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      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      7 #pragma once
      9 #include <atlbase.h>
     10 #include <atlapp.h>
     11 #include <atlcrack.h>
     12 #include <atlctrls.h>
     13 #include <atlmisc.h>
     14 #include <tom.h>  // For ITextDocument, a COM interface to CRichEditCtrl.
     16 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
     17 #include "base/win/scoped_comptr.h"
     18 #include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete.h"
     19 #include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_edit_view.h"
     20 #include "chrome/browser/ui/toolbar/toolbar_model.h"
     21 #include "chrome/browser/ui/views/autocomplete/autocomplete_popup_contents_view.h"
     22 #include "content/common/page_transition_types.h"
     23 #include "ui/base/models/simple_menu_model.h"
     24 #include "ui/gfx/font.h"
     25 #include "views/controls/menu/menu_2.h"
     26 #include "webkit/glue/window_open_disposition.h"
     28 class Profile;
     29 class TabContents;
     30 namespace views {
     31 class View;
     32 }
     34 class AutocompleteEditController;
     35 class AutocompleteEditModel;
     36 class AutocompleteEditView;
     37 class AutocompletePopupView;
     38 class LocationBarView;
     40 // Provides the implementation of an edit control with a drop-down
     41 // autocomplete box. The box itself is implemented in autocomplete_popup.cc
     42 // This file implements the edit box and management for the popup.
     43 class AutocompleteEditViewWin
     44     : public CWindowImpl<AutocompleteEditViewWin,
     45                          CRichEditCtrl,
     46                          CWinTraits<WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL |
     47                                     ES_NOHIDESEL> >,
     48       public CRichEditCommands<AutocompleteEditViewWin>,
     49       public ui::SimpleMenuModel::Delegate,
     50       public AutocompleteEditView {
     51  public:
     52   struct State {
     53     State(const CHARRANGE& selection,
     54           const CHARRANGE& saved_selection_for_focus_change)
     55         : selection(selection),
     56           saved_selection_for_focus_change(saved_selection_for_focus_change) {
     57     }
     59     const CHARRANGE selection;
     60     const CHARRANGE saved_selection_for_focus_change;
     61   };
     63   DECLARE_WND_CLASS(L"Chrome_AutocompleteEditView");
     65   AutocompleteEditViewWin(const gfx::Font& font,
     66                           AutocompleteEditController* controller,
     67                           ToolbarModel* toolbar_model,
     68                           LocationBarView* parent_view,
     69                           HWND hwnd,
     70                           Profile* profile,
     71                           CommandUpdater* command_updater,
     72                           bool popup_window_mode,
     73                           const views::View* location_bar);
     74   ~AutocompleteEditViewWin();
     76   views::View* parent_view() const;
     78   // Returns the width in pixels needed to display the text from one character
     79   // before the caret to the end of the string. See comments in
     80   // LocationBarView::Layout as to why this uses -1.
     81   int WidthOfTextAfterCursor();
     83   // Returns the font.
     84   gfx::Font GetFont();
     86   // Implement the AutocompleteEditView interface.
     87   virtual AutocompleteEditModel* model() { return model_.get(); }
     88   virtual const AutocompleteEditModel* model() const { return model_.get(); }
     90   virtual void SaveStateToTab(TabContents* tab);
     92   virtual void Update(const TabContents* tab_for_state_restoring);
     94   virtual void OpenURL(const GURL& url,
     95                        WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
     96                        PageTransition::Type transition,
     97                        const GURL& alternate_nav_url,
     98                        size_t selected_line,
     99                        const string16& keyword);
    101   virtual string16 GetText() const;
    103   virtual bool IsEditingOrEmpty() const;
    104   virtual int GetIcon() const;
    106   virtual void SetUserText(const string16& text);
    107   virtual void SetUserText(const string16& text,
    108                            const string16& display_text,
    109                            bool update_popup);
    111   virtual void SetWindowTextAndCaretPos(const string16& text,
    112                                         size_t caret_pos);
    114   virtual void SetForcedQuery();
    116   virtual bool IsSelectAll();
    117   virtual bool DeleteAtEndPressed();
    118   virtual void GetSelectionBounds(string16::size_type* start,
    119                                   string16::size_type* end);
    120   virtual void SelectAll(bool reversed);
    121   virtual void RevertAll();
    123   virtual void UpdatePopup();
    124   virtual void ClosePopup();
    126   virtual void SetFocus();
    128   virtual void OnTemporaryTextMaybeChanged(const string16& display_text,
    129                                            bool save_original_selection);
    130   virtual bool OnInlineAutocompleteTextMaybeChanged(
    131       const string16& display_text, size_t user_text_length);
    132   virtual void OnRevertTemporaryText();
    133   virtual void OnBeforePossibleChange();
    134   virtual bool OnAfterPossibleChange();
    135   virtual gfx::NativeView GetNativeView() const;
    136   virtual CommandUpdater* GetCommandUpdater();
    137   virtual void SetInstantSuggestion(const string16& suggestion,
    138                                     bool animate_to_complete);
    139   virtual int TextWidth() const;
    140   virtual string16 GetInstantSuggestion() const;
    141   virtual bool IsImeComposing() const;
    143   virtual views::View* AddToView(views::View* parent);
    144   virtual int OnPerformDrop(const views::DropTargetEvent& event);
    146   int GetPopupMaxYCoordinate();
    148   // Exposes custom IAccessible implementation to the overall MSAA hierarchy.
    149   IAccessible* GetIAccessible();
    151   void SetDropHighlightPosition(int position);
    152   int drop_highlight_position() const { return drop_highlight_position_; }
    154   // Returns true if a drag a drop session was initiated by this edit.
    155   bool in_drag() const { return in_drag_; }
    157   // Moves the selected text to the specified position.
    158   void MoveSelectedText(int new_position);
    160   // Inserts the text at the specified position.
    161   void InsertText(int position, const string16& text);
    163   // Invokes CanPasteAndGo with the specified text, and if successful navigates
    164   // to the appropriate URL. The behavior of this is the same as if the user
    165   // typed in the specified text and pressed enter.
    166   void PasteAndGo(const string16& text);
    168   void set_force_hidden(bool force_hidden) { force_hidden_ = force_hidden; }
    170   // Called before an accelerator is processed to give us a chance to override
    171   // it.
    172   bool SkipDefaultKeyEventProcessing(const views::KeyEvent& event);
    174   // Handler for external events passed in to us.  The View that owns us may
    175   // send us events that we should treat as if they were events on us.
    176   void HandleExternalMsg(UINT msg, UINT flags, const CPoint& screen_point);
    178   // CWindowImpl
    179   BEGIN_MSG_MAP(AutocompleteEdit)
    180     MSG_WM_CHAR(OnChar)
    181     MSG_WM_CONTEXTMENU(OnContextMenu)
    182     MSG_WM_COPY(OnCopy)
    183     MSG_WM_CUT(OnCut)
    186     MSG_WM_KEYDOWN(OnKeyDown)
    187     MSG_WM_KEYUP(OnKeyUp)
    188     MSG_WM_KILLFOCUS(OnKillFocus)
    189     MSG_WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK(OnLButtonDblClk)
    190     MSG_WM_LBUTTONDOWN(OnLButtonDown)
    191     MSG_WM_LBUTTONUP(OnLButtonUp)
    192     MSG_WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK(OnMButtonDblClk)
    193     MSG_WM_MBUTTONDOWN(OnMButtonDown)
    194     MSG_WM_MBUTTONUP(OnMButtonUp)
    195     MSG_WM_MOUSEACTIVATE(OnMouseActivate)
    196     MSG_WM_MOUSEMOVE(OnMouseMove)
    197     MSG_WM_MOUSEWHEEL(OnMouseWheel)
    198     MSG_WM_PAINT(OnPaint)
    199     MSG_WM_PASTE(OnPaste)
    200     MSG_WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK(OnRButtonDblClk)
    201     MSG_WM_RBUTTONDOWN(OnRButtonDown)
    202     MSG_WM_RBUTTONUP(OnRButtonUp)
    203     MSG_WM_SETFOCUS(OnSetFocus)
    204     MSG_WM_SETTEXT(OnSetText)
    205     MSG_WM_SYSCHAR(OnSysChar)  // WM_SYSxxx == WM_xxx with ALT down
    206     MSG_WM_SYSKEYDOWN(OnKeyDown)
    207     MSG_WM_SYSKEYUP(OnKeyUp)
    208     MSG_WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING(OnWindowPosChanging)
    209     DEFAULT_REFLECTION_HANDLER()  // avoids black margin area
    210   END_MSG_MAP()
    212   // ui::SimpleMenuModel::Delegate
    213   virtual bool IsCommandIdChecked(int command_id) const;
    214   virtual bool IsCommandIdEnabled(int command_id) const;
    215   virtual bool GetAcceleratorForCommandId(int command_id,
    216                                           ui::Accelerator* accelerator);
    217   virtual bool IsItemForCommandIdDynamic(int command_id) const;
    218   virtual string16 GetLabelForCommandId(int command_id) const;
    219   virtual void ExecuteCommand(int command_id);
    221   // Returns true if the caret is at the end of the content.
    222   bool IsCaretAtEnd() const;
    224  private:
    225   enum MouseButton {
    226     kLeft  = 0,
    227     kRight = 1,
    228   };
    230   // This object freezes repainting of the edit until the object is destroyed.
    231   // Some methods of the CRichEditCtrl draw synchronously to the screen.  If we
    232   // don't freeze, the user will see a rapid series of calls to these as
    233   // flickers.
    234   //
    235   // Freezing the control while it is already frozen is permitted; the control
    236   // will unfreeze once both freezes are released (the freezes stack).
    237   class ScopedFreeze {
    238    public:
    239     ScopedFreeze(AutocompleteEditViewWin* edit,
    240                  ITextDocument* text_object_model);
    241     ~ScopedFreeze();
    243    private:
    244     AutocompleteEditViewWin* const edit_;
    245     ITextDocument* const text_object_model_;
    247     DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ScopedFreeze);
    248   };
    250   class EditDropTarget;
    251   friend class EditDropTarget;
    253   // This object suspends placing any operations on the edit's undo stack until
    254   // the object is destroyed.  If we don't do this, some of the operations we
    255   // perform behind the user's back will be undoable by the user, which feels
    256   // bizarre and confusing.
    257   class ScopedSuspendUndo {
    258    public:
    259     explicit ScopedSuspendUndo(ITextDocument* text_object_model);
    260     ~ScopedSuspendUndo();
    262    private:
    263     ITextDocument* const text_object_model_;
    265     DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ScopedSuspendUndo);
    266   };
    268   // Replacement word-breaking proc for the rich edit control.
    269   static int CALLBACK WordBreakProc(LPTSTR edit_text,
    270                                     int current_pos,
    271                                     int num_bytes,
    272                                     int action);
    274   // Returns true if |edit_text| starting at |current_pos| is "://".
    275   static bool SchemeEnd(LPTSTR edit_text, int current_pos, int length);
    277   // Message handlers
    278   void OnChar(TCHAR ch, UINT repeat_count, UINT flags);
    279   void OnContextMenu(HWND window, const CPoint& point);
    280   void OnCopy();
    281   void OnCut();
    282   LRESULT OnGetObject(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam);
    283   LRESULT OnImeComposition(UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam);
    284   void OnKeyDown(TCHAR key, UINT repeat_count, UINT flags);
    285   void OnKeyUp(TCHAR key, UINT repeat_count, UINT flags);
    286   void OnKillFocus(HWND focus_wnd);
    287   void OnLButtonDblClk(UINT keys, const CPoint& point);
    288   void OnLButtonDown(UINT keys, const CPoint& point);
    289   void OnLButtonUp(UINT keys, const CPoint& point);
    290   void OnMButtonDblClk(UINT keys, const CPoint& point);
    291   void OnMButtonDown(UINT keys, const CPoint& point);
    292   void OnMButtonUp(UINT keys, const CPoint& point);
    293   LRESULT OnMouseActivate(HWND window, UINT hit_test, UINT mouse_message);
    294   void OnMouseMove(UINT keys, const CPoint& point);
    295   BOOL OnMouseWheel(UINT flags, short delta, CPoint point);
    296   void OnPaint(HDC bogus_hdc);
    297   void OnPaste();
    298   void OnRButtonDblClk(UINT keys, const CPoint& point);
    299   void OnRButtonDown(UINT keys, const CPoint& point);
    300   void OnRButtonUp(UINT keys, const CPoint& point);
    301   void OnSetFocus(HWND focus_wnd);
    302   LRESULT OnSetText(const wchar_t* text);
    303   void OnSysChar(TCHAR ch, UINT repeat_count, UINT flags);
    304   void OnWindowPosChanging(WINDOWPOS* window_pos);
    306   // Helper function for OnChar() and OnKeyDown() that handles keystrokes that
    307   // could change the text in the edit.
    308   void HandleKeystroke(UINT message, TCHAR key, UINT repeat_count, UINT flags);
    310   // Helper functions for OnKeyDown() that handle accelerators applicable when
    311   // we're not read-only and all the time, respectively.  These return true if
    312   // they handled the key.
    313   bool OnKeyDownOnlyWritable(TCHAR key, UINT repeat_count, UINT flags);
    314   bool OnKeyDownAllModes(TCHAR key, UINT repeat_count, UINT flags);
    316   // Like GetSel(), but returns a range where |cpMin| will be larger than
    317   // |cpMax| if the cursor is at the start rather than the end of the selection
    318   // (in other words, tracks selection direction as well as offsets).
    319   // Note the non-Google-style "non-const-ref" argument, which matches GetSel().
    320   void GetSelection(CHARRANGE& sel) const;
    322   // Returns the currently selected text of the edit control.
    323   string16 GetSelectedText() const;
    325   // Like SetSel(), but respects the selection direction implied by |start| and
    326   // |end|: if |end| < |start|, the effective cursor will be placed at the
    327   // beginning of the selection.
    328   void SetSelection(LONG start, LONG end);
    330   // Like SetSelection(), but takes a CHARRANGE.
    331   void SetSelectionRange(const CHARRANGE& sel) {
    332     SetSelection(sel.cpMin, sel.cpMax);
    333   }
    335   // Places the caret at the given position.  This clears any selection.
    336   void PlaceCaretAt(size_t pos);
    338   // Returns true if |sel| represents a forward or backward selection of all the
    339   // text.
    340   bool IsSelectAllForRange(const CHARRANGE& sel) const;
    342   // Given an X coordinate in client coordinates, returns that coordinate
    343   // clipped to be within the horizontal bounds of the visible text.
    344   //
    345   // This is used in our mouse handlers to work around quirky behaviors of the
    346   // underlying CRichEditCtrl like not supporting triple-click when the user
    347   // doesn't click on the text itself.
    348   //
    349   // |is_triple_click| should be true iff this is the third click of a triple
    350   // click.  Sadly, we need to clip slightly differently in this case.
    351   LONG ClipXCoordToVisibleText(LONG x, bool is_triple_click) const;
    353   // Parses the contents of the control for the scheme and the host name.
    354   // Highlights the scheme in green or red depending on it security level.
    355   // If a host name is found, it makes it visually stronger.
    356   void EmphasizeURLComponents();
    358   // Erases the portion of the selection in the font's y-adjustment area.  For
    359   // some reason the edit draws the selection rect here even though it's not
    360   // part of the font.
    361   void EraseTopOfSelection(CDC* dc,
    362                            const CRect& client_rect,
    363                            const CRect& paint_clip_rect);
    365   // Draws a slash across the scheme if desired.
    366   void DrawSlashForInsecureScheme(HDC hdc,
    367                                   const CRect& client_rect,
    368                                   const CRect& paint_clip_rect);
    370   // Renders the drop highlight.
    371   void DrawDropHighlight(HDC hdc,
    372                          const CRect& client_rect,
    373                          const CRect& paint_clip_rect);
    375   // Internally invoked whenever the text changes in some way.
    376   void TextChanged();
    378   // Returns the current clipboard contents as a string that can be pasted in.
    379   // In addition to just getting CF_UNICODETEXT out, this can also extract URLs
    380   // from bookmarks on the clipboard.
    381   string16 GetClipboardText() const;
    383   // Determines whether the user can "paste and go", given the specified text.
    384   bool CanPasteAndGo(const string16& text) const;
    386   // Getter for the text_object_model_.  Note that the pointer returned here is
    387   // only valid as long as the AutocompleteEdit is still alive.  Also, if the
    388   // underlying call fails, this may return NULL.
    389   ITextDocument* GetTextObjectModel() const;
    391   // Invoked during a mouse move. As necessary starts a drag and drop session.
    392   void StartDragIfNecessary(const CPoint& point);
    394   // Invoked during a mouse down. If the mouse location is over the selection
    395   // this sets possible_drag_ to true to indicate a drag should start if the
    396   // user moves the mouse far enough to start a drag.
    397   void OnPossibleDrag(const CPoint& point);
    399   // Redraws the necessary region for a drop highlight at the specified
    400   // position. This does nothing if position is beyond the bounds of the
    401   // text.
    402   void RepaintDropHighlight(int position);
    404   // Generates the context menu for the edit field.
    405   void BuildContextMenu();
    407   void SelectAllIfNecessary(MouseButton button, const CPoint& point);
    408   void TrackMousePosition(MouseButton button, const CPoint& point);
    410   // Returns the sum of the left and right margins.
    411   int GetHorizontalMargin() const;
    413   // Returns the width in pixels needed to display |text|.
    414   int WidthNeededToDisplay(const string16& text) const;
    416   // Real implementation of OnAfterPossibleChange() method.
    417   // If |force_text_changed| is true, then the text_changed code will always be
    418   // triggerred no matter if the text is actually changed or not.
    419   bool OnAfterPossibleChangeInternal(bool force_text_changed);
    421   // Common implementation for performing a drop on the edit view.
    422   int OnPerformDropImpl(const views::DropTargetEvent& event, bool in_drag);
    424   scoped_ptr<AutocompleteEditModel> model_;
    426   scoped_ptr<AutocompletePopupView> popup_view_;
    428   AutocompleteEditController* controller_;
    430   // The parent view for the edit, used to align the popup and for
    431   // accessibility.
    432   LocationBarView* parent_view_;
    434   ToolbarModel* toolbar_model_;
    436   // The object that handles additional command functionality exposed on the
    437   // edit, such as invoking the keyword editor.
    438   CommandUpdater* command_updater_;
    440   // When true, the location bar view is read only and also is has a slightly
    441   // different presentation (font size / color). This is used for popups.
    442   bool popup_window_mode_;
    444   // True if we should prevent attempts to make the window visible when we
    445   // handle WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING.  While toggling fullscreen mode, the main
    446   // window is hidden, and if the edit is shown it will draw over the main
    447   // window when that window reappears.
    448   bool force_hidden_;
    450   // Non-null when the edit is gaining focus from a left click.  This is only
    451   // needed between when WM_MOUSEACTIVATE and WM_LBUTTONDOWN get processed.  It
    452   // serves two purposes: first, by communicating to OnLButtonDown() that we're
    453   // gaining focus from a left click, it allows us to work even with the
    454   // inconsistent order in which various Windows messages get sent (see comments
    455   // in OnMouseActivate()).  Second, by holding the edit frozen, it ensures that
    456   // when we process WM_SETFOCUS the edit won't first redraw itself with the
    457   // caret at the beginning, and then have it blink to where the mouse cursor
    458   // really is shortly afterward.
    459   scoped_ptr<ScopedFreeze> gaining_focus_;
    461   // When the user clicks to give us focus, we watch to see if they're clicking
    462   // or dragging.  When they're clicking, we select nothing until mouseup, then
    463   // select all the text in the edit.  During this process, tracking_click_[X]
    464   // is true and click_point_[X] holds the original click location.
    465   // At other times, tracking_click_[X] is false, and the contents of
    466   // click_point_[X] should be ignored. The arrays hold the state for the
    467   // left and right mouse buttons, and are indexed using the MouseButton enum.
    468   bool tracking_click_[2];
    469   CPoint click_point_[2];
    471   // We need to know if the user triple-clicks, so track double click points
    472   // and times so we can see if subsequent clicks are actually triple clicks.
    473   bool tracking_double_click_;
    474   CPoint double_click_point_;
    475   DWORD double_click_time_;
    477   // Used to discard unnecessary WM_MOUSEMOVE events after the first such
    478   // unnecessary event.  See detailed comments in OnMouseMove().
    479   bool can_discard_mousemove_;
    481   // Used to prevent IME message handling in the midst of updating the edit
    482   // text.  See comments where this is used.
    483   bool ignore_ime_messages_;
    485   // Variables for tracking state before and after a possible change.
    486   string16 text_before_change_;
    487   CHARRANGE sel_before_change_;
    489   // Set at the same time the model's original_* members are set, and valid in
    490   // the same cases.
    491   CHARRANGE original_selection_;
    493   // Holds the user's selection across focus changes.  cpMin holds -1 when
    494   // there is no saved selection.
    495   CHARRANGE saved_selection_for_focus_change_;
    497   // Was the delete key pressed with an empty selection at the end of the edit?
    498   bool delete_at_end_pressed_;
    500   // The context menu for the edit.
    501   scoped_ptr<ui::SimpleMenuModel> context_menu_contents_;
    502   scoped_ptr<views::Menu2> context_menu_;
    504   // Font we're using.  We keep a reference to make sure the font supplied to
    505   // the constructor doesn't go away before we do.
    506   gfx::Font font_;
    508   // Metrics about the font, which we keep so we don't need to recalculate them
    509   // every time we paint.  |font_y_adjustment_| is the number of pixels we need
    510   // to shift the font vertically in order to make its baseline be at our
    511   // desired baseline in the edit.
    512   int font_x_height_;
    513   int font_y_adjustment_;
    515   // If true, indicates the mouse is down and if the mouse is moved enough we
    516   // should start a drag.
    517   bool possible_drag_;
    519   // If true, we're in a call to DoDragDrop.
    520   bool in_drag_;
    522   // If true indicates we've run a drag and drop session. This is used to
    523   // avoid starting two drag and drop sessions if the drag is canceled while
    524   // the mouse is still down.
    525   bool initiated_drag_;
    527   // Position of the drop highlight.  If this is -1, there is no drop highlight.
    528   int drop_highlight_position_;
    530   // Security UI-related data.
    531   COLORREF background_color_;
    532   ToolbarModel::SecurityLevel security_level_;
    534   // This interface is useful for accessing the CRichEditCtrl at a low level.
    535   mutable ITextDocument* text_object_model_;
    537   // This contains the scheme char start and stop indexes that should be
    538   // striken-out when displaying an insecure scheme.
    539   url_parse::Component insecure_scheme_component_;
    541   // Instance of accessibility information and handling.
    542   mutable base::win::ScopedComPtr<IAccessible> autocomplete_accessibility_;
    544   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AutocompleteEditViewWin);
    545 };