/cts/tools/signature-tools/src/signature/io/html/ |
ExecutableMemberComparator.java | 53 int returnValue = aMember.getName().compareTo(bMember.getName()); 54 return returnValue != 0 ? returnValue : compareParameterLists(aMember 64 int returnValue = 0; 66 returnValue += getTypeName(aIt.next().getType()).compareTo( 69 return returnValue;
/external/webkit/WebCore/storage/ |
LocalStorageThread.cpp | 89 void* returnValue; 91 waitForThreadCompletion(m_threadID, &returnValue);
/frameworks/base/media/libstagefright/codecs/aacdec/ |
getbits.h | 102 UInt32 returnValue = 0; 117 returnValue = (((UInt32) * (pElem)) << 24) | 135 returnValue = (((UInt32) * (pElem + 2)) << 8); 137 returnValue |= (((UInt32) * (pElem + 1)) << 16); 139 returnValue |= (((UInt32) * (pElem)) << 24); 148 returnValue = (((UInt32) * (pElem)) << 24) | 158 returnValue = returnValue << (bitIndex); 161 returnValue = returnValue >> (32 - neededBits) [all...] |
/frameworks/base/media/libstagefright/codecs/mp3dec/src/ |
pvmp3_getbits.cpp | 120 uint32 returnValue = 0; 124 return (returnValue); 135 returnValue = (((uint32)(Elem)) << 24) | 144 returnValue <<= bitIndex; 147 returnValue >>= (32 - neededBits); 151 return (returnValue); 166 uint16 returnValue; 174 returnValue = (((uint16)(Elem)) << 8) | 182 returnValue = (returnValue << (bitIndex)) [all...] |
/external/icu4c/samples/ufortune/ |
ufortune.c | 154 int returnValue=0; 162 if (optionError != NULL) {returnValue = -1;} 163 return returnValue;
/external/webkit/WebCore/bindings/v8/ |
V8AbstractEventListener.cpp | 126 v8::Local<v8::Value> returnValue; 146 returnValue = callListenerFunction(context, jsEvent, event); 167 ASSERT(!V8Proxy::handleOutOfMemory() || returnValue.IsEmpty()); 169 if (returnValue.IsEmpty()) 172 if (!returnValue->IsNull() && !returnValue->IsUndefined() && event->storesResultAsString()) 173 event->storeResult(toWebCoreString(returnValue)); 177 if (m_isAttribute && returnValue->IsBoolean() && !returnValue->BooleanValue())
V8WorkerContextEventListener.cpp | 107 v8::Local<v8::Value> returnValue; 119 returnValue = callFunction->Call(thisValue, 3, parameters); 130 bool errorHandled = returnValue->IsBoolean() && !returnValue->BooleanValue();
NPV8Object.cpp | 121 NPObject* returnValue = v8ObjectToNPObject(object); 122 _NPN_RetainObject(returnValue); 123 return returnValue;
V8NPObject.cpp | 130 v8::Handle<v8::Value> returnValue = convertNPVariantToV8Object(&result, npObject); 133 return returnValue; 185 v8::Handle<v8::Value> returnValue = convertNPVariantToV8Object(&result, npObject); 187 return returnValue;
/cts/tools/signature-tools/src/signature/model/impl/ |
SigParameterizedType.java | 42 ITypeReference returnValue = ownerType; 43 if (returnValue == null) { 45 returnValue = new SigClassReference(rawType 49 return returnValue;
/external/webkit/WebCore/bindings/js/ |
JSEventListener.cpp | 166 JSValue returnValue = JSC::call(exec, jsFunction, callType, callData, thisValue, args); 176 return returnValue.getBoolean(bubbleEvent) && !bubbleEvent;
/external/webkit/JavaScriptCore/wtf/ |
FastMalloc.cpp | 235 TryMallocReturnValue returnValue = tryFastMalloc(n); 237 returnValue.getValue(result); 283 TryMallocReturnValue returnValue = tryFastCalloc(n_elements, element_size); 285 returnValue.getValue(result); 352 TryMallocReturnValue returnValue = tryFastRealloc(p, n); 354 returnValue.getValue(result); [all...] |
FastMalloc.h | 65 bool returnValue = !!m_data; 67 return returnValue;
/system/wlan/ti/sta_dk_4_0_4_32/common/src/TNETW_Driver/FW_Transfer/Rx_Xfer/ |
RxXfer.h | 83 TI_STATUS returnValue;
/system/wlan/ti/sta_dk_4_0_4_32/common/src/TNETW_Driver/FW_Transfer/Tx_Result/ |
txResult.h | 85 TI_STATUS returnValue; /* used the return code to the FwEvent module */
/external/proguard/src/proguard/gui/ |
FilterDialog.java | 61 private int returnValue; 156 returnValue = APPROVE_OPTION; 288 returnValue = CANCEL_OPTION; 296 return returnValue;
OptimizationsDialog.java | 52 private int returnValue; 161 returnValue = APPROVE_OPTION; 219 returnValue = CANCEL_OPTION; 227 return returnValue;
/external/proguard/src/proguard/optimize/info/ |
MethodOptimizationInfo.java | 48 private Value returnValue; 245 public void generalizeReturnValue(Value returnValue) 247 this.returnValue = this.returnValue != null ? 248 this.returnValue.generalize(returnValue) : 249 returnValue; 255 return returnValue;
/external/webkit/WebKit/wx/ |
WebFrame.cpp | 198 wxString returnValue = wxEmptyString; 209 returnValue = wxString(result.toString(m_impl->frame->script()->globalObject(WebCore::mainThreadNormalWorld())->globalExec()).UTF8String().c_str(), wxConvUTF8); 213 return returnValue;
/frameworks/base/obex/javax/obex/ |
ClientSession.java | 178 HeaderSet returnValue = op.getReceivedHeader(); 181 return returnValue;
/frameworks/base/opengl/tests/gl2_basic/ |
gl2_basic.cpp | 262 EGLBoolean returnValue; 286 returnValue = eglInitialize(dpy, &majorVersion, &minorVersion); 287 checkEglError("eglInitialize", returnValue); 289 if (returnValue != EGL_TRUE) { 302 returnValue = EGLUtils::selectConfigForNativeWindow(dpy, s_configAttribs, window, &myConfig); 303 if (returnValue) { 304 printf("EGLUtils::selectConfigForNativeWindow() returned %d", returnValue); 326 returnValue = eglMakeCurrent(dpy, surface, surface, context); 327 checkEglError("eglMakeCurrent", returnValue); 328 if (returnValue != EGL_TRUE) [all...] |
/system/wlan/ti/sta_dk_4_0_4_32/common/src/TNETW_Driver/FW_Transfer/EventMbox/ |
eventMbox.c | 125 TI_STATUS returnValue; 552 return pEventMbox->returnValue; 587 pEventMbox->returnValue = OK; 589 while (pEventMbox->returnValue != TNETWIF_PENDING) 595 pEventMbox->returnValue = TNETWIF_ReadMemOpt (pEventMbox->hTNETWIF, 613 pEventMbox->returnValue = TNETWIF_WriteRegOpt (pEventMbox->hTNETWIF, 637 pEventMbox->returnValue = TNETWIF_OK;
/external/webkit/WebCore/dom/ |
Event.h | 96 bool returnValue() const { return !defaultPrevented(); } 97 void setReturnValue(bool returnValue) { setDefaultPrevented(!returnValue); }
/system/wlan/ti/sta_dk_4_0_4_32/common/src/TNETW_Driver/FW_Transfer/DebugTrace_Xfer/ |
DebugTraceXfer.c | 133 TI_STATUS returnValue; 279 return pDebugTrace->returnValue; 310 pDebugTrace->returnValue = OK; 312 while(pDebugTrace->returnValue != TNETWIF_PENDING) 318 pDebugTrace->returnValue = TNETWIF_ReadMemOpt (pDebugTrace->hTNETWIF, 347 pDebugTrace->returnValue = TNETWIF_WriteRegOpt(pDebugTrace->hTNETWIF, ACX_REG_INTERRUPT_TRIG, INTR_TRIG_DEBUG_ACK, 366 pDebugTrace->returnValue = TNETWIF_OK; 384 if (pDebugTrace->returnValue == TNETWIF_ERROR)
/external/chromium/third_party/icu/source/i18n/ |
dtfmtsym.cpp | 556 UnicodeString *returnValue = NULL; 563 returnValue = fMonths; 567 returnValue = fShortMonths; 571 returnValue = fNarrowMonths; 581 returnValue = fStandaloneMonths; 585 returnValue = fStandaloneShortMonths; 589 returnValue = fStandaloneNarrowMonths; 598 return returnValue; 618 UnicodeString *returnValue = NULL; 624 returnValue = fWeekdays [all...] |