/external/neven/Embedded/common/src/b_TensorEm/ |
VectorMap.h | 107 const struct bts_VectorMap* ptrA, uint16* memPtrA ); 111 struct bts_VectorMap* ptrA, const uint16* memPtrA ); 130 const struct bts_VectorMap* ptrA, uint16* memPtrA ); 135 const uint16* memPtrA,
Flt16Vec.c | 99 uint16 iL; 100 uint16 sizeL = ptrA->arrE.sizeE; 119 uint16 bts_Flt16Vec_maxAbs( struct bbs_Context* cpA, const struct bts_Flt16Vec* ptrA ) 121 uint16 iL; 122 uint16 sizeL = ptrA->arrE.sizeE; 123 uint16 maxL = 0; 127 uint16 vL = srcL[ iL ] > 0 ? srcL[ iL ] : -srcL[ iL ]; 182 uint16* memPtrA ) 195 const uint16* memPtrA, 270 uint16 iL [all...] |
/external/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/compiler/ |
zip_writer.cc | 98 static void WriteShort(io::CodedOutputStream *out, uint16 val) { 113 uint16 filename_size = filename.size(); 140 uint16 num_entries = files_.size(); 147 uint16 filename_size = filename.size();
/external/qemu/distrib/sdl-1.2.12/src/audio/sun/ |
SDL_sunaudio.h | 36 Uint16 audio_fmt; /* The app audio format */
/external/srec/seti/setiUtils/include/ |
port_fileio.h | 34 #define uint16 int macro
/external/webkit/Examples/NetscapeCoreAnimationPlugin/ |
main.m | 56 NPError NPP_New(NPMIMEType pluginType, NPP instance, uint16 mode, int16 argc, char* argn[], char* argv[], NPSavedData* saved); 59 NPError NPP_NewStream(NPP instance, NPMIMEType type, NPStream* stream, NPBool seekable, uint16* stype); 109 NPError NPP_New(NPMIMEType pluginType, NPP instance, uint16 mode, int16 argc, char* argn[], char* argv[], NPSavedData* saved) 163 NPError NPP_NewStream(NPP instance, NPMIMEType type, NPStream* stream, NPBool seekable, uint16* stype)
/external/bluetooth/bluez/doc/ |
media-api.txt | 94 fd, uint16, uint16 Acquire(string accesstype) 142 uint16 Delay [readwrite]
/external/bluetooth/bluez/tools/ |
ubcsp.c | 50 static uint16 ubcsp_calc_crc (uint8 ch, uint16 crc);
51 static uint16 ubcsp_crc_reverse (uint16);
223 static uint16 ubcsp_calc_crc (uint8 ch, uint16 crc)
227 static const uint16 crc_table[] =
251 static uint16 ubcsp_crc_reverse (uint16 crc)
373 static uint16
[all...] |
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/importer/ |
importer_host.cc | 101 uint16 items, 185 uint16 items, 200 void ImporterHost::CheckForLoadedModels(uint16 items) {
importer_host.h | 76 uint16 items, 96 uint16 items, 102 void CheckForLoadedModels(uint16 items);
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/safe_browsing/ |
prefix_set.h | 91 uint16 DeltaAt(size_t target_index) const; 106 std::vector<uint16> *deltas); 117 std::vector<uint16> deltas_;
prefix_set.cc | 65 const uint16 delta16 = static_cast<uint16>(delta); 100 std::vector<uint16> *deltas) { 180 std::vector<uint16> deltas; 316 uint16 PrefixSet::DeltaAt(size_t target_index) const {
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/ui/gtk/importer/ |
import_progress_dialog_gtk.cc | 37 uint16 items, 62 uint16 items, 221 uint16 items,
/external/chromium/crypto/ |
rsa_private_key_nss.cc | 52 RSAPrivateKey* RSAPrivateKey::Create(uint16 num_bits) { 59 RSAPrivateKey* RSAPrivateKey::CreateSensitive(uint16 num_bits) { 187 RSAPrivateKey* RSAPrivateKey::CreateWithParams(uint16 num_bits,
/external/chromium/third_party/libjingle/source/talk/p2p/base/ |
pseudotcp.h | 81 void NotifyMTU(uint16 mtu); 110 // Note: can't go as high as 1024 * 64, because of uint16 precision 120 uint16 wnd;
/external/qemu/distrib/sdl-1.2.12/src/events/ |
SDL_mouse.c | 106 Uint16 X, Y; 138 X = (Uint16)x; 146 Y = (Uint16)y;
/external/webkit/Source/WebCore/platform/ |
PlatformKeyboardEvent.h | 71 typedef unsigned short uint16; typedef 73 #define AEEEvent uint16 208 PlatformKeyboardEvent(AEEEvent, uint16, uint32, Type);
PlatformMouseEvent.h | 65 typedef unsigned short uint16; typedef 67 #define AEEEvent uint16 177 PlatformMouseEvent(AEEEvent, uint16 wParam, uint32 dwParam);
/external/webkit/Source/WebCore/platform/brew/ |
PlatformKeyboardEventBrew.cpp | 43 static String keyIdentifierForBrewKeyCode(uint16 keyCode) 113 static int windowsKeyCodeForKeyEvent(uint16 code) 217 PlatformKeyboardEvent::PlatformKeyboardEvent(AEEEvent event, uint16 code, uint32 modifiers, Type type)
/external/neven/Embedded/common/src/b_ImageEm/ |
UInt16ByteImage.c | 113 const uint16* ptrL = ptrA->arrE.arrPtrE; 223 uint16* memPtrA ) 238 const uint16* memPtrA, 273 uint16 valueA ) 276 uint16* ptrL = ptrA->arrE.arrPtrE; 277 uint16 fillL = ( valueA & 0x0FF ) | ( ( valueA & 0x0FF ) << 8 ); 345 uint16* dstPtrL; 346 const uint16* ulPtrL = srcPtrA->arrE.arrPtrE; 347 const uint16* urPtrL = ulPtrL + halfSrcWidthL - 1; 348 const uint16* llPtrL = ulPtrL + ( srcHeightL - 1 ) * halfSrcWidthL [all...] |
/external/qemu/distrib/sdl-1.2.12/src/video/ |
SDL_sysvideo.h | 153 Uint16 *gamma; 162 int (*SetGammaRamp)(_THIS, Uint16 *ramp); 165 int (*GetGammaRamp)(_THIS, Uint16 *ramp); 253 void (*WarpWMCursor)(_THIS, Uint16 x, Uint16 y);
/external/webkit/Source/WebKit2/Shared/Plugins/Netscape/mac/ |
NetscapePluginModuleMac.mm | 219 if (stringListSize < static_cast<Size>(sizeof(UInt16))) 228 UInt16 numStrings = *reinterpret_cast<UInt16*>(ptr); 229 ptr += sizeof(UInt16); 231 for (UInt16 i = 0; i < numStrings; ++i) {
/external/neven/Embedded/common/src/b_BasicEm/ |
UInt16Arr.c | 84 bbs_memcpy16( ptrA->arrPtrE, srcPtrA->arrPtrE, srcPtrA->sizeE * bbs_SIZEOF16( uint16 ) ); 94 const uint16* ptr1L = ptrA->arrPtrE; 95 const uint16* ptr2L = srcPtrA->arrPtrE; 120 const uint16* ptrL = ptrA->arrPtrE + startIndexA; 134 return sizeA * bbs_SIZEOF16( uint16 ) + bbs_MEM_BLOCK_OVERHD; 176 ptrA->arrPtrE = bbs_MemSeg_alloc( cpA, mspA, sizeA * bbs_SIZEOF16( uint16 ) ); 198 ptrA->sizeE * bbs_SIZEOF16( uint16 ); 205 uint16* memPtrA ) 218 const uint16* memPtrA, 230 bbs_ERR0( bbs_ERR_CORRUPT_DATA, "uint32 bbs_UInt16Arr_memRead( const struct bbs_UInt16Arr*, const uint16* ):\n [all...] |
/external/chromium/net/base/ |
dnssec_keyset.cc | 40 uint16 keyid = DNSKEYToKeyID(dnskey); 54 uint16 rrtype, 62 // keyid uint16 79 uint16 keyid = static_cast<uint16>(sigdata[14]) << 8 | 80 static_cast<uint16>(sigdata[15]); 169 uint16 DNSSECKeySet::DNSKEYToKeyID(const base::StringPiece& dnskey) {
/external/chromium/third_party/libjingle/source/talk/base/ |
httpcommon.h | 132 const uint16 HTTP_DEFAULT_PORT = 80; 133 const uint16 HTTP_SECURE_PORT = 443; 183 inline uint16 HttpDefaultPort(bool secure) { 216 Url(const string& path, const string& host, uint16 port = HTTP_DEFAULT_PORT) 253 void set_port(uint16 val) { port_ = val; } 254 uint16 port() const { return port_; } 287 uint16 port_;