/external/speex/libspeex/ |
filters.h | 40 spx_word16_t compute_rms(const spx_sig_t *x, int len); 41 spx_word16_t compute_rms16(const spx_word16_t *x, int len); 43 void signal_div(const spx_word16_t *x, spx_word16_t *y, spx_word32_t scale, int len); 47 int normalize16(const spx_sig_t *x, spx_word16_t *y, spx_sig_t max_scale, int len); 58 void highpass(const spx_word16_t *x, spx_word16_t *y, int len, int filtID, spx_mem_t *mem); 61 void qmf_decomp(const spx_word16_t *xx, const spx_word16_t *aa, spx_word16_t *, spx_word16_t *y2, int N, int M, spx_word16_t *mem, char *stack) [all...] |
lpc.h | 41 const spx_word16_t * x, /* in: [0...n-1] samples x */ 42 spx_word16_t *ac, /* out: [0...lag-1] ac values */ 48 const spx_word16_t * ac, /* in: [0...p] autocorrelation values */
ltp.h | 51 spx_word32_t inner_prod(const spx_word16_t *x, const spx_word16_t *y, int len); 52 void pitch_xcorr(const spx_word16_t *_x, const spx_word16_t *_y, spx_word32_t *corr, int len, int nb_pitch, char *stack); 54 void open_loop_nbest_pitch(spx_word16_t *sw, int start, int end, int len, int *pitch, spx_word16_t *gain, int N, char *stack); 59 spx_word16_t target[], /* Target vector */ 60 spx_word16_t *sw, 68 spx_word16_t pitch_coef, /* Voicing (pitch) coefficient */ 73 spx_word16_t *exc2 [all...] |
modes.h | 75 typedef int (*ltp_quant_func)(spx_word16_t *, spx_word16_t *, spx_coef_t *, spx_coef_t *, 76 spx_coef_t *, spx_sig_t *, const void *, int, int, spx_word16_t, 77 int, int, SpeexBits*, char *, spx_word16_t *, spx_word16_t *, int, int, int, spx_word32_t *); 80 typedef void (*ltp_unquant_func)(spx_word16_t *, spx_word32_t *, int, int, spx_word16_t, const void *, int, int *, 81 spx_word16_t *, SpeexBits*, char*, int, int, spx_word16_t, int); 85 typedef void (*innovation_quant_func)(spx_word16_t *, spx_coef_t *, spx_coef_t *, spx_coef_t *, const void *, int, int, [all...] |
fftwrap.h | 47 void spx_fft(void *table, spx_word16_t *in, spx_word16_t *out); 50 void spx_ifft(void *table, spx_word16_t *in, spx_word16_t *out);
cb_search_bfin.h | 37 void compute_weighted_codebook(const signed char *shape_cb, const spx_word16_t *r, spx_word16_t *resp, spx_word16_t *resp2, spx_word32_t *E, int shape_cb_size, int subvect_size, char *stack) 88 static inline void target_update(spx_word16_t *t, spx_word16_t g, spx_word16_t *r, int len)
lsp_bfin.h | 39 spx_word16_t *coef, /* P or Q coefs in Q13 format */ 40 spx_word16_t x, /* cos of freq (-1.0 to 1.0) in Q14 format */
vq.h | 40 int scal_quant(spx_word16_t in, const spx_word16_t *boundary, int entries); 45 void vq_nbest(spx_word16_t *in, const __m128 *codebook, int len, int entries, __m128 *E, int N, int *nbest, spx_word32_t *best_dist, char *stack); 47 void vq_nbest_sign(spx_word16_t *in, const __m128 *codebook, int len, int entries, __m128 *E, int N, int *nbest, spx_word32_t *best_dist, char *stack); 49 void vq_nbest(spx_word16_t *in, const spx_word16_t *codebook, int len, int entries, spx_word32_t *E, int N, int *nbest, spx_word32_t *best_dist, char *stack); 51 void vq_nbest_sign(spx_word16_t *in, const spx_word16_t *codebook, int len, int entries, spx_word32_t *E, int N, int *nbest, spx_word32_t *best_dist, char *stack);
nb_celp.h | 74 spx_word16_t gamma1; /**< Perceptual filter: A(z/gamma1) */ 75 spx_word16_t gamma2; /**< Perceptual filter: A(z/gamma2) */ 76 spx_word16_t lpc_floor; /**< Noise floor multiplier for A[0] in LPC analysis*/ 78 spx_word16_t *winBuf; /**< Input buffer (original signal) */ 79 spx_word16_t *excBuf; /**< Excitation buffer */ 80 spx_word16_t *exc; /**< Start of excitation frame */ 81 spx_word16_t *swBuf; /**< Weighted signal buffer */ 82 spx_word16_t *sw; /**< Start of weighted signal frame */ 83 const spx_word16_t *window; /**< Temporary (Hanning) window */ 84 const spx_word16_t *lagWindow; /**< Window applied to auto-correlation * [all...] |
sb_celp.h | 54 spx_word16_t lpc_floor; /**< Controls LPC analysis noise floor */ 55 spx_word16_t gamma1; /**< Perceptual weighting coef 1 */ 56 spx_word16_t gamma2; /**< Perceptual weighting coef 2 */ 59 spx_word16_t *high; /**< High-band signal (buffer) */ 60 spx_word16_t *h0_mem, *h1_mem; 62 const spx_word16_t *window; /**< LPC analysis window */ 63 const spx_word16_t *lagWindow; /**< Auto-correlation window */ 72 spx_word16_t *exc_rms; 73 spx_word16_t *innov_rms_save; /**< If non-NULL, innovation is copied here */ 112 spx_word16_t *g0_mem, *g1_mem [all...] |
filterbank.h | 42 spx_word16_t *filter_left; 43 spx_word16_t *filter_right; 58 void filterbank_compute_psd16(FilterBank *bank, spx_word16_t *mel, spx_word16_t *psd);
fixed_bfin.h | 40 static inline spx_word16_t PDIV32_16(spx_word32_t a, spx_word16_t b) 65 static inline spx_word16_t DIV32_16(spx_word32_t a, spx_word16_t b) 92 static inline spx_word16_t MAX16(spx_word16_t a, spx_word16_t b) 106 static inline spx_word32_t MULT16_32_Q15(spx_word16_t a, spx_word32_t b) 122 static inline spx_word32_t MAC16_32_Q15(spx_word32_t c, spx_word16_t a, spx_word32_t b) 139 static inline spx_word32_t MULT16_32_Q14(spx_word16_t a, spx_word32_t b [all...] |
ltp_bfin.h | 37 spx_word32_t inner_prod(const spx_word16_t *x, const spx_word16_t *y, int len) 66 void pitch_xcorr(const spx_word16_t *_x, const spx_word16_t *_y, spx_word32_t *corr, int len, int nb_pitch, char *stack) 112 static inline spx_word32_t compute_pitch_error(spx_word16_t *C, spx_word16_t *g, spx_word16_t pitch_control) 157 void open_loop_nbest_pitch(spx_word16_t *sw, int start, int end, int len, int *pitch, spx_word16_t *gain, int N, char *stack) 214 VARDECL(spx_word16_t *corr16) [all...] |
quant_lsp_bfin.h | 46 spx_word16_t *x, 91 x[j] = SUB16(x[j],SHL16((spx_word16_t)cdbk[best_id*nbDim+j],5)); 107 spx_word16_t *x, 108 spx_word16_t *weight, 161 x[j] = SUB16(x[j],SHL16((spx_word16_t)cdbk[best_id*nbDim+j],5));
fixed_arm5e.h | 39 static inline spx_word32_t MULT16_16(spx_word16_t x, spx_word16_t y) { 48 static inline spx_word32_t MAC16_16(spx_word32_t a, spx_word16_t x, spx_word32_t y) { 57 static inline spx_word32_t MULT16_32_Q15(spx_word16_t x, spx_word32_t y) { 66 static inline spx_word32_t MAC16_32_Q15(spx_word32_t a, spx_word16_t x, spx_word32_t y) { 75 static inline spx_word32_t MULT16_32_Q11(spx_word16_t x, spx_word32_t y) { 84 static inline spx_word32_t MAC16_32_Q11(spx_word32_t a, spx_word16_t x, spx_word32_t y) {
cb_search.h | 52 spx_word16_t target[], /* target vector */ 60 spx_word16_t *r, 78 spx_word16_t target[], /* target vector */ 86 spx_word16_t *r,
lsp.h | 56 int lpc_to_lsp (spx_coef_t *a, int lpcrdr, spx_lsp_t *freq, int nb, spx_word16_t delta, char *stack); 60 void lsp_enforce_margin(spx_lsp_t *lsp, int len, spx_word16_t margin);
math_approx.h | 49 static inline spx_word16_t speex_rand(spx_word16_t std, spx_int32_t *seed) 122 static inline spx_word16_t speex_rand(spx_word16_t std, spx_int32_t *seed) 142 static inline spx_word16_t spx_sqrt(spx_word32_t x) 160 static inline spx_word16_t spx_acos(spx_word16_t x) 163 spx_word16_t ret; 164 spx_word16_t sq; 188 static inline spx_word16_t spx_cos(spx_word16_t x [all...] |
filters_bfin.h | 36 int normalize16(const spx_sig_t *x, spx_word16_t *y, spx_sig_t max_scale, int len) 85 void filter_mem16(const spx_word16_t *_x, const spx_coef_t *num, const spx_coef_t *den, spx_word16_t *_y, int N, int ord, spx_mem_t *mem, char *stack) 90 spx_word16_t *numden; 96 numden = (spx_word16_t*) numden_a; 230 void iir_mem16(const spx_word16_t *_x, const spx_coef_t *den, spx_word16_t *_y, int N, int ord, spx_mem_t *mem, char *stack) 232 VARDECL(spx_word16_t *y); 233 spx_word16_t *yy; 235 ALLOC(y, (N+2), spx_word16_t); [all...] |
ltp_arm4.h | 36 spx_word32_t inner_prod(const spx_word16_t *x, const spx_word16_t *y, int len) 39 spx_word16_t *deadx, *deady; 88 void pitch_xcorr(const spx_word16_t *_x, const spx_word16_t *_y, spx_word32_t *corr, int len, int nb_pitch, char *stack) 99 const spx_word16_t *y = _y+i; 100 const spx_word16_t *x = _x;
ltp.c | 59 spx_word32_t inner_prod(const spx_word16_t *x, const spx_word16_t *y, int len) 79 void pitch_xcorr(const spx_word16_t *_x, const spx_word16_t *_y, spx_word32_t *corr, int len, int nb_pitch, char *stack) 90 const spx_word16_t *y = _y+i; 91 const spx_word16_t *x = _x; 92 spx_word16_t y0, y1, y2, y3; 142 void pitch_xcorr(const spx_word16_t *_x, const spx_word16_t *_y, spx_word32_t *corr, int len, int nb_pitch, char *stack) 156 static inline spx_word32_t compute_pitch_error(spx_word16_t *C, spx_word16_t *g, spx_word16_t pitch_control [all...] |
cb_search.c | 53 static void compute_weighted_codebook(const signed char *shape_cb, const spx_word16_t *r, spx_word16_t *resp, spx_word16_t *resp2, spx_word32_t *E, int shape_cb_size, int subvect_size, char *stack) 56 VARDECL(spx_word16_t *shape); 57 ALLOC(shape, subvect_size, spx_word16_t); 60 spx_word16_t *res; 64 shape[k] = (spx_word16_t)shape_cb[i*subvect_size+k]; 71 spx_word16_t res16; 90 static inline void target_update(spx_word16_t *t, spx_word16_t g, spx_word16_t *r, int len [all...] |
fixed_arm4.h | 39 static inline spx_word32_t MULT16_32_Q14(spx_word16_t x, spx_word32_t y) { 52 static inline spx_word32_t MULT16_32_Q15(spx_word16_t x, spx_word32_t y) {
fixed_generic.h | 38 #define QCONST16(x,bits) ((spx_word16_t)(.5+(x)*(((spx_word32_t)1)<<(bits)))) 43 #define EXTRACT16(x) ((spx_word16_t)(x)) 65 #define ADD16(a,b) ((spx_word16_t)((spx_word16_t)(a)+(spx_word16_t)(b))) 66 #define SUB16(a,b) ((spx_word16_t)(a)-(spx_word16_t)(b)) 72 #define MULT16_16_16(a,b) ((((spx_word16_t)(a))*((spx_word16_t)(b)))) 74 /* (spx_word32_t)(spx_word16_t) gives TI compiler a hint that it's 16x16->32 multiply * [all...] |
filters.c | 54 void bw_lpc(spx_word16_t gamma, const spx_coef_t *lpc_in, spx_coef_t *lpc_out, int order) 57 spx_word16_t tmp=gamma; 83 void highpass(const spx_word16_t *x, spx_word16_t *y, int len, int filtID, spx_mem_t *mem) 87 const spx_word16_t Pcoef[5][3] = {{16384, -31313, 14991}, {16384, -31569, 15249}, {16384, -31677, 15328}, {16384, -32313, 15947}, {16384, -22446, 6537}}; 88 const spx_word16_t Zcoef[5][3] = {{15672, -31344, 15672}, {15802, -31601, 15802}, {15847, -31694, 15847}, {16162, -32322, 16162}, {14418, -28836, 14418}}; 90 const spx_word16_t Pcoef[5][3] = {{1.00000f, -1.91120f, 0.91498f}, {1.00000f, -1.92683f, 0.93071f}, {1.00000f, -1.93338f, 0.93553f}, {1.00000f, -1.97226f, 0.97332f}, {1.00000f, -1.37000f, 0.39900f}}; 91 const spx_word16_t Zcoef[5][3] = {{0.95654f, -1.91309f, 0.95654f}, {0.96446f, -1.92879f, 0.96446f}, {0.96723f, -1.93445f, 0.96723f}, {0.98645f, -1.97277f, 0.98645f}, {0.88000f, -1.76000f, 0.88000f}}; 93 const spx_word16_t *den, *num; 101 spx_word16_t yi [all...] |