Lines Matching full:movl
39 movl rPC, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
42 movl rSELF, %ecx
43 movl offThread_curHandlerTable(%ecx),rIBASE
61 movl rSELF, %ecx
62 movl OUT_ARG0(%esp), %edx
63 movl %eax,offThread_jitResumeNPC(%ecx)
64 movl %edx,offThread_jitResumeDPC(%ecx)
65 movl $$kInterpEntryInstr,offThread_entryPoint(%ecx)
66 movl $$1,rINST # changeInterp <= true
80 movl rSELF, %eax
81 movl rPC,OUT_ARG0(%esp)
82 movl %eax,OUT_ARG1(%esp)
84 movl rSELF,%ecx # ecx <- self
85 movl %eax,offThread_inJitCodeCache(%ecx) # set inJitCodeCache flag
91 movl rSELF, %ecx
92 movl offThread_curHandlerTable(%ecx),rIBASE
106 movl rSELF, %eax
107 movl rPC,OUT_ARG0(%esp)
108 movl %eax,OUT_ARG1(%esp)
110 movl rSELF,%ecx
112 movl %eax,offThread_inJitCodeCache(%ecx) # set inJitCodeCache flag
122 movl rSELF, %ecx
123 movl offThread_curHandlerTable(%ecx),rIBASE
127 movl $$kJitTSelectRequestHot,rINST # ask for trace select
138 movl (rINST),rPC
139 movl rSELF, %eax
140 movl rPC,OUT_ARG0(%esp)
141 movl %eax,OUT_ARG1(%esp)
145 movl %eax,OUT_ARG0(%esp)
147 movl rINST,OUT_ARG1(%esp)
168 movl rPC, %eax
186 movl %ecx,rINST # preserve rSELF
187 movl rSELF, %eax
188 movl rPC,OUT_ARG0(%esp)
189 movl %eax,OUT_ARG1(%esp)
191 movl %eax,offThread_inJitCodeCache(rINST) # set the inJitCodeCache flag
196 movl $$kJitTSelectRequest,%eax
202 movl rSELF,%ecx
203 movl %eax,offThread_jitState(%ecx)
204 movl $$kInterpEntryInstr,offThread_entryPoint(%ecx)
205 movl $$1,rINST
232 movl rINST, LOCAL0_OFFSET(%ebp) # LOCAL0_OFFSET(%ebp)<- AA
243 movl %ebx, LOCAL1_OFFSET(%ebp) # LOCAL1_OFFSET(%ebp)<- save %ebx
249 movl (%ecx), %ebx # %ebx<- vCCCC
252 movl %ebx, (%edx) # *outs<- vCCCC
255 movl LOCAL1_OFFSET(%ebp), %ebx # %ebx<- restore %ebx
267 movl rINST, LOCAL0_OFFSET(%ebp) # LOCAL0_OFFSET(%ebp)<- BA
279 movl %ecx, LOCAL1_OFFSET(%ebp) # LOCAL1_OFFSET(%ebp)<- GFED
288 movl (rFP, rINST, 4), %ecx # %ecx<- vA
289 movl %ecx, (%edx) # *outs<- vA
290 movl LOCAL1_OFFSET(%ebp), %ecx # %ecx<- GFED
294 movl (rFP, %ecx, 4), %ecx # %ecx<- vG
295 movl %ecx, (%edx) # *outs<- vG
296 movl LOCAL1_OFFSET(%ebp), %ecx # %ecx<- GFED
301 movl (rFP, %ecx, 4), %ecx # %ecx<- vF
302 movl %ecx, (%edx) # *outs<- vF
303 movl LOCAL1_OFFSET(%ebp), %ecx # %ecx<- GFED
308 movl (rFP, %ecx, 4), %ecx # %ecx<- vE
309 movl %ecx, (%edx) # *outs<- vE
310 movl LOCAL1_OFFSET(%ebp), %ecx # %ecx<- GFED
313 movl (rFP, %ecx, 4), %ecx # %ecx<- vD
314 movl %ecx, -4(%edx) # *--outs<- vD
325 movl %eax, LOCAL0_OFFSET(%ebp) # LOCAL0_OFFSET<- methodToCall
329 movl rSELF,%edx # %edx<- pthread
330 movl %eax, LOCAL1_OFFSET(%ebp) # LOCAL1_OFFSET(%ebp)<- &outs
332 movl offThread_interpStackEnd(%edx), %edx # %edx<- self->interpStackEnd
333 movl %edx, TMP_SPILL1(%ebp) # spill self->interpStackEnd
335 movl %eax, %edx # %edx<- newSaveArea
338 movl LOCAL0_OFFSET(%ebp), %eax # %eax<- restore methodToCall
347 movl %ecx, offStackSaveArea_prevSave(%edx) # newSaveArea->prevSave<- &outs
349 movl rSELF,%ecx # %ecx<- pthread
350 movl rFP, offStackSaveArea_prevFrame(%edx) # newSaveArea->prevFrame<- rFP
351 movl rPC, offStackSaveArea_savedPc(%edx) # newSaveArea->savedPc<- rPC
358 movl %eax, offStackSaveArea_method(%edx) # newSaveArea->method<- method to call
365 movl offMethod_clazz(%eax), %edx # %edx<- method->clazz
366 movl offClassObject_pDvmDex(%edx), %edx # %edx<- method->clazz->pDvmDex
367 movl %eax, offThread_method(%ecx) # self->method<- methodToCall
368 movl %edx, offThread_methodClassDex(%ecx) # self->methodClassDex<- method->clazz->pDvmDex
369 movl offMethod_insns(%eax), rPC # rPC<- methodToCall->insns
370 movl $$1, offThread_debugIsMethodEntry(%ecx)
371 movl LOCAL1_OFFSET(%ebp), rFP # rFP<- newFP
372 movl rFP, offThread_curFrame(%ecx) # curFrame<-newFP
373 movl offThread_curHandlerTable(%ecx),rIBASE
386 movl rPC, offThread_pc(%ecx) # update interpSave.pc
387 movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
388 movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
392 movl rSELF,%ecx # restore rSELF
401 movl offThread_jniLocal_topCookie(%ecx), rINST # rINST<- self->localRef->...
402 movl rINST, offStackSaveArea_localRefCookie(%edx) # newSaveArea->localRefCookie<- top
403 movl %edx, LOCAL2_OFFSET(%ebp) # save newSaveArea
404 movl LOCAL1_OFFSET(%ebp), rINST # rINST<- newFP
405 movl rINST, offThread_curFrame(%ecx) # curFrame<- newFP
408 movl %ecx, OUT_ARG3(%esp) # push parameter self
409 movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # push parameter methodToCall
411 movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # push parameter &retval
412 movl rINST, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # push parameter newFP
415 movl LOCAL2_OFFSET(%ebp), %ecx # %ecx<- newSaveArea
416 movl rSELF, %eax # %eax<- self
417 movl offStackSaveArea_localRefCookie(%ecx), %edx # %edx<- old top
419 movl rFP, offThread_curFrame(%eax) # curFrame<- rFP
420 movl %edx, offThread_jniLocal_topCookie(%eax) # new top <- old top
422 movl offThread_curHandlerTable(%eax),rIBASE
433 movl rPC, offThread_pc(%ecx)
434 movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
435 movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
436 movl rFP, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
439 movl rSELF,%ecx # restore self
442 movl %ecx, OUT_ARG3(%esp) # push parameter self
444 movl %eax, OUT_ARG2(%esp) # push parameter methodToCall
445 movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # push parameter &retval
446 movl rINST, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # push parameter newFP
450 movl rSELF, %ecx
451 movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
452 movl %ecx, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
453 movl rFP, OUT_ARG2(%esp)
458 movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp) # push parameter methodToCall
459 movl rSELF,%eax # %eax<- self
460 movl %eax, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # push parameter self
469 movl rSELF,%ecx
474 movl offStackSaveArea_prevFrame(%eax),rFP # rFP<- prevFrame
475 movl (offStackSaveArea_method-sizeofStackSaveArea)(rFP),rINST
479 movl offStackSaveArea_savedPc(%eax),rPC # pc<- saveArea->savedPC
480 movl rINST,offThread_method(%ecx) # self->method = newSave->meethod
481 movl rFP,offThread_curFrame(%ecx) # curFrame = fp
482 movl offMethod_clazz(rINST),%eax # eax<- method->clazz
483 movl offThread_curHandlerTable(%ecx),rIBASE
484 movl offClassObject_pDvmDex(%eax),rINST # rINST<- method->clazz->pDvmDex
486 movl rINST,offThread_methodClassDex(%ecx)
495 movl rFP, offThread_curFrame(%ecx) # update interpSave.curFrame
496 movl rPC, offThread_pc(%ecx) # update interpSave.pc
497 movl %ecx, OUT_ARG0(%esp) # parameter self
499 movl rSELF, %ecx # restore self
515 movl rPC,offThread_pc(%ecx) # export state to self
516 movl rFP,offThread_curFrame(%ecx)
517 movl %ecx,OUT_ARG0(%esp) # self in arg0
518 movl rINST,OUT_ARG1(%esp) # changeInterp in arg1
527 movl rSELF, %eax
528 movl offThread_pc(%eax),rPC
529 movl offThread_curFrame(%eax),rFP
530 movl offThread_curHandlerTable(%eax),rIBASE
539 movl $$.LstrDivideByZero,%eax
540 movl %eax,OUT_ARG0(%esp)
550 movl %eax,OUT_ARG0(%esp) # arg0<- len
561 movl %eax,OUT_ARG0(%esp)
572 movl %eax,OUT_ARG0(%esp)
584 movl offArrayObject_length(%eax), %eax
585 movl %eax,OUT_ARG0(%esp)
586 movl %ecx,OUT_ARG1(%esp)
602 movl rSELF,%ecx
603 movl rPC,offThread_pc(%ecx)
604 movl rFP,offThread_curFrame(%ecx)
605 movl %ecx,OUT_ARG0(%esp)
610 movl $$0xdeadf00d,%eax