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      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chrome/browser/debugger/devtools_remote_service.h"
      7 #include <string>
      9 #include "base/json/json_reader.h"
     10 #include "base/json/json_writer.h"
     11 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
     12 #include "base/values.h"
     13 #include "chrome/browser/debugger/devtools_manager.h"
     14 #include "chrome/browser/debugger/devtools_protocol_handler.h"
     15 #include "chrome/browser/debugger/devtools_remote_message.h"
     16 #include "chrome/browser/debugger/inspectable_tab_proxy.h"
     17 #include "chrome/common/devtools_messages.h"
     18 #include "content/browser/tab_contents/navigation_controller.h"
     19 #include "content/browser/tab_contents/navigation_entry.h"
     21 const char DevToolsRemoteServiceCommand::kPing[] = "ping";
     22 const char DevToolsRemoteServiceCommand::kVersion[] = "version";
     23 const char DevToolsRemoteServiceCommand::kListTabs[] = "list_tabs";
     25 const char DevToolsRemoteService::kToolName[] = "DevToolsService";
     27 namespace {
     28 const char kCommandKey[] = "command";
     29 const char kDataKey[] = "data";
     30 const char kResultKey[] = "result";
     31 }  // namespace
     33 DevToolsRemoteService::DevToolsRemoteService(DevToolsProtocolHandler* delegate)
     34     : delegate_(delegate) {}
     36 DevToolsRemoteService::~DevToolsRemoteService() {}
     38 void DevToolsRemoteService::HandleMessage(
     39     const DevToolsRemoteMessage& message) {
     40   scoped_ptr<Value> request(base::JSONReader::Read(message.content(), false));
     41   if (request.get() == NULL) {
     42     // Bad JSON
     43     NOTREACHED();
     44     return;
     45   }
     46   DictionaryValue* json;
     47   if (request->IsType(Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY)) {
     48     json = static_cast<DictionaryValue*>(request.get());
     49     if (!json->HasKey(kCommandKey)) {
     50       NOTREACHED();  // Broken protocol - no "command" specified
     51       return;
     52     }
     53   } else {
     54     NOTREACHED();  // Broken protocol - not a JS object
     55     return;
     56   }
     57   ProcessJson(json, message);
     58 }
     60 void DevToolsRemoteService::ProcessJson(DictionaryValue* json,
     61                                         const DevToolsRemoteMessage& message) {
     62   static const std::string kOkResponse = "ok";  // "Ping" response
     63   static const std::string kVersion = "0.1";  // Current protocol version
     64   std::string command;
     65   DictionaryValue response;
     67   json->GetString(kCommandKey, &command);
     68   response.SetString(kCommandKey, command);
     70   if (command == DevToolsRemoteServiceCommand::kPing) {
     71     response.SetInteger(kResultKey, Result::kOk);
     72     response.SetString(kDataKey, kOkResponse);
     73   } else if (command == DevToolsRemoteServiceCommand::kVersion) {
     74     response.SetInteger(kResultKey, Result::kOk);
     75     response.SetString(kDataKey, kVersion);
     76   } else if (command == DevToolsRemoteServiceCommand::kListTabs) {
     77     ListValue* data = new ListValue();
     78     const InspectableTabProxy::ControllersMap& navcon_map =
     79         delegate_->inspectable_tab_proxy()->controllers_map();
     80     for (InspectableTabProxy::ControllersMap::const_iterator it =
     81         navcon_map.begin(), end = navcon_map.end(); it != end; ++it) {
     82       NavigationEntry* entry = it->second->GetActiveEntry();
     83       if (entry == NULL) {
     84         continue;
     85       }
     86       if (entry->url().is_valid()) {
     87         ListValue* tab = new ListValue();
     88         tab->Append(Value::CreateIntegerValue(
     89             static_cast<int32>(it->second->session_id().id())));
     90         tab->Append(Value::CreateStringValue(entry->url().spec()));
     91         data->Append(tab);
     92       }
     93     }
     94     response.SetInteger(kResultKey, Result::kOk);
     95     response.Set(kDataKey, data);
     96   } else {
     97     // Unknown protocol command.
     98     NOTREACHED();
     99     response.SetInteger(kResultKey, Result::kUnknownCommand);
    100   }
    101   std::string response_json;
    102   base::JSONWriter::Write(&response, false, &response_json);
    103   scoped_ptr<DevToolsRemoteMessage> response_message(
    104       DevToolsRemoteMessageBuilder::instance().Create(message.tool(),
    105                                                       message.destination(),
    106                                                       response_json));
    107   delegate_->Send(*response_message.get());
    108 }