /*
   2933  * queue handlers
   2934  */
   2936 /**
   2937  * \brief get size of #snd_seq_queue_info_t
   2938  * \return size in bytes
   2939  */
   2940 size_t snd_seq_queue_info_sizeof()
   2941 {
   2942 	return sizeof(snd_seq_queue_info_t);
   2943 }
   2945 /**
   2946  * \brief allocate an empty #snd_seq_queue_info_t using standard malloc
   2947  * \param ptr returned pointer
   2948  * \return 0 on success otherwise negative error code
   2949  */
   2950 int snd_seq_queue_info_malloc(snd_seq_queue_info_t **ptr)
   2951 {
   2952 	assert(ptr);
   2953 	*ptr = calloc(1, sizeof(snd_seq_queue_info_t));
   2954 	if (!*ptr)
   2955 		return -ENOMEM;
   2956 	return 0;
   2957 }
   2959 /**
   2960  * \brief frees a previously allocated #snd_seq_queue_info_t
   2961  * \param obj pointer to object to free
   2962  */
   2963 void snd_seq_queue_info_free(snd_seq_queue_info_t *obj)
   2964 {
   2965 	free(obj);
   2966 }
   2968 /**
   2969  * \brief copy one #snd_seq_queue_info_t to another
   2970  * \param dst pointer to destination
   2971  * \param src pointer to source
   2972  */
   2973 void snd_seq_queue_info_copy(snd_seq_queue_info_t *dst, const snd_seq_queue_info_t *src)
   2974 {
   2975 	assert(dst && src);
   2976 	*dst = *src;
   2977 }
   2980 /**
   2981  * \brief Get the queue id of a queue_info container
   2982  * \param info queue_info container
   2983  * \return queue id
   2984  *
   2985  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_info(), snd_seq_queue_info_set_queue()
   2986  */
   2987 int snd_seq_queue_info_get_queue(const snd_seq_queue_info_t *info)
   2988 {
   2989 	assert(info);
   2990 	return info->queue;
   2991 }
   2993 /**
   2994  * \brief Get the name of a queue_info container
   2995  * \param info queue_info container
   2996  * \return name string
   2997  *
   2998  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_info(), snd_seq_queue_info_set_name()
   2999  */
   3000 const char *snd_seq_queue_info_get_name(const snd_seq_queue_info_t *info)
   3001 {
   3002 	assert(info);
   3003 	return info->name;
   3004 }
   3006 /**
   3007  * \brief Get the owner client id of a queue_info container
   3008  * \param info queue_info container
   3009  * \return owner client id
   3010  *
   3011  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_info(), snd_seq_queue_info_set_owner()
   3012  */
   3013 int snd_seq_queue_info_get_owner(const snd_seq_queue_info_t *info)
   3014 {
   3015 	assert(info);
   3016 	return info->owner;
   3017 }
   3019 /**
   3020  * \brief Get the lock status of a queue_info container
   3021  * \param info queue_info container
   3022  * \return lock status --- non-zero = locked
   3023  *
   3024  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_info(), snd_seq_queue_info_set_locked()
   3025  */
   3026 int snd_seq_queue_info_get_locked(const snd_seq_queue_info_t *info)
   3027 {
   3028 	assert(info);
   3029 	return info->locked;
   3030 }
   3032 /**
   3033  * \brief Get the conditional bit flags of a queue_info container
   3034  * \param info queue_info container
   3035  * \return conditional bit flags
   3036  *
   3037  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_info(), snd_seq_queue_info_set_flags()
   3038  */
   3039 unsigned int snd_seq_queue_info_get_flags(const snd_seq_queue_info_t *info)
   3040 {
   3041 	assert(info);
   3042 	return info->flags;
   3043 }
   3045 /**
   3046  * \brief Set the name of a queue_info container
   3047  * \param info queue_info container
   3048  * \param name name string
   3049  *
   3050  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_info(), snd_seq_queue_info_get_name()
   3051  */
   3052 void snd_seq_queue_info_set_name(snd_seq_queue_info_t *info, const char *name)
   3053 {
   3054 	assert(info && name);
   3055 	strncpy(info->name, name, sizeof(info->name));
   3056 }
   3058 /**
   3059  * \brief Set the owner client id of a queue_info container
   3060  * \param info queue_info container
   3061  * \param owner client id
   3062  *
   3063  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_info(), snd_seq_queue_info_get_owner()
   3064  */
   3065 void snd_seq_queue_info_set_owner(snd_seq_queue_info_t *info, int owner)
   3066 {
   3067 	assert(info);
   3068 	info->owner = owner;
   3069 }
   3071 /**
   3072  * \brief Set the lock status of a queue_info container
   3073  * \param info queue_info container
   3074  * \param locked lock status
   3075  *
   3076  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_info(), snd_seq_queue_info_get_locked()
   3077  */
   3078 void snd_seq_queue_info_set_locked(snd_seq_queue_info_t *info, int locked)
   3079 {
   3080 	assert(info);
   3081 	info->locked = locked;
   3082 }
   3084 /**
   3085  * \brief Set the conditional bit flags of a queue_info container
   3086  * \param info queue_info container
   3087  * \param flags conditional bit flags
   3088  *
   3089  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_info(), snd_seq_queue_info_get_flags()
   3090  */
   3091 void snd_seq_queue_info_set_flags(snd_seq_queue_info_t *info, unsigned int flags)
   3092 {
   3093 	assert(info);
   3094 	info->flags = flags;
   3095 }
   3098 /**
   3099  * \brief create a queue
   3100  * \param seq sequencer handle
   3101  * \param info queue information to initialize
   3102  * \return the queue id (zero or positive) on success otherwise a negative error code
   3103  *
   3104  * \sa snd_seq_alloc_queue()
   3105  */
   3106 int snd_seq_create_queue(snd_seq_t *seq, snd_seq_queue_info_t *info)
   3107 {
   3108 	int err;
   3109 	assert(seq && info);
   3110 	info->owner = seq->client;
   3111 	err = seq->ops->create_queue(seq, info);
   3112 	if (err < 0)
   3113 		return err;
   3114 	return info->queue;
   3115 }
   3117 /**
   3118  * \brief allocate a queue with the specified name
   3119  * \param seq sequencer handle
   3120  * \param name the name of the new queue
   3121  * \return the queue id (zero or positive) on success otherwise a negative error code
   3122  *
   3123  * \sa snd_seq_alloc_queue()
   3124  */
   3125 int snd_seq_alloc_named_queue(snd_seq_t *seq, const char *name)
   3126 {
   3127 	snd_seq_queue_info_t info;
   3128 	memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
   3129 	info.locked = 1;
   3130 	if (name)
   3131 		strncpy(info.name, name, sizeof(info.name) - 1);
   3132 	return snd_seq_create_queue(seq, &info);
   3133 }
   3135 /**
   3136  * \brief allocate a queue
   3137  * \param seq sequencer handle
   3138  * \return the queue id (zero or positive) on success otherwise a negative error code
   3139  *
   3140  * \sa snd_seq_alloc_named_queue(), snd_seq_create_queue(), snd_seq_free_queue(),
   3141  *     snd_seq_get_queue_info()
   3142  */
   3143 int snd_seq_alloc_queue(snd_seq_t *seq)
   3144 {
   3145 	return snd_seq_alloc_named_queue(seq, NULL);
   3146 }
   3148 /**
   3149  * \brief delete the specified queue
   3150  * \param seq sequencer handle
   3151  * \param q queue id to delete
   3152  * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
   3153  *
   3154  * \sa snd_seq_alloc_queue()
   3155  */
   3156 int snd_seq_free_queue(snd_seq_t *seq, int q)
   3157 {
   3158 	snd_seq_queue_info_t info;
   3159 	assert(seq);
   3160 	memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
   3161 	info.queue = q;
   3162 	return seq->ops->delete_queue(seq, &info);
   3163 }
   3165 /**
   3166  * \brief obtain queue attributes
   3167  * \param seq sequencer handle
   3168  * \param q queue id to query
   3169  * \param info information returned
   3170  * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
   3171  *
   3172  * \sa snd_seq_alloc_queue(), snd_seq_set_queue_info(), snd_seq_query_named_queue()
   3173  */
   3174 int snd_seq_get_queue_info(snd_seq_t *seq, int q, snd_seq_queue_info_t *info)
   3175 {
   3176 	assert(seq && info);
   3177 	info->queue = q;
   3178 	return seq->ops->get_queue_info(seq, info);
   3179 }
   3181 /**
   3182  * \brief change the queue attributes
   3183  * \param seq sequencer handle
   3184  * \param q queue id to change
   3185  * \param info information changed
   3186  * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
   3187  *
   3188  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_info()
   3189  */
   3190 int snd_seq_set_queue_info(snd_seq_t *seq, int q, snd_seq_queue_info_t *info)
   3191 {
   3192 	assert(seq && info);
   3193 	info->queue = q;
   3194 	return seq->ops->set_queue_info(seq, info);
   3195 }
   3197 /**
   3198  * \brief query the matching queue with the specified name
   3199  * \param seq sequencer handle
   3200  * \param name the name string to query
   3201  * \return the queue id if found or negative error code
   3202  *
   3203  * Searches the matching queue with the specified name string.
   3204  *
   3205  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_info()
   3206  */
   3207 int snd_seq_query_named_queue(snd_seq_t *seq, const char *name)
   3208 {
   3209 	int err;
   3210 	snd_seq_queue_info_t info;
   3211 	assert(seq && name);
   3212 	strncpy(info.name, name, sizeof(info.name));
   3213 	err = seq->ops->get_named_queue(seq, &info);
   3214 	if (err < 0)
   3215 		return err;
   3216 	return info.queue;
   3217 }
   3219 /**
   3220  * \brief Get the queue usage flag to the client
   3221  * \param seq sequencer handle
   3222  * \param q queue id
   3223  * \return 1 = client is allowed to access the queue, 0 = not allowed,
   3224  *     otherwise a negative error code
   3225  *
   3226  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_info(), snd_seq_set_queue_usage()
   3227  */
   3228 int snd_seq_get_queue_usage(snd_seq_t *seq, int q)
   3229 {
   3230 	struct sndrv_seq_queue_client info;
   3231 	int err;
   3232 	assert(seq);
   3233 	memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
   3234 	info.queue = q;
   3235 	info.client = seq->client;
   3236 	if ((err = seq->ops->get_queue_client(seq, &info)) < 0)
   3237 		return err;
   3238 	return info.used;
   3239 }
   3241 /**
   3242  * \brief Set the queue usage flag to the client
   3243  * \param seq sequencer handle
   3244  * \param q queue id
   3245  * \param used non-zero if the client is allowed
   3246  * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
   3247  *
   3248  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_info(), snd_seq_set_queue_usage()
   3249  */
   3250 int snd_seq_set_queue_usage(snd_seq_t *seq, int q, int used)
   3251 {
   3252 	struct sndrv_seq_queue_client info;
   3253 	assert(seq);
   3254 	memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
   3255 	info.queue = q;
   3256 	info.client = seq->client;
   3257 	info.used = used ? 1 : 0;
   3258 	return seq->ops->set_queue_client(seq, &info);
   3259 }
   3262 /**
   3263  * \brief get size of #snd_seq_queue_status_t
   3264  * \return size in bytes
   3265  */
   3266 size_t snd_seq_queue_status_sizeof()
   3267 {
   3268 	return sizeof(snd_seq_queue_status_t);
   3269 }
   3271 /**
   3272  * \brief allocate an empty #snd_seq_queue_status_t using standard malloc
   3273  * \param ptr returned pointer
   3274  * \return 0 on success otherwise negative error code
   3275  */
   3276 int snd_seq_queue_status_malloc(snd_seq_queue_status_t **ptr)
   3277 {
   3278 	assert(ptr);
   3279 	*ptr = calloc(1, sizeof(snd_seq_queue_status_t));
   3280 	if (!*ptr)
   3281 		return -ENOMEM;
   3282 	return 0;
   3283 }
   3285 /**
   3286  * \brief frees a previously allocated #snd_seq_queue_status_t
   3287  * \param obj pointer to object to free
   3288  */
   3289 void snd_seq_queue_status_free(snd_seq_queue_status_t *obj)
   3290 {
   3291 	free(obj);
   3292 }
   3294 /**
   3295  * \brief copy one #snd_seq_queue_status_t to another
   3296  * \param dst pointer to destination
   3297  * \param src pointer to source
   3298  */
   3299 void snd_seq_queue_status_copy(snd_seq_queue_status_t *dst, const snd_seq_queue_status_t *src)
   3300 {
   3301 	assert(dst && src);
   3302 	*dst = *src;
   3303 }
   3306 /**
   3307  * \brief Get the queue id of a queue_status container
   3308  * \param info queue_status container
   3309  * \return queue id
   3310  *
   3311  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_status()
   3312  */
   3313 int snd_seq_queue_status_get_queue(const snd_seq_queue_status_t *info)
   3314 {
   3315 	assert(info);
   3316 	return info->queue;
   3317 }
   3319 /**
   3320  * \brief Get the number of events of a queue_status container
   3321  * \param info queue_status container
   3322  * \return number of events
   3323  *
   3324  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_status()
   3325  */
   3326 int snd_seq_queue_status_get_events(const snd_seq_queue_status_t *info)
   3327 {
   3328 	assert(info);
   3329 	return info->events;
   3330 }
   3332 /**
   3333  * \brief Get the tick time of a queue_status container
   3334  * \param info queue_status container
   3335  * \return tick time
   3336  *
   3337  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_status()
   3338  */
   3339 snd_seq_tick_time_t snd_seq_queue_status_get_tick_time(const snd_seq_queue_status_t *info)
   3340 {
   3341 	assert(info);
   3342 	return info->tick;
   3343 }
   3345 /**
   3346  * \brief Get the real time of a queue_status container
   3347  * \param info queue_status container
   3348  *
   3349  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_status()
   3350  */
   3351 const snd_seq_real_time_t *snd_seq_queue_status_get_real_time(const snd_seq_queue_status_t *info)
   3352 {
   3353 	assert(info);
   3354 	return &info->time;
   3355 }
   3357 /**
   3358  * \brief Get the running status bits of a queue_status container
   3359  * \param info queue_status container
   3360  * \return running status bits
   3361  *
   3362  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_status()
   3363  */
   3364 unsigned int snd_seq_queue_status_get_status(const snd_seq_queue_status_t *info)
   3365 {
   3366 	assert(info);
   3367 	return info->running;
   3368 }
   3371 /**
   3372  * \brief obtain the running state of the queue
   3373  * \param seq sequencer handle
   3374  * \param q queue id to query
   3375  * \param status pointer to store the current status
   3376  * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
   3377  *
   3378  * Obtains the running state of the specified queue q.
   3379  */
   3380 int snd_seq_get_queue_status(snd_seq_t *seq, int q, snd_seq_queue_status_t * status)
   3381 {
   3382 	assert(seq && status);
   3383 	memset(status, 0, sizeof(snd_seq_queue_status_t));
   3384 	status->queue = q;
   3385 	return seq->ops->get_queue_status(seq, status);
   3386 }
   3389 /**
   3390  * \brief get size of #snd_seq_queue_tempo_t
   3391  * \return size in bytes
   3392  */
   3393 size_t snd_seq_queue_tempo_sizeof()
   3394 {
   3395 	return sizeof(snd_seq_queue_tempo_t);
   3396 }
   3398 /**
   3399  * \brief allocate an empty #snd_seq_queue_tempo_t using standard malloc
   3400  * \param ptr returned pointer
   3401  * \return 0 on success otherwise negative error code
   3402  */
   3403 int snd_seq_queue_tempo_malloc(snd_seq_queue_tempo_t **ptr)
   3404 {
   3405 	assert(ptr);
   3406 	*ptr = calloc(1, sizeof(snd_seq_queue_tempo_t));
   3407 	if (!*ptr)
   3408 		return -ENOMEM;
   3409 	return 0;
   3410 }
   3412 /**
   3413  * \brief frees a previously allocated #snd_seq_queue_tempo_t
   3414  * \param obj pointer to object to free
   3415  */
   3416 void snd_seq_queue_tempo_free(snd_seq_queue_tempo_t *obj)
   3417 {
   3418 	free(obj);
   3419 }
   3421 /**
   3422  * \brief copy one #snd_seq_queue_tempo_t to another
   3423  * \param dst pointer to destination
   3424  * \param src pointer to source
   3425  */
   3426 void snd_seq_queue_tempo_copy(snd_seq_queue_tempo_t *dst, const snd_seq_queue_tempo_t *src)
   3427 {
   3428 	assert(dst && src);
   3429 	*dst = *src;
   3430 }
   3433 /**
   3434  * \brief Get the queue id of a queue_status container
   3435  * \param info queue_status container
   3436  * \return queue id
   3437  *
   3438  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_tempo()
   3439  */
   3440 int snd_seq_queue_tempo_get_queue(const snd_seq_queue_tempo_t *info)
   3441 {
   3442 	assert(info);
   3443 	return info->queue;
   3444 }
   3446 /**
   3447  * \brief Get the tempo of a queue_status container
   3448  * \param info queue_status container
   3449  * \return tempo value
   3450  *
   3451  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_tempo()
   3452  */
   3453 unsigned int snd_seq_queue_tempo_get_tempo(const snd_seq_queue_tempo_t *info)
   3454 {
   3455 	assert(info);
   3456 	return info->tempo;
   3457 }
   3459 /**
   3460  * \brief Get the ppq of a queue_status container
   3461  * \param info queue_status container
   3462  * \return ppq value
   3463  *
   3464  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_tempo()
   3465  */
   3466 int snd_seq_queue_tempo_get_ppq(const snd_seq_queue_tempo_t *info)
   3467 {
   3468 	assert(info);
   3469 	return info->ppq;
   3470 }
   3472 /**
   3473  * \brief Get the timer skew value of a queue_status container
   3474  * \param info queue_status container
   3475  * \return timer skew value
   3476  *
   3477  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_tempo()
   3478  */
   3479 unsigned int snd_seq_queue_tempo_get_skew(const snd_seq_queue_tempo_t *info)
   3480 {
   3481 	assert(info);
   3482 	return info->skew_value;
   3483 }
   3485 /**
   3486  * \brief Get the timer skew base value of a queue_status container
   3487  * \param info queue_status container
   3488  * \return timer skew base value
   3489  *
   3490  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_tempo()
   3491  */
   3492 unsigned int snd_seq_queue_tempo_get_skew_base(const snd_seq_queue_tempo_t *info)
   3493 {
   3494 	assert(info);
   3495 	return info->skew_base;
   3496 }
   3498 /**
   3499  * \brief Set the tempo of a queue_status container
   3500  * \param info queue_status container
   3501  * \param tempo tempo value
   3502  *
   3503  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_tempo()
   3504  */
   3505 void snd_seq_queue_tempo_set_tempo(snd_seq_queue_tempo_t *info, unsigned int tempo)
   3506 {
   3507 	assert(info);
   3508 	info->tempo = tempo;
   3509 }
   3511 /**
   3512  * \brief Set the ppq of a queue_status container
   3513  * \param info queue_status container
   3514  * \param ppq ppq value
   3515  *
   3516  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_tempo()
   3517  */
   3518 void snd_seq_queue_tempo_set_ppq(snd_seq_queue_tempo_t *info, int ppq)
   3519 {
   3520 	assert(info);
   3521 	info->ppq = ppq;
   3522 }
   3524 /**
   3525  * \brief Set the timer skew value of a queue_status container
   3526  * \param info queue_status container
   3527  * \param skew timer skew value
   3528  *
   3529  * The skew of timer is calculated as skew / base.
   3530  * For example, to play with double speed, pass base * 2 as the skew value.
   3531  *
   3532  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_tempo()
   3533  */
   3534 void snd_seq_queue_tempo_set_skew(snd_seq_queue_tempo_t *info, unsigned int skew)
   3535 {
   3536 	assert(info);
   3537 	info->skew_value = skew;
   3538 }
   3540 /**
   3541  * \brief Set the timer skew base value of a queue_status container
   3542  * \param info queue_status container
   3543  * \param base timer skew base value
   3544  *
   3545  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_tempo()
   3546  */
   3547 void snd_seq_queue_tempo_set_skew_base(snd_seq_queue_tempo_t *info, unsigned int base)
   3548 {
   3549 	assert(info);
   3550 	info->skew_base = base;
   3551 }
   3553 /**
   3554  * \brief obtain the current tempo of the queue
   3555  * \param seq sequencer handle
   3556  * \param q queue id to be queried
   3557  * \param tempo pointer to store the current tempo
   3558  * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
   3559  *
   3560  * \sa snd_seq_set_queue_tempo()
   3561  */
   3562 int snd_seq_get_queue_tempo(snd_seq_t *seq, int q, snd_seq_queue_tempo_t * tempo)
   3563 {
   3564 	assert(seq && tempo);
   3565 	memset(tempo, 0, sizeof(snd_seq_queue_tempo_t));
   3566 	tempo->queue = q;
   3567 	return seq->ops->get_queue_tempo(seq, tempo);
   3568 }
   3570 /**
   3571  * \brief set the tempo of the queue
   3572  * \param seq sequencer handle
   3573  * \param q queue id to change the tempo
   3574  * \param tempo tempo information
   3575  * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
   3576  *
   3577  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_tempo()
   3578  */
   3579 int snd_seq_set_queue_tempo(snd_seq_t *seq, int q, snd_seq_queue_tempo_t * tempo)
   3580 {
   3581 	assert(seq && tempo);
   3582 	tempo->queue = q;
   3583 	return seq->ops->set_queue_tempo(seq, tempo);
   3584 }
   3587 /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
   3589 /**
   3590  * \brief get size of #snd_seq_queue_timer_t
   3591  * \return size in bytes
   3592  */
   3593 size_t snd_seq_queue_timer_sizeof()
   3594 {
   3595 	return sizeof(snd_seq_queue_timer_t);
   3596 }
   3598 /**
   3599  * \brief allocate an empty #snd_seq_queue_timer_t using standard malloc
   3600  * \param ptr returned pointer
   3601  * \return 0 on success otherwise negative error code
   3602  */
   3603 int snd_seq_queue_timer_malloc(snd_seq_queue_timer_t **ptr)
   3604 {
   3605 	assert(ptr);
   3606 	*ptr = calloc(1, sizeof(snd_seq_queue_timer_t));
   3607 	if (!*ptr)
   3608 		return -ENOMEM;
   3609 	return 0;
   3610 }
   3612 /**
   3613  * \brief frees a previously allocated #snd_seq_queue_timer_t
   3614  * \param obj pointer to object to free
   3615  */
   3616 void snd_seq_queue_timer_free(snd_seq_queue_timer_t *obj)
   3617 {
   3618 	free(obj);
   3619 }
   3621 /**
   3622  * \brief copy one #snd_seq_queue_timer_t to another
   3623  * \param dst pointer to destination
   3624  * \param src pointer to source
   3625  */
   3626 void snd_seq_queue_timer_copy(snd_seq_queue_timer_t *dst, const snd_seq_queue_timer_t *src)
   3627 {
   3628 	assert(dst && src);
   3629 	*dst = *src;
   3630 }
   3633 /**
   3634  * \brief Get the queue id of a queue_timer container
   3635  * \param info queue_timer container
   3636  * \return queue id
   3637  *
   3638  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_timer()
   3639  */
   3640 int snd_seq_queue_timer_get_queue(const snd_seq_queue_timer_t *info)
   3641 {
   3642 	assert(info);
   3643 	return info->queue;
   3644 }
   3646 /**
   3647  * \brief Get the timer type of a queue_timer container
   3648  * \param info queue_timer container
   3649  * \return timer type
   3650  *
   3651  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_timer()
   3652  */
   3653 snd_seq_queue_timer_type_t snd_seq_queue_timer_get_type(const snd_seq_queue_timer_t *info)
   3654 {
   3655 	assert(info);
   3656 	return (snd_seq_queue_timer_type_t)info->type;
   3657 }
   3659 /**
   3660  * \brief Get the timer id of a queue_timer container
   3661  * \param info queue_timer container
   3662  * \return timer id pointer
   3663  *
   3664  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_timer()
   3665  */
   3666 const snd_timer_id_t *snd_seq_queue_timer_get_id(const snd_seq_queue_timer_t *info)
   3667 {
   3668 	assert(info);
   3669 	return &info->u.alsa.id;
   3670 }
   3672 /**
   3673  * \brief Get the timer resolution of a queue_timer container
   3674  * \param info queue_timer container
   3675  * \return timer resolution
   3676  *
   3677  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_timer()
   3678  */
   3679 unsigned int snd_seq_queue_timer_get_resolution(const snd_seq_queue_timer_t *info)
   3680 {
   3681 	assert(info);
   3682 	return info->u.alsa.resolution;
   3683 }
   3685 /**
   3686  * \brief Set the timer type of a queue_timer container
   3687  * \param info queue_timer container
   3688  * \param type timer type
   3689  *
   3690  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_timer()
   3691  */
   3692 void snd_seq_queue_timer_set_type(snd_seq_queue_timer_t *info, snd_seq_queue_timer_type_t type)
   3693 {
   3694 	assert(info);
   3695 	info->type = (int)type;
   3696 }
   3698 /**
   3699  * \brief Set the timer id of a queue_timer container
   3700  * \param info queue_timer container
   3701  * \param id timer id pointer
   3702  *
   3703  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_timer()
   3704  */
   3705 void snd_seq_queue_timer_set_id(snd_seq_queue_timer_t *info, const snd_timer_id_t *id)
   3706 {
   3707 	assert(info && id);
   3708 	info->u.alsa.id = *id;
   3709 }
   3711 /**
   3712  * \brief Set the timer resolution of a queue_timer container
   3713  * \param info queue_timer container
   3714  * \param resolution timer resolution
   3715  *
   3716  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_timer()
   3717  */
   3718 void snd_seq_queue_timer_set_resolution(snd_seq_queue_timer_t *info, unsigned int resolution)
   3719 {
   3720 	assert(info);
   3721 	info->u.alsa.resolution = resolution;
   3722 }
   3725 /**
   3726  * \brief obtain the queue timer information
   3727  * \param seq sequencer handle
   3728  * \param q queue id to query
   3729  * \param timer pointer to store the timer information
   3730  * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
   3731  *
   3732  * \sa snd_seq_set_queue_timer()
   3733  */
   3734 int snd_seq_get_queue_timer(snd_seq_t *seq, int q, snd_seq_queue_timer_t * timer)
   3735 {
   3736 	assert(seq && timer);
   3737 	memset(timer, 0, sizeof(snd_seq_queue_timer_t));
   3738 	timer->queue = q;
   3739 	return seq->ops->get_queue_timer(seq, timer);
   3740 }
   3742 /**
   3743  * \brief set the queue timer information
   3744  * \param seq sequencer handle
   3745  * \param q queue id to change the timer
   3746  * \param timer timer information
   3747  * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
   3748  *
   3749  * \sa snd_seq_get_queue_timer()
   3750  */
   3751 int snd_seq_set_queue_timer(snd_seq_t *seq, int q, snd_seq_queue_timer_t * timer)
   3752 {
   3753 	assert(seq && timer);
   3754 	timer->queue = q;
   3755 	return seq->ops->set_queue_timer(seq, timer);
   3756 }
   3758 /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
   3760 #ifndef DOC_HIDDEN
   3761 /**
   3762  * \brief (DEPRECATED) create an event cell
   3763  * \return the cell pointer allocated
   3764  *
   3765  * create an event cell via malloc.  the returned pointer must be released
   3766  * by the application itself via normal free() call,
   3767  * not via snd_seq_free_event().
   3768  */
   3769 snd_seq_event_t *snd_seq_create_event(void)
   3770 {
   3771 	return (snd_seq_event_t *) calloc(1, sizeof(snd_seq_event_t));
   3772 }
   3773 #endif
   3775 /**
   3776  * \brief (DEPRECATED) free an event
   3777  *
   3778  * In the former version, this function was used to
   3779  * release the event pointer which was allocated by snd_seq_event_input().
   3780  * In the current version, the event record is not allocated, so
   3781  * you don't have to call this function any more.
   3782  */
   3783 #ifndef DOXYGEN
   3784 int snd_seq_free_event(snd_seq_event_t *ev ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
   3785 #else
   3786 int snd_seq_free_event(snd_seq_event_t *ev)
   3787 #endif
   3788 {
   3789 	return 0;
   3790 }
   3792 /**
   3793  * \brief calculates the (encoded) byte-stream size of the event
   3794  * \param ev the event
   3795  * \return the size of decoded bytes
   3796  */
   3797 ssize_t snd_seq_event_length(snd_seq_event_t *ev)
   3798 {
   3799 	ssize_t len = sizeof(snd_seq_event_t);
   3800 	assert(ev);
   3801 	if (snd_seq_ev_is_variable(ev))
   3802 		len += ev->data.ext.len;
   3803 	return len;
   3804 }
   3806 /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
   3808 /*
   3809  * output to sequencer
   3810  */
   3812 /**
   3813  * \brief output an event
   3814  * \param seq sequencer handle
   3815  * \param ev event to be output
   3816  * \return the number of remaining events or a negative error code
   3817  *
   3818  * An event is once expanded on the output buffer.
   3819  * The output buffer will be drained automatically if it becomes full.
   3820  *
   3821  * If events remain unprocessed on output buffer before drained,
   3822  * the size of total byte data on output buffer is returned.
   3823  * If the output buffer is empty, this returns zero.
   3824  *
   3825  * \sa snd_seq_event_output_direct(), snd_seq_event_output_buffer(),
   3826  *    snd_seq_event_output_pending(), snd_seq_drain_output(),
   3827  *    snd_seq_drop_output(), snd_seq_extract_output(),
   3828  *    snd_seq_remove_events()
   3829  */
   3830 int snd_seq_event_output(snd_seq_t *seq, snd_seq_event_t *ev)
   3831 {
   3832 	int result;
   3834 	result = snd_seq_event_output_buffer(seq, ev);
   3835 	if (result == -EAGAIN) {
   3836 		result = snd_seq_drain_output(seq);
   3837 		if (result < 0)
   3838 			return result;
   3839 		return snd_seq_event_output_buffer(seq, ev);
   3840 	}
   3841 	return result;
   3842 }
   3844 /**
   3845  * \brief output an event onto the lib buffer without draining buffer
   3846  * \param seq sequencer handle
   3847  * \param ev event to be output
   3848  * \return the byte size of remaining events. \c -EAGAIN if the buffer becomes full.
   3849  *
   3850  * This function doesn't drain buffer unlike snd_seq_event_output().
   3851  *
   3852  * \sa snd_seq_event_output()
   3853  */
   3854 int snd_seq_event_output_buffer(snd_seq_t *seq, snd_seq_event_t *ev)
   3855 {
   3856 	int len;
   3857 	assert(seq && ev);
   3858 	len = snd_seq_event_length(ev);
   3859 	if (len < 0)
   3860 		return -EINVAL;
   3861 	if ((size_t) len >= seq->obufsize)
   3862 		return -EINVAL;
   3863 	if ((seq->obufsize - seq->obufused) < (size_t) len)
   3864 		return -EAGAIN;
   3865 	memcpy(seq->obuf + seq->obufused, ev, sizeof(snd_seq_event_t));
   3866 	seq->obufused += sizeof(snd_seq_event_t);
   3867 	if (snd_seq_ev_is_variable(ev)) {
   3868 		memcpy(seq->obuf + seq->obufused, ev->data.ext.ptr, ev->data.ext.len);
   3869 		seq->obufused += ev->data.ext.len;
   3870 	}
   3871 	return seq->obufused;
   3872 }
   3874 /*
   3875  * allocate the temporary buffer
   3876  */
   3877 static int alloc_tmpbuf(snd_seq_t *seq, size_t len)
   3878 {
   3879 	size_t size = ((len + sizeof(snd_seq_event_t) - 1) / sizeof(snd_seq_event_t));
   3880 	if (seq->tmpbuf == NULL) {
   3881 		if (size > DEFAULT_TMPBUF_SIZE)
   3882 			seq->tmpbufsize = size;
   3883 		else
   3884 			seq->tmpbufsize = DEFAULT_TMPBUF_SIZE;
   3885 		seq->tmpbuf = malloc(seq->tmpbufsize * sizeof(snd_seq_event_t));
   3886 		if (seq->tmpbuf == NULL)
   3887 			return -ENOMEM;
   3888 	}  else if (len > seq->tmpbufsize) {
   3889 		seq->tmpbuf = realloc(seq->tmpbuf, size * sizeof(snd_seq_event_t));
   3890 		if (seq->tmpbuf == NULL)
   3891 			return -ENOMEM;
   3892 		seq->tmpbufsize = size;
   3893 	}
   3894 	return 0;
   3895 }
   3897 /**
   3898  * \brief output an event directly to the sequencer NOT through output buffer
   3899  * \param seq sequencer handle
   3900  * \param ev event to be output
   3901  * \return the byte size sent to sequencer or a negative error code
   3902  *
   3903  * This function sends an event to the sequencer directly not through the
   3904  * output buffer.  When the event is a variable length event, a temporary
   3905  * buffer is allocated inside alsa-lib and the data is copied there before
   3906  * actually sent.
   3907  *
   3908  * \sa snd_seq_event_output()
   3909  */
   3910 int snd_seq_event_output_direct(snd_seq_t *seq, snd_seq_event_t *ev)
   3911 {
   3912 	ssize_t len;
   3913 	void *buf;
   3915 	len = snd_seq_event_length(ev);
   3916 	if (len < 0)
   3917 		return len;
   3918 	else if (len == sizeof(*ev)) {
   3919 		buf = ev;
   3920 	} else {
   3921 		if (alloc_tmpbuf(seq, (size_t)len) < 0)
   3922 			return -ENOMEM;
   3923 		*seq->tmpbuf = *ev;
   3924 		memcpy(seq->tmpbuf + 1, ev->data.ext.ptr, ev->data.ext.len);
   3925 		buf = seq->tmpbuf;
   3926 	}
   3927 	return seq->ops->write(seq, buf, (size_t) len);
   3928 }
   3930 /**
   3931  * \brief return the size of pending events on output buffer
   3932  * \param seq sequencer handle
   3933  * \return the byte size of total of pending events
   3934  *
   3935  * \sa snd_seq_event_output()
   3936  */
   3937 int snd_seq_event_output_pending(snd_seq_t *seq)
   3938 {
   3939 	assert(seq);
   3940 	return seq->obufused;
   3941 }
   3943 /**
   3944  * \brief drain output buffer to sequencer
   3945  * \param seq sequencer handle
   3946  * \return 0 when all events are drained and sent to sequencer.
   3947  *         When events still remain on the buffer, the byte size of remaining
   3948  *         events are returned.  On error a negative error code is returned.
   3949  *
   3950  * This function drains all pending events on the output buffer.
   3951  * The function returns immediately after the events are sent to the queues
   3952  * regardless whether the events are processed or not.
   3953  * To get synchronization with the all event processes, use
   3954  * #snd_seq_sync_output_queue() after calling this function.
   3955  *
   3956  * \sa snd_seq_event_output(), snd_seq_sync_output_queue()
   3957  */
   3958 int snd_seq_drain_output(snd_seq_t *seq)
   3959 {
   3960 	ssize_t result, processed = 0;
   3961 	assert(seq);
   3962 	while (seq->obufused > 0) {
   3963 		result = seq->ops->write(seq, seq->obuf, seq->obufused);
   3964 		if (result < 0) {
   3965 			if (result == -EAGAIN && processed)
   3966 				return seq->obufused;
   3967 			return result;
   3968 		}
   3969 		if ((size_t)result < seq->obufused)
   3970 			memmove(seq->obuf, seq->obuf + result, seq->obufused - result);
   3971 		seq->obufused -= result;
   3972 	}
   3973 	return 0;
   3974 }
   3976 /**
   3977  * \brief extract the first event in output buffer
   3978  * \param seq sequencer handle
   3979  * \param ev_res event pointer to be extracted
   3980  * \return 0 on success otherwise a negative error code
   3981  *
   3982  * Extracts the first event in output buffer.
   3983  * If ev_res is NULL, just remove the event.
   3984  *
   3985  * \sa snd_seq_event_output()
   3986  */
   3987 int snd_seq_extract_output(snd_seq_t *seq, snd_seq_event_t **ev_res)
   3988 {
   3989 	size_t len, olen;
   3990 	snd_seq_event_t ev;
   3991 	assert(seq);
   3992 	if (ev_res)
   3993 		*ev_res = NULL;
   3994 	if ((olen = seq->obufused) < sizeof(snd_seq_event_t))
   3995 		return -ENOENT;
   3996 	memcpy(&ev, seq->obuf, sizeof(snd_seq_event_t));
   3997 	len = snd_seq_event_length(&ev);
   3998 	if (ev_res) {
   3999 		/* extract the event */
   4000 		if (alloc_tmpbuf(seq, len) < 0)
   4001 			return -ENOMEM;
   4002 		memcpy(seq->tmpbuf, seq->obuf, len);
   4003 		*ev_res = seq->tmpbuf;
   4004 	}
   4005 	seq->obufused = olen - len;
   4006 	memmove(seq->obuf, seq->obuf + len, seq->obufused);
   4007 	return 0;
   4008 }
   4010 /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
   4012 /*
   4013  * input from sequencer
   4014  */
   4016 /*
   4017  * read from sequencer to input buffer
   4018  */
   4019 static ssize_t snd_seq_event_read_buffer(snd_seq_t *seq)
   4020 {
   4021 	ssize_t len;
   4022 	len = (seq->ops->read)(seq, seq->ibuf, seq->ibufsize * sizeof(snd_seq_event_t));
   4023 	if (len < 0)
   4024 		return len;
   4025 	seq->ibuflen = len / sizeof(snd_seq_event_t);
   4026 	seq->ibufptr = 0;
   4027 	return seq->ibuflen;
   4028 }
   4030 static int snd_seq_event_retrieve_buffer(snd_seq_t *seq, snd_seq_event_t **retp)
   4031 {
   4032 	size_t ncells;
   4033 	snd_seq_event_t *ev;
   4035 	*retp = ev = &seq->ibuf[seq->ibufptr];
   4036 	seq->ibufptr++;
   4037 	seq->ibuflen--;
   4038 	if (! snd_seq_ev_is_variable(ev))
   4039 		return 1;
   4040 	ncells = (ev->data.ext.len + sizeof(snd_seq_event_t) - 1) / sizeof(snd_seq_event_t);
   4041 	if (seq->ibuflen < ncells) {
   4042 		seq->ibuflen = 0; /* clear buffer */
   4043 		*retp = NULL;
   4044 		return -EINVAL;
   4045 	}
   4046 	ev->data.ext.ptr = ev + 1;
   4047 	seq->ibuflen -= ncells;
   4048 	seq->ibufptr += ncells;
   4049 	return 1;
   4050 }
   4052 /**
   4053  * \brief retrieve an event from sequencer
   4054  * \param seq sequencer handle
   4055  * \param ev event pointer to be stored
   4056  * \return
   4057  *
   4058  * Obtains an input event from sequencer.
   4059  * The event is created via snd_seq_create_event(), and its pointer is stored on
   4060  * ev argument.
   4061  *
   4062  * This function firstly receives the event byte-stream data from sequencer
   4063  * as much as possible at once.  Then it retrieves the first event record
   4064  * and store the pointer on ev.
   4065  * By calling this function sequentially, events are extracted from the input buffer.
   4066  *
   4067  * If there is no input from sequencer, function falls into sleep
   4068  * in blocking mode until an event is received,
   4069  * or returns \c -EAGAIN error in non-blocking mode.
   4070  * Occasionally, this function may return \c -ENOSPC error.
   4071  * This means that the input FIFO of sequencer overran, and some events are
   4072  * lost.
   4073  * Once this error is returned, the input FIFO is cleared automatically.
   4074  *
   4075  * Function returns the byte size of remaining events on the input buffer
   4076  * if an event is successfully received.
   4077  * Application can determine from the returned value whether to call
   4078  * input once more or not.
   4079  *
   4080  * \sa snd_seq_event_input_pending(), snd_seq_drop_input()
   4081  */
   4082 int snd_seq_event_input(snd_seq_t *seq, snd_seq_event_t **ev)
   4083 {
   4084 	int err;
   4085 	assert(seq);
   4086 	*ev = NULL;
   4087 	if (seq->ibuflen <= 0) {
   4088 		if ((err = snd_seq_event_read_buffer(seq)) < 0)
   4089 			return err;
   4090 	}
   4092 	return snd_seq_event_retrieve_buffer(seq, ev);
   4093 }
   4095 /*
   4096  * read input data from sequencer if available
   4097  */
   4098 static int snd_seq_event_input_feed(snd_seq_t *seq, int timeout)
   4099 {
   4100 	struct pollfd pfd;
   4101 	int err;
   4102 	pfd.fd = seq->poll_fd;
   4103 	pfd.events = POLLIN;
   4104 	err = poll(&pfd, 1, timeout);
   4105 	if (err < 0) {
   4106 		SYSERR("poll");
   4107 		return -errno;
   4108 	}
   4109 	if (pfd.revents & POLLIN)
   4110 		return snd_seq_event_read_buffer(seq);
   4111 	return seq->ibuflen;
   4112 }
   4114 /**
   4115  * \brief check events in input buffer
   4116  * \return the byte size of remaining input events on input buffer.
   4117  *
   4118  * If events remain on the input buffer of user-space, function returns
   4119  * the total byte size of events on it.
   4120  * If fetch_sequencer argument is non-zero,
   4121  * this function checks the presence of events on sequencer FIFO
   4122  * When events exist, they are transferred to the input buffer,
   4123  * and the number of received events are returned.
   4124  * If fetch_sequencer argument is zero and
   4125  * no events remain on the input buffer, function simply returns zero.
   4126  *
   4127  * \sa snd_seq_event_input()
   4128  */
   4129 int snd_seq_event_input_pending(snd_seq_t *seq, int fetch_sequencer)
   4130 {
   4131 	if (seq->ibuflen == 0 && fetch_sequencer) {
   4132 		return snd_seq_event_input_feed(seq, 0);
   4133 	}
   4134 	return seq->ibuflen;
   4135 }
   4137 /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
   4139 /*
   4140  * clear event buffers
   4141  */
   4143 /**
   4144  * \brief remove all events on user-space output buffer
   4145  * \param seq sequencer handle
   4146  *
   4147  * Removes all events on user-space output buffer.
   4148  * Unlike snd_seq_drain_output(), this function doesn't remove
   4149  * events on output memory pool of sequencer.
   4150  *
   4151  * \sa snd_seq_drop_output()
   4152  */
   4153 int snd_seq_drop_output_buffer(snd_seq_t *seq)
   4154 {
   4155 	assert(seq);
   4156 	seq->obufused = 0;
   4157 	return 0;
   4158 }
   4160 /**
   4161  * \brief remove all events on user-space input FIFO
   4162  * \param seq sequencer handle
   4163  *
   4164  * \sa snd_seq_drop_input()
   4165  */
   4166 int snd_seq_drop_input_buffer(snd_seq_t *seq)
   4167 {
   4168 	assert(seq);
   4169 	seq->ibufptr = 0;
   4170 	seq->ibuflen = 0;
   4171 	return 0;
   4172 }
   4174 /**
   4175  * \brief remove all events on output buffer
   4176  * \param seq sequencer handle
   4177  *
   4178  * Removes all events on both user-space output buffer and
   4179  * output memory pool on kernel.
   4180  *
   4181  * \sa snd_seq_drain_output(), snd_seq_drop_output_buffer(), snd_seq_remove_events()
   4182  */
   4183 int snd_seq_drop_output(snd_seq_t *seq)
   4184 {
   4185 	snd_seq_remove_events_t rminfo;
   4186 	assert(seq);
   4188 	memset(&rminfo, 0, sizeof(rminfo));
   4189 	rminfo.remove_mode = SNDRV_SEQ_REMOVE_OUTPUT;
   4191 	return snd_seq_remove_events(seq, &rminfo);
   4192 }
   4194 /**
   4195  * \brief clear input buffer and and remove events in sequencer queue
   4196  * \param seq sequencer handle
   4197  *
   4198  * \sa snd_seq_drop_input_buffer(), snd_seq_remove_events()
   4199  */
   4200 int snd_seq_drop_input(snd_seq_t *seq)
   4201 {
   4202 	snd_seq_remove_events_t rminfo;
   4203 	assert(seq);
   4205 	memset(&rminfo, 0, sizeof(rminfo));
   4206 	rminfo.remove_mode = SNDRV_SEQ_REMOVE_INPUT;
   4208 	return snd_seq_remove_events(seq, &rminfo);
   4209 }
   4212 /**
   4213  * \brief get size of #snd_seq_remove_events_t
   4214  * \return size in bytes
   4215  */
   4216 size_t snd_seq_remove_events_sizeof()
   4217 {
   4218 	return sizeof(snd_seq_remove_events_t);
   4219 }
   4221 /**
   4222  * \brief allocate an empty #snd_seq_remove_events_t using standard malloc
   4223  * \param ptr returned pointer
   4224  * \return 0 on success otherwise negative error code
   4225  */
   4226 int snd_seq_remove_events_malloc(snd_seq_remove_events_t **ptr)
   4227 {
   4228 	assert(ptr);
   4229 	*ptr = calloc(1, sizeof(snd_seq_remove_events_t));
   4230 	if (!*ptr)
   4231 		return -ENOMEM;
   4232 	return 0;
   4233 }
   4235 /**
   4236  * \brief frees a previously allocated #snd_seq_remove_events_t
   4237  * \param obj pointer to object to free
   4238  */
   4239 void snd_seq_remove_events_free(snd_seq_remove_events_t *obj)
   4240 {
   4241 	free(obj);
   4242 }
   4244 /**
   4245  * \brief copy one #snd_seq_remove_events_t to another
   4246  * \param dst pointer to destination
   4247  * \param src pointer to source
   4248  */
   4249 void snd_seq_remove_events_copy(snd_seq_remove_events_t *dst, const snd_seq_remove_events_t *src)
   4250 {
   4251 	assert(dst && src);
   4252 	*dst = *src;
   4253 }
   4256 /**
   4257  * \brief Get the removal condition bits
   4258  * \param info remove_events container
   4259  * \return removal condition bits
   4260  *
   4261  * \sa snd_seq_remove_events()
   4262  */
   4263 unsigned int snd_seq_remove_events_get_condition(const snd_seq_remove_events_t *info)
   4264 {
   4265 	assert(info);
   4266 	return info->remove_mode;
   4267 }
   4269 /**
   4270  * \brief Get the queue as removal condition
   4271  * \param info remove_events container
   4272  * \return queue id
   4273  *
   4274  * \sa snd_seq_remove_events()
   4275  */
   4276 int snd_seq_remove_events_get_queue(const snd_seq_remove_events_t *info)
   4277 {
   4278 	assert(info);
   4279 	return info->queue;
   4280 }
   4282 /**
   4283  * \brief Get the event timestamp as removal condition
   4284  * \param info remove_events container
   4285  * \return time stamp
   4286  *
   4287  * \sa snd_seq_remove_events()
   4288  */
   4289 const snd_seq_timestamp_t *snd_seq_remove_events_get_time(const snd_seq_remove_events_t *info)
   4290 {
   4291 	assert(info);
   4292 	return &info->time;
   4293 }
   4295 /**
   4296  * \brief Get the event destination address as removal condition
   4297  * \param info remove_events container
   4298  * \return destination address
   4299  *
   4300  * \sa snd_seq_remove_events()
   4301  */
   4302 const snd_seq_addr_t *snd_seq_remove_events_get_dest(const snd_seq_remove_events_t *info)
   4303 {
   4304 	assert(info);
   4305 	return &info->dest;
   4306 }
   4308 /**
   4309  * \brief Get the event channel as removal condition
   4310  * \param info remove_events container
   4311  * \return channel number
   4312  *
   4313  * \sa snd_seq_remove_events()
   4314  */
   4315 int snd_seq_remove_events_get_channel(const snd_seq_remove_events_t *info)
   4316 {
   4317 	assert(info);
   4318 	return info->channel;
   4319 }
   4321 /**
   4322  * \brief Get the event type as removal condition
   4323  * \param info remove_events container
   4324  * \return event type
   4325  *
   4326  * \sa snd_seq_remove_events()
   4327  */
   4328 int snd_seq_remove_events_get_event_type(const snd_seq_remove_events_t *info)
   4329 {
   4330 	assert(info);
   4331 	return info->type;
   4332 }
   4334 /**
   4335  * \brief Get the event tag id as removal condition
   4336  * \param info remove_events container
   4337  * \return tag id
   4338  *
   4339  * \sa snd_seq_remove_events()
   4340  */
   4341 int snd_seq_remove_events_get_tag(const snd_seq_remove_events_t *info)
   4342 {
   4343 	assert(info);
   4344 	return info->tag;
   4345 }
   4347 /**
   4348  * \brief Set the removal condition bits
   4349  * \param info remove_events container
   4350  * \param flags removal condition bits
   4351  *
   4352  * \sa snd_seq_remove_events()
   4353  */
   4354 void snd_seq_remove_events_set_condition(snd_seq_remove_events_t *info, unsigned int flags)
   4355 {
   4356 	assert(info);
   4357 	info->remove_mode = flags;
   4358 }
   4360 /**
   4361  * \brief Set the queue as removal condition
   4362  * \param info remove_events container
   4363  * \param queue queue id
   4364  *
   4365  * \sa snd_seq_remove_events()
   4366  */
   4367 void snd_seq_remove_events_set_queue(snd_seq_remove_events_t *info, int queue)
   4368 {
   4369 	assert(info);
   4370 	info->queue = queue;
   4371 }
   4373 /**
   4374  * \brief Set the timestamp as removal condition
   4375  * \param info remove_events container
   4376  * \param time timestamp pointer
   4377  *
   4378  * \sa snd_seq_remove_events()
   4379  */
   4380 void snd_seq_remove_events_set_time(snd_seq_remove_events_t *info, const snd_seq_timestamp_t *time)
   4381 {
   4382 	assert(info);
   4383 	info->time = *time;
   4384 }
   4386 /**
   4387  * \brief Set the destination address as removal condition
   4388  * \param info remove_events container
   4389  * \param addr destination address
   4390  *
   4391  * \sa snd_seq_remove_events()
   4392  */
   4393 void snd_seq_remove_events_set_dest(snd_seq_remove_events_t *info, const snd_seq_addr_t *addr)
   4394 {
   4395 	assert(info);
   4396 	info->dest = *addr;
   4397 }
   4399 /**
   4400  * \brief Set the channel as removal condition
   4401  * \param info remove_events container
   4402  * \param channel channel number
   4403  *
   4404  * \sa snd_seq_remove_events()
   4405  */
   4406 void snd_seq_remove_events_set_channel(snd_seq_remove_events_t *info, int channel)
   4407 {
   4408 	assert(info);
   4409 	info->channel = channel;
   4410 }
   4412 /**
   4413  * \brief Set the event type as removal condition
   4414  * \param info remove_events container
   4415  * \param type event type
   4416  *
   4417  * \sa snd_seq_remove_events()
   4418  */
   4419 void snd_seq_remove_events_set_event_type(snd_seq_remove_events_t *info, int type)
   4420 {
   4421 	assert(info);
   4422 	info->type = type;
   4423 }
   4425 /**
   4426  * \brief Set the event tag as removal condition
   4427  * \param info remove_events container
   4428  * \param tag tag id
   4429  *
   4430  * \sa snd_seq_remove_events()
   4431  */
   4432 void snd_seq_remove_events_set_tag(snd_seq_remove_events_t *info, int tag)
   4433 {
   4434 	assert(info);
   4435 	info->tag = tag;
   4436 }
   4439 /* compare timestamp between events */
   4440 /* return 1 if a >= b; otherwise return 0 */
   4441 static inline int snd_seq_compare_tick_time(snd_seq_tick_time_t *a, snd_seq_tick_time_t *b)
   4442 {
   4443 	/* compare ticks */
   4444 	return (*a >= *b);
   4445 }
   4447 static inline int snd_seq_compare_real_time(snd_seq_real_time_t *a, snd_seq_real_time_t *b)
   4448 {
   4449 	/* compare real time */
   4450 	if (a->tv_sec > b->tv_sec)
   4451 		return 1;
   4452 	if ((a->tv_sec == b->tv_sec) && (a->tv_nsec >= b->tv_nsec))
   4453 		return 1;
   4454 	return 0;
   4455 }
   4457 /* Routine to match events to be removed */
   4458 static int remove_match(snd_seq_remove_events_t *info, snd_seq_event_t *ev)
   4459 {
   4460 	int res;
   4462 	if (info->remove_mode & SNDRV_SEQ_REMOVE_DEST) {
   4463 		if (ev->dest.client != info->dest.client ||
   4464 				ev->dest.port != info->dest.port)
   4465 			return 0;
   4466 	}
   4467 	if (info->remove_mode & SNDRV_SEQ_REMOVE_DEST_CHANNEL) {
   4468 		if (! snd_seq_ev_is_channel_type(ev))
   4469 			return 0;
   4470 		/* data.note.channel and data.control.channel are identical */
   4471 		if (ev->data.note.channel != info->channel)
   4472 			return 0;
   4473 	}
   4474 	if (info->remove_mode & SNDRV_SEQ_REMOVE_TIME_AFTER) {
   4475 		if (info->remove_mode & SNDRV_SEQ_REMOVE_TIME_TICK)
   4476 			res = snd_seq_compare_tick_time(&ev->time.tick, &info->time.tick);
   4477 		else
   4478 			res = snd_seq_compare_real_time(&ev->time.time, &info->time.time);
   4479 		if (!res)
   4480 			return 0;
   4481 	}
   4482 	if (info->remove_mode & SNDRV_SEQ_REMOVE_TIME_BEFORE) {
   4483 		if (info->remove_mode & SNDRV_SEQ_REMOVE_TIME_TICK)
   4484 			res = snd_seq_compare_tick_time(&ev->time.tick, &info->time.tick);
   4485 		else
   4486 			res = snd_seq_compare_real_time(&ev->time.time, &info->time.time);
   4487 		if (res)
   4488 			return 0;
   4489 	}
   4490 	if (info->remove_mode & SNDRV_SEQ_REMOVE_EVENT_TYPE) {
   4491 		if (ev->type != info->type)
   4492 			return 0;
   4493 	}
   4494 	if (info->remove_mode & SNDRV_SEQ_REMOVE_IGNORE_OFF) {
   4495 		/* Do not remove off events */
   4496 		switch (ev->type) {
   4497 		case SND_SEQ_EVENT_NOTEOFF:
   4498 		/* case SND_SEQ_EVENT_SAMPLE_STOP: */
   4499 			return 0;
   4500 		default:
   4501 			break;
   4502 		}
   4503 	}
   4504 	if (info->remove_mode & SNDRV_SEQ_REMOVE_TAG_MATCH) {
   4505 		if (info->tag != ev->tag)
   4506 			return 0;
   4507 	}
   4509 	return 1;
   4510 }
   4512 /**
   4513  * \brief remove events on input/output buffers and pools
   4514  * \param seq sequencer handle
   4515  * \param rmp remove event container
   4516  *
   4517  * Removes matching events with the given condition from input/output buffers
   4518  * and pools.
   4519  * The removal condition is specified in \a rmp argument.
   4520  *
   4521  * \sa snd_seq_event_output(), snd_seq_drop_output(), snd_seq_reset_pool_output()
   4522  */
   4523 int snd_seq_remove_events(snd_seq_t *seq, snd_seq_remove_events_t *rmp)
   4524 {
   4525 	if (rmp->remove_mode & SNDRV_SEQ_REMOVE_INPUT) {
   4526 		/*
   4527 		 * First deal with any events that are still buffered
   4528 		 * in the library.
   4529 		 */
   4530 		snd_seq_drop_input_buffer(seq);
   4531 	}
   4533 	if (rmp->remove_mode & SNDRV_SEQ_REMOVE_OUTPUT) {
   4534 		/*
   4535 		 * First deal with any events that are still buffered
   4536 		 * in the library.
   4537 		 */
   4538 		 if (! (rmp->remove_mode & ~(SNDRV_SEQ_REMOVE_INPUT|SNDRV_SEQ_REMOVE_OUTPUT))) {
   4539 			 /* The simple case - remove all */
   4540 			 snd_seq_drop_output_buffer(seq);
   4541 		} else {
   4542 			char *ep;
   4543 			size_t len;
   4544 			snd_seq_event_t *ev;
   4546 			ep = seq->obuf;
   4547 			while (ep - seq->obuf < (ssize_t)seq->obufused) {
   4549 				ev = (snd_seq_event_t *)ep;
   4550 				len = snd_seq_event_length(ev);
   4552 				if (remove_match(rmp, ev)) {
   4553 					/* Remove event */
   4554 					seq->obufused -= len;
   4555 					memmove(ep, ep + len, seq->obufused - (ep - seq->obuf));
   4556 				} else {
   4557 					ep += len;
   4558 				}
   4559 			}
   4560 		}
   4561 	}
   4563 	return seq->ops->remove_events(seq, rmp);
   4564 }
   4566 /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
   4568 /*
   4569  * client memory pool
   4570  */
   4572 /**
   4573  * \brief get size of #snd_seq_client_pool_t
   4574  * \return size in bytes
   4575  */
   4576 size_t snd_seq_client_pool_sizeof()
   4577 {
   4578 	return sizeof(snd_seq_client_pool_t);
   4579 }
   4581 /**
   4582  * \brief allocate an empty #snd_seq_client_pool_t using standard malloc
   4583  * \param ptr returned pointer
   4584  * \return 0 on success otherwise negative error code
   4585  */
   4586 int snd_seq_client_pool_malloc(snd_seq_client_pool_t **ptr)
   4587 {
   4588 	assert(ptr);
   4589 	*ptr = calloc(1, sizeof(snd_seq_client_pool_t));
   4590 	if (!*ptr)
   4591 		return -ENOMEM;
   4592 	return 0;
   4593 }
   4595 /**
   4596  * \brief frees a previously allocated #snd_seq_client_pool_t
   4597  * \param obj pointer to object to free
   4598  */
   4599 void snd_seq_client_pool_free(snd_seq_client_pool_t *obj)
   4600 {
   4601 	free(obj);
   4602 }
   4604 /**
   4605  * \brief copy one #snd_seq_client_pool_t to another
   4606  * \param dst pointer to destination
   4607  * \param src pointer to source
   4608  */
   4609 void snd_seq_client_pool_copy(snd_seq_client_pool_t *dst, const snd_seq_client_pool_t *src)
   4610 {
   4611 	assert(dst && src);
   4612 	*dst = *src;
   4613 }
   4616 /**
   4617  * \brief Get the client id of a queue_info container
   4618  * \param info client_pool container
   4619  * \return client id
   4620  */
   4621 int snd_seq_client_pool_get_client(const snd_seq_client_pool_t *info)
   4622 {
   4623 	assert(info);
   4624 	return info->client;
   4625 }
   4627 /**
   4628  * \brief Get the output pool size of a queue_info container
   4629  * \param info client_pool container
   4630  * \return output pool size
   4631  */
   4632 size_t snd_seq_client_pool_get_output_pool(const snd_seq_client_pool_t *info)
   4633 {
   4634 	assert(info);
   4635 	return info->output_pool;
   4636 }
   4638 /**
   4639  * \brief Get the input pool size of a queue_info container
   4640  * \param info client_pool container
   4641  * \return input pool size
   4642  */
   4643 size_t snd_seq_client_pool_get_input_pool(const snd_seq_client_pool_t *info)
   4644 {
   4645 	assert(info);
   4646 	return info->input_pool;
   4647 }
   4649 /**
   4650  * \brief Get the output room size of a queue_info container
   4651  * \param info client_pool container
   4652  * \return output room size
   4653  */
   4654 size_t snd_seq_client_pool_get_output_room(const snd_seq_client_pool_t *info)
   4655 {
   4656 	assert(info);
   4657 	return info->output_room;
   4658 }
   4660 /**
   4661  * \brief Get the available size on output pool of a queue_info container
   4662  * \param info client_pool container
   4663  * \return available output size
   4664  */
   4665 size_t snd_seq_client_pool_get_output_free(const snd_seq_client_pool_t *info)
   4666 {
   4667 	assert(info);
   4668 	return info->output_free;
   4669 }
   4671 /**
   4672  * \brief Get the available size on input pool of a queue_info container
   4673  * \param info client_pool container
   4674  * \return available input size
   4675  */
   4676 size_t snd_seq_client_pool_get_input_free(const snd_seq_client_pool_t *info)
   4677 {
   4678 	assert(info);
   4679 	return info->input_free;
   4680 }
   4682 /**
   4683  * \brief Set the output pool size of a queue_info container
   4684  * \param info client_pool container
   4685  * \param size output pool size
   4686  */
   4687 void snd_seq_client_pool_set_output_pool(snd_seq_client_pool_t *info, size_t size)
   4688 {
   4689 	assert(info);
   4690 	info->output_pool = size;
   4691 }
   4693 /**
   4694  * \brief Set the input pool size of a queue_info container
   4695  * \param info client_pool container
   4696  * \param size input pool size
   4697  */
   4698 void snd_seq_client_pool_set_input_pool(snd_seq_client_pool_t *info, size_t size)
   4699 {
   4700 	assert(info);
   4701 	info->input_pool = size;
   4702 }
   4704 /**
   4705  * \brief Set the output room size of a queue_info container
   4706  * \param info client_pool container
   4707  * \param size output room size
   4708  */
   4709 void snd_seq_client_pool_set_output_room(snd_seq_client_pool_t *info, size_t size)
   4710 {
   4711 	assert(info);
   4712 	info->output_room = size;
   4713 }
   4716 /**
   4717  * \brief obtain the pool information of the current client
   4718  * \param seq sequencer handle
   4719  * \param info information to be stored
   4720  */
   4721 int snd_seq_get_client_pool(snd_seq_t *seq, snd_seq_client_pool_t *info)
   4722 {
   4723 	assert(seq && info);
   4724 	info->client = seq->client;
   4725 	return seq->ops->get_client_pool(seq, info);
   4726 }
   4728 /**
   4729  * \brief set the pool information
   4730  * \param seq sequencer handle
   4731  * \param info information to update
   4732  *
   4733  * Sets the pool information of the current client.
   4734  * The client field in \a info is replaced automatically with the current id.
   4735  */
   4736 int snd_seq_set_client_pool(snd_seq_t *seq, snd_seq_client_pool_t *info)
   4737 {
   4738 	assert(seq && info);
   4739 	info->client = seq->client;
   4740 	return seq->ops->set_client_pool(seq, info);
   4741 }
   4743 /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
   4745 /*
   4746  * misc.
   4747  */
   4749 /**
   4750  * \brief set a bit flag
   4751  */
   4752 void snd_seq_set_bit(int nr, void *array)
   4753 {
   4754 	((unsigned int *)array)[nr >> 5] |= 1UL << (nr & 31);
   4755 }
   4757 /**
   4758  * \brief unset a bit flag
   4759  */
   4760 void snd_seq_unset_bit(int nr, void *array)
   4761 {
   4762        ((unsigned int *)array)[nr >> 5] &= ~(1UL << (nr & 31));
   4763 }
   4765 /**
   4766  * \brief change a bit flag
   4767  */
   4768 int snd_seq_change_bit(int nr, void *array)
   4769 {
   4770 	int result;
   4772 	result = ((((unsigned int *)array)[nr >> 5]) & (1UL << (nr & 31))) ? 1 : 0;
   4773 	((unsigned int *)array)[nr >> 5] ^= 1UL << (nr & 31);
   4774 	return result;
   4775 }
   4777 /**
   4778  * \brief get a bit flag state
   4779  */
   4780 int snd_seq_get_bit(int nr, void *array)
   4781 {
   4782 	return ((((unsigned int *)array)[nr >> 5]) & (1UL << (nr & 31))) ? 1 : 0;
   4783 }