/external/apache-harmony/security/src/test/api/java/org/apache/harmony/security/tests/java/security/ |
DigestOutputStreamTest.java | 140 * Assertion: writes the byte to the output stream<br> 141 * Assertion: updates associated digest<br> 171 * Assertion: <code>write(int)</code> must not update digest if it is off<br> 172 * Assertion: <code>on(boolean)</code> turns digest functionality on 208 * Assertion: broken <code>DigestOutputStream</code>instance: 236 * Assertion: broken <code>DigestOutputStream</code>instance: 260 * Assertion: broken <code>DigestOutputStream</code>instance: 282 * Assertion: put bytes into output stream<br> 284 * Assertion: updates associated digest<br> 313 * Assertion: put bytes into output stream<br [all...] |
KeyPairGenerator1Test.java | 97 * Assertion: 120 * Assertion: returns KeyPairGenerator object 138 * Assertion: throws IllegalArgumentException when provider is null or empty 164 * Assertion: 190 * Assertion: throws NoSuchAlgorithmException when algorithm is not 220 * Assertion: returns KeyPairGenerator object 241 * Assertion: throws IllegalArgumentException when provider is null 261 * Assertion: 290 * Assertion: returns KeyPairGenerator object 310 * Assertion: KeyPairGenerator was initialized before the invocatio [all...] |
KSCallbackHandlerProtectionTest.java | 50 * Assertion: throws NullPointerException when handler is null 62 * Assertion: returns CallbackHandler
/external/apache-harmony/security/src/test/api/java/org/apache/harmony/security/tests/java/security/cert/ |
CertificateFactory1Test.java | 115 * Assertion: returns CertificateFactory if type is X.509 131 * Assertion: 154 * Assertion: throws IllegalArgumentException when provider is null or empty 179 * Assertion: 209 * Assertion: returns CertificateFactory when type and provider have valid 231 * Assertion: throws IllegalArgumentException when provider is null 251 * Assertion: 281 * Assertion: returns CertificateFactorythrows when type and provider 301 * Assertion: returns encodings 351 * Assertion: throw CertificateException and CRLException whe [all...] |
CRLTest.java | 50 * Assertion: returns <code>CRL</code> type 59 * Assertion: returns <code>CRL</code> type
/external/chromium/base/synchronization/ |
lock.cc | 5 // This file is used for debugging assertion support. The Lock class
/external/clang/test/Analysis/ |
cfref_rdar6080742.c | 37 #define Assert(condition)if (!(condition)) { DebugStop("Assertion failure: %s [File: %s, Line: %lu]", #condition, __FILE__, __LINE__); } 38 #define AssertMsg(condition, message)if (!(condition)) { DebugStop("Assertion failure: %s (%s) [File: %s, Line: %lu]", #condition, message, __FILE__, __LINE__); } 39 #define Require(condition)if (!(condition)) { DebugStop("Assertion failure: %s [File: %s, Line: %lu]", #condition, __FILE__, __LINE__); } 40 #define RequireAction(condition, action)if (!(condition)) { DebugStop("Assertion failure: %s [File: %s, Line: %lu]", #condition, __FILE__, __LINE__); action }
/external/llvm/test/CodeGen/ARM/ |
2010-10-25-ifcvt-ldm.ll | 3 ; LDM instruction, was causing an assertion failure because the microop count
/external/llvm/test/CodeGen/Blackfin/ |
invalid-apint.ll | 3 ; Assertion failed: (width < BitWidth && "Invalid APInt Truncate request"),
/external/valgrind/main/cachegrind/tests/x86/ |
fpu-28-108.S | 2 runs without any assertion failures from V.) */
/external/valgrind/main/docs/internals/ |
3_4_BUGSTATUS.txt | 13 Assertion 'found' failed. 63 188248 pthread_cleanup_push, pthread_rwlock_unlock, assertion 79 188657 Massif: ms_main.c:1700 (update_stack_stats): Assertion 111 189763 drd assertion failure: s_threadinfo[tid].is_recording
/external/valgrind/main/memcheck/tests/x86/ |
bug152022.c | 6 vex: priv/host-x86/isel.c:510 (doHelperCall): Assertion
/external/webkit/LayoutTests/fast/dom/Geolocation/script-tests/ |
window-close-crash.js | 1 description("Tests the assertion that the GeolocationClient should not be updating<br>" +
/external/webkit/LayoutTests/fast/dom/NodeList/ |
adoptNode-node-list-cache.html | 46 document.getElementById("result").firstChild.data = "TEST PASSED - Unless an assertion or crash happens soon.";
/external/webkit/LayoutTests/storage/ |
change-version-no-crash-on-preflight-failure.html | 33 This test verifies that no assertion is triggered when changeVersion()'s preflight step fails.
/external/webkit/Source/WebCore/manual-tests/ |
goBack-blank-tab-page.html | 15 If the webkit doesn't meet an assertion error : this test is Successfull.
new-window-subresource-crash.html | 13 window does not cause crashes or assertion failures, even if it
/frameworks/base/test-runner/src/android/test/ |
AssertionFailedError.java | 20 * Thrown when an assertion failed.
/libcore/luni/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/security/tests/java/security/ |
KeyPairGenerator1Test.java | 95 * Assertion: 118 * Assertion: returns KeyPairGenerator object 136 * Assertion: throws IllegalArgumentException when provider is null or empty 162 * Assertion: 187 * Assertion: throws NoSuchAlgorithmException when algorithm is not 219 * Assertion: returns KeyPairGenerator object 240 * Assertion: throws IllegalArgumentException when provider is null 260 * Assertion: 289 * Assertion: returns KeyPairGenerator object 309 * Assertion: KeyPairGenerator was initialized before the invocatio [all...] |
/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/i686-linux-glibc2.7-4.4.3/sysroot/usr/lib/ |
libxcb-xlib.so.0 | |
libxcb-xlib.so.0.0 | |
libxcb-xlib.so.0.0.0 | |
/external/apache-harmony/security/src/test/impl/java/org/apache/harmony/security/tests/java/security/cert/ |
PKIXParameters_ImplTest.java | 52 * Assertion: Creates an instance of <code>PKIXParameters</code> 72 * Assertion: Only keystore entries that contain trusted 92 * Assertion: <code>KeyStoreException</code> - 111 * Assertion: <code>InvalidAlgorithmParameterException</code> - 131 * Assertion: <code>Set</code> is copied to protect against 158 * Assertion: Makes a copy of this <code>PKIXParameters</code> object 230 * Assertion: Changes to the copy will not affect 272 * Assertion: Returns a formatted string describing the parameters
/external/webkit/Source/WebKit/chromium/src/ |
WebCommon.cpp | 38 void failedAssertion(const char* file, int line, const char* function, const char* assertion) 40 WTFReportAssertionFailure(file, line, function, assertion);
/external/webkit/Source/WebKit/mac/Misc/ |
OldWebAssertions.c | 29 void WebReportAssertionFailure(const char *file, int line, const char *function, const char *assertion); 32 void WebReportAssertionFailure(const char *file, int line, const char *function, const char *assertion)