/packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/applications/ |
InstalledAppDetailsTop.java | 1 package com.android.settings.applications;
InterestingConfigChanges.java | 17 package com.android.settings.applications;
/hardware/ril/mock-ril/src/cpp/ |
responses.cpp | 149 cardStatus.applications[i].app_type = RIL_AppType(r.applications(i).app_type()); 150 cardStatus.applications[i].app_state = RIL_AppState(r.applications(i).app_state()); 151 cardStatus.applications[i].perso_substate = 152 RIL_PersoSubstate(r.applications(i).perso_substate()); 153 cardStatus.applications[i].aid_ptr = const_cast<char *>(r.applications(i).aid().c_str()); 154 cardStatus.applications[i].app_label_ptr = 155 const_cast<char *>(r.applications(i).app_label().c_str()) [all...] |
/packages/providers/ApplicationsProvider/tests/src/com/android/providers/applications/ |
MockActivityManager.java | 16 package com.android.providers.applications;
ApplicationsProviderForTesting.java | 17 package com.android.providers.applications;
MockPackageManager.java | 19 package com.android.providers.applications; 42 * ApplicationsProvider uses this method to query the list of applications.
/development/samples/Home/src/com/example/android/home/ |
ApplicationsStackLayout.java | 240 private int stackApplications(List<ApplicationInfo> applications, int childLeft, int childTop) { 249 final int count = applications.size(); 251 final ApplicationInfo info = applications.get(i); 320 * @param applications the applications to put in the favorites area 322 public void setFavorites(List<ApplicationInfo> applications) { 323 mFavorites = applications; 330 * @param applications the applications to put in the recents area 332 public void setRecents(List<ApplicationInfo> applications) { [all...] |
/hardware/ril/mock-ril/src/js/ |
simulated_icc.js | 46 this.applications = new Array(CARD_MAX_APPS); 52 this.applications[i] = app; 58 this.applications[this.gsmUmtsSubscriptionAppIndex] = gsmApp;
/ndk/build/core/ |
default-application.mk | 16 # This is the default Application.mk that is being used for applications
main.mk | 68 You can also add new applications by writing an Application.mk file.) 78 APP variable defined to unknown applications: $(_bad_apps))
/system/media/mca/filterfw/ |
Android.mk | 46 # it's difficult to do this for applications that are not supplied as
/packages/providers/ApplicationsProvider/src/com/android/providers/applications/ |
ApplicationsAdapter.java | 17 package com.android.providers.applications; 22 import android.provider.Applications; 43 Uri iconUri = getColumnUri(cursor, Applications.ApplicationColumns.ICON); 44 String name = getColumnString(cursor, Applications.ApplicationColumns.NAME);
ApplicationLauncher.java | 17 package com.android.providers.applications; 27 import android.provider.Applications; 63 mCursor = Applications.search(getContentResolver(), query); 84 Uri uri = ApplicationsAdapter.getColumnUri(mCursor, Applications.ApplicationColumns.URI); 89 ComponentName componentName = Applications.uriToComponentName(uri);
/sdk/files/ |
android.el | 23 "Android Applications." 24 :group 'applications)
/external/bluetooth/bluez/health/ |
hdp.c | 54 static GSList *applications = NULL; variable 268 GSList *l = g_slist_find_custom(applications, &id, cmp_app_id); 339 applications = g_slist_remove(applications, app); 378 applications = g_slist_prepend(applications, app); 401 l = g_slist_find_custom(applications, path, cmp_app); 410 applications = g_slist_remove(applications, app); 419 g_slist_foreach(applications, (GFunc) hdp_application_unref, NULL) [all...] |
/external/chromium/sdch/open-vcdiff/packages/rpm/ |
rpm.spec | 30 for developing applications that use the %name package.
/external/mesa3d/docs/ |
MESA_resize_buffers.spec | 38 since most applications call glViewport in responce to window size
MESA_drm_image.spec | 36 lets applications create EGLImages without a client API resource and
/system/media/mca/filterfw/jni/ |
Android.mk | 46 # it's difficult to do this for applications that are not supplied as
/frameworks/base/docs/html/resources/ |
resources-data.js | 62 en: 'The Android platform strives to ensure backwards compatibility. However, sometimes you want to use new features which aren\'t supported on older platforms. This article discusses strategies for selectively using these features based on availability, allowing you to keep your applications portable across a wide range of devices.' 72 en: 'Android offers a very powerful and yet easy-to-use message type called an intent. You can use intents to turn applications into high-level libraries and make code modular and reusable. While it is nice to be able to make use of a loosely coupled API, there is no guarantee that the intent you send will be received by another application. This article describes a technique you can use to find out whether the system contains any application capable of responding to the intent you want to use.' 92 en: 'Drawables are pluggable drawing containers that allow applications to display graphics. This article explains some common pitfalls when trying to modify the properties of multiple Drawables.' 102 en: 'When an Android device changes its orientation, the default behavior is to automatically restart the current activity with a new configuration. However, this can become a bottleneck in applications that access a large amount of external data. This article discusses how to gracefully handle this situation without resorting to manually processing configuration changes.' 112 en: 'A collection of common sense advice to help you ensure that your applications don\'t break when new versions of the Android platform are released.' 222 en: 'The Input Method Framework (IMF) allows users to take advantage of on-screen input methods, such as software keyboards. This article provides an overview of Input Method Editors (IMEs) and how applications interact with them.' 232 en: 'This article discusses the threading model used by Android applications and how applications can ensure best UI performance by spawning worker threads to handle long-running operations, rather than handling them in the main thread. The article also explains the API that your application can use to interact with Android UI toolkit components running on the main thread and spawn managed worker threads.' 252 en: 'This articles describes the basics of integrating speech recognition into Android applications.' 372 en: 'Some Android applications need to squeeze every bit of performance out of the UI toolkit and there are many ways to do so. I (…) [all...] |
/external/iproute2/doc/ |
api-ip6-flowlabels.tex | 45 any applications of this feature, but it is possible that receiver will 113 Certainly, it is not solution but rather attempt to force applications 121 Some applications also did not take care about it. 124 Following RFC2553 such applications can be considered as broken, 136 assuming that common applications are not obliged to initialize it 256 still have no serious applications it is not useful to work on more 329 unprivileged user to set timeout longer than 60 sec. Proviledged applications 397 \item \verb|Users| is number of applications using the label now.
/sdk/eclipse/plugins/com.android.ide.eclipse.adt/src/com/android/ide/eclipse/adt/internal/editors/manifest/ |
ManifestInfo.java | 207 NodeList applications = root.getElementsByTagName(AndroidManifest.NODE_APPLICATION); local 208 if (applications.getLength() > 0) { 209 assert applications.getLength() == 1; 210 Element application = (Element) applications.item(0);
/development/ide/xcode/ports/ |
skia_mac.cp | 27 // since different applications share this library, they only have in common:
/hardware/ril/include/telephony/ |
ril.h | 518 RIL_AppStatus applications[RIL_CARD_MAX_APPS]; member in struct:__anon16193 529 RIL_AppStatus applications[RIL_CARD_MAX_APPS]; member in struct:__anon16194 [all...] |
/build/tools/droiddoc/templates-sdk/ |
sdkpage.cs | 79 native code, your applications are still packaged into an .apk file and they still run 216 Android 3.0 release, to give you a head-start on developing applications for it.