/external/ppp/pppd/ |
ipcp.c | 352 and the last as the secondary. If only one is given it 353 becomes both primary and secondary. */ 359 /* always set the secondary address value. */ 388 and the last as the secondary. If only one is given it 389 becomes both primary and secondary. */ 395 /* always set the secondary address value. */ [all...] |
/prebuilt/common/jfreechart/ |
README.txt | 281 - removed distinction between "primary" and "secondary" datasets, 365 - fixed several bugs in the secondary dataset/axis/renderer code; 377 - added support for multiple secondary axes, datasets and 416 - added support for range markers against secondary axis in a 489 - fixed auto-range update problem for secondary axis; 497 - added support for secondary axes, datasets and renderers; [all...] |
/external/icu4c/test/intltest/ |
dcfmapts.cpp | 316 errln("FAIL: Secondary Grouping Size should be 0, not %d\n", pat.getSecondaryGroupingSize()); 351 errln("FAIL: Secondary Grouping Size should be 2, not %d\n", pat.getSecondaryGroupingSize());
itercoll.cpp | 565 coll->setStrength(Collator::SECONDARY); 567 errln("Strength order for a secondary strength collator should be the third byte");
frcoll.cpp | 164 myCollation->setStrength(Collator::SECONDARY);
/external/quake/quake/src/QW/client/ |
snd_win.c | 305 // create the secondary buffer we'll actually work with
334 // Con_SafePrintf ("Using secondary sound buffer\n");
/external/quake/quake/src/WinQuake/ |
snd_win.cpp | 307 // create the secondary buffer we'll actually work with
336 Con_SafePrintf ("Using secondary sound buffer\n");
/cts/tests/tests/os/src/android/os/cts/ |
ProcessTest.java | 58 // Connecting to a secondary interface is the same as any
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/instant/ |
instant_loader_manager_unittest.cc | 129 // Makes sure a new loader is created and assigned to secondary when
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/shared/js/cr/ui/ |
position_util.js | 151 // Secondary direction
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/ui/gtk/ |
nine_box.cc | 32 // a secondary surface and tile into that, then paint it with |alpha|.
/external/chromium/sdch/open-vcdiff/src/ |
headerparser.cc | 278 LOG(ERROR) << "Secondary compression of delta file sections "
/external/chromium/third_party/libjingle/source/talk/p2p/base/ |
rawtransportchannel.cc | 164 // We need a secondary address to determine the NAT type.
stunport.cc | 170 // DNS resolution of the secondary address is not currently supported.
/external/icu4c/common/ |
uhash.c | 20 * stored in a single array with no secondary storage for collision 23 * using a secondary hash. The secondary hash is an increment 326 * otherwise we are not guaranteed that the jump value (the secondary [all...] |
/external/icu4c/common/unicode/ |
uvernum.h | 116 * version 2 was in ICU 1.8.1. changed is: compression intervals, French secondary
/external/icu4c/test/cintltst/ |
callcoll.c | 62 /* perform test with strength SECONDARY */ 122 /* test secondary > 26 */ 860 /* result is 1, secondary differences only for ignorable space characters*/ 863 log_err("Comparing two strings with only secondary differences in C failed.\n"); [all...] |
/external/mesa3d/docs/ |
RELNOTES-3.5 | 94 Allows specifying the secondary (specular) color for each vertex
/external/webkit/Source/WebCore/platform/network/cf/ |
DNSCFNet.cpp | 178 DNSResolveQueue::shared().decrementRequestCount(); // It's ok to call shared() from a secondary thread, the static variable has already been initialized by now.
/external/wpa_supplicant_8/src/ap/ |
ieee802_11_ht.c | 92 in both the primary and the secondary channel
/frameworks/base/services/java/com/android/server/am/ |
ProcessList.java | 57 // This is a process holding a secondary server -- killing it will not
/frameworks/base/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/ |
AdnRecordLoader.java | 61 // in secondary threads
/frameworks/base/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/cdma/ |
CDMALTEPhone.java | 45 /** Secondary SMSDispatcher for 3GPP format messages. */
/hardware/invensense/mlsdk/platform/include/linux/ |
mpu.h | 106 * slave is on the secondary bus the MPU will first enger bypass mode
/ndk/sources/host-tools/sed-4.2.1/m4/ |
lib-prefix.m4 | 159 dnl - a variable acl_libdirstem2, as a secondary possible value for