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38 <li>Use git commit to commit changes.<br></li>
48 To indicate that every new and modified file in your working directory should be "staged" for inclusion in the next commit, run git add without any arguments. You can also specify files or filetypes. For example, the following command would stage all the new and modified files under the bionic directory and its subdirectories:<br><br>$ git add bionic/*<br><br>Run git help add to see more ways to use git add.<br><br><b>When is git add optional?<br></b>
49 <br>If you add new files, you must stage them using git add before you run git commit. However, if you are only modifying or deleting files, you can skip git add if you use the -a option with git commit. For more details, see the "Committing changes" section further down.<br><br><h3>
60 To see every edit that would go into the commit if you were to commit right now, make sure you are in the project directory and then run <br><br>$ git diff --cached <br><br><h3>
62 At intervals while you are working, commit your edits by using git commit from within the project directory:<br><span>$ cd ~/mydroid/<i>project-name</i>
64 <span><br>$ git commit</span>
65 <br><br>Every file that you staged using git add will be included in this commit.<br><br>If you have not added any new files that you want to commit, you can skip git add and simply run <br><br>$ git commit -a <br><br>The -a option will stage all the files you have modified or deleted and include them in this commit. (If you have added new files and want them included in the commit, you will need to use git add before you run git commit.)<br><br>If commit <span></span>
66 does not find changes to be committed, it will report "nothing to commit (working directory clean)". If commit finds changes to be committed, a file will open in which you can create a log message:<br><br><div><i>Your comments about this commit go here....</i>
67 <br># Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting <br># with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.<br># On branch master <br># Changes to be committed:<br>#(use "git reset HEADfile..." to unstage)<br>#<br>#new file:.repo/projects/gerrit-manifests.git/FETCH_HEAD <br>#new file:.repo/projects/gerrit-manifests.git/HEAD <br>#new file:.repo/projects/gerrit-manifests.git/config <br>.<br>.<br>.<br></div>
68 <br>If you do not add a log message, the commit will be aborted. Add a message and save the file.<br><br><h3>
71 <li>Recommit your edits using the --amend flag, for example:<br><span>$ git commit -a --amend</span>
80 <li>For each commit in the series, enter the Gerrit change Id inside the brackets.</li>
106 <br>$ git commit -a <br>$ repo sync <br>$ repo upload <br><i>...close the editable window that opens...</i>
132 <li>Within Gerrit use Publish Comments to mark the commit as "Verified", or "Fails" (and add a message explaining what problems were identified).<br></li>