/external/webkit/LayoutTests/fast/dom/Node/script-tests/ |
initial-values.js | 90 var doctype = document.implementation.createDocumentType("svg", "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN", "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"); variable 91 shouldBe("doctype.nodeName", "'svg'"); 92 shouldBe("doctype.name", "'svg'"); 93 shouldBe("doctype.localName", "null"); 94 shouldBe("doctype.namespaceURI", "null"); 95 shouldBe("doctype.prefix", "null"); 96 shouldBe("doctype.nodeValue", "null"); 97 shouldBe("doctype.attributes", "null");
/libcore/luni/src/main/java/org/apache/harmony/xml/dom/ |
NodeImpl.java | 614 DocumentTypeImpl doctype = (DocumentTypeImpl) node; local 615 values.add(doctype.getPublicId()); 616 values.add(doctype.getSystemId()); 617 values.add(doctype.getInternalSubset()); 618 values.add(doctype.getEntities()); 619 values.add(doctype.getNotations());
/external/chromium/webkit/glue/ |
webaccessibility.cc | 377 const WebKit::WebDocumentType& doctype = document.doctype(); local 378 if (!doctype.isNull()) 379 attributes[ATTR_DOC_DOCTYPE] = doctype.name();
/external/webkit/Source/WebKit/chromium/src/ |
WebDocument.cpp | 129 WebDocumentType WebDocument::doctype() const function in class:WebKit::WebDocument 131 return WebDocumentType(constUnwrap<Document>()->doctype());
/external/webkit/Source/WebCore/dom/ |
Document.h | 306 DocumentType* doctype() const { return m_docType.get(); } function in class:WebCore::Document [all...] |
/external/tinyxml/ |
xmltest.cpp | 863 // DOCTYPE not preserved (950171) 865 const char* doctype = local 867 "<!DOCTYPE PLAY SYSTEM 'play.dtd'>" 873 doc.Parse( doctype ); 880 XmlTest( "Correct value of unknown.", "!DOCTYPE PLAY SYSTEM 'play.dtd'", unknown->Value() ); 892 const char* doctype = local 895 doc.Parse( doctype ); 953 const char* doctype = "<element attr='red' attr='blue' />"; local 956 doc.Parse( doctype ); 964 const char* doctype = "<element att\0r='red' attr='blue' />" local [all...] |
/external/apache-xml/src/main/java/org/apache/xml/utils/ |
DOMHelper.java | 1132 DocumentType doctype = doc.getDoctype(); local [all...] |
/external/webkit/Source/WebKit/win/ |
DOMHTMLClasses.h | 305 virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE doctype( function in class:DOMHTMLDocument 306 /* [retval][out] */ IDOMDocumentType **result) { return DOMDocument::doctype(result); } [all...] |
DOMCoreClasses.cpp | 594 HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DOMDocument::doctype( function in class:DOMDocument [all...] |
/libcore/luni/src/main/java/org/apache/harmony/xml/parsers/ |
DocumentBuilderImpl.java | 98 DocumentType doctype = null; local 102 dom, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, doctype, inputEncoding);
/libcore/luni/src/test/java/libcore/xml/ |
DomTest.java | 79 = "<!DOCTYPE menu [" 100 private DocumentType doctype; field in class:DomTest 136 // doctype nodes 137 doctype = document.getDoctype(); 138 if (doctype.getEntities() != null) { 139 sp = (Entity) doctype.getEntities().item(0); 141 if (doctype.getNotations() != null) { 142 png = (Notation) doctype.getNotations().item(0); 178 allNodes.addAll(Arrays.asList(document, doctype, menu, item, itemXmlns, 204 assertEquals(null, doctype.lookupNamespaceURI("a")) [all...] |
/external/apache-xml/src/main/java/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/dom2dtm/ |
DOM2DTM.java | 352 // the doctype. (Just let it go and Suppress it? 389 // skip the doctype. (Just let it go and Suppress it? 1422 DocumentType doctype = doc.getDoctype(); local [all...] |
/external/libxslt/libxslt/ |
transform.c | 3593 const xmlChar *doctype = NULL; local 6101 const xmlChar *doctype = NULL; local [all...] |
/external/webkit/Source/WebCore/bindings/objc/ |
PublicDOMInterfaces.h | 64 - (DOMDocument *)createDocument:(NSString *)namespaceURI :(NSString *)qualifiedName :(DOMDocumentType *)doctype; 68 - (DOMDocument *)createDocument:(NSString *)namespaceURI qualifiedName:(NSString *)qualifiedName doctype:(DOMDocumentType *)doctype AVAILABLE_WEBKIT_VERSION_3_0_AND_LATER; 78 @property(readonly, retain) DOMDocumentType *doctype; variable [all...] |
/external/libvpx/nestegg/src/ |
nestegg.c | 171 struct ebml_type doctype; member in struct:ebml 337 E_FIELD(ID_DOCTYPE, TYPE_STRING, struct ebml, doctype), 1416 char * doctype; local 1461 if (ne_get_string(ctx->ebml.doctype, &doctype) != 0) 1462 doctype = "matroska" [all...] |