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Lines Matching refs:stderr

109     fprintf(stderr, "@calendar=%s, timeset=%c, fieldset=%c, allfields=%c, virtualset=%c, t=%.2f",
115 fprintf(stderr, "\n");
119 fprintf(stderr, " %25s: %-11ld", f, fFields[i]);
121 fprintf(stderr, " (unset) ");
123 fprintf(stderr, " (internally set) ");
125 // fprintf(stderr, " (internal default) ");
127 fprintf(stderr, " %%%d ", fStamp[i]);
129 fprintf(stderr, "\n");
377 fprintf(stderr, "::create - not a LocaleKey!\n");
394 fprintf(stderr, "BasicCalendarFactory::create() - cur %s, can %s\n", (const char*)curLoc.getName(), (const char*)canLoc.getName());
400 fprintf(stderr, "BasicCalendarFactory - not handling %s.[%s]\n", (const char*) curLoc.getName(), tmp );
453 fprintf(stderr, "Cloning a %s calendar with tz=%ld\n", ((Calendar*)instance)->getType(), ((Calendar*)instance)->get(UCAL_ZONE_OFFSET, status2));
469 fprintf(stderr, "CalSvc:handleDefault for currentLoc %s, canloc %s\n", (const char*)loc.getName(), (const char*)loc2.getName());
475 fprintf(stderr, "New default calendar has tz=%d\n", ((Calendar*)nc)->get(UCAL_ZONE_OFFSET, status2));
503 fprintf(stderr, "Spinning up Calendar Service\n");
511 fprintf(stderr, "Registering classes..\n");
518 fprintf(stderr, "Done..\n");
523 fprintf(stderr, "err (%s) registering classes, deleting service.....\n", u_errorName(status));
676 fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: ILLEGAL ARG because timezone cannot be 0\n",
825 fprintf(stderr, "Calendar::createInstance(%s), looking up [%s]\n", aLocale.getName(), l.getName());
860 fprintf(stderr, "err - recursed, 2nd lookup was unistring %s\n", tmp);
868 fprintf(stderr, "%p: setting week count data to locale %s, actual locale %s\n", c, (const char*)aLocale.getName(), (const char *)actualLoc.getName());
1259 //fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d- Hmm! Jules @ %d, as per %.0lf millis\n",
1422 if(fFields[UCAL_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH]==0) fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: DOWIM %d on %g\n",
1766 fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: ILLEGAL ARG because of roll on non-rollable field %s\n",
1863 fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: ILLEGAL ARG because field %s not addable",
1935 fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: ILLEGAL ARG because field %s's max too large for int32_t\n",
1972 fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: ILLEGAL ARG because field %s's max too large for int32_t\n",
2399 fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: ILLEGAL ARG because DOW in month cannot be 0\n",
2425 fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: ILLEGAL ARG because of field %s out of range %d..%d at %d\n",
2546 // fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d- D'oh- computed jules %d, to mills (%s)%.lf, recomputed %d\n",
2693 fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: bestField= %s - y=%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, fldName(bestField), year);
2777 fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d - bf= %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, fldName(bestField));
2797 fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d - woy=%d, yp=%d, nj(%d)=%d, nf=%d", __FILE__, __LINE__,
2801 fprintf(stderr, " next: %d DFW, min=%d \n", (7-nextFirst), getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek() );
2810 fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d - was going to move JD from %d to %d [d%d]\n", __FILE__, __LINE__,
2834 fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d - y=%d, y-1=%d doy%d, njd%d (C.F. %d)\n",
2848 fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d - date now %d, jd%d, ywoy%d\n",
3020 fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d - forgot a return on field %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, fldName(bestField));
3149 fprintf(stderr, "prepareGetActualHelper(WOM/WOY) - dow=%d\n", dow);
3165 fprintf(stderr, "getActualHelper(%d,%d .. %d, %s)\n", field, startValue, endValue, u_errorName(status));
3196 fprintf(stderr, "getActualHelper(fld %d) - got %d (not %d) - %s\n", field, work->get(field,status), startValue, u_errorName(status));
3204 fprintf(stderr, "getActualHelper(fld %d) - got %d (not %d), BREAK - %s\n", field, work->get(field,status), startValue, u_errorName(status));
3213 fprintf(stderr, "getActualHelper(%d) = %d\n", field, result);
3277 fprintf(stderr, " Failure loading dateTimeElements = %s\n", u_errorName(status));
3286 fprintf(stderr, " Valid=%s, Actual=%s\n", validLocale, actualLocale);