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      2 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
      3 /*--- File- and socket-related libc stuff.            m_libcfile.c ---*/
      4 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
      6 /*
      7    This file is part of Valgrind, a dynamic binary instrumentation
      8    framework.
     10    Copyright (C) 2000-2010 Julian Seward
     11       jseward (at) acm.org
     13    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
     14    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
     15    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
     16    License, or (at your option) any later version.
     18    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
     19    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     21    General Public License for more details.
     23    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     24    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
     25    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
     26    02111-1307, USA.
     28    The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
     29 */
     31 #include "pub_core_basics.h"
     32 #include "pub_core_vki.h"
     33 #include "pub_core_vkiscnums.h"
     34 #include "pub_core_debuglog.h"
     35 #include "pub_core_libcbase.h"
     36 #include "pub_core_libcassert.h"
     37 #include "pub_core_libcfile.h"
     38 #include "pub_core_libcprint.h"     // VG_(sprintf)
     39 #include "pub_core_libcproc.h"      // VG_(getpid), VG_(getppid)
     40 #include "pub_core_xarray.h"
     41 #include "pub_core_clientstate.h"   // VG_(fd_hard_limit)
     42 #include "pub_core_syscall.h"
     44 /* IMPORTANT: on Darwin it is essential to use the _nocancel versions
     45    of syscalls rather than the vanilla version, if a _nocancel version
     46    is available.  See docs/internals/Darwin-notes.txt for the reason
     47    why. */
     49 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
     50    File stuff
     51    ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
     53 static inline Bool fd_exists(Int fd)
     54 {
     55    struct vg_stat st;
     56    return VG_(fstat)(fd, &st) == 0;
     57 }
     59 /* Move an fd into the Valgrind-safe range */
     60 Int VG_(safe_fd)(Int oldfd)
     61 {
     62    Int newfd;
     64    vg_assert(VG_(fd_hard_limit) != -1);
     66    newfd = VG_(fcntl)(oldfd, VKI_F_DUPFD, VG_(fd_hard_limit));
     67    if (newfd != -1)
     68       VG_(close)(oldfd);
     70    /* Set the close-on-exec flag for this fd. */
     71    VG_(fcntl)(newfd, VKI_F_SETFD, VKI_FD_CLOEXEC);
     73    vg_assert(newfd >= VG_(fd_hard_limit));
     74    return newfd;
     75 }
     77 /* Given a file descriptor, attempt to deduce its filename.  To do
     78    this, we use /proc/self/fd/<FD>.  If this doesn't point to a file,
     79    or if it doesn't exist, we return False. */
     80 Bool VG_(resolve_filename) ( Int fd, HChar* buf, Int n_buf )
     81 {
     82 #  if defined(VGO_linux)
     83    HChar tmp[64];
     84    VG_(sprintf)(tmp, "/proc/self/fd/%d", fd);
     85    VG_(memset)(buf, 0, n_buf);
     86    if (VG_(readlink)(tmp, buf, n_buf) > 0 && buf[0] == '/')
     87       return True;
     88    else
     89       return False;
     91 #  elif defined(VGO_aix5)
     92    I_die_here; /* maybe just return False? */
     93    return False;
     95 #  elif defined(VGO_darwin)
     96    HChar tmp[VKI_MAXPATHLEN+1];
     97    if (0 == VG_(fcntl)(fd, VKI_F_GETPATH, (UWord)tmp)) {
     98       if (n_buf > 0) {
     99          VG_(strncpy)( buf, tmp, n_buf < sizeof(tmp) ? n_buf : sizeof(tmp) );
    100          buf[n_buf-1] = 0;
    101       }
    102       if (tmp[0] == '/') return True;
    103    }
    104    return False;
    106 #  else
    107 #     error Unknown OS
    108 #  endif
    109 }
    111 SysRes VG_(open) ( const Char* pathname, Int flags, Int mode )
    112 {
    113 #  if defined(VGO_linux) || defined(VGO_aix5)
    114    SysRes res = VG_(do_syscall3)(__NR_open,
    115                                  (UWord)pathname, flags, mode);
    116 #  elif defined(VGO_darwin)
    117    SysRes res = VG_(do_syscall3)(__NR_open_nocancel,
    118                                  (UWord)pathname, flags, mode);
    119 #  else
    120 #    error Unknown OS
    121 #  endif
    122    return res;
    123 }
    125 void VG_(close) ( Int fd )
    126 {
    127    /* Hmm.  Return value is not checked.  That's uncool. */
    128 #  if defined(VGO_linux) || defined(VGO_aix5)
    129    (void)VG_(do_syscall1)(__NR_close, fd);
    130 #  elif defined(VGO_darwin)
    131    (void)VG_(do_syscall1)(__NR_close_nocancel, fd);
    132 #  else
    133 #    error Unknown OS
    134 #  endif
    135 }
    137 Int VG_(read) ( Int fd, void* buf, Int count)
    138 {
    139    Int    ret;
    140 #  if defined(VGO_linux) || defined(VGO_aix5)
    141    SysRes res = VG_(do_syscall3)(__NR_read, fd, (UWord)buf, count);
    142 #  elif defined(VGO_darwin)
    143    SysRes res = VG_(do_syscall3)(__NR_read_nocancel, fd, (UWord)buf, count);
    144 #  else
    145 #    error Unknown OS
    146 #  endif
    147    if (sr_isError(res)) {
    148       ret = - (Int)(Word)sr_Err(res);
    149       vg_assert(ret < 0);
    150    } else {
    151       ret = (Int)(Word)sr_Res(res);
    152       vg_assert(ret >= 0);
    153    }
    154    return ret;
    155 }
    157 Int VG_(write) ( Int fd, const void* buf, Int count)
    158 {
    159    Int    ret;
    160 #  if defined(VGO_linux) || defined(VGO_aix5)
    161    SysRes res = VG_(do_syscall3)(__NR_write, fd, (UWord)buf, count);
    162 #  elif defined(VGO_darwin)
    163    SysRes res = VG_(do_syscall3)(__NR_write_nocancel, fd, (UWord)buf, count);
    164 #  else
    165 #    error "Unknown OS"
    166 #  endif
    167    if (sr_isError(res)) {
    168       ret = - (Int)(Word)sr_Err(res);
    169       vg_assert(ret < 0);
    170    } else {
    171       ret = (Int)(Word)sr_Res(res);
    172       vg_assert(ret >= 0);
    173    }
    174    return ret;
    175 }
    178 Int VG_(pipe) ( Int fd[2] )
    179 {
    180 #  if defined(VGO_linux) || defined(VGO_aix5)
    181    SysRes res = VG_(do_syscall1)(__NR_pipe, (UWord)fd);
    182    return sr_isError(res) ? -1 : 0;
    183 #  elif defined(VGO_darwin)
    184    /* __NR_pipe is UX64, so produces a double-word result */
    185    SysRes res = VG_(do_syscall0)(__NR_pipe);
    186    if (!sr_isError(res)) {
    187       fd[0] = (Int)sr_Res(res);
    188       fd[1] = (Int)sr_ResHI(res);
    189    }
    190    return sr_isError(res) ? -1 : 0;
    191 #  else
    192 #    error "Unknown OS"
    193 #  endif
    194 }
    196 OffT VG_(lseek) ( Int fd, OffT offset, Int whence )
    197 {
    198 #  if defined(VGO_linux) || defined(VGO_aix5) || defined(VGP_amd64_darwin)
    199    SysRes res = VG_(do_syscall3)(__NR_lseek, fd, offset, whence);
    200    vg_assert(sizeof(OffT) == sizeof(Word));
    201 #  elif defined(VGP_x86_darwin)
    202    SysRes res = VG_(do_syscall4)(__NR_lseek, fd,
    203                                  offset & 0xffffffff, offset >> 32, whence);
    204 #  else
    205 #    error "Unknown plat"
    206 #  endif
    207    return sr_isError(res) ? (-1) : sr_Res(res);
    208    /* if you change the error-reporting conventions of this, also
    209       change VG_(pread) and all other usage points. */
    210 }
    212 extern Int VG_(ftruncate) ( Int fd, OffT length ) {
    213 #if defined (VGO_linux)
    214    SysRes res = VG_(do_syscall2)(__NR_ftruncate, fd, length);
    215    return sr_isError(res) ? (-1) : sr_Res(res);
    216 #else
    217    return -1;  /*UNIMPLEMENTED*/
    218 #endif
    219 }
    221 /* stat/fstat support.  It's uggerly.  We have impedance-match into a
    222    'struct vg_stat' in order to have a single structure that callers
    223    can use consistently on all platforms. */
    225 #define TRANSLATE_TO_vg_stat(_p_vgstat, _p_vkistat) \
    226    do { \
    227       (_p_vgstat)->dev        = (ULong)( (_p_vkistat)->st_dev ); \
    228       (_p_vgstat)->ino        = (ULong)( (_p_vkistat)->st_ino ); \
    229       (_p_vgstat)->nlink      = (ULong)( (_p_vkistat)->st_nlink ); \
    230       (_p_vgstat)->mode       = (UInt) ( (_p_vkistat)->st_mode ); \
    231       (_p_vgstat)->uid        = (UInt) ( (_p_vkistat)->st_uid ); \
    232       (_p_vgstat)->gid        = (UInt) ( (_p_vkistat)->st_gid ); \
    233       (_p_vgstat)->rdev       = (ULong)( (_p_vkistat)->st_rdev ); \
    234       (_p_vgstat)->size       = (Long) ( (_p_vkistat)->st_size ); \
    235       (_p_vgstat)->blksize    = (ULong)( (_p_vkistat)->st_blksize ); \
    236       (_p_vgstat)->blocks     = (ULong)( (_p_vkistat)->st_blocks ); \
    237       (_p_vgstat)->atime      = (ULong)( (_p_vkistat)->st_atime ); \
    238       (_p_vgstat)->atime_nsec = (ULong)( (_p_vkistat)->st_atime_nsec ); \
    239       (_p_vgstat)->mtime      = (ULong)( (_p_vkistat)->st_mtime ); \
    240       (_p_vgstat)->mtime_nsec = (ULong)( (_p_vkistat)->st_mtime_nsec ); \
    241       (_p_vgstat)->ctime      = (ULong)( (_p_vkistat)->st_ctime ); \
    242       (_p_vgstat)->ctime_nsec = (ULong)( (_p_vkistat)->st_ctime_nsec ); \
    243    } while (0)
    245 SysRes VG_(stat) ( const Char* file_name, struct vg_stat* vgbuf )
    246 {
    247    SysRes res;
    248    VG_(memset)(vgbuf, 0, sizeof(*vgbuf));
    250 #  if defined(VGO_linux) || defined(VGO_darwin)
    251    /* First try with stat64.  If that doesn't work out, fall back to
    252       the vanilla version. */
    253 #  if defined(__NR_stat64)
    254    { struct vki_stat64 buf64;
    255      res = VG_(do_syscall2)(__NR_stat64, (UWord)file_name, (UWord)&buf64);
    256      if (!(sr_isError(res) && sr_Err(res) == VKI_ENOSYS)) {
    257         /* Success, or any failure except ENOSYS */
    258         if (!sr_isError(res))
    259            TRANSLATE_TO_vg_stat(vgbuf, &buf64);
    260         return res;
    261      }
    262    }
    263 #  endif /* defined(__NR_stat64) */
    264    { struct vki_stat buf;
    265      res = VG_(do_syscall2)(__NR_stat, (UWord)file_name, (UWord)&buf);
    266      if (!sr_isError(res))
    267         TRANSLATE_TO_vg_stat(vgbuf, &buf);
    268      return res;
    269    }
    271 #  elif defined(VGO_aix5)
    272    { struct vki_stat buf;
    273      res = VG_(do_syscall4)(__NR_AIX5_statx,
    274                             (UWord)file_name,
    275                             (UWord)&buf,
    276                             sizeof(struct vki_stat),
    277                             VKI_STX_NORMAL);
    278      if (!sr_isError(res)) {
    279         VG_(memset)(vgbuf, 0, sizeof(*vgbuf));
    280         vgbuf->dev  = (ULong)buf.st_dev;
    281         vgbuf->ino  = (ULong)buf.st_ino;
    282         vgbuf->mode = (UInt)buf.st_mode;
    283         vgbuf->uid  = (UInt)buf.st_uid;
    284         vgbuf->gid  = (UInt)buf.st_gid;
    285         vgbuf->size = (Long)buf.st_size;
    286      }
    287      return res;
    288    }
    290 #  else
    291 #    error Unknown OS
    292 #  endif
    293 }
    295 Int VG_(fstat) ( Int fd, struct vg_stat* vgbuf )
    296 {
    297    SysRes res;
    298    VG_(memset)(vgbuf, 0, sizeof(*vgbuf));
    300 #  if defined(VGO_linux)  ||  defined(VGO_darwin)
    301    /* First try with fstat64.  If that doesn't work out, fall back to
    302       the vanilla version. */
    303 #  if defined(__NR_fstat64)
    304    { struct vki_stat64 buf64;
    305      res = VG_(do_syscall2)(__NR_fstat64, (UWord)fd, (UWord)&buf64);
    306      if (!(sr_isError(res) && sr_Err(res) == VKI_ENOSYS)) {
    307         /* Success, or any failure except ENOSYS */
    308         if (!sr_isError(res))
    309            TRANSLATE_TO_vg_stat(vgbuf, &buf64);
    310         return sr_isError(res) ? (-1) : 0;
    311      }
    312    }
    313 #  endif /* if defined(__NR_fstat64) */
    314    { struct vki_stat buf;
    315      res = VG_(do_syscall2)(__NR_fstat, (UWord)fd, (UWord)&buf);
    316      if (!sr_isError(res))
    317         TRANSLATE_TO_vg_stat(vgbuf, &buf);
    318      return sr_isError(res) ? (-1) : 0;
    319    }
    321 #  elif defined(VGO_aix5)
    322    I_die_here;
    324 #  else
    325 #    error Unknown OS
    326 #  endif
    327 }
    329 #undef TRANSLATE_TO_vg_stat
    332 Long VG_(fsize) ( Int fd )
    333 {
    334    struct vg_stat buf;
    335    Int res = VG_(fstat)( fd, &buf );
    336    return (res == -1) ? (-1LL) : buf.size;
    337 }
    339 Bool VG_(is_dir) ( const HChar* f )
    340 {
    341    struct vg_stat buf;
    342    SysRes res = VG_(stat)(f, &buf);
    343    return sr_isError(res) ? False
    344                       : VKI_S_ISDIR(buf.mode) ? True : False;
    345 }
    347 SysRes VG_(dup) ( Int oldfd )
    348 {
    349    return VG_(do_syscall1)(__NR_dup, oldfd);
    350 }
    352 SysRes VG_(dup2) ( Int oldfd, Int newfd )
    353 {
    354 #  if defined(VGO_linux)  ||  defined(VGO_darwin)
    355    return VG_(do_syscall2)(__NR_dup2, oldfd, newfd);
    356 #  elif defined(VGO_aix5)
    357    I_die_here;
    358 #  else
    359 #    error Unknown OS
    360 #  endif
    361 }
    363 /* Returns -1 on error. */
    364 Int VG_(fcntl) ( Int fd, Int cmd, Addr arg )
    365 {
    366 #  if defined(VGO_linux) || defined(VGO_aix5)
    367    SysRes res = VG_(do_syscall3)(__NR_fcntl, fd, cmd, arg);
    368 #  elif defined(VGO_darwin)
    369    SysRes res = VG_(do_syscall3)(__NR_fcntl_nocancel, fd, cmd, arg);
    370 #  else
    371 #    error "Unknown OS"
    372 #  endif
    373    return sr_isError(res) ? -1 : sr_Res(res);
    374 }
    376 Int VG_(rename) ( const Char* old_name, const Char* new_name )
    377 {
    378    SysRes res = VG_(do_syscall2)(__NR_rename, (UWord)old_name, (UWord)new_name);
    379    return sr_isError(res) ? (-1) : 0;
    380 }
    382 Int VG_(unlink) ( const Char* file_name )
    383 {
    384    SysRes res = VG_(do_syscall1)(__NR_unlink, (UWord)file_name);
    385    return sr_isError(res) ? (-1) : 0;
    386 }
    388 /* The working directory at startup.  AIX doesn't provide an easy
    389    system call to do getcwd, but fortunately we don't need arbitrary
    390    getcwd support.  All that is really needed is to note the cwd at
    391    process startup.  Hence VG_(record_startup_wd) notes it (in a
    392    platform dependent way) and VG_(get_startup_wd) produces the noted
    393    value.  Hence: */
    394 static HChar startup_wd[VKI_PATH_MAX];
    395 static Bool  startup_wd_acquired = False;
    397 /* Record the process' working directory at startup.  Is intended to
    398    be called exactly once, at startup, before the working directory
    399    changes.  Return True for success, False for failure, so that the
    400    caller can bomb out suitably without creating module cycles if
    401    there is a problem. */
    402 Bool VG_(record_startup_wd) ( void )
    403 {
    404    const Int szB = sizeof(startup_wd);
    405    vg_assert(!startup_wd_acquired);
    406    vg_assert(szB >= 512 && szB <= 16384/*let's say*/); /* stay sane */
    407    VG_(memset)(startup_wd, 0, szB);
    408 #  if defined(VGO_linux)
    409    /* Simple: just ask the kernel */
    410    { SysRes res
    411         = VG_(do_syscall2)(__NR_getcwd, (UWord)startup_wd, szB-1);
    412      vg_assert(startup_wd[szB-1] == 0);
    413      if (sr_isError(res)) {
    414         return False;
    415      } else {
    416         startup_wd_acquired = True;
    417         return True;
    418      }
    419    }
    420 #  elif defined(VGO_aix5) || defined(VGO_darwin)
    421    /* We can't ask the kernel, so instead rely on launcher-*.c to
    422       tell us the startup path.  Note the env var is keyed to the
    423       parent's PID, not ours, since our parent is the launcher
    424       process. */
    425    { Char  envvar[100];
    426      Char* wd = NULL;
    427      VG_(memset)(envvar, 0, sizeof(envvar));
    428      VG_(sprintf)(envvar, "VALGRIND_STARTUP_PWD_%d_XYZZY",
    429                           (Int)VG_(getppid)());
    430      wd = VG_(getenv)( envvar );
    431      if (wd == NULL || (1+VG_(strlen)(wd) >= szB))
    432         return False;
    433      VG_(strncpy_safely)(startup_wd, wd, szB);
    434      vg_assert(startup_wd[szB-1] == 0);
    435      startup_wd_acquired = True;
    436      return True;
    437    }
    438 #  else
    439 #    error Unknown OS
    440 #  endif
    441 }
    443 /* Copy the previously acquired startup_wd into buf[0 .. size-1],
    444    or return False if buf isn't big enough. */
    445 Bool VG_(get_startup_wd) ( Char* buf, SizeT size )
    446 {
    447    vg_assert(startup_wd_acquired);
    448    vg_assert(startup_wd[ sizeof(startup_wd)-1 ] == 0);
    449    if (1+VG_(strlen)(startup_wd) >= size)
    450       return False;
    451    VG_(strncpy_safely)(buf, startup_wd, size);
    452    return True;
    453 }
    455 Int VG_(readlink) (const Char* path, Char* buf, UInt bufsiz)
    456 {
    457    SysRes res;
    458    /* res = readlink( path, buf, bufsiz ); */
    459    res = VG_(do_syscall3)(__NR_readlink, (UWord)path, (UWord)buf, bufsiz);
    460    return sr_isError(res) ? -1 : sr_Res(res);
    461 }
    463 Int VG_(getdents) (Int fd, struct vki_dirent *dirp, UInt count)
    464 {
    465 #  if defined(VGO_linux) || defined(VGO_aix5)
    466    SysRes res;
    467    /* res = getdents( fd, dirp, count ); */
    468    res = VG_(do_syscall3)(__NR_getdents, fd, (UWord)dirp, count);
    469    return sr_isError(res) ? -1 : sr_Res(res);
    470 #  elif defined(VGO_darwin)
    471    I_die_here;
    472 #  else
    473 #    error "Unknown OS"
    474 #  endif
    475 }
    477 /* Check accessibility of a file.  Returns zero for access granted,
    478    nonzero otherwise. */
    479 Int VG_(access) ( const HChar* path, Bool irusr, Bool iwusr, Bool ixusr )
    480 {
    481 #  if defined(VGO_linux)
    482    /* Very annoyingly, I cannot find any definition for R_OK et al in
    483       the kernel interfaces.  Therefore I reluctantly resort to
    484       hardwiring in these magic numbers that I determined by
    485       experimentation. */
    486 #  define VKI_R_OK 4
    487 #  define VKI_W_OK 2
    488 #  define VKI_X_OK 1
    489 #  endif
    491    UWord w = (irusr ? VKI_R_OK : 0)
    492              | (iwusr ? VKI_W_OK : 0)
    493              | (ixusr ? VKI_X_OK : 0);
    494    SysRes res = VG_(do_syscall2)(__NR_access, (UWord)path, w);
    495    return sr_isError(res) ? 1 : 0;
    497 #  if defined(VGO_linux)
    498 #  undef VKI_R_OK
    499 #  undef VKI_W_OK
    500 #  undef VKI_X_OK
    501 #  endif
    502 }
    504 /*
    505    Emulate the normal Unix permissions checking algorithm.
    507    If owner matches, then use the owner permissions, else
    508    if group matches, then use the group permissions, else
    509    use other permissions.
    511    Note that we can't deal properly with SUID/SGID.  By default
    512    (allow_setuid == False), we refuse to run them (otherwise the
    513    executable may misbehave if it doesn't have the permissions it
    514    thinks it does).  However, the caller may indicate that setuid
    515    executables are allowed, for example if we are going to exec them
    516    but not trace into them (iow, client sys_execve when
    517    clo_trace_children == False).
    519    If VKI_EACCES is returned (iow, permission was refused), then
    520    *is_setuid is set to True iff permission was refused because the
    521    executable is setuid.
    522 */
    523 /* returns: 0 = success, non-0 is failure */
    524 Int VG_(check_executable)(/*OUT*/Bool* is_setuid,
    525                           const HChar* f, Bool allow_setuid)
    526 {
    527    struct vg_stat st;
    528    SysRes res = VG_(stat)(f, &st);
    530    if (is_setuid)
    531       *is_setuid = False;
    533    if (sr_isError(res)) {
    534       return sr_Err(res);
    535    }
    537    if ( (st.mode & (VKI_S_ISUID | VKI_S_ISGID)) && !allow_setuid ) {
    538       if (is_setuid)
    539          *is_setuid = True;
    540       return VKI_EACCES;
    541    }
    543    if (VG_(geteuid)() == st.uid) {
    544       if (!(st.mode & VKI_S_IXUSR))
    545          return VKI_EACCES;
    546    } else {
    547       Int grpmatch = 0;
    549       if (VG_(getegid)() == st.gid)
    550 	 grpmatch = 1;
    551       else {
    552 	 UInt groups[32];
    553 	 Int ngrp = VG_(getgroups)(32, groups);
    554 	 Int i;
    555          /* ngrp will be -1 if VG_(getgroups) failed. */
    556          for (i = 0; i < ngrp; i++) {
    557 	    if (groups[i] == st.gid) {
    558 	       grpmatch = 1;
    559 	       break;
    560 	    }
    561          }
    562       }
    564       if (grpmatch) {
    565 	 if (!(st.mode & VKI_S_IXGRP)) {
    566             return VKI_EACCES;
    567          }
    568       } else if (!(st.mode & VKI_S_IXOTH)) {
    569          return VKI_EACCES;
    570       }
    571    }
    573    return 0;
    574 }
    576 /* DDD: Note this moves (or at least, is believed to move) the file pointer
    577    on Linux and AIX5 but doesn't on Darwin.  This inconsistency should
    578    be fixed.  (In other words, why isn't the Linux/AIX5 version implemented in
    579    terms of pread()?) */
    580 SysRes VG_(pread) ( Int fd, void* buf, Int count, OffT offset )
    581 {
    582    SysRes res;
    583 #  if defined(VGO_linux) || defined(VGO_aix5)
    584    /* Linux, AIX5 */
    585    OffT off = VG_(lseek)( fd, offset, VKI_SEEK_SET);
    586    if (off < 0)
    587       return VG_(mk_SysRes_Error)( VKI_EINVAL );
    588    res = VG_(do_syscall3)(__NR_read, fd, (UWord)buf, count );
    589    return res;
    590 #  elif defined(VGP_amd64_darwin)
    591    res = VG_(do_syscall4)(__NR_pread_nocancel, fd, (UWord)buf, count, offset);
    592    return res;
    593 #  elif defined(VGP_x86_darwin)
    594    /* ppc32-darwin is the same, but with the args inverted */
    595    res = VG_(do_syscall5)(__NR_pread_nocancel, fd, (UWord)buf, count,
    596                           offset & 0xffffffff, offset >> 32);
    597    return res;
    598 #  else
    599 #    error "Unknown platform"
    600 #  endif
    601 }
    603 /* Create and open (-rw------) a tmp file name incorporating said arg.
    604    Returns -1 on failure, else the fd of the file.  If fullname is
    605    non-NULL, the file's name is written into it.  The number of bytes
    606    written is guaranteed not to exceed 64+strlen(part_of_name). */
    608 Int VG_(mkstemp) ( HChar* part_of_name, /*OUT*/HChar* fullname )
    609 {
    610    HChar  buf[200];
    611    Int    n, tries, fd;
    612    UInt   seed;
    613    SysRes sres;
    615    vg_assert(part_of_name);
    616    n = VG_(strlen)(part_of_name);
    617    vg_assert(n > 0 && n < 100);
    619    seed = (VG_(getpid)() << 9) ^ VG_(getppid)();
    621    tries = 0;
    622    while (True) {
    623       if (++tries > 10)
    624          return -1;
    625       VG_(sprintf)( buf, "%s/valgrind_%s_%08x",
    626                          VG_TMPDIR, part_of_name, VG_(random)( &seed ));
    627       if (0)
    628          VG_(printf)("VG_(mkstemp): trying: %s\n", buf);
    630       sres = VG_(open)(buf,
    631                        VKI_O_CREAT|VKI_O_RDWR|VKI_O_EXCL|VKI_O_TRUNC,
    632                        VKI_S_IRUSR|VKI_S_IWUSR);
    633       if (sr_isError(sres))
    634          continue;
    635       /* VG_(safe_fd) doesn't return if it fails. */
    636       fd = VG_(safe_fd)( sr_Res(sres) );
    637       if (fullname)
    638          VG_(strcpy)( fullname, buf );
    639       return fd;
    640    }
    641    /* NOTREACHED */
    642 }
    645 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    646    Socket-related stuff.
    647    ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    649 #if defined(VGO_aix5)
    650 struct vki_sockaddr_in;
    651 #endif
    653 static
    654 Int parse_inet_addr_and_port ( UChar* str, UInt* ip_addr, UShort* port );
    656 static
    657 Int my_connect ( Int sockfd, struct vki_sockaddr_in* serv_addr, Int addrlen );
    659 UInt VG_(htonl) ( UInt x )
    660 {
    661 #  if defined(VG_BIGENDIAN)
    662    return x;
    663 #  else
    664    return
    665       (((x >> 24) & 0xFF) << 0) | (((x >> 16) & 0xFF) << 8)
    666       | (((x >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16) | (((x >> 0) & 0xFF) << 24);
    667 #  endif
    668 }
    670 UInt VG_(ntohl) ( UInt x )
    671 {
    672 #  if defined(VG_BIGENDIAN)
    673    return x;
    674 #  else
    675    return
    676       (((x >> 24) & 0xFF) << 0) | (((x >> 16) & 0xFF) << 8)
    677       | (((x >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16) | (((x >> 0) & 0xFF) << 24);
    678 #  endif
    679 }
    681 UShort VG_(htons) ( UShort x )
    682 {
    683 #  if defined(VG_BIGENDIAN)
    684    return x;
    685 #  else
    686    return
    687       (((x >> 8) & 0xFF) << 0) | (((x >> 0) & 0xFF) << 8);
    688 #  endif
    689 }
    691 UShort VG_(ntohs) ( UShort x )
    692 {
    693 #  if defined(VG_BIGENDIAN)
    694    return x;
    695 #  else
    696    return
    697       (((x >> 8) & 0xFF) << 0) | (((x >> 0) & 0xFF) << 8);
    698 #  endif
    699 }
    702 /* The main function.
    704    Supplied string contains either an ip address "" or
    705    an ip address and port pair, "".  Parse these,
    706    and return:
    707      -1 if there is a parse error
    708      -2 if no parse error, but specified host:port cannot be opened
    709      the relevant file (socket) descriptor, otherwise.
    710  is used.
    711 */
    712 Int VG_(connect_via_socket)( UChar* str )
    713 {
    714 #  if defined(VGO_linux) || defined(VGO_darwin)
    715    Int sd, res;
    716    struct vki_sockaddr_in servAddr;
    717    UInt   ip   = 0;
    718    UShort port = VG_CLO_DEFAULT_LOGPORT;
    719    Bool   ok   = parse_inet_addr_and_port(str, &ip, &port);
    720    if (!ok)
    721       return -1;
    723    //if (0)
    724    //   VG_(printf)("ip = %d.%d.%d.%d, port %d\n",
    725    //               (ip >> 24) & 0xFF, (ip >> 16) & 0xFF,
    726    //               (ip >> 8) & 0xFF, ip & 0xFF,
    727    //               (UInt)port );
    729    servAddr.sin_family = VKI_AF_INET;
    730    servAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = VG_(htonl)(ip);
    731    servAddr.sin_port = VG_(htons)(port);
    733    /* create socket */
    734    sd = VG_(socket)(VKI_AF_INET, VKI_SOCK_STREAM, 0 /* IPPROTO_IP ? */);
    735    if (sd < 0) {
    736       /* this shouldn't happen ... nevertheless */
    737       return -2;
    738    }
    740    /* connect to server */
    741    res = my_connect(sd, &servAddr, sizeof(servAddr));
    742    if (res < 0) {
    743       /* connection failed */
    744       return -2;
    745    }
    747    return sd;
    749 #  elif defined(VGO_aix5)
    750    I_die_here;
    752 #  else
    753 #    error "Unknown OS"
    754 #  endif
    755 }
    758 /* Let d = one or more digits.  Accept either:
    759    d.d.d.d  or  d.d.d.d:d
    760 */
    761 static Int parse_inet_addr_and_port ( UChar* str, UInt* ip_addr, UShort* port )
    762 {
    763 #  define GET_CH ((*str) ? (*str++) : 0)
    764    UInt ipa, i, j, c, any;
    765    ipa = 0;
    766    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    767       j = 0;
    768       any = 0;
    769       while (1) {
    770          c = GET_CH;
    771          if (c < '0' || c > '9') break;
    772          j = 10 * j + (int)(c - '0');
    773          any = 1;
    774       }
    775       if (any == 0 || j > 255) goto syntaxerr;
    776       ipa = (ipa << 8) + j;
    777       if (i <= 2 && c != '.') goto syntaxerr;
    778    }
    779    if (c == 0 || c == ':')
    780       *ip_addr = ipa;
    781    if (c == 0) goto ok;
    782    if (c != ':') goto syntaxerr;
    783    j = 0;
    784    any = 0;
    785    while (1) {
    786       c = GET_CH;
    787       if (c < '0' || c > '9') break;
    788       j = j * 10 + (int)(c - '0');
    789       any = 1;
    790       if (j > 65535) goto syntaxerr;
    791    }
    792    if (any == 0 || c != 0) goto syntaxerr;
    793    if (j < 1024) goto syntaxerr;
    794    *port = (UShort)j;
    795  ok:
    796    return 1;
    797  syntaxerr:
    798    return 0;
    799 #  undef GET_CH
    800 }
    802 // GrP fixme safe_fd?
    803 Int VG_(socket) ( Int domain, Int type, Int protocol )
    804 {
    805 #  if defined(VGP_x86_linux) || defined(VGP_ppc32_linux) \
    806       || defined(VGP_ppc64_linux)
    807    SysRes res;
    808    UWord  args[3];
    809    args[0] = domain;
    810    args[1] = type;
    811    args[2] = protocol;
    812    res = VG_(do_syscall2)(__NR_socketcall, VKI_SYS_SOCKET, (UWord)&args);
    813    return sr_isError(res) ? -1 : sr_Res(res);
    815 #  elif defined(VGP_amd64_linux) || defined(VGP_arm_linux)
    816    SysRes res;
    817    res = VG_(do_syscall3)(__NR_socket, domain, type, protocol );
    818    return sr_isError(res) ? -1 : sr_Res(res);
    820 #  elif defined(VGP_ppc32_aix5) || defined(VGP_ppc64_aix5)
    821    I_die_here;
    823 #  elif defined(VGO_darwin)
    824    SysRes res;
    825    res = VG_(do_syscall3)(__NR_socket, domain, type, protocol);
    826    if (!sr_isError(res)) {
    827        // Set SO_NOSIGPIPE so write() returns EPIPE instead of raising SIGPIPE
    828        Int optval = 1;
    829        SysRes res2;
    830        res2 = VG_(do_syscall5)(__NR_setsockopt, sr_Res(res), VKI_SOL_SOCKET,
    831                                VKI_SO_NOSIGPIPE, (UWord)&optval,
    832                                sizeof(optval));
    833        // ignore setsockopt() error
    834    }
    835    return sr_isError(res) ? -1 : sr_Res(res);
    837 #  else
    838 #    error "Unknown arch"
    839 #  endif
    840 }
    843 static
    844 Int my_connect ( Int sockfd, struct vki_sockaddr_in* serv_addr, Int addrlen )
    845 {
    846 #  if defined(VGP_x86_linux) || defined(VGP_ppc32_linux) \
    847       || defined(VGP_ppc64_linux)
    848    SysRes res;
    849    UWord  args[3];
    850    args[0] = sockfd;
    851    args[1] = (UWord)serv_addr;
    852    args[2] = addrlen;
    853    res = VG_(do_syscall2)(__NR_socketcall, VKI_SYS_CONNECT, (UWord)&args);
    854    return sr_isError(res) ? -1 : sr_Res(res);
    856 #  elif defined(VGP_amd64_linux) || defined(VGP_arm_linux)
    857    SysRes res;
    858    res = VG_(do_syscall3)(__NR_connect, sockfd, (UWord)serv_addr, addrlen);
    859    return sr_isError(res) ? -1 : sr_Res(res);
    861 #  elif defined(VGP_ppc32_aix5) || defined(VGP_ppc64_aix5)
    862    I_die_here;
    864 #  elif defined(VGO_darwin)
    865    SysRes res;
    866    res = VG_(do_syscall3)(__NR_connect_nocancel,
    867                           sockfd, (UWord)serv_addr, addrlen);
    868    return sr_isError(res) ? -1 : sr_Res(res);
    870 #  else
    871 #    error "Unknown arch"
    872 #  endif
    873 }
    875 Int VG_(write_socket)( Int sd, void *msg, Int count )
    876 {
    877    /* This is actually send(). */
    879    /* For Linux, VKI_MSG_NOSIGNAL is a request not to send SIGPIPE on
    880       errors on stream oriented sockets when the other end breaks the
    881       connection. The EPIPE error is still returned.
    883       For Darwin, VG_(socket)() sets SO_NOSIGPIPE to get EPIPE instead of
    884       SIGPIPE */
    886 #  if defined(VGP_x86_linux) || defined(VGP_ppc32_linux) \
    887       || defined(VGP_ppc64_linux)
    888    SysRes res;
    889    UWord  args[4];
    890    args[0] = sd;
    891    args[1] = (UWord)msg;
    892    args[2] = count;
    893    args[3] = VKI_MSG_NOSIGNAL;
    894    res = VG_(do_syscall2)(__NR_socketcall, VKI_SYS_SEND, (UWord)&args);
    895    return sr_isError(res) ? -1 : sr_Res(res);
    897 #  elif defined(VGP_amd64_linux) || defined(VGP_arm_linux)
    898    SysRes res;
    899    res = VG_(do_syscall6)(__NR_sendto, sd, (UWord)msg,
    900                                        count, VKI_MSG_NOSIGNAL, 0,0);
    901    return sr_isError(res) ? -1 : sr_Res(res);
    903 #  elif defined(VGP_ppc32_aix5) || defined(VGP_ppc64_aix5)
    904    I_die_here;
    906 #  elif defined(VGP_x86_darwin) || defined(VGP_amd64_darwin)
    907    SysRes res;
    908    res = VG_(do_syscall3)(__NR_write_nocancel, sd, (UWord)msg, count);
    909    return sr_isError(res) ? -1 : sr_Res(res);
    911 #  else
    912 #    error "Unknown platform"
    913 #  endif
    914 }
    916 Int VG_(getsockname) ( Int sd, struct vki_sockaddr *name, Int *namelen)
    917 {
    918 #  if defined(VGP_x86_linux) || defined(VGP_ppc32_linux) \
    919       || defined(VGP_ppc64_linux)
    920    SysRes res;
    921    UWord  args[3];
    922    args[0] = sd;
    923    args[1] = (UWord)name;
    924    args[2] = (UWord)namelen;
    925    res = VG_(do_syscall2)(__NR_socketcall, VKI_SYS_GETSOCKNAME, (UWord)&args);
    926    return sr_isError(res) ? -1 : sr_Res(res);
    928 #  elif defined(VGP_amd64_linux) || defined(VGP_arm_linux)
    929    SysRes res;
    930    res = VG_(do_syscall3)( __NR_getsockname,
    931                            (UWord)sd, (UWord)name, (UWord)namelen );
    932    return sr_isError(res) ? -1 : sr_Res(res);
    934 #  elif defined(VGP_ppc32_aix5) || defined(VGP_ppc64_aix5)
    935    I_die_here;
    937 #  elif defined(VGO_darwin)
    938    SysRes res;
    939    res = VG_(do_syscall3)( __NR_getsockname,
    940                            (UWord)sd, (UWord)name, (UWord)namelen );
    941    return sr_isError(res) ? -1 : sr_Res(res);
    943 #  else
    944 #    error "Unknown platform"
    945 #  endif
    946 }
    948 Int VG_(getpeername) ( Int sd, struct vki_sockaddr *name, Int *namelen)
    949 {
    950 #  if defined(VGP_x86_linux) || defined(VGP_ppc32_linux) \
    951       || defined(VGP_ppc64_linux)
    952    SysRes res;
    953    UWord  args[3];
    954    args[0] = sd;
    955    args[1] = (UWord)name;
    956    args[2] = (UWord)namelen;
    957    res = VG_(do_syscall2)(__NR_socketcall, VKI_SYS_GETPEERNAME, (UWord)&args);
    958    return sr_isError(res) ? -1 : sr_Res(res);
    960 #  elif defined(VGP_amd64_linux) || defined(VGP_arm_linux)
    961    SysRes res;
    962    res = VG_(do_syscall3)( __NR_getpeername,
    963                            (UWord)sd, (UWord)name, (UWord)namelen );
    964    return sr_isError(res) ? -1 : sr_Res(res);
    966 #  elif defined(VGP_ppc32_aix5) || defined(VGP_ppc64_aix5)
    967    I_die_here;
    969 #  elif defined(VGO_darwin)
    970    SysRes res;
    971    res = VG_(do_syscall3)( __NR_getpeername,
    972                            (UWord)sd, (UWord)name, (UWord)namelen );
    973    return sr_isError(res) ? -1 : sr_Res(res);
    975 #  else
    976 #    error "Unknown platform"
    977 #  endif
    978 }
    980 Int VG_(getsockopt) ( Int sd, Int level, Int optname, void *optval,
    981                       Int *optlen)
    982 {
    983 #  if defined(VGP_x86_linux) || defined(VGP_ppc32_linux) \
    984       || defined(VGP_ppc64_linux)
    985    SysRes res;
    986    UWord  args[5];
    987    args[0] = sd;
    988    args[1] = level;
    989    args[2] = optname;
    990    args[3] = (UWord)optval;
    991    args[4] = (UWord)optlen;
    992    res = VG_(do_syscall2)(__NR_socketcall, VKI_SYS_GETSOCKOPT, (UWord)&args);
    993    return sr_isError(res) ? -1 : sr_Res(res);
    995 #  elif defined(VGP_amd64_linux) || defined(VGP_arm_linux)
    996    SysRes res;
    997    res = VG_(do_syscall5)( __NR_getsockopt,
    998                            (UWord)sd, (UWord)level, (UWord)optname,
    999                            (UWord)optval, (UWord)optlen );
   1000    return sr_isError(res) ? -1 : sr_Res(res);
   1002 #  elif defined(VGP_ppc32_aix5) || defined(VGP_ppc64_aix5)
   1003    I_die_here;
   1005 #  elif defined(VGO_darwin)
   1006    SysRes res;
   1007    res = VG_(do_syscall5)( __NR_getsockopt,
   1008                            (UWord)sd, (UWord)level, (UWord)optname,
   1009                            (UWord)optval, (UWord)optlen );
   1010    return sr_isError(res) ? -1 : sr_Res(res);
   1012 #  else
   1013 #    error "Unknown platform"
   1014 #  endif
   1015 }
   1018 Char *VG_(basename)(const Char *path)
   1019 {
   1020    static Char buf[VKI_PATH_MAX];
   1022    const Char *p, *end;
   1024    if (path == NULL  ||
   1025        0 == VG_(strcmp)(path, ""))
   1026    {
   1027       return ".";
   1028    }
   1030    p = path + VG_(strlen)(path);
   1031    while (p > path  &&  *p == '/') {
   1032       // skip all trailing '/'
   1033       p--;
   1034    }
   1036    if (p == path  &&  *p == '/') return "/"; // all slashes
   1038    end = p;
   1040    while (p > path  &&  *p != '/') {
   1041       // now skip non '/'
   1042       p--;
   1043    }
   1045    if (*p == '/') p++;
   1047    VG_(strncpy)(buf, p, end-p+1);
   1048    buf[end-p+1] = '\0';
   1050    return buf;
   1051 }
   1054 Char *VG_(dirname)(const Char *path)
   1055 {
   1056    static Char buf[VKI_PATH_MAX];
   1058    const Char *p;
   1060    if (path == NULL  ||
   1061        0 == VG_(strcmp)(path, "")  ||
   1062        0 == VG_(strcmp)(path, "/"))
   1063    {
   1064       return ".";
   1065    }
   1067    p = path + VG_(strlen)(path);
   1068    while (p > path  &&  *p == '/') {
   1069       // skip all trailing '/'
   1070       p--;
   1071    }
   1073    while (p > path  &&  *p != '/') {
   1074       // now skip non '/'
   1075       p--;
   1076    }
   1078    if (p == path) {
   1079       if (*p == '/') return "/"; // all slashes
   1080       else return "."; // no slashes
   1081    }
   1083    while (p > path  &&  *p == '/') {
   1084       // skip '/' again
   1085       p--;
   1086    }
   1088    VG_(strncpy)(buf, path, p-path+1);
   1089    buf[p-path+1] = '\0';
   1091    return buf;
   1092 }
   1095 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
   1096 /*--- end                                                          ---*/
   1097 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/