/cts/tests/tests/widget/src/android/widget/cts/ |
BaseExpandableListAdapterTest.java | 37 notes = "Test areAllItemsEnabled(), this function always returns true.", 49 notes = "Test getCombinedChildId(long, long) function.", 55 notes = "Test getCombinedChildId(long, long) function.", 79 notes = "Test isEmpty() function.", 92 notes = "Test notifyDataSetChanged() function.", 108 notes = "Test notifyDataSetInvalidated() function.", 124 notes = "Test onGroupCollapsed(int), this function is non-operation.", 136 notes = "Test onGroupExpanded(int), this function is non-operation.",
ImageButtonTest.java | 39 notes = "Test constructors", 45 notes = "Test constructors", 51 notes = "Test constructors", 91 notes = "Test {@link ImageButton#onSetAlpha(int)}.",
RadioButtonTest.java | 48 notes = "Test constructors", 54 notes = "Test constructors", 60 notes = "Test constructors", 102 notes = "Test {@link RadioButton#toggle()}",
ButtonTest.java | 40 notes = "Test constructor(s) of {@link Button}", 46 notes = "Test constructor(s) of {@link Button}", 52 notes = "Test constructor(s) of {@link Button}",
Gallery_LayoutParamsTest.java | 42 notes = "Test constructor(s) of {@link LayoutParams}", 48 notes = "Test constructor(s) of {@link LayoutParams}", 54 notes = "Test constructor(s) of {@link LayoutParams}",
/cts/tests/tests/os/src/android/os/cts/ |
MessageTest.java | 62 notes = "Test constructor(s) of {@link Message}", 73 notes = "Test method: getWhen", 79 notes = "Test method: getTarget", 85 notes = "Test method: setTarget", 91 notes = "Test method: getCallback", 97 notes = "Test method: describeContents", 103 notes = "Test method: setData", 109 notes = "Test method: getData", 136 notes = "Test method: obtain", 155 notes = "Test method: obtain" [all...] |
VibratorTest.java | 41 notes = "Test cancel()", 62 notes = "Test vibrate", 68 notes = "Test vibrate", 90 notes = "Test vibrator with multi thread.",
/cts/tests/tests/app/src/android/app/cts/ |
LauncherActivity_ListItemTest.java | 30 notes = "Test ListItem",
/cts/tests/tests/content/src/android/content/cts/ |
ReceiverCallNotAllowedExceptionTest.java | 30 notes = "Test constructor of ReceiverCallNotAllowedException.",
/cts/tests/tests/graphics/src/android/graphics/drawable/cts/ |
ShapeDrawable_ShaderFactoryTest.java | 30 notes = "Test resize(int, int)",
/libcore/dalvik/src/main/java/dalvik/annotation/ |
TestTargetNew.java | 63 String notes() default "";
/cts/tests/tests/content/src/android/content/pm/cts/ |
PackageManagerTest.java | 76 notes = "Test queryIntentActivityOptions", 83 notes = "Test queryIntentActivities", 89 notes = "Test queryInstrumentation", 95 notes = "Test queryBroadcastReceivers", 101 notes = "Test queryPermissionsByGroup", 107 notes = "Test queryContentProviders", 113 notes = "Test queryIntentServices", 247 notes = "Test getPackageInfo", 253 notes = "Test getApplicationInfo", 259 notes = "Test getApplicationInfo" [all...] |
ConfigurationInfoTest.java | 36 notes = "Test constructors", 42 notes = "Test constructors", 48 notes = "Test toString", 54 notes = "Test writeToParcel", 60 notes = "Test describeContents",
InstrumentationInfoTest.java | 40 notes = "Test describeContents", 46 notes = "Test constructors", 52 notes = "Test constructors", 58 notes = "Test toString", 64 notes = "Test writeToParcel",
ProviderInfoTest.java | 42 notes = "Test describeContents", 48 notes = "Test constructors", 54 notes = "Test constructors", 60 notes = "Test toString", 66 notes = "Test writeToParcel",
/cts/tests/tests/text/src/android/text/cts/ |
LoginFilter_UsernameFilterGMailTest.java | 34 notes = "Test constructor(s) of UsernameFilterGMail.", 40 notes = "Test constructor(s) of UsernameFilterGMail.", 54 notes = "Test isAllowed(char c).",
/cts/tests/tests/text/src/android/text/style/cts/ |
ImageSpanTest.java | 42 notes = "Test constructor(s) of ImageSpan.", 48 notes = "Test constructor(s) of ImageSpan.", 54 notes = "Test constructor(s) of ImageSpan.", 60 notes = "Test constructor(s) of ImageSpan.", 66 notes = "Test constructor(s) of ImageSpan.", 72 notes = "Test constructor(s) of ImageSpan.", 78 notes = "Test constructor(s) of ImageSpan.", 84 notes = "Test constructor(s) of ImageSpan.", 90 notes = "Test constructor(s) of ImageSpan.", 96 notes = "Test constructor(s) of ImageSpan." [all...] |
MaskFilterSpanTest.java | 34 notes = "Test constructor(s) of {@link MaskFilterSpan}", 47 notes = "Test {@link MaskFilterSpan#updateDrawState(TextPaint)}", 72 notes = "Test {@link MaskFilterSpan#getMaskFilter()}",
RasterizerSpanTest.java | 34 notes = "Test constructor(s) of {@link RasterizerSpan}", 48 notes = "Test {@link RasterizerSpan#getRasterizer()}", 65 notes = "Test {@link RasterizerSpan#updateDrawState(TextPaint)}",
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/resources/ |
keyboard_overlay_data.js | 12 "notes": "power", 19 "notes": "escape", 108 "notes": "backspace", 115 "notes": "tab", 204 "notes": "enter", 211 "notes": "left ctrl", 301 "notes": "left shift", 381 "notes": "right shift", 391 "notes": "left alt", 462 "notes": "right ctrl" [all...] |
/cts/tests/tests/util/src/android/util/cts/ |
TypedValueTest.java | 33 notes = "Test constructor(s) of {@link TypedValue}", 43 notes = "Test getFloat().", 57 notes = "Test complexToDimension().", 63 notes = "Test complexToDimensionPixelOffset().", 84 notes = "Test setTo().", 110 notes = "Test getFraction().", 124 notes = "Test complexToDimensionPixelSize().", 150 notes = "Test complexToFraction().", 172 notes = "Test toString().", 193 notes = "Test applyDimension()." [all...] |
/cts/tests/tests/text/src/android/text/method/cts/ |
DialerKeyListenerTest.java | 38 notes = "Test constructor(s) of {@link DialerKeyListener}", 48 notes = "Test {@link DialerKeyListener#lookup(KeyEvent, Spannable)}", 76 notes = "Test {@link DialerKeyListener#getInstance()}", 93 notes = "Test {@link DialerKeyListener#getAcceptedChars()}", 106 notes = "Test {@link DialerKeyListener#getInputType()}",
/cts/tests/tests/view/src/android/view/animation/cts/ |
AlphaAnimationTest.java | 40 notes = "Test constructor(s) of {@link AlphaAnimation}", 46 notes = "Test constructor(s) of {@link AlphaAnimation}", 62 notes = "Test {@link AlphaAnimation#willChangeBounds()}. This method always" + 75 notes = "test {@link AlphaAnimation#willChangeTransformationMatrix()}. This method" + 87 notes = "Test {@link AlphaAnimation#applyTransformation(float, Transformation)}",
AnimationTest.java | 71 notes = "Test constructor(s) of {@link Animation}", 77 notes = "Test constructor(s) of {@link Animation}", 95 notes = "Test {@link Animation#ensureInterpolator()}", 101 notes = "Test {@link Animation#getInterpolator()}", 107 notes = "Test {@link Animation#setInterpolator(Context, int)}", 113 notes = "Test {@link Animation#setInterpolator(Interpolator)}", 150 notes = "check default fillAfter", 156 notes = "check default fillBefore", 171 notes = "Test {@link Animation#getFillAfter()}", 177 notes = "Test {@link Animation#setFillAfter(boolean)}" [all...] |
/cts/tests/tests/view/src/android/view/cts/ |
ViewGroup_MarginLayoutParamsTest.java | 49 notes = "Test MarginLayoutParams constructor", 55 notes = "Test MarginLayoutParams constructor", 61 notes = "Test MarginLayoutParams constructor", 67 notes = "Test MarginLayoutParams constructor", 106 notes = "Test setMargins function",