/bionic/libc/stdio/ |
asprintf.c | 1 /* $OpenBSD: asprintf.c,v 1.15 2005/10/10 12:00:52 espie Exp $ */ 27 asprintf(char **str, const char *fmt, ...) function
/system/netd/ |
SoftapController.cpp | 295 asprintf(&wbuf, "interface=%s\ndriver=nl80211\nctrl_interface=" 301 asprintf(&fbuf, "%swpa=1\nwpa_pairwise=TKIP CCMP\nwpa_psk=%s\n", wbuf, psk_str); 304 asprintf(&fbuf, "%swpa=2\nrsn_pairwise=CCMP\nwpa_psk=%s\n", wbuf, psk_str); 306 asprintf(&fbuf, "%s", wbuf); 309 asprintf(&fbuf, "%s", wbuf); 469 asprintf(retbuf, "Softap clients:%s", mBuf);
ndc.c | 64 asprintf(&cmp, "%s%s", argv[i], (i == (argc -1)) ? "" : " "); 66 asprintf(&cmp, "\"%s\"%s", argv[i], (i == (argc -1)) ? "" : " ");
CommandListener.cpp | 137 asprintf(&msg, "%lu", rx); 155 asprintf(&msg, "%lu", tx); 179 asprintf(&msg, "%u", val); 265 asprintf(&flag_s, "[%s%s%s%s%s%s]", updown, brdcst, loopbk, ppp, running, multi); 268 asprintf(&msg, "%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x %s %d %s", 375 asprintf(&tmp, "/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/%s/use_tempaddr", argv[2]); 396 asprintf(&tmp, "/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/%s/disable_ipv6", argv[2]); 450 asprintf(&tmp, "Forwarding %s", (sTetherCtrl->getIpFwdEnabled() ? "enabled" : "disabled")); 490 asprintf(&tmp, "Tethering services %s", 679 asprintf(&tmp, "Pan services %s" [all...] |
BandwidthController.cpp | 273 asprintf(&buff, "%s penalty_box -m owner --uid-owner %d", opFlag, uid); 352 asprintf(&buff, "%s costly_%s -m quota2 ! --quota %lld --name %s", opFlag, costName, quota, 609 asprintf(&fname, "/proc/net/xt_quota/%s", costName); 659 asprintf(&fname, "/proc/net/xt_quota/%s", quotaName); 691 asprintf(&alertQuotaCmd, ALERT_IPT_TEMPLATE, ifaceLimiting, opFlag, "INPUT", 696 asprintf(&alertQuotaCmd, ALERT_IPT_TEMPLATE, ifaceLimiting, opFlag, "OUTPUT", 723 asprintf(&alertQuotaCmd, ALERT_IPT_TEMPLATE, ifaceLimiting, opFlag, "FORWARD", 875 asprintf(&alertName, "%sAlert", costName); 879 asprintf(&chainNameAndPos, "costly_%s %d", costName, ALERT_RULE_POS_IN_COSTLY_CHAIN); 880 asprintf(&alertQuotaCmd, ALERT_IPT_TEMPLATE, "-I", chainNameAndPos, bytes, alertName [all...] |
NatController.cpp | 54 asprintf(&buffer, "%s %s", IPTABLES_PATH, cmd);
PppController.cpp | 89 asprintf(&lr, "%s:%s", l, r);
ThrottleController.cpp | 55 asprintf(&buffer, "%s %s", TC_PATH, cmd);
/external/qemu/ |
osdep.c | 189 int asprintf( char **, char *, ... ); 201 int asprintf( char **sptr, char *fmt, ... ) function
/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/i686-linux-glibc2.7-4.4.3/sysroot/usr/include/bits/ |
stdio-ldbl.h | 71 __LDBL_REDIR_DECL (asprintf)
/system/core/nexus/ |
nexctl.c | 64 asprintf(&cmp, "%s%s", argv[i], (i == (argc -1)) ? "" : " "); 66 asprintf(&cmp, "\"%s\"%s", argv[i], (i == (argc -1)) ? "" : " ");
CommandListener.cpp | 161 asprintf(&tmp, "%s %s", argv[1], val); 220 if (asprintf(&buf, "%s %s", (*it), p_v) < 0) {
/system/vold/ |
vdc.c | 66 asprintf(&cmp, "%s%s", argv[i], (i == (argc -1)) ? "" : " "); 68 asprintf(&cmp, "\"%s\"%s", argv[i], (i == (argc -1)) ? "" : " ");
Fat.cpp | 138 asprintf(&lost_path, "%s/LOST.DIR", mountPoint);
/cts/tests/tests/jni/libjnitest/ |
helper.c | 66 asprintf(&newResult, "%s%s: %s\n",
/external/valgrind/main/coregrind/ |
launcher-darwin.c | 267 asprintf(&newclient, "%s/Contents/MacOS/%s", clientname, appname); 287 asprintf(&vgpreload_core, "%s/vgpreload_core-%s-darwin.so", valgrind_lib, valid_archs[i].valgrind_name); 371 asprintf(&new_line, VALGRIND_LAUNCHER "=%s", launcher_name); 374 asprintf(&set_cwd, "VALGRIND_STARTUP_PWD_%u_XYZZY=%s", getppid(), cwd); 410 asprintf(&toolfile, "%s/%s-%s-darwin", valgrind_lib, toolname, arch);
/system/core/init/ |
devices.c | 361 if (asprintf(&links[link_num], "/dev/usb/%s%.*s", uevent->subsystem, width, parent) > 0) 411 if (asprintf(&links[link_num], "%s/by-name/%s", link_path, p) > 0) 419 if (asprintf(&links[link_num], "%s/by-num/p%d", link_path, uevent->partition_num) > 0) 426 if (asprintf(&links[link_num], "%s/%s", link_path, slash + 1) > 0) 658 l = asprintf(&root, SYSFS_PREFIX"%s/", uevent->path); 662 l = asprintf(&loading, "%sloading", root); 666 l = asprintf(&data, "%sdata", root); 670 l = asprintf(&file1, FIRMWARE_DIR1"/%s", uevent->firmware); 674 l = asprintf(&file2, FIRMWARE_DIR2"/%s", uevent->firmware);
ueventd.c | 140 asprintf(&tmp, "/dev/mtd/mtd%d", n);
/hardware/ril/reference-ril/ |
reference-ril.c | 670 asprintf(&cmd, "ATD%s%s;", p_dial->address, clir); 692 asprintf(&cmd, "AT+CMGW=%d,%d", length, p_args->status); 718 asprintf(&cmd, "AT+CHLD=1%d", p_line[0]); 883 asprintf(&responseStr[0], "%d", response[0]); 884 asprintf(&responseStr[1], "%x", response[1]); 885 asprintf(&responseStr[2], "%x", response[2]); 888 asprintf(&responseStr[3], "%d", response[3]); 991 asprintf(&cmd1, "AT+CMGS=%d", tpLayerLength); 992 asprintf(&cmd2, "%s%s", smsc, pdu); 1042 asprintf(&cmd, "up:%s", apn) [all...] |
/development/ndk/samples/hello-neon/jni/ |
helloneon.c | 109 asprintf(&str, "FIR Filter benchmark:\nC version : %g ms\n", time_c); 143 asprintf(&str, "%g ms (x%g faster)\n", time_neon, time_c / (time_neon < 1e-6 ? 1. : time_neon));
/external/clang/test/Sema/ |
format-strings.c | 11 int asprintf(char **, const char *, ...); 29 asprintf(&b,s); // expected-warning {{format string is not a string lit}} 206 // Verify that we are checking asprintf 207 asprintf(&b, "%d", "asprintf"); // expected-warning{{conversion specifies type 'int' but the argument has type 'char *'}}
/external/e2fsprogs/intl/ |
libgnuintl.h | 329 #undef asprintf macro 330 #define asprintf libintl_asprintf macro 331 extern int asprintf (char **, const char *, ...);
libgnuintl.h.in | 329 #undef asprintf 330 #define asprintf libintl_asprintf 331 extern int asprintf (char **, const char *, ...);
/development/tools/emulator/opengl/system/egl/ |
eglDisplay.cpp | 324 asprintf(&str,"%s%s", systemStaticEGLExtensions, hostExt); 347 asprintf(&m_versionString, "%d.%d", m_major, m_minor); 363 asprintf(&m_vendorString, "%s Host: %s",
/system/core/libsysutils/src/ |
NetlinkEvent.cpp | 126 asprintf(&mParams[0], "ALERT_NAME=%s", pm->prefix); 127 asprintf(&mParams[1], "INTERFACE=%s", devname);