/cts/tests/tests/database/src/android/database/sqlite/cts/ |
SQLiteAbortExceptionTest.java | 31 notes = "Test constructors", 37 notes = "Test constructors",
SQLiteConstraintExceptionTest.java | 31 notes = "Test constructors", 37 notes = "Test constructors",
SQLiteDatabaseCorruptExceptionTest.java | 31 notes = "Test constructor", 37 notes = "Test constructor",
SQLiteDiskIOExceptionTest.java | 31 notes = "Test constructor", 37 notes = "Test constructor",
SQLiteDoneExceptionTest.java | 31 notes = "Test constructor", 37 notes = "Test constructor",
SQLiteExceptionTest.java | 31 notes = "Test constructor", 37 notes = "Test constructor",
SQLiteFullExceptionTest.java | 31 notes = "Test constructor", 37 notes = "Test constructor",
SQLiteMisuseExceptionTest.java | 31 notes = "Test constructor", 37 notes = "Test constructor",
/cts/tests/tests/graphics/src/android/graphics/drawable/cts/ |
Drawable_ConstantStateTest.java | 30 notes = "Test getChangingConfigurations()", 40 notes = "Test newDrawable()",
ColorDrawableTest.java | 47 notes = "Test Constructors", 53 notes = "Test Constructors", 66 notes = "Test draw(Canvas)", 77 notes = "Test getAlpha() and setAlpha(int)", 83 notes = "Test getAlpha() and setAlpha(int)", 107 notes = "Test getChangingConfigurations()", 127 notes = "Test getConstantState()", 140 notes = "Test getOpacity()", 157 notes = "Test inflate(Resources, XmlPullParser, AttributeSet)", 190 notes = "Test setColorFilter(ColorFilter)" [all...] |
/cts/tests/tests/view/src/android/view/cts/ |
GestureDetectorTest.java | 64 notes = "test method GestureDetector", 70 notes = "test method GestureDetector", 76 notes = "test method GestureDetector", 82 notes = "test method GestureDetector", 105 notes = "test method onTouchEvent", 111 notes = "test method onTouchEvent", 123 notes = "test setIsLongpressEnabled", 129 notes = "test setIsLongpressEnabled",
InflateExceptionTest.java | 30 notes = "test InflateException", 36 notes = "test InflateException", 42 notes = "test InflateException", 48 notes = "test InflateException",
OrientationListenerTest.java | 46 notes = "Test constructor OrientationListener#OrientationListener(Context).", 52 notes = "Test constructor OrientationListener#OrientationListener(Context, int).", 66 notes = "Test {@link OrientationListener#enable()}. " 75 notes = "Test {@link OrientationListener#disable()}. " 93 notes = "Test {@link OrientationListener#onAccuracyChanged(int, int)}.", 108 notes = "Test {@link OrientationListener#onSensorChanged(int , float[])}.", 132 notes = "Test {@link OrientationListener#onOrientationChanged(int)}. "
AbsSavedStateTest.java | 37 notes = "Test constructor and describeContents of AbsSavedState", 43 notes = "Test constructor and describeContents of AbsSavedState", 49 notes = "Test constructor and describeContents of AbsSavedState", 68 notes = "Test getSuperState function", 82 notes = "Test writeToParcel function",
/cts/tests/tests/widget/src/android/widget/cts/ |
AnalogClockTest.java | 56 notes = "Test constructors of AnalogClock.", 62 notes = "Test constructors of AnalogClock.", 68 notes = "Test constructors of AnalogClock.", 103 notes = "Test onMeasure() function.", 113 notes = "Test onSizeChanged(int, int, int, int) function.", 123 notes = "Test onDraw(Canvas) function.", 133 notes = "Test onDetachedFromWindow() function.", 143 notes = "Test onAttachedToWindow() function.",
LinearLayout_LayoutParamsTest.java | 42 notes = "Test constructors", 48 notes = "Test constructors", 54 notes = "Test constructors", 60 notes = "Test constructors", 66 notes = "Test constructors",
/cts/tests/tests/database/src/android/database/cts/ |
CursorWrapperTest.java | 77 notes = "Test close() and isClosed() and the constructor method.", 83 notes = "Test close() and isClosed() and the constructor method.", 89 notes = "Test close() and isClosed() and the constructor method.", 95 notes = "Test close() and isClosed() and the constructor method.", 123 notes = "", 129 notes = "", 171 notes = "", 177 notes = "", 183 notes = "", 247 notes = "Test getColumnCount()" [all...] |
/cts/tests/tests/net/src/android/net/cts/ |
LocalSocketAddressTest.java | 33 notes = "Test LocalSocketAddress", 39 notes = "Test LocalSocketAddress", 45 notes = "Test LocalSocketAddress", 51 notes = "Test LocalSocketAddress",
/cts/tests/tests/os/src/android/os/cts/ |
PowerManagerTest.java | 38 notes = "Test constructor(s) of {@link PowerManager}", 44 notes = "Test method: newWakeLock", 50 notes = "Test method: userActivity", 56 notes = "Test method: goToSleep",
MemoryFileTest.java | 44 notes = "Test constructor", 50 notes = "Test constructor", 62 notes = "Test writeBytes", 95 notes = "Test getOutputStream and getInputStream function", 101 notes = "Test getOutputStream and getInputStream function", 124 notes = "Test allowPurging and isPurgingAllowed", 130 notes = "Test allowPurging and isPurgingAllowed", 157 notes = "Test length", 177 notes = "Test readBytes", 219 notes = "Test close function" [all...] |
/cts/tests/tests/text/src/android/text/method/cts/ |
HideReturnsTransformationMethodTest.java | 34 notes = "Test constructor " 45 notes = "Test {@link HideReturnsTransformationMethod#getOriginal()}.", 56 notes = "Test {@link HideReturnsTransformationMethod#getInstance()}.", 70 notes = "Test {@link HideReturnsTransformationMethod#getReplacement()}.",
/cts/tests/tests/text/src/android/text/style/cts/ |
BulletSpanTest.java | 40 notes = "Test constructor(s) of BulletSpan.", 46 notes = "Test constructor(s) of BulletSpan.", 52 notes = "Test constructor(s) of BulletSpan.", 58 notes = "Test constructor(s) of BulletSpan.", 78 notes = "Test getLeadingMargin(boolean first). And the parameter first is never read", 95 notes = "Test drawLeadingMargin(Canvas c, Paint p, int x, int dir, int top," + 118 notes = "Test drawLeadingMargin(Canvas c, Paint p, int x, int dir, int top," + 151 notes = "Test describeContents().", 163 notes = "Test getSpanTypeId().", 175 notes = "Test writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)." [all...] |
/cts/tests/tests/content/src/android/content/pm/cts/ |
ServiceInfoTest.java | 39 notes = "Test describeContents", 45 notes = "Test constructors", 51 notes = "Test constructors", 57 notes = "Test toString", 63 notes = "Test writeToParcel",
/cts/tests/tests/content/src/android/content/cts/ |
ContentValuesTest.java | 46 notes = "Test constructor(s) of ContentValues.", 52 notes = "Test constructor(s) of ContentValues.", 58 notes = "Test constructor(s) of ContentValues.", 87 notes = "Test valueSet().", 106 notes = "Test putNull(String key).", 126 notes = "Test getAsLong(String key).", 145 notes = "Test getAsByte(String key).", 164 notes = "Test getAsInteger(String key).", 183 notes = "Test size().", 204 notes = "Test getAsShort(String key)." [all...] |
/cts/tests/tests/location/src/android/location/cts/ |
AddressTest.java | 39 notes = "Test constructor", 53 notes = "Test describeContents()", 72 notes = "Test setAdminArea(String) and getAdminArea()", 78 notes = "Test setAdminArea(String) and getAdminArea()", 97 notes = "Test setCountryCode(String) and getCountryCode()", 103 notes = "Test setCountryCode(String) and getCountryCode()", 122 notes = "Test setCountryName(String) and getCountryName()", 128 notes = "Test setCountryName(String) and getCountryName()", 147 notes = "Test setExtras(Bundle) and getExtras()", 153 notes = "Test setExtras(Bundle) and getExtras()" [all...] |