Lines Matching full:scrollbar
124 #include <WebCore/Scrollbar.h>
1523 hitScrollbar = result.scrollbar();
1527 // The hit testing above won't detect if we've hit the main frame's vertical scrollbar. Check that manually now.
1551 // The part of the page under the gesture can't be scrolled, or the gesture is on a scrollbar.
1553 // behavior (which allows the scrollbar thumb to be dragged, text selections to be made, etc.).
1556 // The part of the page the gesture is under can be scrolled, and we're not under a scrollbar.
1612 // We negate here since panning up moves the content up, but moves the scrollbar down.
1633 Scrollbar* vertScrollbar = view->verticalScrollbar();
2554 // vertical scrollbar and one horizontal to allow for receiving both types of messages.
2555 ::CreateWindowW(L"SCROLLBAR", L"FAKETRACKPOINTHSCROLLBAR", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | SBS_HORZ, 0, 0, 0, 0, m_viewWindow, 0, gInstance, 0);
2556 ::CreateWindowW(L"SCROLLBAR", L"FAKETRACKPOINTVSCROLLBAR", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | SBS_VERT, 0, 0, 0, 0, m_viewWindow, 0, gInstance, 0);