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      1 /*
      2 ** Copyright 2008-2010, The Android Open-Source Project
      3 **
      4 ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5 ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6 ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7 **
      8 **     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 **
     10 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11 ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12 ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13 ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14 ** limitations under the License.
     15 */
     17 #include <math.h>
     19 //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
     20 #define LOG_TAG "AudioHardwareTegra"
     21 #include <utils/Log.h>
     22 #include <utils/String8.h>
     24 #include <stdio.h>
     25 #include <unistd.h>
     26 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
     27 #include <sys/types.h>
     28 #include <sys/stat.h>
     29 #include <dlfcn.h>
     30 #include <fcntl.h>
     32 #include "AudioHardware.h"
     33 #include <audio_effects/effect_aec.h>
     34 #include <audio_effects/effect_ns.h>
     36 namespace android_audio_legacy {
     37 const uint32_t AudioHardware::inputSamplingRates[] = {
     38     8000, 11025, 12000, 16000, 22050, 32000, 44100, 48000
     39 };
     41 // number of times to attempt init() before giving up
     42 const uint32_t MAX_INIT_TRIES = 10;
     44 // When another thread wants to acquire the Mutex on the input or output stream, a short sleep
     45 // period is forced in the read or write function to release the processor before acquiring the
     46 // Mutex. Otherwise, as the read/write thread sleeps most of the time waiting for DMA buffers with
     47 // the Mutex locked, the other thread could wait quite long before being able to acquire the Mutex.
     48 #define FORCED_SLEEP_TIME_US  10000
     50 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     52 // always succeeds, must call init() immediately after
     53 AudioHardware::AudioHardware() :
     54     mInit(false), mMicMute(false), mBluetoothNrec(true), mBluetoothId(0),
     55     mOutput(0), /*mCurOut/InDevice*/ mCpcapCtlFd(-1), mHwOutRate(0), mHwInRate(0),
     56     mMasterVol(1.0), mVoiceVol(1.0),
     57     /*mCpcapGain*/
     58     mSpkrVolume(-1), mMicVolume(-1), mEcnsEnabled(0), mEcnsRequested(0), mBtScoOn(false)
     59 {
     60     ALOGV("AudioHardware constructor");
     61 }
     63 // designed to be called multiple times for retries
     64 status_t AudioHardware::init() {
     66     if (mInit) {
     67         return NO_ERROR;
     68     }
     70     mCpcapCtlFd = ::open("/dev/audio_ctl", O_RDWR);
     71     if (mCpcapCtlFd < 0) {
     72         ALOGE("open /dev/audio_ctl failed: %s", strerror(errno));
     73         goto error;
     74     }
     76     if (::ioctl(mCpcapCtlFd, CPCAP_AUDIO_OUT_GET_OUTPUT, &mCurOutDevice) < 0) {
     77         ALOGE("could not get output device: %s", strerror(errno));
     78         goto error;
     79     }
     80     if (::ioctl(mCpcapCtlFd, CPCAP_AUDIO_IN_GET_INPUT, &mCurInDevice) < 0) {
     81         ALOGE("could not get input device: %s", strerror(errno));
     82         goto error;
     83     }
     84     // For bookkeeping only
     85     if (::ioctl(mCpcapCtlFd, CPCAP_AUDIO_OUT_GET_RATE, &mHwOutRate) < 0) {
     86         ALOGE("could not get output rate: %s", strerror(errno));
     87         goto error;
     88     }
     89     if (::ioctl(mCpcapCtlFd, CPCAP_AUDIO_IN_GET_RATE, &mHwInRate) < 0) {
     90         ALOGE("could not get input rate: %s", strerror(errno));
     91         goto error;
     92     }
     95     // Init the MM Audio Post Processing
     96     mAudioPP.setAudioDev(&mCurOutDevice, &mCurInDevice, false, false, false);
     97 #endif
     99     readHwGainFile();
    101     mInit = true;
    102     return NO_ERROR;
    104 error:
    105     if (mCpcapCtlFd >= 0) {
    106         (void) ::close(mCpcapCtlFd);
    107         mCpcapCtlFd = -1;
    108     }
    109     return NO_INIT;
    110 }
    112 AudioHardware::~AudioHardware()
    113 {
    114     ALOGV("AudioHardware destructor");
    115     for (size_t index = 0; index < mInputs.size(); index++) {
    116         closeInputStream((AudioStreamIn*)mInputs[index]);
    117     }
    118     mInputs.clear();
    119     closeOutputStream((AudioStreamOut*)mOutput);
    120     if (mCpcapCtlFd >= 0) {
    121         (void) ::close(mCpcapCtlFd);
    122         mCpcapCtlFd = -1;
    123     }
    124 }
    126 void AudioHardware::readHwGainFile()
    127 {
    128     int fd;
    129     int rc=0;
    130     int i;
    131     uint32_t format, version, barker;
    132     fd = open("/system/etc/cpcap_gain.bin", O_RDONLY);
    133     if (fd>=0) {
    134         ::read(fd, &format, sizeof(uint32_t));
    135         ::read(fd, &version, sizeof(uint32_t));
    136         ::read(fd, &barker, sizeof(uint32_t));
    137         rc = ::read(fd, mCpcapGain, sizeof(mCpcapGain));
    138         ALOGD("Read gain file, format %X version %X", format, version);
    139         ::close(fd);
    140     }
    141     if (rc != sizeof(mCpcapGain) || format != 0x30303032) {
    142         int gain;
    143         ALOGE("CPCAP gain file not valid. Using defaults.");
    144         for (int i=0; i<AUDIO_HW_GAIN_NUM_DIRECTIONS; i++) {
    145             if (i==AUDIO_HW_GAIN_SPKR_GAIN)
    146                 gain = 11;
    147             else
    148                 gain = 31;
    149             for (int j=0; j<AUDIO_HW_GAIN_NUM_USECASES; j++)
    150                 for (int k=0; k<AUDIO_HW_GAIN_NUM_PATHS; k++)
    151                     mCpcapGain[i][j][k]=gain;
    152         }
    153     }
    154     return;
    155 }
    157 status_t AudioHardware::initCheck()
    158 {
    159     return mInit ? NO_ERROR : NO_INIT;
    160 }
    162 AudioStreamOut* AudioHardware::openOutputStream(
    163         uint32_t devices, int *format, uint32_t *channels, uint32_t *sampleRate, status_t *status)
    164 {
    165     { // scope for the lock
    166         Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock);
    168         // only one output stream allowed
    169         if (mOutput) {
    170             if (status) {
    171                 *status = INVALID_OPERATION;
    172             }
    173             return 0;
    174         }
    176         // create new output stream
    177         AudioStreamOutTegra* out = new AudioStreamOutTegra();
    178         for (unsigned tries = 0; tries < MAX_INIT_TRIES; ++tries) {
    179             if (NO_ERROR == out->init())
    180                 break;
    181             ALOGW("AudioStreamOutTegra::init failed soft, retrying");
    182             sleep(1);
    183         }
    184         status_t lStatus;
    185         lStatus = out->initCheck();
    186         if (NO_ERROR != lStatus) {
    187             ALOGE("AudioStreamOutTegra::init failed hard");
    188         } else {
    189             lStatus = out->set(this, devices, format, channels, sampleRate);
    190         }
    191         if (status) {
    192             *status = lStatus;
    193         }
    194         if (lStatus == NO_ERROR) {
    195             mOutput = out;
    196         } else {
    197             mLock.unlock();
    198             delete out;
    199             out = NULL;
    200             mLock.lock();
    201         }
    202     }
    203     return mOutput;
    204 }
    206 void AudioHardware::closeOutputStream(AudioStreamOut* out) {
    207     Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock);
    208     if (mOutput == 0 || mOutput != out) {
    209         ALOGW("Attempt to close invalid output stream");
    210     }
    211     else {
    212         // AudioStreamOutTegra destructor calls standby which locks
    213         mOutput = 0;
    214         mLock.unlock();
    215         delete out;
    216         mLock.lock();
    217     }
    218 }
    220 AudioStreamIn* AudioHardware::openInputStream(
    221         uint32_t devices, int *format, uint32_t *channels, uint32_t *sampleRate, status_t *status,
    222         AudioSystem::audio_in_acoustics acoustic_flags)
    223 {
    224     // check for valid input source
    225     if (!AudioSystem::isInputDevice((AudioSystem::audio_devices)devices)) {
    226         return 0;
    227     }
    229     Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock);
    231     AudioStreamInTegra* in = new AudioStreamInTegra();
    232     // this serves a similar purpose as init()
    233     status_t lStatus = in->set(this, devices, format, channels, sampleRate, acoustic_flags);
    234     if (status) {
    235         *status = lStatus;
    236     }
    237     if (lStatus != NO_ERROR) {
    238         mLock.unlock();
    239         delete in;
    240         mLock.lock();
    241         return 0;
    242     }
    244     mInputs.add(in);
    246     return in;
    247 }
    249 void AudioHardware::closeInputStream(AudioStreamIn* in)
    250 {
    251     Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock);
    253     ssize_t index = mInputs.indexOf((AudioStreamInTegra *)in);
    254     if (index < 0) {
    255         ALOGW("Attempt to close invalid input stream");
    256     } else {
    257         mInputs.removeAt(index);
    258         mLock.unlock();
    259         delete in;
    260         mLock.lock();
    261     }
    262 }
    264 status_t AudioHardware::setMode(int mode)
    265 {
    266     AutoMutex lock(mLock);
    267     bool wasInCall = isInCall();
    268     ALOGV("setMode() : new %d, old %d", mode, mMode);
    269     status_t status = AudioHardwareBase::setMode(mode);
    270     if (status == NO_ERROR) {
    271         if (wasInCall ^ isInCall()) {
    272             doRouting_l();
    273             if (wasInCall) {
    274                 setMicMute_l(false);
    275             }
    276         }
    277     }
    279     return status;
    280 }
    282 // Must be called with mLock held
    283 status_t AudioHardware::doStandby(int stop_fd, bool output, bool enable)
    284 {
    285     status_t status = NO_ERROR;
    286     struct cpcap_audio_stream standby;
    288     ALOGV("AudioHardware::doStandby() putting %s in %s mode",
    289             output ? "output" : "input",
    290             enable ? "standby" : "online" );
    292 // Debug code
    293     if (!mLock.tryLock()) {
    294         ALOGE("doStandby called without mLock held.");
    295         mLock.unlock();
    296     }
    297 // end Debug code
    299     if (output) {
    300         standby.id = CPCAP_AUDIO_OUT_STANDBY;
    301         standby.on = enable;
    303         if (enable) {
    304             /* Flush the queued playback data.  Putting the output in standby
    305              * will cause CPCAP to not drive the i2s interface, and write()
    306              * will block until playback is resumed.
    307              */
    308             if (mOutput)
    309                 mOutput->flush();
    310         }
    312         if (::ioctl(mCpcapCtlFd, CPCAP_AUDIO_OUT_SET_OUTPUT, &standby) < 0) {
    313             ALOGE("could not turn off current output device: %s",
    314                  strerror(errno));
    315             status = errno;
    316         }
    318         if (::ioctl(mCpcapCtlFd, CPCAP_AUDIO_OUT_GET_OUTPUT, &mCurOutDevice) < 0) {
    319             ALOGE("could not get current output device after standby: %s",
    320                  strerror(errno));
    321         }
    322         ALOGV("%s: after standby %s, output device %d is %s", __FUNCTION__,
    323              enable ? "enable" : "disable", mCurOutDevice.id,
    324              mCurOutDevice.on ? "on" : "off");
    325     } else {
    326         standby.id = CPCAP_AUDIO_IN_STANDBY;
    327         standby.on = enable;
    329         if (enable && stop_fd >= 0) {
    330             /* Stop recording, if ongoing.  Muting the microphone will cause
    331              * CPCAP to not send data through the i2s interface, and read()
    332              * will block until recording is resumed.
    333              */
    334             ALOGV("%s: stop recording", __FUNCTION__);
    335             if (::ioctl(stop_fd, TEGRA_AUDIO_IN_STOP) < 0) {
    336                 ALOGE("could not stop recording: %s",
    337                      strerror(errno));
    338             }
    339         }
    341         if (::ioctl(mCpcapCtlFd, CPCAP_AUDIO_IN_SET_INPUT, &standby) < 0) {
    342             ALOGE("could not turn off current input device: %s",
    343                  strerror(errno));
    344             status = errno;
    345         }
    346         ::ioctl(mCpcapCtlFd, CPCAP_AUDIO_IN_GET_INPUT, &mCurInDevice);
    347         ALOGV("%s: after standby %s, input device %d is %s", __FUNCTION__,
    348              enable ? "enable" : "disable", mCurInDevice.id,
    349              mCurInDevice.on ? "on" : "off");
    350     }
    352     return status;
    353 }
    355 status_t AudioHardware::setMicMute(bool state)
    356 {
    357     Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock);
    358     return setMicMute_l(state);
    359 }
    361 status_t AudioHardware::setMicMute_l(bool state)
    362 {
    363     if (mMicMute != state) {
    364         mMicMute = state;
    365         ALOGV("setMicMute() %s", (state)?"ON":"OFF");
    366     }
    367     return NO_ERROR;
    368 }
    370 status_t AudioHardware::getMicMute(bool* state)
    371 {
    372     *state = mMicMute;
    373     return NO_ERROR;
    374 }
    376 status_t AudioHardware::setParameters(const String8& keyValuePairs)
    377 {
    378     AudioParameter param = AudioParameter(keyValuePairs);
    379     String8 value;
    380     String8 key;
    381     const char BT_NREC_KEY[] = "bt_headset_nrec";
    382     const char BT_NAME_KEY[] = "bt_headset_name";
    383     const char BT_NREC_VALUE_ON[] = "on";
    386     ALOGV("setParameters() %s", keyValuePairs.string());
    388     if (keyValuePairs.length() == 0) return BAD_VALUE;
    390     key = String8(BT_NREC_KEY);
    391     if (param.get(key, value) == NO_ERROR) {
    392         if (value == BT_NREC_VALUE_ON) {
    393             mBluetoothNrec = true;
    394             ALOGD("Turn on bluetooth NREC");
    395         } else {
    396             mBluetoothNrec = false;
    397             ALOGD("Turning noise reduction and echo cancellation off for BT "
    398                  "headset");
    399         }
    400         doRouting();
    401     }
    402     key = String8(BT_NAME_KEY);
    403     if (param.get(key, value) == NO_ERROR) {
    404         mBluetoothId = 0;
    405 #if 0
    406         for (int i = 0; i < mNumSndEndpoints; i++) {
    407             if (!strcasecmp(value.string(), mSndEndpoints[i].name)) {
    408                 mBluetoothId = mSndEndpoints[i].id;
    409                 ALOGD("Using custom acoustic parameters for %s", value.string());
    410                 break;
    411             }
    412         }
    413 #endif
    414         if (mBluetoothId == 0) {
    415             ALOGD("Using default acoustic parameters "
    416                  "(%s not in acoustic database)", value.string());
    417             doRouting();
    418         }
    419     }
    420     return NO_ERROR;
    421 }
    423 String8 AudioHardware::getParameters(const String8& keys)
    424 {
    425     AudioParameter request = AudioParameter(keys);
    426     AudioParameter reply = AudioParameter();
    427     String8 value;
    428     String8 key;
    430     ALOGV("getParameters() %s", keys.string());
    433     key = "ec_supported";
    434     if (request.get(key, value) == NO_ERROR) {
    435         value = "yes";
    436         reply.add(key, value);
    437     }
    438 #endif
    440     return reply.toString();
    441 }
    443 size_t AudioHardware::getInputBufferSize(uint32_t sampleRate, int format, int channelCount)
    444 {
    445     size_t bufsize;
    447     if (format != AudioSystem::PCM_16_BIT) {
    448         ALOGW("getInputBufferSize bad format: %d", format);
    449         return 0;
    450     }
    451     if (channelCount < 1 || channelCount > 2) {
    452         ALOGW("getInputBufferSize bad channel count: %d", channelCount);
    453         return 0;
    454     }
    456     // Return 20 msec input buffer size.
    457     bufsize = sampleRate * sizeof(int16_t) * channelCount / 50;
    458     if (bufsize & 0x7) {
    459        // Not divisible by 8.
    460        bufsize +=8;
    461        bufsize &= ~0x7;
    462     }
    463     ALOGV("%s: returns %d for rate %d", __FUNCTION__, bufsize, sampleRate);
    464     return bufsize;
    465 }
    467 //setVoiceVolume is only useful for setting sidetone gains with a baseband
    468 //controlling volume.  Don't adjust hardware volume with this API.
    469 //
    470 //(On Stingray, don't use mVoiceVol for anything.)
    471 status_t AudioHardware::setVoiceVolume(float v)
    472 {
    473     if (v < 0.0)
    474         v = 0.0;
    475     else if (v > 1.0)
    476         v = 1.0;
    478     ALOGV("Setting unused in-call vol to %f",v);
    479     mVoiceVol = v;
    481     return NO_ERROR;
    482 }
    484 status_t AudioHardware::setMasterVolume(float v)
    485 {
    486     if (v < 0.0)
    487         v = 0.0;
    488     else if (v > 1.0)
    489         v = 1.0;
    491     ALOGV("Set master vol to %f.", v);
    492     mMasterVol = v;
    493     Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock);
    494     int useCase = AUDIO_HW_GAIN_USECASE_MM;
    495     AudioStreamInTegra *input = getActiveInput_l();
    496     if (input) {
    497         if (isInCall() && mOutput && !mOutput->getStandby() &&
    498                 input->source() == AUDIO_SOURCE_VOICE_COMMUNICATION) {
    499             useCase = AUDIO_HW_GAIN_USECASE_VOICE;
    500         } else if (input->source() == AUDIO_SOURCE_VOICE_RECOGNITION) {
    501             useCase = AUDIO_HW_GAIN_USECASE_VOICE_REC;
    502         }
    503     }
    504     setVolume_l(v, useCase);
    505     return NO_ERROR;
    506 }
    508 // Call with mLock held.
    509 status_t AudioHardware::setVolume_l(float v, int usecase)
    510 {
    511     int spkr = getGain(AUDIO_HW_GAIN_SPKR_GAIN, usecase);
    512     int mic = getGain(AUDIO_HW_GAIN_MIC_GAIN, usecase);
    514     if (spkr==0) {
    515        // no device to set volume on.  Ignore request.
    516        return -1;
    517     }
    519     spkr = ceil(v * spkr);
    520     if (mSpkrVolume != spkr) {
    521         ALOGV("Set tx volume to %d", spkr);
    522         int ret = ::ioctl(mCpcapCtlFd, CPCAP_AUDIO_OUT_SET_VOLUME, spkr);
    523         if (ret < 0) {
    524             ALOGE("could not set spkr volume: %s", strerror(errno));
    525             return ret;
    526         }
    527         mSpkrVolume = spkr;
    528     }
    529     if (mMicVolume != mic) {
    530         ALOGV("Set rx volume to %d", mic);
    531         int ret = ::ioctl(mCpcapCtlFd, CPCAP_AUDIO_IN_SET_VOLUME, mic);
    532         if (ret < 0) {
    533             ALOGE("could not set mic volume: %s", strerror(errno));
    534             return ret;
    535         }
    536         mMicVolume = mic;
    537     }
    539     return NO_ERROR;
    540 }
    542 uint8_t AudioHardware::getGain(int direction, int usecase)
    543 {
    544     int path;
    545     AudioStreamInTegra *input = getActiveInput_l();
    546     uint32_t inDev = (input == NULL) ? 0 : input->devices();
    547     if (!mOutput) {
    548        ALOGE("No output device.");
    549        return 0;
    550     }
    551     uint32_t outDev = mOutput->devices();
    553 // In case of an actual phone, with an actual earpiece, uncomment.
    554 //    if (outDev & AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_EARPIECE)
    555 //        path = AUDIO_HW_GAIN_EARPIECE;
    556 //    else
    557     if (outDev & AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADPHONE)
    558         path = AUDIO_HW_GAIN_HEADSET_NO_MIC;
    559     else if (outDev & AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADSET)
    560         path = AUDIO_HW_GAIN_HEADSET_W_MIC;
    561     else if (outDev & AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_ANLG_DOCK_HEADSET)
    562         path = AUDIO_HW_GAIN_EMU_DEVICE;
    563     else
    564        path = AUDIO_HW_GAIN_SPEAKERPHONE;
    566     ALOGV("Picked gain[%d][%d][%d] which is %d.",direction, usecase, path,
    567           mCpcapGain[direction][usecase][path]);
    569     return mCpcapGain[direction][usecase][path];
    570 }
    572 int AudioHardware::getActiveInputRate()
    573 {
    574     AudioStreamInTegra *input = getActiveInput_l();
    575     return (input != NULL) ? input->sampleRate() : 0;
    576 }
    578 status_t AudioHardware::doRouting()
    579 {
    580     Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock);
    581     return doRouting_l();
    582 }
    584 // Call this with mLock held.
    585 status_t AudioHardware::doRouting_l()
    586 {
    587     if (!mOutput) {
    588         return NO_ERROR;
    589     }
    590     uint32_t outputDevices = mOutput->devices();
    591     AudioStreamInTegra *input = getActiveInput_l();
    592     uint32_t inputDevice = (input == NULL) ? 0 : input->devices();
    593     uint32_t btScoOutDevices = outputDevices & (
    594                            AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_SCO |
    595                            AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_SCO_HEADSET |
    596                            AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_SCO_CARKIT );
    597     uint32_t spdifOutDevices = outputDevices & (
    598                            AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_DGTL_DOCK_HEADSET |
    599                            AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_AUX_DIGITAL );
    600     uint32_t speakerOutDevices = outputDevices ^ btScoOutDevices ^ spdifOutDevices;
    601     uint32_t btScoInDevice = inputDevice & AudioSystem::DEVICE_IN_BLUETOOTH_SCO_HEADSET;
    602     uint32_t micInDevice   = inputDevice ^ btScoInDevice;
    603     int sndOutDevice = -1;
    604     int sndInDevice = -1;
    605     bool btScoOn = btScoOutDevices||btScoInDevice;
    607     ALOGV("%s: inputDevice %x, outputDevices %x", __FUNCTION__,
    608          inputDevice, outputDevices);
    610     switch (inputDevice) {
    611     case AudioSystem::DEVICE_IN_DEFAULT:
    612     case AudioSystem::DEVICE_IN_BUILTIN_MIC:
    613         sndInDevice = CPCAP_AUDIO_IN_MIC1;
    614         break;
    615     case AudioSystem::DEVICE_IN_WIRED_HEADSET:
    616         sndInDevice = CPCAP_AUDIO_IN_MIC2;
    617         break;
    618     default:
    619         break;
    620     }
    622     switch (speakerOutDevices) {
    623     case AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_EARPIECE:
    624     case AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_DEFAULT:
    625     case AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER:
    626         sndOutDevice = CPCAP_AUDIO_OUT_SPEAKER;
    627         break;
    628     case AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADSET:
    629     case AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADPHONE:
    630         sndOutDevice = CPCAP_AUDIO_OUT_HEADSET;
    631         break;
    632     case AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER | AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADSET:
    633     case AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER | AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADPHONE:
    634         sndOutDevice = CPCAP_AUDIO_OUT_HEADSET_AND_SPEAKER;
    635         break;
    636     case AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_ANLG_DOCK_HEADSET:
    637         sndOutDevice = CPCAP_AUDIO_OUT_ANLG_DOCK_HEADSET;
    638         break;
    639     case AudioSystem::DEVICE_OUT_DGTL_DOCK_HEADSET:
    640       // To be implemented
    641         break;
    642     default:
    643         break;
    644     }
    646     if (sndInDevice != (int)mCurInDevice.id) {
    647         if (sndInDevice == -1) {
    648             ALOGV("input device set %x not supported, defaulting to on-board mic",
    649                  inputDevice);
    650             mCurInDevice.id = CPCAP_AUDIO_IN_MIC1;
    651         }
    652         else
    653             mCurInDevice.id = sndInDevice;
    655         if (::ioctl(mCpcapCtlFd, CPCAP_AUDIO_IN_SET_INPUT,
    656                   &mCurInDevice) < 0)
    657             ALOGE("could not set input (%d, on %d): %s",
    658                  mCurInDevice.id, mCurInDevice.on, strerror(errno));
    660         ALOGV("current input %d, %s",
    661              mCurInDevice.id,
    662              mCurInDevice.on ? "on" : "off");
    663     }
    665     if (sndOutDevice != (int)mCurOutDevice.id) {
    666         if (sndOutDevice == -1) {
    667             ALOGW("output device set %x not supported, defaulting to speaker",
    668                  outputDevices);
    669             mCurOutDevice.id = CPCAP_AUDIO_OUT_SPEAKER;
    670         }
    671         else
    672             mCurOutDevice.id = sndOutDevice;
    674         if (::ioctl(mCpcapCtlFd, CPCAP_AUDIO_OUT_SET_OUTPUT,
    675                   &mCurOutDevice) < 0)
    676             ALOGE("could not set output (%d, on %d): %s",
    677                  mCurOutDevice.id, mCurOutDevice.on,
    678                  strerror(errno));
    680         ALOGV("current output %d, %s",
    681              mCurOutDevice.id,
    682              mCurOutDevice.on ? "on" : "off");
    683     }
    685     // enable EC if:
    686     // - mEcnsRequested AND
    687     // - the output stream is active
    688     mEcnsEnabled = mEcnsRequested;
    689     if (mOutput->getStandby()) {
    690         mEcnsEnabled &= ~PREPROC_AEC;
    691     }
    694     int ecnsRate = (btScoOn || (getActiveInputRate() < 16000)) ? 8000 : 16000;
    695     // Check input/output rates for HW.
    696     if (mEcnsEnabled) {
    697         mHwInRate = ecnsRate;
    698         // rx path is altered only if AEC is enabled
    699         if (mEcnsEnabled & PREPROC_AEC) {
    700             mHwOutRate = mHwInRate;
    701         } else {
    702             mHwOutRate = AUDIO_HW_OUT_SAMPLERATE;
    703         }
    704         ALOGD("EC/NS active, requests rate as %d for in/out", mHwInRate);
    705     }
    706     else
    707 #endif
    708     {
    709         if (input) {
    710             mHwInRate = getActiveInputRate();
    711         }
    712         mHwOutRate = AUDIO_HW_OUT_SAMPLERATE;
    713         ALOGV("No EC/NS, set input rate %d, output %d.", mHwInRate, mHwOutRate);
    714     }
    715     if (btScoOn) {
    716         mHwOutRate = 8000;
    717         mHwInRate = 8000;
    718         ALOGD("Bluetooth SCO active, rate forced to 8K");
    719     }
    721     if (input) {
    722         // acquire mutex if not already locked by read()
    723         if (!input->isLocked()) {
    724             input->lock();
    725         }
    726     }
    727     // acquire mutex if not already locked by write()
    728     if (!mOutput->isLocked()) {
    729         mOutput->lock();
    730     }
    732     mAudioPP.setAudioDev(&mCurOutDevice, &mCurInDevice,
    733                          btScoOn, mBluetoothNrec,
    734                          spdifOutDevices?true:false);
    735     mAudioPP.enableEcns(mEcnsEnabled);
    736 #endif
    738     mOutput->setDriver_l(speakerOutDevices?true:false,
    739                        btScoOn,
    740                        spdifOutDevices?true:false, mHwOutRate);
    742     if (input) {
    743         input->setDriver_l(micInDevice?true:false,
    744                 btScoOn, mHwInRate);
    745     }
    747     // Changing I2S to port connection when bluetooth starts or stopS must be done simultaneously
    748     // for input and output while both DMAs are stopped
    749     if (btScoOn != mBtScoOn) {
    750         if (input) {
    752             if (mEcnsEnabled) {
    753                 mAudioPP.enableEcns(0);
    754                 mAudioPP.enableEcns(mEcnsEnabled);
    755             }
    756 #endif
    757             input->lockFd();
    758             input->stop_l();
    759         }
    760         mOutput->lockFd();
    761         mOutput->flush_l();
    763         int bit_format = TEGRA_AUDIO_BIT_FORMAT_DEFAULT;
    764         bool is_bt_bypass = false;
    765         if (btScoOn) {
    766             bit_format = TEGRA_AUDIO_BIT_FORMAT_DSP;
    767             is_bt_bypass = true;
    768         }
    769         ALOGV("%s: bluetooth state changed. is_bt_bypass %d bit_format %d",
    770              __FUNCTION__, is_bt_bypass, bit_format);
    771         // Setup the I2S2-> DAP2/4 capture/playback path.
    772         if (::ioctl(mOutput->mBtFdIoCtl, TEGRA_AUDIO_SET_BIT_FORMAT, &bit_format) < 0) {
    773             ALOGE("could not set bit format %s", strerror(errno));
    774         }
    775         if (::ioctl(mCpcapCtlFd, CPCAP_AUDIO_SET_BLUETOOTH_BYPASS, is_bt_bypass) < 0) {
    776             ALOGE("could not set bluetooth bypass %s", strerror(errno));
    777         }
    779         mBtScoOn = btScoOn;
    780         mOutput->unlockFd();
    781         if (input) {
    782             input->unlockFd();
    783         }
    784     }
    786     if (!mOutput->isLocked()) {
    787         mOutput->unlock();
    788     }
    789     if (input && !input->isLocked()) {
    790         input->unlock();
    791     }
    793     // Since HW path may have changed, set the hardware gains.
    794     int useCase = AUDIO_HW_GAIN_USECASE_MM;
    795     if (mEcnsEnabled) {
    796         useCase = AUDIO_HW_GAIN_USECASE_VOICE;
    797     } else if (input && input->source() == AUDIO_SOURCE_VOICE_RECOGNITION) {
    798         useCase = AUDIO_HW_GAIN_USECASE_VOICE_REC;
    799     }
    800     setVolume_l(mMasterVol, useCase);
    802     return NO_ERROR;
    803 }
    805 status_t AudioHardware::dumpInternals(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args)
    806 {
    807     const size_t SIZE = 256;
    808     char buffer[SIZE];
    809     String8 result;
    810     result.append("AudioHardware::dumpInternals\n");
    811     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "\tmInit: %s\n", mInit? "true": "false");
    812     result.append(buffer);
    813     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "\tmMicMute: %s\n", mMicMute? "true": "false");
    814     result.append(buffer);
    815     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "\tmBluetoothNrec: %s\n", mBluetoothNrec? "true": "false");
    816     result.append(buffer);
    817     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "\tmBluetoothId: %d\n", mBluetoothId);
    818     result.append(buffer);
    819     ::write(fd, result.string(), result.size());
    820     return NO_ERROR;
    821 }
    823 status_t AudioHardware::dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args)
    824 {
    825     dumpInternals(fd, args);
    826     for (size_t index = 0; index < mInputs.size(); index++) {
    827         mInputs[index]->dump(fd, args);
    828     }
    830     if (mOutput) {
    831         mOutput->dump(fd, args);
    832     }
    833     return NO_ERROR;
    834 }
    836 uint32_t AudioHardware::getInputSampleRate(uint32_t sampleRate)
    837 {
    838     uint32_t i;
    839     uint32_t prevDelta;
    840     uint32_t delta;
    842     for (i = 0, prevDelta = 0xFFFFFFFF; i < sizeof(inputSamplingRates)/sizeof(uint32_t); i++, prevDelta = delta) {
    843         delta = abs(sampleRate - inputSamplingRates[i]);
    844         if (delta > prevDelta) break;
    845     }
    846     // i is always > 0 here
    847     return inputSamplingRates[i-1];
    848 }
    850 // getActiveInput_l() must be called with mLock held
    851 AudioHardware::AudioStreamInTegra *AudioHardware::getActiveInput_l()
    852 {
    853     for (size_t i = 0; i < mInputs.size(); i++) {
    854         // return first input found not being in standby mode
    855         // as only one input can be in this state
    856         if (!mInputs[i]->getStandby()) {
    857             return mInputs[i];
    858         }
    859     }
    861     return NULL;
    862 }
    864 void AudioHardware::setEcnsRequested_l(int ecns, bool enabled)
    865 {
    866     if (enabled) {
    867         mEcnsRequested |= ecns;
    868     } else {
    869         mEcnsRequested &= ~ecns;
    870     }
    871 }
    873 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    874 // Sample Rate Converter wrapper
    875 //
    877 AudioHardware::AudioStreamSrc::AudioStreamSrc() :
    878         mSrcBuffer(NULL), mSrcInitted(false)
    879 {
    880 }
    881 AudioHardware::AudioStreamSrc::~AudioStreamSrc()
    882 {
    883     if (mSrcBuffer != NULL) {
    884         delete[] mSrcBuffer;
    885     }
    886 }
    888 void AudioHardware::AudioStreamSrc::init(int inRate, int outRate)
    889 {
    890     if (mSrcBuffer == NULL) {
    891         mSrcBuffer = new char[src_memory_required_stereo(MAX_FRAME_LEN, MAX_CONVERT_RATIO)];
    892     }
    893     if (mSrcBuffer == NULL) {
    894         ALOGE("Failed to allocate memory for sample rate converter.");
    895         return;
    896     }
    897     mSrcInit.memory = (SRC16*)(mSrcBuffer);
    898     mSrcInit.input_rate = inRate;
    899     mSrcInit.output_rate = outRate;
    900     mSrcInit.frame_length = MAX_FRAME_LEN;
    901     mSrcInit.stereo_flag = SRC_OFF;
    902     mSrcInit.input_interleaved = SRC_OFF;
    903     mSrcInit.output_interleaved = SRC_OFF;
    904     rate_convert_init(&mSrcInit, &mSrcObj);
    906     mSrcInitted = true;
    907     mSrcInRate = inRate;
    908     mSrcOutRate = outRate;
    909 }
    910 #endif
    912 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    914 // always succeeds, must call init() immediately after
    915 AudioHardware::AudioStreamOutTegra::AudioStreamOutTegra() :
    916     mBtFdIoCtl(-1), mHardware(0), mFd(-1), mFdCtl(-1),
    917     mBtFd(-1), mBtFdCtl(-1),
    918     mSpdifFd(-1), mSpdifFdCtl(-1),
    919     mStartCount(0), mRetryCount(0), mDevices(0),
    920     mIsSpkrEnabled(false), mIsBtEnabled(false), mIsSpdifEnabled(false),
    921     mIsSpkrEnabledReq(false), mIsBtEnabledReq(false), mIsSpdifEnabledReq(false),
    922     mSpareSample(0), mHaveSpareSample(false),
    923     mState(AUDIO_STREAM_IDLE), /*mSrc*/ mLocked(false), mDriverRate(AUDIO_HW_OUT_SAMPLERATE),
    924     mInit(false)
    925 {
    926     ALOGV("AudioStreamOutTegra constructor");
    927 }
    929 // designed to be called multiple times for retries
    930 status_t AudioHardware::AudioStreamOutTegra::init()
    931 {
    932     if (mInit) {
    933         return NO_ERROR;
    934     }
    936 #define OPEN_FD(fd, dev)    fd = ::open(dev, O_RDWR);                              \
    937                             if (fd < 0) {                                          \
    938                                 ALOGE("open " dev " failed: %s", strerror(errno));   \
    939                                 goto error;                                         \
    940                             }
    941     OPEN_FD(mFd, "/dev/audio0_out")
    942     OPEN_FD(mFdCtl, "/dev/audio0_out_ctl")
    943     OPEN_FD(mBtFd, "/dev/audio1_out")
    944     OPEN_FD(mBtFdCtl, "/dev/audio1_out_ctl")
    945     OPEN_FD(mBtFdIoCtl, "/dev/audio1_ctl")
    946     // may need to be changed to warnings
    947     OPEN_FD(mSpdifFd, "/dev/spdif_out")
    948     OPEN_FD(mSpdifFdCtl, "/dev/spdif_out_ctl")
    949 #undef OPEN_FD
    951     setNumBufs(AUDIO_HW_NUM_OUT_BUF_LONG);
    953     mInit = true;
    954     return NO_ERROR;
    956 error:
    957 #define CLOSE_FD(fd)    if (fd >= 0) {          \
    958                             (void) ::close(fd); \
    959                             fd = -1;            \
    960                         }
    961     CLOSE_FD(mFd)
    962     CLOSE_FD(mFdCtl)
    963     CLOSE_FD(mBtFd)
    964     CLOSE_FD(mBtFdCtl)
    965     CLOSE_FD(mBtFdIoCtl)
    966     CLOSE_FD(mSpdifFd)
    967     CLOSE_FD(mSpdifFdCtl)
    968 #undef CLOSE_FD
    969     return NO_INIT;
    970 }
    972 status_t AudioHardware::AudioStreamOutTegra::initCheck()
    973 {
    974     return mInit ? NO_ERROR : NO_INIT;
    975 }
    977 // Called with mHardware->mLock and mLock held.
    978 void AudioHardware::AudioStreamOutTegra::setDriver_l(
    979         bool speaker, bool bluetooth, bool spdif, int sampleRate)
    980 {
    981     ALOGV("Out setDriver_l() Analog speaker? %s. Bluetooth? %s. S/PDIF? %s. sampleRate %d",
    982         speaker?"yes":"no", bluetooth?"yes":"no", spdif?"yes":"no", sampleRate);
    984     // force some reconfiguration at next write()
    985     if (mState == AUDIO_STREAM_CONFIGURED) {
    986         if (mIsSpkrEnabled != speaker || mIsBtEnabled != bluetooth || mIsSpdifEnabled != spdif) {
    987             mState = AUDIO_STREAM_CONFIG_REQ;
    988         } else if (sampleRate != mDriverRate) {
    989             mState = AUDIO_STREAM_NEW_RATE_REQ;
    990         }
    991     }
    993     mIsSpkrEnabledReq = speaker;
    994     mIsBtEnabledReq = bluetooth;
    995     mIsSpdifEnabledReq = spdif;
    997 }
    999 status_t AudioHardware::AudioStreamOutTegra::set(
   1000         AudioHardware* hw, uint32_t devices, int *pFormat, uint32_t *pChannels, uint32_t *pRate)
   1001 {
   1002     int lFormat = pFormat ? *pFormat : 0;
   1003     uint32_t lChannels = pChannels ? *pChannels : 0;
   1004     uint32_t lRate = pRate ? *pRate : 0;
   1006     mHardware = hw;
   1008     // fix up defaults
   1009     if (lFormat == 0) lFormat = format();
   1010     if (lChannels == 0) lChannels = channels();
   1011     if (lRate == 0) lRate = sampleRate();
   1013     // check values
   1014     if ((lFormat != format()) ||
   1015         (lChannels != channels()) ||
   1016         (lRate != sampleRate())) {
   1017         if (pFormat) *pFormat = format();
   1018         if (pChannels) *pChannels = channels();
   1019         if (pRate) *pRate = sampleRate();
   1020         return BAD_VALUE;
   1021     }
   1024     mHardware->mAudioPP.setPlayAudioRate(lRate);
   1025 #endif
   1027     if (pFormat) *pFormat = lFormat;
   1028     if (pChannels) *pChannels = lChannels;
   1029     if (pRate) *pRate = lRate;
   1031     mDevices = devices;
   1032     if (mFd >= 0 && mFdCtl >= 0 &&
   1033                 mBtFd >= 0 &&
   1034                 mBtFdCtl >= 0 &&
   1035                 mBtFdIoCtl >= 0) {
   1036         if (mSpdifFd < 0 || mSpdifFdCtl < 0)
   1037             ALOGW("s/pdif driver not present");
   1038         return NO_ERROR;
   1039     } else {
   1040         ALOGE("Problem opening device files - Is your kernel compatible?");
   1041         return NO_INIT;
   1042     }
   1043 }
   1045 AudioHardware::AudioStreamOutTegra::~AudioStreamOutTegra()
   1046 {
   1047     standby();
   1048     // Prevent someone from flushing the fd during a close.
   1049     Mutex::Autolock lock(mFdLock);
   1050     if (mFd >= 0)         { ::close(mFd);         mFd = -1;         }
   1051     if (mFdCtl >= 0)      { ::close(mFdCtl);      mFdCtl = -1;      }
   1052     if (mBtFd >= 0)       { ::close(mBtFd);       mBtFd = -1;       }
   1053     if (mBtFdCtl >= 0)    { ::close(mBtFdCtl);    mBtFdCtl = -1;    }
   1054     if (mBtFdIoCtl >= 0)  { ::close(mBtFdIoCtl);  mBtFdIoCtl = -1;  }
   1055     if (mSpdifFd >= 0)    { ::close(mSpdifFd);    mSpdifFd = -1;    }
   1056     if (mSpdifFdCtl >= 0) { ::close(mSpdifFdCtl); mSpdifFdCtl = -1; }
   1057 }
   1059 ssize_t AudioHardware::AudioStreamOutTegra::write(const void* buffer, size_t bytes)
   1060 {
   1061     status_t status;
   1062     if (!mHardware) {
   1063         ALOGE("%s: mHardware is null", __FUNCTION__);
   1064         return NO_INIT;
   1065     }
   1066     // ALOGD("AudioStreamOutTegra::write(%p, %u) TID %d", buffer, bytes, gettid());
   1067     // Protect output state during the write process.
   1069     if (mSleepReq) {
   1070         // sleep a few milliseconds so that the processor can be given to the thread attempting to
   1071         // lock mLock before we sleep with mLock held while writing below
   1072         usleep(FORCED_SLEEP_TIME_US);
   1073     }
   1075     bool needsOnline = false;
   1076     if (mState < AUDIO_STREAM_CONFIGURED) {
   1077         mHardware->mLock.lock();
   1078         if (mState < AUDIO_STREAM_CONFIGURED) {
   1079             needsOnline = true;
   1080         } else {
   1081             mHardware->mLock.unlock();
   1082         }
   1083     }
   1085     { // scope for the lock
   1086         Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock);
   1088         ssize_t written = 0;
   1089         const uint8_t* p = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(buffer);
   1090         size_t outsize = bytes;
   1091         int outFd = mFd;
   1092         bool stereo;
   1093         ssize_t writtenToSpdif = 0;
   1095         if (needsOnline) {
   1096             status = online_l();
   1097             mHardware->mLock.unlock();
   1098             if (status < 0) {
   1099                 goto error;
   1100             }
   1101         }
   1102         stereo = mIsBtEnabled ? false : (channels() == AudioSystem::CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO);
   1105         // Do Multimedia processing if appropriate for device and usecase.
   1106         mHardware->mAudioPP.doMmProcessing((void *)buffer, bytes / frameSize());
   1107 #endif
   1109         if (mIsSpkrEnabled && mIsBtEnabled) {
   1110             // When dual routing to CPCAP and Bluetooth, piggyback CPCAP audio now,
   1111             // and then down convert for the BT.
   1112             // CPCAP is always 44.1 in this case.
   1113             // This also works in the three-way routing case.
   1114             Mutex::Autolock lock2(mFdLock);
   1115             ::write(outFd, buffer, outsize);
   1116         }
   1117         if (mIsSpdifEnabled) {
   1118             // When dual routing to Speaker and HDMI, piggyback HDMI now, since it
   1119             // has no mic we'll leave the rest of the acoustic processing for the
   1120             // CPCAP hardware path.
   1121             // This also works in the three-way routing case, except the acoustic
   1122             // tuning will be done on Bluetooth, since it has the exclusive mic amd
   1123             // it also needs the sample rate conversion
   1124             Mutex::Autolock lock2(mFdLock);
   1125             if (mSpdifFd >= 0) {
   1126                 writtenToSpdif = ::write(mSpdifFd, buffer, outsize);
   1127                 ALOGV("%s: written %d bytes to SPDIF", __FUNCTION__, (int)writtenToSpdif);
   1128             } else {
   1129                 ALOGW("s/pdif enabled but unavailable");
   1130             }
   1131         }
   1132         if (mIsBtEnabled) {
   1133             outFd = mBtFd;
   1134         } else if (mIsSpdifEnabled && !mIsSpkrEnabled) {
   1135             outFd = -1;
   1136         }
   1139         // Check if sample rate conversion or ECNS are required.
   1140         // Caution: Upconversion (from 44.1 to 48) would require a new output buffer larger than the
   1141         // original one.
   1142         if (mDriverRate != (int)sampleRate()) {
   1143             if (!mSrc.initted() ||
   1144                  mSrc.inRate() != (int)sampleRate() ||
   1145                  mSrc.outRate() != mDriverRate) {
   1146                 ALOGD("%s: downconvert started from %d to %d",__FUNCTION__,
   1147                      sampleRate(), mDriverRate);
   1148                 mSrc.init(sampleRate(), mDriverRate);
   1149                 if (!mSrc.initted()) {
   1150                     status = -1;
   1151                     goto error;
   1152                 }
   1153                 // Workaround to give multiple of 4 bytes to driver: Keep one sample
   1154                 // buffered in case SRC returns an odd number of samples.
   1155                 mHaveSpareSample = false;
   1156             }
   1157         } else {
   1158             mSrc.deinit();
   1159         }
   1161         if (mHardware->mAudioPP.isEcEnabled() || mSrc.initted())
   1162         {
   1163             // cut audio down to Mono for SRC or ECNS
   1164             if (channels() == AudioSystem::CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO)
   1165             {
   1166                 // Do stereo-to-mono downmix before SRC, in-place
   1167                 int16_t *destBuf = (int16_t *) buffer;
   1168                 for (int i = 0; i < (int)bytes/2; i++) {
   1169                      destBuf[i] = (destBuf[i*2]>>1) + (destBuf[i*2+1]>>1);
   1170                 }
   1171                 outsize >>= 1;
   1172             }
   1173         }
   1175         if (mSrc.initted()) {
   1176             // Apply the sample rate conversion.
   1177             mSrc.mIoData.in_buf_ch1 = (SRC16 *) (buffer);
   1178             mSrc.mIoData.in_buf_ch2 = 0;
   1179             mSrc.mIoData.input_count = outsize / sizeof(SRC16);
   1180             mSrc.mIoData.out_buf_ch1 = (SRC16 *) (buffer);
   1181             mSrc.mIoData.out_buf_ch2 = 0;
   1182             mSrc.mIoData.output_count = outsize / sizeof(SRC16);
   1183             if (mHaveSpareSample) {
   1184                 // Leave room for placing the spare.
   1185                 mSrc.mIoData.out_buf_ch1++;
   1186                 mSrc.mIoData.output_count--;
   1187             }
   1188             mSrc.srcConvert();
   1189             ALOGV("Converted %d bytes at %d to %d bytes at %d",
   1190                  outsize, sampleRate(), mSrc.mIoData.output_count*2, mDriverRate);
   1191             if (mHaveSpareSample) {
   1192                 int16_t *bufp = (int16_t*)buffer;
   1193                 bufp[0]=mSpareSample;
   1194                 mSrc.mIoData.output_count++;
   1195                 mHaveSpareSample = false;
   1196             }
   1197             outsize = mSrc.mIoData.output_count*2;
   1198             ALOGV("Outsize is now %d", outsize);
   1199         }
   1200         if (mHardware->mAudioPP.isEcEnabled()) {
   1201             // EC/NS is a blocking interface, to synchronise with read.
   1202             // It also consumes data when EC/NS is running.
   1203             // It expects MONO data.
   1204             // If EC/NS is not running, it will return 0, and we need to write this data to the
   1205             // driver ourselves.
   1207             // Indicate that it is safe to call setDriver_l() without locking mLock: if the input
   1208             // stream is started, doRouting_l() will not block when setDriver_l() is called.
   1209             mLocked = true;
   1210             ALOGV("writeDownlinkEcns size %d", outsize);
   1211             written = mHardware->mAudioPP.writeDownlinkEcns(outFd,(void *)buffer,
   1212                                                             stereo, outsize, &mFdLock);
   1213             mLocked = false;
   1214         }
   1215         if (mHardware->mAudioPP.isEcEnabled() || mSrc.initted()) {
   1216             // Move audio back up to Stereo, if the EC/NS wasn't in fact running and we're
   1217             // writing to a stereo device.
   1218             if (stereo &&
   1219                 written != (ssize_t)outsize) {
   1220                 // Back up to stereo, in place.
   1221                 int16_t *destBuf = (int16_t *) buffer;
   1222                 for (int i = outsize/2-1; i >= 0; i--) {
   1223                     destBuf[i*2] = destBuf[i];
   1224                     destBuf[i*2+1] = destBuf[i];
   1225                 }
   1226                 outsize <<= 1;
   1227             }
   1228         }
   1229 #endif
   1231         if (written != (ssize_t)outsize) {
   1232             // The sample rate conversion modifies the output size.
   1233             if (outsize&0x3) {
   1234                 int16_t* bufp = (int16_t *)buffer;
   1235 //                ALOGV("Keep the spare sample away from the driver.");
   1236                 mHaveSpareSample = true;
   1237                 mSpareSample = bufp[outsize/2 - 1];
   1238             }
   1240             if (outFd >= 0) {
   1241                 Mutex::Autolock lock2(mFdLock);
   1242                 written = ::write(outFd, buffer, outsize&(~0x3));
   1243                 if (written != ((ssize_t)outsize&(~0x3))) {
   1244                     status = written;
   1245                     goto error;
   1246                 }
   1247             } else {
   1248                 written = writtenToSpdif;
   1249             }
   1250         }
   1251         if (written < 0) {
   1252             ALOGE("Error writing %d bytes to output: %s", outsize, strerror(errno));
   1253             status = written;
   1254             goto error;
   1255         }
   1257         // Sample rate converter may be stashing a couple of bytes here or there,
   1258         // so just report that all bytes were consumed. (it would be a bug not to.)
   1259         ALOGV("write() written %d", bytes);
   1260         return bytes;
   1262     }
   1263 error:
   1264     ALOGE("write(): error, return %d", status);
   1265     standby();
   1266     usleep(bytes * 1000 / frameSize() / sampleRate() * 1000);
   1268     return status;
   1269 }
   1271 void AudioHardware::AudioStreamOutTegra::flush()
   1272 {
   1273     // Prevent someone from writing the fd while we flush
   1274     Mutex::Autolock lock(mFdLock);
   1275     flush_l();
   1276 }
   1278 void AudioHardware::AudioStreamOutTegra::flush_l()
   1279 {
   1280     ALOGV("AudioStreamOutTegra::flush()");
   1281     if (::ioctl(mFdCtl, TEGRA_AUDIO_OUT_FLUSH) < 0)
   1282        ALOGE("could not flush playback: %s", strerror(errno));
   1283     if (::ioctl(mBtFdCtl, TEGRA_AUDIO_OUT_FLUSH) < 0)
   1284        ALOGE("could not flush bluetooth: %s", strerror(errno));
   1285     if (mSpdifFdCtl >= 0 && ::ioctl(mSpdifFdCtl, TEGRA_AUDIO_OUT_FLUSH) < 0)
   1286        ALOGE("could not flush spdif: %s", strerror(errno));
   1287     ALOGV("AudioStreamOutTegra::flush() returns");
   1288 }
   1290 // FIXME: this is a workaround for issue 3387419 with impact on latency
   1291 // to be removed when root cause is fixed
   1292 void AudioHardware::AudioStreamOutTegra::setNumBufs(int numBufs)
   1293 {
   1294     Mutex::Autolock lock(mFdLock);
   1295     ALOGV("AudioStreamOutTegra::setNumBufs(%d)", numBufs);
   1296     if (::ioctl(mFdCtl, TEGRA_AUDIO_OUT_SET_NUM_BUFS, &numBufs) < 0)
   1297        ALOGE("could not set number of output buffers: %s", strerror(errno));
   1298 }
   1300 // Called with mLock and mHardware->mLock held
   1301 status_t AudioHardware::AudioStreamOutTegra::online_l()
   1302 {
   1303     status_t status = NO_ERROR;
   1305     if (mState < AUDIO_STREAM_NEW_RATE_REQ) {
   1306         if (mState == AUDIO_STREAM_IDLE) {
   1307             ALOGV("output %p going online", this);
   1308             mState = AUDIO_STREAM_CONFIG_REQ;
   1309             // update EC state if necessary
   1310             if (mHardware->getActiveInput_l() && mHardware->isEcRequested()) {
   1311                 // doRouting_l() will not try to lock mLock when calling setDriver_l()
   1312                 mLocked = true;
   1313                 mHardware->doRouting_l();
   1314                 mLocked = false;
   1315             }
   1316         }
   1318         // If there's no hardware speaker, leave the HW alone. (i.e. SCO/SPDIF is on)
   1319         if (mIsSpkrEnabledReq) {
   1320             status = mHardware->doStandby(mFdCtl, true, false); // output, online
   1321         } else {
   1322             status = mHardware->doStandby(mFdCtl, true, true); // output, standby
   1323         }
   1324         mIsSpkrEnabled = mIsSpkrEnabledReq;
   1326         mIsBtEnabled = mIsBtEnabledReq;
   1327         mIsSpdifEnabled = mIsSpdifEnabledReq;
   1329     }
   1331     // Flush old data (wrong rate) from I2S driver before changing rate.
   1332     flush();
   1333     if (mHardware->mEcnsEnabled) {
   1334         setNumBufs(AUDIO_HW_NUM_OUT_BUF);
   1335     } else {
   1336         setNumBufs(AUDIO_HW_NUM_OUT_BUF_LONG);
   1337     }
   1338     int speaker_rate = mHardware->mHwOutRate;
   1339     if (mIsBtEnabled) {
   1340         speaker_rate = AUDIO_HW_OUT_SAMPLERATE;
   1341     }
   1342     // Now the DMA is empty, change the rate.
   1343     if (::ioctl(mHardware->mCpcapCtlFd, CPCAP_AUDIO_OUT_SET_RATE,
   1344               speaker_rate) < 0)
   1345         ALOGE("could not set output rate(%d): %s",
   1346               speaker_rate, strerror(errno));
   1348     mDriverRate = mHardware->mHwOutRate;
   1350     // If EC is on, pre load one DMA buffer with 20ms of silence to limit underruns
   1351     if (mHardware->mEcnsEnabled) {
   1352         int fd = -1;
   1353         if (mIsBtEnabled) {
   1354             fd = mBtFd;
   1355         } else if (mIsSpkrEnabled) {
   1356             fd = mFd;
   1357         }
   1358         if (fd >= 0) {
   1359             size_t bufSize = (mDriverRate * 2 /* stereo */ * sizeof(int16_t))/ 50;
   1360             char buf[bufSize];
   1361             memset(buf, 0, bufSize);
   1362             Mutex::Autolock lock2(mFdLock);
   1363             ::write(fd, buf, bufSize);
   1364         }
   1365     }
   1367     mState = AUDIO_STREAM_CONFIGURED;
   1369     return status;
   1370 }
   1372 status_t AudioHardware::AudioStreamOutTegra::standby()
   1373 {
   1374     if (!mHardware) {
   1375         return NO_INIT;
   1376     }
   1378     status_t status = NO_ERROR;
   1379     Mutex::Autolock lock(mHardware->mLock);
   1380     Mutex::Autolock lock2(mLock);
   1382     if (mState != AUDIO_STREAM_IDLE) {
   1383         ALOGV("output %p going into standby", this);
   1384         mState = AUDIO_STREAM_IDLE;
   1386         // update EC state if necessary
   1387         if (mHardware->getActiveInput_l() && mHardware->isEcRequested()) {
   1388             // doRouting_l will not try to lock mLock when calling setDriver_l()
   1389             mLocked = true;
   1390             mHardware->doRouting_l();
   1391             mLocked = false;
   1392         }
   1395     // Prevent EC/NS from writing to the file anymore.
   1396         mHardware->mAudioPP.writeDownlinkEcns(-1,0,false,0,&mFdLock);
   1397 #endif
   1398         if (mIsSpkrEnabled) {
   1399             // doStandby() calls flush() which also handles the case where multiple devices
   1400             // including bluetooth or SPDIF are selected
   1401             status = mHardware->doStandby(mFdCtl, true, true); // output, standby
   1402         } else if (mIsBtEnabled || mIsSpdifEnabled) {
   1403             flush();
   1404         }
   1405     }
   1407     return status;
   1408 }
   1410 status_t AudioHardware::AudioStreamOutTegra::dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args)
   1411 {
   1412     const size_t SIZE = 256;
   1413     char buffer[SIZE];
   1414     String8 result;
   1415     result.append("AudioStreamOutTegra::dump\n");
   1416     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "\tsample rate: %d\n", sampleRate());
   1417     result.append(buffer);
   1418     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "\tbuffer size: %d\n", bufferSize());
   1419     result.append(buffer);
   1420     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "\tchannels: %d\n", channels());
   1421     result.append(buffer);
   1422     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "\tformat: %d\n", format());
   1423     result.append(buffer);
   1424     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "\tmHardware: %p\n", mHardware);
   1425     result.append(buffer);
   1426     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "\tmFd: %d\n", mFd);
   1427     result.append(buffer);
   1428     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "\tmStartCount: %d\n", mStartCount);
   1429     result.append(buffer);
   1430     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "\tmRetryCount: %d\n", mRetryCount);
   1431     result.append(buffer);
   1432     if (mHardware)
   1433         snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "\tmStandby: %s\n",
   1434                  mHardware->mCurOutDevice.on ? "false": "true");
   1435     else
   1436         snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "\tmStandby: unknown\n");
   1438     result.append(buffer);
   1439     ::write(fd, result.string(), result.size());
   1440     return NO_ERROR;
   1441 }
   1443 bool AudioHardware::AudioStreamOutTegra::getStandby()
   1444 {
   1445     return mState == AUDIO_STREAM_IDLE;;
   1446 }
   1448 status_t AudioHardware::AudioStreamOutTegra::setParameters(const String8& keyValuePairs)
   1449 {
   1450     AudioParameter param = AudioParameter(keyValuePairs);
   1451     String8 key = String8(AudioParameter::keyRouting);
   1452     status_t status = NO_ERROR;
   1453     int device;
   1454     ALOGV("AudioStreamOutTegra::setParameters() %s", keyValuePairs.string());
   1456     if (param.getInt(key, device) == NO_ERROR) {
   1457         if (device != 0) {
   1458             mDevices = device;
   1459             ALOGV("set output routing %x", mDevices);
   1460             status = mHardware->doRouting();
   1461         }
   1462         param.remove(key);
   1463     }
   1465     if (param.size()) {
   1466         status = BAD_VALUE;
   1467     }
   1468     return status;
   1469 }
   1471 String8 AudioHardware::AudioStreamOutTegra::getParameters(const String8& keys)
   1472 {
   1473     AudioParameter param = AudioParameter(keys);
   1474     String8 value;
   1475     String8 key = String8(AudioParameter::keyRouting);
   1477     if (param.get(key, value) == NO_ERROR) {
   1478         ALOGV("get routing %x", mDevices);
   1479         param.addInt(key, (int)mDevices);
   1480     }
   1482     ALOGV("AudioStreamOutTegra::getParameters() %s", param.toString().string());
   1483     return param.toString();
   1484 }
   1486 status_t AudioHardware::AudioStreamOutTegra::getRenderPosition(uint32_t *dspFrames)
   1487 {
   1488     //TODO: enable when supported by driver
   1489     return INVALID_OPERATION;
   1490 }
   1492 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   1494 // always succeeds, must call set() immediately after
   1495 AudioHardware::AudioStreamInTegra::AudioStreamInTegra() :
   1496     mHardware(0), mFd(-1), mFdCtl(-1), mState(AUDIO_STREAM_IDLE), mRetryCount(0),
   1497     mFormat(AUDIO_HW_IN_FORMAT), mChannels(AUDIO_HW_IN_CHANNELS),
   1498     mSampleRate(AUDIO_HW_IN_SAMPLERATE), mBufferSize(AUDIO_HW_IN_BUFFERSIZE),
   1499     mAcoustics((AudioSystem::audio_in_acoustics)0), mDevices(0),
   1500     mIsMicEnabled(0), mIsBtEnabled(0),
   1501     mSource(AUDIO_SOURCE_DEFAULT), mLocked(false), mTotalBuffersRead(0),
   1502     mDriverRate(AUDIO_HW_IN_SAMPLERATE), mEcnsRequested(0)
   1503 {
   1504     ALOGV("AudioStreamInTegra constructor");
   1505 }
   1507 // serves a similar purpose as init()
   1508 status_t AudioHardware::AudioStreamInTegra::set(
   1509         AudioHardware* hw, uint32_t devices, int *pFormat, uint32_t *pChannels, uint32_t *pRate,
   1510         AudioSystem::audio_in_acoustics acoustic_flags)
   1511 {
   1512     Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock);
   1513     status_t status = BAD_VALUE;
   1514     mHardware = hw;
   1515     if (pFormat == 0)
   1516         return status;
   1517     if (*pFormat != AUDIO_HW_IN_FORMAT) {
   1518         ALOGE("wrong in format %d, expecting %lld", *pFormat, AUDIO_HW_IN_FORMAT);
   1519         *pFormat = AUDIO_HW_IN_FORMAT;
   1520         return status;
   1521     }
   1523     if (pRate == 0)
   1524         return status;
   1526     uint32_t rate = hw->getInputSampleRate(*pRate);
   1527     if (rate != *pRate) {
   1528         ALOGE("wrong sample rate %d, expecting %d", *pRate, rate);
   1529         *pRate = rate;
   1530         return status;
   1531     }
   1533     if (pChannels == 0)
   1534         return status;
   1536     if (*pChannels != AudioSystem::CHANNEL_IN_MONO &&
   1537         *pChannels != AudioSystem::CHANNEL_IN_STEREO) {
   1538         ALOGE("wrong number of channels %d", *pChannels);
   1539         *pChannels = AUDIO_HW_IN_CHANNELS;
   1540         return status;
   1541     }
   1543     ALOGV("AudioStreamInTegra::set(%d, %d, %u)", *pFormat, *pChannels, *pRate);
   1545     mDevices = devices;
   1546     mFormat = AUDIO_HW_IN_FORMAT;
   1547     mChannels = *pChannels;
   1548     mSampleRate = *pRate;
   1549     mBufferSize = mHardware->getInputBufferSize(mSampleRate, AudioSystem::PCM_16_BIT,
   1550                                                 AudioSystem::popCount(mChannels));
   1551     return NO_ERROR;
   1552 }
   1554 AudioHardware::AudioStreamInTegra::~AudioStreamInTegra()
   1555 {
   1556     ALOGV("AudioStreamInTegra destructor");
   1558     standby();
   1560 }
   1562 // Called with mHardware->mLock and mLock held.
   1563 void AudioHardware::AudioStreamInTegra::setDriver_l(bool mic, bool bluetooth, int sampleRate)
   1564 {
   1565     ALOGV("In setDriver_l() Analog mic? %s. Bluetooth? %s.", mic?"yes":"no", bluetooth?"yes":"no");
   1567     // force some reconfiguration at next read()
   1568     // Note: mState always == AUDIO_STREAM_CONFIGURED when setDriver_l() is called on an input
   1569     if (mic != mIsMicEnabled || bluetooth != mIsBtEnabled) {
   1570         mState = AUDIO_STREAM_CONFIG_REQ;
   1571     } else if (sampleRate != mDriverRate) {
   1572         mState = AUDIO_STREAM_NEW_RATE_REQ;
   1573     }
   1575     mIsMicEnabled = mic;
   1576     mIsBtEnabled = bluetooth;
   1578 }
   1580 ssize_t AudioHardware::AudioStreamInTegra::read(void* buffer, ssize_t bytes)
   1581 {
   1582     status_t status;
   1583     if (!mHardware) {
   1584         ALOGE("%s: mHardware is null", __FUNCTION__);
   1585         return NO_INIT;
   1586     }
   1587     //
   1588     ALOGV("AudioStreamInTegra::read(%p, %ld) TID %d", buffer, bytes, gettid());
   1590     if (mSleepReq) {
   1591         // sleep a few milliseconds so that the processor can be given to the thread attempting to
   1592         // lock mLock before we sleep with mLock held while reading below
   1593         usleep(FORCED_SLEEP_TIME_US);
   1594     }
   1596     bool needsOnline = false;
   1597     if (mState < AUDIO_STREAM_CONFIGURED) {
   1598         mHardware->mLock.lock();
   1599         if (mState < AUDIO_STREAM_CONFIGURED) {
   1600             needsOnline = true;
   1601         } else {
   1602             mHardware->mLock.unlock();
   1603         }
   1604     }
   1606     {   // scope for mLock
   1607         Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock);
   1609         ssize_t ret;
   1610         bool srcReqd;
   1611         int  hwReadBytes;
   1612         int16_t * inbuf;
   1614         if (needsOnline) {
   1615             status = online_l();
   1616             mHardware->mLock.unlock();
   1617             if (status != NO_ERROR) {
   1618                ALOGE("%s: Problem switching to online.",__FUNCTION__);
   1619                goto error;
   1620             }
   1621         }
   1623         srcReqd = (mDriverRate != (int)mSampleRate);
   1626         if (srcReqd) {
   1627             hwReadBytes = ( bytes*mDriverRate/mSampleRate ) & (~0x7);
   1628             ALOGV("Running capture SRC.  HW=%d bytes at %d, Flinger=%d bytes at %d",
   1629                   hwReadBytes, mDriverRate, (int)bytes, mSampleRate);
   1630             inbuf = mInScratch;
   1631             if ((size_t)bytes > sizeof(mInScratch)) {
   1632                 ALOGE("read: buf size problem. %d>%d",(int)bytes,sizeof(mInScratch));
   1633                 status = BAD_VALUE;
   1634                 goto error;
   1635             }
   1636             // Check if we need to init the rate converter
   1637             if (!mSrc.initted() ||
   1638                  mSrc.inRate() != mDriverRate ||
   1639                  mSrc.outRate() != (int)mSampleRate) {
   1640                 ALOGD ("%s: Upconvert started from %d to %d", __FUNCTION__,
   1641                        mDriverRate, mSampleRate);
   1642                 mSrc.init(mDriverRate, mSampleRate);
   1643                 if (!mSrc.initted()) {
   1644                     status = NO_INIT;
   1645                     goto error;
   1646                 }
   1647             }
   1648         } else {
   1649             hwReadBytes = bytes;
   1650             inbuf = (int16_t *)buffer;
   1651             mSrc.deinit();
   1652         }
   1653         // Read from driver, or ECNS thread, as appropriate.
   1654         {
   1655             Mutex::Autolock dfl(mFdLock);
   1656             ret = mHardware->mAudioPP.read(mFd, inbuf, hwReadBytes, mDriverRate);
   1657         }
   1658         if (ret>0 && srcReqd) {
   1659             mSrc.mIoData.in_buf_ch1 = (SRC16 *) (inbuf);
   1660             mSrc.mIoData.in_buf_ch2 = 0;
   1661             mSrc.mIoData.input_count = hwReadBytes / sizeof(SRC16);
   1662             mSrc.mIoData.out_buf_ch1 = (SRC16 *) (buffer);
   1663             mSrc.mIoData.out_buf_ch2 = 0;
   1664             mSrc.mIoData.output_count = bytes/sizeof(SRC16);
   1665             mSrc.srcConvert();
   1666             ret = mSrc.mIoData.output_count*sizeof(SRC16);
   1667             if (ret > bytes) {
   1668                 ALOGE("read: buffer overrun");
   1669             }
   1670         }
   1671 #else
   1672         if (srcReqd) {
   1673             ALOGE("%s: sample rate mismatch HAL %d, driver %d",
   1674                  __FUNCTION__, mSampleRate, mDriverRate);
   1675             status = INVALID_OPERATION;
   1676             goto error;
   1677         }
   1678         {
   1679             Mutex::Autolock dfl(mFdLock);
   1680             ret = ::read(mFd, buffer, bytes);
   1681         }
   1682 #endif
   1684         // It is not optimal to mute after all the above processing but it is necessary to
   1685         // keep the clock sync from input device. It also avoids glitches on output streams due
   1686         // to EC being turned on and off
   1687         bool muted;
   1688         mHardware->getMicMute(&muted);
   1689         if (muted) {
   1690             ALOGV("%s muted",__FUNCTION__);
   1691             memset(buffer, 0, bytes);
   1692         }
   1694         ALOGV("%s returns %d.",__FUNCTION__, (int)ret);
   1695         if (ret < 0) {
   1696             status = ret;
   1697             goto error;
   1698         }
   1700         {
   1701             Mutex::Autolock _fl(mFramesLock);
   1702             mTotalBuffersRead++;
   1703         }
   1704         return ret;
   1705     }
   1707 error:
   1708     ALOGE("read(): error, return %d", status);
   1709     standby();
   1710     usleep(bytes * 1000 / frameSize() / sampleRate() * 1000);
   1711     return status;
   1712 }
   1714 bool AudioHardware::AudioStreamInTegra::getStandby() const
   1715 {
   1716     return mState == AUDIO_STREAM_IDLE;
   1717 }
   1719 status_t AudioHardware::AudioStreamInTegra::standby()
   1720 {
   1721     if (!mHardware) {
   1722         return NO_INIT;
   1723     }
   1725     Mutex::Autolock lock(mHardware->mLock);
   1726     Mutex::Autolock lock2(mLock);
   1727     status_t status = NO_ERROR;
   1728     if (mState != AUDIO_STREAM_IDLE) {
   1729         ALOGV("input %p going into standby", this);
   1730         mState = AUDIO_STREAM_IDLE;
   1731         // stopping capture now so that the input stream state (AUDIO_STREAM_IDLE)
   1732         // is consistent with the driver state when doRouting_l() is executed.
   1733         // Not doing so makes that I2S reconfiguration fails  when switching from
   1734         // BT SCO to built-in mic.
   1735         stop_l();
   1736         // reset global pre processing state before disabling the input
   1737         mHardware->setEcnsRequested_l(PREPROC_AEC|PREPROC_NS, false);
   1738         // setDriver_l() will not try to lock mLock when called by doRouting_l()
   1739         mLocked = true;
   1740         mHardware->doRouting_l();
   1741         mLocked = false;
   1742         status = mHardware->doStandby(mFdCtl, false, true); // input, standby
   1743         if (mFd >= 0) {
   1744             ::close(mFd);
   1745             mFd = -1;
   1746         }
   1747         if (mFdCtl >= 0) {
   1748             ::close(mFdCtl);
   1749             mFdCtl = -1;
   1750         }
   1751     }
   1753     return status;
   1754 }
   1756 // Called with mLock and mHardware->mLock held
   1757 status_t AudioHardware::AudioStreamInTegra::online_l()
   1758 {
   1759     status_t status = NO_ERROR;
   1761     reopenReconfigDriver();
   1763     if (mState < AUDIO_STREAM_NEW_RATE_REQ) {
   1765         // Use standby to flush the driver.  mHardware->mLock should already be held
   1767         mHardware->doStandby(mFdCtl, false, true);
   1768         if (mDevices & ~AudioSystem::DEVICE_IN_BLUETOOTH_SCO_HEADSET) {
   1769             status = mHardware->doStandby(mFdCtl, false, false);
   1770         }
   1772         if (mState == AUDIO_STREAM_IDLE) {
   1773             mState = AUDIO_STREAM_CONFIG_REQ;
   1774             ALOGV("input %p going online", this);
   1775             // apply pre processing requested for this input
   1776             mHardware->setEcnsRequested_l(mEcnsRequested, true);
   1777             // setDriver_l() will not try to lock mLock when called by doRouting_l()
   1778             mLocked = true;
   1779             mHardware->doRouting_l();
   1780             mLocked = false;
   1781             {
   1782                 Mutex::Autolock _fl(mFramesLock);
   1783                 mTotalBuffersRead = 0;
   1784                 mStartTimeNs = systemTime();
   1785             }
   1786         }
   1788         // configuration
   1789         struct tegra_audio_in_config config;
   1790         status = ::ioctl(mFdCtl, TEGRA_AUDIO_IN_GET_CONFIG, &config);
   1791         if (status < 0) {
   1792             ALOGE("cannot read input config: %s", strerror(errno));
   1793             return status;
   1794         }
   1795         config.stereo = AudioSystem::popCount(mChannels) == 2;
   1796         config.rate = mHardware->mHwInRate;
   1797         status = ::ioctl(mFdCtl, TEGRA_AUDIO_IN_SET_CONFIG, &config);
   1799         if (status < 0) {
   1800             ALOGE("cannot set input config: %s", strerror(errno));
   1801             if (::ioctl(mFdCtl, TEGRA_AUDIO_IN_GET_CONFIG, &config) == 0) {
   1802                 if (config.stereo) {
   1803                     mChannels = AudioSystem::CHANNEL_IN_STEREO;
   1804                 } else {
   1805                     mChannels = AudioSystem::CHANNEL_IN_MONO;
   1806                 }
   1807             }
   1808         }
   1811     }
   1813     mDriverRate = mHardware->mHwInRate;
   1815     if (::ioctl(mHardware->mCpcapCtlFd, CPCAP_AUDIO_IN_SET_RATE,
   1816                 mDriverRate) < 0)
   1817         ALOGE("could not set input rate(%d): %s", mDriverRate, strerror(errno));
   1819     mState = AUDIO_STREAM_CONFIGURED;
   1821     return status;
   1822 }
   1824 // serves a similar purpose as the init() method of other classes
   1825 void AudioHardware::AudioStreamInTegra::reopenReconfigDriver()
   1826 {
   1828     if (mHardware->mEcnsEnabled) {
   1829         mHardware->mAudioPP.enableEcns(0);
   1830         mHardware->mAudioPP.enableEcns(mHardware->mEcnsEnabled);
   1831     }
   1832 #endif
   1833     // Need to "restart" the driver when changing the buffer configuration.
   1834     if (mFdCtl >= 0 && ::ioctl(mFdCtl, TEGRA_AUDIO_IN_STOP) < 0) {
   1835         ALOGE("%s: could not stop recording: %s", __FUNCTION__, strerror(errno));
   1836     }
   1837     if (mFd >= 0) {
   1838         ::close(mFd);
   1839         mFd = -1;
   1840     }
   1841     if (mFdCtl >= 0) {
   1842         ::close(mFdCtl);
   1843         mFdCtl = -1;
   1844     }
   1846     // This does not have a retry loop to avoid blocking if another record session already in progress
   1847     mFd = ::open("/dev/audio1_in", O_RDWR);
   1848     if (mFd < 0) {
   1849         ALOGE("open /dev/audio1_in failed: %s", strerror(errno));
   1850     }
   1851     mFdCtl = ::open("/dev/audio1_in_ctl", O_RDWR);
   1852     if (mFdCtl < 0) {
   1853         ALOGE("open /dev/audio1_in_ctl failed: %s", strerror(errno));
   1854         if (mFd >= 0) {
   1855             ::close(mFd);
   1856             mFd = -1;
   1857         }
   1858     } else {
   1859         // here we would set mInit = true;
   1860     }
   1861 }
   1864 status_t AudioHardware::AudioStreamInTegra::dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args)
   1865 {
   1866     const size_t SIZE = 256;
   1867     char buffer[SIZE];
   1868     String8 result;
   1869     result.append("AudioStreamInTegra::dump\n");
   1870     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "\tsample rate: %d\n", sampleRate());
   1871     result.append(buffer);
   1872     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "\tbuffer size: %d\n", bufferSize());
   1873     result.append(buffer);
   1874     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "\tchannels: %d\n", channels());
   1875     result.append(buffer);
   1876     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "\tformat: %d\n", format());
   1877     result.append(buffer);
   1878     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "\tmHardware: %p\n", mHardware);
   1879     result.append(buffer);
   1880     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "\tmFd count: %d\n", mFd);
   1881     result.append(buffer);
   1882     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "\tmState: %d\n", mState);
   1883     result.append(buffer);
   1884     snprintf(buffer, SIZE, "\tmRetryCount: %d\n", mRetryCount);
   1885     result.append(buffer);
   1886     ::write(fd, result.string(), result.size());
   1887     return NO_ERROR;
   1888 }
   1890 status_t AudioHardware::AudioStreamInTegra::setParameters(const String8& keyValuePairs)
   1891 {
   1892     AudioParameter param = AudioParameter(keyValuePairs);
   1893     String8 key = String8(AudioParameter::keyRouting);
   1894     status_t status = NO_ERROR;
   1895     int device;
   1896     int source;
   1897     ALOGV("AudioStreamInTegra::setParameters() %s", keyValuePairs.string());
   1899     // read source before device so that it is upto date when doRouting() is called
   1900     if (param.getInt(String8(AudioParameter::keyInputSource), source) == NO_ERROR) {
   1901         mSource = source;
   1902         param.remove(String8(AudioParameter::keyInputSource));
   1903     }
   1905     if (param.getInt(key, device) == NO_ERROR) {
   1906         ALOGV("set input routing %x", device);
   1907         if (device & (device - 1)) {
   1908             status = BAD_VALUE;
   1909         } else {
   1910             mDevices = device;
   1911             if (!getStandby() && device != 0) {
   1912                 status = mHardware->doRouting();
   1913             }
   1914         }
   1915         param.remove(key);
   1916     }
   1918     if (param.size()) {
   1919         status = BAD_VALUE;
   1920     }
   1921     return status;
   1922 }
   1924 String8 AudioHardware::AudioStreamInTegra::getParameters(const String8& keys)
   1925 {
   1926     AudioParameter param = AudioParameter(keys);
   1927     String8 value;
   1928     String8 key = String8(AudioParameter::keyRouting);
   1930     if (param.get(key, value) == NO_ERROR) {
   1931         ALOGV("get routing %x", mDevices);
   1932         param.addInt(key, (int)mDevices);
   1933     }
   1935     ALOGV("AudioStreamInTegra::getParameters() %s", param.toString().string());
   1936     return param.toString();
   1937 }
   1939 unsigned int  AudioHardware::AudioStreamInTegra::getInputFramesLost() const
   1940 {
   1941     Mutex::Autolock _l(mFramesLock);
   1942     unsigned int lostFrames = 0;
   1943     if (!getStandby()) {
   1944         unsigned int framesPerBuffer = bufferSize() / frameSize();
   1945         uint64_t expectedFrames = ((systemTime() - mStartTimeNs) * mSampleRate) / 1000000000;
   1946         expectedFrames = (expectedFrames / framesPerBuffer) * framesPerBuffer;
   1947         uint64_t actualFrames = (uint64_t)mTotalBuffersRead * framesPerBuffer;
   1948         if (expectedFrames > actualFrames) {
   1949             lostFrames = (unsigned int)(expectedFrames - actualFrames);
   1950             ALOGW("getInputFramesLost() expected %d actual %d lost %d",
   1951                  (unsigned int)expectedFrames, (unsigned int)actualFrames, lostFrames);
   1952         }
   1953     }
   1955     mTotalBuffersRead = 0;
   1956     mStartTimeNs = systemTime();
   1958     return lostFrames;
   1959 }
   1961 // must be called with mLock and mFdLock held
   1962 void AudioHardware::AudioStreamInTegra::stop_l()
   1963 {
   1964     ALOGV("AudioStreamInTegra::stop_l() starts");
   1965     if (::ioctl(mFdCtl, TEGRA_AUDIO_IN_STOP) < 0) {
   1966         ALOGE("could not stop recording: %d %s", errno, strerror(errno));
   1967     }
   1968     ALOGV("AudioStreamInTegra::stop_l() returns");
   1969 }
   1971 void AudioHardware::AudioStreamInTegra::updateEcnsRequested(effect_handle_t effect, bool enabled)
   1972 {
   1974     effect_descriptor_t desc;
   1975     status_t status = (*effect)->get_descriptor(effect, &desc);
   1976     if (status == 0) {
   1977         int ecns = 0;
   1978         if (memcmp(&desc.type, FX_IID_AEC, sizeof(effect_uuid_t)) == 0) {
   1979             ecns = PREPROC_AEC;
   1980         } else if (memcmp(&desc.type, FX_IID_NS, sizeof(effect_uuid_t)) == 0) {
   1981             ecns = PREPROC_NS;
   1982         }
   1983         ALOGV("AudioStreamInTegra::updateEcnsRequested() %s effect %s",
   1984              enabled ? "enabling" : "disabling", desc.name);
   1985         if (enabled) {
   1986             mEcnsRequested |= ecns;
   1987         } else {
   1988             mEcnsRequested &= ~ecns;
   1989         }
   1990         standby();
   1991     }
   1992 #endif
   1993 }
   1995 status_t AudioHardware::AudioStreamInTegra::addAudioEffect(effect_handle_t effect)
   1996 {
   1997     updateEcnsRequested(effect, true);
   1998     return NO_ERROR;
   1999 }
   2001 status_t AudioHardware::AudioStreamInTegra::removeAudioEffect(effect_handle_t effect)
   2002 {
   2003     updateEcnsRequested(effect, false);
   2004     return NO_ERROR;
   2005 }
   2007 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2009 extern "C" AudioHardwareInterface* createAudioHardware(void) {
   2010     AudioHardware *hw = new AudioHardware();
   2011     for (unsigned tries = 0; tries < MAX_INIT_TRIES; ++tries) {
   2012         if (NO_ERROR == hw->init())
   2013             break;
   2014         ALOGW("AudioHardware::init failed soft, retrying");
   2015         sleep(1);
   2016     }
   2017     if (NO_ERROR != hw->initCheck()) {
   2018         ALOGE("AudioHardware::init failed hard");
   2019         delete hw;
   2020         hw = NULL;
   2021     }
   2022     return hw;
   2023 }
   2025 }; // namespace android