/external/protobuf/gtest/test/ |
production.h | 41 // Declares a friend test that does not use a fixture. 44 // Declares a friend test that uses a fixture.
/external/skia/include/core/ |
SkGlobals.h | 31 friend class SkGlobals; 60 friend class SkGraphics;
/external/skia/src/animator/ |
SkDisplayXMLParser.h | 66 friend class SkDisplayXMLParser; 95 friend class SkXMLAnimatorWriter;
SkDrawBitmap.h | 37 friend class SkDrawTo; 38 friend class SkDrawBitmapShader;
SkDrawPaint.h | 83 friend class SkTextToPath; 84 friend class SkSaveLayer;
/external/webkit/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/android/ |
android_graphics.h | 62 friend class WebView; 63 friend class WebCore::GLExtras;
/external/webkit/Source/WebKit/wx/ |
WebEdit.h | 49 friend class WebCore::CompositeEditCommand; 50 friend class WebCore::WebCoreEditCommand;
/external/webkit/Source/WebKit2/UIProcess/API/qt/ |
qgraphicswkview.h | 97 friend class QGraphicsWKViewPrivate; 98 friend class TiledDrawingAreaProxy;
/external/clang/include/clang/Basic/ |
ABI.h | 50 friend bool operator==(const ReturnAdjustment &LHS, 56 friend bool operator<(const ReturnAdjustment &LHS, 80 friend bool operator==(const ThisAdjustment &LHS, 86 friend bool operator<(const ThisAdjustment &LHS, 110 friend bool operator==(const ThunkInfo &LHS, const ThunkInfo &RHS) { 114 friend bool operator<(const ThunkInfo &LHS, const ThunkInfo &RHS) {
VersionTuple.h | 72 friend bool operator==(const VersionTuple& X, const VersionTuple &Y) { 79 friend bool operator!=(const VersionTuple &X, const VersionTuple &Y) { 85 friend bool operator<(const VersionTuple &X, const VersionTuple &Y) { 97 friend bool operator>(const VersionTuple &X, const VersionTuple &Y) { 104 friend bool operator<=(const VersionTuple &X, const VersionTuple &Y) { 111 friend bool operator>=(const VersionTuple &X, const VersionTuple &Y) {
/external/clang/lib/CodeGen/ |
CGBlocks.h | 67 friend BlockFlags operator|(BlockFlags l, BlockFlags r) { 70 friend BlockFlags &operator|=(BlockFlags &l, BlockFlags r) { 74 friend bool operator&(BlockFlags l, BlockFlags r) { 112 friend BlockFieldFlags operator|(BlockFieldFlags l, BlockFieldFlags r) { 115 friend BlockFieldFlags &operator|=(BlockFieldFlags &l, BlockFieldFlags r) { 119 friend bool operator&(BlockFieldFlags l, BlockFieldFlags r) {
/external/clang/test/CodeGenCXX/ |
template-instantiation.cpp | 119 template <class T> friend void A<T>::foo(); 169 // Ensure that definitions are emitted for all friend functions defined within 177 friend void g1(S s) {} 178 friend void h1(S s); 180 friend void g2(S s) {} 181 friend void h2(S s);
/external/skia/src/core/ |
SkFloat.h | 63 friend bool operator==(const SkFloat& a, const SkFloat& b) { return a.fPacked == b.fPacked; } 64 friend bool operator!=(const SkFloat& a, const SkFloat& b) { return a.fPacked != b.fPacked; } 65 friend bool operator<(const SkFloat& a, const SkFloat& b) { return Cmp(a.fPacked, b.fPacked) < 0; } 66 friend bool operator<=(const SkFloat& a, const SkFloat& b) { return Cmp(a.fPacked, b.fPacked) <= 0; } 67 friend bool operator>(const SkFloat& a, const SkFloat& b) { return Cmp(a.fPacked, b.fPacked) > 0; } 68 friend bool operator>=(const SkFloat& a, const SkFloat& b) { return Cmp(a.fPacked, b.fPacked) >= 0; }
/external/clang/include/clang/AST/ |
ExternalASTSource.h | 56 friend class ExternalSemaSource; 321 friend class LazyVector; 374 friend bool operator==(const iterator &X, const iterator &Y) { 378 friend bool operator!=(const iterator &X, const iterator &Y) { 382 friend bool operator<(const iterator &X, const iterator &Y) { 386 friend bool operator>(const iterator &X, const iterator &Y) { 390 friend bool operator<=(const iterator &X, const iterator &Y) { 394 friend bool operator>=(const iterator &X, const iterator &Y) { 398 friend iterator& operator+=(iterator &X, difference_type D) { 403 friend iterator& operator-=(iterator &X, difference_type D) [all...] |
Stmt.h | 117 friend class Stmt; 125 friend class CompoundStmt; 132 friend class Expr; 133 friend class DeclRefExpr; // computeDependence 134 friend class InitListExpr; // ctor 135 friend class DesignatedInitExpr; // ctor 136 friend class BlockDeclRefExpr; // ctor 137 friend class ASTStmtReader; // deserialization 138 friend class CXXNewExpr; // ctor 139 friend class DependentScopeDeclRefExpr; // cto [all...] |
/external/clang/test/SemaCXX/ |
cxx98-compat.cpp | 114 friend void FriendMember::MemberFn(); // expected-warning {{friend declaration naming a member of the declaring class is incompatible with C++98}} 167 friend enum ::Enum; // expected-warning {{befriending enumeration type 'enum ::Enum' is incompatible with C++98}} 168 friend int; // expected-warning {{non-class friend type 'int' is incompatible with C++98}} 169 friend Struct; // expected-warning {{befriending 'Struct' without 'struct' keyword is incompatible with C++98}} 185 friend void Friend() {} // expected-warning {{friend function 'Friend' would be implicitly redefined in C++98}} expected-note {{previous} [all...] |
/external/webkit/Source/WebKit/qt/Api/ |
qwebelement.h | 167 friend class DumpRenderTreeSupportQt; 168 friend class QWebFrame; 169 friend class QWebElementCollection; 170 friend class QWebHitTestResult; 171 friend class QWebHitTestResultPrivate; 172 friend class QWebPage; 175 friend class V8::Bindings::QtWebElementRuntime; 177 friend class JSC::Bindings::QtWebElementRuntime; 239 friend class const_iterator; 273 friend class iterator [all...] |
/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/i686-linux-glibc2.7-4.4.3/i686-linux/include/c++/4.4.3/tr1/ |
shared_ptr.h | 194 friend inline bool 198 friend inline bool 207 friend class __weak_count<_Lp>; 277 friend inline bool 281 friend inline bool 286 friend class __shared_count<_Lp>; 325 // Friend of __enable_shared_from_this. 332 // Friend of enable_shared_from_this. 565 template<typename _Tp1, _Lock_policy _Lp1> friend class __shared_ptr; 566 template<typename _Tp1, _Lock_policy _Lp1> friend class __weak_ptr [all...] |
/prebuilt/ndk/android-ndk-r5/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/include/tr1/ |
shared_ptr.h | 194 friend inline bool 198 friend inline bool 207 friend class __weak_count<_Lp>; 277 friend inline bool 281 friend inline bool 286 friend class __shared_count<_Lp>; 325 // Friend of __enable_shared_from_this. 332 // Friend of enable_shared_from_this. 565 template<typename _Tp1, _Lock_policy _Lp1> friend class __shared_ptr; 566 template<typename _Tp1, _Lock_policy _Lp1> friend class __weak_ptr [all...] |
/prebuilt/ndk/android-ndk-r6/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/include/tr1/ |
shared_ptr.h | 194 friend inline bool 198 friend inline bool 207 friend class __weak_count<_Lp>; 277 friend inline bool 281 friend inline bool 286 friend class __shared_count<_Lp>; 325 // Friend of __enable_shared_from_this. 332 // Friend of enable_shared_from_this. 565 template<typename _Tp1, _Lock_policy _Lp1> friend class __shared_ptr; 566 template<typename _Tp1, _Lock_policy _Lp1> friend class __weak_ptr [all...] |
/prebuilt/ndk/android-ndk-r7/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/include/tr1/ |
shared_ptr.h | 194 friend inline bool 198 friend inline bool 207 friend class __weak_count<_Lp>; 277 friend inline bool 281 friend inline bool 286 friend class __shared_count<_Lp>; 325 // Friend of __enable_shared_from_this. 332 // Friend of enable_shared_from_this. 565 template<typename _Tp1, _Lock_policy _Lp1> friend class __shared_ptr; 566 template<typename _Tp1, _Lock_policy _Lp1> friend class __weak_ptr [all...] |
/external/webkit/Source/JavaScriptCore/heap/ |
Handle.h | 51 friend class HandleHeap; 52 friend struct JSCallbackObjectData; 53 template <typename KeyType, typename MappedType, typename FinalizerCallback, typename HashArg, typename KeyTraitsArg> friend class WeakGCMap; 145 template <typename A, typename B> friend class HandleConverter; 164 friend class HandleHeap;
/external/webkit/Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/ |
Identifier.h | 34 friend class Structure; 70 friend bool operator==(const Identifier&, const Identifier&); 71 friend bool operator!=(const Identifier&, const Identifier&); 73 friend bool operator==(const Identifier&, const char*); 74 friend bool operator!=(const Identifier&, const char*);
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/ |
mach_broker_mac.h | 105 friend class MachBrokerTest; 106 friend class RegisterNotificationTask; 108 friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits<MachBroker>;
/external/chromium/chrome/browser/policy/ |
asynchronous_policy_loader.h | 43 friend class UpdatePolicyTask; 47 friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<AsynchronousPolicyLoader>; 78 friend class AsynchronousPolicyLoaderTest;