/external/guava/src/com/google/common/base/ |
Service.java | 28 * <li>{@link State#NEW} -></li> 49 * If the service state is {@link State#NEW}, this initiates service startup 91 * State#NEW}, it is {@link State#TERMINATED terminated} without having been 108 * cancelled. If this is {@link State#NEW}, it is {@link State#TERMINATED 128 NEW,
/external/srec/portable/include/ |
pmemory.h | 69 #define NEW(type, tag) ((type*)MALLOC(sizeof(type), tag)) 136 * Portable new() 138 #define NEW(type, tag) ((type*) MALLOC(sizeof(type), tag)) 141 * Allocates a new array 208 * @param newSize The new size required.
/external/valgrind/unittest/ |
posix_tests.cc | 222 GLOB = new int; 262 int *NEW; 280 (*NEW)++; 299 NEW = new int; 300 NEW_ARR = new int[10]; 315 ANNOTATE_EXPECT_RACE(NEW, "real race on a new-ed object"); 316 ANNOTATE_EXPECT_RACE(NEW_ARR, "real race on a new[]-ed object"); 333 delete NEW; [all...] |
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/provider/ |
CallLog.java | 151 public static final String NEW = "new"; 189 * Unlike the {@link #NEW} field, which requires the user to have acknowledged the 281 ContentValues values = new ContentValues(5); 287 values.put(NEW, Integer.valueOf(1)); 309 new String[] { Phone._ID }, 311 new String[] { String.valueOf(ci.person_id), normalizedPhoneNumber}, 316 new String[] { Phone._ID }, 318 new String[] { String.valueOf(ci.person_id), phoneNumber}, 330 resolver.update(feedbackUri, new ContentValues(), null, null) [all...] |
/sdk/sdkmanager/libs/sdkuilib/src/com/android/sdkuilib/internal/repository/sdkman2/ |
PkgItem.java | 49 * There's a new package available on the remote site that isn't installed locally. 51 NEW 55 * Create a new {@link PkgItem} for this main package. 238 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
/bionic/libc/netbsd/isc/ |
eventlib_p.h | 54 #define NEW(p) if (((p) = memget(sizeof *(p))) != NULL) \ 73 #define NEW(p) p = malloc(sizeof *(p));
/external/javassist/src/main/javassist/compiler/ |
TokenId.java | 47 int NEW = 328;
/external/bluetooth/glib/tests/ |
sequence-test.c | 78 NEW, FREE, GET_LENGTH, FOREACH, FOREACH_RANGE, SORT, SORT_ITER, 217 * position the item is inserted if the new item is 419 case NEW: 1155 /* Run with a new random seed */
/external/webkit/Source/JavaScriptCore/parser/ |
JSParser.h | 56 NEW,
/libcore/luni/src/main/java/java/lang/ |
Thread.java | 55 * application code. One is providing a new class that extends {@code Thread} 56 * and overriding its {@link #run()} method. The other is providing a new 59 * the new {@code Thread}. 95 NEW, 160 private final List<Runnable> interruptActions = new ArrayList<Runnable>(); 192 * Constructs a new {@code Thread} with no {@code Runnable} object and a 193 * newly generated name. The new {@code Thread} will belong to the same 204 * Constructs a new {@code Thread} with a {@code Runnable} object and a 205 * newly generated name. The new {@code Thread} will belong to the same 210 * executed by the new {@code Thread [all...] |
/external/javassist/src/main/javassist/bytecode/ |
Opcode.java | 215 int NEW = 187; 431 1, // new, 187
/dalvik/dx/src/com/android/dx/cf/code/ |
ByteOps.java | 213 public static final int NEW = 0xbb; 347 private static final int[] OPCODE_INFO = new int[256]; 350 private static final String[] OPCODE_NAMES = new String[256]; 540 "bb p:c new;" +
/packages/providers/ContactsProvider/src/com/android/providers/contacts/ |
LegacyContactImporter.java | 80 private ContentValues mValues = new ContentValues(); 113 File file = new File(path); 231 throw new SQLiteException("Testing import failure."); 602 NameSplitter.Name splitName = new NameSplitter.Name(); [all...] |
/external/doclava/src/com/google/doclava/parser/ |
JavaLexer.java | 86 public static final int NEW=58; 155 this(input, new RecognizerSharedState()); 240 new NoViableAltException("", 4, 0, input); 312 new EarlyExitException(2, input); 349 new EarlyExitException(3, input); 384 new NoViableAltException("", 5, 1, input); 391 new NoViableAltException("", 5, 0, input); 431 MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); 455 MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); 502 new EarlyExitException(6, input) [all...] |
JavaParser.java | 173 public static final String[] tokenNames = new String[] { 174 "<invalid>", "<EOR>", "<DOWN>", "<UP>", "IDENTIFIER", "INTLITERAL", "LONGLITERAL", "FLOATLITERAL", "DOUBLELITERAL", "CHARLITERAL", "STRINGLITERAL", "TRUE", "FALSE", "NULL", "IntegerNumber", "LongSuffix", "HexPrefix", "HexDigit", "Exponent", "NonIntegerNumber", "FloatSuffix", "DoubleSuffix", "EscapeSequence", "UNICODECHAR", "UNICODEPART", "WS", "COMMENT", "LINE_COMMENT", "ABSTRACT", "ASSERT", "BOOLEAN", "BREAK", "BYTE", "CASE", "CATCH", "CHAR", "CLASS", "CONST", "CONTINUE", "DEFAULT", "DO", "DOUBLE", "ELSE", "ENUM", "EXTENDS", "FINAL", "FINALLY", "FLOAT", "FOR", "GOTO", "IF", "IMPLEMENTS", "IMPORT", "INSTANCEOF", "INT", "INTERFACE", "LONG", "NATIVE", "NEW", "PACKAGE", "PRIVATE", "PROTECTED", "PUBLIC", "RETURN", "SHORT", "STATIC", "STRICTFP", "SUPER", "SWITCH", "SYNCHRONIZED", "THIS", "THROW", "THROWS", "TRANSIENT", "TRY", "VOID", "VOLATILE", "WHILE", "LPAREN", "RPAREN", "LBRACE", "RBRACE", "LBRACKET", "RBRACKET", "SEMI", "COMMA", "DOT", "ELLIPSIS", "EQ", "BANG", "TILDE", "QUES", "COLON", "EQEQ", "AMPAMP", "BARBAR", "PLUSPLUS", "SUBSUB", "PLUS", "SUB", "STAR", "SLASH", "AMP", "BAR", "CARET", "PERCENT", "PLUSEQ", "SUBEQ", "STAREQ", "SLASHEQ", "AMPEQ", "BAREQ", "CARETEQ", "PERCENTEQ", "MONKEYS_AT", "BANGEQ", "GT", "LT", "IdentifierStart", "IdentifierPart", "SurrogateIdentifer" 231 public static final int NEW=58; 298 public static final String[] ruleNames = new String[] { 400 public static final boolean[] decisionCanBacktrack = new boolean[] { 432 this(input, DebugEventSocketProxy.DEFAULT_DEBUGGER_PORT, new RecognizerSharedState()); 436 this.state.ruleMemo = new HashMap[381+1]; 439 new DebugEventSocketProxy(this, port, null); 449 super(input, dbg, new RecognizerSharedState()); 450 this.state.ruleMemo = new HashMap[381+1] [all...] |
/frameworks/base/core/java/android/widget/ |
GridLayout.java | 233 final Axis horizontalAxis = new Axis(true); 234 final Axis verticalAxis = new Axis(false); 638 lp.setRowSpecSpan(new Interval(row, row + rowSpan)); 639 lp.setColumnSpecSpan(new Interval(col, col + colSpan)); 660 int[] maxSizes = new int[count]; 742 return new LayoutParams(); 747 return new LayoutParams(getContext(), attrs); 752 return new LayoutParams(p); 775 Paint paint = new Paint(); [all...] |
/external/valgrind/main/drd/tests/ |
tsan_unittest.cpp | 120 // Create a new test instead. 283 ar_[0] = new MyThread(f1); 284 ar_[1] = f2 ? new MyThread(f2) : NULL; 285 ar_[2] = f3 ? new MyThread(f3) : NULL; 286 ar_[3] = f4 ? new MyThread(f4) : NULL; 287 ar_[4] = f5 ? new MyThread(f5) : NULL; [all...] |
/prebuilt/common/asm/ |
asm-3.1.jar | |
/prebuilt/common/jarjar/ |
jarjar-1.0rc8.jar | |
/prebuilt/sdk/tools/lib/ |
dx.jar | |
/prebuilt/common/tradefed/ |
tradefed-prebuilt.jar | |
/prebuilt/sdk/10/ |
android.jar | |
/prebuilt/sdk/11/ |
android.jar | |
/prebuilt/sdk/13/ |
android.jar | |
/prebuilt/sdk/5/ |
android.jar | |