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      1 //===-- llvm/Support/MachO.h - The MachO file format ------------*- C++ -*-===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 //
     10 // This file defines manifest constants for the MachO object file format.
     11 //
     12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     14 #ifndef LLVM_SUPPORT_MACHO_H
     15 #define LLVM_SUPPORT_MACHO_H
     17 #include "llvm/Support/DataTypes.h"
     19 // NOTE: The enums in this file are intentially named to be different than those
     20 // in the headers in /usr/include/mach (on darwin systems) to avoid conflicts
     21 // with those macros.
     22 namespace llvm {
     23   namespace MachO {
     24     // Enums from <mach-o/loader.h>
     25     enum {
     26       // Constants for the "magic" field in llvm::MachO::mach_header and
     27       // llvm::MachO::mach_header_64
     28       HeaderMagic32         = 0xFEEDFACEu, // MH_MAGIC
     29       HeaderMagic32Swapped  = 0xCEFAEDFEu, // MH_CIGAM
     30       HeaderMagic64         = 0xFEEDFACFu, // MH_MAGIC_64
     31       HeaderMagic64Swapped  = 0xCFFAEDFEu, // MH_CIGAM_64
     32       UniversalMagic        = 0xCAFEBABEu, // FAT_MAGIC
     33       UniversalMagicSwapped = 0xBEBAFECAu, // FAT_CIGAM
     35       // Constants for the "filetype" field in llvm::MachO::mach_header and
     36       // llvm::MachO::mach_header_64
     37       HeaderFileTypeObject              = 0x1u, // MH_OBJECT
     38       HeaderFileTypeExecutable          = 0x2u, // MH_EXECUTE
     39       HeaderFileTypeFixedVMShlib        = 0x3u, // MH_FVMLIB
     40       HeaderFileTypeCore                = 0x4u, // MH_CORE
     41       HeaderFileTypePreloadedExecutable = 0x5u, // MH_PRELOAD
     42       HeaderFileTypeDynamicShlib        = 0x6u, // MH_DYLIB
     43       HeaderFileTypeDynamicLinkEditor   = 0x7u, // MH_DYLINKER
     44       HeaderFileTypeBundle              = 0x8u, // MH_BUNDLE
     45       HeaderFileTypeDynamicShlibStub    = 0x9u, // MH_DYLIB_STUB
     46       HeaderFileTypeDSYM                = 0xAu, // MH_DSYM
     47       HeaderFileTypeKextBundle          = 0xBu, // MH_KEXT_BUNDLE
     49       // Constant bits for the "flags" field in llvm::MachO::mach_header and
     50       // llvm::MachO::mach_header_64
     51       HeaderFlagBitNoUndefinedSymbols     = 0x00000001u, // MH_NOUNDEFS
     52       HeaderFlagBitIsIncrementalLinkObject= 0x00000002u, // MH_INCRLINK
     53       HeaderFlagBitIsDynamicLinkObject    = 0x00000004u, // MH_DYLDLINK
     54       HeaderFlagBitBindAtLoad             = 0x00000008u, // MH_BINDATLOAD
     55       HeaderFlagBitPrebound               = 0x00000010u, // MH_PREBOUND
     56       HeaderFlagBitSplitSegments          = 0x00000020u, // MH_SPLIT_SEGS
     57       HeaderFlagBitLazyInit               = 0x00000040u, // MH_LAZY_INIT
     58       HeaderFlagBitTwoLevelNamespace      = 0x00000080u, // MH_TWOLEVEL
     59       HeaderFlagBitForceFlatNamespace     = 0x00000100u, // MH_FORCE_FLAT
     60       HeaderFlagBitNoMultipleDefintions   = 0x00000200u, // MH_NOMULTIDEFS
     61       HeaderFlagBitNoFixPrebinding        = 0x00000400u, // MH_NOFIXPREBINDING
     62       HeaderFlagBitPrebindable            = 0x00000800u, // MH_PREBINDABLE
     63       HeaderFlagBitAllModulesBound        = 0x00001000u, // MH_ALLMODSBOUND
     64       HeaderFlagBitSubsectionsViaSymbols  = 0x00002000u, // MH_SUBSECTIONS_VIA_SYMBOLS
     65       HeaderFlagBitCanonical              = 0x00004000u, // MH_CANONICAL
     66       HeaderFlagBitWeakDefines            = 0x00008000u, // MH_WEAK_DEFINES
     67       HeaderFlagBitBindsToWeak            = 0x00010000u, // MH_BINDS_TO_WEAK
     68       HeaderFlagBitAllowStackExecution    = 0x00020000u, // MH_ALLOW_STACK_EXECUTION
     69       HeaderFlagBitRootSafe               = 0x00040000u, // MH_ROOT_SAFE
     70       HeaderFlagBitSetUIDSafe             = 0x00080000u, // MH_SETUID_SAFE
     71       HeaderFlagBitNoReexportedDylibs     = 0x00100000u, // MH_NO_REEXPORTED_DYLIBS
     72       HeaderFlagBitPIE                    = 0x00200000u, // MH_PIE
     73       HeaderFlagBitDeadStrippableDylib    = 0x00400000u, // MH_DEAD_STRIPPABLE_DYLIB
     75       // Constants for the "cmd" field in llvm::MachO::load_command
     76       LoadCommandDynamicLinkerRequired    = 0x80000000u, // LC_REQ_DYLD
     77       LoadCommandSegment32                = 0x00000001u, // LC_SEGMENT
     78       LoadCommandSymtab                   = 0x00000002u, // LC_SYMTAB
     79       LoadCommandSymSeg                   = 0x00000003u, // LC_SYMSEG
     80       LoadCommandThread                   = 0x00000004u, // LC_THREAD
     81       LoadCommandUnixThread               = 0x00000005u, // LC_UNIXTHREAD
     82       LoadCommandFixedVMShlibLoad         = 0x00000006u, // LC_LOADFVMLIB
     83       LoadCommandFixedVMShlibIdent        = 0x00000007u, // LC_IDFVMLIB
     84       LoadCommandIdent                    = 0x00000008u, // LC_IDENT
     85       LoadCommandFixedVMFileInclusion     = 0x00000009u, // LC_FVMFILE
     86       LoadCommandPrePage                  = 0x0000000Au, // LC_PREPAGE
     87       LoadCommandDynamicSymtabInfo        = 0x0000000Bu, // LC_DYSYMTAB
     88       LoadCommandDylibLoad                = 0x0000000Cu, // LC_LOAD_DYLIB
     89       LoadCommandDylibIdent               = 0x0000000Du, // LC_ID_DYLIB
     90       LoadCommandDynamicLinkerLoad        = 0x0000000Eu, // LC_LOAD_DYLINKER
     91       LoadCommandDynamicLinkerIdent       = 0x0000000Fu, // LC_ID_DYLINKER
     92       LoadCommandDylibPrebound            = 0x00000010u, // LC_PREBOUND_DYLIB
     93       LoadCommandRoutines32               = 0x00000011u, // LC_ROUTINES
     94       LoadCommandSubFramework             = 0x00000012u, // LC_SUB_FRAMEWORK
     95       LoadCommandSubUmbrella              = 0x00000013u, // LC_SUB_UMBRELLA
     96       LoadCommandSubClient                = 0x00000014u, // LC_SUB_CLIENT
     97       LoadCommandSubLibrary               = 0x00000015u, // LC_SUB_LIBRARY
     98       LoadCommandTwoLevelHints            = 0x00000016u, // LC_TWOLEVEL_HINTS
     99       LoadCommandPreBindChecksum          = 0x00000017u, // LC_PREBIND_CKSUM
    100       LoadCommandDylibLoadWeak            = 0x80000018u, // LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB
    101       LoadCommandSegment64                = 0x00000019u, // LC_SEGMENT_64
    102       LoadCommandRoutines64               = 0x0000001Au, // LC_ROUTINES_64
    103       LoadCommandUUID                     = 0x0000001Bu, // LC_UUID
    104       LoadCommandRunpath                  = 0x8000001Cu, // LC_RPATH
    105       LoadCommandCodeSignature            = 0x0000001Du, // LC_CODE_SIGNATURE
    106       LoadCommandSegmentSplitInfo         = 0x0000001Eu, // LC_SEGMENT_SPLIT_INFO
    107       LoadCommandDylibReexport            = 0x8000001Fu, // LC_REEXPORT_DYLIB
    108       LoadCommandDylibLazyLoad            = 0x00000020u, // LC_LAZY_LOAD_DYLIB
    109       LoadCommandEncryptionInfo           = 0x00000021u, // LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO
    110       LoadCommandDynamicLinkerInfo        = 0x00000022u, // LC_DYLD_INFO
    111       LoadCommandDynamicLinkerInfoOnly    = 0x80000022u, // LC_DYLD_INFO_ONLY
    112       LoadCommandDylibLoadUpward          = 0x80000023u, // LC_LOAD_UPWARD_DYLIB
    113       LoadCommandVersionMinMacOSX         = 0x00000024u, // LC_VERSION_MIN_MACOSX
    114       LoadCommandVersionMinIPhoneOS       = 0x00000025u, // LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS
    115       LoadCommandFunctionStarts           = 0x00000026u, // LC_FUNCTION_STARTS
    116       LoadCommandDyldEnvironment          = 0x00000027u, // LC_DYLD_ENVIRONMENT
    118       // Constant bits for the "flags" field in llvm::MachO::segment_command
    119       SegmentCommandFlagBitHighVM             = 0x1u, // SG_HIGHVM
    120       SegmentCommandFlagBitFixedVMLibrary     = 0x2u, // SG_FVMLIB
    121       SegmentCommandFlagBitNoRelocations      = 0x4u, // SG_NORELOC
    122       SegmentCommandFlagBitProtectedVersion1  = 0x8u, // SG_PROTECTED_VERSION_1
    125       // Constant masks for the "flags" field in llvm::MachO::section and
    126       // llvm::MachO::section_64
    127       SectionFlagMaskSectionType      = 0x000000ffu, // SECTION_TYPE
    128       SectionFlagMaskAllAttributes    = 0xffffff00u, // SECTION_ATTRIBUTES
    129       SectionFlagMaskUserAttributes   = 0xff000000u, // SECTION_ATTRIBUTES_USR
    130       SectionFlagMaskSystemAttributes = 0x00ffff00u, // SECTION_ATTRIBUTES_SYS
    132       // Constant masks for the "flags[7:0]" field in llvm::MachO::section and
    133       // llvm::MachO::section_64 (mask "flags" with SECTION_TYPE)
    134       SectionTypeRegular                    = 0x00u, // S_REGULAR
    135       SectionTypeZeroFill                   = 0x01u, // S_ZEROFILL
    136       SectionTypeCStringLiterals            = 0x02u, // S_CSTRING_LITERALS
    137       SectionType4ByteLiterals              = 0x03u, // S_4BYTE_LITERALS
    138       SectionType8ByteLiterals              = 0x04u, // S_8BYTE_LITERALS
    139       SectionTypeLiteralPointers            = 0x05u, // S_LITERAL_POINTERS
    140       SectionTypeNonLazySymbolPointers      = 0x06u, // S_NON_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS
    141       SectionTypeLazySymbolPointers         = 0x07u, // S_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS
    142       SectionTypeSymbolStubs                = 0x08u, // S_SYMBOL_STUBS
    143       SectionTypeModuleInitFunctionPointers = 0x09u, // S_MOD_INIT_FUNC_POINTERS
    144       SectionTypeModuleTermFunctionPointers = 0x0au, // S_MOD_TERM_FUNC_POINTERS
    145       SectionTypeCoalesced                  = 0x0bu, // S_COALESCED
    146       SectionTypeZeroFillLarge              = 0x0cu, // S_GB_ZEROFILL
    147       SectionTypeInterposing                = 0x0du, // S_INTERPOSING
    148       SectionType16ByteLiterals             = 0x0eu, // S_16BYTE_LITERALS
    149       SectionTypeDTraceObjectFormat         = 0x0fu, // S_DTRACE_DOF
    150       SectionTypeLazyDylibSymbolPointers    = 0x10u, // S_LAZY_DYLIB_SYMBOL_POINTERS
    152       // Constant masks for the "flags[31:24]" field in llvm::MachO::section and
    153       // llvm::MachO::section_64 (mask "flags" with SECTION_ATTRIBUTES_USR)
    154       SectionAttrUserPureInstructions       = 0x80000000u, // S_ATTR_PURE_INSTRUCTIONS
    155       SectionAttrUserNoTableOfContents      = 0x40000000u, // S_ATTR_NO_TOC
    156       SectionAttrUserCanStripStaticSymbols  = 0x20000000u, // S_ATTR_STRIP_STATIC_SYMS
    157       SectionAttrUserNoDeadStrip            = 0x10000000u, // S_ATTR_NO_DEAD_STRIP
    158       SectionAttrUserLiveSupport            = 0x08000000u, // S_ATTR_LIVE_SUPPORT
    159       SectionAttrUserSelfModifyingCode      = 0x04000000u, // S_ATTR_SELF_MODIFYING_CODE
    160       SectionAttrUserDebug                  = 0x02000000u, // S_ATTR_DEBUG
    162       // Constant masks for the "flags[23:8]" field in llvm::MachO::section and
    163       // llvm::MachO::section_64 (mask "flags" with SECTION_ATTRIBUTES_SYS)
    164       SectionAttrSytemSomeInstructions      = 0x00000400u, // S_ATTR_SOME_INSTRUCTIONS
    165       SectionAttrSytemHasExternalRelocations= 0x00000200u, // S_ATTR_EXT_RELOC
    166       SectionAttrSytemHasLocalRelocations   = 0x00000100u, // S_ATTR_LOC_RELOC
    168       IndirectSymbolLocal                   = 0x80000000u, // INDIRECT_SYMBOL_LOCAL
    169       IndirectSymbolAbsolute                = 0x40000000u, // INDIRECT_SYMBOL_ABS
    171       RebaseTypePointer                     = 1u, // REBASE_TYPE_POINTER
    172       RebaseTypeTextAbsolute32              = 2u, // REBASE_TYPE_TEXT_ABSOLUTE32
    173       RebaseTypeTextPCRelative32	    = 3u, // REBASE_TYPE_TEXT_PCREL32
    175       RebaseOpcodeMask                          = 0xF0u, // REBASE_OPCODE_MASK
    176       RebaseImmediateMask                       = 0x0Fu, // REBASE_IMMEDIATE_MASK
    177       RebaseOpcodeDone                          = 0x00u, // REBASE_OPCODE_DONE
    178       RebaseOpcodeSetTypeImmediate              = 0x10u, // REBASE_OPCODE_SET_TYPE_IMM
    179       RebaseOpcodeSetSegmentAndOffsetULEB	= 0x20u, // REBASE_OPCODE_SET_SEGMENT_AND_OFFSET_ULEB
    180       RebaseOpcodeAddAddressULEB                = 0x30u, // REBASE_OPCODE_ADD_ADDR_ULEB
    181       RebaseOpcodeAddAddressImmediateScaled	= 0x40u, // REBASE_OPCODE_ADD_ADDR_IMM_SCALED
    182       RebaseOpcodeDoRebaseImmediateTimes	= 0x50u, // REBASE_OPCODE_DO_REBASE_IMM_TIMES
    183       RebaseOpcodeDoRebaseULEBTimes             = 0x60u, // REBASE_OPCODE_DO_REBASE_ULEB_TIMES
    184       RebaseOpcodeDoRebaseAddAddressULEB        = 0x70u, // REBASE_OPCODE_DO_REBASE_ADD_ADDR_ULEB
    185       RebaseOpcodeDoRebaseULEBTimesSkippingULEB = 0x80u, // REBASE_OPCODE_DO_REBASE_ULEB_TIMES_SKIPPING_ULEB
    188       BindTypePointer           = 1u, // BIND_TYPE_POINTER
    189       BindTypeTextAbsolute32	= 2u, // BIND_TYPE_TEXT_ABSOLUTE32
    190       BindTypeTextPCRelative32	= 3u, // BIND_TYPE_TEXT_PCREL32
    192       BindSpecialDylibSelf            =  0u, // BIND_SPECIAL_DYLIB_SELF
    193       BindSpecialDylibMainExecutable  = -1u, // BIND_SPECIAL_DYLIB_MAIN_EXECUTABLE
    194       BindSpecialDylibFlatLookup      = -2u, // BIND_SPECIAL_DYLIB_FLAT_LOOKUP
    196       BindSymbolFlagsWeakImport         = 0x1u, // BIND_SYMBOL_FLAGS_WEAK_IMPORT
    197       BindSymbolFlagsNonWeakDefinition	= 0x8u, // BIND_SYMBOL_FLAGS_NON_WEAK_DEFINITION
    199       BindOpcodeMask                            = 0xF0u, // BIND_OPCODE_MASK
    200       BindImmediateMask                         = 0x0Fu, // BIND_IMMEDIATE_MASK
    201       BindOpcodeDone                            = 0x00u, // BIND_OPCODE_DONE
    202       BindOpcodeSetDylibOrdinalImmediate        = 0x10u, // BIND_OPCODE_SET_DYLIB_ORDINAL_IMM
    203       BindOpcodeSetDylibOrdinalULEB             = 0x20u, // BIND_OPCODE_SET_DYLIB_ORDINAL_ULEB
    204       BindOpcodeSetDylibSpecialImmediate	= 0x30u, // BIND_OPCODE_SET_DYLIB_SPECIAL_IMM
    205       BindOpcodeSetSymbolTrailingFlagsImmediate	= 0x40u, // BIND_OPCODE_SET_SYMBOL_TRAILING_FLAGS_IMM
    206       BindOpcodeSetTypeImmediate		= 0x50u, // BIND_OPCODE_SET_TYPE_IMM
    207       BindOpcodeSetAppendSLEB                   = 0x60u, // BIND_OPCODE_SET_ADDEND_SLEB
    208       BindOpcodeSetSegmentAndOffsetULEB         = 0x70u, // BIND_OPCODE_SET_SEGMENT_AND_OFFSET_ULEB
    209       BindOpcodeAddAddressULEB                  = 0x80u, // BIND_OPCODE_ADD_ADDR_ULEB
    210       BindOpcodeDoBind                          = 0x90u, // BIND_OPCODE_DO_BIND
    211       BindOpcodeDoBindAddAddressULEB		= 0xA0u, // BIND_OPCODE_DO_BIND_ADD_ADDR_ULEB
    212       BindOpcodeDoBindAddAddressImmediateScaled	= 0xB0u, // BIND_OPCODE_DO_BIND_ADD_ADDR_IMM_SCALED
    213       BindOpcodeDoBindULEBTimesSkippingULEB     = 0xC0u, // BIND_OPCODE_DO_BIND_ULEB_TIMES_SKIPPING_ULEB
    215       ExportSymbolFlagsKindMask           = 0x03u, // EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_KIND_MASK
    216       ExportSymbolFlagsKindRegular	  = 0x00u, // EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_KIND_REGULAR
    217       ExportSymbolFlagsKindThreadLocal    = 0x01u, // EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_KIND_THREAD_LOCAL
    218       ExportSymbolFlagsWeakDefinition     = 0x04u, // EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_WEAK_DEFINITION
    219       ExportSymbolFlagsIndirectDefinition = 0x08u, // EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_INDIRECT_DEFINITION
    220       ExportSymbolFlagsHasSpecializations = 0x10u, // EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_HAS_SPECIALIZATIONS
    223       // Constant masks for the "n_type" field in llvm::MachO::nlist and
    224       // llvm::MachO::nlist_64
    225       NlistMaskStab             = 0xe0, // N_STAB
    226       NlistMaskPrivateExternal	= 0x10, // N_PEXT
    227       NlistMaskType             = 0x0e, // N_TYPE
    228       NlistMaskExternal         = 0x01, // N_EXT
    230       // Constants for the "n_type & N_TYPE" llvm::MachO::nlist and
    231       // llvm::MachO::nlist_64
    232       NListTypeUndefined          = 0x0u, // N_UNDF
    233       NListTypeAbsolute           = 0x2u, // N_ABS
    234       NListTypeSection            = 0xeu, // N_SECT
    235       NListTypePreboundUndefined  = 0xcu, // N_PBUD
    236       NListTypeIndirect           = 0xau, // N_INDR
    238       // Constant masks for the "n_sect" field in llvm::MachO::nlist and
    239       // llvm::MachO::nlist_64
    240       NListSectionNoSection     = 0u, // NO_SECT
    241       NListSectionMaxSection    = 0xffu, // MAX_SECT
    243       NListDescWeakRef          = 0x40u,
    244       NListDescWeakDef          = 0x80u,
    246       // Constant values for the "n_type" field in llvm::MachO::nlist and
    247       // llvm::MachO::nlist_64 when "(n_type & NlistMaskStab) != 0"
    248       StabGlobalSymbol          = 0x20u,  // N_GSYM
    249       StabFunctionName          = 0x22u,  // N_FNAME
    250       StabFunction              = 0x24u,  // N_FUN
    251       StabStaticSymbol          = 0x26u,  // N_STSYM
    252       StabLocalCommon           = 0x28u,  // N_LCSYM
    253       StabBeginSymbol           = 0x2Eu,  // N_BNSYM
    254       StabSourceFileOptions     = 0x3Cu,  // N_OPT
    255       StabRegisterSymbol        = 0x40u,  // N_RSYM
    256       StabSourceLine            = 0x44u,  // N_SLINE
    257       StabEndSymbol             = 0x4Eu,  // N_ENSYM
    258       StabStructureType         = 0x60u,  // N_SSYM
    259       StabSourceFileName        = 0x64u,  // N_SO
    260       StabObjectFileName        = 0x66u,  // N_OSO
    261       StabLocalSymbol           = 0x80u,  // N_LSYM
    262       StabBeginIncludeFileName  = 0x82u,  // N_BINCL
    263       StabIncludeFileName       = 0x84u,  // N_SOL
    264       StabCompilerParameters    = 0x86u,  // N_PARAMS
    265       StabCompilerVersion       = 0x88u,  // N_VERSION
    266       StabCompilerOptLevel      = 0x8Au,  // N_OLEVEL
    267       StabParameter             = 0xA0u,  // N_PSYM
    268       StabEndIncludeFile        = 0xA2u,  // N_EINCL
    269       StabAlternateEntry        = 0xA4u,  // N_ENTRY
    270       StabLeftBracket           = 0xC0u,  // N_LBRAC
    271       StabDeletedIncludeFile    = 0xC2u,  // N_EXCL
    272       StabRightBracket          = 0xE0u,  // N_RBRAC
    273       StabBeginCommon           = 0xE2u,  // N_BCOMM
    274       StabEndCommon             = 0xE4u,  // N_ECOMM
    275       StabEndCommonLocal        = 0xE8u,  // N_ECOML
    276       StabLength                = 0xFEu   // N_LENG
    278     };
    280     // Structs from <mach-o/loader.h>
    282     struct mach_header {
    283       uint32_t magic;
    284       uint32_t cputype;
    285       uint32_t cpusubtype;
    286       uint32_t filetype;
    287       uint32_t ncmds;
    288       uint32_t sizeofcmds;
    289       uint32_t flags;
    290     };
    292     struct mach_header_64 {
    293       uint32_t magic;
    294       uint32_t cputype;
    295       uint32_t cpusubtype;
    296       uint32_t filetype;
    297       uint32_t ncmds;
    298       uint32_t sizeofcmds;
    299       uint32_t flags;
    300       uint32_t reserved;
    301     };
    303     struct load_command {
    304       uint32_t cmd;
    305       uint32_t cmdsize;
    306     };
    308     struct segment_command {
    309       uint32_t cmd;
    310       uint32_t cmdsize;
    311       char segname[16];
    312       uint32_t vmaddr;
    313       uint32_t vmsize;
    314       uint32_t fileoff;
    315       uint32_t filesize;
    316       uint32_t maxprot;
    317       uint32_t initprot;
    318       uint32_t nsects;
    319       uint32_t flags;
    320     };
    322     struct segment_command_64 {
    323       uint32_t cmd;
    324       uint32_t cmdsize;
    325       char segname[16];
    326       uint64_t vmaddr;
    327       uint64_t vmsize;
    328       uint64_t fileoff;
    329       uint64_t filesize;
    330       uint32_t maxprot;
    331       uint32_t initprot;
    332       uint32_t nsects;
    333       uint32_t flags;
    334     };
    336     struct section {
    337       char sectname[16];
    338       char segname[16];
    339       uint32_t addr;
    340       uint32_t size;
    341       uint32_t offset;
    342       uint32_t align;
    343       uint32_t reloff;
    344       uint32_t nreloc;
    345       uint32_t flags;
    346       uint32_t reserved1;
    347       uint32_t reserved2;
    348     };
    350     struct section_64 {
    351       char sectname[16];
    352       char segname[16];
    353       uint64_t addr;
    354       uint64_t size;
    355       uint32_t offset;
    356       uint32_t align;
    357       uint32_t reloff;
    358       uint32_t nreloc;
    359       uint32_t flags;
    360       uint32_t reserved1;
    361       uint32_t reserved2;
    362       uint32_t reserved3;
    363     };
    365     struct fvmlib {
    366       uint32_t name;
    367       uint32_t minor_version;
    368       uint32_t header_addr;
    369     };
    371     struct fvmlib_command {
    372       uint32_t  cmd;
    373       uint32_t cmdsize;
    374       struct fvmlib fvmlib;
    375     };
    377     struct dylib {
    378       uint32_t name;
    379       uint32_t timestamp;
    380       uint32_t current_version;
    381       uint32_t compatibility_version;
    382     };
    384     struct dylib_command {
    385       uint32_t cmd;
    386       uint32_t cmdsize;
    387       struct dylib dylib;
    388     };
    390     struct sub_framework_command {
    391       uint32_t cmd;
    392       uint32_t cmdsize;
    393       uint32_t umbrella;
    394     };
    396     struct sub_client_command {
    397       uint32_t cmd;
    398       uint32_t cmdsize;
    399       uint32_t client;
    400     };
    402     struct sub_umbrella_command {
    403       uint32_t cmd;
    404       uint32_t cmdsize;
    405       uint32_t sub_umbrella;
    406     };
    408     struct sub_library_command {
    409       uint32_t cmd;
    410       uint32_t cmdsize;
    411       uint32_t sub_library;
    412     };
    414     struct prebound_dylib_command {
    415       uint32_t cmd;
    416       uint32_t cmdsize;
    417       uint32_t name;
    418       uint32_t nmodules;
    419       uint32_t linked_modules;
    420     };
    422     struct dylinker_command {
    423       uint32_t cmd;
    424       uint32_t cmdsize;
    425       uint32_t name;
    426     };
    428     struct thread_command {
    429       uint32_t cmd;
    430       uint32_t cmdsize;
    431     };
    433     struct routines_command {
    434       uint32_t cmd;
    435       uint32_t cmdsize;
    436       uint32_t init_address;
    437       uint32_t init_module;
    438       uint32_t reserved1;
    439       uint32_t reserved2;
    440       uint32_t reserved3;
    441       uint32_t reserved4;
    442       uint32_t reserved5;
    443       uint32_t reserved6;
    444     };
    446     struct routines_command_64 {
    447       uint32_t cmd;
    448       uint32_t cmdsize;
    449       uint64_t init_address;
    450       uint64_t init_module;
    451       uint64_t reserved1;
    452       uint64_t reserved2;
    453       uint64_t reserved3;
    454       uint64_t reserved4;
    455       uint64_t reserved5;
    456       uint64_t reserved6;
    457     };
    459     struct symtab_command {
    460       uint32_t cmd;
    461       uint32_t cmdsize;
    462       uint32_t symoff;
    463       uint32_t nsyms;
    464       uint32_t stroff;
    465       uint32_t strsize;
    466     };
    468     struct dysymtab_command {
    469       uint32_t cmd;
    470       uint32_t cmdsize;
    471       uint32_t ilocalsym;
    472       uint32_t nlocalsym;
    473       uint32_t iextdefsym;
    474       uint32_t nextdefsym;
    475       uint32_t iundefsym;
    476       uint32_t nundefsym;
    477       uint32_t tocoff;
    478       uint32_t ntoc;
    479       uint32_t modtaboff;
    480       uint32_t nmodtab;
    481       uint32_t extrefsymoff;
    482       uint32_t nextrefsyms;
    483       uint32_t indirectsymoff;
    484       uint32_t nindirectsyms;
    485       uint32_t extreloff;
    486       uint32_t nextrel;
    487       uint32_t locreloff;
    488       uint32_t nlocrel;
    489     };
    491     struct dylib_table_of_contents {
    492       uint32_t symbol_index;
    493       uint32_t module_index;
    494     };
    496     struct dylib_module {
    497       uint32_t module_name;
    498       uint32_t iextdefsym;
    499       uint32_t nextdefsym;
    500       uint32_t irefsym;
    501       uint32_t nrefsym;
    502       uint32_t ilocalsym;
    503       uint32_t nlocalsym;
    504       uint32_t iextrel;
    505       uint32_t nextrel;
    506       uint32_t iinit_iterm;
    507       uint32_t ninit_nterm;
    508       uint32_t objc_module_info_addr;
    509       uint32_t objc_module_info_size;
    510     };
    512     struct dylib_module_64 {
    513       uint32_t module_name;
    514       uint32_t iextdefsym;
    515       uint32_t nextdefsym;
    516       uint32_t irefsym;
    517       uint32_t nrefsym;
    518       uint32_t ilocalsym;
    519       uint32_t nlocalsym;
    520       uint32_t iextrel;
    521       uint32_t nextrel;
    522       uint32_t iinit_iterm;
    523       uint32_t ninit_nterm;
    524       uint32_t objc_module_info_size;
    525       uint64_t objc_module_info_addr;
    526     };
    528     struct dylib_reference {
    529       uint32_t isym:24,
    530                flags:8;
    531     };
    534     struct twolevel_hints_command {
    535       uint32_t cmd;
    536       uint32_t cmdsize;
    537       uint32_t offset;
    538       uint32_t nhints;
    539     };
    541     struct twolevel_hint {
    542       uint32_t isub_image:8,
    543                itoc:24;
    544     };
    546     struct prebind_cksum_command {
    547       uint32_t cmd;
    548       uint32_t cmdsize;
    549       uint32_t cksum;
    550     };
    552     struct uuid_command {
    553       uint32_t cmd;
    554       uint32_t cmdsize;
    555       uint8_t uuid[16];
    556     };
    558     struct rpath_command {
    559       uint32_t cmd;
    560       uint32_t cmdsize;
    561       uint32_t path;
    562     };
    564     struct linkedit_data_command {
    565       uint32_t cmd;
    566       uint32_t cmdsize;
    567       uint32_t dataoff;
    568       uint32_t datasize;
    569     };
    571     struct encryption_info_command {
    572       uint32_t cmd;
    573       uint32_t cmdsize;
    574       uint32_t cryptoff;
    575       uint32_t cryptsize;
    576       uint32_t cryptid;
    577     };
    579     struct version_min_command {
    580       uint32_t cmd;
    581       uint32_t cmdsize;
    582       uint32_t version;
    583       uint32_t reserved;
    584     };
    586     struct dyld_info_command {
    587       uint32_t cmd;
    588       uint32_t cmdsize;
    589       uint32_t rebase_off;
    590       uint32_t rebase_size;
    591       uint32_t bind_off;
    592       uint32_t bind_size;
    593       uint32_t weak_bind_off;
    594       uint32_t weak_bind_size;
    595       uint32_t lazy_bind_off;
    596       uint32_t lazy_bind_size;
    597       uint32_t export_off;
    598       uint32_t export_size;
    599     };
    601     struct symseg_command {
    602       uint32_t cmd;
    603       uint32_t cmdsize;
    604       uint32_t offset;
    605       uint32_t size;
    606     };
    608     struct ident_command {
    609       uint32_t cmd;
    610       uint32_t cmdsize;
    611     };
    613     struct fvmfile_command {
    614       uint32_t cmd;
    615       uint32_t cmdsize;
    616       uint32_t name;
    617       uint32_t header_addr;
    618     };
    621     // Structs from <mach-o/fat.h>
    622     struct fat_header {
    623       uint32_t magic;
    624       uint32_t nfat_arch;
    625     };
    627     struct fat_arch {
    628       uint32_t cputype;
    629       uint32_t cpusubtype;
    630       uint32_t offset;
    631       uint32_t size;
    632       uint32_t align;
    633     };
    635     // Structs from <mach-o/fat.h>
    636     struct nlist {
    637       uint32_t n_strx;
    638       uint8_t n_type;
    639       uint8_t n_sect;
    640       int16_t n_desc;
    641       uint32_t n_value;
    642     };
    644     struct nlist_64 {
    645       uint32_t n_strx;
    646       uint8_t n_type;
    647       uint8_t n_sect;
    648       uint16_t n_desc;
    649       uint64_t n_value;
    650     };
    652     // Get/Set functions from <mach-o/nlist.h>
    654     static inline uint16_t GET_LIBRARY_ORDINAL(uint16_t n_desc)
    655     {
    656       return (((n_desc) >> 8u) & 0xffu);
    657     }
    659     static inline void SET_LIBRARY_ORDINAL(uint16_t &n_desc, uint8_t ordinal)
    660     {
    661       n_desc = (((n_desc) & 0x00ff) | (((ordinal) & 0xff) << 8));
    662     }
    664     static inline uint8_t GET_COMM_ALIGN (uint16_t n_desc)
    665     {
    666       return (n_desc >> 8u) & 0x0fu;
    667     }
    669     static inline void SET_COMM_ALIGN (uint16_t &n_desc, uint8_t align)
    670     {
    671       n_desc = ((n_desc & 0xf0ffu) | ((align & 0x0fu) << 8u));
    672     }
    674     // Enums from <mach/machine.h>
    675     enum {
    676       // Capability bits used in the definition of cpu_type.
    677       CPUArchMask = 0xff000000,   // Mask for architecture bits
    678       CPUArchABI64 = 0x01000000,  // 64 bit ABI
    680       // Constants for the cputype field.
    681       CPUTypeI386      = 7,
    682       CPUTypeX86_64    = CPUTypeI386 | CPUArchABI64,
    683       CPUTypeARM       = 12,
    684       CPUTypeSPARC     = 14,
    685       CPUTypePowerPC   = 18,
    686       CPUTypePowerPC64 = CPUTypePowerPC | CPUArchABI64,
    689       // Constants for the cpusubtype field.
    691       // X86
    692       CPUSubType_I386_ALL    = 3,
    693       CPUSubType_X86_64_ALL  = 3,
    695       // ARM
    696       CPUSubType_ARM_ALL     = 0,
    697       CPUSubType_ARM_V4T     = 5,
    698       CPUSubType_ARM_V5      = 7,
    699       CPUSubType_ARM_V6      = 6,
    700       CPUSubType_ARM_V7      = 9,
    702       // PowerPC
    703       CPUSubType_POWERPC_ALL = 0,
    705       CPUSubType_SPARC_ALL   = 0
    706     };
    707   } // end namespace MachO
    708 } // end namespace llvm
    710 #endif