Lines Matching refs:log
48 import android.util.Log;
267 if (DBG) log("Handler: ignoring message " + msg + "; we're destroyed!");
271 if (DBG) log("Handler: handling message " + msg + " while not in foreground");
334 if (DBG) log("Got MMI_COMPLETE, finishing InCallScreen...");
357 if (VDBG) log("ALLOW_SCREEN_ON message...");
376 if (DBG) log("Received PHONE_CDMA_CALL_WAITING event ...");
402 if (DBG) log("- DISMISSING mPausePromptDialog.");
426, "mHandler: unexpected message: " + msg);
439 // if (DBG) log("mReceiver: ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG");
440 // if (DBG) log("==> intent: " + intent);
441 // if (DBG) log(" state: " + intent.getIntExtra("state", 0));
442 // if (DBG) log(" name: " + intent.getStringExtra("name"));
454 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "onCreate()... this = " + this);
465, "onCreate() reached on non-voice-capable device");
494 log("- onCreate: phone state = " + mCM.getState());
497 if (VDBG) log("- mBluetoothHandsfree: " + mBluetoothHandsfree);
527 if (DBG) log("onCreate(): this is our very first launch, checking intent...");
532 if (DBG) log("onCreate(): exit");
539 if (VDBG) log("- Got BluetoothHeadset: " + mBluetoothHeadset);
561 if (DBG) log("onResume()...");
626 if (DBG) log("- onResume: need to show status indication!");
669 if (DBG) log("- onResume: syncWithPhoneState failed! status = " + status);
682 Log.i(LOG_TAG, " ==> syncWithPhoneState failed, but staying here anyway.");
697 Log.i(LOG_TAG, " ==> syncWithPhoneState failed; bailing out!");
742 if (VDBG) log("- posting ALLOW_SCREEN_ON message...");
769 if (VDBG) log("onResume() done.");
776 if (DBG) log("onPause()...");
828 log("DELAYED_CLEANUP_AFTER_DISCONNECT detected, moving UI to background.");
875 if (DBG) log("onStop()...");
881 if (DBG) log("onStop: state = " + state);
895 if (DBG) log("- onStop: calling finish() to clear activity history...");
906 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "onDestroy()... this = " + this);
970 if (DBG) log("finish()...");
982 if (DBG) log("endInCallScreenSession()... phone state = " + mCM.getState());
994 log("endInCallScreenSession(" + forceFinish + ")... phone state = " + mCM.getState());
996 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "endInCallScreenSession(): FORCING a call to super.finish()!");
1051 if (DBG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "updateAfterRadioTechnologyChange()...");
1071 log("onNewIntent: intent = " + intent + ", phone state = " + mCM.getState());
1095 if (DBG) log("internalResolveIntent: action=" + action);
1132 if (VDBG) log("- internalResolveIntent: SHOW_DIALPAD_EXTRA: " + showDialpad);
1184, "internalResolveIntent: got launched with ACTION_UNDEFINED");
1187, "internalResolveIntent: unexpected intent action: " + action);
1199 if (VDBG) log("initInCallScreen()...");
1208 if (VDBG) log(" - mCallCard = " + mCallCard);
1225 if (DBG) log("- Found dialerView: " + mDialerView);
1230 Log.e(LOG_TAG, "onCreate: couldn't find dialerView", new IllegalStateException());
1246 if (VDBG) log("handleDialerKeyDown: keyCode " + keyCode + ", event " + event + "...");
1268 if (DBG) log("onBackPressed()...");
1280 if (DBG) log("BACK key while ringing: ignored");
1327 if (DBG) log("answerCall: First Incoming and Call Waiting scenario");
1333 if (DBG) log("answerCall: Merge 3-way call scenario");
1339 if (DBG) log("answerCall: Switch btwn 2 calls scenario");
1355 Log.w(LOG_TAG, "handleCallKey: incoming call is ringing!"
1364 if (DBG) log("handleCallKey: both lines in use ==> swap calls.");
1369 if (DBG) log("handleCallKey: call on hold ==> unhold.");
1380 if (VDBG) log("handleCallKey: call in foregound ==> ignoring.");
1408 if (VDBG) log("onWindowFocusChanged(" + hasFocus + ")...");
1410 if (VDBG) log("- onWindowFocusChanged: faking onDialerKeyUp()...");
1417 // if (DBG) log("onKeyUp(keycode " + keyCode + ")...");
1431 // if (DBG) log("onKeyDown(keycode " + keyCode + ")...");
1437 Log.w(LOG_TAG, "InCallScreen should always handle KEYCODE_CALL in onKeyDown");
1468 Log.w(LOG_TAG, "VOLUME key: incoming call is ringing!"
1487 log("----------- InCallScreen View dump --------------");
1497 log("----------- InCallScreen call state dump --------------");
1506 log("------------ Temp testing -----------------");
1525 if (DBG) log("onSuppServiceFailed: " + service);
1578 if (DBG) log("- DISMISSING mSuppServiceFailureDialog.");
1598 if (DBG) log("onPhoneStateChanged: current state = " + state);
1604 if (DBG) log("onPhoneStateChanged: Activity not in foreground! Bailing out...");
1640 if (DBG) log("onDisconnect: connection '" + c + "', cause = " + cause);
1664 if (DBG) log("onDisconnect: OTA Call end already handled");
1756 if (VDBG) log("- Still-active conf call; clearing DISCONNECTED...");
1804 if (DBG) log("- onDisconnect: bailOutImmediately...");
1812 if (DBG) log("- onDisconnect: delayed bailout...");
1821 if (DBG) log("- onDisconnect: switching to 'Call ended' state...");
1834 if (DBG) log("- onDisconnect: cleaning up after FG call disconnect...");
1839 if (VDBG) log("- DISMISSING mWaitPromptDialog.");
1844 if (VDBG) log("- DISMISSING mWildPromptDialog.");
1849 if (DBG) log("- DISMISSING mPausePromptDialog.");
1874 if (DBG) log("onDisconnect: Call Collision case - staying on InCallScreen.");
1902 if (VDBG) log("onMMIInitiate()... AsyncResult r = " + r);
1910 if (VDBG) log("Activity not in foreground! Bailing out...");
1921 if (VDBG) log(" - MmiCode: " + mmiCode);
1935 if (VDBG) log("onMMICancel()...");
1949 if (DBG) log("onMMICancel: finishing InCallScreen...");
1969 if (VDBG) log("handlePostOnDialChar: state = " +
1994 if (DBG) log("handlePostOnDialChars: show WAIT prompt...");
2001 if (DBG) log("handlePostOnDialChars: show WILD prompt");
2028 if (DBG) log("showWaitPromptDialogChoice: '" + postDialStr + "'...");
2035 // if (DBG) log("- mWaitPromptDialog = " + mWaitPromptDialog);
2037 if (DBG) log("- DISMISSING mWaitPromptDialog.");
2047 if (DBG) log("handle WAIT_PROMPT_CONFIRMED, proceed...");
2053 if (DBG) log("handle POST_DIAL_CANCELED!");
2075 if (DBG) log("- DISMISSING mPausePromptDialog.");
2127 if (VDBG) log("- DISMISSING mWildPromptDialog.");
2138 if (VDBG) log("handle WILD_PROMPT_CHAR_ENTERED, proceed...");
2151 if (VDBG) log("handle POST_DIAL_CANCELED!");
2176 if (DBG) log("updateScreen()...");
2180 log(" - phone state = " + state);
2181 log(" - inCallScreenMode = " + inCallScreenMode);
2190 if (DBG) log
2195 if (DBG) log("- updateScreen: OTA call state NORMAL...");
2197 if (DBG) log("- updateScreen: mApp.otaUtils is not null, call otaShowProperScreen");
2202 if (DBG) log("- updateScreen: OTA call ended state ...");
2207 if (DBG) log("- updateScreen: OTA_STATUS_ACTIVATION");
2209 if (DBG) log("- updateScreen: mApp.otaUtils is not null, "
2214 if (DBG) log("- updateScreen: OTA Call end state for Dialogs");
2216 if (DBG) log("- updateScreen: Show OTA Success Failure dialog");
2222 if (DBG) log("- updateScreen: manage conference mode (NOT updating in-call UI)...");
2226 if (DBG) log("- updateScreen: call ended state...");
2232 if (DBG) log("- updateScreen: updating the in-call UI...");
2264 if(DBG) log("show the Wait dialog for CDMA");
2298 if (DBG) log("syncWithPhoneState()...");
2331 if (VDBG) log("syncWithPhoneState: it's ok to be here; update the screen...");
2336 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "syncWithPhoneState: phone is idle (shouldn't be here)");
2343 if (DBG) log("handleMissingVoiceMailNumber");
2356 if (VDBG) log("Missing voicemail AlertDialog: POSITIVE click...");
2363 if (VDBG) log("Missing voicemail AlertDialog: NEGATIVE click...");
2369 if (VDBG) log("Missing voicemail AlertDialog: CANCEL handler...");
2388 if (DBG) log("addVoiceMailNumberPanel: finishing InCallScreen...");
2391 if (DBG) log("show vm setting");
2404 if (DBG) log("dontAddVoiceMailNumber: finishing InCallScreen...");
2424 log("delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect()... Phone state = " + mCM.getState());
2447 log("- delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect: staying on the InCallScreen...");
2450 if (DBG) log("- delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect: phone is idle...");
2455 if (DBG) log("- delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect: finishing InCallScreen...");
2458 // Call Log. Otherwise, we simply call endInCallScreenSession,
2461 // UI note: In eclair and earlier, we went to the Call Log
2468 // And in any case, *never* go to the call log if we're in
2473 if (VDBG) log("- Post-call behavior:");
2474 if (VDBG) log(" - mLastDisconnectCause = " + mLastDisconnectCause);
2475 if (VDBG) log(" - isPhoneStateRestricted() = " + isPhoneStateRestricted());
2494 log("- Show Call Log (or Dialtacts) after disconnect. Current intent: "
2500 // Don't crash if there's somehow no "Call log" at
2505 // log activity....)
2506 Log.w(LOG_TAG, "delayedCleanupAfterDisconnect: "
2507 + "transition to call log failed; intent = " + intent);
2510 // Even if we did go to the call log, note that we still
2537 if (VDBG) log("onClick(View " + view + ", id " + id + ")...");
2541 if (VDBG) log("onClick: mButtonManageConferenceDone...");
2562 Log.w(LOG_TAG,
2578 log("onHoldClick: hasActiveCall = " + hasActiveCall
2617 log("toggleSpeaker(): newSpeakerState = " + newSpeakerState);
2635 log("onMuteClick(): newMuteState = " + newMuteState);
2641 * headset, or do nothing (but log a warning) if no bluetooth device
2650 if (VDBG) log("toggleBluetooth()...");
2673 Log.w(LOG_TAG, "toggleBluetooth(): bluetooth is unavailable");
2695 log("switchInCallAudio: new mode = " + newMode);
2736, "switchInCallAudio: unexpected mode " + newMode);
2750 if (VDBG) log("onShowHideDialpad()...");
2778 if (DBG) log("handleOnscreenButtonClick(id " + id + ")...");
2822 Log.w(LOG_TAG, "handleOnscreenButtonClick: unexpected ID " + id);
2859 if (VDBG) log("updateProviderOverlay: " + inCallUiState.providerOverlayVisible);
2896, "showStatusIndication: nothing to display");
3007 if (DBG) log("showGenericErrorDialog('" + msg + "')...");
3049 if (DBG) log("showCallLostDialog()...");
3053 if (DBG) log("showCallLostDialog: not the foreground Activity! Bailing out...");
3059 if (DBG) log("showCallLostDialog: There is a mCallLostDialog already.");
3103 Log.i(LOG_TAG, "showExitingECMDialog()...");
3106 if (DBG) log("- DISMISSING mExitingECMDialog.");
3138 if (DBG) log("bailOutAfterErrorDialog: DISMISSING mGenericErrorDialog.");
3142 if (DBG) log("bailOutAfterErrorDialog(): end InCallScreen session...");
3175 if (DBG) log("dismissAllDialogs()...");
3183 if (VDBG) log("- DISMISSING mMissingVoicemailDialog.");
3188 if (VDBG) log("- DISMISSING mMmiStartedDialog.");
3193 if (VDBG) log("- DISMISSING mGenericErrorDialog.");
3198 if (VDBG) log("- DISMISSING mSuppServiceFailureDialog.");
3203 if (VDBG) log("- DISMISSING mWaitPromptDialog.");
3208 if (VDBG) log("- DISMISSING mWildPromptDialog.");
3213 if (VDBG) log("- DISMISSING mCallLostDialog.");
3223 if (DBG) log("- DISMISSING mPausePromptDialog.");
3228 if (DBG) log("- DISMISSING mExitingECMDialog.");
3275, "updateProgressIndication: unexpected value: "
3286 if (DBG) log("showProgressIndication(message " + messageResId + ")...");
3306 if (DBG) log("dismissProgressIndication()...");
3323 log("internalAnswerCall()...");
3333 if (DBG) log("internalAnswerCall: answering (CDMA)...");
3343 if (DBG) log("internalAnswerCall: answer "
3350 if (DBG) log("internalAnswerCall: answering (SIP)...");
3361 if (DBG) log("internalAnswerCall: answer "
3376 if (DBG) log("internalAnswerCall: answering (both lines in use!)...");
3386 if (DBG) log("internalAnswerCall: answering...");
3403 if (DBG) log("internalAnswerAndEnd()...");
3414 if (DBG) log("hangupRingingCall()...");
3425 if (DBG) log("internalSilenceRinger()...");
3438 log("internalRespondViaSms()...");
3463 log("internalHangup()... phone state = " + state);
3485 Log.w(LOG_TAG, "internalHangup(): phone is already IDLE!");
3505 // Log.i(LOG_TAG, "internalHangup(): phone is already IDLE! Bailing out...");
3514 if (DBG) log("internalSwapCalls()...");
3557 if (DBG) log("setInCallScreenMode: " + newMode);
3563 Log.w(LOG_TAG, "MANAGE_CONFERENCE: no active conference call!");
3572 Log.w(LOG_TAG,
3676 log("WARNING: Setting mode to UNDEFINED but phone is OFFHOOK,"
3700 if (VDBG) log("updateManageConferencePanelIfNecessary: " + mCM.getActiveFgCall() + "...");
3704 if (VDBG) log("==> no connections on foreground call!");
3709 Log.w(LOG_TAG, "- syncWithPhoneState failed! status = " + status);
3712 if (DBG) log("updateManageConferencePanelIfNecessary: endInCallScreenSession... 1");
3721 if (VDBG) log("==> foreground call no longer a conference!");
3726 Log.w(LOG_TAG, "- syncWithPhoneState failed! status = " + status);
3729 if (DBG) log("updateManageConferencePanelIfNecessary: endInCallScreenSession... 2");
3739 if (VDBG) log("==> Conference size has changed; need to rebuild UI!");
3779 if (VDBG) log("- updateDialpadVisibility: dialpad open, hide mInCallPanel...");
3786 if (VDBG) log("- updateDialpadVisibility: dialpad dismissed, show mInCallPanel...");
3804 if (DBG) log("onDialerOpen()...");
3830 if (DBG) log("onDialerClose()...");
3875 if (VDBG) log ("[okToDialDTMFTones] foreground state: " + fgCallState +
3899 if (DBG) log("initInCallTouchUi()...");
3941 if (DBG) log("requestUpdateScreen()...");
4014 if (VDBG) log("isBluetoothAvailable()...");
4017 if (VDBG) log(" ==> FALSE (not BT capable)");
4025 // if (DBG) log(" ==> FALSE (BT not enabled)");
4028 // if (DBG) log(" - BT enabled! device name " + adapter.getName()
4044 if (VDBG) log(" - headset state = " +
4046 if (VDBG) log(" - headset address: " + device);
4047 if (VDBG) log(" - isConnected: " + isConnected);
4051 if (VDBG) log(" ==> " + isConnected);
4060 if (VDBG) log("isBluetoothAudioConnected: ==> FALSE (null mBluetoothHandsfree)");
4064 if (VDBG) log("isBluetoothAudioConnected: ==> isAudioOn = " + isAudioOn);
4080 if (VDBG) log("isBluetoothAudioConnectedOrPending: ==> TRUE (really connected)");
4091 if (VDBG) log("isBluetoothAudioConnectedOrPending: ==> TRUE (requested "
4095 if (VDBG) log("isBluetoothAudioConnectedOrPending: ==> FALSE (request too old: "
4102 if (VDBG) log("isBluetoothAudioConnectedOrPending: ==> FALSE");
4111 if (VDBG) log("requestUpdateBluetoothIndication()...");
4120 log("============== dumpBluetoothState() =============");
4121 log("= isBluetoothAvailable: " + isBluetoothAvailable());
4122 log("= isBluetoothAudioConnected: " + isBluetoothAudioConnected());
4123 log("= isBluetoothAudioConnectedOrPending: " + isBluetoothAudioConnectedOrPending());
4124 log("= PhoneApp.showBluetoothIndication: "
4126 log("=");
4128 log("= BluetoothHandsfree.isAudioOn: " + mBluetoothHandsfree.isAudioOn());
4134 log("= BluetoothHeadset.getCurrentDevice: " + device);
4135 log("= BluetoothHeadset.State: "
4139 log("= mBluetoothHeadset is null");
4142 log("= mBluetoothHandsfree is null; device is not BT capable");
4147 if (VDBG) log("connectBluetoothAudio()...");
4162 if (VDBG) log("disconnectBluetoothAudio()...");
4175 if (DBG) log("requestCloseOtaFailureNotice() with timeout: " + timeout);
4192 if (DBG) log("requestCloseSpcErrorNotice() with timeout: " + timeout);
4213 if (DBG) log("handleOtaCallEnd entering");
4220 if (DBG) log("handleOtaCallEnd - Set OTA Call End stater");
4244 if (DBG) log("checkOtaspStateOnResume: no OtaUtils instance; nothing to do.");
4283 if (DBG) log("checkOtaspStateOnResume - in OTA Normal mode");
4287 if (DBG) log("checkOtaspStateOnResume - in OTA END mode");
4296 // if (DBG) log("checkOtaspStateOnResume - set OTA END Mode");
4303 if (DBG) log("checkOtaspStateOnResume - Set OTA NORMAL Mode");
4316 // if (DBG) log("checkIsOtaCall action ACTION_MAIN");
4319 // if (DBG) log("checkIsOtaCall isRingingCall: " + isRingingCall);
4325 // if (DBG) log("action ACTION_MAIN, OTA call already in progress");
4330 // if (DBG) log("checkIsOtaCall action ACTION_MAIN, "
4355 if (VDBG) log("getUpdatedInCallControlState()...");
4361 log("resetInCallScreenMode: setting mode to UNDEFINED...");
4375 if (VDBG) log("updateIncomingCallWidgetHint(" + hintTextResId + ")...");
4408 if (DBG) log("onConfigurationChanged: newConfig = " + newConfig);
4429 if (DBG) log(" - isKeyboardOpen = " + isKeyboardOpen);
4431 if (DBG) log(" - isLandscape = " + isLandscape);
4432 if (DBG) log(" - uiMode = " + newConfig.uiMode);
4440 if (DBG) log("onIncomingRing()...");
4453 if (DBG) log("onNewRingingConnection()...");
4476 private void log(String msg) {
4477 Log.d(LOG_TAG, msg);