/external/qemu-pc-bios/vgabios/ |
biossums.c | 58 printf( "Error. Need a file-name as an argument.\n" ); 63 printf("Error opening %s for reading.\n", argv[1]); 69 printf("Error reading max. 65536 Bytes from %s.\n", argv[1]); 97 printf( "\nPMID entry at: 0x%4lX\n", offset ); 98 printf( "Current checksum: 0x%02X\n", cur_val ); 99 printf( "Calculated checksum: 0x%02X ", new_val ); 103 printf("Setting checksum."); 112 printf( "Multiple PMID entries! No checksum set." ); 115 printf("\n"); 145 printf("\nBios checksum at: 0x%4lX\n", offset) [all...] |
/hardware/ti/omap4xxx/ion/ |
ion_test.c | 43 printf("%s failed: %s\n", __func__, strerror(ret)); 57 printf("%s failed: %s %p\n", __func__, strerror(ret), handle); 61 printf("ion alloc test: passed\n"); 77 printf("%s failed wrote %d read %d from mapped " 107 printf("%s failed wrote %d read %d from mapped " 159 printf("share failed %s\n", strerror(errno)); 171 printf("master? [%10s] should be [master]\n", ptr); 172 printf("master sending msg 1\n"); 176 printf("master? [%10s] should be [child]\n", ptr); 180 printf("master->master? [%10s]\n", ptr) [all...] |
/external/dropbear/libtomcrypt/demos/ |
multi.c | 20 printf("Failed: %d %lu %lu\n", __LINE__, len, len2); 26 printf("Failed: %d %lu %lu\n", __LINE__, len, len2); 32 printf("Failed: %d %lu %lu\n", __LINE__, len, len2); 42 printf("Failed: %d %lu %lu\n", __LINE__, len, len2); 48 printf("Failed: %d %lu %lu\n", __LINE__, len, len2); 54 printf("Failed: %d %lu %lu\n", __LINE__, len, len2); 64 printf("Failed: %d %lu %lu\n", __LINE__, len, len2); 70 printf("Failed: %d %lu %lu\n", __LINE__, len, len2); 76 printf("Failed: %d %lu %lu\n", __LINE__, len, len2); 86 printf("Failed: %d %lu %lu\n", __LINE__, len, len2) [all...] |
/external/e2fsprogs/resize/ |
online.c | 37 printf(_("Filesystem at %s is mounted on %s; " 41 printf(_("On-line shrinking from %u to %u not supported.\n"), 55 printf("old desc_blocks = %lu, new_desc_blocks = %lu\n", 111 printf(_("Performing an on-line resize of %s to %u (%dk) blocks.\n"), 148 printf("new block bitmap is at 0x%04x\n", input.block_bitmap); 149 printf("new inode bitmap is at 0x%04x\n", input.inode_bitmap); 150 printf("new inode table is at 0x%04x-0x%04x\n", 153 printf("new group has %u blocks\n", input.blocks_count); 154 printf("new group will reserve %d blocks\n", 156 printf("new group has %d free blocks\n" [all...] |
/external/elfutils/tests/ |
saridx.c | 124 printf ("elf_begin: %s\n", elf_errmsg (-1)); 131 printf ("%s is not an archive\n", argv[1]); 150 printf ("cannot get arhdr: %s\n", elf_errmsg (-1)); 172 printf (" name : \"%s\"\n" 194 printf (" *** cannot get ELF header: %s\n", elf_errmsg (-1)); 197 printf (" binary class : %s\n", 200 printf (" data encoding: %s\n", 203 printf (" binary type : %s\n", 211 printf (" machine : %s\n", 223 printf ("error while freeing sub-ELF descriptor: %s\n" [all...] |
/external/grub/lib/ |
getopt1.c | 135 printf ("option %s", long_options[option_index].name); 137 printf (" with arg %s", optarg); 138 printf ("\n"); 152 printf ("digits occur in two different argv-elements.\n"); 154 printf ("option %c\n", c); 158 printf ("option a\n"); 162 printf ("option b\n"); 166 printf ("option c with value `%s'\n", optarg); 170 printf ("option d with value `%s'\n", optarg); 177 printf ("?? getopt returned character code 0%o ??\n", c) [all...] |
/external/iptables/extensions/ |
libxt_TPROXY.c | 43 printf( 54 printf(" TPROXY redirect %s:%u mark 0x%x/0x%x", 67 printf(" TPROXY redirect %s:%u mark 0x%x/0x%x", 80 printf(" TPROXY redirect %s:%u mark 0x%x/0x%x", 90 printf(" --on-port %u", ntohs(info->lport)); 91 printf(" --on-ip %s", 93 printf(" --tproxy-mark 0x%x/0x%x", 103 printf(" --on-port %u", ntohs(info->lport)); 104 printf(" --on-ip %s", xtables_ipaddr_to_numeric(&info->laddr.in)); 105 printf(" --tproxy-mark 0x%x/0x%x" [all...] |
/external/openssl/crypto/des/ |
rpw.c | 67 printf("read passwd\n"); 70 printf("password = "); 72 printf("%02x ",k[i]); 75 printf("error %d\n",i); 76 printf("\n"); 77 printf("read 2passwds and verify\n"); 81 printf("password1 = "); 83 printf("%02x ",k[i]); 84 printf("\n"); 85 printf("password2 = ") [all...] |
speed.c | 193 printf("To get the most accurate results, try to run this\n"); 194 printf("program when this computer is idle.\n"); 201 printf("First we calculate the approximate speed ...\n"); 219 printf("Doing set_key %ld times\n",ca); 226 printf("Doing set_key for 10 seconds\n"); 234 printf("%ld set_key's in %.2f seconds\n",count,d); 238 printf("Doing DES_encrypt's for 10 seconds\n"); 241 printf("Doing DES_encrypt %ld times\n",cb); 251 printf("%ld DES_encrypt's in %.2f second\n",count,d); 255 printf("Doing DES_cbc_encrypt on %ld byte blocks for 10 seconds\n" [all...] |
/external/srec/srec/crec/ |
srec_debug.c | 51 printf("%sftoken %d\n", msg, token_index); 55 printf("%sftoken %d rec %d@%d fsmnode %d cost %d word %d(%s) word_backtrace %d next_token_index %d ", msg, token_index, rec->id, rec->current_search_frame, ftoken->FSMnode_index, ftoken->cost, ftoken->word, 63 printf(" [%s] %s\n", p, word_backtrace_trans); 68 printf("%s", msg); 81 printf("SEARCH STATUS .. frame %d\n", rec->current_search_frame); 82 printf("prune_delta %d active_fsmarc_tokens %d\n", 84 printf("num_new_states %d/%d fsmarc_token_array_size %d freelist %d\n", rec->num_new_states, rec->max_new_states, rec->fsmarc_token_array_size, rec->fsmarc_token_freelist); 85 printf("active_fsmnode_tokens %d num_models %d fsmnode_token_array_size %d freelist %d\n", rec->active_fsmnode_tokens, rec->num_model_slots_allocated, rec->fsmnode_token_array_size, rec->fsmnode_token_freelist); 88 printf("number active: %d fsmnodes %d fsmarcs\n", count, count2); 105 printf("%sstoken %4d at arc %4d ilabel %4d nextnode %4d states", msg, token_index [all...] |
/external/srtp/test/ |
dtls_srtp_driver.c | 45 #include <stdio.h> /* for printf() */ 57 printf("usage: %s [ -t ][ -c ][ -v ][-d <debug_module> ]* [ -l ]\n" 69 printf("dtls_srtp_driver\n"); 74 printf("error: srtp init failed with error code %d\n", err); 90 printf("error: set debug module (%s) failed\n", optarg_s); 102 printf("error: list of debug modules failed\n"); 107 printf("testing dtls_srtp..."); 110 printf("\nerror (code %d)\n", err); 113 printf("passed\n"); 145 printf("wrong return value from srtp_protect() (got code %d)\n", [all...] |
replay_driver.c | 68 printf("testing anti-replay database (rdb_t)...\n"); 71 printf("failed\n"); 74 printf("done\n"); 76 printf("rdb_check/rdb_adds per second: %e\n", 85 printf("rdb: {%u, %s}\n", rdb->window_start, v128_bit_string(&rdb->bitmask)); 92 printf("rdb_check failed at index %u\n", idx); 96 printf("rdb_add_index failed at index %u\n", idx); 109 printf("rdb_check failed at index %u (false positive)\n", idx); 120 /* printf("index: %u\n", idx); */ 123 printf("rdb_check_unordered failed at index %u\n", idx) [all...] |
/external/tcpdump/ |
print-ip6.c | 66 (void)printf("truncated-ip6 %u", length); 71 printf("IP6 "); 76 (void)printf("truncated-ip6 - %u bytes missing!", 81 printf("("); 85 (void)printf("pri 0x%02x, ", (flow & 0x0f000000) >> 24); 87 (void)printf("flowlabel 0x%06x, ", flow & 0x00ffffff); 91 (void)printf("class 0x%02x, ", (flow & 0x0ff00000) >> 20); 93 (void)printf("flowlabel 0x%05x, ", flow & 0x000fffff); 96 (void)printf("hlim %u, next-header %s (%u) payload length: %u) ", 120 (void)printf("%s > %s: ", ip6addr_string(&ip6->ip6_src) [all...] |
print-ip.c | 67 printf(" [bad length %u]", length); 71 printf(" [bad length %u]", length); 74 printf(" [bad ptr %u]", cp[2]); 77 printf(" %s", ipaddr_string(&cp[len])); 79 printf(","); 141 printf("[bad length %u]", length); 144 printf(" TS{"); 147 printf("[bad length %u]", length); 151 printf("[bad ptr %u]", cp[2]); 154 printf("TSONLY") [all...] |
/external/webkit/Tools/DumpRenderTree/mac/ |
EditingDelegate.mm | 78 printf("EDITING DELEGATE: shouldBeginEditingInDOMRange:%s\n", [[range dump] UTF8String]); 85 printf("EDITING DELEGATE: shouldEndEditingInDOMRange:%s\n", [[range dump] UTF8String]); 98 printf("EDITING DELEGATE: shouldInsertNode:%s replacingDOMRange:%s givenAction:%s\n", [[node dumpPath] UTF8String], [[range dump] UTF8String], insertactionstring[action]); 111 printf("EDITING DELEGATE: shouldInsertText:%s replacingDOMRange:%s givenAction:%s\n", [[text description] UTF8String], [[range dump] UTF8String], insertactionstring[action]); 118 printf("EDITING DELEGATE: shouldDeleteDOMRange:%s\n", [[range dump] UTF8String]); 139 printf("EDITING DELEGATE: shouldChangeSelectedDOMRange:%s toDOMRange:%s affinity:%s stillSelecting:%s\n", [[currentRange dump] UTF8String], [[proposedRange dump] UTF8String], affinitystring[selectionAffinity], boolstring[flag]); 146 printf("EDITING DELEGATE: shouldApplyStyle:%s toElementsInDOMRange:%s\n", [[style description] UTF8String], [[range dump] UTF8String]); 153 printf("EDITING DELEGATE: shouldChangeTypingStyle:%s toStyle:%s\n", [[currentStyle description] UTF8String], [[proposedStyle description] UTF8String]); 160 printf("EDITING DELEGATE: webViewDidBeginEditing:%s\n", [[notification name] UTF8String]); 166 printf("EDITING DELEGATE: webViewDidChange:%s\n", [[notification name] UTF8String]) [all...] |
/external/webrtc/src/modules/audio_processing/main/test/process_test/ |
process_test.cc | 34 printf( 36 printf( 38 printf( 43 printf("\n"); 44 printf("Options\n"); 45 printf("General configuration:\n"); 46 printf(" -fs SAMPLE_RATE_HZ\n"); 47 printf(" -ch CHANNELS_IN CHANNELS_OUT\n"); 48 printf(" -rch REVERSE_CHANNELS\n"); 49 printf("\n") [all...] |
/external/e2fsprogs/lib/blkid/ |
read.c | 151 DBG(DEBUG_READ, printf("found device header: %8s\n", p)); 170 DBG(DEBUG_READ, printf("found device trailer %9s\n", *cp)); 195 printf("blkid: short line parsing dev: %s\n", *cp)); 201 DBG(DEBUG_READ, printf("device should be %*s\n", 213 printf("blkid: missing </device> ending: %s\n", end)); 218 DBG(DEBUG_READ, printf("blkid: empty device name: %s\n", *cp)); 226 DBG(DEBUG_READ, printf("found dev %s\n", name)); 258 printf("unbalanced quotes at: %s\n", *value)); 327 DBG(DEBUG_READ, printf(" tag: %s=\"%s\"\n", name, value)); 353 DBG(DEBUG_READ, printf("line: %s\n", cp)) [all...] |
/external/grub/netboot/ |
3c595.c | 174 printf("{l=%d,t=%hX}",s+ETH_HLEN,t); 240 printf("-%hX-",cst); 253 printf("*%hX*",status); 267 printf("[l=%d",rx_fifo); 277 printf("*%hX*",status); 287 printf("+%d",rx_fifo); 292 printf("=%d",nic->packetlen); 306 printf(",t=%hX,b]",type); 308 printf(",t=%hX]",type); 326 /* printf("3c595: eeprom failed to come ready.\n"); * [all...] |
/system/core/toolbox/ |
nandread.c | 132 printf("size: %u\n", mtdinfo.size); 133 printf("erase size: %u\n", mtdinfo.erasesize); 134 printf("write size: %u\n", mtdinfo.writesize); 135 printf("oob size: %u\n", mtdinfo.oobsize); 157 printf("ecc bytes: %u\n", ecclayout.eccbytes); 158 printf("oobavail: %u\n", ecclayout.oobavail); 161 printf("oobavail, %d > image spare size, %d\n", ecclayout.oobavail, spare_size); 172 printf("initial ecc corrected: %u\n", initial_ecc.corrected); 173 printf("initial ecc failed: %u\n", initial_ecc.failed); 174 printf("initial ecc badblocks: %u\n", initial_ecc.badblocks) [all...] |
/external/valgrind/main/coregrind/m_debuginfo/ |
readxcoff.c | 298 VG_(printf)("%c", name.vec[i]); 486 if (0) VG_(printf)("GCB: SD: len is %lld\n", (Long)CSECT_LEN(csaux)); 550 //VG_(printf)(" toc_avma %p\n", toc_avma); 551 //VG_(printf)("data_avma %p\n", data_avma); 552 //VG_(printf)("dxxx_avma %p\n", data_avma + data_maxlen); 558 //VG_(printf)("2toc_avma %p\n", toc_avma); 566 if (0) VG_(printf)("size of SYMENT = %ld\n", sizeof(SYMENT)); 579 VG_(printf)("--- BEGIN Phase1 (find text symbol starts) ---\n"); 580 VG_(printf)("--- note: shown addresses are STATED VMAs ---\n"); 596 VG_(printf)("Phase1: %5d+%d ", i, (Int)sym->n_numaux) [all...] |
/external/iptables/iptables/ |
iptables-xml.c | 161 printf("&#%d;", (unsigned char) (*text)); 163 printf("&"); 165 printf("<"); 167 printf(">"); 169 printf("""); 202 printf("<!-- "); 204 printf(" -->\n"); 210 printf("%s=\"", name); 212 printf("\" "); 218 printf("%s=\"%lld\" ", name, num) [all...] |
/external/llvm/test/CodeGen/CellSPU/useful-harnesses/ |
i64operations.c | 270 printf("%s: returned value is %d, expecting %d\n", str, 272 printf(" lhs = %19lld (0x%016llx)\n", *pred->tests[j].lhs, 274 printf(" rhs = %19lld (0x%016llx)\n", *pred->tests[j].rhs, 288 printf("%s select: returned value is %d, expecting %d\n", str, 290 printf(" lhs = %19lld (0x%016llx)\n", *pred->tests[j].lhs, 292 printf(" rhs = %19lld (0x%016llx)\n", *pred->tests[j].rhs, 294 printf(" true = %19lld (0x%016llx)\n", *pred->tests[j].select_a, 296 printf(" false = %19lld (0x%016llx)\n", *pred->tests[j].select_b, 303 printf(" %d tests performed, should be %d.\n", j, pred->n_tests); 321 printf("%s: returned value is %d, expecting %d\n", str [all...] |
/external/quake/quake/src/QW/gas2masm/ |
gas2masm.c | 118 printf ("%s", reglist[i].emit);
134 printf ("offset ");
151 printf ("%c", pt[i]);
179 printf ("0%sh", &pt[3]);
183 printf ("%s", &pt[1]);
189 printf ("0%sh", &pt[3]);
193 printf ("%s", &pt[1]);
197 printf ("offset %s", &pt[1]);
206 printf ("0%sh", &pt[3]);
210 printf ("%s", &pt[1]); [all...] |
/external/quake/quake/src/WinQuake/gas2masm/ |
gas2masm.c | 118 printf ("%s", reglist[i].emit);
134 printf ("offset ");
151 printf ("%c", pt[i]);
179 printf ("0%sh", &pt[3]);
183 printf ("%s", &pt[1]);
189 printf ("0%sh", &pt[3]);
193 printf ("%s", &pt[1]);
197 printf ("offset %s", &pt[1]);
206 printf ("0%sh", &pt[3]);
210 printf ("%s", &pt[1]); [all...] |
/external/clang/test/CodeGen/ |
stack-protector.c | 8 int printf(const char * _Format, ...); 13 printf("%s\n", a);