Near-field Communication or NFC is a standard defined by the NFC Forum . NFC Data Exchange Format (NDEF) defines a common data format between NFC-compliant devices and tags. This demo application shows how to read a NDEF Tags using using Android 2.3 SDK APIs. The NFC Tags consist of data encoded in NDEF Message format specified by NFC Forum Type 2 Specification. Each NDEF message consists of one or more NDEF Records. You need a NFC compliant device and a NFC compliant Tag to use this sample app. Or else, you could use the FakeTagsActivity displayed at launch of this sample app, to generate fake Tag broadcasts from the emulator.

The application includes:

If you are developing an application that uses the NFC API, remember that the feature is supported only on Android 2.3 (API level 9) and higher versions of the platform. Also, among devices running Android 2.3 (API level 9) or higher, not all devices will offer NFC support. To ensure that your application can only be installed on devices that are capable of supporting NFC, remember to add the following to the application's manifest before publishing to Android Market:

To control how Android Market filters your application from devices that do not support NFC, remember to add the following to the application's manifest

For more information about using the NFC API, see the android.nfc documentation.