/cts/tests/tests/app/src/android/app/cts/ |
ActivityGroupTest.java | 43 notes = "", 49 notes = "", 55 notes = "", 61 notes = "", 67 notes = "", 73 notes = "", 79 notes = "", 85 notes = "", 91 notes = "", 97 notes = "" [all...] |
AlertDialogTest.java | 68 notes = "", 74 notes = "", 80 notes = "", 86 notes = "", 92 notes = "", 98 notes = "", 104 notes = "", 110 notes = "", 155 notes = "", 161 notes = "" [all...] |
KeyguardManagerKeyguardLockTest.java | 31 notes = "There is no method to enable the key guard in the emulator", 40 notes = "There is no method to enable the key guard in the emulator",
KeyguardManagerTest.java | 39 notes = "Test newKeyguardLock", 53 notes = "There is no method to enable the key guard in the emulator", 62 notes = "There is no method to enable the key guard in the emulator",
/cts/tests/tests/hardware/src/android/hardware/cts/ |
Camera_ParametersTest.java | 32 notes = "tested indirectly", 38 notes = "tested indirectly", 44 notes = "tested indirectly", 50 notes = "tested indirectly", 56 notes = "", 62 notes = "", 68 notes = "", 74 notes = "", 80 notes = "", 86 notes = "" [all...] |
/cts/tests/tests/net/src/android/net/cts/ |
LocalSocketTest.java | 40 notes = "test core functions of LocalSocket", 46 notes = "test core functions of LocalSocket", 52 notes = "test core functions of LocalSocket", 58 notes = "test core functions of LocalSocket", 64 notes = "test core functions of LocalSocket", 70 notes = "test core functions of LocalSocket", 76 notes = "test core functions of LocalSocket", 82 notes = "test core functions of LocalSocket", 88 notes = "test core functions of LocalSocket", 94 notes = "test core functions of LocalSocket" [all...] |
Uri_BuilderTest.java | 32 notes = "Test Builder operations.", 38 notes = "Test Builder operations.", 44 notes = "Test Builder operations.", 50 notes = "Test Builder operations.", 56 notes = "Test Builder operations.", 62 notes = "Test Builder operations.", 68 notes = "Test Builder operations.", 74 notes = "Test Builder operations.", 80 notes = "Test Builder operations.", 86 notes = "Test Builder operations." [all...] |
UriTest.java | 34 notes = "Test write to and read frome parcel.", 65 notes = "Test buildUpon", 98 notes = "Test string uri.", 104 notes = "Test string uri.", 110 notes = "Test string uri.", 116 notes = "Test string uri.", 122 notes = "Test string uri.", 128 notes = "Test string uri.", 134 notes = "Test string uri.", 140 notes = "Test string uri." [all...] |
/cts/tests/tests/os/src/android/os/cts/ |
EnvironmentTest.java | 30 notes = "Test constructor(s) of {@link Environment}", 36 notes = "Test method: getExternalStorageState", 42 notes = "Test method: getExternalStorageDirectory", 48 notes = "Test method: getRootDirectory", 54 notes = "Test method: getDownloadCacheDirectory", 60 notes = "Test method: getDataDirectory",
HandlerThreadTest.java | 36 notes = "Test constructors", 42 notes = "Test constructors", 57 notes = "Test getThreadId, onLooperPrepared, ", 63 notes = "Test getThreadId, onLooperPrepared, ", 69 notes = "Test getThreadId, onLooperPrepared, ", 75 notes = "Test getThreadId, onLooperPrepared, ",
PowerManager_WakeLockTest.java | 35 notes = "Test method: acquire", 41 notes = "Test method: setReferenceCounted", 47 notes = "Test method: isHeld", 53 notes = "Test method: toString", 59 notes = "Test method: release", 65 notes = "Test method: acquire",
/cts/tests/tests/util/src/android/util/cts/ |
LogTest.java | 38 notes = "Test Log operations.", 44 notes = "Test Log operations.", 50 notes = "Test Log operations.", 56 notes = "Test Log operations.", 62 notes = "Test Log operations.", 68 notes = "Test Log operations.", 74 notes = "Test Log operations.", 80 notes = "Test Log operations.", 86 notes = "Test Log operations.", 92 notes = "Test Log operations." [all...] |
FloatMathTest.java | 30 notes = "Test float math related methods", 36 notes = "Test float math related methods", 42 notes = "Test float math related methods", 48 notes = "Test float math related methods", 54 notes = "Test float math related methods",
TimingLoggerTest.java | 34 notes = "test TimingLogger", 40 notes = "test TimingLogger", 46 notes = "test TimingLogger", 52 notes = "test TimingLogger", 58 notes = "test TimingLogger",
MonthDisplayHelperTest.java | 39 notes = "Test constructor(s) of MonthDisplayHelper.", 45 notes = "Test constructor(s) of MonthDisplayHelper.", 90 notes = "Test getNumberOfDaysInMonth().", 96 notes = "Test getNumberOfDaysInMonth().", 113 notes = "Test nextMonth().", 119 notes = "Test nextMonth().", 125 notes = "Test nextMonth().", 146 notes = "Test getRowOf(int day).", 152 notes = "Test getRowOf(int day).", 171 notes = "Test getWeekStartDay()." [all...] |
SparseIntArrayTest.java | 44 notes = "Test SparseIntArray with default capacity.", 50 notes = "Test SparseIntArray with default capacity.", 56 notes = "Test SparseIntArray with default capacity.", 62 notes = "Test SparseIntArray with default capacity.", 68 notes = "Test SparseIntArray with default capacity.", 74 notes = "Test SparseIntArray with default capacity.", 80 notes = "Test SparseIntArray with default capacity.", 86 notes = "Test SparseIntArray with default capacity.", 92 notes = "Test SparseIntArray with default capacity.", 98 notes = "Test SparseIntArray with default capacity." [all...] |
AndroidExceptionTest.java | 35 notes = "Test exception methods", 41 notes = "Test exception methods", 47 notes = "Test exception methods",
AndroidRuntimeExceptionTest.java | 35 notes = "Test AndroidRuntimeException", 41 notes = "Test AndroidRuntimeException", 47 notes = "Test AndroidRuntimeException",
/cts/tests/tests/database/src/android/database/sqlite/cts/ |
SQLiteClosableTest.java | 53 notes = "Test acquireReference(), releaseReference() and onAllReferencesReleased()", 59 notes = "Test acquireReference(), releaseReference() and onAllReferencesReleased()", 65 notes = "Test acquireReference(), releaseReference() and onAllReferencesReleased()", 91 notes = "Test releaseReferenceFromContainer(), onAllReferencesReleasedFromContainer()", 97 notes = "Test releaseReferenceFromContainer(), onAllReferencesReleasedFromContainer()",
/cts/tests/tests/net/src/android/net/http/cts/ |
SslCertificate_DNameTest.java | 36 notes = "Test DName.", 42 notes = "Test DName.", 48 notes = "Test DName.", 54 notes = "Test DName.", 60 notes = "Test DName.",
/cts/tests/tests/content/src/android/content/pm/cts/ |
PackageStatsTest.java | 35 notes = "Test describeContents", 41 notes = "Test constructors", 47 notes = "Test constructors", 53 notes = "Test constructors", 59 notes = "Test toString", 65 notes = "Test writeToParcel",
PermissionGroupInfoTest.java | 39 notes = "Test describeContents", 45 notes = "Test loadDescription", 51 notes = "Test constructors", 57 notes = "Test constructors", 63 notes = "Test toString", 69 notes = "Test writeToParcel",
/cts/tests/tests/text/src/android/text/style/cts/ |
UnderlineSpanTest.java | 36 notes = "Test constructor(s) of UnderlineSpan.", 42 notes = "Test constructor(s) of UnderlineSpan.", 58 notes = "Test {@link UnderlineSpan#updateDrawState(TextPaint)}", 84 notes = "Test describeContents().", 95 notes = "Test getSpanTypeId().", 106 notes = "Test writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags).",
/cts/tests/tests/content/src/android/content/cts/ |
ActivityNotFoundExceptionTest.java | 31 notes = "Test constructors of ActivityNotFoundException.", 37 notes = "Test constructors of ActivityNotFoundException.",
/cts/tests/tests/database/src/android/database/cts/ |
DataSetObserverTest.java | 30 notes = "Test onChanged, and this is an empty method.", 41 notes = "Test OnInvalidated, and this is an empty method.",