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      1 /*	$OpenBSD: expr.c,v 1.21 2009/06/01 19:00:57 deraadt Exp $	*/
      3 /*-
      4  * Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
      5  *	Thorsten Glaser <tg (at) mirbsd.org>
      6  *
      7  * Provided that these terms and disclaimer and all copyright notices
      8  * are retained or reproduced in an accompanying document, permission
      9  * is granted to deal in this work without restriction, including un-
     10  * limited rights to use, publicly perform, distribute, sell, modify,
     11  * merge, give away, or sublicence.
     12  *
     13  * This work is provided "AS IS" and WITHOUT WARRANTY of any kind, to
     14  * the utmost extent permitted by applicable law, neither express nor
     15  * implied; without malicious intent or gross negligence. In no event
     16  * may a licensor, author or contributor be held liable for indirect,
     17  * direct, other damage, loss, or other issues arising in any way out
     18  * of dealing in the work, even if advised of the possibility of such
     19  * damage or existence of a defect, except proven that it results out
     20  * of said person's immediate fault when using the work as intended.
     21  */
     23 #include "sh.h"
     25 __RCSID("$MirOS: src/bin/mksh/expr.c,v 1.49 2011/09/07 15:24:14 tg Exp $");
     27 /* The order of these enums is constrained by the order of opinfo[] */
     28 enum token {
     29 	/* some (long) unary operators */
     31 	/* binary operators */
     32 	O_EQ, O_NE,
     33 	/* assignments are assumed to be in range O_ASN .. O_BORASN */
     36 	O_LSHIFT, O_RSHIFT,
     37 	O_LE, O_GE, O_LT, O_GT,
     38 	O_LAND,
     39 	O_LOR,
     40 	O_TIMES, O_DIV, O_MOD,
     41 	O_PLUS, O_MINUS,
     42 	O_BAND,
     43 	O_BXOR,
     44 	O_BOR,
     45 	O_TERN,
     46 	O_COMMA,
     47 	/* things after this aren't used as binary operators */
     48 	/* unary that are not also binaries */
     49 	O_BNOT, O_LNOT,
     50 	/* misc */
     52 	/* things that don't appear in the opinfo[] table */
     53 	VAR, LIT, END, BAD
     54 };
     55 #define IS_BINOP(op) (((int)op) >= (int)O_EQ && ((int)op) <= (int)O_COMMA)
     56 #define IS_ASSIGNOP(op)	((int)(op) >= (int)O_ASN && (int)(op) <= (int)O_BORASN)
     58 /* precisions; used to be enum prec but we do arithmetics on it */
     59 #define P_PRIMARY	0	/* VAR, LIT, (), ~ ! - + */
     60 #define P_MULT		1	/* * / % */
     61 #define P_ADD		2	/* + - */
     62 #define P_SHIFT		3	/* << >> */
     63 #define P_RELATION	4	/* < <= > >= */
     64 #define P_EQUALITY	5	/* == != */
     65 #define P_BAND		6	/* & */
     66 #define P_BXOR		7	/* ^ */
     67 #define P_BOR		8	/* | */
     68 #define P_LAND		9	/* && */
     69 #define P_LOR		10	/* || */
     70 #define P_TERN		11	/* ?: */
     71 #define P_ASSIGN	12	/* = *= /= %= += -= <<= >>= &= ^= |= */
     72 #define P_COMMA		13	/* , */
     73 #define MAX_PREC	P_COMMA
     75 struct opinfo {
     76 	char		name[4];
     77 	int		len;	/* name length */
     78 	int		prec;	/* precedence: lower is higher */
     79 };
     81 /* Tokens in this table must be ordered so the longest are first
     82  * (eg, += before +). If you change something, change the order
     83  * of enum token too.
     84  */
     85 static const struct opinfo opinfo[] = {
     86 	{ "++",	 2, P_PRIMARY },	/* before + */
     87 	{ "--",	 2, P_PRIMARY },	/* before - */
     88 	{ "==",	 2, P_EQUALITY },	/* before = */
     89 	{ "!=",	 2, P_EQUALITY },	/* before ! */
     90 	{ "=",	 1, P_ASSIGN },		/* keep assigns in a block */
     91 	{ "*=",	 2, P_ASSIGN },
     92 	{ "/=",	 2, P_ASSIGN },
     93 	{ "%=",	 2, P_ASSIGN },
     94 	{ "+=",	 2, P_ASSIGN },
     95 	{ "-=",	 2, P_ASSIGN },
     96 	{ "<<=", 3, P_ASSIGN },
     97 	{ ">>=", 3, P_ASSIGN },
     98 	{ "&=",	 2, P_ASSIGN },
     99 	{ "^=",	 2, P_ASSIGN },
    100 	{ "|=",	 2, P_ASSIGN },
    101 	{ "<<",	 2, P_SHIFT },
    102 	{ ">>",	 2, P_SHIFT },
    103 	{ "<=",	 2, P_RELATION },
    104 	{ ">=",	 2, P_RELATION },
    105 	{ "<",	 1, P_RELATION },
    106 	{ ">",	 1, P_RELATION },
    107 	{ "&&",	 2, P_LAND },
    108 	{ "||",	 2, P_LOR },
    109 	{ "*",	 1, P_MULT },
    110 	{ "/",	 1, P_MULT },
    111 	{ "%",	 1, P_MULT },
    112 	{ "+",	 1, P_ADD },
    113 	{ "-",	 1, P_ADD },
    114 	{ "&",	 1, P_BAND },
    115 	{ "^",	 1, P_BXOR },
    116 	{ "|",	 1, P_BOR },
    117 	{ "?",	 1, P_TERN },
    118 	{ ",",	 1, P_COMMA },
    119 	{ "~",	 1, P_PRIMARY },
    120 	{ "!",	 1, P_PRIMARY },
    121 	{ "(",	 1, P_PRIMARY },
    122 	{ ")",	 1, P_PRIMARY },
    123 	{ ":",	 1, P_PRIMARY },
    124 	{ "",	 0, P_PRIMARY }
    125 };
    127 typedef struct expr_state Expr_state;
    128 struct expr_state {
    129 	const char *expression;		/* expression being evaluated */
    130 	const char *tokp;		/* lexical position */
    131 	struct tbl *val;		/* value from token() */
    132 	struct tbl *evaling;		/* variable that is being recursively
    133 					 * expanded (EXPRINEVAL flag set) */
    134 	int noassign;			/* don't do assigns (for ?:,&&,||) */
    135 	enum token tok;			/* token from token() */
    136 	bool arith;			/* evaluating an $(()) expression? */
    137 	bool natural;			/* unsigned arithmetic calculation */
    138 };
    140 #define bivui(x, op, y)	(es->natural ?			\
    141 	(mksh_ari_t)((x)->val.u op (y)->val.u) :	\
    142 	(mksh_ari_t)((x)->val.i op (y)->val.i)		\
    143 )
    144 #define stvui(x, n)	do {			\
    145 	if (es->natural)			\
    146 		(x)->val.u = (n);		\
    147 	else					\
    148 		(x)->val.i = (n);		\
    149 } while (/* CONSTCOND */ 0)
    151 enum error_type {
    154 };
    156 static void evalerr(Expr_state *, enum error_type, const char *)
    157     MKSH_A_NORETURN;
    158 static struct tbl *evalexpr(Expr_state *, int);
    159 static void exprtoken(Expr_state *);
    160 static struct tbl *do_ppmm(Expr_state *, enum token, struct tbl *, bool);
    161 static void assign_check(Expr_state *, enum token, struct tbl *);
    162 static struct tbl *tempvar(void);
    163 static struct tbl *intvar(Expr_state *, struct tbl *);
    165 /*
    166  * parse and evaluate expression
    167  */
    168 int
    169 evaluate(const char *expr, mksh_ari_t *rval, int error_ok, bool arith)
    170 {
    171 	struct tbl v;
    172 	int ret;
    174 	v.flag = DEFINED|INTEGER;
    175 	v.type = 0;
    176 	ret = v_evaluate(&v, expr, error_ok, arith);
    177 	*rval = v.val.i;
    178 	return (ret);
    179 }
    181 /*
    182  * parse and evaluate expression, storing result in vp.
    183  */
    184 int
    185 v_evaluate(struct tbl *vp, const char *expr, volatile int error_ok,
    186     bool arith)
    187 {
    188 	struct tbl *v;
    189 	Expr_state curstate;
    190 	Expr_state * const es = &curstate;
    191 	int i;
    193 	/* save state to allow recursive calls */
    194 	curstate.expression = curstate.tokp = expr;
    195 	curstate.noassign = 0;
    196 	curstate.arith = arith;
    197 	curstate.evaling = NULL;
    198 	curstate.natural = false;
    200 	newenv(E_ERRH);
    201 	i = sigsetjmp(e->jbuf, 0);
    202 	if (i) {
    203 		/* Clear EXPRINEVAL in of any variables we were playing with */
    204 		if (curstate.evaling)
    205 			curstate.evaling->flag &= ~EXPRINEVAL;
    206 		quitenv(NULL);
    207 		if (i == LAEXPR) {
    208 			if (error_ok == KSH_RETURN_ERROR)
    209 				return (0);
    210 			errorfz();
    211 		}
    212 		unwind(i);
    213 		/* NOTREACHED */
    214 	}
    216 	exprtoken(es);
    217 	if (es->tok == END) {
    218 		es->tok = LIT;
    219 		es->val = tempvar();
    220 	}
    221 	v = intvar(es, evalexpr(es, MAX_PREC));
    223 	if (es->tok != END)
    224 		evalerr(es, ET_UNEXPECTED, NULL);
    226 	if (es->arith && es->natural)
    227 		vp->flag |= INT_U;
    228 	if (vp->flag & INTEGER)
    229 		setint_v(vp, v, es->arith);
    230 	else
    231 		/* can fail if readonly */
    232 		setstr(vp, str_val(v), error_ok);
    234 	quitenv(NULL);
    236 	return (1);
    237 }
    239 static void
    240 evalerr(Expr_state *es, enum error_type type, const char *str)
    241 {
    242 	char tbuf[2];
    243 	const char *s;
    245 	es->arith = false;
    246 	switch (type) {
    247 	case ET_UNEXPECTED:
    248 		switch (es->tok) {
    249 		case VAR:
    250 			s = es->val->name;
    251 			break;
    252 		case LIT:
    253 			s = str_val(es->val);
    254 			break;
    255 		case END:
    256 			s = "end of expression";
    257 			break;
    258 		case BAD:
    259 			tbuf[0] = *es->tokp;
    260 			tbuf[1] = '\0';
    261 			s = tbuf;
    262 			break;
    263 		default:
    264 			s = opinfo[(int)es->tok].name;
    265 		}
    266 		warningf(true, "%s: %s '%s'", es->expression,
    267 		    "unexpected", s);
    268 		break;
    270 	case ET_BADLIT:
    271 		warningf(true, "%s: %s '%s'", es->expression,
    272 		    "bad number", str);
    273 		break;
    275 	case ET_RECURSIVE:
    276 		warningf(true, "%s: %s '%s'", es->expression,
    277 		    "expression recurses on parameter", str);
    278 		break;
    280 	case ET_LVALUE:
    281 		warningf(true, "%s: %s %s",
    282 		    es->expression, str, "requires lvalue");
    283 		break;
    285 	case ET_RDONLY:
    286 		warningf(true, "%s: %s %s",
    287 		    es->expression, str, "applied to read only variable");
    288 		break;
    290 	default: /* keep gcc happy */
    291 	case ET_STR:
    292 		warningf(true, "%s: %s", es->expression, str);
    293 		break;
    294 	}
    295 	unwind(LAEXPR);
    296 }
    298 static struct tbl *
    299 evalexpr(Expr_state *es, int prec)
    300 {
    301 	struct tbl *vl, *vr = NULL, *vasn;
    302 	enum token op;
    303 	mksh_ari_t res = 0;
    305 	if (prec == P_PRIMARY) {
    306 		op = es->tok;
    307 		if (op == O_BNOT || op == O_LNOT || op == O_MINUS ||
    308 		    op == O_PLUS) {
    309 			exprtoken(es);
    310 			vl = intvar(es, evalexpr(es, P_PRIMARY));
    311 			if (op == O_BNOT)
    312 				vl->val.i = ~vl->val.i;
    313 			else if (op == O_LNOT)
    314 				vl->val.i = !vl->val.i;
    315 			else if (op == O_MINUS)
    316 				vl->val.i = -vl->val.i;
    317 			/* op == O_PLUS is a no-op */
    318 		} else if (op == OPEN_PAREN) {
    319 			exprtoken(es);
    320 			vl = evalexpr(es, MAX_PREC);
    321 			if (es->tok != CLOSE_PAREN)
    322 				evalerr(es, ET_STR, "missing )");
    323 			exprtoken(es);
    324 		} else if (op == O_PLUSPLUS || op == O_MINUSMINUS) {
    325 			exprtoken(es);
    326 			vl = do_ppmm(es, op, es->val, true);
    327 			exprtoken(es);
    328 		} else if (op == VAR || op == LIT) {
    329 			vl = es->val;
    330 			exprtoken(es);
    331 		} else {
    332 			evalerr(es, ET_UNEXPECTED, NULL);
    333 			/* NOTREACHED */
    334 		}
    335 		if (es->tok == O_PLUSPLUS || es->tok == O_MINUSMINUS) {
    336 			vl = do_ppmm(es, es->tok, vl, false);
    337 			exprtoken(es);
    338 		}
    339 		return (vl);
    340 	}
    341 	vl = evalexpr(es, prec - 1);
    342 	for (op = es->tok; IS_BINOP(op) && opinfo[(int)op].prec == prec;
    343 	    op = es->tok) {
    344 		exprtoken(es);
    345 		vasn = vl;
    346 		if (op != O_ASN) /* vl may not have a value yet */
    347 			vl = intvar(es, vl);
    348 		if (IS_ASSIGNOP(op)) {
    349 			assign_check(es, op, vasn);
    350 			vr = intvar(es, evalexpr(es, P_ASSIGN));
    351 		} else if (op != O_TERN && op != O_LAND && op != O_LOR)
    352 			vr = intvar(es, evalexpr(es, prec - 1));
    353 		if ((op == O_DIV || op == O_MOD || op == O_DIVASN ||
    354 		    op == O_MODASN) && vr->val.i == 0) {
    355 			if (es->noassign)
    356 				vr->val.i = 1;
    357 			else
    358 				evalerr(es, ET_STR, "zero divisor");
    359 		}
    360 		switch ((int)op) {
    361 		case O_TIMES:
    362 		case O_TIMESASN:
    363 			res = bivui(vl, *, vr);
    364 			break;
    365 		case O_DIV:
    366 		case O_DIVASN:
    367 			res = bivui(vl, /, vr);
    368 			break;
    369 		case O_MOD:
    370 		case O_MODASN:
    371 			res = bivui(vl, %, vr);
    372 			break;
    373 		case O_PLUS:
    374 		case O_PLUSASN:
    375 			res = bivui(vl, +, vr);
    376 			break;
    377 		case O_MINUS:
    378 		case O_MINUSASN:
    379 			res = bivui(vl, -, vr);
    380 			break;
    381 		case O_LSHIFT:
    382 		case O_LSHIFTASN:
    383 			res = bivui(vl, <<, vr);
    384 			break;
    385 		case O_RSHIFT:
    386 		case O_RSHIFTASN:
    387 			res = bivui(vl, >>, vr);
    388 			break;
    389 		case O_LT:
    390 			res = bivui(vl, <, vr);
    391 			break;
    392 		case O_LE:
    393 			res = bivui(vl, <=, vr);
    394 			break;
    395 		case O_GT:
    396 			res = bivui(vl, >, vr);
    397 			break;
    398 		case O_GE:
    399 			res = bivui(vl, >=, vr);
    400 			break;
    401 		case O_EQ:
    402 			res = bivui(vl, ==, vr);
    403 			break;
    404 		case O_NE:
    405 			res = bivui(vl, !=, vr);
    406 			break;
    407 		case O_BAND:
    408 		case O_BANDASN:
    409 			res = bivui(vl, &, vr);
    410 			break;
    411 		case O_BXOR:
    412 		case O_BXORASN:
    413 			res = bivui(vl, ^, vr);
    414 			break;
    415 		case O_BOR:
    416 		case O_BORASN:
    417 			res = bivui(vl, |, vr);
    418 			break;
    419 		case O_LAND:
    420 			if (!vl->val.i)
    421 				es->noassign++;
    422 			vr = intvar(es, evalexpr(es, prec - 1));
    423 			res = bivui(vl, &&, vr);
    424 			if (!vl->val.i)
    425 				es->noassign--;
    426 			break;
    427 		case O_LOR:
    428 			if (vl->val.i)
    429 				es->noassign++;
    430 			vr = intvar(es, evalexpr(es, prec - 1));
    431 			res = bivui(vl, ||, vr);
    432 			if (vl->val.i)
    433 				es->noassign--;
    434 			break;
    435 		case O_TERN:
    436 			{
    437 				bool ev = vl->val.i != 0;
    439 				if (!ev)
    440 					es->noassign++;
    441 				vl = evalexpr(es, MAX_PREC);
    442 				if (!ev)
    443 					es->noassign--;
    444 				if (es->tok != CTERN)
    445 					evalerr(es, ET_STR, "missing :");
    446 				exprtoken(es);
    447 				if (ev)
    448 					es->noassign++;
    449 				vr = evalexpr(es, P_TERN);
    450 				if (ev)
    451 					es->noassign--;
    452 				vl = ev ? vl : vr;
    453 			}
    454 			break;
    455 		case O_ASN:
    456 			res = vr->val.i;
    457 			break;
    458 		case O_COMMA:
    459 			res = vr->val.i;
    460 			break;
    461 		}
    462 		if (IS_ASSIGNOP(op)) {
    463 			stvui(vr, res);
    464 			if (!es->noassign) {
    465 				if (vasn->flag & INTEGER)
    466 					setint_v(vasn, vr, es->arith);
    467 				else
    468 					setint(vasn, res);
    469 			}
    470 			vl = vr;
    471 		} else if (op != O_TERN)
    472 			stvui(vl, res);
    473 	}
    474 	return (vl);
    475 }
    477 static void
    478 exprtoken(Expr_state *es)
    479 {
    480 	const char *cp = es->tokp;
    481 	int c;
    482 	char *tvar;
    484 	/* skip white space */
    485  skip_spaces:
    486 	while ((c = *cp), ksh_isspace(c))
    487 		++cp;
    488 	if (es->tokp == es->expression && c == '#') {
    489 		/* expression begins with # */
    490 		es->natural = true;	/* switch to unsigned */
    491 		++cp;
    492 		goto skip_spaces;
    493 	}
    494 	es->tokp = cp;
    496 	if (c == '\0')
    497 		es->tok = END;
    498 	else if (ksh_isalphx(c)) {
    499 		for (; ksh_isalnux(c); c = *cp)
    500 			cp++;
    501 		if (c == '[') {
    502 			size_t len;
    504 			len = array_ref_len(cp);
    505 			if (len == 0)
    506 				evalerr(es, ET_STR, "missing ]");
    507 			cp += len;
    508 		} else if (c == '(' /*)*/ ) {
    509 			/* todo: add math functions (all take single argument):
    510 			 * abs acos asin atan cos cosh exp int log sin sinh sqrt
    511 			 * tan tanh
    512 			 */
    513 			;
    514 		}
    515 		if (es->noassign) {
    516 			es->val = tempvar();
    517 			es->val->flag |= EXPRLVALUE;
    518 		} else {
    519 			strndupx(tvar, es->tokp, cp - es->tokp, ATEMP);
    520 			es->val = global(tvar);
    521 			afree(tvar, ATEMP);
    522 		}
    523 		es->tok = VAR;
    524 	} else if (c == '1' && cp[1] == '#') {
    525 		cp += 2;
    526 		cp += utf_ptradj(cp);
    527 		strndupx(tvar, es->tokp, cp - es->tokp, ATEMP);
    528 		goto process_tvar;
    529 #ifndef MKSH_SMALL
    530 	} else if (c == '\'') {
    531 		++cp;
    532 		cp += utf_ptradj(cp);
    533 		if (*cp++ != '\'')
    534 			evalerr(es, ET_STR,
    535 			    "multi-character character constant");
    536 		/* 'x' -> 1#x (x = one multibyte character) */
    537 		c = cp - es->tokp;
    538 		tvar = alloc(c + /* NUL */ 1, ATEMP);
    539 		tvar[0] = '1';
    540 		tvar[1] = '#';
    541 		memcpy(tvar + 2, es->tokp + 1, c - 2);
    542 		tvar[c] = '\0';
    543 		goto process_tvar;
    544 #endif
    545 	} else if (ksh_isdigit(c)) {
    546 		while (c != '_' && (ksh_isalnux(c) || c == '#'))
    547 			c = *cp++;
    548 		strndupx(tvar, es->tokp, --cp - es->tokp, ATEMP);
    549  process_tvar:
    550 		es->val = tempvar();
    551 		es->val->flag &= ~INTEGER;
    552 		es->val->type = 0;
    553 		es->val->val.s = tvar;
    554 		if (setint_v(es->val, es->val, es->arith) == NULL)
    555 			evalerr(es, ET_BADLIT, tvar);
    556 		afree(tvar, ATEMP);
    557 		es->tok = LIT;
    558 	} else {
    559 		int i, n0;
    561 		for (i = 0; (n0 = opinfo[i].name[0]); i++)
    562 			if (c == n0 && strncmp(cp, opinfo[i].name,
    563 			    (size_t)opinfo[i].len) == 0) {
    564 				es->tok = (enum token)i;
    565 				cp += opinfo[i].len;
    566 				break;
    567 			}
    568 		if (!n0)
    569 			es->tok = BAD;
    570 	}
    571 	es->tokp = cp;
    572 }
    574 /* Do a ++ or -- operation */
    575 static struct tbl *
    576 do_ppmm(Expr_state *es, enum token op, struct tbl *vasn, bool is_prefix)
    577 {
    578 	struct tbl *vl;
    579 	mksh_ari_t oval;
    581 	assign_check(es, op, vasn);
    583 	vl = intvar(es, vasn);
    584 	oval = vl->val.i;
    585 	if (op == O_PLUSPLUS) {
    586 		if (es->natural)
    587 			++vl->val.u;
    588 		else
    589 			++vl->val.i;
    590 	} else {
    591 		if (es->natural)
    592 			--vl->val.u;
    593 		else
    594 			--vl->val.i;
    595 	}
    596 	if (vasn->flag & INTEGER)
    597 		setint_v(vasn, vl, es->arith);
    598 	else
    599 		setint(vasn, vl->val.i);
    600 	if (!is_prefix)		/* undo the inc/dec */
    601 		vl->val.i = oval;
    603 	return (vl);
    604 }
    606 static void
    607 assign_check(Expr_state *es, enum token op, struct tbl *vasn)
    608 {
    609 	if (es->tok == END ||
    610 	    (vasn->name[0] == '\0' && !(vasn->flag & EXPRLVALUE)))
    611 		evalerr(es, ET_LVALUE, opinfo[(int)op].name);
    612 	else if (vasn->flag & RDONLY)
    613 		evalerr(es, ET_RDONLY, opinfo[(int)op].name);
    614 }
    616 static struct tbl *
    617 tempvar(void)
    618 {
    619 	struct tbl *vp;
    621 	vp = alloc(sizeof(struct tbl), ATEMP);
    622 	vp->flag = ISSET|INTEGER;
    623 	vp->type = 0;
    624 	vp->areap = ATEMP;
    625 	vp->ua.hval = 0;
    626 	vp->val.i = 0;
    627 	vp->name[0] = '\0';
    628 	return (vp);
    629 }
    631 /* cast (string) variable to temporary integer variable */
    632 static struct tbl *
    633 intvar(Expr_state *es, struct tbl *vp)
    634 {
    635 	struct tbl *vq;
    637 	/* try to avoid replacing a temp var with another temp var */
    638 	if (vp->name[0] == '\0' &&
    639 	    (vp->flag & (ISSET|INTEGER|EXPRLVALUE)) == (ISSET|INTEGER))
    640 		return (vp);
    642 	vq = tempvar();
    643 	if (setint_v(vq, vp, es->arith) == NULL) {
    644 		if (vp->flag & EXPRINEVAL)
    645 			evalerr(es, ET_RECURSIVE, vp->name);
    646 		es->evaling = vp;
    647 		vp->flag |= EXPRINEVAL;
    648 		v_evaluate(vq, str_val(vp), KSH_UNWIND_ERROR, es->arith);
    649 		vp->flag &= ~EXPRINEVAL;
    650 		es->evaling = NULL;
    651 	}
    652 	return (vq);
    653 }
    656 /*
    657  * UTF-8 support code: high-level functions
    658  */
    660 int
    661 utf_widthadj(const char *src, const char **dst)
    662 {
    663 	size_t len;
    664 	unsigned int wc;
    665 	int width;
    667 	if (!UTFMODE || (len = utf_mbtowc(&wc, src)) == (size_t)-1 ||
    668 	    wc == 0)
    669 		len = width = 1;
    670 	else if ((width = utf_wcwidth(wc)) < 0)
    671 		/* XXX use 2 for x_zotc3 here? */
    672 		width = 1;
    674 	if (dst)
    675 		*dst = src + len;
    676 	return (width);
    677 }
    679 size_t
    680 utf_mbswidth(const char *s)
    681 {
    682 	size_t len, width = 0;
    683 	unsigned int wc;
    684 	int cw;
    686 	if (!UTFMODE)
    687 		return (strlen(s));
    689 	while (*s)
    690 		if (((len = utf_mbtowc(&wc, s)) == (size_t)-1) ||
    691 		    ((cw = utf_wcwidth(wc)) == -1)) {
    692 			s++;
    693 			width += 1;
    694 		} else {
    695 			s += len;
    696 			width += cw;
    697 		}
    698 	return (width);
    699 }
    701 const char *
    702 utf_skipcols(const char *p, int cols)
    703 {
    704 	int c = 0;
    706 	while (c < cols) {
    707 		if (!*p)
    708 			return (p + cols - c);
    709 		c += utf_widthadj(p, &p);
    710 	}
    711 	return (p);
    712 }
    714 size_t
    715 utf_ptradj(const char *src)
    716 {
    717 	register size_t n;
    719 	if (!UTFMODE ||
    720 	    *(const unsigned char *)(src) < 0xC2 ||
    721 	    (n = utf_mbtowc(NULL, src)) == (size_t)-1)
    722 		n = 1;
    723 	return (n);
    724 }
    726 /*
    727  * UTF-8 support code: low-level functions
    728  */
    730 /* CESU-8 multibyte and wide character conversion crafted for mksh */
    732 size_t
    733 utf_mbtowc(unsigned int *dst, const char *src)
    734 {
    735 	const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char *)src;
    736 	unsigned int c, wc;
    738 	if ((wc = *s++) < 0x80) {
    739  out:
    740 		if (dst != NULL)
    741 			*dst = wc;
    742 		return (wc ? ((const char *)s - src) : 0);
    743 	}
    744 	if (wc < 0xC2 || wc >= 0xF0)
    745 		/* < 0xC0: spurious second byte */
    746 		/* < 0xC2: non-minimalistic mapping error in 2-byte seqs */
    747 		/* > 0xEF: beyond BMP */
    748 		goto ilseq;
    750 	if (wc < 0xE0) {
    751 		wc = (wc & 0x1F) << 6;
    752 		if (((c = *s++) & 0xC0) != 0x80)
    753 			goto ilseq;
    754 		wc |= c & 0x3F;
    755 		goto out;
    756 	}
    758 	wc = (wc & 0x0F) << 12;
    760 	if (((c = *s++) & 0xC0) != 0x80)
    761 		goto ilseq;
    762 	wc |= (c & 0x3F) << 6;
    764 	if (((c = *s++) & 0xC0) != 0x80)
    765 		goto ilseq;
    766 	wc |= c & 0x3F;
    768 	/* Check for non-minimalistic mapping error in 3-byte seqs */
    769 	if (wc >= 0x0800 && wc <= 0xFFFD)
    770 		goto out;
    771  ilseq:
    772 	return ((size_t)(-1));
    773 }
    775 size_t
    776 utf_wctomb(char *dst, unsigned int wc)
    777 {
    778 	unsigned char *d;
    780 	if (wc < 0x80) {
    781 		*dst = wc;
    782 		return (1);
    783 	}
    785 	d = (unsigned char *)dst;
    786 	if (wc < 0x0800)
    787 		*d++ = (wc >> 6) | 0xC0;
    788 	else {
    789 		*d++ = ((wc = wc > 0xFFFD ? 0xFFFD : wc) >> 12) | 0xE0;
    790 		*d++ = ((wc >> 6) & 0x3F) | 0x80;
    791 	}
    792 	*d++ = (wc & 0x3F) | 0x80;
    793 	return ((char *)d - dst);
    794 }
    797 #ifndef MKSH_mirbsd_wcwidth
    798 /* --- begin of wcwidth.c excerpt --- */
    799 /*-
    800  * Markus Kuhn -- 2007-05-26 (Unicode 5.0)
    801  *
    802  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
    803  * for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted. The author
    804  * disclaims all warranties with regard to this software.
    805  */
    807 __RCSID("$miros: src/lib/libc/i18n/wcwidth.c,v 1.10 2010/12/11 16:05:03 tg Exp $");
    809 int
    810 utf_wcwidth(unsigned int c)
    811 {
    812 	static const struct cbset {
    813 		unsigned short first;
    814 		unsigned short last;
    815 	} comb[] = {
    816 		/* Unicode 6.0.0 BMP */
    817 		{ 0x0300, 0x036F }, { 0x0483, 0x0489 }, { 0x0591, 0x05BD },
    818 		{ 0x05BF, 0x05BF }, { 0x05C1, 0x05C2 }, { 0x05C4, 0x05C5 },
    819 		{ 0x05C7, 0x05C7 }, { 0x0600, 0x0603 }, { 0x0610, 0x061A },
    820 		{ 0x064B, 0x065F }, { 0x0670, 0x0670 }, { 0x06D6, 0x06DD },
    821 		{ 0x06DF, 0x06E4 }, { 0x06E7, 0x06E8 }, { 0x06EA, 0x06ED },
    822 		{ 0x070F, 0x070F }, { 0x0711, 0x0711 }, { 0x0730, 0x074A },
    823 		{ 0x07A6, 0x07B0 }, { 0x07EB, 0x07F3 }, { 0x0816, 0x0819 },
    824 		{ 0x081B, 0x0823 }, { 0x0825, 0x0827 }, { 0x0829, 0x082D },
    825 		{ 0x0859, 0x085B }, { 0x0900, 0x0902 }, { 0x093A, 0x093A },
    826 		{ 0x093C, 0x093C }, { 0x0941, 0x0948 }, { 0x094D, 0x094D },
    827 		{ 0x0951, 0x0957 }, { 0x0962, 0x0963 }, { 0x0981, 0x0981 },
    828 		{ 0x09BC, 0x09BC }, { 0x09C1, 0x09C4 }, { 0x09CD, 0x09CD },
    829 		{ 0x09E2, 0x09E3 }, { 0x0A01, 0x0A02 }, { 0x0A3C, 0x0A3C },
    830 		{ 0x0A41, 0x0A42 }, { 0x0A47, 0x0A48 }, { 0x0A4B, 0x0A4D },
    831 		{ 0x0A51, 0x0A51 }, { 0x0A70, 0x0A71 }, { 0x0A75, 0x0A75 },
    832 		{ 0x0A81, 0x0A82 }, { 0x0ABC, 0x0ABC }, { 0x0AC1, 0x0AC5 },
    833 		{ 0x0AC7, 0x0AC8 }, { 0x0ACD, 0x0ACD }, { 0x0AE2, 0x0AE3 },
    834 		{ 0x0B01, 0x0B01 }, { 0x0B3C, 0x0B3C }, { 0x0B3F, 0x0B3F },
    835 		{ 0x0B41, 0x0B44 }, { 0x0B4D, 0x0B4D }, { 0x0B56, 0x0B56 },
    836 		{ 0x0B62, 0x0B63 }, { 0x0B82, 0x0B82 }, { 0x0BC0, 0x0BC0 },
    837 		{ 0x0BCD, 0x0BCD }, { 0x0C3E, 0x0C40 }, { 0x0C46, 0x0C48 },
    838 		{ 0x0C4A, 0x0C4D }, { 0x0C55, 0x0C56 }, { 0x0C62, 0x0C63 },
    839 		{ 0x0CBC, 0x0CBC }, { 0x0CBF, 0x0CBF }, { 0x0CC6, 0x0CC6 },
    840 		{ 0x0CCC, 0x0CCD }, { 0x0CE2, 0x0CE3 }, { 0x0D41, 0x0D44 },
    841 		{ 0x0D4D, 0x0D4D }, { 0x0D62, 0x0D63 }, { 0x0DCA, 0x0DCA },
    842 		{ 0x0DD2, 0x0DD4 }, { 0x0DD6, 0x0DD6 }, { 0x0E31, 0x0E31 },
    843 		{ 0x0E34, 0x0E3A }, { 0x0E47, 0x0E4E }, { 0x0EB1, 0x0EB1 },
    844 		{ 0x0EB4, 0x0EB9 }, { 0x0EBB, 0x0EBC }, { 0x0EC8, 0x0ECD },
    845 		{ 0x0F18, 0x0F19 }, { 0x0F35, 0x0F35 }, { 0x0F37, 0x0F37 },
    846 		{ 0x0F39, 0x0F39 }, { 0x0F71, 0x0F7E }, { 0x0F80, 0x0F84 },
    847 		{ 0x0F86, 0x0F87 }, { 0x0F8D, 0x0F97 }, { 0x0F99, 0x0FBC },
    848 		{ 0x0FC6, 0x0FC6 }, { 0x102D, 0x1030 }, { 0x1032, 0x1037 },
    849 		{ 0x1039, 0x103A }, { 0x103D, 0x103E }, { 0x1058, 0x1059 },
    850 		{ 0x105E, 0x1060 }, { 0x1071, 0x1074 }, { 0x1082, 0x1082 },
    851 		{ 0x1085, 0x1086 }, { 0x108D, 0x108D }, { 0x109D, 0x109D },
    852 		{ 0x1160, 0x11FF }, { 0x135D, 0x135F }, { 0x1712, 0x1714 },
    853 		{ 0x1732, 0x1734 }, { 0x1752, 0x1753 }, { 0x1772, 0x1773 },
    854 		{ 0x17B4, 0x17B5 }, { 0x17B7, 0x17BD }, { 0x17C6, 0x17C6 },
    855 		{ 0x17C9, 0x17D3 }, { 0x17DD, 0x17DD }, { 0x180B, 0x180D },
    856 		{ 0x18A9, 0x18A9 }, { 0x1920, 0x1922 }, { 0x1927, 0x1928 },
    857 		{ 0x1932, 0x1932 }, { 0x1939, 0x193B }, { 0x1A17, 0x1A18 },
    858 		{ 0x1A56, 0x1A56 }, { 0x1A58, 0x1A5E }, { 0x1A60, 0x1A60 },
    859 		{ 0x1A62, 0x1A62 }, { 0x1A65, 0x1A6C }, { 0x1A73, 0x1A7C },
    860 		{ 0x1A7F, 0x1A7F }, { 0x1B00, 0x1B03 }, { 0x1B34, 0x1B34 },
    861 		{ 0x1B36, 0x1B3A }, { 0x1B3C, 0x1B3C }, { 0x1B42, 0x1B42 },
    862 		{ 0x1B6B, 0x1B73 }, { 0x1B80, 0x1B81 }, { 0x1BA2, 0x1BA5 },
    863 		{ 0x1BA8, 0x1BA9 }, { 0x1BE6, 0x1BE6 }, { 0x1BE8, 0x1BE9 },
    864 		{ 0x1BED, 0x1BED }, { 0x1BEF, 0x1BF1 }, { 0x1C2C, 0x1C33 },
    865 		{ 0x1C36, 0x1C37 }, { 0x1CD0, 0x1CD2 }, { 0x1CD4, 0x1CE0 },
    866 		{ 0x1CE2, 0x1CE8 }, { 0x1CED, 0x1CED }, { 0x1DC0, 0x1DE6 },
    867 		{ 0x1DFC, 0x1DFF }, { 0x200B, 0x200F }, { 0x202A, 0x202E },
    868 		{ 0x2060, 0x2064 }, { 0x206A, 0x206F }, { 0x20D0, 0x20F0 },
    869 		{ 0x2CEF, 0x2CF1 }, { 0x2D7F, 0x2D7F }, { 0x2DE0, 0x2DFF },
    870 		{ 0x302A, 0x302F }, { 0x3099, 0x309A }, { 0xA66F, 0xA672 },
    871 		{ 0xA67C, 0xA67D }, { 0xA6F0, 0xA6F1 }, { 0xA802, 0xA802 },
    872 		{ 0xA806, 0xA806 }, { 0xA80B, 0xA80B }, { 0xA825, 0xA826 },
    873 		{ 0xA8C4, 0xA8C4 }, { 0xA8E0, 0xA8F1 }, { 0xA926, 0xA92D },
    874 		{ 0xA947, 0xA951 }, { 0xA980, 0xA982 }, { 0xA9B3, 0xA9B3 },
    875 		{ 0xA9B6, 0xA9B9 }, { 0xA9BC, 0xA9BC }, { 0xAA29, 0xAA2E },
    876 		{ 0xAA31, 0xAA32 }, { 0xAA35, 0xAA36 }, { 0xAA43, 0xAA43 },
    877 		{ 0xAA4C, 0xAA4C }, { 0xAAB0, 0xAAB0 }, { 0xAAB2, 0xAAB4 },
    878 		{ 0xAAB7, 0xAAB8 }, { 0xAABE, 0xAABF }, { 0xAAC1, 0xAAC1 },
    879 		{ 0xABE5, 0xABE5 }, { 0xABE8, 0xABE8 }, { 0xABED, 0xABED },
    880 		{ 0xFB1E, 0xFB1E }, { 0xFE00, 0xFE0F }, { 0xFE20, 0xFE26 },
    881 		{ 0xFEFF, 0xFEFF }, { 0xFFF9, 0xFFFB }
    882 	};
    883 	size_t min = 0, mid, max = NELEM(comb) - 1;
    885 	/* test for 8-bit control characters */
    886 	if (c < 32 || (c >= 0x7F && c < 0xA0))
    887 		return (c ? -1 : 0);
    889 	/* binary search in table of non-spacing characters */
    890 	if (c >= comb[0].first && c <= comb[max].last)
    891 		while (max >= min) {
    892 			mid = (min + max) / 2;
    893 			if (c > comb[mid].last)
    894 				min = mid + 1;
    895 			else if (c < comb[mid].first)
    896 				max = mid - 1;
    897 			else
    898 				return (0);
    899 		}
    901 	/* if we arrive here, c is not a combining or C0/C1 control char */
    903 	return ((c >= 0x1100 && (
    904 	    c <= 0x115F || /* Hangul Jamo init. consonants */
    905 	    c == 0x2329 || c == 0x232A ||
    906 	    (c >= 0x2E80 && c <= 0xA4CF && c != 0x303F) || /* CJK ... Yi */
    907 	    (c >= 0xAC00 && c <= 0xD7A3) || /* Hangul Syllables */
    908 	    (c >= 0xF900 && c <= 0xFAFF) || /* CJK Compatibility Ideographs */
    909 	    (c >= 0xFE10 && c <= 0xFE19) || /* Vertical forms */
    910 	    (c >= 0xFE30 && c <= 0xFE6F) || /* CJK Compatibility Forms */
    911 	    (c >= 0xFF00 && c <= 0xFF60) || /* Fullwidth Forms */
    912 	    (c >= 0xFFE0 && c <= 0xFFE6))) ? 2 : 1);
    913 }
    914 /* --- end of wcwidth.c excerpt --- */
    915 #endif
    917 /*
    918  * Wrapper around access(2) because it says root can execute everything
    919  * on some operating systems. Does not set errno, no user needs it. Use
    920  * this iff mode can have the X_OK bit set, access otherwise.
    921  */
    922 int
    923 ksh_access(const char *fn, int mode)
    924 {
    925 	int rv;
    926 	struct stat sb;
    928 	if ((rv = access(fn, mode)) == 0 && kshuid == 0 && (mode & X_OK) &&
    929 	    (rv = stat(fn, &sb)) == 0 && !S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode) &&
    930 	    (sb.st_mode & (S_IXUSR|S_IXGRP|S_IXOTH)) == 0)
    931 		rv = -1;
    933 	return (rv);
    934 }