1 2 /* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 2.4.1. */ 3 4 /* Skeleton interface for Bison's Yacc-like parsers in C 5 6 Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 7 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 8 9 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 10 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 11 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 12 (at your option) any later version. 13 14 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 15 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 16 MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 17 GNU General Public License for more details. 18 19 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 20 along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ 21 22 /* As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains 23 part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work 24 under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a 25 parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof 26 as a parser skeleton. Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute 27 the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this 28 special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting 29 Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public 30 License without this special exception. 31 32 This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in 33 version 2.2 of Bison. */ 34 35 36 /* Tokens. */ 37 #ifndef YYTOKENTYPE 38 # define YYTOKENTYPE 39 /* Put the tokens into the symbol table, so that GDB and other debuggers 40 know about them. */ 41 enum yytokentype { 42 PRIVSEP = 258, 43 USER = 259, 44 GROUP = 260, 45 CHROOT = 261, 46 PATH = 262, 47 PATHTYPE = 263, 48 INCLUDE = 264, 49 PFKEY_BUFFER = 265, 50 LOGGING = 266, 51 LOGLEV = 267, 52 PADDING = 268, 53 PAD_RANDOMIZE = 269, 54 PAD_RANDOMIZELEN = 270, 55 PAD_MAXLEN = 271, 56 PAD_STRICT = 272, 57 PAD_EXCLTAIL = 273, 58 LISTEN = 274, 59 X_ISAKMP = 275, 60 X_ISAKMP_NATT = 276, 61 X_ADMIN = 277, 62 STRICT_ADDRESS = 278, 63 ADMINSOCK = 279, 64 DISABLED = 280, 65 LDAPCFG = 281, 66 LDAP_HOST = 282, 67 LDAP_PORT = 283, 68 LDAP_PVER = 284, 69 LDAP_BASE = 285, 70 LDAP_BIND_DN = 286, 71 LDAP_BIND_PW = 287, 72 LDAP_SUBTREE = 288, 73 LDAP_ATTR_USER = 289, 74 LDAP_ATTR_ADDR = 290, 75 LDAP_ATTR_MASK = 291, 76 LDAP_ATTR_GROUP = 292, 77 LDAP_ATTR_MEMBER = 293, 78 RADCFG = 294, 79 RAD_AUTH = 295, 80 RAD_ACCT = 296, 81 RAD_TIMEOUT = 297, 82 RAD_RETRIES = 298, 83 MODECFG = 299, 84 CFG_NET4 = 300, 85 CFG_MASK4 = 301, 86 CFG_DNS4 = 302, 87 CFG_NBNS4 = 303, 88 CFG_DEFAULT_DOMAIN = 304, 89 CFG_AUTH_SOURCE = 305, 90 CFG_AUTH_GROUPS = 306, 91 CFG_SYSTEM = 307, 92 CFG_RADIUS = 308, 93 CFG_PAM = 309, 94 CFG_LDAP = 310, 95 CFG_LOCAL = 311, 96 CFG_NONE = 312, 97 CFG_GROUP_SOURCE = 313, 98 CFG_ACCOUNTING = 314, 99 CFG_CONF_SOURCE = 315, 100 CFG_MOTD = 316, 101 CFG_POOL_SIZE = 317, 102 CFG_AUTH_THROTTLE = 318, 103 CFG_SPLIT_NETWORK = 319, 104 CFG_SPLIT_LOCAL = 320, 105 CFG_SPLIT_INCLUDE = 321, 106 CFG_SPLIT_DNS = 322, 107 CFG_PFS_GROUP = 323, 108 CFG_SAVE_PASSWD = 324, 109 RETRY = 325, 110 RETRY_COUNTER = 326, 111 RETRY_INTERVAL = 327, 112 RETRY_PERSEND = 328, 113 RETRY_PHASE1 = 329, 114 RETRY_PHASE2 = 330, 115 NATT_KA = 331, 116 ALGORITHM_CLASS = 332, 117 ALGORITHMTYPE = 333, 118 STRENGTHTYPE = 334, 119 SAINFO = 335, 120 FROM = 336, 121 REMOTE = 337, 122 ANONYMOUS = 338, 123 CLIENTADDR = 339, 124 INHERIT = 340, 125 REMOTE_ADDRESS = 341, 126 EXCHANGE_MODE = 342, 127 EXCHANGETYPE = 343, 128 DOI = 344, 129 DOITYPE = 345, 130 SITUATION = 346, 131 SITUATIONTYPE = 347, 132 CERTIFICATE_TYPE = 348, 133 CERTTYPE = 349, 134 PEERS_CERTFILE = 350, 135 CA_TYPE = 351, 136 VERIFY_CERT = 352, 137 SEND_CERT = 353, 138 SEND_CR = 354, 139 MATCH_EMPTY_CR = 355, 140 IDENTIFIERTYPE = 356, 141 IDENTIFIERQUAL = 357, 142 MY_IDENTIFIER = 358, 143 PEERS_IDENTIFIER = 359, 144 VERIFY_IDENTIFIER = 360, 145 DNSSEC = 361, 146 CERT_X509 = 362, 147 CERT_PLAINRSA = 363, 148 NONCE_SIZE = 364, 149 DH_GROUP = 365, 150 KEEPALIVE = 366, 151 PASSIVE = 367, 152 INITIAL_CONTACT = 368, 153 NAT_TRAVERSAL = 369, 154 REMOTE_FORCE_LEVEL = 370, 155 PROPOSAL_CHECK = 371, 156 PROPOSAL_CHECK_LEVEL = 372, 157 GENERATE_POLICY = 373, 158 GENERATE_LEVEL = 374, 159 SUPPORT_PROXY = 375, 160 PROPOSAL = 376, 161 EXEC_PATH = 377, 162 EXEC_COMMAND = 378, 163 EXEC_SUCCESS = 379, 164 EXEC_FAILURE = 380, 165 GSS_ID = 381, 166 GSS_ID_ENC = 382, 167 GSS_ID_ENCTYPE = 383, 168 COMPLEX_BUNDLE = 384, 169 DPD = 385, 170 DPD_DELAY = 386, 171 DPD_RETRY = 387, 172 DPD_MAXFAIL = 388, 173 PH1ID = 389, 174 XAUTH_LOGIN = 390, 175 WEAK_PHASE1_CHECK = 391, 176 REKEY = 392, 177 PREFIX = 393, 178 PORT = 394, 179 PORTANY = 395, 180 UL_PROTO = 396, 181 ANY = 397, 182 IKE_FRAG = 398, 183 ESP_FRAG = 399, 184 MODE_CFG = 400, 185 PFS_GROUP = 401, 186 LIFETIME = 402, 187 LIFETYPE_TIME = 403, 188 LIFETYPE_BYTE = 404, 189 STRENGTH = 405, 190 REMOTEID = 406, 191 SCRIPT = 407, 192 PHASE1_UP = 408, 193 PHASE1_DOWN = 409, 194 PHASE1_DEAD = 410, 195 NUMBER = 411, 196 SWITCH = 412, 197 BOOLEAN = 413, 198 HEXSTRING = 414, 199 QUOTEDSTRING = 415, 200 ADDRSTRING = 416, 201 ADDRRANGE = 417, 202 UNITTYPE_BYTE = 418, 203 UNITTYPE_KBYTES = 419, 204 UNITTYPE_MBYTES = 420, 205 UNITTYPE_TBYTES = 421, 206 UNITTYPE_SEC = 422, 207 UNITTYPE_MIN = 423, 208 UNITTYPE_HOUR = 424, 209 EOS = 425, 210 BOC = 426, 211 EOC = 427, 212 COMMA = 428 213 }; 214 #endif 215 /* Tokens. */ 216 #define PRIVSEP 258 217 #define USER 259 218 #define GROUP 260 219 #define CHROOT 261 220 #define PATH 262 221 #define PATHTYPE 263 222 #define INCLUDE 264 223 #define PFKEY_BUFFER 265 224 #define LOGGING 266 225 #define LOGLEV 267 226 #define PADDING 268 227 #define PAD_RANDOMIZE 269 228 #define PAD_RANDOMIZELEN 270 229 #define PAD_MAXLEN 271 230 #define PAD_STRICT 272 231 #define PAD_EXCLTAIL 273 232 #define LISTEN 274 233 #define X_ISAKMP 275 234 #define X_ISAKMP_NATT 276 235 #define X_ADMIN 277 236 #define STRICT_ADDRESS 278 237 #define ADMINSOCK 279 238 #define DISABLED 280 239 #define LDAPCFG 281 240 #define LDAP_HOST 282 241 #define LDAP_PORT 283 242 #define LDAP_PVER 284 243 #define LDAP_BASE 285 244 #define LDAP_BIND_DN 286 245 #define LDAP_BIND_PW 287 246 #define LDAP_SUBTREE 288 247 #define LDAP_ATTR_USER 289 248 #define LDAP_ATTR_ADDR 290 249 #define LDAP_ATTR_MASK 291 250 #define LDAP_ATTR_GROUP 292 251 #define LDAP_ATTR_MEMBER 293 252 #define RADCFG 294 253 #define RAD_AUTH 295 254 #define RAD_ACCT 296 255 #define RAD_TIMEOUT 297 256 #define RAD_RETRIES 298 257 #define MODECFG 299 258 #define CFG_NET4 300 259 #define CFG_MASK4 301 260 #define CFG_DNS4 302 261 #define CFG_NBNS4 303 262 #define CFG_DEFAULT_DOMAIN 304 263 #define CFG_AUTH_SOURCE 305 264 #define CFG_AUTH_GROUPS 306 265 #define CFG_SYSTEM 307 266 #define CFG_RADIUS 308 267 #define CFG_PAM 309 268 #define CFG_LDAP 310 269 #define CFG_LOCAL 311 270 #define CFG_NONE 312 271 #define CFG_GROUP_SOURCE 313 272 #define CFG_ACCOUNTING 314 273 #define CFG_CONF_SOURCE 315 274 #define CFG_MOTD 316 275 #define CFG_POOL_SIZE 317 276 #define CFG_AUTH_THROTTLE 318 277 #define CFG_SPLIT_NETWORK 319 278 #define CFG_SPLIT_LOCAL 320 279 #define CFG_SPLIT_INCLUDE 321 280 #define CFG_SPLIT_DNS 322 281 #define CFG_PFS_GROUP 323 282 #define CFG_SAVE_PASSWD 324 283 #define RETRY 325 284 #define RETRY_COUNTER 326 285 #define RETRY_INTERVAL 327 286 #define RETRY_PERSEND 328 287 #define RETRY_PHASE1 329 288 #define RETRY_PHASE2 330 289 #define NATT_KA 331 290 #define ALGORITHM_CLASS 332 291 #define ALGORITHMTYPE 333 292 #define STRENGTHTYPE 334 293 #define SAINFO 335 294 #define FROM 336 295 #define REMOTE 337 296 #define ANONYMOUS 338 297 #define CLIENTADDR 339 298 #define INHERIT 340 299 #define REMOTE_ADDRESS 341 300 #define EXCHANGE_MODE 342 301 #define EXCHANGETYPE 343 302 #define DOI 344 303 #define DOITYPE 345 304 #define SITUATION 346 305 #define SITUATIONTYPE 347 306 #define CERTIFICATE_TYPE 348 307 #define CERTTYPE 349 308 #define PEERS_CERTFILE 350 309 #define CA_TYPE 351 310 #define VERIFY_CERT 352 311 #define SEND_CERT 353 312 #define SEND_CR 354 313 #define MATCH_EMPTY_CR 355 314 #define IDENTIFIERTYPE 356 315 #define IDENTIFIERQUAL 357 316 #define MY_IDENTIFIER 358 317 #define PEERS_IDENTIFIER 359 318 #define VERIFY_IDENTIFIER 360 319 #define DNSSEC 361 320 #define CERT_X509 362 321 #define CERT_PLAINRSA 363 322 #define NONCE_SIZE 364 323 #define DH_GROUP 365 324 #define KEEPALIVE 366 325 #define PASSIVE 367 326 #define INITIAL_CONTACT 368 327 #define NAT_TRAVERSAL 369 328 #define REMOTE_FORCE_LEVEL 370 329 #define PROPOSAL_CHECK 371 330 #define PROPOSAL_CHECK_LEVEL 372 331 #define GENERATE_POLICY 373 332 #define GENERATE_LEVEL 374 333 #define SUPPORT_PROXY 375 334 #define PROPOSAL 376 335 #define EXEC_PATH 377 336 #define EXEC_COMMAND 378 337 #define EXEC_SUCCESS 379 338 #define EXEC_FAILURE 380 339 #define GSS_ID 381 340 #define GSS_ID_ENC 382 341 #define GSS_ID_ENCTYPE 383 342 #define COMPLEX_BUNDLE 384 343 #define DPD 385 344 #define DPD_DELAY 386 345 #define DPD_RETRY 387 346 #define DPD_MAXFAIL 388 347 #define PH1ID 389 348 #define XAUTH_LOGIN 390 349 #define WEAK_PHASE1_CHECK 391 350 #define REKEY 392 351 #define PREFIX 393 352 #define PORT 394 353 #define PORTANY 395 354 #define UL_PROTO 396 355 #define ANY 397 356 #define IKE_FRAG 398 357 #define ESP_FRAG 399 358 #define MODE_CFG 400 359 #define PFS_GROUP 401 360 #define LIFETIME 402 361 #define LIFETYPE_TIME 403 362 #define LIFETYPE_BYTE 404 363 #define STRENGTH 405 364 #define REMOTEID 406 365 #define SCRIPT 407 366 #define PHASE1_UP 408 367 #define PHASE1_DOWN 409 368 #define PHASE1_DEAD 410 369 #define NUMBER 411 370 #define SWITCH 412 371 #define BOOLEAN 413 372 #define HEXSTRING 414 373 #define QUOTEDSTRING 415 374 #define ADDRSTRING 416 375 #define ADDRRANGE 417 376 #define UNITTYPE_BYTE 418 377 #define UNITTYPE_KBYTES 419 378 #define UNITTYPE_MBYTES 420 379 #define UNITTYPE_TBYTES 421 380 #define UNITTYPE_SEC 422 381 #define UNITTYPE_MIN 423 382 #define UNITTYPE_HOUR 424 383 #define EOS 425 384 #define BOC 426 385 #define EOC 427 386 #define COMMA 428 387 388 389 390 391 #if ! defined YYSTYPE && ! defined YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED 392 typedef union YYSTYPE 393 { 394 395 /* Line 1676 of yacc.c */ 396 #line 177 "cfparse.y" 397 398 unsigned long num; 399 vchar_t *val; 400 struct remoteconf *rmconf; 401 struct sockaddr *saddr; 402 struct sainfoalg *alg; 403 404 405 406 /* Line 1676 of yacc.c */ 407 #line 408 "cfparse.h" 408 } YYSTYPE; 409 # define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1 410 # define yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */ 411 # define YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED 1 412 #endif 413 414 extern YYSTYPE yylval; 415 416 417