/external/webkit/WebKitTools/Scripts/ |
run-mangleme-tests | 119 chomp $oldPid;
update-webkit-auxiliary-libs | 111 chomp($path = `cygpath -u '$path'`);
VCSUtils.pm | 115 chomp($gitBranch = `git symbolic-ref -q HEAD`); 127 chomp(my $override = `git config --bool branch.$branch.webKitBranchBuild`); 132 chomp(my $gitBranchBuild = `git config --bool core.webKitBranchBuild`); 161 chomp($svnVersion = `svn --version --quiet`); 184 chomp(my $gitDir = `git rev-parse --git-dir`); 293 chomp($gitRoot = `git rev-parse --show-cdup`); 344 # Input may use a different EOL sequence than $/, so avoid chomp. 828 chomp $result;
update-webkit-support-libs | 108 chomp($path = `cygpath -u '$path'`);
commit-log-editor | 228 chomp(my $webkitGenerateCommitMessage = `git config --bool branch.$branch.webkitGenerateCommitMessage`); 230 chomp($webkitGenerateCommitMessage = `git config --bool core.webkitGenerateCommitMessage`);
extract-localizable-strings | 85 chomp; 131 chomp;
resolve-ChangeLogs | 193 chomp $gitPrefix; 293 chomp @changedFiles;
bisect-builds | 315 chomp $line;
prepare-ChangeLog | 590 chomp $method_cont; 626 chomp $method_spec; [all...] |
/external/chromium/third_party/icu/source/i18n/ |
regexcst.pl | 35 chomp();
/external/icu4c/i18n/ |
regexcst.pl | 35 chomp();
/external/dnsmasq/contrib/dynamic-dnsmasq/ |
dynamic-dnsmasq.pl | 59 chomp $resp; 227 chomp $pid;
/external/libvpx/examples/includes/geshi/geshi/ |
ruby.php | 62 'chomp', 'chomp!', 'eval', 'exec', 'exit', 'exit!', 'fail',
rails.php | 55 'chomp', 'chomp!', 'eval', 'exec', 'exit', 'exit!', 'fail',
/external/webkit/SunSpider/ |
sunspider | 134 chomp; 219 chomp $result;
sunspider-compare-results | 90 chomp;
/external/webkit/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitperl/ |
httpd.pm | 152 chomp $oldPid; 187 chomp $httpdPid if $httpdPid;
/external/chromium/third_party/icu/source/common/ |
rbbicst.pl | 34 chomp();
/external/icu4c/common/ |
rbbicst.pl | 34 chomp();
/external/webkit/JavaScriptCore/ |
create_hash_table | 58 chomp;
/external/chromium/third_party/icu/source/test/perf/collationperf/ |
CollPerf.pl | 104 chomp( @icua[1] ); 105 chomp( @nixa[1] );
/external/icu4c/test/perf/collationperf/ |
CollPerf.pl | 104 chomp( @icua[1] ); 105 chomp( @nixa[1] );
/external/openssl/crypto/perlasm/ |
x86_64-xlate.pl | 88 chomp($prefix); 636 chomp($line);
/external/chromium/third_party/icu/source/tools/gencnval/ |
gencnval.c | 160 chomp(char *line); 332 lastLineSize = chomp(lastLine); 376 /* This works almost like the Perl chomp. 380 chomp(char *line) { function [all...] |
/external/icu4c/tools/gencnval/ |
gencnval.c | 160 chomp(char *line); 332 lastLineSize = chomp(lastLine); 376 /* This works almost like the Perl chomp. 380 chomp(char *line) { function [all...] |