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490     IntRect damageRect(clientRect());
491 damageRect.setY(m_itemHeight * (index - m_scrollOffset));
492 damageRect.setHeight(m_itemHeight);
494 damageRect.setWidth(damageRect.width() - m_scrollbar->frameRect().width());
496 RECT r = damageRect;
560 void PopupMenuWin::paint(const IntRect& damageRect, HDC hdc)
600 // listRect is the damageRect translated into the coordinates of the entire menu list (which is itemCount * m_itemHeight pixels tall)
601 IntRect listRect = damageRect;
618 IntRect itemRect(0, (index - m_scrollOffset) * m_itemHeight, damageRect.width(), m_itemHeight);
657 m_scrollbar->paint(&context, damageRect);
661 ::BitBlt(localDC, damageRect.x(), damageRect.y(), damageRect.width(), damageRect.height(), m_DC, damageRect.x(), damageRect.y(), SRCCOPY);