/cts/tests/tests/provider/src/android/provider/cts/ |
ContactsContract_ContactsTest.java | 59 notes = "Test markAsContacted(ContentResolver resolver, long contactId)",
/cts/tests/tests/text/src/android/text/method/cts/ |
ReplacementTransformationMethodTest.java | 148 notes = "This is a blank method",
CharacterPickerDialogTest.java | 83 notes = "only position is read in this method",
MultiTapKeyListenerTest.java | 79 notes = "it is a non-operation method", 277 notes = "it is a non-operation method.",
TextKeyListenerTest.java | 119 notes = "onSpanAdded is a non-operation function.", 224 notes = "onSpanRemoved is a non-operation function.",
/cts/tests/tests/view/src/android/view/cts/ |
ViewGroup_LayoutParamsTest.java | 75 notes = "Test setBaseAttributes(TypedArray, int, int)",
WindowTest.java | 449 notes = "the windowStyle is obtained from com.android.internal.R.styleable.Window whose" 495 notes = "Now can only get the unfloating status", 802 notes = "Test onConfigurationChanged, because the Window#onConfigurationChanged is" 816 notes = "Because getFeatures is final protected, we can't get the request Features and" [all...] |
GravityTest.java | 47 notes = "Test constructor(s) of {@link Gravity}", 291 notes = "Test {@link Gravity#isVertical(int)}", 303 notes = "Test {@link Gravity#isHorizontal(int)}",
/cts/tests/tests/webkit/src/android/webkit/cts/ |
WebBackForwardListTest.java | 119 notes = "clone() is protected and WebBackForwardList cannot be subclassed here",
/cts/tests/tests/database/src/android/database/sqlite/cts/ |
SQLiteProgramTest.java | 156 notes = "Test bindNull()", 192 notes = "Test bindBlob()",
/cts/tests/tests/text/src/android/text/util/cts/ |
Rfc822TokenTest.java | 205 notes = "the phrase 'likely to cause trouble outside of a quoted string' is not testable", 230 notes = "Test {@link Rfc822Token#quoteName(String)}",
/cts/tests/tests/util/src/android/util/cts/ |
XmlTest.java | 94 notes = "Test constructor(s) of Xml.", 104 notes = "Test parse(String xml, ContentHandler contentHandler).", 209 notes = "Test parse(Reader in, ContentHandler contentHandler).", 263 notes = "Test parse(InputStream in, Encoding encoding, ContentHandler contentHandler).", 402 notes = "Test newSerializer() and newPullParser().", 408 notes = "Test newSerializer() and newPullParser().", 423 notes = "Test findEncodingByName(String encodingName).", 448 notes = "Test asAttributeSet(XmlPullParser parser).",
/cts/tests/tests/view/src/android/view/animation/cts/ |
AccelerateInterpolatorTest.java | 88 notes = "Test case will accelerate AlphaAnimation. It will change alpha from 0.1 to" 182 notes = "Test getInterpolation(float), call it directly",
ScaleAnimationTest.java | 102 notes = "Use applyTransformation directly", 148 notes = "Use applyTransformation indirectly with Animation#getTransformation",
/cts/tests/tests/widget/src/android/widget/cts/ |
ResourceCursorTreeAdapterTest.java | 84 notes = "Test constructors", 91 notes = "Test constructors",
/external/openssl/crypto/des/ |
FILES0 | 9 KERBEROS - Kerberos version 4 notes.
/cts/tests/tests/app/src/android/app/cts/ |
ActivityManagerRecentTaskInfoTest.java | 39 notes = "Test constructor",
ActivityManagerRunningTaskInfoTest.java | 46 notes = "Test constructor",
LocalActivityManagerTest.java | 56 notes = "Test constructor of LocalActivityManager",
DialogTest.java | 108 notes = "test Dialog protected Constructors through mock dialog", 778 notes = "test method: onContextItemSelected", 784 notes = "test method: onContextMenuClosed", [all...] |
InstrumentationTest.java | 369 notes = "can't start a Instrumentation to test this method", 375 notes = "can't start a Instrumentation to test this method", 381 notes = "call this method will crash the process", 387 notes = "can't start a Instrumentation to test this method", 393 notes = "can't start a Instrumentation to test this method", [all...] |
/cts/tests/tests/os/src/android/os/cts/ |
RemoteCallbackListTest.java | 97 notes = "Test register(IInterface), when"
/cts/tests/tests/sax/src/android/sax/cts/ |
ElementTest.java | 79 notes = "Test Element",
/cts/tests/tests/database/src/android/database/cts/ |
CursorJoinerTest.java | 79 notes = "it always throws UnsupportedOperationException.", 161 notes = "Fisrt UNIQUE_COUNT 'next' operations, the joiner controls cursor1 to move;" +
/cts/tests/tests/media/src/android/media/cts/ |
JetPlayerTest.java | 94 notes = "if call release , process will crash.", 175 notes = "if call release , process will crash.",