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      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      7 #pragma once
      9 #include <string>
     11 #include "base/basictypes.h"
     12 #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
     13 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
     14 #include "base/observer_list.h"
     15 #include "base/string16.h"
     16 #include "base/task.h"
     17 #include "base/time.h"
     18 #include "base/timer.h"
     19 #include "base/tracked.h"
     20 #include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_member.h"
     21 #include "chrome/browser/sync/engine/model_safe_worker.h"
     22 #include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/data_type_controller.h"
     23 #include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/sync_backend_host.h"
     24 #include "chrome/browser/sync/js_event_handler_list.h"
     25 #include "chrome/browser/sync/profile_sync_service_observer.h"
     26 #include "chrome/browser/sync/sync_setup_wizard.h"
     27 #include "chrome/browser/sync/syncable/autofill_migration.h"
     28 #include "chrome/browser/sync/syncable/model_type.h"
     29 #include "chrome/browser/sync/unrecoverable_error_handler.h"
     30 #include "chrome/common/net/gaia/google_service_auth_error.h"
     31 #include "content/common/notification_observer.h"
     32 #include "content/common/notification_registrar.h"
     33 #include "content/common/notification_type.h"
     34 #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
     35 #include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
     37 class NotificationDetails;
     38 class NotificationSource;
     39 class Profile;
     40 class ProfileSyncFactory;
     41 class SigninManager;
     43 namespace browser_sync {
     44 class BackendMigrator;
     45 class ChangeProcessor;
     46 class DataTypeManager;
     47 class JsFrontend;
     48 class SessionModelAssociator;
     49 namespace sessions { struct SyncSessionSnapshot; }
     50 }
     52 namespace sync_api {
     53 class BaseTransaction;
     54 struct SyncCredentials;
     55 struct UserShare;
     56 }
     58 // ProfileSyncService is the layer between browser subsystems like bookmarks,
     59 // and the sync backend.  Each subsystem is logically thought of as being
     60 // a sync datatype.
     61 //
     62 // Individual datatypes can, at any point, be in a variety of stages of being
     63 // "enabled".  Here are some specific terms for concepts used in this class:
     64 //
     65 //   'Registered' (feature suppression for a datatype)
     66 //
     67 //      When a datatype is registered, the user has the option of syncing it.
     68 //      The sync opt-in UI will show only registered types; a checkbox should
     69 //      never be shown for an unregistered type, and nor should it ever be
     70 //      synced.
     71 //
     72 //      A datatype is considered registered once RegisterDataTypeController
     73 //      has been called with that datatype's DataTypeController.
     74 //
     75 //   'Preferred' (user preferences and opt-out for a datatype)
     76 //
     77 //      This means the user's opt-in or opt-out preference on a per-datatype
     78 //      basis.  The sync service will try to make active exactly these types.
     79 //      If a user has opted out of syncing a particular datatype, it will
     80 //      be registered, but not preferred.
     81 //
     82 //      This state is controlled by the ConfigurePreferredDataTypes and
     83 //      GetPreferredDataTypes.  They are stored in the preferences system,
     84 //      and persist; though if a datatype is not registered, it cannot
     85 //      be a preferred datatype.
     86 //
     87 //   'Active' (run-time initialization of sync system for a datatype)
     88 //
     89 //      An active datatype is a preferred datatype that is actively being
     90 //      synchronized: the syncer has been instructed to querying the server
     91 //      for this datatype, first-time merges have finished, and there is an
     92 //      actively installed ChangeProcessor that listens for changes to this
     93 //      datatype, propagating such changes into and out of the sync backend
     94 //      as necessary.
     95 //
     96 //      When a datatype is in the process of becoming active, it may be
     97 //      in some intermediate state.  Those finer-grained intermediate states
     98 //      are differentiated by the DataTypeController state.
     99 //
    100 class ProfileSyncService : public browser_sync::SyncFrontend,
    101                            public browser_sync::UnrecoverableErrorHandler,
    102                            public NotificationObserver {
    103  public:
    104   typedef ProfileSyncServiceObserver Observer;
    105   typedef browser_sync::SyncBackendHost::Status Status;
    107   enum SyncEventCodes  {
    108     MIN_SYNC_EVENT_CODE = 0,
    110     // Events starting the sync service.
    111     START_FROM_NTP = 1,      // Sync was started from the ad in NTP
    112     START_FROM_WRENCH = 2,   // Sync was started from the Wrench menu.
    113     START_FROM_OPTIONS = 3,  // Sync was started from Wrench->Options.
    114     START_FROM_BOOKMARK_MANAGER = 4,  // Sync was started from Bookmark manager.
    116     // Events regarding cancellation of the signon process of sync.
    117     CANCEL_FROM_SIGNON_WITHOUT_AUTH = 10,   // Cancelled before submitting
    118                                             // username and password.
    119     CANCEL_DURING_SIGNON = 11,              // Cancelled after auth.
    120     CANCEL_DURING_CONFIGURE = 12,           // Cancelled before choosing data
    121                                             // types and clicking OK.
    122     // Events resulting in the stoppage of sync service.
    123     STOP_FROM_OPTIONS = 20,  // Sync was stopped from Wrench->Options.
    125     // Miscellaneous events caused by sync service.
    128   };
    130   // Keep track of where we are when clearing server data.
    131   enum ClearServerDataState {
    132     CLEAR_NOT_STARTED = 1,
    133     CLEAR_CLEARING = 2,
    134     CLEAR_FAILED = 3,
    135     CLEAR_SUCCEEDED = 4,
    136   };
    138   // Default sync server URL.
    139   static const char* kSyncServerUrl;
    140   // Sync server URL for dev channel users
    141   static const char* kDevServerUrl;
    143   ProfileSyncService(ProfileSyncFactory* factory_,
    144                      Profile* profile,
    145                      const std::string& cros_user);
    146   virtual ~ProfileSyncService();
    148   // Initializes the object. This should be called every time an object of this
    149   // class is constructed.
    150   void Initialize();
    152   void RegisterAuthNotifications();
    154   // Return whether all sync tokens are loaded and
    155   // available for the backend to start up.
    156   bool AreCredentialsAvailable();
    158   // Registers a data type controller with the sync service.  This
    159   // makes the data type controller available for use, it does not
    160   // enable or activate the synchronization of the data type (see
    161   // ActivateDataType).  Takes ownership of the pointer.
    162   void RegisterDataTypeController(
    163       browser_sync::DataTypeController* data_type_controller);
    165   // Returns the session model associator associated with this type, but only if
    166   // the associator is running.  If it is doing anything else, it will return
    167   // null.
    168   browser_sync::SessionModelAssociator* GetSessionModelAssociator();
    170   // Maintain state of where we are in a server clear operation.
    171   void ResetClearServerDataState();
    172   ClearServerDataState GetClearServerDataState();
    174   // Fills state_map with a map of current data types that are possible to
    175   // sync, as well as their states.
    176   void GetDataTypeControllerStates(
    177     browser_sync::DataTypeController::StateMap* state_map) const;
    179   // Disables sync for user. Use ShowLoginDialog to enable.
    180   virtual void DisableForUser();
    182   // Clears all Chromesync data from the server.
    183   void ClearServerData();
    185   // Whether sync is enabled by user or not.
    186   virtual bool HasSyncSetupCompleted() const;
    187   virtual void SetSyncSetupCompleted();
    189   // SyncFrontend implementation.
    190   virtual void OnBackendInitialized();
    191   virtual void OnSyncCycleCompleted();
    192   virtual void OnAuthError();
    193   virtual void OnStopSyncingPermanently();
    194   virtual void OnClearServerDataFailed();
    195   virtual void OnClearServerDataTimeout();
    196   virtual void OnClearServerDataSucceeded();
    197   virtual void OnPassphraseRequired(bool for_decryption);
    198   virtual void OnPassphraseAccepted();
    199   virtual void OnEncryptionComplete(
    200       const syncable::ModelTypeSet& encrypted_types);
    201   virtual void OnMigrationNeededForTypes(
    202       const syncable::ModelTypeSet& types);
    204   // Called when a user enters credentials through UI.
    205   virtual void OnUserSubmittedAuth(const std::string& username,
    206                                    const std::string& password,
    207                                    const std::string& captcha,
    208                                    const std::string& access_code);
    210   // Update the last auth error and notify observers of error state.
    211   void UpdateAuthErrorState(const GoogleServiceAuthError& error);
    213   // Called when a user chooses which data types to sync as part of the sync
    214   // setup wizard.  |sync_everything| represents whether they chose the
    215   // "keep everything synced" option; if true, |chosen_types| will be ignored
    216   // and all data types will be synced.  |sync_everything| means "sync all
    217   // current and future data types."
    218   virtual void OnUserChoseDatatypes(bool sync_everything,
    219       const syncable::ModelTypeSet& chosen_types);
    221   // Called when a user cancels any setup dialog (login, etc).
    222   virtual void OnUserCancelledDialog();
    224   // Get various information for displaying in the user interface.
    225   browser_sync::SyncBackendHost::StatusSummary QuerySyncStatusSummary();
    226   virtual browser_sync::SyncBackendHost::Status QueryDetailedSyncStatus();
    228   const GoogleServiceAuthError& GetAuthError() const {
    229     return last_auth_error_;
    230   }
    232   // Displays a dialog for the user to enter GAIA credentials and attempt
    233   // re-authentication, and returns true if it actually opened the dialog.
    234   // Returns false if a dialog is already showing, an auth attempt is in
    235   // progress, the sync system is already authenticated, or some error
    236   // occurred preventing the action. We make it the duty of ProfileSyncService
    237   // to open the dialog to easily ensure only one is ever showing.
    238   virtual bool SetupInProgress() const;
    239   bool WizardIsVisible() const {
    240     return wizard_.IsVisible();
    241   }
    242   virtual void ShowLoginDialog(gfx::NativeWindow parent_window);
    243   SyncSetupWizard& get_wizard() { return wizard_; }
    245   // This method handles clicks on "sync error" UI, showing the appropriate
    246   // dialog for the error condition (relogin / enter passphrase).
    247   virtual void ShowErrorUI(gfx::NativeWindow parent_window);
    249   // Shows the configure screen of the Sync setup wizard. If |sync_everything|
    250   // is true, shows the corresponding page in the customize screen; otherwise,
    251   // displays the page that gives the user the ability to select which data
    252   // types to sync.
    253   void ShowConfigure(gfx::NativeWindow parent_window, bool sync_everything);
    255   void PromptForExistingPassphrase(gfx::NativeWindow parent_window);
    256   void SigninForPassphraseMigration(gfx::NativeWindow parent_window);
    258   // Pretty-printed strings for a given StatusSummary.
    259   static std::string BuildSyncStatusSummaryText(
    260       const browser_sync::SyncBackendHost::StatusSummary& summary);
    262   // Returns true if the SyncBackendHost has told us it's ready to accept
    263   // changes.
    264   // [REMARK] - it is safe to call this function only from the ui thread.
    265   // because the variable is not thread safe and should only be accessed from
    266   // single thread. If we want multiple threads to access this(and there is
    267   // currently no need to do so) we need to protect this with a lock.
    268   // TODO(timsteele): What happens if the bookmark model is loaded, a change
    269   // takes place, and the backend isn't initialized yet?
    270   bool sync_initialized() const { return backend_initialized_; }
    271   virtual bool unrecoverable_error_detected() const;
    272   const std::string& unrecoverable_error_message() {
    273     return unrecoverable_error_message_;
    274   }
    275   tracked_objects::Location unrecoverable_error_location() {
    276     return unrecoverable_error_location_.get() ?
    277         *unrecoverable_error_location_.get() : tracked_objects::Location();
    278   }
    280   bool UIShouldDepictAuthInProgress() const {
    281     return is_auth_in_progress_;
    282   }
    284   bool observed_passphrase_required() const {
    285     return observed_passphrase_required_;
    286   }
    288   bool passphrase_required_for_decryption() const {
    289     return passphrase_required_for_decryption_;
    290   }
    292   // Returns a user-friendly string form of last synced time (in minutes).
    293   virtual string16 GetLastSyncedTimeString() const;
    295   // Returns the authenticated username of the sync user, or empty if none
    296   // exists. It will only exist if the authentication service provider (e.g
    297   // GAIA) has confirmed the username is authentic.
    298   virtual string16 GetAuthenticatedUsername() const;
    300   const std::string& last_attempted_user_email() const {
    301     return last_attempted_user_email_;
    302   }
    304   // The profile we are syncing for.
    305   Profile* profile() const { return profile_; }
    307   // Adds/removes an observer. ProfileSyncService does not take ownership of
    308   // the observer.
    309   virtual void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
    310   virtual void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
    312   // Returns true if |observer| has already been added as an observer.
    313   bool HasObserver(Observer* observer) const;
    315   // Returns a pointer to the service's JsFrontend (which is owned by
    316   // the service).  Never returns NULL.  Overrideable for testing
    317   // purposes.
    318   virtual browser_sync::JsFrontend* GetJsFrontend();
    320   // Record stats on various events.
    321   static void SyncEvent(SyncEventCodes code);
    323   // Returns whether sync is enabled.  Sync can be enabled/disabled both
    324   // at compile time (e.g., on a per-OS basis) or at run time (e.g.,
    325   // command-line switches).
    326   static bool IsSyncEnabled();
    328   // Returns whether sync is managed, i.e. controlled by configuration
    329   // management. If so, the user is not allowed to configure sync.
    330   bool IsManaged();
    332   // UnrecoverableErrorHandler implementation.
    333   virtual void OnUnrecoverableError(
    334       const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    335       const std::string& message);
    337   // The functions below (until ActivateDataType()) should only be
    338   // called if sync_initialized() is true.
    340   // TODO(akalin): This is called mostly by ModelAssociators and
    341   // tests.  Figure out how to pass the handle to the ModelAssociators
    342   // directly, figure out how to expose this to tests, and remove this
    343   // function.
    344   sync_api::UserShare* GetUserShare() const;
    346   // TODO(akalin): These two functions are used only by
    347   // ProfileSyncServiceHarness.  Figure out a different way to expose
    348   // this info to that class, and remove these functions.
    350   virtual const browser_sync::sessions::SyncSessionSnapshot*
    351       GetLastSessionSnapshot() const;
    353   // Returns whether or not the underlying sync engine has made any
    354   // local changes to items that have not yet been synced with the
    355   // server.
    356   bool HasUnsyncedItems() const;
    358   // Get the current routing information for all enabled model types.
    359   // If a model type is not enabled (that is, if the syncer should not
    360   // be trying to sync it), it is not in this map.
    361   //
    362   // TODO(akalin): This function is used by
    363   // sync_ui_util::ConstructAboutInformation() and by some test
    364   // classes.  Figure out a different way to expose this info and
    365   // remove this function.
    366   void GetModelSafeRoutingInfo(browser_sync::ModelSafeRoutingInfo* out);
    368   // TODO(akalin): Remove these four functions once we're done with
    369   // autofill migration.
    371   syncable::AutofillMigrationState
    372       GetAutofillMigrationState();
    374   void SetAutofillMigrationState(
    375       syncable::AutofillMigrationState state);
    377   syncable::AutofillMigrationDebugInfo
    378       GetAutofillMigrationDebugInfo();
    380   void SetAutofillMigrationDebugInfo(
    381       syncable::AutofillMigrationDebugInfo::PropertyToSet property_to_set,
    382       const syncable::AutofillMigrationDebugInfo& info);
    384   virtual void ActivateDataType(
    385       browser_sync::DataTypeController* data_type_controller,
    386       browser_sync::ChangeProcessor* change_processor);
    387   virtual void DeactivateDataType(
    388       browser_sync::DataTypeController* data_type_controller,
    389       browser_sync::ChangeProcessor* change_processor);
    391   // NotificationObserver implementation.
    392   virtual void Observe(NotificationType type,
    393                        const NotificationSource& source,
    394                        const NotificationDetails& details);
    396   // Changes which data types we're going to be syncing to |preferred_types|.
    397   // If it is running, the DataTypeManager will be instructed to reconfigure
    398   // the sync backend so that exactly these datatypes are actively synced.  See
    399   // class comment for more on what it means for a datatype to be Preferred.
    400   virtual void ChangePreferredDataTypes(
    401       const syncable::ModelTypeSet& preferred_types);
    403   // Get the set of currently enabled data types (as chosen or configured by
    404   // the user).  See class comment for more on what it means for a datatype
    405   // to be Preferred.
    406   virtual void GetPreferredDataTypes(
    407       syncable::ModelTypeSet* preferred_types) const;
    409   // Gets the set of all data types that could be allowed (the set that
    410   // should be advertised to the user).  These will typically only change
    411   // via a command-line option.  See class comment for more on what it means
    412   // for a datatype to be Registered.
    413   virtual void GetRegisteredDataTypes(
    414       syncable::ModelTypeSet* registered_types) const;
    416   // Checks whether the Cryptographer is ready to encrypt and decrypt updates
    417   // for sensitive data types. Caller must be holding a
    418   // syncapi::BaseTransaction to ensure thread safety.
    419   virtual bool IsCryptographerReady(
    420       const sync_api::BaseTransaction* trans) const;
    422   // Returns true if a secondary passphrase is being used.
    423   virtual bool IsUsingSecondaryPassphrase() const;
    425   // Sets the Cryptographer's passphrase, or caches it until that is possible.
    426   // This will check asynchronously whether the passphrase is valid and notify
    427   // ProfileSyncServiceObservers via the NotificationService when the outcome
    428   // is known.
    429   // |is_explicit| is true if the call is in response to the user explicitly
    430   // setting a passphrase as opposed to implicitly (from the users' perspective)
    431   // using their Google Account password.  An implicit SetPassphrase will *not*
    432   // *not* override an explicit passphrase set previously.
    433   // |is_creation| is true if the call is in response to the user setting
    434   // up a new passphrase, and false if it's being set in response to a prompt
    435   // for an existing passphrase.
    436   virtual void SetPassphrase(const std::string& passphrase,
    437                              bool is_explicit,
    438                              bool is_creation);
    440   // Changes the set of datatypes that require encryption. This affects all
    441   // machines synced to this account and all data belonging to the specified
    442   // types.
    443   // Note that this is an asynchronous operation (the encryption of data is
    444   // performed on SyncBackendHost's core thread) and may not have an immediate
    445   // effect.
    446   virtual void EncryptDataTypes(
    447       const syncable::ModelTypeSet& encrypted_types);
    449   // Get the currently encrypted data types.
    450   virtual void GetEncryptedDataTypes(
    451       syncable::ModelTypeSet* encrypted_types) const;
    453   // Returns whether processing changes is allowed.  Check this before doing
    454   // any model-modifying operations.
    455   bool ShouldPushChanges();
    457   const GURL& sync_service_url() const { return sync_service_url_; }
    458   SigninManager* signin() { return signin_.get(); }
    459   const std::string& cros_user() const { return cros_user_; }
    461  protected:
    462   // Used by test classes that derive from ProfileSyncService.
    463   virtual browser_sync::SyncBackendHost* GetBackendForTest();
    465   // Helper to install and configure a data type manager.
    466   void ConfigureDataTypeManager();
    468   // Starts up the backend sync components.
    469   void StartUp();
    470   // Shuts down the backend sync components.
    471   // |sync_disabled| indicates if syncing is being disabled or not.
    472   void Shutdown(bool sync_disabled);
    474   // Methods to register and remove preferences.
    475   void RegisterPreferences();
    476   void ClearPreferences();
    478   // Return SyncCredentials from the TokenService.
    479   sync_api::SyncCredentials GetCredentials();
    481   // Test need to override this to create backends that allow setting up
    482   // initial conditions, such as populating sync nodes.
    483   //
    484   // TODO(akalin): Figure out a better way to do this.  Ideally, we'd
    485   // construct the backend outside this class and pass it in to the
    486   // contructor or Initialize().
    487   virtual void CreateBackend();
    489   const browser_sync::DataTypeController::TypeMap& data_type_controllers() {
    490     return data_type_controllers_;
    491   }
    493   // Helper method for managing encryption UI.
    494   bool IsEncryptedDatatypeEnabled() const;
    496   // The wizard will try to read the auth state out of the profile sync
    497   // service using this member. Captcha and error state are reflected.
    498   GoogleServiceAuthError last_auth_error_;
    500   // Our asynchronous backend to communicate with sync components living on
    501   // other threads.
    502   scoped_ptr<browser_sync::SyncBackendHost> backend_;
    504   // Cache of the last name the client attempted to authenticate.
    505   std::string last_attempted_user_email_;
    507   // Whether we have seen a SYNC_PASSPHRASE_REQUIRED since initializing the
    508   // backend, telling us that it is safe to send a passphrase down ASAP.
    509   bool observed_passphrase_required_;
    511   // Was the last SYNC_PASSPHRASE_REQUIRED notification sent because it
    512   // was required for decryption?
    513   bool passphrase_required_for_decryption_;
    515   // Is the user in a passphrase migration?
    516   bool passphrase_migration_in_progress_;
    518  private:
    519   friend class ProfileSyncServicePasswordTest;
    520   friend class TestProfileSyncService;
    521   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ProfileSyncServiceTest, InitialState);
    523   // If |delete_sync_data_folder| is true, then this method will delete all
    524   // previous "Sync Data" folders. (useful if the folder is partial/corrupt).
    525   void InitializeBackend(bool delete_sync_data_folder);
    527   // Initializes the various settings from the command line.
    528   void InitSettings();
    530   // Sets the last synced time to the current time.
    531   void UpdateLastSyncedTime();
    533   void NotifyObservers();
    535   static const char* GetPrefNameForDataType(syncable::ModelType data_type);
    537   // Time at which we begin an attempt a GAIA authorization.
    538   base::TimeTicks auth_start_time_;
    540   // Time at which error UI is presented for the new tab page.
    541   base::TimeTicks auth_error_time_;
    543   // Factory used to create various dependent objects.
    544   ProfileSyncFactory* factory_;
    546   // The profile whose data we are synchronizing.
    547   Profile* profile_;
    549   // Email for the ChromiumOS user, if we're running under ChromiumOS.
    550   std::string cros_user_;
    552   // TODO(ncarter): Put this in a profile, once there is UI for it.
    553   // This specifies where to find the sync server.
    554   GURL sync_service_url_;
    556   // The last time we detected a successful transition from SYNCING state.
    557   // Our backend notifies us whenever we should take a new snapshot.
    558   base::Time last_synced_time_;
    560   // List of available data type controllers.
    561   browser_sync::DataTypeController::TypeMap data_type_controllers_;
    563   // Whether the SyncBackendHost has been initialized.
    564   bool backend_initialized_;
    566   // Various pieces of UI query this value to determine if they should show
    567   // an "Authenticating.." type of message.  We are the only central place
    568   // all auth attempts funnel through, so it makes sense to provide this.
    569   // As its name suggests, this should NOT be used for anything other than UI.
    570   bool is_auth_in_progress_;
    572   SyncSetupWizard wizard_;
    574   // Encapsulates user signin with TokenService.
    575   scoped_ptr<SigninManager> signin_;
    577   // True if an unrecoverable error (e.g. violation of an assumed invariant)
    578   // occurred during syncer operation.  This value should be checked before
    579   // doing any work that might corrupt things further.
    580   bool unrecoverable_error_detected_;
    582   // A message sent when an unrecoverable error occurred.
    583   std::string unrecoverable_error_message_;
    584   scoped_ptr<tracked_objects::Location> unrecoverable_error_location_;
    586   // Manages the start and stop of the various data types.
    587   scoped_ptr<browser_sync::DataTypeManager> data_type_manager_;
    589   ObserverList<Observer> observers_;
    591   browser_sync::JsEventHandlerList js_event_handlers_;
    593   NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
    595   ScopedRunnableMethodFactory<ProfileSyncService>
    596       scoped_runnable_method_factory_;
    598   // The preference that controls whether sync is under control by configuration
    599   // management.
    600   BooleanPrefMember pref_sync_managed_;
    602   // This allows us to gracefully handle an ABORTED return code from the
    603   // DataTypeManager in the event that the server informed us to cease and
    604   // desist syncing immediately.
    605   bool expect_sync_configuration_aborted_;
    607   // Sometimes we need to temporarily hold on to a passphrase because we don't
    608   // yet have a backend to send it to.  This happens during initialization as
    609   // we don't StartUp until we have a valid token, which happens after valid
    610   // credentials were provided.
    611   struct CachedPassphrase {
    612     std::string value;
    613     bool is_explicit;
    614     bool is_creation;
    615     CachedPassphrase() : is_explicit(false), is_creation(false) {}
    616   };
    617   CachedPassphrase cached_passphrase_;
    619   // TODO(lipalani): Bug 82221 unify this with the CachedPassphrase struct.
    620   std::string gaia_password_;
    622   // TODO(tim): Remove this once new 'explicit passphrase' code flushes through
    623   // dev channel. See bug 62103.
    624   // To "migrate" early adopters of password sync on dev channel to the new
    625   // model that stores their secondary passphrase preference in the cloud, we
    626   // need some extra state since this cloud pref will be empty for all of them
    627   // regardless of how they set up sync, and we can't trust
    628   // kSyncUsingSecondaryPassphrase due to bugs in that implementation.
    629   bool tried_implicit_gaia_remove_when_bug_62103_fixed_;
    631   // Keep track of where we are in a server clear operation
    632   ClearServerDataState clear_server_data_state_;
    634   // Timeout for the clear data command.  This timeout is a temporary hack
    635   // and is necessary because the nudge sync framework can drop nudges for
    636   // a wide variety of sync-related conditions (throttling, connections issues,
    637   // syncer paused, etc.).  It can only be removed correctly when the framework
    638   // is reworked to allow one-shot commands like clearing server data.
    639   base::OneShotTimer<ProfileSyncService> clear_server_data_timer_;
    641   // The set of encrypted types. This is updated whenever datatypes are
    642   // encrypted through the OnEncryptionComplete callback of SyncFrontend.
    643   syncable::ModelTypeSet encrypted_types_;
    645   scoped_ptr<browser_sync::BackendMigrator> migrator_;
    647   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ProfileSyncService);
    648 };