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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 /*
     18  * Contains implementation of a class EmulatedCamera that encapsulates
     19  * functionality common to all emulated cameras ("fake", "webcam", "video file",
     20  * etc.). Instances of this class (for each emulated camera) are created during
     21  * the construction of the EmulatedCameraFactory instance. This class serves as
     22  * an entry point for all camera API calls that defined by camera_device_ops_t
     23  * API.
     24  */
     26 #define LOG_NDEBUG 0
     27 #define LOG_TAG "EmulatedCamera_Camera"
     28 #include <cutils/log.h>
     29 #include <ui/Rect.h>
     30 #include "EmulatedCamera.h"
     31 #include "EmulatedFakeCameraDevice.h"
     32 #include "Converters.h"
     34 /* Defines whether we should trace parameter changes. */
     35 #define DEBUG_PARAM 1
     37 namespace android {
     39 #if DEBUG_PARAM
     40 /* Calculates and logs parameter changes.
     41  * Param:
     42  *  current - Current set of camera parameters.
     43  *  new_par - String representation of new parameters.
     44  */
     45 static void PrintParamDiff(const CameraParameters& current, const char* new_par);
     46 #else
     47 #define PrintParamDiff(current, new_par)   (void(0))
     48 #endif  /* DEBUG_PARAM */
     50 /* A helper routine that adds a value to the camera parameter.
     51  * Param:
     52  *  param - Camera parameter to add a value to.
     53  *  val - Value to add.
     54  * Return:
     55  *  A new string containing parameter with the added value on success, or NULL on
     56  *  a failure. If non-NULL string is returned, the caller is responsible for
     57  *  freeing it with 'free'.
     58  */
     59 static char* AddValue(const char* param, const char* val);
     61 EmulatedCamera::EmulatedCamera(int cameraId, struct hw_module_t* module)
     62         : mPreviewWindow(),
     63           mCallbackNotifier(),
     64           mCameraID(cameraId)
     65 {
     66     /*
     67      * Initialize camera_device descriptor for this object.
     68      */
     70     /* Common header */
     71     common.tag = HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG;
     72     common.version = 0;
     73     common.module = module;
     74     common.close = EmulatedCamera::close;
     76     /* camera_device fields. */
     77     ops = &mDeviceOps;
     78     priv = this;
     79 }
     81 EmulatedCamera::~EmulatedCamera()
     82 {
     83 }
     85 /****************************************************************************
     86  * Public API
     87  ***************************************************************************/
     89 status_t EmulatedCamera::Initialize()
     90 {
     91     /* Preview formats supported by this HAL. */
     92     char preview_formats[1024];
     93     snprintf(preview_formats, sizeof(preview_formats), "%s,%s,%s",
     94              CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV420SP,
     95              CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV420P,
     96              CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA8888);
     98     /*
     99      * Fake required parameters.
    100      */
    102     mParameters.set(CameraParameters::KEY_SUPPORTED_JPEG_THUMBNAIL_SIZES,
    103                     "320x240,0x0");
    104     mParameters.set(CameraParameters::KEY_MAX_EXPOSURE_COMPENSATION, "6");
    105     mParameters.set(CameraParameters::KEY_MIN_EXPOSURE_COMPENSATION, "-6");
    106     mParameters.set(CameraParameters::KEY_EXPOSURE_COMPENSATION_STEP, "0.5");
    107     mParameters.set(CameraParameters::KEY_JPEG_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, "512");
    108     mParameters.set(CameraParameters::KEY_JPEG_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT, "384");
    109     mParameters.set(CameraParameters::KEY_JPEG_QUALITY, "90");
    110     mParameters.set(CameraParameters::KEY_FOCAL_LENGTH, "4.31");
    111     mParameters.set(CameraParameters::KEY_HORIZONTAL_VIEW_ANGLE, "54.8");
    112     mParameters.set(CameraParameters::KEY_VERTICAL_VIEW_ANGLE, "42.5");
    113     mParameters.set(CameraParameters::KEY_JPEG_THUMBNAIL_QUALITY, "90");
    115     /* Preview format settings used here are related to panoramic view only. It's
    116      * not related to the preview window that works only with RGB frames, which
    117      * is explicitly stated when set_buffers_geometry is called on the preview
    118      * window object. */
    119     mParameters.set(CameraParameters::KEY_SUPPORTED_PREVIEW_FORMATS,
    120                     preview_formats);
    121     mParameters.setPreviewFormat(CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV420SP);
    123     /* We don't relay on the actual frame rates supported by the camera device,
    124      * since we will emulate them through timeouts in the emulated camera device
    125      * worker thread. */
    126     mParameters.set(CameraParameters::KEY_SUPPORTED_PREVIEW_FRAME_RATES,
    127                     "30,24,20,15,10,5");
    128     mParameters.set(CameraParameters::KEY_SUPPORTED_PREVIEW_FPS_RANGE, "(5,30)");
    129     mParameters.set(CameraParameters::KEY_PREVIEW_FPS_RANGE, "5,30");
    130     mParameters.setPreviewFrameRate(24);
    132     /* Only PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV420P is accepted by video framework in emulator! */
    133     mParameters.set(CameraParameters::KEY_VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT,
    134                     CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV420P);
    135     mParameters.set(CameraParameters::KEY_SUPPORTED_PICTURE_FORMATS,
    136                     CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_JPEG);
    137     mParameters.setPictureFormat(CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_JPEG);
    139     /*
    140      * Not supported features
    141      */
    143     mParameters.set(CameraParameters::KEY_SUPPORTED_FOCUS_MODES,
    144                     CameraParameters::FOCUS_MODE_FIXED);
    145     mParameters.set(CameraParameters::KEY_FOCUS_MODE,
    146                     CameraParameters::FOCUS_MODE_FIXED);
    148     return NO_ERROR;
    149 }
    151 void EmulatedCamera::onNextFrameAvailable(const void* frame,
    152                                           nsecs_t timestamp,
    153                                           EmulatedCameraDevice* camera_dev)
    154 {
    155     /* Notify the preview window first. */
    156     mPreviewWindow.onNextFrameAvailable(frame, timestamp, camera_dev);
    158     /* Notify callback notifier next. */
    159     mCallbackNotifier.onNextFrameAvailable(frame, timestamp, camera_dev);
    160 }
    162 void EmulatedCamera::onCameraDeviceError(int err)
    163 {
    164     /* Errors are reported through the callback notifier */
    165     mCallbackNotifier.onCameraDeviceError(err);
    166 }
    168 /****************************************************************************
    169  * Camera API implementation.
    170  ***************************************************************************/
    172 status_t EmulatedCamera::connectCamera(hw_device_t** device)
    173 {
    174     LOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__);
    176     status_t res = EINVAL;
    177     EmulatedCameraDevice* const camera_dev = getCameraDevice();
    178     LOGE_IF(camera_dev == NULL, "%s: No camera device instance.", __FUNCTION__);
    180     if (camera_dev != NULL) {
    181         /* Connect to the camera device. */
    182         res = getCameraDevice()->connectDevice();
    183         if (res == NO_ERROR) {
    184             *device = &common;
    185         }
    186     }
    188     return -res;
    189 }
    191 status_t EmulatedCamera::closeCamera()
    192 {
    193     LOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__);
    195     return cleanupCamera();
    196 }
    198 status_t EmulatedCamera::getCameraInfo(struct camera_info* info)
    199 {
    200     LOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__);
    202     const char* valstr = NULL;
    204     valstr = mParameters.get(EmulatedCamera::FACING_KEY);
    205     if (valstr != NULL) {
    206         if (strcmp(valstr, EmulatedCamera::FACING_FRONT) == 0) {
    207             info->facing = CAMERA_FACING_FRONT;
    208         }
    209         else if (strcmp(valstr, EmulatedCamera::FACING_BACK) == 0) {
    210             info->facing = CAMERA_FACING_BACK;
    211         }
    212     } else {
    213         info->facing = CAMERA_FACING_BACK;
    214     }
    216     valstr = mParameters.get(EmulatedCamera::ORIENTATION_KEY);
    217     if (valstr != NULL) {
    218         info->orientation = atoi(valstr);
    219     } else {
    220         info->orientation = 0;
    221     }
    223     return NO_ERROR;
    224 }
    226 status_t EmulatedCamera::setPreviewWindow(struct preview_stream_ops* window)
    227 {
    228     /* Callback should return a negative errno. */
    229     return -mPreviewWindow.setPreviewWindow(window,
    230                                              mParameters.getPreviewFrameRate());
    231 }
    233 void EmulatedCamera::setCallbacks(camera_notify_callback notify_cb,
    234                                   camera_data_callback data_cb,
    235                                   camera_data_timestamp_callback data_cb_timestamp,
    236                                   camera_request_memory get_memory,
    237                                   void* user)
    238 {
    239     mCallbackNotifier.setCallbacks(notify_cb, data_cb, data_cb_timestamp,
    240                                     get_memory, user);
    241 }
    243 void EmulatedCamera::enableMsgType(int32_t msg_type)
    244 {
    245     mCallbackNotifier.enableMessage(msg_type);
    246 }
    248 void EmulatedCamera::disableMsgType(int32_t msg_type)
    249 {
    250     mCallbackNotifier.disableMessage(msg_type);
    251 }
    253 int EmulatedCamera::isMsgTypeEnabled(int32_t msg_type)
    254 {
    255     return mCallbackNotifier.isMessageEnabled(msg_type);
    256 }
    258 status_t EmulatedCamera::startPreview()
    259 {
    260     /* Callback should return a negative errno. */
    261     return -doStartPreview();
    262 }
    264 void EmulatedCamera::stopPreview()
    265 {
    266     doStopPreview();
    267 }
    269 int EmulatedCamera::isPreviewEnabled()
    270 {
    271     return mPreviewWindow.isPreviewEnabled();
    272 }
    274 status_t EmulatedCamera::storeMetaDataInBuffers(int enable)
    275 {
    276     /* Callback should return a negative errno. */
    277     return -mCallbackNotifier.storeMetaDataInBuffers(enable);
    278 }
    280 status_t EmulatedCamera::startRecording()
    281 {
    282     /* Callback should return a negative errno. */
    283     return -mCallbackNotifier.enableVideoRecording(mParameters.getPreviewFrameRate());
    284 }
    286 void EmulatedCamera::stopRecording()
    287 {
    288     mCallbackNotifier.disableVideoRecording();
    289 }
    291 int EmulatedCamera::isRecordingEnabled()
    292 {
    293     return mCallbackNotifier.isVideoRecordingEnabled();
    294 }
    296 void EmulatedCamera::releaseRecordingFrame(const void* opaque)
    297 {
    298     mCallbackNotifier.releaseRecordingFrame(opaque);
    299 }
    301 status_t EmulatedCamera::setAutoFocus()
    302 {
    303     LOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__);
    305     /* TODO: Future enhancements. */
    306     return NO_ERROR;
    307 }
    309 status_t EmulatedCamera::cancelAutoFocus()
    310 {
    311     LOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__);
    313     /* TODO: Future enhancements. */
    314     return NO_ERROR;
    315 }
    317 status_t EmulatedCamera::takePicture()
    318 {
    319     LOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__);
    321     status_t res;
    322     int width, height;
    323     uint32_t org_fmt;
    325     /* Collect frame info for the picture. */
    326     mParameters.getPictureSize(&width, &height);
    327     const char* pix_fmt = mParameters.getPictureFormat();
    328     if (strcmp(pix_fmt, CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV420P) == 0) {
    329         org_fmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420;
    330     } else if (strcmp(pix_fmt, CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA8888) == 0) {
    331         org_fmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB32;
    332     } else if (strcmp(pix_fmt, CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV420SP) == 0) {
    333         org_fmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV21;
    334     } else if (strcmp(pix_fmt, CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_JPEG) == 0) {
    335         /* We only have JPEG converted for NV21 format. */
    336         org_fmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV21;
    337     } else {
    338         LOGE("%s: Unsupported pixel format %s", __FUNCTION__, pix_fmt);
    339         return EINVAL;
    340     }
    341     /* Get JPEG quality. */
    342     int jpeg_quality = mParameters.getInt(CameraParameters::KEY_JPEG_QUALITY);
    343     if (jpeg_quality <= 0) {
    344         jpeg_quality = 90;  /* Fall back to default. */
    345     }
    347     /*
    348      * Make sure preview is not running, and device is stopped before taking
    349      * picture.
    350      */
    352     const bool preview_on = mPreviewWindow.isPreviewEnabled();
    353     if (preview_on) {
    354         doStopPreview();
    355     }
    357     /* Camera device should have been stopped when the shutter message has been
    358      * enabled. */
    359     EmulatedCameraDevice* const camera_dev = getCameraDevice();
    360     if (camera_dev->isStarted()) {
    361         LOGW("%s: Camera device is started", __FUNCTION__);
    362         camera_dev->stopDeliveringFrames();
    363         camera_dev->stopDevice();
    364     }
    366     /*
    367      * Take the picture now.
    368      */
    370     /* Start camera device for the picture frame. */
    371     LOGD("Starting camera for picture: %.4s(%s)[%dx%d]",
    372          reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&org_fmt), pix_fmt, width, height);
    373     res = camera_dev->startDevice(width, height, org_fmt);
    374     if (res != NO_ERROR) {
    375         if (preview_on) {
    376             doStartPreview();
    377         }
    378         return res;
    379     }
    381     /* Deliver one frame only. */
    382     mCallbackNotifier.setJpegQuality(jpeg_quality);
    383     mCallbackNotifier.setTakingPicture(true);
    384     res = camera_dev->startDeliveringFrames(true);
    385     if (res != NO_ERROR) {
    386         mCallbackNotifier.setTakingPicture(false);
    387         if (preview_on) {
    388             doStartPreview();
    389         }
    390     }
    391     return res;
    392 }
    394 status_t EmulatedCamera::cancelPicture()
    395 {
    396     LOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__);
    398     return NO_ERROR;
    399 }
    401 status_t EmulatedCamera::setParameters(const char* parms)
    402 {
    403     LOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__);
    404     PrintParamDiff(mParameters, parms);
    406     CameraParameters new_param;
    407     String8 str8_param(parms);
    408     new_param.unflatten(str8_param);
    409     mParameters = new_param;
    411     return NO_ERROR;
    412 }
    414 /* A dumb variable indicating "no params" / error on the exit from
    415  * EmulatedCamera::getParameters(). */
    416 static char lNoParam = '\0';
    417 char* EmulatedCamera::getParameters()
    418 {
    419     String8 params(mParameters.flatten());
    420     char* ret_str =
    421         reinterpret_cast<char*>(malloc(sizeof(char) * (params.length()+1)));
    422     memset(ret_str, 0, params.length()+1);
    423     if (ret_str != NULL) {
    424         strncpy(ret_str, params.string(), params.length()+1);
    425         return ret_str;
    426     } else {
    427         LOGE("%s: Unable to allocate string for %s", __FUNCTION__, params.string());
    428         /* Apparently, we can't return NULL fron this routine. */
    429         return &lNoParam;
    430     }
    431 }
    433 void EmulatedCamera::putParameters(char* params)
    434 {
    435     /* This method simply frees parameters allocated in getParameters(). */
    436     if (params != NULL && params != &lNoParam) {
    437         free(params);
    438     }
    439 }
    441 status_t EmulatedCamera::sendCommand(int32_t cmd, int32_t arg1, int32_t arg2)
    442 {
    443     LOGV("%s: cmd = %d, arg1 = %d, arg2 = %d", __FUNCTION__, cmd, arg1, arg2);
    445     /* TODO: Future enhancements. */
    446     return 0;
    447 }
    449 void EmulatedCamera::releaseCamera()
    450 {
    451     LOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__);
    453     cleanupCamera();
    454 }
    456 status_t EmulatedCamera::dumpCamera(int fd)
    457 {
    458     LOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__);
    460     /* TODO: Future enhancements. */
    461     return -EINVAL;
    462 }
    464 /****************************************************************************
    465  * Preview management.
    466  ***************************************************************************/
    468 status_t EmulatedCamera::doStartPreview()
    469 {
    470     LOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__);
    472     EmulatedCameraDevice* camera_dev = getCameraDevice();
    473     if (camera_dev->isStarted()) {
    474         camera_dev->stopDeliveringFrames();
    475         camera_dev->stopDevice();
    476     }
    478     status_t res = mPreviewWindow.startPreview();
    479     if (res != NO_ERROR) {
    480         return res;
    481     }
    483     /* Make sure camera device is connected. */
    484     if (!camera_dev->isConnected()) {
    485         res = camera_dev->connectDevice();
    486         if (res != NO_ERROR) {
    487             mPreviewWindow.stopPreview();
    488             return res;
    489         }
    490     }
    492     int width, height;
    493     /* Lets see what should we use for frame width, and height. */
    494     if (mParameters.get(CameraParameters::KEY_VIDEO_SIZE) != NULL) {
    495         mParameters.getVideoSize(&width, &height);
    496     } else {
    497         mParameters.getPreviewSize(&width, &height);
    498     }
    499     /* Lets see what should we use for the frame pixel format. Note that there
    500      * are two parameters that define pixel formats for frames sent to the
    501      * application via notification callbacks:
    502      * - KEY_VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT, that is used when recording video, and
    503      * - KEY_PREVIEW_FORMAT, that is used for preview frame notification.
    504      * We choose one or the other, depending on "recording-hint" property set by
    505      * the framework that indicating intention: video, or preview. */
    506     const char* pix_fmt = NULL;
    507     const char* is_video = mParameters.get(EmulatedCamera::RECORDING_HINT_KEY);
    508     if (is_video == NULL) {
    509         is_video = CameraParameters::FALSE;
    510     }
    511     if (strcmp(is_video, CameraParameters::TRUE) == 0) {
    512         /* Video recording is requested. Lets see if video frame format is set. */
    513         pix_fmt = mParameters.get(CameraParameters::KEY_VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT);
    514     }
    515     /* If this was not video recording, or video frame format is not set, lets
    516      * use preview pixel format for the main framebuffer. */
    517     if (pix_fmt == NULL) {
    518         pix_fmt = mParameters.getPreviewFormat();
    519     }
    520     if (pix_fmt == NULL) {
    521         LOGE("%s: Unable to obtain video format", __FUNCTION__);
    522         mPreviewWindow.stopPreview();
    523         return EINVAL;
    524     }
    526     /* Convert framework's pixel format to the FOURCC one. */
    527     uint32_t org_fmt;
    528     if (strcmp(pix_fmt, CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV420P) == 0) {
    529         org_fmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420;
    530     } else if (strcmp(pix_fmt, CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA8888) == 0) {
    531         org_fmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB32;
    532     } else if (strcmp(pix_fmt, CameraParameters::PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV420SP) == 0) {
    533         org_fmt = V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV21;
    534     } else {
    535         LOGE("%s: Unsupported pixel format %s", __FUNCTION__, pix_fmt);
    536         mPreviewWindow.stopPreview();
    537         return EINVAL;
    538     }
    539     LOGD("Starting camera: %dx%d -> %.4s(%s)",
    540          width, height, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&org_fmt), pix_fmt);
    541     res = camera_dev->startDevice(width, height, org_fmt);
    542     if (res != NO_ERROR) {
    543         mPreviewWindow.stopPreview();
    544         return res;
    545     }
    547     res = camera_dev->startDeliveringFrames(false);
    548     if (res != NO_ERROR) {
    549         camera_dev->stopDevice();
    550         mPreviewWindow.stopPreview();
    551     }
    553     return res;
    554 }
    556 status_t EmulatedCamera::doStopPreview()
    557 {
    558     LOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__);
    560     status_t res = NO_ERROR;
    561     if (mPreviewWindow.isPreviewEnabled()) {
    562         /* Stop the camera. */
    563         if (getCameraDevice()->isStarted()) {
    564             getCameraDevice()->stopDeliveringFrames();
    565             res = getCameraDevice()->stopDevice();
    566         }
    568         if (res == NO_ERROR) {
    569             /* Disable preview as well. */
    570             mPreviewWindow.stopPreview();
    571         }
    572     }
    574     return NO_ERROR;
    575 }
    577 /****************************************************************************
    578  * Private API.
    579  ***************************************************************************/
    581 status_t EmulatedCamera::cleanupCamera()
    582 {
    583     status_t res = NO_ERROR;
    585     /* If preview is running - stop it. */
    586     res = doStopPreview();
    587     if (res != NO_ERROR) {
    588         return -res;
    589     }
    591     /* Stop and disconnect the camera device. */
    592     EmulatedCameraDevice* const camera_dev = getCameraDevice();
    593     if (camera_dev != NULL) {
    594         if (camera_dev->isStarted()) {
    595             camera_dev->stopDeliveringFrames();
    596             res = camera_dev->stopDevice();
    597             if (res != NO_ERROR) {
    598                 return -res;
    599             }
    600         }
    601         if (camera_dev->isConnected()) {
    602             res = camera_dev->disconnectDevice();
    603             if (res != NO_ERROR) {
    604                 return -res;
    605             }
    606         }
    607     }
    609     mCallbackNotifier.cleanupCBNotifier();
    611     return NO_ERROR;
    612 }
    614 /****************************************************************************
    615  * Camera API callbacks as defined by camera_device_ops structure.
    616  *
    617  * Callbacks here simply dispatch the calls to an appropriate method inside
    618  * EmulatedCamera instance, defined by the 'dev' parameter.
    619  ***************************************************************************/
    621 int EmulatedCamera::set_preview_window(struct camera_device* dev,
    622                                        struct preview_stream_ops* window)
    623 {
    624     EmulatedCamera* ec = reinterpret_cast<EmulatedCamera*>(dev->priv);
    625     if (ec == NULL) {
    626         LOGE("%s: Unexpected NULL camera device", __FUNCTION__);
    627         return -EINVAL;
    628     }
    629     return ec->setPreviewWindow(window);
    630 }
    632 void EmulatedCamera::set_callbacks(
    633         struct camera_device* dev,
    634         camera_notify_callback notify_cb,
    635         camera_data_callback data_cb,
    636         camera_data_timestamp_callback data_cb_timestamp,
    637         camera_request_memory get_memory,
    638         void* user)
    639 {
    640     EmulatedCamera* ec = reinterpret_cast<EmulatedCamera*>(dev->priv);
    641     if (ec == NULL) {
    642         LOGE("%s: Unexpected NULL camera device", __FUNCTION__);
    643         return;
    644     }
    645     ec->setCallbacks(notify_cb, data_cb, data_cb_timestamp, get_memory, user);
    646 }
    648 void EmulatedCamera::enable_msg_type(struct camera_device* dev, int32_t msg_type)
    649 {
    650     EmulatedCamera* ec = reinterpret_cast<EmulatedCamera*>(dev->priv);
    651     if (ec == NULL) {
    652         LOGE("%s: Unexpected NULL camera device", __FUNCTION__);
    653         return;
    654     }
    655     ec->enableMsgType(msg_type);
    656 }
    658 void EmulatedCamera::disable_msg_type(struct camera_device* dev, int32_t msg_type)
    659 {
    660     EmulatedCamera* ec = reinterpret_cast<EmulatedCamera*>(dev->priv);
    661     if (ec == NULL) {
    662         LOGE("%s: Unexpected NULL camera device", __FUNCTION__);
    663         return;
    664     }
    665     ec->disableMsgType(msg_type);
    666 }
    668 int EmulatedCamera::msg_type_enabled(struct camera_device* dev, int32_t msg_type)
    669 {
    670     EmulatedCamera* ec = reinterpret_cast<EmulatedCamera*>(dev->priv);
    671     if (ec == NULL) {
    672         LOGE("%s: Unexpected NULL camera device", __FUNCTION__);
    673         return -EINVAL;
    674     }
    675     return ec->isMsgTypeEnabled(msg_type);
    676 }
    678 int EmulatedCamera::start_preview(struct camera_device* dev)
    679 {
    680     EmulatedCamera* ec = reinterpret_cast<EmulatedCamera*>(dev->priv);
    681     if (ec == NULL) {
    682         LOGE("%s: Unexpected NULL camera device", __FUNCTION__);
    683         return -EINVAL;
    684     }
    685     return ec->startPreview();
    686 }
    688 void EmulatedCamera::stop_preview(struct camera_device* dev)
    689 {
    690     EmulatedCamera* ec = reinterpret_cast<EmulatedCamera*>(dev->priv);
    691     if (ec == NULL) {
    692         LOGE("%s: Unexpected NULL camera device", __FUNCTION__);
    693         return;
    694     }
    695     ec->stopPreview();
    696 }
    698 int EmulatedCamera::preview_enabled(struct camera_device* dev)
    699 {
    700     EmulatedCamera* ec = reinterpret_cast<EmulatedCamera*>(dev->priv);
    701     if (ec == NULL) {
    702         LOGE("%s: Unexpected NULL camera device", __FUNCTION__);
    703         return -EINVAL;
    704     }
    705     return ec->isPreviewEnabled();
    706 }
    708 int EmulatedCamera::store_meta_data_in_buffers(struct camera_device* dev,
    709                                                int enable)
    710 {
    711     EmulatedCamera* ec = reinterpret_cast<EmulatedCamera*>(dev->priv);
    712     if (ec == NULL) {
    713         LOGE("%s: Unexpected NULL camera device", __FUNCTION__);
    714         return -EINVAL;
    715     }
    716     return ec->storeMetaDataInBuffers(enable);
    717 }
    719 int EmulatedCamera::start_recording(struct camera_device* dev)
    720 {
    721     EmulatedCamera* ec = reinterpret_cast<EmulatedCamera*>(dev->priv);
    722     if (ec == NULL) {
    723         LOGE("%s: Unexpected NULL camera device", __FUNCTION__);
    724         return -EINVAL;
    725     }
    726     return ec->startRecording();
    727 }
    729 void EmulatedCamera::stop_recording(struct camera_device* dev)
    730 {
    731     EmulatedCamera* ec = reinterpret_cast<EmulatedCamera*>(dev->priv);
    732     if (ec == NULL) {
    733         LOGE("%s: Unexpected NULL camera device", __FUNCTION__);
    734         return;
    735     }
    736     ec->stopRecording();
    737 }
    739 int EmulatedCamera::recording_enabled(struct camera_device* dev)
    740 {
    741     EmulatedCamera* ec = reinterpret_cast<EmulatedCamera*>(dev->priv);
    742     if (ec == NULL) {
    743         LOGE("%s: Unexpected NULL camera device", __FUNCTION__);
    744         return -EINVAL;
    745     }
    746     return ec->isRecordingEnabled();
    747 }
    749 void EmulatedCamera::release_recording_frame(struct camera_device* dev,
    750                                              const void* opaque)
    751 {
    752     EmulatedCamera* ec = reinterpret_cast<EmulatedCamera*>(dev->priv);
    753     if (ec == NULL) {
    754         LOGE("%s: Unexpected NULL camera device", __FUNCTION__);
    755         return;
    756     }
    757     ec->releaseRecordingFrame(opaque);
    758 }
    760 int EmulatedCamera::auto_focus(struct camera_device* dev)
    761 {
    762     EmulatedCamera* ec = reinterpret_cast<EmulatedCamera*>(dev->priv);
    763     if (ec == NULL) {
    764         LOGE("%s: Unexpected NULL camera device", __FUNCTION__);
    765         return -EINVAL;
    766     }
    767     return ec->setAutoFocus();
    768 }
    770 int EmulatedCamera::cancel_auto_focus(struct camera_device* dev)
    771 {
    772     EmulatedCamera* ec = reinterpret_cast<EmulatedCamera*>(dev->priv);
    773     if (ec == NULL) {
    774         LOGE("%s: Unexpected NULL camera device", __FUNCTION__);
    775         return -EINVAL;
    776     }
    777     return ec->cancelAutoFocus();
    778 }
    780 int EmulatedCamera::take_picture(struct camera_device* dev)
    781 {
    782     EmulatedCamera* ec = reinterpret_cast<EmulatedCamera*>(dev->priv);
    783     if (ec == NULL) {
    784         LOGE("%s: Unexpected NULL camera device", __FUNCTION__);
    785         return -EINVAL;
    786     }
    787     return ec->takePicture();
    788 }
    790 int EmulatedCamera::cancel_picture(struct camera_device* dev)
    791 {
    792     EmulatedCamera* ec = reinterpret_cast<EmulatedCamera*>(dev->priv);
    793     if (ec == NULL) {
    794         LOGE("%s: Unexpected NULL camera device", __FUNCTION__);
    795         return -EINVAL;
    796     }
    797     return ec->cancelPicture();
    798 }
    800 int EmulatedCamera::set_parameters(struct camera_device* dev, const char* parms)
    801 {
    802     EmulatedCamera* ec = reinterpret_cast<EmulatedCamera*>(dev->priv);
    803     if (ec == NULL) {
    804         LOGE("%s: Unexpected NULL camera device", __FUNCTION__);
    805         return -EINVAL;
    806     }
    807     return ec->setParameters(parms);
    808 }
    810 char* EmulatedCamera::get_parameters(struct camera_device* dev)
    811 {
    812     EmulatedCamera* ec = reinterpret_cast<EmulatedCamera*>(dev->priv);
    813     if (ec == NULL) {
    814         LOGE("%s: Unexpected NULL camera device", __FUNCTION__);
    815         return NULL;
    816     }
    817     return ec->getParameters();
    818 }
    820 void EmulatedCamera::put_parameters(struct camera_device* dev, char* params)
    821 {
    822     EmulatedCamera* ec = reinterpret_cast<EmulatedCamera*>(dev->priv);
    823     if (ec == NULL) {
    824         LOGE("%s: Unexpected NULL camera device", __FUNCTION__);
    825         return;
    826     }
    827     ec->putParameters(params);
    828 }
    830 int EmulatedCamera::send_command(struct camera_device* dev,
    831                                  int32_t cmd,
    832                                  int32_t arg1,
    833                                  int32_t arg2)
    834 {
    835     EmulatedCamera* ec = reinterpret_cast<EmulatedCamera*>(dev->priv);
    836     if (ec == NULL) {
    837         LOGE("%s: Unexpected NULL camera device", __FUNCTION__);
    838         return -EINVAL;
    839     }
    840     return ec->sendCommand(cmd, arg1, arg2);
    841 }
    843 void EmulatedCamera::release(struct camera_device* dev)
    844 {
    845     EmulatedCamera* ec = reinterpret_cast<EmulatedCamera*>(dev->priv);
    846     if (ec == NULL) {
    847         LOGE("%s: Unexpected NULL camera device", __FUNCTION__);
    848         return;
    849     }
    850     ec->releaseCamera();
    851 }
    853 int EmulatedCamera::dump(struct camera_device* dev, int fd)
    854 {
    855     EmulatedCamera* ec = reinterpret_cast<EmulatedCamera*>(dev->priv);
    856     if (ec == NULL) {
    857         LOGE("%s: Unexpected NULL camera device", __FUNCTION__);
    858         return -EINVAL;
    859     }
    860     return ec->dumpCamera(fd);
    861 }
    863 int EmulatedCamera::close(struct hw_device_t* device)
    864 {
    865     EmulatedCamera* ec =
    866         reinterpret_cast<EmulatedCamera*>(reinterpret_cast<struct camera_device*>(device)->priv);
    867     if (ec == NULL) {
    868         LOGE("%s: Unexpected NULL camera device", __FUNCTION__);
    869         return -EINVAL;
    870     }
    871     return ec->closeCamera();
    872 }
    874 /****************************************************************************
    875  * Static initializer for the camera callback API
    876  ****************************************************************************/
    878 camera_device_ops_t EmulatedCamera::mDeviceOps = {
    879     EmulatedCamera::set_preview_window,
    880     EmulatedCamera::set_callbacks,
    881     EmulatedCamera::enable_msg_type,
    882     EmulatedCamera::disable_msg_type,
    883     EmulatedCamera::msg_type_enabled,
    884     EmulatedCamera::start_preview,
    885     EmulatedCamera::stop_preview,
    886     EmulatedCamera::preview_enabled,
    887     EmulatedCamera::store_meta_data_in_buffers,
    888     EmulatedCamera::start_recording,
    889     EmulatedCamera::stop_recording,
    890     EmulatedCamera::recording_enabled,
    891     EmulatedCamera::release_recording_frame,
    892     EmulatedCamera::auto_focus,
    893     EmulatedCamera::cancel_auto_focus,
    894     EmulatedCamera::take_picture,
    895     EmulatedCamera::cancel_picture,
    896     EmulatedCamera::set_parameters,
    897     EmulatedCamera::get_parameters,
    898     EmulatedCamera::put_parameters,
    899     EmulatedCamera::send_command,
    900     EmulatedCamera::release,
    901     EmulatedCamera::dump
    902 };
    904 /****************************************************************************
    905  * Common keys
    906  ***************************************************************************/
    908 const char EmulatedCamera::FACING_KEY[]         = "prop-facing";
    909 const char EmulatedCamera::ORIENTATION_KEY[]    = "prop-orientation";
    910 const char EmulatedCamera::RECORDING_HINT_KEY[] = "recording-hint";
    912 /****************************************************************************
    913  * Common string values
    914  ***************************************************************************/
    916 const char EmulatedCamera::FACING_BACK[]      = "back";
    917 const char EmulatedCamera::FACING_FRONT[]     = "front";
    919 /****************************************************************************
    920  * Helper routines
    921  ***************************************************************************/
    923 static char* AddValue(const char* param, const char* val)
    924 {
    925     const size_t len1 = strlen(param);
    926     const size_t len2 = strlen(val);
    927     char* ret = reinterpret_cast<char*>(malloc(len1 + len2 + 2));
    928     LOGE_IF(ret == NULL, "%s: Memory failure", __FUNCTION__);
    929     if (ret != NULL) {
    930         memcpy(ret, param, len1);
    931         ret[len1] = ',';
    932         memcpy(ret + len1 + 1, val, len2);
    933         ret[len1 + len2 + 1] = '\0';
    934     }
    935     return ret;
    936 }
    938 /****************************************************************************
    939  * Parameter debugging helpers
    940  ***************************************************************************/
    942 #if DEBUG_PARAM
    943 static void PrintParamDiff(const CameraParameters& current,
    944                             const char* new_par)
    945 {
    946     char tmp[2048];
    947     const char* wrk = new_par;
    949     /* Divided with ';' */
    950     const char* next = strchr(wrk, ';');
    951     while (next != NULL) {
    952         snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%.*s", next-wrk, wrk);
    953         /* in the form key=value */
    954         char* val = strchr(tmp, '=');
    955         if (val != NULL) {
    956             *val = '\0'; val++;
    957             const char* in_current = current.get(tmp);
    958             if (in_current != NULL) {
    959                 if (strcmp(in_current, val)) {
    960                     LOGD("=== Value changed: %s: %s -> %s", tmp, in_current, val);
    961                 }
    962             } else {
    963                 LOGD("+++ New parameter: %s=%s", tmp, val);
    964             }
    965         } else {
    966             LOGW("No value separator in %s", tmp);
    967         }
    968         wrk = next + 1;
    969         next = strchr(wrk, ';');
    970     }
    971 }
    972 #endif  /* DEBUG_PARAM */
    974 }; /* namespace android */