Lines Matching refs:Single
1273 " 2. The alveolar flap [?] is an allophone of /t/ and /d/ in unstressed syllables in North American English and Australian English.[30] This is the sound of tt or dd in the words latter and ladder, which are homophones for many speakers of North American English. In some accents such as Scottish English and Indian English it replaces /?/. This is the same sound represented by single r in most varieties of Spanish.\n" +
1297 "In English, intonation patterns are on groups of words, which are called tone groups, tone units, intonation groups or sense groups. Tone groups are said on a single breath and, as a consequence, are of limited length, more often being on average five words long or lasting roughly two seconds. For example:\n" +
3346 " Compliance: I believe it is compliant with the 1997 Single Unix Specification\n" +
4280 " single cleared space, it returns an array of pointers to n_elements\n" +
4358 " should instead use a single regular malloc, and assign pointers at\n" +
5568 " are not doubly linked. It is faster to single-link them, and\n" +