Home | History | Annotate | Download | only in extensions
      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_service.h"
      7 #include <algorithm>
      8 #include <set>
     10 #include "base/basictypes.h"
     11 #include "base/command_line.h"
     12 #include "base/file_util.h"
     13 #include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
     14 #include "base/path_service.h"
     15 #include "base/stl_util-inl.h"
     16 #include "base/string16.h"
     17 #include "base/string_number_conversions.h"
     18 #include "base/string_util.h"
     19 #include "base/stringprintf.h"
     20 #include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
     21 #include "base/time.h"
     22 #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h"
     23 #include "base/values.h"
     24 #include "base/version.h"
     25 #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
     26 #include "chrome/browser/debugger/devtools_manager.h"
     27 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/crx_installer.h"
     28 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/apps_promo.h"
     29 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_accessibility_api.h"
     30 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_bookmarks_module.h"
     31 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_browser_event_router.h"
     32 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_cookies_api.h"
     33 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_data_deleter.h"
     34 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_error_reporter.h"
     35 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_history_api.h"
     36 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_host.h"
     37 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_management_api.h"
     38 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_preference_api.h"
     39 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_process_manager.h"
     40 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_processes_api.h"
     41 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_special_storage_policy.h"
     42 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_sync_data.h"
     43 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_updater.h"
     44 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_web_ui.h"
     45 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_webnavigation_api.h"
     46 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/external_extension_provider_impl.h"
     47 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/external_extension_provider_interface.h"
     48 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/pending_extension_manager.h"
     49 #include "chrome/browser/net/chrome_url_request_context.h"
     50 #include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_service.h"
     51 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
     52 #include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_model.h"
     53 #include "chrome/browser/themes/theme_service.h"
     54 #include "chrome/browser/themes/theme_service_factory.h"
     55 #include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/shown_sections_handler.h"
     56 #include "chrome/common/child_process_logging.h"
     57 #include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h"
     58 #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
     59 #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension.h"
     60 #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_constants.h"
     61 #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_error_utils.h"
     62 #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_file_util.h"
     63 #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_l10n_util.h"
     64 #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_resource.h"
     65 #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
     66 #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h"
     67 #include "content/browser/browser_thread.h"
     68 #include "content/browser/plugin_process_host.h"
     69 #include "content/browser/plugin_service.h"
     70 #include "content/common/json_value_serializer.h"
     71 #include "content/common/notification_service.h"
     72 #include "content/common/notification_type.h"
     73 #include "content/common/pepper_plugin_registry.h"
     74 #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
     75 #include "net/base/registry_controlled_domain.h"
     76 #include "webkit/database/database_tracker.h"
     77 #include "webkit/database/database_util.h"
     78 #include "webkit/plugins/npapi/plugin_list.h"
     80 #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
     81 #include "chrome/browser/chromeos/extensions/file_browser_event_router.h"
     82 #include "webkit/fileapi/file_system_context.h"
     83 #include "webkit/fileapi/file_system_mount_point_provider.h"
     84 #include "webkit/fileapi/file_system_path_manager.h"
     85 #endif
     87 using base::Time;
     89 namespace errors = extension_manifest_errors;
     91 namespace {
     93 #if defined(OS_LINUX)
     94 static const int kOmniboxIconPaddingLeft = 2;
     95 static const int kOmniboxIconPaddingRight = 2;
     96 #elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
     97 static const int kOmniboxIconPaddingLeft = 0;
     98 static const int kOmniboxIconPaddingRight = 2;
     99 #else
    100 static const int kOmniboxIconPaddingLeft = 0;
    101 static const int kOmniboxIconPaddingRight = 0;
    102 #endif
    104 // The following enumeration is used in histograms matching
    105 // Extensions.ManifestReload* .  Values may be added, as long
    106 // as existing values are not changed.
    107 enum ManifestReloadReason {
    108   NOT_NEEDED = 0,  // Reload not needed.
    109   UNPACKED_DIR,  // Unpacked directory
    110   NEEDS_RELOCALIZATION,  // The local has changed since we read this extension.
    112 };
    114 ManifestReloadReason ShouldReloadExtensionManifest(const ExtensionInfo& info) {
    115   // Always reload manifests of unpacked extensions, because they can change
    116   // on disk independent of the manifest in our prefs.
    117   if (info.extension_location == Extension::LOAD)
    118     return UNPACKED_DIR;
    120   // Reload the manifest if it needs to be relocalized.
    121   if (extension_l10n_util::ShouldRelocalizeManifest(info))
    122     return NEEDS_RELOCALIZATION;
    124   return NOT_NEEDED;
    125 }
    127 static void ForceShutdownPlugin(const FilePath& plugin_path) {
    128   PluginProcessHost* plugin =
    129       PluginService::GetInstance()->FindNpapiPluginProcess(plugin_path);
    130   if (plugin)
    131     plugin->ForceShutdown();
    132 }
    134 }  // namespace
    136 ExtensionService::ExtensionRuntimeData::ExtensionRuntimeData()
    137     : background_page_ready(false),
    138       being_upgraded(false) {
    139 }
    141 ExtensionService::ExtensionRuntimeData::~ExtensionRuntimeData() {
    142 }
    144 ExtensionService::NaClModuleInfo::NaClModuleInfo() {
    145 }
    147 ExtensionService::NaClModuleInfo::~NaClModuleInfo() {
    148 }
    150 // ExtensionService.
    152 const char* ExtensionService::kInstallDirectoryName = "Extensions";
    153 const char* ExtensionService::kCurrentVersionFileName = "Current Version";
    155 // Implements IO for the ExtensionService.
    157 class ExtensionServiceBackend
    158     : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ExtensionServiceBackend> {
    159  public:
    160   // |install_directory| is a path where to look for extensions to load.
    161   explicit ExtensionServiceBackend(const FilePath& install_directory);
    163   // Loads a single extension from |path| where |path| is the top directory of
    164   // a specific extension where its manifest file lives.
    165   // Errors are reported through ExtensionErrorReporter. On success,
    166   // AddExtension() is called.
    167   // TODO(erikkay): It might be useful to be able to load a packed extension
    168   // (presumably into memory) without installing it.
    169   void LoadSingleExtension(const FilePath &path,
    170                            scoped_refptr<ExtensionService> frontend);
    172  private:
    173   friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ExtensionServiceBackend>;
    175   virtual ~ExtensionServiceBackend();
    177   // Finish installing the extension in |crx_path| after it has been unpacked to
    178   // |unpacked_path|.  If |expected_id| is not empty, it's verified against the
    179   // extension's manifest before installation. If |silent| is true, there will
    180   // be no install confirmation dialog. |from_gallery| indicates whether the
    181   // crx was installed from our gallery, which results in different UI.
    182   //
    183   // Note: We take ownership of |extension|.
    184   void OnExtensionUnpacked(const FilePath& crx_path,
    185                            const FilePath& unpacked_path,
    186                            const Extension* extension,
    187                            const std::string expected_id);
    189   // Notify the frontend that there was an error loading an extension.
    190   void ReportExtensionLoadError(const FilePath& extension_path,
    191                                 const std::string& error);
    193   // This is a naked pointer which is set by each entry point.
    194   // The entry point is responsible for ensuring lifetime.
    195   ExtensionService* frontend_;
    197   // The top-level extensions directory being installed to.
    198   FilePath install_directory_;
    200   // Whether errors result in noisy alerts.
    201   bool alert_on_error_;
    203   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ExtensionServiceBackend);
    204 };
    206 ExtensionServiceBackend::ExtensionServiceBackend(
    207     const FilePath& install_directory)
    208         : frontend_(NULL),
    209           install_directory_(install_directory),
    210           alert_on_error_(false) {
    211 }
    213 ExtensionServiceBackend::~ExtensionServiceBackend() {
    214 }
    216 void ExtensionServiceBackend::LoadSingleExtension(
    217     const FilePath& path_in, scoped_refptr<ExtensionService> frontend) {
    218   CHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::FILE));
    220   frontend_ = frontend;
    222   // Explicit UI loads are always noisy.
    223   alert_on_error_ = true;
    225   FilePath extension_path = path_in;
    226   file_util::AbsolutePath(&extension_path);
    228   int flags = Extension::ShouldAlwaysAllowFileAccess(Extension::LOAD) ?
    229       Extension::ALLOW_FILE_ACCESS : Extension::NO_FLAGS;
    230   if (Extension::ShouldDoStrictErrorChecking(Extension::LOAD))
    231     flags |= Extension::STRICT_ERROR_CHECKS;
    232   std::string error;
    233   scoped_refptr<const Extension> extension(extension_file_util::LoadExtension(
    234       extension_path,
    235       Extension::LOAD,
    236       flags,
    237       &error));
    239   if (!extension) {
    240     ReportExtensionLoadError(extension_path, error);
    241     return;
    242   }
    244   // Report this as an installed extension so that it gets remembered in the
    245   // prefs.
    246   BrowserThread::PostTask(
    247       BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE,
    248       NewRunnableMethod(frontend_,
    249                         &ExtensionService::OnExtensionInstalled,
    250                         extension));
    251 }
    253 void ExtensionServiceBackend::ReportExtensionLoadError(
    254     const FilePath& extension_path, const std::string &error) {
    255   CHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::FILE));
    256   BrowserThread::PostTask(
    257       BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE,
    258       NewRunnableMethod(
    259           frontend_,
    260           &ExtensionService::ReportExtensionLoadError, extension_path,
    261           error, NotificationType::EXTENSION_INSTALL_ERROR, alert_on_error_));
    262 }
    264 void ExtensionService::CheckExternalUninstall(const std::string& id) {
    265   CHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
    267   // Check if the providers know about this extension.
    268   ProviderCollection::const_iterator i;
    269   for (i = external_extension_providers_.begin();
    270        i != external_extension_providers_.end(); ++i) {
    271     DCHECK(i->get()->IsReady());
    272     if (i->get()->HasExtension(id))
    273       return;  // Yup, known extension, don't uninstall.
    274   }
    276   // This is an external extension that we don't have registered.  Uninstall.
    277   UninstallExtension(id, true, NULL);
    278 }
    280 void ExtensionService::ClearProvidersForTesting() {
    281   external_extension_providers_.clear();
    282 }
    284 void ExtensionService::AddProviderForTesting(
    285     ExternalExtensionProviderInterface* test_provider) {
    286   CHECK(test_provider);
    287   external_extension_providers_.push_back(
    288       linked_ptr<ExternalExtensionProviderInterface>(test_provider));
    289 }
    291 void ExtensionService::OnExternalExtensionUpdateUrlFound(
    292     const std::string& id,
    293     const GURL& update_url,
    294     Extension::Location location) {
    295   CHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
    296   CHECK(Extension::IdIsValid(id));
    298   if (GetExtensionById(id, true)) {
    299     // Already installed.  Do not change the update URL that the extension set.
    300     return;
    301   }
    302   pending_extension_manager()->AddFromExternalUpdateUrl(
    303       id, update_url, location);
    304   external_extension_url_added_ |= true;
    305 }
    307 bool ExtensionService::IsDownloadFromGallery(const GURL& download_url,
    308                                              const GURL& referrer_url) {
    309   // Special-case the themes mini-gallery.
    310   // TODO(erikkay) When that gallery goes away, remove this code.
    311   if (IsDownloadFromMiniGallery(download_url) &&
    312       StartsWithASCII(referrer_url.spec(),
    313                       extension_urls::kMiniGalleryBrowsePrefix, false)) {
    314     return true;
    315   }
    317   const Extension* download_extension = GetExtensionByWebExtent(download_url);
    318   const Extension* referrer_extension = GetExtensionByWebExtent(referrer_url);
    319   const Extension* webstore_app = GetWebStoreApp();
    321   bool referrer_valid = (referrer_extension == webstore_app);
    322   bool download_valid = (download_extension == webstore_app);
    324   // If the command-line gallery URL is set, then be a bit more lenient.
    325   GURL store_url =
    326       GURL(CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->GetSwitchValueASCII(
    327            switches::kAppsGalleryURL));
    328   if (!store_url.is_empty()) {
    329     std::string store_tld =
    330         net::RegistryControlledDomainService::GetDomainAndRegistry(store_url);
    331     if (!referrer_valid) {
    332       std::string referrer_tld =
    333           net::RegistryControlledDomainService::GetDomainAndRegistry(
    334               referrer_url);
    335       // The referrer gets stripped when transitioning from https to http,
    336       // or when hitting an unknown test cert and that commonly happens in
    337       // testing environments.  Given this, we allow an empty referrer when
    338       // the command-line flag is set.
    339       // Otherwise, the TLD must match the TLD of the command-line url.
    340       referrer_valid = referrer_url.is_empty() || (referrer_tld == store_tld);
    341     }
    343     if (!download_valid) {
    344       std::string download_tld =
    345           net::RegistryControlledDomainService::GetDomainAndRegistry(
    346               GURL(download_url));
    348       // Otherwise, the TLD must match the TLD of the command-line url.
    349       download_valid = (download_tld == store_tld);
    350     }
    351   }
    353   return (referrer_valid && download_valid);
    354 }
    356 bool ExtensionService::IsDownloadFromMiniGallery(const GURL& download_url) {
    357   return StartsWithASCII(download_url.spec(),
    358                          extension_urls::kMiniGalleryDownloadPrefix,
    359                          false);  // case_sensitive
    360 }
    362 const Extension* ExtensionService::GetInstalledApp(const GURL& url) {
    363   // Check for hosted app.
    364   const Extension* app = GetExtensionByWebExtent(url);
    365   if (app)
    366     return app;
    368   // Check for packaged app.
    369   app = GetExtensionByURL(url);
    370   if (app && app->is_app())
    371     return app;
    373   return NULL;
    374 }
    376 bool ExtensionService::IsInstalledApp(const GURL& url) {
    377   return !!GetInstalledApp(url);
    378 }
    380 // static
    381 // This function is used to implement the command-line switch
    382 // --uninstall-extension.  The LOG statements within this function are used to
    383 // inform the user if the uninstall cannot be done.
    384 bool ExtensionService::UninstallExtensionHelper(
    385     ExtensionService* extensions_service,
    386     const std::string& extension_id) {
    388   const Extension* extension =
    389       extensions_service->GetExtensionById(extension_id, true);
    390   if (!extension)
    391     extension = extensions_service->GetTerminatedExtension(extension_id);
    393   // We can't call UninstallExtension with an invalid extension ID.
    394   if (!extension) {
    395     LOG(WARNING) << "Attempted uninstallation of non-existent extension with "
    396                  << "id: " << extension_id;
    397     return false;
    398   }
    400   // The following call to UninstallExtension will not allow an uninstall of a
    401   // policy-controlled extension.
    402   std::string error;
    403   if (!extensions_service->UninstallExtension(extension_id, false, &error)) {
    404     LOG(WARNING) << "Cannot uninstall extension with id " << extension_id
    405                  << ": " << error;
    406     return false;
    407   }
    409   return true;
    410 }
    412 ExtensionService::ExtensionService(Profile* profile,
    413                                    const CommandLine* command_line,
    414                                    const FilePath& install_directory,
    415                                    ExtensionPrefs* extension_prefs,
    416                                    bool autoupdate_enabled,
    417                                    bool extensions_enabled)
    418     : profile_(profile),
    419       extension_prefs_(extension_prefs),
    420       ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(pending_extension_manager_(*this)),
    421       install_directory_(install_directory),
    422       extensions_enabled_(extensions_enabled),
    423       show_extensions_prompts_(true),
    424       ready_(false),
    425       ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(toolbar_model_(this)),
    426       apps_promo_(profile->GetPrefs()),
    427       event_routers_initialized_(false) {
    428   CHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
    430   // Figure out if extension installation should be enabled.
    431   if (command_line->HasSwitch(switches::kDisableExtensions)) {
    432     extensions_enabled_ = false;
    433   } else if (profile->GetPrefs()->GetBoolean(prefs::kDisableExtensions)) {
    434     extensions_enabled_ = false;
    435   }
    437   registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::EXTENSION_PROCESS_TERMINATED,
    438                  NotificationService::AllSources());
    439   pref_change_registrar_.Init(profile->GetPrefs());
    440   pref_change_registrar_.Add(prefs::kExtensionInstallAllowList, this);
    441   pref_change_registrar_.Add(prefs::kExtensionInstallDenyList, this);
    443   // Set up the ExtensionUpdater
    444   if (autoupdate_enabled) {
    445     int update_frequency = kDefaultUpdateFrequencySeconds;
    446     if (command_line->HasSwitch(switches::kExtensionsUpdateFrequency)) {
    447       base::StringToInt(command_line->GetSwitchValueASCII(
    448           switches::kExtensionsUpdateFrequency),
    449           &update_frequency);
    450     }
    451     updater_.reset(new ExtensionUpdater(this,
    452                                         extension_prefs,
    453                                         profile->GetPrefs(),
    454                                         profile,
    455                                         update_frequency));
    456   }
    458   backend_ = new ExtensionServiceBackend(install_directory_);
    460   if (extensions_enabled_) {
    461     ExternalExtensionProviderImpl::CreateExternalProviders(
    462         this, profile_, &external_extension_providers_);
    463   }
    465   // Use monochrome icons for Omnibox icons.
    466   omnibox_popup_icon_manager_.set_monochrome(true);
    467   omnibox_icon_manager_.set_monochrome(true);
    468   omnibox_icon_manager_.set_padding(gfx::Insets(0, kOmniboxIconPaddingLeft,
    469                                                 0, kOmniboxIconPaddingRight));
    470 }
    472 const ExtensionList* ExtensionService::extensions() const {
    473   return &extensions_;
    474 }
    476 const ExtensionList* ExtensionService::disabled_extensions() const {
    477   return &disabled_extensions_;
    478 }
    480 const ExtensionList* ExtensionService::terminated_extensions() const {
    481   return &terminated_extensions_;
    482 }
    484 PendingExtensionManager* ExtensionService::pending_extension_manager() {
    485   return &pending_extension_manager_;
    486 }
    488 ExtensionService::~ExtensionService() {
    489   DCHECK(!profile_);  // Profile should have told us it's going away.
    490   UnloadAllExtensions();
    492   ProviderCollection::const_iterator i;
    493   for (i = external_extension_providers_.begin();
    494        i != external_extension_providers_.end(); ++i) {
    495     ExternalExtensionProviderInterface* provider = i->get();
    496     provider->ServiceShutdown();
    497   }
    499 #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
    500   if (event_routers_initialized_) {
    501     ExtensionFileBrowserEventRouter::GetInstance()->
    502         StopObservingFileSystemEvents();
    503   }
    504 #endif
    505 }
    507 void ExtensionService::InitEventRouters() {
    508   if (event_routers_initialized_)
    509     return;
    511   ExtensionHistoryEventRouter::GetInstance()->ObserveProfile(profile_);
    512   ExtensionAccessibilityEventRouter::GetInstance()->ObserveProfile(profile_);
    513   browser_event_router_.reset(new ExtensionBrowserEventRouter(profile_));
    514   browser_event_router_->Init();
    515   preference_event_router_.reset(new ExtensionPreferenceEventRouter(profile_));
    516   ExtensionBookmarkEventRouter::GetInstance()->Observe(
    517       profile_->GetBookmarkModel());
    518   ExtensionCookiesEventRouter::GetInstance()->Init();
    519   ExtensionManagementEventRouter::GetInstance()->Init();
    520   ExtensionProcessesEventRouter::GetInstance()->ObserveProfile(profile_);
    521   ExtensionWebNavigationEventRouter::GetInstance()->Init();
    522 #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
    523   ExtensionFileBrowserEventRouter::GetInstance()->ObserveFileSystemEvents(
    524       profile_);
    525 #endif
    526   event_routers_initialized_ = true;
    527 }
    529 const Extension* ExtensionService::GetExtensionById(
    530     const std::string& id, bool include_disabled) const {
    531   return GetExtensionByIdInternal(id, true, include_disabled);
    532 }
    534 void ExtensionService::Init() {
    535   CHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
    537   DCHECK(!ready_);  // Can't redo init.
    538   DCHECK_EQ(extensions_.size(), 0u);
    540   // Hack: we need to ensure the ResourceDispatcherHost is ready before we load
    541   // the first extension, because its members listen for loaded notifications.
    542   g_browser_process->resource_dispatcher_host();
    544   LoadAllExtensions();
    546   // TODO(erikkay) this should probably be deferred to a future point
    547   // rather than running immediately at startup.
    548   CheckForExternalUpdates();
    550   // TODO(erikkay) this should probably be deferred as well.
    551   GarbageCollectExtensions();
    552 }
    554 void ExtensionService::UpdateExtension(const std::string& id,
    555                                        const FilePath& extension_path,
    556                                        const GURL& download_url) {
    557   CHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
    559   PendingExtensionInfo pending_extension_info;
    560   bool is_pending_extension = pending_extension_manager_.GetById(
    561       id, &pending_extension_info);
    563   const Extension* extension = GetExtensionByIdInternal(id, true, true);
    564   if (!is_pending_extension && !extension) {
    565     LOG(WARNING) << "Will not update extension " << id
    566                  << " because it is not installed or pending";
    567     // Delete extension_path since we're not creating a CrxInstaller
    568     // that would do it for us.
    569     BrowserThread::PostTask(
    570         BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE,
    571         NewRunnableFunction(
    572             extension_file_util::DeleteFile, extension_path, false));
    573     return;
    574   }
    576   // We want a silent install only for non-pending extensions and
    577   // pending extensions that have install_silently set.
    578   ExtensionInstallUI* client =
    579       (!is_pending_extension || pending_extension_info.install_silently()) ?
    580       NULL : new ExtensionInstallUI(profile_);
    582   scoped_refptr<CrxInstaller> installer(
    583       new CrxInstaller(this,  // frontend
    584                        client));
    585   installer->set_expected_id(id);
    586   if (is_pending_extension)
    587     installer->set_install_source(pending_extension_info.install_source());
    588   else if (extension)
    589     installer->set_install_source(extension->location());
    590   installer->set_delete_source(true);
    591   installer->set_original_url(download_url);
    592   installer->InstallCrx(extension_path);
    593 }
    595 void ExtensionService::ReloadExtension(const std::string& extension_id) {
    596   CHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
    597   FilePath path;
    598   const Extension* current_extension = GetExtensionById(extension_id, false);
    600   // Disable the extension if it's loaded. It might not be loaded if it crashed.
    601   if (current_extension) {
    602     // If the extension has an inspector open for its background page, detach
    603     // the inspector and hang onto a cookie for it, so that we can reattach
    604     // later.
    605     ExtensionProcessManager* manager = profile_->GetExtensionProcessManager();
    606     ExtensionHost* host = manager->GetBackgroundHostForExtension(
    607         current_extension);
    608     if (host) {
    609       // Look for an open inspector for the background page.
    610       int devtools_cookie = DevToolsManager::GetInstance()->DetachClientHost(
    611           host->render_view_host());
    612       if (devtools_cookie >= 0)
    613         orphaned_dev_tools_[extension_id] = devtools_cookie;
    614     }
    616     path = current_extension->path();
    617     DisableExtension(extension_id);
    618     disabled_extension_paths_[extension_id] = path;
    619   } else {
    620     path = unloaded_extension_paths_[extension_id];
    621   }
    623   // Check the installed extensions to see if what we're reloading was already
    624   // installed.
    625   scoped_ptr<ExtensionInfo> installed_extension(
    626       extension_prefs_->GetInstalledExtensionInfo(extension_id));
    627   if (installed_extension.get() &&
    628       installed_extension->extension_manifest.get()) {
    629     LoadInstalledExtension(*installed_extension, false);
    630   } else {
    631     // We should always be able to remember the extension's path. If it's not in
    632     // the map, someone failed to update |unloaded_extension_paths_|.
    633     CHECK(!path.empty());
    634     LoadExtension(path);
    635   }
    636 }
    638 bool ExtensionService::UninstallExtension(const std::string& extension_id,
    639                                           bool external_uninstall,
    640                                           std::string* error) {
    641   CHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
    643   const Extension* extension =
    644       GetExtensionByIdInternal(extension_id, true, true);
    645   if (!extension)
    646     extension = GetTerminatedExtension(extension_id);
    648   // Callers should not send us nonexistent extensions.
    649   CHECK(extension);
    651   // Get hold of information we need after unloading, since the extension
    652   // pointer will be invalid then.
    653   GURL extension_url(extension->url());
    654   Extension::Location location(extension->location());
    656   // Policy change which triggers an uninstall will always set
    657   // |external_uninstall| to true so this is the only way to uninstall
    658   // managed extensions.
    659   if (!Extension::UserMayDisable(location) && !external_uninstall) {
    660     NotificationService::current()->Notify(
    661         NotificationType::EXTENSION_UNINSTALL_NOT_ALLOWED,
    662         Source<Profile>(profile_),
    663         Details<const Extension>(extension));
    664     if (error != NULL) {
    665       *error = errors::kCannotUninstallManagedExtension;
    666     }
    667     return false;
    668   }
    670   UninstalledExtensionInfo uninstalled_extension_info(*extension);
    672   UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Extensions.UninstallType",
    673                             extension->GetType(), 100);
    674   RecordPermissionMessagesHistogram(
    675       extension, "Extensions.Permissions_Uninstall");
    677   // Also copy the extension identifier since the reference might have been
    678   // obtained via Extension::id().
    679   std::string extension_id_copy(extension_id);
    681   if (profile_->GetTemplateURLModel())
    682     profile_->GetTemplateURLModel()->UnregisterExtensionKeyword(extension);
    684   // Unload before doing more cleanup to ensure that nothing is hanging on to
    685   // any of these resources.
    686   UnloadExtension(extension_id, UnloadedExtensionInfo::UNINSTALL);
    688   extension_prefs_->OnExtensionUninstalled(extension_id_copy, location,
    689                                            external_uninstall);
    691   // Tell the backend to start deleting installed extensions on the file thread.
    692   if (Extension::LOAD != location) {
    693     BrowserThread::PostTask(
    694       BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE,
    695       NewRunnableFunction(
    696           &extension_file_util::UninstallExtension,
    697           install_directory_,
    698           extension_id_copy));
    699   }
    701   ClearExtensionData(extension_url);
    702   UntrackTerminatedExtension(extension_id);
    704   // Notify interested parties that we've uninstalled this extension.
    705   NotificationService::current()->Notify(
    706       NotificationType::EXTENSION_UNINSTALLED,
    707       Source<Profile>(profile_),
    708       Details<UninstalledExtensionInfo>(&uninstalled_extension_info));
    710   return true;
    711 }
    713 void ExtensionService::ClearExtensionData(const GURL& extension_url) {
    714   scoped_refptr<ExtensionDataDeleter> deleter(
    715       new ExtensionDataDeleter(profile_, extension_url));
    716   deleter->StartDeleting();
    717 }
    719 bool ExtensionService::IsExtensionEnabled(
    720     const std::string& extension_id) const {
    721   // TODO(akalin): GetExtensionState() isn't very safe as it returns
    722   // Extension::ENABLED by default; either change it to return
    723   // something else by default or create a separate function that does
    724   // so.
    725   return
    726       extension_prefs_->GetExtensionState(extension_id) == Extension::ENABLED;
    727 }
    729 bool ExtensionService::IsExternalExtensionUninstalled(
    730     const std::string& extension_id) const {
    731   return extension_prefs_->IsExternalExtensionUninstalled(extension_id);
    732 }
    734 void ExtensionService::EnableExtension(const std::string& extension_id) {
    735   CHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
    737   const Extension* extension =
    738       GetExtensionByIdInternal(extension_id, false, true);
    739   if (!extension)
    740     return;
    742   extension_prefs_->SetExtensionState(extension, Extension::ENABLED);
    744   // Move it over to the enabled list.
    745   extensions_.push_back(make_scoped_refptr(extension));
    746   ExtensionList::iterator iter = std::find(disabled_extensions_.begin(),
    747                                            disabled_extensions_.end(),
    748                                            extension);
    749   disabled_extensions_.erase(iter);
    751   // Make sure any browser action contained within it is not hidden.
    752   extension_prefs_->SetBrowserActionVisibility(extension, true);
    754   ExtensionWebUI::RegisterChromeURLOverrides(profile_,
    755       extension->GetChromeURLOverrides());
    757   NotifyExtensionLoaded(extension);
    758   UpdateActiveExtensionsInCrashReporter();
    759 }
    761 void ExtensionService::DisableExtension(const std::string& extension_id) {
    762   CHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
    764   const Extension* extension =
    765       GetExtensionByIdInternal(extension_id, true, false);
    766   // The extension may have been disabled already.
    767   if (!extension)
    768     return;
    770   if (!Extension::UserMayDisable(extension->location()))
    771     return;
    773   extension_prefs_->SetExtensionState(extension, Extension::DISABLED);
    775   // Move it over to the disabled list.
    776   disabled_extensions_.push_back(make_scoped_refptr(extension));
    777   ExtensionList::iterator iter = std::find(extensions_.begin(),
    778                                            extensions_.end(),
    779                                            extension);
    780   extensions_.erase(iter);
    782   ExtensionWebUI::UnregisterChromeURLOverrides(profile_,
    783       extension->GetChromeURLOverrides());
    785   NotifyExtensionUnloaded(extension, UnloadedExtensionInfo::DISABLE);
    786   UpdateActiveExtensionsInCrashReporter();
    787 }
    789 void ExtensionService::GrantPermissions(const Extension* extension) {
    790   CHECK(extension);
    792   // We only maintain the granted permissions prefs for INTERNAL extensions.
    793   CHECK_EQ(Extension::INTERNAL, extension->location());
    795   ExtensionExtent effective_hosts = extension->GetEffectiveHostPermissions();
    796   extension_prefs_->AddGrantedPermissions(extension->id(),
    797                                           extension->HasFullPermissions(),
    798                                           extension->api_permissions(),
    799                                           effective_hosts);
    800 }
    802 void ExtensionService::GrantPermissionsAndEnableExtension(
    803     const Extension* extension) {
    804   CHECK(extension);
    805   RecordPermissionMessagesHistogram(
    806       extension, "Extensions.Permissions_ReEnable");
    807   GrantPermissions(extension);
    808   extension_prefs_->SetDidExtensionEscalatePermissions(extension, false);
    809   EnableExtension(extension->id());
    810 }
    812 void ExtensionService::LoadExtension(const FilePath& extension_path) {
    813   BrowserThread::PostTask(
    814       BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE,
    815       NewRunnableMethod(
    816           backend_.get(),
    817           &ExtensionServiceBackend::LoadSingleExtension,
    818           extension_path, scoped_refptr<ExtensionService>(this)));
    819 }
    821 void ExtensionService::LoadComponentExtensions() {
    822   for (RegisteredComponentExtensions::iterator it =
    823            component_extension_manifests_.begin();
    824        it != component_extension_manifests_.end(); ++it) {
    825     LoadComponentExtension(*it);
    826   }
    827 }
    829 const Extension* ExtensionService::LoadComponentExtension(
    830     const ComponentExtensionInfo &info) {
    831   JSONStringValueSerializer serializer(info.manifest);
    832   scoped_ptr<Value> manifest(serializer.Deserialize(NULL, NULL));
    833   if (!manifest.get()) {
    834     DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse manifest for extension";
    835     return NULL;
    836   }
    838   int flags = Extension::REQUIRE_KEY;
    839   if (Extension::ShouldDoStrictErrorChecking(Extension::COMPONENT))
    840     flags |= Extension::STRICT_ERROR_CHECKS;
    841   std::string error;
    842   scoped_refptr<const Extension> extension(Extension::Create(
    843       info.root_directory,
    844       Extension::COMPONENT,
    845       *static_cast<DictionaryValue*>(manifest.get()),
    846       flags,
    847       &error));
    848   if (!extension.get()) {
    849     NOTREACHED() << error;
    850     return NULL;
    851   }
    852   AddExtension(extension);
    853   return extension;
    854 }
    856 void ExtensionService::LoadAllExtensions() {
    857   CHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
    859   base::TimeTicks start_time = base::TimeTicks::Now();
    861   // Load any component extensions.
    862   LoadComponentExtensions();
    864   // Load the previously installed extensions.
    865   scoped_ptr<ExtensionPrefs::ExtensionsInfo> extensions_info(
    866       extension_prefs_->GetInstalledExtensionsInfo());
    868   std::vector<int> reload_reason_counts(NUM_MANIFEST_RELOAD_REASONS, 0);
    869   bool should_write_prefs = false;
    871   for (size_t i = 0; i < extensions_info->size(); ++i) {
    872     ExtensionInfo* info = extensions_info->at(i).get();
    874     ManifestReloadReason reload_reason = ShouldReloadExtensionManifest(*info);
    875     ++reload_reason_counts[reload_reason];
    876     UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Extensions.ManifestReloadEnumValue",
    877                               reload_reason, 100);
    879     if (reload_reason != NOT_NEEDED) {
    880       // Reloading and extension reads files from disk.  We do this on the
    881       // UI thread because reloads should be very rare, and the complexity
    882       // added by delaying the time when the extensions service knows about
    883       // all extensions is significant.  See crbug.com/37548 for details.
    884       // |allow_io| disables tests that file operations run on the file
    885       // thread.
    886       base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io;
    888       int flags = Extension::NO_FLAGS;
    889       if (Extension::ShouldDoStrictErrorChecking(info->extension_location))
    890         flags |= Extension::STRICT_ERROR_CHECKS;
    891       if (extension_prefs_->AllowFileAccess(info->extension_id))
    892         flags |= Extension::ALLOW_FILE_ACCESS;
    893       std::string error;
    894       scoped_refptr<const Extension> extension(
    895           extension_file_util::LoadExtension(
    896               info->extension_path,
    897               info->extension_location,
    898               flags,
    899               &error));
    901       if (extension.get()) {
    902         extensions_info->at(i)->extension_manifest.reset(
    903             static_cast<DictionaryValue*>(
    904                 extension->manifest_value()->DeepCopy()));
    905         should_write_prefs = true;
    906       }
    907     }
    908   }
    910   for (size_t i = 0; i < extensions_info->size(); ++i) {
    911     LoadInstalledExtension(*extensions_info->at(i), should_write_prefs);
    912   }
    914   OnLoadedInstalledExtensions();
    916   // The histograms Extensions.ManifestReload* allow us to validate
    917   // the assumption that reloading manifest is a rare event.
    918   UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("Extensions.ManifestReloadNotNeeded",
    919                            reload_reason_counts[NOT_NEEDED]);
    920   UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("Extensions.ManifestReloadUnpackedDir",
    921                            reload_reason_counts[UNPACKED_DIR]);
    922   UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("Extensions.ManifestReloadNeedsRelocalization",
    923                            reload_reason_counts[NEEDS_RELOCALIZATION]);
    925   UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("Extensions.LoadAll", extensions_.size());
    926   UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("Extensions.Disabled", disabled_extensions_.size());
    928   UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("Extensions.LoadAllTime",
    929                       base::TimeTicks::Now() - start_time);
    931   int app_count = 0;
    932   int hosted_app_count = 0;
    933   int packaged_app_count = 0;
    934   int user_script_count = 0;
    935   int extension_count = 0;
    936   int theme_count = 0;
    937   int external_count = 0;
    938   int page_action_count = 0;
    939   int browser_action_count = 0;
    940   ExtensionList::iterator ex;
    941   for (ex = extensions_.begin(); ex != extensions_.end(); ++ex) {
    942     Extension::Location location = (*ex)->location();
    943     Extension::Type type = (*ex)->GetType();
    944     if ((*ex)->is_app()) {
    945       UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Extensions.AppLocation",
    946                                 location, 100);
    947     } else if (type == Extension::TYPE_EXTENSION) {
    948       UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Extensions.ExtensionLocation",
    949                                 location, 100);
    950     }
    952     // Don't count component extensions, since they are only extensions as an
    953     // implementation detail.
    954     if (location == Extension::COMPONENT)
    955       continue;
    957     // Don't count unpacked extensions, since they're a developer-specific
    958     // feature.
    959     if (location == Extension::LOAD)
    960       continue;
    962     // Using an enumeration shows us the total installed ratio across all users.
    963     // Using the totals per user at each startup tells us the distribution of
    964     // usage for each user (e.g. 40% of users have at least one app installed).
    965     UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Extensions.LoadType", type, 100);
    966     switch (type) {
    967       case Extension::TYPE_THEME:
    968         ++theme_count;
    969         break;
    970       case Extension::TYPE_USER_SCRIPT:
    971         ++user_script_count;
    972         break;
    973       case Extension::TYPE_HOSTED_APP:
    974         ++app_count;
    975         ++hosted_app_count;
    976         break;
    977       case Extension::TYPE_PACKAGED_APP:
    978         ++app_count;
    979         ++packaged_app_count;
    980         break;
    981       case Extension::TYPE_EXTENSION:
    982       default:
    983         ++extension_count;
    984         break;
    985     }
    986     if (Extension::IsExternalLocation(location))
    987       ++external_count;
    988     if ((*ex)->page_action() != NULL)
    989       ++page_action_count;
    990     if ((*ex)->browser_action() != NULL)
    991       ++browser_action_count;
    993     RecordPermissionMessagesHistogram(
    994         ex->get(), "Extensions.Permissions_Load");
    995   }
    996   UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("Extensions.LoadApp", app_count);
    997   UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("Extensions.LoadHostedApp", hosted_app_count);
    998   UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("Extensions.LoadPackagedApp", packaged_app_count);
    999   UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("Extensions.LoadExtension", extension_count);
   1000   UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("Extensions.LoadUserScript", user_script_count);
   1001   UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("Extensions.LoadTheme", theme_count);
   1002   UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("Extensions.LoadExternal", external_count);
   1003   UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("Extensions.LoadPageAction", page_action_count);
   1004   UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("Extensions.LoadBrowserAction",
   1005                            browser_action_count);
   1006 }
   1008 // static
   1009 void ExtensionService::RecordPermissionMessagesHistogram(
   1010     const Extension* e, const char* histogram) {
   1011   // Since this is called from multiple sources, and since the Histogram macros
   1012   // use statics, we need to manually lookup the Histogram ourselves.
   1013   base::Histogram* counter = base::LinearHistogram::FactoryGet(
   1014       histogram,
   1015       1,
   1016       Extension::PermissionMessage::ID_ENUM_BOUNDARY,
   1017       Extension::PermissionMessage::ID_ENUM_BOUNDARY + 1,
   1018       base::Histogram::kUmaTargetedHistogramFlag);
   1020   std::vector<Extension::PermissionMessage> permissions =
   1021       e->GetPermissionMessages();
   1022   if (permissions.empty()) {
   1023     counter->Add(Extension::PermissionMessage::ID_NONE);
   1024   } else {
   1025     std::vector<Extension::PermissionMessage>::iterator it;
   1026     for (it = permissions.begin(); it != permissions.end(); ++it)
   1027       counter->Add(it->message_id());
   1028   }
   1029 }
   1031 void ExtensionService::LoadInstalledExtension(const ExtensionInfo& info,
   1032                                               bool write_to_prefs) {
   1033   std::string error;
   1034   scoped_refptr<const Extension> extension(NULL);
   1035   if (!extension_prefs_->IsExtensionAllowedByPolicy(info.extension_id)) {
   1036     error = errors::kDisabledByPolicy;
   1037   } else if (info.extension_manifest.get()) {
   1038     int flags = Extension::NO_FLAGS;
   1039     if (info.extension_location != Extension::LOAD)
   1040       flags |= Extension::REQUIRE_KEY;
   1041     if (Extension::ShouldDoStrictErrorChecking(info.extension_location))
   1042       flags |= Extension::STRICT_ERROR_CHECKS;
   1043     if (extension_prefs_->AllowFileAccess(info.extension_id))
   1044       flags |= Extension::ALLOW_FILE_ACCESS;
   1045     extension = Extension::Create(
   1046         info.extension_path,
   1047         info.extension_location,
   1048         *info.extension_manifest,
   1049         flags,
   1050         &error);
   1051   } else {
   1052     error = errors::kManifestUnreadable;
   1053   }
   1055   if (!extension) {
   1056     ReportExtensionLoadError(info.extension_path,
   1057                              error,
   1058                              NotificationType::EXTENSION_INSTALL_ERROR,
   1059                              false);
   1060     return;
   1061   }
   1063   if (write_to_prefs)
   1064     extension_prefs_->UpdateManifest(extension);
   1066   AddExtension(extension);
   1067 }
   1069 void ExtensionService::NotifyExtensionLoaded(const Extension* extension) {
   1070   // The ChromeURLRequestContexts need to be first to know that the extension
   1071   // was loaded, otherwise a race can arise where a renderer that is created
   1072   // for the extension may try to load an extension URL with an extension id
   1073   // that the request context doesn't yet know about. The profile is responsible
   1074   // for ensuring its URLRequestContexts appropriately discover the loaded
   1075   // extension.
   1076   if (profile_) {
   1077     profile_->RegisterExtensionWithRequestContexts(extension);
   1078     profile_->GetExtensionSpecialStoragePolicy()->
   1079         GrantRightsForExtension(extension);
   1080   }
   1082   NotificationService::current()->Notify(
   1083       NotificationType::EXTENSION_LOADED,
   1084       Source<Profile>(profile_),
   1085       Details<const Extension>(extension));
   1087   bool plugins_changed = false;
   1088   for (size_t i = 0; i < extension->plugins().size(); ++i) {
   1089     const Extension::PluginInfo& plugin = extension->plugins()[i];
   1090     webkit::npapi::PluginList::Singleton()->RefreshPlugins();
   1091     webkit::npapi::PluginList::Singleton()->AddExtraPluginPath(plugin.path);
   1092     plugins_changed = true;
   1093     if (!plugin.is_public) {
   1094       PluginService::GetInstance()->RestrictPluginToUrl(
   1095           plugin.path, extension->url());
   1096     }
   1097   }
   1099   bool nacl_modules_changed = false;
   1100   for (size_t i = 0; i < extension->nacl_modules().size(); ++i) {
   1101     const Extension::NaClModuleInfo& module = extension->nacl_modules()[i];
   1102     RegisterNaClModule(module.url, module.mime_type);
   1103     nacl_modules_changed = true;
   1104   }
   1106   if (nacl_modules_changed)
   1107     UpdatePluginListWithNaClModules();
   1109   if (plugins_changed || nacl_modules_changed)
   1110     PluginService::GetInstance()->PurgePluginListCache(false);
   1111 }
   1113 void ExtensionService::NotifyExtensionUnloaded(
   1114     const Extension* extension, UnloadedExtensionInfo::Reason reason) {
   1115   UnloadedExtensionInfo details(extension, reason);
   1116   NotificationService::current()->Notify(
   1117       NotificationType::EXTENSION_UNLOADED,
   1118       Source<Profile>(profile_),
   1119       Details<UnloadedExtensionInfo>(&details));
   1121   if (profile_) {
   1122     profile_->UnregisterExtensionWithRequestContexts(extension->id(), reason);
   1123     profile_->GetExtensionSpecialStoragePolicy()->
   1124         RevokeRightsForExtension(extension);
   1125 #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
   1126     // Revoke external file access to
   1127     if (profile_->GetFileSystemContext() &&
   1128         profile_->GetFileSystemContext()->path_manager() &&
   1129         profile_->GetFileSystemContext()->path_manager()->external_provider()) {
   1130       profile_->GetFileSystemContext()->path_manager()->external_provider()->
   1131           RevokeAccessForExtension(extension->id());
   1132     }
   1133 #endif
   1134   }
   1136   bool plugins_changed = false;
   1137   for (size_t i = 0; i < extension->plugins().size(); ++i) {
   1138     const Extension::PluginInfo& plugin = extension->plugins()[i];
   1139     BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE,
   1140                             NewRunnableFunction(&ForceShutdownPlugin,
   1141                                                 plugin.path));
   1142     webkit::npapi::PluginList::Singleton()->RefreshPlugins();
   1143     webkit::npapi::PluginList::Singleton()->RemoveExtraPluginPath(
   1144         plugin.path);
   1145     plugins_changed = true;
   1146     if (!plugin.is_public)
   1147       PluginService::GetInstance()->RestrictPluginToUrl(plugin.path, GURL());
   1148   }
   1150   bool nacl_modules_changed = false;
   1151   for (size_t i = 0; i < extension->nacl_modules().size(); ++i) {
   1152     const Extension::NaClModuleInfo& module = extension->nacl_modules()[i];
   1153     UnregisterNaClModule(module.url);
   1154     nacl_modules_changed = true;
   1155   }
   1157   if (nacl_modules_changed)
   1158     UpdatePluginListWithNaClModules();
   1160   if (plugins_changed || nacl_modules_changed)
   1161     PluginService::GetInstance()->PurgePluginListCache(false);
   1162 }
   1164 void ExtensionService::UpdateExtensionBlacklist(
   1165   const std::vector<std::string>& blacklist) {
   1166   // Use this set to indicate if an extension in the blacklist has been used.
   1167   std::set<std::string> blacklist_set;
   1168   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < blacklist.size(); ++i) {
   1169     if (Extension::IdIsValid(blacklist[i])) {
   1170       blacklist_set.insert(blacklist[i]);
   1171     }
   1172   }
   1173   extension_prefs_->UpdateBlacklist(blacklist_set);
   1174   std::vector<std::string> to_be_removed;
   1175   // Loop current extensions, unload installed extensions.
   1176   for (ExtensionList::const_iterator iter = extensions_.begin();
   1177        iter != extensions_.end(); ++iter) {
   1178     const Extension* extension = (*iter);
   1179     if (blacklist_set.find(extension->id()) != blacklist_set.end()) {
   1180       to_be_removed.push_back(extension->id());
   1181     }
   1182   }
   1184   // UnloadExtension will change the extensions_ list. So, we should
   1185   // call it outside the iterator loop.
   1186   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < to_be_removed.size(); ++i) {
   1187     UnloadExtension(to_be_removed[i], UnloadedExtensionInfo::DISABLE);
   1188   }
   1189 }
   1191 Profile* ExtensionService::profile() {
   1192   return profile_;
   1193 }
   1195 void ExtensionService::DestroyingProfile() {
   1196   if (updater_.get()) {
   1197     updater_->Stop();
   1198   }
   1199   browser_event_router_.reset();
   1200   preference_event_router_.reset();
   1201   pref_change_registrar_.RemoveAll();
   1202   profile_ = NULL;
   1203   toolbar_model_.DestroyingProfile();
   1204 }
   1206 ExtensionPrefs* ExtensionService::extension_prefs() {
   1207   return extension_prefs_;
   1208 }
   1210 ExtensionUpdater* ExtensionService::updater() {
   1211   return updater_.get();
   1212 }
   1214 void ExtensionService::CheckAdminBlacklist() {
   1215   std::vector<std::string> to_be_removed;
   1216   // Loop through extensions list, unload installed extensions.
   1217   for (ExtensionList::const_iterator iter = extensions_.begin();
   1218        iter != extensions_.end(); ++iter) {
   1219     const Extension* extension = (*iter);
   1220     if (!extension_prefs_->IsExtensionAllowedByPolicy(extension->id()))
   1221       to_be_removed.push_back(extension->id());
   1222   }
   1224   // UnloadExtension will change the extensions_ list. So, we should
   1225   // call it outside the iterator loop.
   1226   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < to_be_removed.size(); ++i)
   1227     UnloadExtension(to_be_removed[i], UnloadedExtensionInfo::DISABLE);
   1228 }
   1230 void ExtensionService::CheckForUpdatesSoon() {
   1231   if (updater()) {
   1232     updater()->CheckSoon();
   1233   } else {
   1234     LOG(WARNING) << "CheckForUpdatesSoon() called with auto-update turned off";
   1235   }
   1236 }
   1238 void ExtensionService::ProcessSyncData(
   1239     const ExtensionSyncData& extension_sync_data,
   1240     PendingExtensionInfo::ShouldAllowInstallPredicate should_allow) {
   1241   const std::string& id = extension_sync_data.id;
   1243   // Handle uninstalls first.
   1244   if (extension_sync_data.uninstalled) {
   1245     std::string error;
   1246     if (!UninstallExtensionHelper(this, id)) {
   1247       LOG(WARNING) << "Could not uninstall extension " << id
   1248                    << " for sync";
   1249     }
   1250     return;
   1251   }
   1253   const Extension* extension = GetExtensionByIdInternal(id, true, true);
   1254   // TODO(akalin): Figure out what to do with terminated extensions.
   1256   // Handle already-installed extensions (just update settings).
   1257   //
   1258   // TODO(akalin): Ideally, we should be able to set prefs for an
   1259   // extension regardless of whether or not it's installed (and have
   1260   // it automatially apply on install).
   1261   if (extension) {
   1262     if (extension_sync_data.enabled) {
   1263       EnableExtension(id);
   1264     } else {
   1265       DisableExtension(id);
   1266     }
   1267     SetIsIncognitoEnabled(id, extension_sync_data.incognito_enabled);
   1268     int result = extension->version()->CompareTo(extension_sync_data.version);
   1269     if (result < 0) {
   1270       // Extension is outdated.
   1271       CheckForUpdatesSoon();
   1272     } else if (result > 0) {
   1273       // Sync version is outdated.  Do nothing for now, as sync code
   1274       // in other places will eventually update the sync data.
   1275       //
   1276       // TODO(akalin): Move that code here.
   1277     }
   1278     return;
   1279   }
   1281   // Handle not-yet-installed extensions.
   1282   //
   1283   // TODO(akalin): Replace silent update with a list of enabled
   1284   // permissions.
   1285   pending_extension_manager()->AddFromSync(
   1286       id,
   1287       extension_sync_data.update_url,
   1288       should_allow,
   1289       true,  // install_silently
   1290       extension_sync_data.enabled,
   1291       extension_sync_data.incognito_enabled);
   1292   CheckForUpdatesSoon();
   1293 }
   1295 bool ExtensionService::IsIncognitoEnabled(
   1296     const std::string& extension_id) const {
   1297   // If this is an existing component extension we always allow it to
   1298   // work in incognito mode.
   1299   const Extension* extension = GetExtensionById(extension_id, true);
   1300   if (extension && extension->location() == Extension::COMPONENT)
   1301     return true;
   1303   // Check the prefs.
   1304   return extension_prefs_->IsIncognitoEnabled(extension_id);
   1305 }
   1307 void ExtensionService::SetIsIncognitoEnabled(
   1308     const std::string& extension_id, bool enabled) {
   1309   const Extension* extension = GetExtensionById(extension_id, false);
   1310   if (extension && extension->location() == Extension::COMPONENT) {
   1311     // This shouldn't be called for component extensions.
   1312     NOTREACHED();
   1313     return;
   1314   }
   1316   // Broadcast unloaded and loaded events to update browser state. Only bother
   1317   // if the value changed and the extension is actually enabled, since there is
   1318   // no UI otherwise.
   1319   bool old_enabled = extension_prefs_->IsIncognitoEnabled(extension_id);
   1320   if (enabled == old_enabled)
   1321     return;
   1323   extension_prefs_->SetIsIncognitoEnabled(extension_id, enabled);
   1324   if (extension) {
   1325     NotifyExtensionUnloaded(extension, UnloadedExtensionInfo::DISABLE);
   1326     NotifyExtensionLoaded(extension);
   1327   }
   1328 }
   1330 bool ExtensionService::CanCrossIncognito(const Extension* extension) {
   1331   // We allow the extension to see events and data from another profile iff it
   1332   // uses "spanning" behavior and it has incognito access. "split" mode
   1333   // extensions only see events for a matching profile.
   1334   return IsIncognitoEnabled(extension->id()) &&
   1335       !extension->incognito_split_mode();
   1336 }
   1338 bool ExtensionService::AllowFileAccess(const Extension* extension) {
   1339   return (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
   1340               switches::kDisableExtensionsFileAccessCheck) ||
   1341           extension_prefs_->AllowFileAccess(extension->id()));
   1342 }
   1344 void ExtensionService::SetAllowFileAccess(const Extension* extension,
   1345                                           bool allow) {
   1346   // Reload to update browser state. Only bother if the value changed and the
   1347   // extension is actually enabled, since there is no UI otherwise.
   1348   bool old_allow = AllowFileAccess(extension);
   1349   if (allow == old_allow)
   1350     return;
   1352   extension_prefs_->SetAllowFileAccess(extension->id(), allow);
   1354   bool extension_is_enabled = std::find(extensions_.begin(), extensions_.end(),
   1355                                         extension) != extensions_.end();
   1356   if (extension_is_enabled)
   1357     ReloadExtension(extension->id());
   1358 }
   1360 bool ExtensionService::GetBrowserActionVisibility(const Extension* extension) {
   1361   return extension_prefs_->GetBrowserActionVisibility(extension);
   1362 }
   1364 void ExtensionService::SetBrowserActionVisibility(const Extension* extension,
   1365                                                   bool visible) {
   1366   extension_prefs_->SetBrowserActionVisibility(extension, visible);
   1367 }
   1369 // Some extensions will autoupdate themselves externally from Chrome.  These
   1370 // are typically part of some larger client application package.  To support
   1371 // these, the extension will register its location in the the preferences file
   1372 // (and also, on Windows, in the registry) and this code will periodically
   1373 // check that location for a .crx file, which it will then install locally if
   1374 // a new version is available.
   1375 // Errors are reported through ExtensionErrorReporter. Succcess is not
   1376 // reported.
   1377 void ExtensionService::CheckForExternalUpdates() {
   1378   CHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
   1380   // Note that this installation is intentionally silent (since it didn't
   1381   // go through the front-end).  Extensions that are registered in this
   1382   // way are effectively considered 'pre-bundled', and so implicitly
   1383   // trusted.  In general, if something has HKLM or filesystem access,
   1384   // they could install an extension manually themselves anyway.
   1386   // If any external extension records give a URL, a provider will set
   1387   // this to true.  Used by OnExternalProviderReady() to see if we need
   1388   // to start an update check to fetch a new external extension.
   1389   external_extension_url_added_ = false;
   1391   // Ask each external extension provider to give us a call back for each
   1392   // extension they know about. See OnExternalExtension(File|UpdateUrl)Found.
   1393   ProviderCollection::const_iterator i;
   1394   for (i = external_extension_providers_.begin();
   1395        i != external_extension_providers_.end(); ++i) {
   1396     ExternalExtensionProviderInterface* provider = i->get();
   1397     provider->VisitRegisteredExtension();
   1398   }
   1400   // Uninstall of unclaimed extensions will happen after all the providers
   1401   // had reported ready.  Every provider calls OnExternalProviderReady()
   1402   // when it finishes, and OnExternalProviderReady() only acts when all
   1403   // providers are ready.  In case there are no providers, we call it
   1404   // to trigger removal of extensions that used to have an external source.
   1405   if (external_extension_providers_.empty())
   1406     OnExternalProviderReady();
   1407 }
   1409 void ExtensionService::OnExternalProviderReady() {
   1410   CHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
   1412   // An external provider has finished loading.  We only take action
   1413   // if all of them are finished. So we check them first.
   1414   ProviderCollection::const_iterator i;
   1415   for (i = external_extension_providers_.begin();
   1416        i != external_extension_providers_.end(); ++i) {
   1417     ExternalExtensionProviderInterface* provider = i->get();
   1418     if (!provider->IsReady())
   1419       return;
   1420   }
   1422   // All the providers are ready.  Install any pending extensions.
   1423   if (external_extension_url_added_ && updater()) {
   1424     external_extension_url_added_ = false;
   1425     updater()->CheckNow();
   1426   }
   1428   // Uninstall all the unclaimed extensions.
   1429   scoped_ptr<ExtensionPrefs::ExtensionsInfo> extensions_info(
   1430       extension_prefs_->GetInstalledExtensionsInfo());
   1431   for (size_t i = 0; i < extensions_info->size(); ++i) {
   1432     ExtensionInfo* info = extensions_info->at(i).get();
   1433     if (Extension::IsExternalLocation(info->extension_location))
   1434       CheckExternalUninstall(info->extension_id);
   1435   }
   1436 }
   1438 void ExtensionService::UnloadExtension(
   1439     const std::string& extension_id,
   1440     UnloadedExtensionInfo::Reason reason) {
   1441   // Make sure the extension gets deleted after we return from this function.
   1442   scoped_refptr<const Extension> extension(
   1443       GetExtensionByIdInternal(extension_id, true, true));
   1445   // This method can be called via PostTask, so the extension may have been
   1446   // unloaded by the time this runs.
   1447   if (!extension) {
   1448     // In case the extension may have crashed/uninstalled. Allow the profile to
   1449     // clean up its RequestContexts.
   1450     profile_->UnregisterExtensionWithRequestContexts(extension_id, reason);
   1451     return;
   1452   }
   1454   // Keep information about the extension so that we can reload it later
   1455   // even if it's not permanently installed.
   1456   unloaded_extension_paths_[extension->id()] = extension->path();
   1458   // Clean up if the extension is meant to be enabled after a reload.
   1459   disabled_extension_paths_.erase(extension->id());
   1461   // Clean up runtime data.
   1462   extension_runtime_data_.erase(extension_id);
   1464   ExtensionWebUI::UnregisterChromeURLOverrides(profile_,
   1465       extension->GetChromeURLOverrides());
   1467   ExtensionList::iterator iter = std::find(disabled_extensions_.begin(),
   1468                                            disabled_extensions_.end(),
   1469                                            extension.get());
   1470   if (iter != disabled_extensions_.end()) {
   1471     UnloadedExtensionInfo details(extension, reason);
   1472     details.already_disabled = true;
   1473     disabled_extensions_.erase(iter);
   1474     NotificationService::current()->Notify(
   1475         NotificationType::EXTENSION_UNLOADED,
   1476         Source<Profile>(profile_),
   1477         Details<UnloadedExtensionInfo>(&details));
   1478     // Make sure the profile cleans up its RequestContexts when an already
   1479     // disabled extension is unloaded (since they are also tracking the disabled
   1480     // extensions).
   1481     profile_->UnregisterExtensionWithRequestContexts(extension_id, reason);
   1482     return;
   1483   }
   1485   iter = std::find(extensions_.begin(), extensions_.end(), extension.get());
   1487   // Remove the extension from our list.
   1488   extensions_.erase(iter);
   1490   NotifyExtensionUnloaded(extension.get(), reason);
   1491   UpdateActiveExtensionsInCrashReporter();
   1492 }
   1494 void ExtensionService::UnloadAllExtensions() {
   1495   if (profile_) {
   1496     profile_->GetExtensionSpecialStoragePolicy()->
   1497         RevokeRightsForAllExtensions();
   1498   }
   1499   extensions_.clear();
   1500   disabled_extensions_.clear();
   1501   terminated_extension_ids_.clear();
   1502   terminated_extensions_.clear();
   1503   extension_runtime_data_.clear();
   1505   // TODO(erikkay) should there be a notification for this?  We can't use
   1506   // EXTENSION_UNLOADED since that implies that the extension has been disabled
   1507   // or uninstalled, and UnloadAll is just part of shutdown.
   1508 }
   1510 void ExtensionService::ReloadExtensions() {
   1511   UnloadAllExtensions();
   1512   LoadAllExtensions();
   1513 }
   1515 void ExtensionService::GarbageCollectExtensions() {
   1516   if (extension_prefs_->pref_service()->ReadOnly())
   1517     return;
   1519   scoped_ptr<ExtensionPrefs::ExtensionsInfo> info(
   1520       extension_prefs_->GetInstalledExtensionsInfo());
   1522   std::map<std::string, FilePath> extension_paths;
   1523   for (size_t i = 0; i < info->size(); ++i)
   1524     extension_paths[info->at(i)->extension_id] = info->at(i)->extension_path;
   1526   BrowserThread::PostTask(
   1527       BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE,
   1528       NewRunnableFunction(
   1529           &extension_file_util::GarbageCollectExtensions, install_directory_,
   1530           extension_paths));
   1532   // Also garbage-collect themes.  We check |profile_| to be
   1533   // defensive; in the future, we may call GarbageCollectExtensions()
   1534   // from somewhere other than Init() (e.g., in a timer).
   1535   if (profile_) {
   1536     ThemeServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_)->RemoveUnusedThemes();
   1537   }
   1538 }
   1540 void ExtensionService::OnLoadedInstalledExtensions() {
   1541   if (updater_.get()) {
   1542     updater_->Start();
   1543   }
   1545   ready_ = true;
   1546   NotificationService::current()->Notify(
   1547       NotificationType::EXTENSIONS_READY,
   1548       Source<Profile>(profile_),
   1549       NotificationService::NoDetails());
   1550 }
   1552 void ExtensionService::AddExtension(const Extension* extension) {
   1553   // Ensure extension is deleted unless we transfer ownership.
   1554   scoped_refptr<const Extension> scoped_extension(extension);
   1556   // The extension is now loaded, remove its data from unloaded extension map.
   1557   unloaded_extension_paths_.erase(extension->id());
   1559   // If a terminated extension is loaded, remove it from the terminated list.
   1560   UntrackTerminatedExtension(extension->id());
   1562   // If the extension was disabled for a reload, then enable it.
   1563   if (disabled_extension_paths_.erase(extension->id()) > 0)
   1564     EnableExtension(extension->id());
   1566   // TODO(jstritar): We may be able to get rid of this branch by overriding the
   1567   // default extension state to DISABLED when the --disable-extensions flag
   1568   // is set (http://crbug.com/29067).
   1569   if (!extensions_enabled() &&
   1570       !extension->is_theme() &&
   1571       extension->location() != Extension::COMPONENT &&
   1572       !Extension::IsExternalLocation(extension->location()))
   1573     return;
   1575   // Check if the extension's privileges have changed and disable the
   1576   // extension if necessary.
   1577   DisableIfPrivilegeIncrease(extension);
   1579   switch (extension_prefs_->GetExtensionState(extension->id())) {
   1580     case Extension::ENABLED:
   1581       extensions_.push_back(scoped_extension);
   1583       NotifyExtensionLoaded(extension);
   1585       ExtensionWebUI::RegisterChromeURLOverrides(
   1586           profile_, extension->GetChromeURLOverrides());
   1587       break;
   1588     case Extension::DISABLED:
   1589       disabled_extensions_.push_back(scoped_extension);
   1590       NotificationService::current()->Notify(
   1591           NotificationType::EXTENSION_UPDATE_DISABLED,
   1592           Source<Profile>(profile_),
   1593           Details<const Extension>(extension));
   1594       break;
   1595     default:
   1596       NOTREACHED();
   1597       break;
   1598   }
   1600   SetBeingUpgraded(extension, false);
   1602   UpdateActiveExtensionsInCrashReporter();
   1604   if (profile_->GetTemplateURLModel())
   1605     profile_->GetTemplateURLModel()->RegisterExtensionKeyword(extension);
   1607   // Load the icon for omnibox-enabled extensions so it will be ready to display
   1608   // in the URL bar.
   1609   if (!extension->omnibox_keyword().empty()) {
   1610     omnibox_popup_icon_manager_.LoadIcon(extension);
   1611     omnibox_icon_manager_.LoadIcon(extension);
   1612   }
   1613 }
   1615 void ExtensionService::DisableIfPrivilegeIncrease(const Extension* extension) {
   1616   // We keep track of all permissions the user has granted each extension.
   1617   // This allows extensions to gracefully support backwards compatibility
   1618   // by including unknown permissions in their manifests. When the user
   1619   // installs the extension, only the recognized permissions are recorded.
   1620   // When the unknown permissions become recognized (e.g., through browser
   1621   // upgrade), we can prompt the user to accept these new permissions.
   1622   // Extensions can also silently upgrade to less permissions, and then
   1623   // silently upgrade to a version that adds these permissions back.
   1624   //
   1625   // For example, pretend that Chrome 10 includes a permission "omnibox"
   1626   // for an API that adds suggestions to the omnibox. An extension can
   1627   // maintain backwards compatibility while still having "omnibox" in the
   1628   // manifest. If a user installs the extension on Chrome 9, the browser
   1629   // will record the permissions it recognized, not including "omnibox."
   1630   // When upgrading to Chrome 10, "omnibox" will be recognized and Chrome
   1631   // will disable the extension and prompt the user to approve the increase
   1632   // in privileges. The extension could then release a new version that
   1633   // removes the "omnibox" permission. When the user upgrades, Chrome will
   1634   // still remember that "omnibox" had been granted, so that if the
   1635   // extension once again includes "omnibox" in an upgrade, the extension
   1636   // can upgrade without requiring this user's approval.
   1637   const Extension* old = GetExtensionByIdInternal(extension->id(),
   1638                                                   true, true);
   1639   bool granted_full_access;
   1640   std::set<std::string> granted_apis;
   1641   ExtensionExtent granted_extent;
   1643   bool is_extension_upgrade = old != NULL;
   1644   bool is_privilege_increase = false;
   1646   // We only record the granted permissions for INTERNAL extensions, since
   1647   // they can't silently increase privileges.
   1648   if (extension->location() == Extension::INTERNAL) {
   1649     // Add all the recognized permissions if the granted permissions list
   1650     // hasn't been initialized yet.
   1651     if (!extension_prefs_->GetGrantedPermissions(extension->id(),
   1652                                                  &granted_full_access,
   1653                                                  &granted_apis,
   1654                                                  &granted_extent)) {
   1655       GrantPermissions(extension);
   1656       CHECK(extension_prefs_->GetGrantedPermissions(extension->id(),
   1657                                                     &granted_full_access,
   1658                                                     &granted_apis,
   1659                                                     &granted_extent));
   1660     }
   1662     // Here, we check if an extension's privileges have increased in a manner
   1663     // that requires the user's approval. This could occur because the browser
   1664     // upgraded and recognized additional privileges, or an extension upgrades
   1665     // to a version that requires additional privileges.
   1666     is_privilege_increase = Extension::IsPrivilegeIncrease(
   1667         granted_full_access, granted_apis, granted_extent, extension);
   1668   }
   1670   if (is_extension_upgrade) {
   1671     // Other than for unpacked extensions, CrxInstaller should have guaranteed
   1672     // that we aren't downgrading.
   1673     if (extension->location() != Extension::LOAD)
   1674       CHECK(extension->version()->CompareTo(*(old->version())) >= 0);
   1676     // Extensions get upgraded if the privileges are allowed to increase or
   1677     // the privileges haven't increased.
   1678     if (!is_privilege_increase) {
   1679       SetBeingUpgraded(old, true);
   1680       SetBeingUpgraded(extension, true);
   1681     }
   1683     // To upgrade an extension in place, unload the old one and
   1684     // then load the new one.
   1685     UnloadExtension(old->id(), UnloadedExtensionInfo::UPDATE);
   1686     old = NULL;
   1687   }
   1689   // Extension has changed permissions significantly. Disable it. A
   1690   // notification should be sent by the caller.
   1691   if (is_privilege_increase) {
   1692     if (!extension_prefs_->DidExtensionEscalatePermissions(extension->id())) {
   1693       RecordPermissionMessagesHistogram(
   1694           extension, "Extensions.Permissions_AutoDisable");
   1695     }
   1696     extension_prefs_->SetExtensionState(extension, Extension::DISABLED);
   1697     extension_prefs_->SetDidExtensionEscalatePermissions(extension, true);
   1698   }
   1699 }
   1701 void ExtensionService::UpdateActiveExtensionsInCrashReporter() {
   1702   std::set<std::string> extension_ids;
   1703   for (size_t i = 0; i < extensions_.size(); ++i) {
   1704     if (!extensions_[i]->is_theme() &&
   1705         extensions_[i]->location() != Extension::COMPONENT)
   1706       extension_ids.insert(extensions_[i]->id());
   1707   }
   1709   child_process_logging::SetActiveExtensions(extension_ids);
   1710 }
   1712 void ExtensionService::OnExtensionInstalled(const Extension* extension) {
   1713   CHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
   1715   // Ensure extension is deleted unless we transfer ownership.
   1716   scoped_refptr<const Extension> scoped_extension(extension);
   1717   const std::string& id = extension->id();
   1718   bool initial_enable = false;
   1719   bool initial_enable_incognito = false;
   1721   PendingExtensionInfo pending_extension_info;
   1722   if (pending_extension_manager()->GetById(id, &pending_extension_info)) {
   1723     pending_extension_manager()->Remove(id);
   1725     if (!pending_extension_info.ShouldAllowInstall(*extension)) {
   1726       LOG(WARNING)
   1727           << "ShouldAllowInstall() returned false for "
   1728           << id << " of type " << extension->GetType()
   1729           << " and update URL " << extension->update_url().spec()
   1730           << "; not installing";
   1732       NotificationService::current()->Notify(
   1733           NotificationType::EXTENSION_INSTALL_NOT_ALLOWED,
   1734           Source<Profile>(profile_),
   1735           Details<const Extension>(extension));
   1737       // Delete the extension directory since we're not going to
   1738       // load it.
   1739       BrowserThread::PostTask(
   1740           BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE,
   1741           NewRunnableFunction(&extension_file_util::DeleteFile,
   1742                               extension->path(), true));
   1743       return;
   1744     }
   1746     if (extension->is_theme()) {
   1747       DCHECK(pending_extension_info.enable_on_install());
   1748       initial_enable = true;
   1749       DCHECK(!pending_extension_info.enable_incognito_on_install());
   1750       initial_enable_incognito = false;
   1751     } else {
   1752       initial_enable = pending_extension_info.enable_on_install();
   1753       initial_enable_incognito =
   1754           pending_extension_info.enable_incognito_on_install();
   1755     }
   1756   } else {
   1757     // We explicitly want to re-enable an uninstalled external
   1758     // extension; if we're here, that means the user is manually
   1759     // installing the extension.
   1760     initial_enable =
   1761         IsExtensionEnabled(id) || IsExternalExtensionUninstalled(id);
   1762     initial_enable_incognito = IsIncognitoEnabled(id);
   1763   }
   1765   UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Extensions.InstallType",
   1766                             extension->GetType(), 100);
   1767   RecordPermissionMessagesHistogram(
   1768       extension, "Extensions.Permissions_Install");
   1769   ShownSectionsHandler::OnExtensionInstalled(profile_->GetPrefs(), extension);
   1770   extension_prefs_->OnExtensionInstalled(
   1771       extension, initial_enable ? Extension::ENABLED : Extension::DISABLED,
   1772       initial_enable_incognito);
   1774   // Unpacked extensions default to allowing file access, but if that has been
   1775   // overridden, don't reset the value.
   1776   if (Extension::ShouldAlwaysAllowFileAccess(Extension::LOAD) &&
   1777       !extension_prefs_->HasAllowFileAccessSetting(id)) {
   1778     extension_prefs_->SetAllowFileAccess(id, true);
   1779   }
   1781   NotificationService::current()->Notify(
   1782       NotificationType::EXTENSION_INSTALLED,
   1783       Source<Profile>(profile_),
   1784       Details<const Extension>(extension));
   1786   // Transfer ownership of |extension| to AddExtension.
   1787   AddExtension(scoped_extension);
   1788 }
   1790 const Extension* ExtensionService::GetExtensionByIdInternal(
   1791     const std::string& id, bool include_enabled, bool include_disabled) const {
   1792   std::string lowercase_id = StringToLowerASCII(id);
   1793   if (include_enabled) {
   1794     for (ExtensionList::const_iterator iter = extensions_.begin();
   1795         iter != extensions_.end(); ++iter) {
   1796       if ((*iter)->id() == lowercase_id)
   1797         return *iter;
   1798     }
   1799   }
   1800   if (include_disabled) {
   1801     for (ExtensionList::const_iterator iter = disabled_extensions_.begin();
   1802         iter != disabled_extensions_.end(); ++iter) {
   1803       if ((*iter)->id() == lowercase_id)
   1804         return *iter;
   1805     }
   1806   }
   1807   return NULL;
   1808 }
   1810 void ExtensionService::TrackTerminatedExtension(const Extension* extension) {
   1811   if (terminated_extension_ids_.insert(extension->id()).second)
   1812     terminated_extensions_.push_back(make_scoped_refptr(extension));
   1813 }
   1815 void ExtensionService::UntrackTerminatedExtension(const std::string& id) {
   1816   if (terminated_extension_ids_.erase(id) <= 0)
   1817     return;
   1819   std::string lowercase_id = StringToLowerASCII(id);
   1820   for (ExtensionList::iterator iter = terminated_extensions_.begin();
   1821        iter != terminated_extensions_.end(); ++iter) {
   1822     if ((*iter)->id() == lowercase_id) {
   1823       terminated_extensions_.erase(iter);
   1824       return;
   1825     }
   1826   }
   1827 }
   1829 const Extension* ExtensionService::GetTerminatedExtension(
   1830     const std::string& id) {
   1831   std::string lowercase_id = StringToLowerASCII(id);
   1832   for (ExtensionList::const_iterator iter = terminated_extensions_.begin();
   1833        iter != terminated_extensions_.end(); ++iter) {
   1834     if ((*iter)->id() == lowercase_id)
   1835       return *iter;
   1836   }
   1837   return NULL;
   1838 }
   1840 const Extension* ExtensionService::GetWebStoreApp() {
   1841   return GetExtensionById(extension_misc::kWebStoreAppId, false);
   1842 }
   1844 const Extension* ExtensionService::GetExtensionByURL(const GURL& url) {
   1845   return url.scheme() != chrome::kExtensionScheme ? NULL :
   1846       GetExtensionById(url.host(), false);
   1847 }
   1849 const Extension* ExtensionService::GetExtensionByWebExtent(const GURL& url) {
   1850   for (size_t i = 0; i < extensions_.size(); ++i) {
   1851     if (extensions_[i]->web_extent().ContainsURL(url))
   1852       return extensions_[i];
   1853   }
   1854   return NULL;
   1855 }
   1857 bool ExtensionService::ExtensionBindingsAllowed(const GURL& url) {
   1858   // Allow bindings for all packaged extension.
   1859   if (GetExtensionByURL(url))
   1860     return true;
   1862   // Allow bindings for all component, hosted apps.
   1863   const Extension* extension = GetExtensionByWebExtent(url);
   1864   return (extension && extension->location() == Extension::COMPONENT);
   1865 }
   1867 const Extension* ExtensionService::GetExtensionByOverlappingWebExtent(
   1868     const ExtensionExtent& extent) {
   1869   for (size_t i = 0; i < extensions_.size(); ++i) {
   1870     if (extensions_[i]->web_extent().OverlapsWith(extent))
   1871       return extensions_[i];
   1872   }
   1874   return NULL;
   1875 }
   1877 const SkBitmap& ExtensionService::GetOmniboxIcon(
   1878     const std::string& extension_id) {
   1879   return omnibox_icon_manager_.GetIcon(extension_id);
   1880 }
   1882 const SkBitmap& ExtensionService::GetOmniboxPopupIcon(
   1883     const std::string& extension_id) {
   1884   return omnibox_popup_icon_manager_.GetIcon(extension_id);
   1885 }
   1887 void ExtensionService::OnExternalExtensionFileFound(
   1888          const std::string& id,
   1889          const Version* version,
   1890          const FilePath& path,
   1891          Extension::Location location) {
   1892   CHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI));
   1893   CHECK(Extension::IdIsValid(id));
   1894   if (extension_prefs_->IsExternalExtensionUninstalled(id))
   1895     return;
   1897   DCHECK(version);
   1899   // Before even bothering to unpack, check and see if we already have this
   1900   // version. This is important because these extensions are going to get
   1901   // installed on every startup.
   1902   const Extension* existing = GetExtensionById(id, true);
   1903   if (existing) {
   1904     switch (existing->version()->CompareTo(*version)) {
   1905       case -1:  // existing version is older, we should upgrade
   1906         break;
   1907       case 0:  // existing version is same, do nothing
   1908         return;
   1909       case 1:  // existing version is newer, uh-oh
   1910         LOG(WARNING) << "Found external version of extension " << id
   1911                      << "that is older than current version. Current version "
   1912                      << "is: " << existing->VersionString() << ". New version "
   1913                      << "is: " << version << ". Keeping current version.";
   1914         return;
   1915     }
   1916   }
   1918   pending_extension_manager()->AddFromExternalFile(id, location);
   1920   scoped_refptr<CrxInstaller> installer(
   1921       new CrxInstaller(this,  // frontend
   1922                        NULL));  // no client (silent install)
   1923   installer->set_install_source(location);
   1924   installer->set_expected_id(id);
   1925   installer->set_expected_version(*version),
   1926   installer->InstallCrx(path);
   1927 }
   1929 void ExtensionService::ReportExtensionLoadError(
   1930     const FilePath& extension_path,
   1931     const std::string &error,
   1932     NotificationType type,
   1933     bool be_noisy) {
   1934   NotificationService* service = NotificationService::current();
   1935   service->Notify(type,
   1936                   Source<Profile>(profile_),
   1937                   Details<const std::string>(&error));
   1939   std::string path_str = UTF16ToUTF8(extension_path.LossyDisplayName());
   1940   std::string message = base::StringPrintf(
   1941       "Could not load extension from '%s'. %s",
   1942       path_str.c_str(), error.c_str());
   1943   ExtensionErrorReporter::GetInstance()->ReportError(message, be_noisy);
   1944 }
   1946 void ExtensionService::DidCreateRenderViewForBackgroundPage(
   1947     ExtensionHost* host) {
   1948   OrphanedDevTools::iterator iter =
   1949       orphaned_dev_tools_.find(host->extension_id());
   1950   if (iter == orphaned_dev_tools_.end())
   1951     return;
   1953   DevToolsManager::GetInstance()->AttachClientHost(
   1954       iter->second, host->render_view_host());
   1955   orphaned_dev_tools_.erase(iter);
   1956 }
   1958 void ExtensionService::Observe(NotificationType type,
   1959                                 const NotificationSource& source,
   1960                                 const NotificationDetails& details) {
   1961   switch (type.value) {
   1962     case NotificationType::EXTENSION_PROCESS_TERMINATED: {
   1963       if (profile_ != Source<Profile>(source).ptr()->GetOriginalProfile())
   1964         break;
   1966       ExtensionHost* host = Details<ExtensionHost>(details).ptr();
   1967       TrackTerminatedExtension(host->extension());
   1969       // Unload the entire extension. We want it to be in a consistent state:
   1970       // either fully working or not loaded at all, but never half-crashed.
   1971       // We do it in a PostTask so that other handlers of this notification will
   1972       // still have access to the Extension and ExtensionHost.
   1973       MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
   1974           NewRunnableMethod(this,
   1975                             &ExtensionService::UnloadExtension,
   1976                             host->extension()->id(),
   1977                             UnloadedExtensionInfo::DISABLE));
   1978       break;
   1979     }
   1981     case NotificationType::PREF_CHANGED: {
   1982       std::string* pref_name = Details<std::string>(details).ptr();
   1983       if (*pref_name == prefs::kExtensionInstallAllowList ||
   1984           *pref_name == prefs::kExtensionInstallDenyList) {
   1985         CheckAdminBlacklist();
   1986       } else {
   1987         NOTREACHED() << "Unexpected preference name.";
   1988       }
   1989       break;
   1990     }
   1992     default:
   1993       NOTREACHED() << "Unexpected notification type.";
   1994   }
   1995 }
   1997 bool ExtensionService::HasApps() const {
   1998   return !GetAppIds().empty();
   1999 }
   2001 ExtensionIdSet ExtensionService::GetAppIds() const {
   2002   ExtensionIdSet result;
   2003   for (ExtensionList::const_iterator it = extensions_.begin();
   2004        it != extensions_.end(); ++it) {
   2005     if ((*it)->is_app() && (*it)->location() != Extension::COMPONENT)
   2006       result.insert((*it)->id());
   2007   }
   2009   return result;
   2010 }
   2012 bool ExtensionService::IsBackgroundPageReady(const Extension* extension) {
   2013   return (extension->background_url().is_empty() ||
   2014           extension_runtime_data_[extension->id()].background_page_ready);
   2015 }
   2017 void ExtensionService::SetBackgroundPageReady(const Extension* extension) {
   2018   DCHECK(!extension->background_url().is_empty());
   2019   extension_runtime_data_[extension->id()].background_page_ready = true;
   2020   NotificationService::current()->Notify(
   2021       NotificationType::EXTENSION_BACKGROUND_PAGE_READY,
   2022       Source<const Extension>(extension),
   2023       NotificationService::NoDetails());
   2024 }
   2026 bool ExtensionService::IsBeingUpgraded(const Extension* extension) {
   2027   return extension_runtime_data_[extension->id()].being_upgraded;
   2028 }
   2030 void ExtensionService::SetBeingUpgraded(const Extension* extension,
   2031                                          bool value) {
   2032   extension_runtime_data_[extension->id()].being_upgraded = value;
   2033 }
   2035 PropertyBag* ExtensionService::GetPropertyBag(const Extension* extension) {
   2036   return &extension_runtime_data_[extension->id()].property_bag;
   2037 }
   2039 void ExtensionService::RegisterNaClModule(const GURL& url,
   2040                                           const std::string& mime_type) {
   2041   NaClModuleInfo info;
   2042   info.url = url;
   2043   info.mime_type = mime_type;
   2045   DCHECK(FindNaClModule(url) == nacl_module_list_.end());
   2046   nacl_module_list_.push_front(info);
   2047 }
   2049 void ExtensionService::UnregisterNaClModule(const GURL& url) {
   2050   NaClModuleInfoList::iterator iter = FindNaClModule(url);
   2051   DCHECK(iter != nacl_module_list_.end());
   2052   nacl_module_list_.erase(iter);
   2053 }
   2055 void ExtensionService::UpdatePluginListWithNaClModules() {
   2056   FilePath path;
   2057   PathService::Get(chrome::FILE_NACL_PLUGIN, &path);
   2059   webkit::npapi::PluginList::Singleton()->UnregisterInternalPlugin(path);
   2061   const PepperPluginInfo* pepper_info =
   2062       PepperPluginRegistry::GetInstance()->GetInfoForPlugin(path);
   2063   webkit::npapi::WebPluginInfo info = pepper_info->ToWebPluginInfo();
   2065   DCHECK(nacl_module_list_.size() <= 1);
   2066   for (NaClModuleInfoList::iterator iter = nacl_module_list_.begin();
   2067        iter != nacl_module_list_.end(); ++iter) {
   2068     webkit::npapi::WebPluginMimeType mime_type_info;
   2069     mime_type_info.mime_type = iter->mime_type;
   2070     mime_type_info.additional_param_names.push_back(UTF8ToUTF16("nacl"));
   2071     mime_type_info.additional_param_values.push_back(
   2072         UTF8ToUTF16(iter->url.spec()));
   2073     info.mime_types.push_back(mime_type_info);
   2074   }
   2076   webkit::npapi::PluginList::Singleton()->RefreshPlugins();
   2077   webkit::npapi::PluginList::Singleton()->RegisterInternalPlugin(info);
   2078 }
   2080 ExtensionService::NaClModuleInfoList::iterator
   2081     ExtensionService::FindNaClModule(const GURL& url) {
   2082   for (NaClModuleInfoList::iterator iter = nacl_module_list_.begin();
   2083        iter != nacl_module_list_.end(); ++iter) {
   2084     if (iter->url == url)
   2085       return iter;
   2086   }
   2087   return nacl_module_list_.end();
   2088 }